From: <> To: <> Subject: [425ENG] 425 DX News #565 Date: sabato 2 marzo 2002 01:15 2 March 2002 No 565 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ >>> DUCIE ISLAND <<< The Pitcairn Island Amateur Radio Association's second attempt to activate Ducie Island (OC-182, WAZ 32, ITU 63) [425DXN 555] is confirmed to take place within a few days. The operators will be VP6TC, VP6DB, VP6AZ, VP6MW, VP6BK/JA1BK, JF1IST, K9AJ, K5VT and N9TK. The group will leave Mangareva (French Polynesia) on 12 March; they will stop at Pitcairn and then go on to Ducie for a week's operation with a VP6 callsign to be announced at the beginning of the activity. Two stations will operate on 15 metres CW (21020 kHz) and SSB (21295 kHz) 24 hours a day; two other stations will activate other bands, with 28495, 14195 and 14020 kHz as other prime frequencies. An additional station will be active on 6 metres. Low band and WARC operations are more likely to take place in the last days of the operation, as the initial emphasis will be to allow as many operators as possible to work this new DXCC Entity. Some activity is expected on RTTY as well. WA2MOE and JE2EHP will be the pilot stations for the DXpedition. QSL via VE3HO (HF QSOs: Garth Hamilton, P.O. Box 1156, Fonthill, Ontario L0S 1E0, Canada) and JA1BK (6m QSOs: Kan Mizoguchi, 5-3 Sakuragaoka 4 Chome, Tama-City, Tokyo 206-0013, Japan). Logs will be available at; donations can be sent to JA1BK. 9A - Fredy/DE0MST, Sven/DF9MV and Chris/DL9CHR will be active as 9A/homecall/p from Kanula Lighthouse (CRO-064, LH-1430, CLH-047,) on Susac Island (EU-016, IOCA CI-109) on 23-30 March. QSL via DE0MST either direct (Manfred Stippschild, P.O.Box 1406, D-83657 Lenggries, Germany) or through the bureau. [TNX DE0MST] 9M9 - Look for 9M9/JA1OEM to operate on HF and 6 metres from East Malaysia on 4-18 March. QSL via home call. [TNX OZ6OM] CE - Mark, CE6TBN ( will be active as CE6TBN/7 from Chiloe Island (SA-018, ICE-701) on 7-10 March and from Ascension Island (SA-043, ICE-704) on 11-14 March. He plans to operate on 20, 12, 15, 17 and 10 metres SSB. He might be active also from CE7AOY's QTH on Las Huichas (SA-064). QSL via N1IBM (Morris E. Maze III, 847 Dolan St., Lanoka Harbor, NJ 08734, USA). [TNX CE6TBN] CT3 - Hardy, DL3KWF and his wife Rosel, DL3KWR will be active as CT3/DL3KWF and CT3/DL3KWR from the Madeira Islands on 7-21 March. They will operate only CW mostly on the WARC bands. QSL via home calls preferably through the DARC bureau (bureau cards can be requested at or [TNX DL3KWF] D4 - OE1VBL, OE3GEA, OE5MKM, OE5MRP and OE5RHO are active as D44TA from Sao Tiago (AF-005), Cape Verde until 13 March. Further details on the operation can be found at QSL via OE5XVL either direct (Radio Club Voest, Lunzerstr 42, A-4020 Linz, Austria) or through the bureau. [TNX OE5OHO] DL - The DL0FTL crew (namely DF3UFW, DL8DZL, DK5NOA, DL2DSL, DL2DRO, DL2LCE, DM4WL and DL1DWR) will be active from Usedom Island (EU-129, O-13 for the German Islands Award) on 12-20 April. On 14 April part of the team (DF3UFW, DL8DZL and DK5NOA) will take a side trip to Grosse Wotig (not IOTA, GIA O-35), while the others (DL2DSL, DL2DRO, DL2LCE, DM4WL and DL1DWR) will operate from Wolgaster Schlossinsel (not IOTA, GIA O-031). QSL via bureau. [TNX DL2VFR] FG - La Gazette du DX reports that TO4T will be active from Guadeloupe (NA-102) on 1-7 March. QSL via F6HMQ. FM - Pordenone Gangsters group members Luke/IV3JVJ, Max/IV3FHH, Andy/IV3BTY and Claudio/IV3OWC will operate (CW, SSB and RTTY) as FM/homecall from FM5GU's station on from Martinique (NA-107) on 24-29 March. QSL via IV3TDM. The group will team up with Dennis/FM5GU and Lucien/FM5WD and will participate in the CQ WPX SSB Contest as FM5GU (Multi-Single). QSL FM5GU via KU9C. Further details on the operation at [TNX FM5GU] FY - Look for FY5KE (operated by FY5FY, FY5FU, F1HAR, F5HRY, F5MZN and F6FVY) to participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest as multi-single from French Guiana. [TNX F6FVY] G - The unique callsign GB50 (Golf Bravo Fifty) has been issued by the UK Radiocommunications Agency for a special event station to be established at Windsor Castle to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee (50th Anniversary of her succession to the throne) from 29 May to 9 June. The station will be run by Cray Valley Radio Society (CVRS), in association with Burnham Beeches Radio Society (BBRC), and with the support of the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB). The station will be operational from 0700-2200 UTC daily; Activity will be on 80-6 metres CW, SSB, PSK31 and RTTY. A station will also be active on 2 metres CW, SSB and FM. QSL via G4DFI either direct Owen Cross, 28 Garden Avenue, Bexleyheath, Kent DA7 4LF, England, UK) or through the RSGB bureau. The web site for this event is at [TNX G3XTT] GJ - Pete/K8PT and Craig/K3PLV will make their third annual trip to the Channel Islands and activate Jersey (EU-013) on 13-19 March. They will operate as MJ/K8PT and MJ/K3PLV with an emphasis on CW and RTTY, however Craig will try RS-12/13 for evening (USA time) passes. Concentration will be on WARC bands during daylight and 30/40/80 meters during the evenings. QSL via home calls. [TNX K8PT] HZ - Thomas, SM0CXU and Manfred, DF1IK will operate from HZ1AB on 7-8 March and plan some 80 and 160m activity. Thomas will be QRV on 160 metres at 02.40-03.00 UTC on 8 March, if the band is closed he will be on 80m (as close to 3.500 kHz as QRM permits). During daytime hours they will run two stations on the higher bands. Thomas welcomes skeds at either or (please note that sunset is at 14.44 UTC and sunrise is at 02.57 UTC). QSL via K8PYD. [TNX K8PYD] I - Tony, IK8VRH reports he will be working on the islands of Ventotene (EU-045, IIA LT-011) and Ponza (EU-045, IIA LT-001) on 4-21 March and 3-19 April respectively. He plans to operate as IB0/IK8VRH in his free time. QSL via home call. I - Look for IZ7AUH and IK7MCJ to be active (on 40, 10, 15 and 10 metres) from Isola Grande di Porto Cesareo (EU-091, IIA LE-002) on 9-10 March. QSL via IZ7AUH either direct (Francesco Giacoia, P.O. Box 2224/TA5, 74100 Taranto - TA, Italy) or through the bureau. Web page at [TNX IZ7AUH] JT - Nicola, I0SNY and Gianni, I8KGZ will be active as JT1Y from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia for a couple of weeks starting on 21 May. QSL via I0SNY. KH1 - The KH1 (Baker & Howland) DXpedition [425DXN 558] team now includes be YT1AD, KZ1LZ, K3NA, K6NDV, KW4DA, N6TQS, RA3AUU, RZ3AA, YU1AU, YZ7AA, Z31FU, Z32AU, Z32ZM and an officer of the USFW service. They will leave Los Angeles on 20 April and head for Nadi, Fiji Islands; on 22 April 8 operators will embark for Tuvalu, while the other six operators will fly to Funafuti and operate with a T2 call until 25 April. The whole team will then depart from Funafuti and arrive on Baker Island on the 29th. They expect to operate from the island until 8 May, when they will head back to Fiji (a 6-day voyage), then to Los Angeles and finally to the Dayton Hamvention (17-18 May). The team will have six stations with amplifiers and a variety of beams, verticals and dipoles; plans are to operate on all bands and all modes with a callsign to be announced when the operation starts. Donations can be sent to Will, K6NDV ( [TNX YT1AD] P2 - Bernard, DL2GAC/P29VMS [425DXN 562] is currently in Kavieng, New Ireland (OC-008) and plans to operate from Emirau Island (OC-103) for about one week starting on 3 March. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX] PJ2 - Look for PJ2/DL7DF (CW), PJ2/DL7UFR (SSB), PJ2/DL7UFN (RTTY & PSK31) and PJ2/DL4WK (6m) to be active from Curacao (SA-006) on 15-30 March. They will have four transceivers, two amplifiers and several antennas and plan to put an emphasis on the low and WARC bands. QSL via DL7DF. The web page for the operation is at [TNX DF3CB] T8 - Look for N6NBB to be active (CW and SSB) as T88RM from Belau on 1-10 March. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX] T8 - Bill, T88BA provides a few details of his voyage to the South Palau group (OC-248/Pr) [425DXN 564]: Depart From ETD Destination ETA ------------------------------------------------------------------- Koror 0900 Mon 04/03 Sonsorol 0600 Tue 05/03 Sonsorol 0001 Wed 06/03 Pulo Anna 0600 Wed 06/03 Pulo Anna 1000 Wed 06/03 Merir 1300 Wed 06/03 Merir 1800 Thu 07/03 Tobi 0600 Fri 08/03 Tobi 1700 Fri 08/03 Merir 0600 Sat 09/03 Merir 0800 Sat 09/03 Pulo Anna 1000 Sat 09/03 Pulo Anna 1100 Sat 09/03 Sonsorol 1600 Sat 09/03 Sonsorol 1800 Sat 09/03 Koror 1500 Sun 10/03 All times are local, which is 9 hours ahead of UTC. "Time will be tight", Bill says, "but I will see what can be fitted in as best I can". He plans to operate barefoot with a dipole, CW only on +/- 21045 kHz. QSL should go direct to his QSL manager, G4OHX. STOP PRESS - The latest information from Bill is that a typhoon is forecast to hit his area on Monday 4 March and so his trip may not happen on the scheduled date. A final decision will be taken on March at 0700 hours. [TNX IZ1CRR] VK9_lh - Jack, VK6CTL will be active (mostly on SSB) as VK9LT from Lord Howe Island (OC-004) on 11-22 April. QSL via HB9QR (Erwin Fink, Toedistr. 7, CH-8572 Berg, Switzerland) or VK6CTL (VK-ZL only). [TNX VK6CTL and VK3WAC] VP2V - W0AW and N9COQ will be active (SSB and CW) as VP2V/homecalls from Virgin Gorda, British Virgin Islands (NA-023) on 9-15 March. Between 3 and 8 March they might operate also from Tortola (NA-023), Jost Van Dyke (NA-023) and as KP2/homecalls from St. John (US Virgin Islands, NA-106). QSLs via W0AW. [TNX The Daily DX] VP5 - Rodger, GM3JOB and Willie, GM4ZNC will be active from North Caicos (NA-002) on 10-19 April. They will operate as VP5/GM3JOB and VP5/GM4ZNC on 160-10 metres SSB and CW. QSL via home calls either direct or through the RSGB bureau. [TNX GM4ZNC] W - Florida DXPedition Group member Jan Heise, K4QD will be will be active from Garden Key, Dry Tortugas (NA-079, ARLHS USA 316) for a few days starting about 2 March. Jan is sailing to the island with John, AF4WM and Greg, N0LIR and start date and duration will depend upon weather conditions. QSL via K4QD either direct or through the bureau. [TNX K4QD] ZK2 - After being active for a few days as A35TL from Tonga, Tom, DL2RUM will be going to Niue Island (OC-040) and operate (on 160-6 metres CW, SSB and RTTY with 100 watts) as ZK2CW for ten days starting on 2 March. QSLs via home call. [TNX The Daily DX] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH DXCC NEWS ---> ZK1TUG (North Cook Islands in 2001) and ZK1ETW (North and South Cook Islands in 2001) have been on hold awaiting supporting documentation. This has been received and upon review it is now being accepted for DXCC credit. Anyone who had these rejected during a recent submission can contact DXCC at: for an update to their record. Or, they can be sent with the next submission for credit. [TNX Bill Moore, NC1L, DXCC Manager] MACAU (IRC) ---> XX9AU reports that old style IRCs will not be accepted in Macau after June 2002. NEW QSL ROUTES ---> Cards for OP0GS now go via ON5GK (formerly via ON4ON): Roland Schoutteten, Goedendaglaan 168, B-8500 Kortrijk, Belgium. Cards for LX/ON6CK, LX/ON6CK/P, ON50KTK and OQ6CK now go via ON4ADN (formerly via ON4ON): Geert Decru, St. Laurentiusstraat 18, B-8710 Wielsbeke, Belgium. [TNX ON6HH] PIRATE ---> Martin Westerhof, PA1MW reports that his callsign has been pirated on the PacketCluster for a couple of months now. "I have not been active with packet radio for years now and do not plan to return to it in the very near future", the genuine PA1MW says. QSL GM4YXI ---> Steve, N3SL and his daughter Kimberly are the new QSL managers for all of Keith's (GM4YXI) past and future operations. All HF logs for GM4YXI and 9M2/GM4YXI - AS-097 (April 1998, May 1999, 9-10 June 2000), AS-072 (May 1998) and AS-074 (17-18 June 2000) - are on line at QSL to N3SL either direct (Steve Larson, 22 N. Hidden Acres Drive, Sioux City, Iowa 51108, USA) or through the ARRL bureau. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] QSL K2OLG ---> Those who still need a card for some of the late Joe Gumino's IOTA operations can send a SASE to KA2SST (Mike Gumino, P.O. Box 742, Newtown, PA 18940, USA). [TNX WD8MGQ] QSL KG4DX ---> Please note that cards should be routed via Bill, W4WX [425DXN 563], not via Dave, K0IEA (he actually was the QSL manager for KG4DX back in 1993-94, but has nothing to share with the current KG4DX). QSL TR8CX ---> Xavier, TR8CX/F5PBQ has moved to France and his current address is: Xavier Cholat, quartier Lasalle, BP 1143, 73011 Chambery, France. [TNX F5PBQ] QSL VIA DF6PB ---> Alexander is the QSL manager for UN1F, UN2E, UN6T, UN9FD. He also has the logs for UL7FEC (1984-93) and UN5F (1993-97). His address is Alexander Schwindt, Theodor-Heuss Str. 54, 76726 Germersheim, Germany. [TNX DF6PB] W.A.R.D. ---> The WARD Award is issued to either licensed amateurs and SWLs by PZK (the Polish Amateur Radio Union) and the Editor of MK QTC for contacts made between 00:00 and 24:00 UTC on 18 April (the annaul World Amateur Radio Day). For further information please visit or e-mail Sylwester Jarkiewicz, SP2FAP ( WESTERN SAHARA ---> Baldur, DJ6SI (CW) and Karl, DK2WV (SSB) became unexpectedly active as S07X and S07V from Western Sahara earlier this week. They were supposed to remain there until 1/2 March, but they went QRT in the early morning of 27 February. QSL via home calls. [TNX The Daily DX] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH LOGS: The OT2H Contest Crew has a website at with pictures of the operators and the club station (ON7SA) and a log search function for all contests they entered. The page is also valid for OT0H and OT1H. QSL OTxH (x = last digit of the year: OT0H in 2000, OT1H in 2001, etc) via ON5YR through the bureau. [TNX ON7SA] LOGS: The logs for AS-161 (Sacrifice Rock) are now available at Cards are expected to arrive from the printer within a few days. [TNX VU3DMP] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSLs received direct: 3D2AG/P, 3D2CI (10/01), 3D2CY, 3DA0DF, 3DA0FR, 3Z0PW, 4J3M, 4K4CW, 4K9W, 4L1DA, 4L1FX, 4L8A, 4LOG, 4S7DA, 4S7NE, 4T0I, 4W/CU3FT, 5R8GZ, 5R8HD, 5X1Z, 6Y6L, 7Q7LA, 7Z1AC, 8Q7IJ, 9E1S, 9N1AC, 9N7RB, 9Y4SF, 9Y4VU, AP2ZA, C31HK, C56RF, C6A/K7RE, CO7OTA (NA-086), CO8OTA (NA-218), CO9OTA (NA-201), D68C, D902WSF, DS5UCP, DU1EIB, EP3PTT (operated by LA7JO), EY8CQ, EZ8CQ, FK8GM, FO0DEH (OC-062 and OC-094), FR5FD, FY5FU, H44MA, HC8N, HF0POL, HI3/OK2ZU, HI8RV, HK0VGJ, J3A, JD1/7L2ICS, JT1/K4ZW, KC4/N3SIG, KG4DX, KH0JX, OX2K (NA-018), OX3LG (NA-134), OY3QN (EU-018), P3A, PJ2Z, PJ5/K1NA, PJ7/ND5S, PZ5RA, SU1SK, SU9ZZ, SV1LK/8 (EU-075), SV5CJN, T2T, T88ZZ, TA3DD, TE8AT (NA-116), TK1W, TK5MP, TL8DV, UA9MA, UA9YAB, UN7CC, V26AK, V26G, V31JP, V44NK, V47KP, V63RF (OC-010), VK9EHH, VP2EUQ, VP5GA, VP8SDX, VP8THU, XF2RCS (NA-221), XQ6ET, YA5T, YB0ECT, YN4SU, YO9XC, Z32LM, ZB2AZ, ZW6C (SA-062). ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM 425 DX News Editor E-mail: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >>> NEW TOOL ON WWW.425DXN.ORG <<< The opening page at now features an engine that allows you to search anything you want within the site.