DX425 bulletin issue nr. 559

From: <425list@425dxn.org>
To: <i121171@tin.it>
Subject: [425ENG] 425 DX News #559
Date: sabato 19 gennaio 2002 02:53

   19 January 2002                                                 No 559
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

                            >>> 800,000 VISITS <<<

This weekend www.425dxn.org will reach the 800,000th visit - thanks to all of
you for your support through the years, and do not forget that these are  the
last few days to participate in the 425 DX News DXCC  Most Wanted survey.  Go
to http://www.425dxn.org/surv2002 and  join the 1750  DXers who have  already

5H      - Maurizio, IK2GZU will be back to Tanzania on 5-27 February and will
           be operate CW and SSB during his free time (call to be issued  upon
           arrival). He  plans to  be active  during the  ARRL DX  CW  Contest
           (16-17 February). QSL via IK2GZU  either direct (Maurizio  Buffoli,
           Via degli Angeli 9, 25033 Cologne  - BS, Italy)  or - preferably  -
           through the bureau (e-mail requests for bureau cards can be sent to
           ik2gzu@hamlan.org).     Logs     will      be     available      at
           http://www.hamlan.org/bsdx after the operation. [TNX IK2GZU]
8Q      - Steve, G4JVG will be active as  8Q7SL from Lhohifushi, North  Male'
           Atoll (AS-013), from  21 January  until 3  February. Activity  (SSB
           only) will be on all bands 80-10m. QSL via G4JVG preferably  direct
           (Stephen Telenius-Lowe,  27  Hertford  Road,  Stevenage,  SG2  8RZ,
           England, ) or via the RSGB bureau. [TNX G4JVG]
8Q      - Denise, F6HWU  will be  active (mostly  on CW)  as 8Q7WU  from  the
           Maldives between 25 January and 7 February. QSL via home call. [TNX
8Q      - Bernard, F5INJ will be active as 8Q7NJ from the Maldives between 31
           January and 9 February. Look  for him on  +/- 14250, 18150,  21350,
           24950 and 28450 kHz. QSL via F5INJ either direct (Bernard  Squedin,
           52 rue  de  Peronne, 59400  Cambrai,  France) or  through  the  REF
           bureau. [TNX La Gazette du DX]
C5      - Jan, PA9JJ reports he will operate from Kololi, The Gambia on 15-29
           April. He  will get  his call  (hopefully  C56JJ) upon  arrival  in
           Banjul and plans are to concentrate 40 and 80  metres and the  WARC
           bands SSB, with some  activity on the  other bands   and on CW  (no
           RTTY  and   no   160   metres).   Logs   will   be   available   at
           http://www.qsl.net/pa9jj after the operation. QSL via PA9JJ.
C6      - Gary, KI6T will  be active (on  10-40 metres SSB  and CW) as  C6AGS
           from the Bahamas (NA-080) on 12-17 February. He will participate in
           the ARRL DX CW Contest. QSL  via KI6T either direct or through  the
           bureau. [TNX KI6T]
CE9_ssh - Ricardo, CE9R is active from from Julio Escudero Base (WABA CE-011)
           on King George  Island, South Shetlands  (AN-010). QSL via  CE3HDI.
           [TNX DL5EBE]
CT3     - Hermann, HB9CRV will  operate as  CT3FN from  Porto Santo,  Madeira
           Islands (AF-014)  between  22 January  and  14  February.  He  will
           participate in the CQ WW 160 Meter CW Contest. [TNX CT1END]
DL      - Look for DH3ZK, DL0FDX, DL3QR and  DL6QT to be  active (on SSB,  CW
           and PSK31) from Timmendorf Strand Lighthouse  (German LH 47,  ARLHS
           FED-236) between 28 March and 1 April. The web site for the  German
           Lighthouses  Award  is   at  http://www.lighthouse-award.com   [TNX
FM      - Jean-Marc, F5SGI  will be  active (on  80-10 metres  mostly CW)  as
           FM/F5SGI from Martinique (NA-107) between 19 February and 2  March.
           QSL via home  call either direct  or through the  REF bureau.  [TNX
H40     - Nick Hacko,  VK1AA (aka  VK2ICV/VK9LX) and  Ranko Boca,  YT6A  will
           operate from Temotu between 28 March  and 12 April. Since all  past
           operations have  concentrated on  the higher  bands, they  plan  to
           spend as much time as possible on  40, 80 and 160 metres, the  WARC
           bands, CW  and RTTY.  Due to  the strict  baggage limits  (16  kg),
           special  and  costly  arrangements  have  been  made  with  Solomon
           Airlines in  order to  take a  vertical for  the low  bands and  an
           amplifier. Contributions are  therefore much  appreciated. The  web
           site   for the  operation   is at  http://www.qsl.net/vk1aa/temotu/
           [TNX VK1AA]
I       - Operators from ARI  Pavia will operate  (on 10,  15, 20,  40 and  6
           metres CW, SSB and PSK31) as II2PV  from 7 through 19 UTC on  16-18
           February to  celebrate the  third edition  of the  "Volta  Memorial
           International Day". QSL via IK2SNG. [TNX IK4RQJ]
I       - IV3IPS, IV3EPO  and others  will participate  in  the ARRL  DX  SSB
           Contest (2-3 March)  as IR3B (Multi-Single).  QSL via bureau.  [TNX
J6      - Gary, KI6T will  be active (on  10-80 metres SSB  and CW) as  J68GS
           from St. Lucia  (NA-108) from  21 March  through 2  April. He  will
           participate in the CQ WPX SSB Contest with J6DX. QSL J68GS via KI6T
           either direct or through the bureau. [TNX KI6T]
KH4     - Jim, G3RTE and Phil, G3SWH will be  active on both SSB and CW  from
           Midway (OC-030) between  30 March and  6 April.  They have  already
           secured the special callsign of W4M. Propagation permitting,  their
           main objective is  to work  as many  European stations  on as  many
           bands as possible. They expect to  have two stations on the air  on
           all bands between 40 and 10 metres. "We are happy to meet the costs
           of transport to and from the  island", Phil says, "but are  looking
           for sponsorship and donations towards our living expenses, printing
           QSLs   and    the   like".    QSL    via   G3SWH.    [TNX    G3SWH,
J7      - Lars, SM0CCM will be active (mostly on CW with some RTTY and PSK31)
           as J73CCM from Dominica  (NA-101) between 3  February and 4  March.
           QSL via SM0CCM preferably thorugh the bureau. [SM0CCM]
LU      - A group of  operators from the  Argentina DX Group  will be  active
           from Bermejo  Island (SA-021)  on 1-3  February. Look  for  LU1DK/D
           (Daniel), LU8EEM/D  (Ruben),  LU7DP/D (Paty),  LU7DR/D  (Mauricio),
           LU7DSY/D (Carlos) and LU8DWR/D (Osmar) on HF (160-10 metres), 6 and
           2 metres SSB and CW. QSL  via LU8DWR (Osmar  Margoni, P.O. Box  22,
           8103 Ing. White, Buenos Aires, Argentina). [TNX LU1DK and LU8DWR]
ON      - A group of  operators from Bruges  will be  active as  OP1A on  all
           bands and modes  from 20 February  through 31  December to  promote
           "Bruges 2002,  Cultural Capital  of Europe".  QSL via  ON5TO  (Omer
           Timmerman, Boterbekeweg 8, 8200 Bruges, Belgium). [TNX ON5TO]
OY      - Tom, DL2RTK and Ric, DL2VFR will be active (on 160-6 metres CW  and
           SSB, with some RTTY and PSK31 depending on demand) as OY/DL2RTK and
           OY/DL2VFR from Streymoy, Faroe Islands (EU-018) on 20-22 May.  [TNX
PJ7     - Ron, PJ7/ND5S and Sue,  PJ7/KF5LG will again  be active (on  160-10
           metres CW and  RTTY with  some SSB)  from St.  Maarten (NA-105)  on
           11-22 February.  Ron will  participate in  the ARRL  CW DX  Contest
           (SOAB LP). They will also venture to the French side of the  island
           during their stay and operate as FS/homecalls. QSL via home  calls,
           either direct or through the bureau. The web page for the operation
           is at http://www.qsl.net/nd5s [TNX ND5S]
PY      - Look for PU1NEZ/PP1 (Carl), PY1NEW/PP1 (Pete) and PY1NEZ/PP1 (Lima)
           to operate from Frances Island (SA-067, ARLHS BRA-051 and WLH-0244)
           on 24-27 January.  They will  be active  on CW  (+/- 50110,  28040,
           24920, 21040, 18098, 14040 and 7030 kHz) and SSB (+/- 50110, 28460,
           28370, 24950, 21260, 18132, 14260 and 7055 kHz) QSL PU1NEZ/PP1  via
           PY1NEZ, others via home calls. [TNX PY1NEZ]
PY0_tri - The  Araucaria   DX  Group   (http://araucaria.inepar.com.br/)   is
           organizing a  major  DXpedition  to  Trindade  (SA-010).  The  team
           (including PY5CC, PY5HSD, PT7BZ, PY7XC, PY7ZY, PY7ZZ, PY0FF,  N6FF,
           W9VA and team  leader PY0FF) will  depart Rio de  Janeiro aboard  a
           Brazilian Navy vessel on 15 February; they expect to be QRV as PW0T
           in the late hours of  the 18th and  to operate 24  hours a day  (on
           160-6 metres CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31,  and SSTV) with as many as  four
           stations  until  2  March.  The  Chief  Pilot  will  be  Rod,  WC7N
           (wc7n@gb.wave.net); the  pilot stations  for Asia  and the  Pacific
           will be Toshi, JA1ELY and Duncan, ZL3JT respectively. QSl via KU9C.
           The team  received very  short notice  of  the departure  date  and
           financial support from the DX community  is urgently being  sought.
           Contributions can  be sent  to  K7BV (Dennis  Motschenbacher,  4357
           Appollonio Way, Carson City, NV 89704,  USA). The web site for  the
           operation is at http://www.Trindade2002.com [TNX K7BV]
T8      - Mitsu, JH5OXF will  be active  (on 80-6  metres CW,  SSB, RTTY  and
           PSK-31) as T88XF from Palau (OC-009) on 9-12 February. He hopes  to
           participate in the  CQ WPX RTTY  Contest (9-10  February). QSL  via
           JH5OXF (Mitsuhiro Takehira,  1656 Kominato,  Iyo, 799-3113  Japan).
           [TNX JA1ELY]
TF      - Tom, DL2RTK and Ric, DL2VFR will be active (on 160-6 metres CW  and
           SSB, with some  RTTY and PSK31 depending on demand) from Iceland in
           May. Look for them signing TF7/homecall from Vestmanneyjar (EU-071)
           on 23-24  May and  TF1/homecall from  the main  island (EU-021)  on
           25-30 May. They also plan to  operate as TF5/homecall from  Grimsey
           Island (EU-168) for one or two days to be decided between 27 and 30
           May. Updates will be  posted at http://www.iota-expedition.com  and
           http://www.iota-post.com [TNX DL2VFR]
TG      - Tom, W9AEB and Bob, WF9V will  be active (on  20-10 metres SSB  and
           CW) as TG7/W9AEB from  central Guatemala between  31 January and  9
           February. QSL via WF9V. [TNX W9AEB]
UA      - Club station RW4LYL  will use special  call RI4M in  2002. QSL  via
           RN4LP  (Vladislav  Lakeev,  P.O.  Box  208,  Dimitrovgrad,  433512,
           Russia). [TNX RN4LP]
VP5     - Glen, NF7T and Rick, K9KK will be active (on 10-160 metres SSB  and
           CW) from  North  Caicos (NA-002)  on  2-9 February.  They  plan  to
           concentrate on the  low bands. QSL  to their home  calls. [TNX  The
           Daily DX]
VP5     - Tak, JA1MZL will  active as VP5/JA1MZL  from the  Turks and  Caicos
           Islands on  5-9 February.  QSL via  JA1MZL either  direct  (Takyuki
           Yoshimura, 502 4-20 Irifune, Ichikawa,  272-0134 Japan) or  through
           the JARL bureau. [TNX JA1ELY]
VP8_ssi - The South Sandwich team became active as  VP8THU on  15 metres  SSB
           and 30 and 20 metres CW around 21 UTC on 18 January.
VU      - The VUIOTA group  that was active  from AS-096 in  May 2001 is  now
           going to  Sacrifice  Rock (Kerala  State  group, AS-???)  on  26-27
           January. Team  members  include  VU2JIX,  VU2JRO,  VU2MTT,  VU2NJN,
           VU2PAI, VU2RDJ, VU2RDQ, VU2SBJ  and VU3DMP; they  plan to run  four
           stations barefoot (the legal limit  in India is  150 watts) with  a
           variety of antennas and solar  panels. Look for  them on CW  (7025,
           10115, 14040, 18098,  21040, 24920 and  28040 kHz)  and SSB  (7055,
           18128, 14260, 21260, 24950,  28460, 28560 and  50130 kHz). QSL  via
           homecalls, either direct or through the bureau. Multiple cards  can
           be sent to The Manipal Amateur Radio & Repeater Society, (P.O.  Box
           No. 16, Manipal 576119,  India) or to  the Mangalore Amateur  Radio
           Club (P.O. Box No.1006, Mangalore 575008, India). [TNX VU3DMP]
XF4     - XE1BEF reports that two operation are  being planned to take  place
           from Socorro Island (NA-030), Revilla Gigedo in 2002. The first one
           will be by XE1KK (dates to be announced soon), while in November it
           will be the turn of a  group of operators  from Europe and  Mexico,
           including DJ9ZB and XE1BEF himself. More information is expected in
           due course.
XV      - Sam, JA1EUI will be visiting Shin, XV3AA (7N4REM) on 24-31  January
           and will  operate as  3W3ZZ  on 80-6  metres  SSB. QSL  via  JA1EUI
           (Satoshi Matsushima, 2469-5  Toda, Atsugi,  243-0023 Japan).  Shin,
           XV3AA will leave  Vietnam in February  and go buck  to Japan.  [TNX
YB      - Gennaro, I8YRK reports that a couple  of IOTA operations are  being
           planned to take place  in spring. Hajar,  YB8HZ expects to  operate
           from the Masalima Islands in the Laut Kecil Islands group  (OC-???)
           in March, while Kadek, YC9BU should be active from the Aru  Islands
           (OC-???) in April. More information is expected in due course.
ZL5_ant - Chris, KC4/N3SIG is currently active as ZL5CP from the New  Zealand
           "Scott" Base (WABA ZL-002) on Ross  Island (AN-011). QSL via  AI3D.
           [TNX DL5EBE]

AFGHANISTAN  --->  Peter,  ON6TT  and  QRZ-DX  provide  the  latest  news  on
Afghanistan (please note that any YA5T after 2 December 2001 was a pirate):
- Peter, ON6TT will be flying to the United Arab Emirates (A6) on 19  January
   and to Pakistan (AP) on the 21st; he should be back in Afghanistan (YA) for
   one week on the 23rd. After  that he will be in New  York for one week  and
   then back to AP; he expects to be in and out  of YA for the next couple  of
- Robert, S53R will be flying to A6 on 21 January and to AP a couple of  days
   later; he should be in YA around the 31st for two months.
- Mats, SM7PKK is in A6 for a couple of weeks. He might be going to YA  after
   one or two months.
- Mark, ON4WW is in AP and should be flying to YA by 31 January for at  least
   a couple of weeks.
- Nick, G4KUX has been signing G4KUX/YA for several days now. This is his 6th
   trip to  Afghanistan,  where  he  is  involved  with  a  telecommunications
   project. He will be  in YA until  early February and  will return to  Kabul
   after a few weeks' break. The DXCC Desk has not received any  documentation
   so far; reportedly Nick has  a verbal authorization  and expects a  written
   permission shortly. QSL via G4KUX.

CARIBBEAN TOUR  ---> Antonio,  IZ8CCW reports  that  Laurent, F4TVY  will  be
active as J79TUY from Dominica (J7) until 23 January, from Grenada (J3,  call
TBA) on 23-30 January and from  St. Lucia (J6, call  TBA) between 30  January
and 7 February. QSL via IZ8CCW.

PACIFIC TOUR ---> Michel, F6COW and  Dominique, F6EPY will be active  (mostly
on CW, with  an emphasis on  Europe on 12,  17, 30,  40 and  80 metres)  from
Upolu, Western Samoa (OC-097) and Efate & Espirito Santo, Vanuatu (OC-035) in
February-March. Look for  5W0MP (QSL via  F6COW) & 5W0DA  (QSL via F6EPY)  on
19-28 February and for YJ0AOW (QSL via  F6COW) and YJ0APY (QSl via F6EPY)  on
4-15 March.  They  will have  two  stations with  two  amplifiers;  suggested
frequencies are 3515, 7015, 10115, 14015,  18095, 21015, 24905, 28015,  50085
kHz (CW); 7035, 10145, 14085, 21085,  28085 kHz (digital modes); 3780,  7075,
14215, 18135, 21215,  24985, 28465, 50125  kHz (SSB).  The web  site for  the
operations is at http://perso.wanadoo.fr/dominique.auprince/ [TNX F6EPY]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

DAYTON DX  DINNER  ---> The  Southwest  Ohio DX  Association  is  pleased  to
announce the 17th Annual DX Dinner to be held  on 17 May at the Crowne  Plaza
Hotel,     Dayton.     For      further     information     please      check
http://members.aol.com/SteveB4622/  or  contact  Steve   Bolia,  N8BJQ     at
n8bjq@erinet.com [TNX N8BJQ]

DXXC NEWS ---> The following operations were on hold for DXCC credit  pending
receipt of documentation. Documenation has been received and they are OK  for
DXCC credit: XU7ABZ,  XU7ABW, XU7ABY and  XU7ACA (Cambodia  2001); 3XY6A  and
3XY8A (Guinea  2001). Those  who had  these rejected  in an  application  can
contact DXCC for  an update (dxcc@arrl.org),  or just include  them with  the
next submission. [TNX Bill Moore, NC1L, DXCC Manager]

ILLW ---> The International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend will take place from
00.01 UTC on Saturday  17 August until  23.59 UTC on  Sunday 18 August  2002.
Last year  348 amateur  radio stations  were established  at lighthouses  and
lightships in 46 countries (a full  list of stations with  their QTH and  QSL
information can  be  found at  vk2ce.com/illw/2001.htm).  If  you  decide  to
participate in  the event,  your are  invited to  submit  the entry  form  at
vk2ce.com/illw/index.html [TNX GM4SUC]

POSTAGE (CANADA) ---> Cezar, VE3LYC reports that as of 14 January the cost of
a regular airmail from Canada to  overseas is CND$1.25 (it  used to be  1.05)
and to the US is CND$0.65 (it used to be 0.60).

QSL EP3PTT ---> Stig, LA7JO has been  working for the United Nations in  Iran
since October 2001  and will be  there for another  2-3 months.  He has  been
active from EP3PTT; QSL for Stig's operations only go to LA7JO either to P.O.
Box 827, N-7408 Trondheim, Norway or UNICEF IRAN, Stig Lindblom, No. 30  East
Farzan St., Naji St., Dastgerdi Ave., Tehran 19187, Iran. [TNX The Daily DX]

QSL EZxxx ---> QSL requests for  EZ10A, EZ21A, EZ3A, EZ56V, EZ75R, EZ8CW  and
EZ9A should be sent to RU4SS: Konstantin Vakhonin, P.O. Box 57,  Yoshkar-Ola,
424000, Russia. The mail drop for North America is KJ6OW: Terry Morton, 66190
3rd St., Desert Hot Springs, CA  92240, USA (please enclose  a SASE and  $2).

QSL HA5JI ---> Bob, W9XY (ex WB9YXY) is getting a number of cards for  HA5JI,
but he is not he QSL manager for this station any longer. [TNX W9XY]

QSL RA0AM  ---> Antonio,  IZ8CCW was  the QSL  manager  for this  station  in
November-December 1999, but he has  never received any  log from him.  Please
refrain from sending  cards to  IZ8CCW, as  he is  not able  to process  your

QSL VY0/W2NTJ ---> Cezar, VE3LYC reports  that all the QSL cards in  response
to the direct requests received with SASE to date for VY0/W2NTJ (Long Island,
NA-173) were  mailed on  12 January.  Cards for  VE2/W2NTJ (Zone  2) will  be
mailed shortly. Please note that for  the time being  Cezar can confirm  QSOs
made with  Jack on  August-December  2001 *only*.  Cezar  is not  Jack's  QSL
manager for any of his operations which took place in the previous years.

QSL XP1AB ---> Allis, OZ1ACB reports it may take another 3-4 weeks before she
gets the QSL cards from the printer. Please do not resubmit.

QSL VIA PA3GIO --->  Bert reports that  all of the  direct cards (some  4,000
QSOs out of 20,000)  for VK9XV, VK9CQ,  VK9LO and VK6GIO/5  have been in  the
mail since  14  January. Bureau  cards  will be  leaving  on the  19th.  Bert
strongly believes in the bureau system: the  91% of the 151,000 QSOs made  so
far during his DXpeditions  has been confirmed  without waiting for  incoming

TARA PSK31 RUMBLE ---> The TARA  PSK31 Rumble (The Spring Wakeup),  sponsored
by Troy ARA, will take  place from 00.00  UTC through 24.00  UTC on 20  April
(PSK only  on 80,  40, 20,  15, 10  and 6  metres). Ruleas  are available  at
http://www.qsl.net/wm2u/rumble.html   or   http://www.n2ty.org   [TNX   WM2U,

TM2E --->  This  special call  was  used on  1-14  January to  celebrate  the
adoption of the Euro,  the new currency  for France as  well as other  eleven
European countries. QSL via F8BPN. Information on the Euro-Award can be found
at http://www.euro-award.fr.st [TNX F8BPN]

UDXPF ---> George, UY5XE reports that the Checkpoints for the UDXPF Programme
(including  the   Ukrainian   Islands  Award)   are:   Rolf   Rahne,   DL6ZFG
(dl6zfg@dl6zfg.de)     for     Germany;      Gennaro     Casaburi,      I8YRK
(casaburigennaro@libero.it)    for    Italy;    Egbert    Hertsen,     ON4CAS
(egbert.hertsen@pandora.be)   for    Benelux   and    Russ   Wilson,    VE6VK
(ve6vk@cadvision.com) for North America.

WRTC 2002 ---> At its meeting of 5 January the Organizing Committee  reviewed
the wild-card  applications  received to  date  and other  selection  related
support elements to complete selection of  the remaining WRTC country  teams.
The WRTC 2002  (http://www.wrtc2002.org) Organizing Committee  is pleased  to
welcome the following teams to Finland:
OE2VEL Wolfgang Klier             OE9MON Carl Maurer
DL2CC Frank Grossmann             DJ7AA Wilfried Gottschald
RA3AUU Igor Booklan               RV1AW Andrei Karpov
SP7GIQ Krzystof Sobon             SP2FAX Kazimierz Drzewiecki
S50A Tine Brajnik                 S59AA Franc Bogataj
OH6EI Tomi Ylinen                 OH2XX Kari Lehtimoki
ZS6EZ Chris Burger                ZS4TX Bernie van der Walt
5B4ADA Ivo Pezer                  5B4WN Marios Nicolaou
UN9LW Vladimir Vinichenko         UN7LAN Alex Sytov
UA9BA Vladimir Umanets            RN9AO Nickolai Perminov
VE7SV Dale Green                  VE7AHA Andrew Ponzini
K3LR Timothy J. Duffy             N9RV Patrick M. Barkey
N6KT Rich Smith                   K6NA Glenn Rattmann
N6TJ James Neiger                 N6AA Richard Norton
LU7DW Claudio Gabriel Fernandez   LW9EUJ Martin Monsalvo
PP5JR Sergio Lima de Almeida      PY1KN Marcelo Gomes da Silva
The Organizing Committee reserves the right  to add additional teams,  should
the circumstances so suggest,  and/or should any  force majeure issues  arise
for the teams announced hereby. [TNX OH1EH]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

QSL DB:   Boye Christensen,  OZ7C  has  updated  his  QSL  DBase  (which  now
           contains 297,707  unique  records)  for  Packet  Cluster.  You  can
           download oz7c0201.exe  at  http://www.qsl.net/oz7c/qsl  [TNX  OZ7C,

QSLs received direct: 3D2TN,  3E5OO, 4L0G, 4W6EB,  5A1A, 5C8M, 5R8DL,  5R8GY,
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