DX425 bulletin issue nr. 560

From: <425list@425dxn.org>
To: <i121171@425dxn.org>
Subject: [425ENG] 425 DX News #560
Date: sabato 26 gennaio 2002 00:25

   26 January 2002                                                 No 560
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages              !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

                       >>> 425DXN MOST WANTED SURVEY <<<

The results of the 425 DX  News DXCC Most  Wanted Survey (1985  participants)
are now available at http://www.425dxn.org

CE     - A group of operators from the Southern Cross DX Group will be active
          (CW and  SSB) as  XR5SM from  Santa Maria  Island (SA-070,  a  group
          activated only once by XR5IQ  back in June  1994) on 26-28  January.
          QSL via XQ5SM either direct or through the bureau. The web page  for
          the operation is at http://www.qsl.net/xr5sm [TNX XQ5SM]
J3     - Bill, VE3EBN will be active (on  10-40 metres CW  and SSB) as  J37LR
          from Grenada  (NA-024) during  February and  March. QSL  via  VE3EBN
          either direct or through the bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
KP2    - John/W8LBY and Norm/K8NI  will be active  as KP2/homecalls from  St.
          Croix, US Virgin  Islands (NA-106) on  1-13 February.  They plan  to
          concentrate on PSK and the WARC bands. [TNX The Daily DX]
LU_ssh - Depending on  weather  conditions,  Oleg,  R1ANF/p  is  expected  to
          operate from Argentine station "Ballve" (WABA LU-022, South Shetland
          Islands) on 28 January. QSL via RK1PWA. [TNX DL5EBE]
PJ2    - Tony, N7BG will be active  as PJ2/N7BG (QSL  via N7BG) from  Curacao
          (SA-006) between 29 January and 4  February. He will participate  in
          the FOC Marathon as PJ2T (QSL via KN7Y). [TNX The Daily DX]
PY     - Special event station ZY3WSF will be active (on 10-80 metres CW  and
          SSB) from Porto Alegre between 31 January and 5 February during  the
          2nd World Social  Forum (http://www.forumsocialmundial.org.br).  QSL
          via PY3FBI either direct (Gilberto Silva Pacheco Filho, Rua Fabio A.
          Santos 1245,  ap 310    Bloco 2,  Bairro  Nonoai, Porto  Alegre,  RS
          91720-390, Brazil) or through the bureau. [TNX PY3FBI]
S7     - Karesz, HA8EU will be active (on  40-10 metres CW with some SSB)  as
          S79EU from Mahe Island (AF-024), Seychelles  between 28 January  and
          18 February. QSL via HA2NM. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
VK     - Australian amateurs will  be using special  "AX" prefix  celebrating
          Australia Day  on 26  January starting  at  00.00 and  ending  24.00
          (Australian local time). QSL via their VK-callsigns. [TNX VK4DX]
VP8    - The VP8THU  team  went  QRT  from  Southern  Thule  (South  Sandwich
          Islands) in the UTC early morning of 22 January. They expected to be
          QRV from South Georgia by the 25-26th, however it is rumoured that a
          bad storm is delaying their landing. The call and QSL route will  be
          announced when the operation starts.
XU     - Jaak, ES1FB reports he will  be active as  XU7ACE from Cambodia  for
          two weeks starting on 27 January. QSL via ES1FB.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

DIAMOND NEWS ---> Edited by Egidio  Settimio, IZ8BRI, this bulletin  includes
information about amateur radio  operation from Antarctica  as well as  about
the WABA & WASA award programmes  and the Diamond  DX Club's activities.  The
bulletin is available  on the club's  web site (http://www.ddxc.org/);  those
interested    in    receiving    it    by    e-mail    can    subscribe    at
diamond_dx_club-subscribe@yahoogroups.com      (English      version)      or
diamond_dx_club_italia-subscribe@yahoogroups.com  (Italian   version).   [TNX

HAMAWARDS.COM ---> http://www.hamawards.com/ is new website, currently  under
development, which  should be  launched around  3  February by  A.J.  Farmer,
KB3HGY. The idea  is to create  a centralized  index of  awards available  to
amateur radio operators. [TNX HA5CQ]

HOLYLAND CONTEST ---> This year the  Holyland Contest will  take place on  20
April, from  00.00  UTC  through  23.59  UTC.  Information  is  available  at
http://www.iarc.org/contest [TNX 4Z4KX]

QSL VIA MICHEL HAMONIAUX ---> The Daily DX reports that with immediate effect
"the ARRL DXCC  Desk will no  longer accept  unauthorized QSL  cards from  DX
stations being managed  by Michel Hamoniaux,  PY3ZM/F (ex  HH2HM, OK8ZM).  In
order for any Hamoniaux QSL cards  to be accepted by the  ARRL he must  first
have the DX station send an authorization letter to the DXCC Desk."

QSL VIA  WA8JOC --->  Ken, WA8JOC  reports he  his the  QSL manager  for  the
following  stations  only:  K8MN/OH2  (1985-87),  K8MN/OH0  (1986-87),  J52US
(1988-89), 9L1US  (1990-91),  9L9DXG  (1990-91),  A22MN  (1992-95),  OH2/K8MN
(1995-98), OH0/K8MN (1995-98), 5H3US (1998-2000). Logs are still open.

QSL W2A & W2AA ---> Bill, W2AY reports that  "the QSL manager for W2A &  W2AA
has informed the  W2 incoming QSL  bureau that  he is  too busy  nor has  any
interest in replying to the many QSL cards awaiting him at the bureau".

QSL YK1AO ---> Omar, YK1AO has been  told that some source mentions PY3ZM  as
being his QSL manager. "I have never given anybody this job", Omar says, "not
even PY3ZM".

QSL ZC4VG ---> Peter, G4UVX is  receiving cards for  ZC4VG. Please note  that
the correct QSL route is via G0UVX.

QSL VIA  K1WY --->  Bill, K1WY/ON9CAT  provides an  updated list  of all  the
stations managed by the K1WY DX Association (http://www.k1wydxa.org):
4L0DXP      BA2BI        GI0PCU       OD5NJ/P      PA/KW1WY     TF8RX
4N1DX       BV4FH        GI3MUS       ON4CAT       RU0AK        UA0ACG
4N1YL       CY9/KT1J     GI6YM        ON4CEL/LGT   S21J         UA0AOZ
5A21PA      EA5BYP/OD5   HB0CZS       ON9CAT       TF4FT        UA0DC
5A30        ET3BT        K1L          OQ4CAT       TF4RX        UA0ZBK
5N0AIP      FP/KT1J      K1WY         OX3SA        TF7GX        VK1TX
5N0NAS      FP/N1JEZ     KW1JY        P29BA        TF7RX        YO6AVB
5R8ET       GB0LSP       KW1WY        P29CC        TF8/ON4CAT/P ZD7VC
AX1TX       GD3LSF       N1JY         PA/K1WY      TF8GX        ZL3KIM
QSL card  requests  can  be  sent  to either  P.O.  Box  2644,  Hartford,  CT
06146-2644, USA or P.O. Box 90, Eeklo 9900, Belgium. The K1WY DX  Association
saves stamps from mailed in envelopes for the US Veterans Hospitals.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

JW4X:      Logs for JW4X  (273 6m QSOs  with 18  DXCC entities),  as well  as
            information, pics etc. of JW8AJA and JW5QFA's recent activity from
            Svalbard, are  now  available  at  http://www.qsl.net/la8aja  [TNX
P5/4L4FN:  http://amsatnet.com
YA5T:      http://www.qsl.net/ya5t

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3D2IR       VK2IR       EY8CQ       DJ1MM       PI4OSS      PA3DHN
3W2FM       UA0FM       EZ10A       KJ6OW       PJ2/NW0L    NW0L
3W3ZZ       JA1EUI      EZ10A       RU4SS       PJ5/K1NA    K1NA
3Z0OSP      SP6GVU      EZ21A       KJ6OW       PU1NEZ/PP1  PY1NEZ
4L0CR       IK7JTF      EZ21A       RU4SS       PY1NEW/PP1  PY1NEW
4N1KW       DJ0LZ       EZ3A        KJ6OW       PY1NEZ/PP1  PY1NEZ
4N4KP       DL2MHA      EZ3A        RU4SS       R1ANM       AB0KG [c]
4N7ZZ       YU7FIJ      EZ56V       KJ6OW       R1ANM       UA3YH [d]
4W/CU3FT    CT1EEB      EZ56V       RU4SS       RI4M        RN4LP
5B4AGU      LZ1MS       EZ75R       KJ6OW       S21AR       JA1UT
5N6EAM      IK7JTF      EZ75R       RU4SS       S92JHF      SM0JHF
5N8BRC      UA3AGW      EZ8CW       KJ6OW       SO9ZM       WA6ZEF
5R8FL       G3SWH       EZ8CW       RU4SS       T30HC       DL9HCU
5R8FU       SM5DJZ      EZ9A        KJ6OW       T32Z        N7YL
5R8O        G3SWH       EZ9A        RU4SS       T88AQ       JH6WDG
7Q7LA       G0IAS       FM5WE       KZ5RO       T88ZZ       K2NV
8P9AY       K1COW       FP/JA9KRO   JA9KRO      TM0A        F6OIE
8Q7SL       G4JVG       H44MS       DL2GAC      TM0LBR      F8URA
8Q7WU       F6HWU       HC7/DJ4FO   DJ4FO       TM2E        F8BPN
9H1EL       LA2TO       HF0POL      SQ5TA       TM4AMD      F6IGF
9K2GS       W6YJ        HG80ST      HA6KNB      UE10CA      RZ0CWA
9K2JH       KE4JG       HK8RQS      EA5KB       UK8CK       UX5UO
9L1BTB      SP7BTB      HL17FWC     HL0CQ       UK8LA       RW3RN
9M9/7M2VPR  7M2VPR      HR1RQF      EA7FTR      UN7CC       KI6Y
9N7RB       W4FOA       HR6/HB9FBL  HB9FBL      UN7MO       EA7FTR
9N7YT       JJ2NYT      HS0ZCW      K4VUD       UZ8RR       W3HC
A45WD       YO9HP       HS1BK       E21EIC      V31YN       DJ4KW
A52OM       G3NOM       IR4R        IK4ALM      V47KP       K2SB
A61AO       N1DG        J28FF       F6ITD       V51/DJ4SO   DJ4SO
A71BY       F5PYI       J28VS       F4DBF       V63RF       K2NV
A92ZE       K4SXT       J79TUY      IZ8CCW      V73RX       W6WRX
AH0BB/KH2   JR1VUF      JW4X        LA6EIA      VG3RJ       VA3RJ
AH4/AH7G    AH7G        JW5QFA      LA6EIA      VP2E        N5AU
AP2ZA       VE3XAP      JW8AJA      LA8AJA      VP5/G4RCG   G4RCG
BA4CH       BY4AOM      K1HP/KH0    JE2EHP      VP5/KI7VR   KI7VR
BV5BG       IK7JTF      KC4/N3SIG   AI3D        VP8THU      VE3XN
BX2/BA4DW   BA4DW       KG4DX       W4WX        VU2RBQ      DJ9RB
C21HC       DL9HCU      KG4LR       W1LR        WA4RX/CY9   KC6AWX
C6AIE       WZ8D        KH0/JK7TKE  JK7TKE      WH2DX       KH2JU
CE6TBN      N1IBM       KH0WW       JP1IOF      WP4Q        EA5RD
CE9/R1ANF   RK1PWA      KH2K/AH0    JA1RJU      WV2B/CY9    KC6AWX
CE9/R3RRC   RW3GW       KH2M        JA6EGL      XJ1HP       VO1HP
CE9R        CE3HDI      KH7A        JA5DQH      XV3AA       JA6UHG
CO8DM       KU9C        KH7O/KH5    KH7O        XW0X        XW2A
CO8EJ       EA5KB       KO6GQ/KH2   JG6TWS      YN1ZZE      EA7FTR
CT3FN       HB9CRV      LA7THA/MM   LA9VDA      YV5/DL2GG   DL3AMA
CX3HF       EA5XX       LU1ZA       LU2CN       Z36A        DJ0LZ
DS4BBL      EA2AKP      LW9DAH      AC7DX       ZD7DP       W1ZT
DU9/N0NM    W4DR        LZ0A        LZ1KDP      ZD8JA       N1ZZZ
EK3SA       DK6CW       NH7IG/KH2   JA6KYU      ZD9IR       ZS6EZ
EK6TA       DJ0MCZ      OA4DKC      LZ1JZ       ZF2LM       AF2C
EK8WA       SP9ERV      OD5NJ/P     K1WY        ZK1VFA      LA9VFA
EL2AR       EL2BA       OG9AR       OH9AR       ZL5CP       AI3D
EM1HO       I2PJA       P40AV       K4AVQ       ZP6M        PY5CC
EM1KCC      UT7UA       P40PW       N1PW        ZS7/ZS4AGA  ZS4A
EP3PTT      LA7JO [a]   P40RH       W6FRH       ZX2F        PY2AE
EU3FT       W3HC        P49MR       VE3MR       ZY1NE       PY1NE

[a] only when operated by LA7JO
[b] North America only
[c] direct
[d] bureau

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

5Z4MO     Walter Ontrup, P.O. Box 2832, Eldoret, Kenya
AB0KG     P.O. Box 18118, Boulder, CO 80308-1118, USA
BA4DW     David Y. J. Zhou, P.O. Box 040-088, Shanghai, 200040, China
BY4BSN    P.O. Box 126-017, Shanghai 200126, China
CE3HDI    P.O.Box 15, International Airport, Santiago, Chile
DJ3KR     Dr. Juergen Roettger, Wieterstr. 7 a, D-37154 Northeim, Germany
E21EIC    Champ C. Muangamphun, P.O. Box 1090, Kasetsart, Bangkok 10903,
F6HWU     Denise Le Cleach, 9 Avenue Jean Mace, 33700 Merignac, France
G3SWH     Phil Whitchurch, 21 Dickensons Grove, Congresbury, Bristol, BS19
           5HQ, England
G4JVG     Stephen Telenius-Lowe, 27 Hertford Road, Stevenage, SG2 8RZ,
HA6KNB    Radioclub Salgotarjan, P.O. Box 115, H-3101 Salgotarjan, Hungary
HL0HQ     Korean Amateur Radio League, C.P.O. Box 162, Seoul, Korea
HS/G3NOM  P.O. Box 69, Bangkok Airport P.O., Bangkok 10212, Thailand
IK4ALM    Alessandro Vecchi, Via G. Boccaccio 63, 41100 Modena - MP. Italy
JA1EUI    Satoshi Matsushima, 2469-5 Toda, Atsugi, 243-0023 Japan
JA9KRO    Kaoru Sado, 966-3 Butsuden, Uozu, 937-0061 Japan
K8MN      Dave Heil, RD5 Box 232, Cameron, WV 26033, USA
KA8JRM    Rev. Michael Mikstay, COMUSNAVCENT, Fleet Chaplain Office, FPO AE
           09501-6008, USA
KC6AWX    Robert T. Devine, 407 Alameda Del Prado, Novato, CA 94949-6302, USA
KI6Y      Charles Southall, 20050 SW Elizabeth Lane, Bend, OR 97702, USA
KJ6OW     Terry Morton, 66190 3rd St., Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240, USA
KU9C      Steve Wheatley, P.O. Box 5953, Parsippany, NJ 07054-6953, USA
LA6EIA    Ole Forr, Frya, N-2647 Hundorp, Norway
LA7JO     P.O. Box 827, N-7408 Trondheim, Norway
LA7JO     UNICEF IRAN, Stig Lindblom, No. 30 East Farzan St., Naji St.,
           Dastgerdi Ave., Tehran 19187, Iran
LU2CN     S.A.R.A., Avenida Del Libertador 8209, CF 1429, Buenos Aires,
N1IBM     Morris E. Maze III, 847 Dolan St., Lanoka Harbor, NJ 08734, USA
OH3JR     Henri Olander, Helavalkeantie 15, 13270 Hameenlinna, Finland
ON4QM     Marcel Dehonin, Everestraat 130, B-1940 Sint Stevens Woluwe,
OX3OX     Ole Anderson, P.O. Box 142, 3911 Sisimiut, Greenland
PY1NEW    Emanuel Tavares Filho, Apartado Postal 100659, 24001-970 Niteroi,
           RJ, Brazil
PY1NEZ    Rogaciano de Lima Correa Filho, Calle Belizario Augusto 91 apto.
           1101, 24230-200 Niteroi, RJ, Brazil
RK1PWA    Nick Shapkin, P.O. Box 73, Amderma, Arkhangelskaya obl, 166744
RN4LP     Vladislav Lakeev, P.O. Box 208, Dimitrovgrad, 433512, Russia
RU4CE     Anatoly V. Saldin, Ul Shevchenko 223-56, 413800 Balakovo, Russia
RU4SS     Konstantin Vakhonin, P.O. Box 57, Yoshkar-Ola, 424000, Russia
SM5DJZ    Jan Hallenberg, Vassunda Andersberg, SE-741 91 Knivsta, Sweden
SQ5TA     Artur Tabaszewski, ul. Wiejska 100, 26-606 Radom, Poland
VA3UZ     Yuri Onipko, 66 Cavell Ave., Etobicoke, ON, M8V 1P2, Canada
VK4FW     Bill Horner, P.O. Box 1343,, Maroochydore, 4558, Australia
VU2JIX    Prakash Shetty, Bala House, Bala Post, Bala 574149, India
VU2JRO    Manikant Lodaya, C/O Srikanth Bhat, 37 Ananth Nagar, Manipal
           576119, India
VU2MTT    Vishnumoorthy S. G., Shantharam Complex, Shakthinagar, Mangalore
           575016, India
VU2NJN    Somashekhar Bhat, C16A, Kailas Quarters, Manipal 576119, India
VU2PAI    Ananth Pai, P-Box 730, bharath Beedi Works Ltd,  Bharath Bagh,
           Mangalore 575003, India
VU2RDJ    Sukanya Rao, P.O.Box 1006, Mangalore 575008, India
VU2RDQ    Rohith S. Rao, P.O. Box 1006,  Mangalore 575008, India
VU2SBJ    Srikanth Bhat, 37, Ananth Nagar, Manipal 576119, India
VU3DMP    Chethan L. Pujara, P.O. Box 778, Mangalore 575003, India
XW0X      Hiroo Yonezuka, P.O. Box 2659 Vientiane, Laos
ZS4A      Rickus de Lange, 23 Kedron St., Bethlehem, South Africa

             425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
425 DX News Editor
E-mail: i1jqj@425dxn.org


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