DX425 bulletin issue nr. 564

From: <425list@425dxn.org>
To: <i121171@tin.it>
Subject: [425ENG] 425 DX News #564 
Date: luned� 25 febbraio 2002 18:03

   23 February 2002                                            No 564
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages              !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

3W        - Conny, DL1DA will be vacationing in  Vietnam between 25  February
             and 15  March. He  hopes to  be active  (on 10-40  metres CW)  as
             3W9KCS. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
9K        - Members of the Kuwait Amateur Radio Society (KARS) will be active
             as 9K2NLD to  celebrate Kuwait's National  Liberation Day  (25-26
             February). The special event call will be used from 00.00 UTC  on
             23 February through 23.59 UTC on  the 28th. QSL via KARS  (Kuwait
             Amateur Radio Society, P.O. Box 5240, Safat 13053, Kuwait).  [TNX
9Q        - 9Q1A went QRT on 21 February at 22.30 UTC, after some 8500  QSOs.
             Patrick, F6BLQ/9Q1A  (http://f6blq.multimania.com) reports  that
             the 9Q licences are expected to be renewed for another 30 days as
             from 24 February. However Patrick will be out of the country  for
             ten days starting on 23 February and then for five weeks as  from
             15 March, so the  only "possible traffic  window" should be  5-14
             March. As far as 9Q0AR/6 is concerned, "do not expect activity at
             short notice", Patrick says. [TNX F6BLQ/9Q1A]
CE        - Southern Cross DX Group members CE4USW, XQ1IDM, CE4PBB and  XQ1ZW
             (ex XQ3ZW) will be active as  XR2D from Damas Island (SA-086)  on
             23-25 February. They plan to operate CW and SSB (possibly RTTY as
             well) with  two stations  on 10-160  metres (including  30m,  for
             which  they  have  been  granted  a  special  permission  by  the
             licencing authority)  plus  2m  and 70cm.  Damas  is  part  of  a
             national reserve and the team is not allowed to install beams  or
             towers on  the  island; they  will  use  two  multiband  vertical
             antennas and a couple of half-wave dipoles for the low bands. QSL
             via CE4USW either direct (P.O. Box 128, Talca, Chile) or  through
             the  bureau.   The   web   page   for   the   operation   is   at
             http://www.qsl.net/xr2d (logs   will   be   posted   after   the
             operation). [TNX CE4USW]
CO        - Don Fisher,  VE3ESE  and the  operators  from the  University  of
             Oriente ARC will participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest  possibly
             as T48RAC. QSL via VE3ESE. [TNX VE3NQK]
CX        - A group of operators from the Centro Radio Aficionados Montevideo
             (CRAM) and the Puerto Sauce DX group are active as CV1F from  San
             Gabriel Island (SA-057)  until 24 February.  QSL via EA5KB.  [TNX
             CX1SI and CX8FB]
DU        - Dan, DU8ARK  will  be visiting  Tawi  Tawi  (OC-174)  during  the
             weekend and hopes to be able to be QRV on 15 metres SSB. QSL  via
             I2YDX (Giuseppe de Gasperin,  Via Trento 1,  21020 Brebbia -  VA,
             Italy). [TNX I2YDX]
DU        - Oleg, UT2VU will be active as UT2VU/DU7 from Cebu Island (OC-129)
             from late February through the end of March. QSL via UR7VA either
             direct (P.O. Box 23, Kirovograd, 25009,  Ukraine) or through  the
             bureau. UR7VA has started sending out  the cards for  UT2VU/DU7's
             April 2001 activity. [TNX UX2VZ]
ET        - Paul, W4PFM  will stationed  in Ethiopia  for six  months and  is
             active as ET3PMW. QSL via W7KEU.
F         - Luc, F6OYU will  be active (on  10, 15 and  20 metres) as  either
             TM1Z  or  F6OYU/P  from  very  rare  Department  43  during  this
             weekends' REF Contest. [TNX K4JEZ]
FO        - Alain, F2HE (ex-FO0CLA) went back to French Polynesia a few  days
             ago and is expected to  operate as either  FO/F2HE or FO5RH  from
             Rangirora (OC-066). [TNX La Gazette du DX]
KG4       - Vance, N5VL reports he  will be active  as KG4VL from  Guantanamo
             Bay on 1-6 March, including an entry in the ARRL International DX
             Contest. He hopes to operate on  160 metres CW  and SSB. QSL  via
KP2       - Tony, N2TK will be active on  10-160 metres as N2TK/NP2 from  St.
             Croix, US  Virgin  Islands (NA-106)  between  27 february  and  7
             March. QSL via home call. He will participate in the ARRL DX  SSB
             Contest as WP2Z (QSL via KU9C). [TNX The Daily DX]
KP2       - Look for Bruce,  KP2/AA4Z to operate  from St.  Croix, US  Virgin
             Islands from 24 February through 3 March. [TNX The Daily DX]
P4        - John, KK9A will  be active as  P40A from Aruba  (SA-036) from  23
             February 23 to 9 March. He  will operate on 160-10 metres CW  and
             SSB, and will be active in the CQ 160-Meter Contest. QSL via home
             call. [TNX ARRL DX Bulletin]
P5        - Hrane/YT1AD confirms  that he  has "a  licence" and  that he  and
             Voja/YU7AV will be  visiting North Korea  in March [425DXN  556].
             They will  arrive on  5 March  around 16  local time.  "If"  they
             operate, he says, the QSL manager will be YU7AV. [TNX YT1AD]
PJ4       - NO2R, K2TW and K2NG will be on Bonaire (SA-006) from 26  February
             and 5 March. They will participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest  as
             PJ4G (Multi-Single). [TNX The Daily DX]
PY0_ti    - The PW0T  team started  operations from  Trindade (SA-010,  World
             Lighthouse Award LH-2851) around 21 UTC on 18 February. There are
             five stations on the air - one on 6 metres, one on RTTY (later on
             it will be used for SSTV as well), two on the HF bands and one on
             160/80 metres at night and HF during the day.
             Logs are available at http://www.trindade2002.com/, but about ten
             percent are not there  (due to a  computer failure, missing  QSOs
             are on paper  and will entered  into the computer  on the  return
             trip to the mainland). If you think you should be in the log  and
             are  not,  send  and  e-mail  with  the  details  to  Rod,   WC7N
             (wc7n@gb.wave.net). [TNX WC7N]
R1_ant    - Mike Fokin,  RW1AI has  started being  active as  RW1AI/ANT  from
             Vostok Base  (AN-016,  WABA UA-010).  QSL  via  home  call.  Alan
             (UA1PAC) and  Mike  plan to  participate  in  the  upcoming  ARRL
             Contest using the club call R1ANC (QSL via DL5EBE). [TNX DL5EBE]
SM        - SM7DAY, SM7NGH and others will be active from Ven Island (EU-137)
             on 1-3 March. QSL via  home calls (QSL  SK7DX via SM7DXQ)  either
             direct or through the bureau. [TNX SM7NGH]
T8        - Look for Bill,  T88BA to be  active (barefoot with  a dipole,  CW
             only) from Sonsorol, Merir and Pulo Anna for a few days  starting
             on 4  March.  The islands  are  part of  the  South  Palau  group
             (OC-248/Pr), recently  activated by  T88SI. His  address is  Rev.
             William Burton, P.O. Box 10225, Koror, Palau, PW 96940, USA. [TNX
TI9       - The TI9M team arrived at Chatham Bay, Cocos Island on 19 February
             in the morning  and became active  in the early  UTC hours of  20
             February and logged the first 1000  QSOs on 30  and 40 metres  CW
             running  50  watts  on  battery  power.  They  experienced   some
             difficulty in finding  suitable operating locations;  due to  the
             very small  beach  area now  available,  two stations  have  been
             located up on  a steep  hill (a  "logistical nightmare",  quoting
             N4CD). They  now  have five  HF  stations +  6  metres  from  two
             locations. On 22 February TI9M had logged about 15000 QSOs  (1800
             on   RTTY).   The   web   site   for   the   DXpedition   is   at
TT        - Chris, TT8DX will be going back  to Chad on 27 February and  will
             stay there until  December. He plans  to concentrate  on the  low
             bands and 6 metres. QSL via F5OGL. [TNX The Daily DX]
VE        - Look for Christian,  VE7/F5IDM  to  be active (on  10, 15 and  20
             metres) from  Cape Mudge  Lighthouse (CAN-100)  on Quadra  Island
             (NA-091)   on    24    February.   His    web    site    is    at
             http://www.cfht.hawaii.edu/~veillet/ [TNX Islands On The Web]
VK        - Look for Nico, VK3FEI/p to be active from French Island  (OC-136)
             until 26 February. He usually operates CW on +/- 14025, 21025 and
             28025 kHz,  with some  SSB on  or near  the IOTA  frequencies  if
             conditions  permit.  This  will  be  Nico's  last  activity  from
             Australia, as he will back home at the end of the month. QSL  via
             PA0MIR. [TNX VK3FEI]
VK        - Members of  the Eastern  and Mountain  District Radio  Club  will
             activate special event station VI3GP between 1 UTC on 26 February
             26th and 23.59 UTC on 15  March to celebrate  the running of  the
             Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix in Melbourne. QSL direct to VK3ER
             (P.O. Box  87,  Mitcham, Victoria  3132,  Australia) or  via  the
             bureau. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
VP8 & ZD8 - Mark, DL1SDN  plans to  be active  as  VP8CSA from  the  Falkland
             Islands (SA-002) between 24 February and  16 March and as  ZD8CSA
             from Ascension Island (AF-003) on 16-26 March. He will operate in
             his free time and will try to be QRV on 6 metres. QSL via DL1SDN.
             [TNX OZ6OM]
VQ9       - Mel, W3MR  will  be on  Diego  Garcia  (AF-006),  Chagos  Islands
             between 25 February  and 7  March. He  will be  active as  either
             VQ9MR (QSL via W3MR) or VQ9X,  including an entry in the ARRL  DX
             SSB Contest. [TNX The Daily DX]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

DXCC NEWS ---> 9Q0AR (Democratic Republic of Congo) has been on hold awaiting
supporting documentation. This has been  received and upon  review it is  now
being accepted for DXCC credit. Anyone who had this rejected during a  recent
submission can contact DXCC at dxcc@arrl.org  for an update to their  record.
Or, it can  be sent with  the next submission  for credit.  [TNX Bill  Moore,
NC1L, DXCC Manager]

GU CALLBOOK ---> Phil, GU0SUP (President  of the Guernsey ARS) reports  there
is an updated callbook listing for  all known GU/MU calls. The list  includes
known operations by visitors, and as  much QSL info as  possible. The URL  is

IOTA OPERATIONS PLANS  ---> Linda/VE9GLF  and Len  Morgan/VE9MY are  planning
their  vacations  &  island  expeditions  this  summer  and  autumn  and  are
interested in knowing the  local IOTA groups  you would like  them to go  and
operate   from.   A    list   of    their   previous    operations   is    at
http://ve9my.weblink.nbtel.net; you  can  send  your  suggestions  to  either
ve9my@rac.ca or ve9glf@nbnet.nb.ca

PIRATE ---> Massimo Cosentino, IZ0BXZ (ARI Roma HF Manager) reports that  the
station HV2CO (QSL via I0XXR) is most likely to be a pirate. Giancarlo, I0XXR
does not know anything at all about it.

QSL 5A1A ---> Abubaker has been in Germany since December [425DXN 563]. Those
who need a 5A1A card should  send their requests (direct  only) to A.  Assid,
Max Strasse 58, Bonn 53111, Germany. [TNX The Daily DX]

QSL BI5P ---> Please note that  W3HC was the QSL manager  for the first  BI5P
(Pingtan Island, AS-138) operation back in 1998. The QSL manager for the most
recent operation is BD5RI.

QSL D68C ---> Phil, G3SWH reports that around 85% of the direct requests  for
D68C QSLs  have now  been processed  and that  around 42,500  QSOs have  been
confirmed to date. [TNX G3XTT]

QSL G4Vxxx ---> Bob, G0VFV is the RSGB Bureau manager for all G4V  callsigns.
He has received  300+ QSLs  for members  who who  do not  have any  envelopes
lodged with him,  so he  will not  forward any  incoming cards  to them.  The
callsigns concerned are:
               G4VMH      G4VPC      G4VSZ      G4VUU      G4VXU
               G4VMU      W6/G4VPM   G4VTS      G4VUX      G4VZL
               G4VMV      G4VSQ      G4VTT      SV/G4VWK   G4VZT
"If you work any of these callsigns and need  a QSL card", Bob says, "do  not
QSL via the bureau".

QSL Z36W  ---> Venco,  Z36W (ex  Z31JA, Z32JA,  4N5JA) reports  that his  QSL
manager  (Mike,  NN6C)  has  been  hospitalized  since  mid-December  and  is
currently unable to reply to QSL requests. Those who want a QSL card can  use
Venco's qrz.com address.

QSL ZD7VC ---> The Daily DX reports that Bruce "will soon start handling  his
own QSL chores,  after many years  of assistance by  K1WY and ON4CAT".  Cards
should be  sent to  Bruce Salt,  P.O. Box  58, Half  Tree Hollow,  St  Helena
Island, South Atlantic Ocean.

QSL MANAGER OFFERED ---> John Pate, KB4UTV would like to become a QSL manager
and says to be "eager to serve the DX  community with my help". If anyone  is
interested, please contact him at lighthousedx@hotmail.com

VP8THU & VP8GEO ---> The DXpedition  to South Sandwich  & South Georgia  made
70,428 QSOs in total using SSB,  CW and RTTY. A few  data provided by  James,
VP8THU - Location: Hewison Point  Peninsula on Southern  Thule Island,  South
          On-air time: 80 hours
          Equipment: four barefoot stations,  single element vertical  dipoles
          for each band 10-20m, 1/4 wave  verticals with two elevated  radials
          for 30 and 40m, no 80 or 160m operation.
VP8GEO - Location: Husvik Bay, South Georgia
          On-air time: 7 days and 10 hours
          Equipment: six stations, same antennas used at VP8THU, one amplifier
          (400w) for 80 and 160m only.
"For us  it was  an experiment  in low-power  lightweight DXpeditioning  from
environmentally tough location, and to see if 'mega-expedition' results could
be achieved with  'micro-light' equipment",  James says.  "Over 70,000  QSO's
with all parts of the planet (and to  all levels of stations) prove that  its
good operators on both sides of a pileup - not fancy equipment - that  really
count". The DXpedition has neither a website nor on-line log check.

WHERE DO YOU WANT THEM TO GO NEXT? ---> The Five Star DXers Association (9M0C
and D68C) is looking to mount its next operation in late-2003 or early  2004.
"We are not planning to head  for Peter 1 or  Bouvet,", Don/G3XTT says,  "but
the sort of DX entity where you may have a 20m QSO, but are finding those low
band, WARC or data slots hard to fill. To this end, we would be interested in
your 9-band, 3-mode 'wanted' lists, so we  can gain some idea of which  these
entities might be. Being mainly a European group our preference would be  for
an African location for reasons of cost, propagation and travel time." Please
e-mail your needs to g3xtt@lineone.net

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

BDXN:  Daniel, PT7BI reports that the web  page for the Brazil  DX Net is  at
LOGS:  The XR5SM (SA-070) DXpeditions' logs (January  and February) are  both
        on-line at http://www.qsl.net/xr5sm, as well as the ARRL DX CW Contest
        log. Cards are expected from the  printer in a  couple of weeks.  [TNX
LOGS:  The logs for YA5T are available at http://www.ve9dx.com/ya5t/ya5t.html
        - if you do not find your call associated with a band or mode you were
        expecting, you can contact Steve, KU9C (ku9cqslmanager@ku9c.com). [TNX

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3A2DX       pirate      EM7Q        UY5ZZ       PW6AI       PT2GTI
3V8SM       DL1BDF      EP3UN       LA7JO       R1ANC       DL5EBE
3W2FM       UA0FM       ET3PMW      W7KEU       R1ANF/p     RK1PWA
3W2LWS      WA1LWS      EY8MM       K1BV        RW0BM       RW6HS
4J10TX      UT3UY       FG/YL2KL    YL2KL       RW1AI/ANT   RW1AI
4J3M        4Z5LO       FM/F5SGI    F5SGI       RW9C        UA9CGA
4K0RF       K1SE        FM5GU       KU9C        S07U        JA1UT
4K6IAS      RA1QQ       FM5WD       W3HNK       S79EU       HA2NM
4L5O        K1WY        FS/KF5LG    KF5LG       S92JHF      SM0JHF
5T5CQT      JA1CQT      FS/ND5S     ND5S        S9LA        LA2N
5T5GCW      7M2GCW      GJ6UW       M0BLF       SV9/LA4XFA  LA4XFA
5T5PBV      JA1PBV      H40T        DL7AFS      T20HC       DL9HCU
5T5RUZ      JA8RUZ      H44LB       DL7AFS      T48K        DK1WI
5U0T        I2YSB       H44ZG       DL7AFS      T88DC       G3KHZ
5U1A        I2YSB       H7DX        DL7CM       T88SI       IT9YRE
5U4R        I2YSB       HF0POL      SQ5TA       T88XF       JH5OXF
5U6W        I2YSB       HL17FWC     HL0HQ       TF8/SM1TDE/P SM1TDE
5U8B        I2YSB       HR3/KB0CY   KB0CY       TI5/KE0UI   KE0UI
5U9C        I2YSB       HR3/KB9DPF  KB9DPF      TI5N        W3HNK
5W0DA       F6EPY       HR3/W3QA    W3QA        TI9M        AK0A
5W0MP       F6COW       HR6/HB9FBL  HB9FBL      UE4YWI      RW4YA
5W1SA       JH7OHF      HS0ZDJ      W2YR        UK8LA       RW3RN
7Q7LA       G0IAS       II2PV       IK2SNG      UN3F        EA5KB
8P9AP       K2WE        J37BO       K4LTA       US0Q        UY5ZZ
8P9JA       K4MA        J37LR       VE3EBN      V26EW       N2ED
8P9JB       AA4NC       J37RO       K4UPS       V26G        N2ED
8P9NX       W0SA        J38A        K4LTA       V31AH       W2GR
8Q7CR       DF5JR       J73CCM      SM0CCM      V47KP       K2SB
8Q7JE       JE1NCP      J79BK       DL6FBK      V51/SP6IXF  SP6IXF
9G1AA       PA3ERA      JW7VK       LA7VK       V73UG       W7UG
9H3JR       DJ0QJ       KG4DZ       W4SD        VK3FEI/5    PA0MIR
9J2BO       G3TEV       KG4EC       KU4EC       VP2MDY      N2NB
9L1BTB      SP7BTB      KG4NW       N8CH        VP5/AJ6V    WA4WTG
9N7RB       W4FOA       KG4SD       W4SD        VP8CBA      K0IR
9Q1A        F2YT        KG4UC       KU4EC       VP8DEF      HB9ASZ
9Q1YL       F2YT        KG4ZK       W4ZYT       VP8DEI      PA3FQA
AL1G        AC7DX       KG4ZO       N6ZO        VP8DEJ      VE3EJ
AN9NA       EA9CD       KH0/JM1LRQ  JM1LRQ      VP8DEL      NK4U
C6A/K7RE    K7RE        KL7Y        W8LU        VP8GEO      VE3GCO
C6AGN       W1DIG       KP2/N2NI    N2NI        VP8THU      VE3XN
C6AGS       KI6T        LU1ZA       LU4DXU      VP9/W6PH    W6PH
C6AJF       WA2VUN      LZ0A        LZ1KDP      VY0AAA      VE3FN
C6AKQ       N4BP        OA/ON4CD    ON4CD       W19OG       WA7ITZ
C6ALC       K2KJI       OA4/DL1NL   DF7PM       W7U         W7EO
C6AMM       K1CN        OH0NL       OH2BYS      W8LU/KL7    W8LU
C6AWW       K1CN        OP1A        ON5TO       W19OG       WA7ITZ
CM5MA       IK2CIO      OX3SA       KZ5RO       WP4BV       KD8IW
CN2JS       F6BEE       P4/W7GRW    W7GRW       XR5SM       XQ5SM
CV1F        EA5KB       P43W        I2MQP       XW0X        XW2A
D2BB        W3HNK       P49V        AI6V        YA5T        KU9C
D2U         CT1BFL      PJ2/N8LGP   N8LGP       YZ1V        YU1AAV
DL2GG/YV5   DL3AMA      PJ2/W8TK    N9AG        Z38B        IK3GES
EA8BH       OH2BH       PJ2T        N9AG        ZD9IR       ZS6EZ
EA8BYR      WA1ECA      PJ7/KF5LG   KF5LG       ZF2QS       N6TQS
EM10UCC     UY5ZZ       PJ7/ND5S    ND5S        ZF2TN       N6XI
EM1HO       I2PJA       PJ7LT       W1YJI       ZK1AGG      3D2AG
EM5HQ       UY5ZZ [*]   PW0T        KU9C        ZK1XXX      N2PNG

[*] (1995-98)

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

AK0A     Bill Boeckenhaupt, 8904 Westbrooke Dr, Overland Park, KS 66212, USA
DL5EBE   Dominik Weiel, Johannes-Meyer-Str.13, D-49808 Lingen, Germany
DL7AFS   Baerbel Linge, Eichwaldstrasse 86, D-34123 Kassel, Germany
EA9CD    P.O. Box 2078, 51080 Ceuta, Spain
EX8MLE   P.O. Box 742, Bishkek 720017, Kyrgyzstan
F2YT     Paul Herbet, 9 rue de l'allouette, 62690 Estree-Cauchy, France
IT9YRE   Ferdinando Rubino, P.O. Box 30, 96012 Avola - SR, Italy
JM1LRQ   Nobuyuki Arai, 5-6-1-1002 Kitayamata, Tsuzuki, Yokohama, 224-0021
K1SE     Bill DeLage, P.O. Box 685, Manassas Park, Virginia 20113-0685, USA
KU9C     Steve Wheatley, P.O. Box 5953, Parsippany, NJ 07054-6953, USA
LU8DWR   Osmar Margoni, P.O. Box 22- 8103, ing. White-Buenos Aires, Argentina
LU8MB (ex LU8MBL) Gerardo S. Ruiz, Colon 1081, 5501 Godoy Cruz, Mendoza,
ON5TO    Omer Timmerman, Boterbekeweg 8, 8200 Bruges, Belgium
PA0MIR   Nico van der Bijl, Lepelblad 129, NL 1441 VH Purmerend, The
PT2GTI   Roberto F. Stuckert, Espinilla QI 07, Conj. 12, casa 14, 71515-120,
          Brasilia - DF, Brazil
PY3CQ    P.O. Box 5546, 90410-007 Porto Alegre - RS, Brazil
RW1AI    Mikhail Fokin, P.O. Box 2, St. Petersburg 195009, Russia
UA9YAB   Alex Vedernikov, P.O. Box 120, Biysk, Altajskij kraj 659300, Russia
UY5ZZ    Vladimir F. Latyshenko, P.O. Box 4850, Zaporozhye, 69118, Ukraine
W7EO     P.O. Box 98, Grantsville, UT 84029, USA
WA7ITZ   Ray Friess, 1801 Jennifer Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84116, USA
YU1AAV   RC "Novi Beograd", Radio sekcija "Kozara" YU1AAV, Jurija Gagarina
          210-p, YU-11070 Novi Beograd, Serbia, Yugoslavia
ZD7WT    Tom Moyce, P.O. Box 33, Jamestown, STHL 1ZZ St. Helena Island, South
          Atlantic Ocean

             425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
425 DX News Editor
E-mail: i1jqj@425dxn.org


                       >>> NEW TOOL ON WWW.425DXN.ORG <<<

The opening page at http:www.425dxn.org now features an engine that allows
you to search anything you want within the site.