DX425 bulletin issue nr. 562

From: <425list@425dxn.org>
To: <i121171@tin.it>
Subject: [425ENG] 425 DX News #562
Date: sabato 9 febbraio 2002 01:46

   09 February 2002                                                No 562
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages              !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

3V     - Carsten, DL6LAU will be active as 3V8SM from Djerba Island (AF-083),
          Tunisia on 11-18  February, including  an entry  in the  ARRL DX  CW
          Contest (SOAB QRP). [TNX The Daily DX]
9G     - PA3DEW and PA3FQV are currently in Ghana and will operate (typically
          on +/- 14140 MHz around 17.30  UTC) as 9G1AA until 23 February.  QSL
          via PA3ERA. [TNX PA3GGM]
9Q     - Four additional  licences  have been  issued  to be  used  from  the
          Democratic  Republic   of   Congo   through   24   February:   9Q1MM
          (Jean-Philippe) 9Q1KS (Cyprien), 9Q1A (Patrick) and 9Q1YL  (Nicole).
          Priority is being  given to 9Q0AR/6  from Goma  [425DXN 560],  while
          9Q1A and 9Q1YL will be active in their free time from Kinshasa. They
          have a 50-foot  tower which enables  them to  operate on  17 and  12
          metres with a rotary dipole,  while a sloping  dipole for 40  metres
          and a 6-element tribander for 20, 15 and 10 metres should be up next
          week. "Our most difficult path is  to VK-ZL-Pacific area", he  says,
          and "particular efforts will be put toward this area as soon as  the
          yagi is up. Tentative skeds can be  arranged for 20 to 10m by  email
          to   gckin@ic.cd".   QSLs   via   F2YT.   Further   information   at
          http://f6blq.multimania.com [TNX 9Q1A]
C6     - Bill, K1CN reports he now expects to be signing C6AMM during his  14
          February-2 March  operation from  Harbour Island  (NA-001),  Bahamas
          [425DXN 561]. His wife Laurel, N1EBL will operate as C6AWW. QSLs via
          K1CN either direct or through the bureau.
CE     - A second operation from Santa Maria Island (SA-070) is being planned
          to take place between 16/17 and 20 February. The logs for the  26-28
          January XR5SM  activity [425DXN  560] (operators  CE5VKA, XQ5SM  and
          CE4USW) are  expected to  be available  at  http://www.qsl.net/xr5sm
          [TNX CE4USW and Islands On The Web]
CE     - Marco, CE6TBN reports  that due to  the Chilean Park  administration
          closing earlier  then usual,  his 8-10  March trip  to Damas  Island
          (SA-086) [425DXN 561] is cancelled. [TNX N1IBM]
EA8    - Cesare, I5WEA is active as EA8/I5WEA  from Tenerife, Canary  Islands
          (AF-004) through 10 April. [TNX I5WEA]
EA9    - Jose, EA9CD reports that special call AM9MA will be aired during the
          CQ/RJ WPX RTTY Contest. QSL via  EA9CD (P.O. Box 2078, 51080  Ceuta,
FG     - La Gazette du  DX reports  that Henri,  F5DBC will  be active  (call
          unknown) from Les Saintes (NA-114), Guadeloupe on 14-24 February. He
          plans to operate during the UTC  evenings on 20  metres CW and  SSB.
          QSL via F5DBC (Henri Civel, Les Reaux de Saint Dolay, 56130 La Roche
          Bernard, France).
GD     - DL4LQM, DL4WG, DL5LYM, DL5AXX and DL8WAA  will be active (mainly  on
          CW) as MD/homecall from the Isle of Man (EU-116) on 11-18  February,
          including an entry in the ARRL DX CW Contest. [TNX DL5AXX]
H40    - Babs, DL7AFS  (H44LB)  and  Lot, DJ7ZG  (H44ZG)  will  fly  to  Lata
          (OC-100),  Temotu  on  10 February  and be active  until 2 March  as
          H40T (no longer H40YL and H40ZG as previously announced). They  will
          be joined by Bernard, DL2GAC (H44MS) until 24 February. QSL H40T via
          DL7AFS either direct  or through the  DARC bureau.  Updates will  be
          posted at http://www.qsl.net/dl7afs [TNX H44MS]
KC4    - Due to a change in the flight schedule, Chris (KC4/N3SIG) will leave
          McMurdo Base during the weekend, earlier than expected. [TNX DL5EBE]
KG4    - Look for  Chuck,  N8CH (KG4NW),  OB,  W4SD  (KG4SD),  Gordon,  KU4EC
          (KG4UC), Chet, N6ZO (KG4??) and Don, W4ZYT (KG4ZK) to be active  (on
          10-160 metres all modes) from Guantanamo Bay on 12-19 February. They
          will participate in the ARRL CW  DX Contest as KG4DZ. QSL KG4DZ  via
          W4SD, others via home calls. [TNX The Daily DX]
LU_so  - Horatio, LU4DXU reports that Claudio, LU1ZA expects to operate  RTTY
          and on 12 metres next week.  Claudio is stationed at Base  "Orcadas"
          (WABA LU-014) on Laurie  Island, South Orkneys  (AN-008) and in  May
          will be replaced  by another  operator (Jose  Luis). Claudio's  next
          sked with LU4DXU will be on  11 February on  14172 kHz around  22.45
P2     - After his trip to Temotu (see H40 above) Bernard, DL2GAC will return
          to Honiara, Solomon Islands on 24 February. On the 26th or the  27th
          he will move to Port Moresby, and the following day to Kavieng  (New
          Ireland, OC-008), from where he will try to go and operate as P29VMS
          from the  Tabar  Islands  (OC-099),  Feni  Islands  (OC-101),  Tanga
          Islands (OC-102), St. Matthias group (OC-103), Buka Island  (OC-135)
          and the Green Islands  (OC-231)  until 23 March. On 24 March he will
          fly back to Honiara. [TNX H44MS]
P5     - Ed, P5/4L4LN is  currently off the  air as  he left  Pyongyang on  4
          February for a 2-week (possibly longer) inspection tour of the World
          Food Program  field offices.  Updates, logs  etc.  can be  found  at
          http://www.amsatnet.com/ [TNX KK5DO]
PJ2    - Look for W0CG,  W8AV, W8TK, W9EFL,  N8LGP and N7BG  to be active  as
          PJ2/homecall (QSL  via home  call) from  Curacao (SA-006)  on  12-19
          February. They will participate in  the ARRL DX  CW Contest as  PJ2T
          (QSL via N9AG). [TNX The Daily DX]
T8     - The T88SI team became  active  (SSB  and CW) on  8 February after  a
          difficult voyage from  Koror. They will  leave Sonsorol (South Palau
          group,  OC-248)  at 4  local  time  on 11  February.  QSL via IT9YRE
          (Ferdinando Rubino, P.O. Box 30, 96012 Avola - SR, Italy).
V2     - Ed, N2ED will be be active  as V26EW from Antigua (NA-100) on  12-18
          February, including an entry in the ARRL CW DX Contest as V26G.  QSL
          via N2ED. [TNX The Daily DX]
VP2M   - Art, N2NB will be active as VP2MDY from Montserrat (NA-103) on 14-26
          February. Look for him on 6-160 metres on all modes, PSK31 included.
          QSL via N2NB. [TNX The Daily DX]
XE     - The following  release  has been  received  from Les,  G4CWD:  "IOTA
          DXpedition planned for March 2002  to Islands on  the coast of  Baja
          California,  Mexico  by  XE2MX,  XE1KK,  G3OCA  &  G4CWD  has   been
          cancelled. Having been  assured in  November 2001  that licences  to
          operate from those IOTA islands would be made available, three weeks
          from the start of our planned  Dxpedition to NA-162, 163, 164 &  165
          no licences  have been  issued. Objections  to our  DXpedition by  a
          number of Mexican amateurs was instrumental  in the delays  incurred
          in issuing those licences. G3OCA &  G4CWD will not give any  further
          consideration to the activation of IOTA Islands in Mexico. The group
          recognises the  unreserved  support given  by  Ramon XE1KK  to  this
          venture. Our thanks to Fred N6AWD and Ray N6VR for their efforts  in
          ensuring that essential equipment and support would be available  on
          our arrival at San Diego".
YU     - YZ1ZV, YT1HA and 4N1FAN will participate  in the ARRL DX CW  Contest
          as YZ1V  (Multi-Single).  QSL via  YU1AAV  either direct  (RC  "Novi
          Beograd", Radio  sekcija  "Kozara" YU1AAV,  Jurija  Gagarina  210-p,
          YU-11070 Novi Beograd,  Serbia, Yugoslavia) or  through the  bureau.
          [TNX YT1HA]
ZS_ant - Anton, ZS7/ZS4AGA  will be  stationed at  SANAE IV  Base during  the
          Antarctic winter season which has just begun. He expects to be  able
          to spend  more time  on  the amateur  radio  bands very  soon.  [TNX

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CHILEAN ISLAND  AWARD  ---> Information  on  the Diploma  Islas  Chilenas  is
available  from  Marcos  A.  Quijada,  CE6TBN  (ce6tbn@dxpedition.org).  [TNX

DXCC  NEWS  --->  3V8GI  (Tunisia)  has  been  on  hold  awaiting  supporting
documentation. This  has  been received  and  upon review  it  is  now  being
accepted for  DXCC credit.  Anyone  who had  this  rejected during  a  recent
submission can contact DXCC  (dxcc@arrl.org) for an  update to their  record.
Or, it can  be sent  with the  next submission  for credit.  [TNX NC1L,  DXCC

NEW IRCS --->  Roman, UN5PR reports  that as of  1 February old  IRCs are  no
longer accepted by post offices in Kazakhstan.

POSTAGE  INCREASE  --->  XE1BEF  reports  the  following  new  postage  rates
currently (as of 1 January 2002) apply from Mexico: to Unites States, Central
America and Caribbean  8.50 pesos  (US$ 0.90);  to South  America and  Europe
10.50 pesos (US$ 1.10); to rest of the world 11.50 pesos (US$ 1.2).

QSL AS-153 ---> Antonio, IZ8CCW reports  that the first  batch of 300  direct
cards for  the 10-16  January operation  from Sagar  Island was  mailed on  2
February. Antonio expects to process the remaining requests within the end of
this week.

QSL SA-021 --->  The QSL cards  for the 1-3  February operation from  Bermejo
Island (SA-021) should be sent to  LU8DWR (Osmar Margoni, P.O. Box 22-  8103,
ing. White-Buenos Aires, Argentina). Osmar says that the current postal rates
are $2.00 for Europe, Asia & Oceania and $1.50 to the rest of the world. [TNX

QSL XU7ABW ---> Alain, F6BFH reports that 650 direct QSLs for XU7ABW (AS-133)
and the 6m operation have processed  and mailed. Bureau cards will follow  at
the end of February.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3C5/SP1NY   SP1NY       GX0LAW      G4SVC       S92JHF      SM0JHF
3DA0FOC     EA6ACC      H44LB       DL7AFS      S92TX       W7KNT
3W2XK       W9XK        H44MS       DL2GAC      S9LA        LA2N
3W3ZZ       JA1EUI      H44ZG       DL7AFS      S9TX        W7KNT
4J3DJ       4Z5LO       HB0CZS      K1WY        SN5Z        SP5ZCC
4K6IAS      RA1QQ       HC1MD       K8LJG       SP0PZK      SP2UKB
4L0DXP      K1WY        HF0POL      SQ5TA       T32IR       VK3DK
4L1DX       OZ1HPS      HS0/OZ1HET  OZ1ACB      T32Z        N7YL
4L1FX       DJ1CW       HS1BK       E21EIC      T88XF       JH5OXF
4L6VV       UA6EZ       J3/F4TVY    IZ8CCW      T97M        K2PF
4N1DX       K1WY        J37BO       K4LTA       TF4FT       K1WY
4N1YL       K1WY        J37LR       VE3EBN      TF4RX       K1WY
4W/CU3FT    CT1EEB      J37RO       K4UPS       TF7GX       K1WY
5A21PA      K1WY        J38A        K4LTA       TF7RX       K1WY
5A30        K1WY        J6/F4TVY    IZ8CCW      TF8/ON4CAT/P K1WY
5H3/IK2GZU  IZ2GZU      J73CCM      SM0CCM      TF8GX       K1WY
5N0AIP      K1WY        J79BK       DL6FBK      TF8RX       K1WY
5N0NAS      K1WY        J79BR       DL6FBR      TG7/W9AEB   WF9V
5R8ET       K1WY        J79UGF      N4USA       TI5/SM0RBO  SM0RBO
5R8GZ       G3SWH       J79WWW      N4USA       TL8DV       W3MC
5U1A        I2YSB       JW0L        G8APB       TM0LBR      F8URA
5U4R        I2YSB       JW5RIA      LA5RIA      TM8ZV       F5FAB
5X1BK       EA7FTR      JW8AJA      LA8AJA      TT8FC       EA4AHK
5X4M        IN3BXL      K1L         K1WY        TZ6TO       JA6HGB
5Z4IC       MW0AIE      K1USN       K1RV        UA0ACG      K1WY
6W/F6DVH    F6DVH       K8YU/KH2    JH8KYU      UA0AOZ      K1WY
6Y5/4S7RO   G0IAS       KF4LX/AH0   JA6HJP      UA0DC       K1WY
8P9BX       VE3WFS      KH0/JA5AUC  JA5AUC      UA0JQ       UA0JB
8Q7NJ       F5INJ       KH0/JA5ROH  JA5ROH      UA0ZBK      K1WY
8Q7WU       F6HWU       KH0/JA6BTO  JA6BTO      UE0LLH      UA0MF
9G5XA       G3XAQ       KH0/JA6LZN  JA6LZN      UN9PQ       IK2QPR
9M6LSC      JN1WTK      KH2/KB1FPP  JQ6IAP      UY2VM       DL6MHG
9Q1A        F2YT        KH2VM       VK4AAR      V31HA       VE7AHA
9Q1YL       F2YT        KK7UB/KH0   JA6PBO      V51/DJ4SO   DJ4SO
9Z4DI       KZ5RO       KW1JY       K1WY        V63RF       K2NV
A45WD       YO9HP       KW1WY       K1WY        V73UG       W7UG
A92GE       K4SXT       LU1DK/D     LU8DWR      VK1TX       K1WY
AB2GA/KH0   JH6ALF      LU7DP/D     LU8DWR      VK3FEI/5    PA0MIR
AP2ARS      K2PF        LU7DR/D     LU8DWR      VP5/G4RCG   G4RCG
AX1TX       K1WY        LU7DSY/D    LU8DWR      VP5/JA1MZL  JA1MZL
AX4WPX      VK4CEJ      LU8DWR/D    LU8DWR      VP5/K9KK    K9KK
BA2BI       K1WY        LU8EEM/D    LU8DWR      VP5/NF7T    NF7T
BV2FB       AC7DX       LZ1JY       W0FS        VP8GEO      VE3GCO
BV4FH       K1WY        M0SDX       UT2UB       VP8THU      VE3XN
BX2/BA4DW   BA4DW       N1JY        K1WY        VQ9M        WB7OJV
C31LJ       VE3GEJ      N6HPX/DU1   N6HPX       VU2RBQ      DJ9RB
CE9/R1ANF   RK1PWA      OA4DKC      LZ1JZ       VX9DX       VE9DX
CN2MP       EA9AM       OD5/OK1MU   OK1TN       WH0B        JA6VQA
CN8YR       K4KU        OD5NJ/P     K1WY        WH2DX       KH2JU
CT3FN       HB9CRV      OD5UT       K3IRV       XJ1BHK      VO1BHK
CU5AM       EA5KB       ON4CAT      K1WY        XR5SM       XQ5SM
CW1L        CX1UU       ON4CEL/LGT  K1WY        XU7ACE      ES1FB
CW2M        CX1UU       ON9CAT      K1WY        XW0X        XW2A
CX3VB       EA5KB       OP1A        ON5TO       YA0USA      K4YT
CY9/KT1J    K1WY        OQ4CAT      K1WY        YA5T        KU9C
D2U         CT1BFL      OX3SA       K1WY        YC1HDF      EA5KB
EA5BYP/OD5  K1WY        OZ/DD3SP/p  DD3SP       YC4FIJ      YC9BU
EA6/SP4AOQ  EC6TK       OZ/DL3BQA/p DL3BQA      YI9OM       OM6TX
EL2DT       WA4TII      P29BA       K1WY        YN1ZZE      EA5FTR
EM5U        UT2UB       P29CC       K1WY        YN4RBO      SM0RBO
EN50WRT     UR4WWW      P40PW       N1PW        YO6AVB      K1WY
EP3PTT      LA7JO [*]   P40RH       W6FRH       YV5LIX      EA7FTR
EW8AF       DL8KAC      P5/4L4FN    KK5DO       Z36A        DJ0LZ
EY8MM       K1BV        PA/K1WY     K1WY        Z38B        IK3GES
FM5WE       KZ5RO       PA/KW1WY    K1WY        ZC4VG       G0UVX
FP/KT1J     K1WY        PB6YL       PA9JAM      ZD7VC       K1WY
FP/N1JEZ    K1WY        PJ2/N7BG    N7BG        ZD9IR       ZS6EZ
FS/K4UP     K4UP        PJ2MI       W2CQ        ZF2CM       K0BJ
GB0LSP      K1WY        PJ2T        N9AG        ZF2LM       AF2C
GD3LSF      K1WY        PJ5/K1NA    K1NA        ZL3KIM      K1WY
GI0PCU      K1WY        RU0AK       K1WY        ZP8BHA      EA7FTR
GI3MUS      K1WY        S21J        K1WY        ZX2F        PY2AE
GI6YM       K1WY        S79EU       HA2NM       ZY3WSF      PY3FBI

[*] only for contacts made with LA7JO

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

4K6IAS  Andre, P.O. Box 89, Baku 370000, Azerbaijan
4W6MM   Thorvaldur Stefansson, P.O. Box 3699, Darwin NT 0801, Australia
9Y4AT   Jeffery Gibson, 14 SWWTU Ave, South Valsayn, Trinidad, W.I.
BA4DW   David Y. J. Zhou, P.O. Box 040-088, Shanghai, 200040, China
DL7AFS  Baerbel Linge, Eichwaldstr. 86, D-34123 Kassel, Germany
EA7FTR  Francisco Lianez Suero, Asturias 23, Aljareque 21110, Huelva, Spain
EP3SMH  Sayyed Mohsen Hosseini, P.O. Box 441, 34815 Takestan, Iran
EX8MLE  Sergey Tkachenko, P.O. Box 742, Bishkek 720017, Kyrgyzstan
F2YT    Paul Herbet, 9 rue de l'allouette, 62690 Estree-Cauchy, France
F5INJ   Bernard Squedin, 52 rue de Peronne, 59400 Cambrai, France
F6ELE   Didier Bas, 11 rue des Petites Maisons, 17230 St. Ouen d'Aunis,
F6HKA   Bertrand Banlier, 11 rue Marise Bastie, 87100 Limoges, France
F6HWU   Denise Le Cleach, 9 Avenue Jean Mace, 33700 Merignac, France
I2YSB   Silvano Borsa, P.O. Box 45, 27036 Mortara - PV, Italy
IK2GZU  Maurizio Buffoli, Via degli Angeli 9, 25033 Cologne - BS, Italy
JA1MZL  Takyuki Yoshimura, 502 4-20 Irifune, Ichikawa, 272-0134 Japan
JH5OXF  Mitsuhiro Takehira, 1656 Kominato, Iyo, 799-3113 Japan
K1WY    The K1WY DX Association, P.O. Box 2644, Hartford, CT 06146-2644, USA
K1WY    The K1WY DX Association, P.O. Box 90, Eeklo 9900, Belgium
K8LJG   John Kroll, 3528 Craig Drive, Flint, Michigan 48506, USA
KU9C    Steve Wheatley, P.O. Box 5953, Parsippany, NJ 07054-6953, USA
LA2N    Sore Sunnmore Gruppa av NRRL v/ Otto Norhagen, NO-6143 Fiskaabygd,
LA7JO   P.O. Box 827, N-7408 Trondheim, Norway
LA7JO   UNICEF IRAN, Stig Lindblom, No. 30 East Farzan St., Naji St.,
         Dastgerdi Ave., Tehran 19187, Iran
LU4DXU  Horacio "Henry" Ledo, P.O. Box 22, Martinez 1640, Buenos Aires,
N6HPX   Larry Fields, 1207 E. Victoria Ct., San Pablo, CA 94806, USA
PA0MIR  Nico van der Bijl, Lepelblad 129, NL 1441 VH Purmerend, The
PY3FBI  Gilberto Silva Pacheco Filho, Rua Fabio A. Santos 1245, ap 310 Bloco
         2, Bairro Nonoai, Porto Alegre, RS 91720-390, Brazil
RA1QQ   Nick A. Smerdov, P.O.Box 24, Cherepovets, 162627, Russia
SQ5TA   Artur Tabaszewski, ul. Wiejska 100, 26-606 Radom, Poland
UT2UB   Andrej Lyakin, P. O. Box 99 Kiev-10, 01010, Ukraine
VE3GCO  The Maple Leaf Radio Society, 5 McLaren Avenue, Listowel, Ontario N4W
         3K1, Canada
VE3XN   Garry V. Hammond, 5 McLaren Avenue, Listowel, Ontario N4W 3K1, Canada
VU2JIX  Prakash Shetty, Bala House, Bala Post, Bala 574149, India
VU2JRO  Manikant Lodaya, C/O Srikanth Bhat, 37 Ananth Nagar, Manipal 576119,
VU2MTT  Vishnumoorthy S. G., Shantharam Complex, Shakthinagar, Mangalore
         575016, India
VU2NJN  Somashekhar Bhat, C16A, Kailas Quarters, Manipal 576119, India
VU2PAI  Ananth Pai, P-Box 730, bharath Beedi Works Ltd, Bharath Bagh,
         Mangalore 575003, India
VU2RDJ  Sukanya Rao, P.O.Box 1006, Mangalore 575008, India
VU2RDQ  Rohith S. Rao, P.O. Box 1006,  Mangalore 575008, India
VU2SBJ  Srikanth Bhat, 37, Ananth Nagar, Manipal 576119, India
VU3DMP  Chethan L. Pujara, P.O. Box 778, Mangalore 575003, India
XW0X    Hiroo Yonezuka, P.O. Box 2659 Vientiane, Laos

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Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
425 DX News Editor
E-mail: i1jqj@425dxn.org


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