DX425 bulletin issue nr. 558

From: <425list@425dxn.org>
To: <i121171@425dxn.org>
Subject: [425ENG] 425 DX News #558 
Date: sabato 12 gennaio 2002 00:02

   12 January 2002                                                  No 558
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages              !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

CE9_ant - UA6CW is active as CE9/R3RRC (QSL via RW3GW) from the multinational
           base "Patriot Hills", Antarctica (AN-016) (WABA MN-01).
CE9_ssh - Oleg, UA1PBA  is  currently signing  CE9/R1ANF  from  Chilean  base
           "Ripamonti"  (WABA CE-10)  on Ardely Island  (South Shetlands)  and
           Dominic,  DL5EBE reports he will be on 21275 kHz  around  17 UTC on
           14 January.  Oleg is also expected to operate soon as  R1ANF/p from
           a nearby Argentine station.
FG      - Pierre, F6FXS will be active (on all bands CW and SSB) as  FG/F6FXS
           or FG5/F6FXS  from Guadeloupe  (NA-102) between  16 January  and  7
           February. QSL via home call. [TNX F5NQL]
HA      - Special event station HG80ST will  be active on  all bands CW,  SSB
           and RTTY until 28 February to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the
           town of  Salgotarjan.  QSL  via  HA6KNB  either  direct  (Radioclub
           Salgotarjan, P.O. Box 115, H-3101 Salgotarjan, Hungary) or  through
           the bureau. Special postage  stamps will be  affixed on the  return
           envelopes for direct cards. [TNX HA6NY]
HR      - Chris, HB9FBL  will  be active  as  HR6/HB9FBL from  Roatan  Island
           (NA-057) on 10-16 January.QSL via home call. [TNX HB9FBL]
HS      - Special event station HS1BK  will be active  (on 80-10 metres  SSB,
           CW, RTTY and SSTV) from Bangkok between 11 UTC on 11 January and 11
           UTC on the 13th. The operation is to celebrate the 89th anniversary
           of the historical  Siam Radio  Telegraph Building,  from where  the
           first radio signal in that country was broadcasted by station HSBK.
           QSL via E21EIC  (Champ C.  Muangamphun, P.O.  Box 1090,  Kasetsart,
           Bangkok 10903, Thailand). [TNX HS1CKC]
JW     -  LA5QFA and  LA8AJA will  be active  (on 160-6  metres CW,  SSB  and
           possibly some RTTY)  from the  JW5E's club  house at  Longyearbyen,
           Svalbard (EU-026) on 14-20 January. They will operate as JW4X on  6
           metres (50145 kHz), and as JW5QFA  and JW8AJA elsewhere. They  will
           keep a beacon running on 50080 kHz. QSL JW4X and JW5QFA via  LA6EIA
           (bureau or direct) QSL  JW8AJA via LA8AJA  (bureau or direct).  The
           web page  for the  operation is  at http://www.qsl.net/la8aja  [TNX
KH0     - Kazu, JA1RJU will  be active on  HF and 6  metres as KH2K/AH0  from
           Saipan, Northern  Marianas  (OC-086)  on  10-15  January.  He  will
           concentrate on  160 metres  (announced  frequency 1827.5  KHz)  for
           North America and Europe with a full size dipole and 1 KW. QSL  via
           JA1RJU either direct or through the JARL bureau. [TNX JF2MBF]
KH1     - The operators for the KH1 (Baker & Howland) DXpedition [425DXN 538]
           will be  YT1AD  (team leader),  AH6HY,  K1LZ, K3NA,  K6NDV,  KW4DA,
           N6TQS, RZ3AA, YU1AU, YZ7AA, Z31FU, Z32AU and Z32ZM. They will leave
           Los Angeles on 20 April and  head for Nadi,  Fiji Islands; part  of
           the team will then embark for Tuvalu, while five operators will fly
           to Funafuti and operate with a  T2 call for  three days. The  whole
           team will depart from Funafuti on the 26th and will arrive on Baker
           Island on 29/30 April. They expect to operate from the island  from
           30 April until 10 May, when  they will head back  to Fiji (a  6-day
           voyage), then to Los Angeles and  finally to the Dayton  Hamvention
           (17-18 May). The team will have six transceivers, five  amplifiers,
           four generators  and a  variety of  beams, verticals  and  dipoles;
           plans are to operate on 160-6  metres CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK, SSTV,  FM
           and Satellite.  The  call will  be  announced  when  the  operation
           starts. QSL via  YT1AD (CW, RTTY,  PSK and SSTV)  and RZ3AA  (SSB).
           Donations can be  sent to Wil,  K6NDV (k6ndv@contesting.com).  [TNX
OD      - Gabi, OD5NJ  and Elmo, EA5BYP  plan  to operate from  Ramkin Island
           (AS-108)  on 13 January.  They expect  to be  QRV  beginning around
           09.30 UTC and to operate as OD5NJ/p and possibly  OD5/EA5BYP on 10,
           15 and 20 metres for some 6-7 hours. [TNX WA2VUY]
PY      - Special event station ZX2F will be activated on all bands and modes
           between 12 January and 12 February during the annual Festival  held
           at Valinhos, Brazil. QSL via PY2AE. [TNX PY2MDV]
V5      - Klaus, DJ4SO will be active as  V5/DJ4SO from from Namibia  between
           16 January and 6 February. He will try to operate on 10-160  metres
           (maybe 6 metres  as well) CW  and RTTY, with  some SSB and  PSK-31.
           [TNX The Daily DX]
VP8     - The South Sandwich/South Georgia DXpedition team was due to meet on
           11 January  at Stanley  (Falkland Islands).  They are  expected  to
           leave for  the South  Sandwich Islands  (a 7/8-day  voyage) on  the
           12th. [TNX The Daily DX]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

AWARD DIRECTORY  --->  The 2002  edition  of the  renowned  "K1BV  DX  Awards
Directory" will soon be ready and access will be available via Internet.  For
full information please visit http://www.dxawards.com/2002edition.htm

MIAMI HAMBOREE ---> The South Florida  DX Association will host the DX  Forum
at this year's Miami Tropical  Hamboree on 2  February. For more  information
about the Forum and the DX  Dinner please visit http://www.qsl.net/k4fk  [TNX

PALMYRA ---> Rick, KH7O travelled to  Palmyra on 6 January to do  maintenance
on various electronic systems. He  operated as KH7O/KH5  and was expected  to
leave the island early in the local morning on 9 January. QSL via KH7O.  [TNX

PIRATE ---> Laurent, F8BBL reports that someone has been pirating his call  -
on either the PacketCluster and DX frequencies - for a couple of months now.

QSL CE6TBN ---> Marco reports he now has  a QSL manager who can confirm  QSOs
from 1999 onwards, including contacts made with CE6TBN/7 from SA-018 in  2000
and 2001. Cards should be sent to N1IBM  (Morris E. Maze III, 847 Dolan  St.,
Lanoka Harbor, NJ 08734, USA).

QSL VK4FW ---> Please note that Bill Horner's old address (Box 929) will  not
be valid  any  longer as  of  April.  His new  address  is  P.O.  Box  1343,,
Maroochydore, 4558, Australia. [TNX VK4FW]

VISALIA 2002 ---> The International DX Convention, sponsored by the  Southern
California DX Club, will be held at  the Holiday Inn Plaza, Visalia on  26-28
April. For more  information please  visit http://www.qsl.net/visalia2002  or
contact Don Bostrom,  N6IC (4447  Atoll Ave.,  Sherman Oaks,  CA 91432,  USA;
e-mail n6ic@arrl.net). [TNX WA6WZO]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER        CALL        MANAGER      CALL        MANAGER
2E0APH      G3WRO          CO2TK       F6FNU        RN9RZ       RW9QA
3V8SM       DL1BDF         CO6XN       HK6DOS       RW9QA       RW9QA
3XY6A       VE2XO          CO8CY       EA5KB        S21B        KX7YT
3XY8A       VE2XO          CO8LY       EA7ADH       S79LC       I5JZP
3Z0OSP      SP6GVU         CO8ZZ       DK1WI        SO9ZM       WA6ZEF
4A1AC       XE1BEF         CT3AS       DJ8FW        SU3AM       DL5ZBV
4J3M        4Z5LO          CU5AM       EA5KB        SU9LL       EA7CHR
4J4K        4K9C           CX3HF       EA5XX        T30ED       3D2SJ
4K5CW       UT3UY          D902WSF     DS5UCP       T77GO       I4ZQS
4L0CR       IK7JTF         EA6/SP4AOQ  EC6TK        T88AQ       JH6WDG
4N1KW       DJ0LZ          ED1XMP      EA1EV        T88HA       JK1FNN
4N7ZZ       YU7FIJ         EK8WA       SP9ERV       T88MY       JK1FNN
4N9T        YU1JU          EM1HO       I2PJA        TA3DD       KZ5RO
4T4V        DL5SE          EM75W       UT1WL        TF8GX       K1WY
4T4X        DL2JRM         ER2000L     ER1LW        TL8CK       F6EWM
5B4/RA6LUX  UA6LCW         ER6A        ER1lW        TL8DV       W3MC
5B4AGU      LZ1MS          EX8QB       IK2QPR       TM2E        F8BPN
5N0NHD      JH8BKL         EY8MM       K1BV         TM4AMD      F6IGF
5N1BHF      OE6LAG         GM3WOJ      ZS5BBO       UA0AZ       W3HNK
5N6EAM      IK7JTF         HF0POL      SQ5TA        UA2FX       DK4VW (dir)
5N6NDP      IK5JAN         HG02HNY     HG4I         UA6JD       K0KG
5N8BRC      UA3AGW         HK8RQS      EA5KB        UA9C/UA9QDK RW9QA
5R8DL       JH7OHF         HL17FWC     HL0HQ        UA9QA       RW9QA
5R8ET       K1WY           HS0ZCW      K4VUD        UA9QDK      RW9QA
5R8GZ       G3SWH          HS0ZDP      W3VK         UK8CK       UX5UO
5T/F5VHH    ON4CKY         IQ5ONU      I5KKW        UK8LA       RW3RN
5U7JK       I2YSB          JW5RIA      LA5RIA       UN7JJ       EA5KB
5W0VK       OH3JR          K5XY/KH4    K5XY         UZ8RR       W3HC
7Q7LA       G0IAS          K8LIZ/4     K8LIZ        V31JP       KA9WON
7S0MG       SM0BYD         K8LIZ/C6A   K8LIZ        V51HK       DL6OBS
7X0MT       F5MSR          K9AW/DU6    WF5T         V51KV       ZS6DX
8Q7CG       I5JHW          KC4AAA      K1IED        V73GT       WF5T
8Q7IJ       G3TMA          KG4DX       W4WX         V73MJ       JF1NZW
9K2JH       KE4JG          KG4LR       W1LR         VE1SIX      VE1MR
9L1DX       EA4CEN         KH2/JF2UED  JF2UED       VG3JS       VA3JS
9M2/JI1ETU  JI1ETU         KH2/JJ2QXI  JJ2QXI       VG3RJ       VA3RJ
9M6/JI3DLI  JI3DLI         KH2/JR4LNG  JR4LNG       VG3TEE      VA3TEE
9M6/JN3JBC  JN3JBC         KH4/K5XY    K5XY         VK9AA/9     DL8YR
9N7RB       W4FOA          KH7O/KH5    KH7O         VP2VE       WA2NHA
9N7WU       JA8MWU         KL9A        AC7DX        VP8/LU5DG   pirate
9N7YT       JJ2NYT         LU5DX       AC7DX        VQ9NL       W4MNL
9U5D        SM5BFJ         LU8XW       EA5BD        VU2DPM      IZ8CCW  [*]
9U5JB       ON5NT          OD5/OK1MU   OK1TN        VU2HFR      IZ8CCW  [*]
9V1GA       JA4BJO         OE75CMN     OE5CMN       VU2JSH      IZ8CCW  [*]
A35VK       OH3JR          OG2NRV      OH2NRV       VU2KFR      IZ8CCW  [*]
A45WD       YO9HP          OG3GZ       OH3GZ        VU2SKD      IZ8CCW  [*]
A61AJ       N4QB           OG9AR       OH9AR        VX1VOX      VE1VOX
A92ZE       K4SXT          OP0GS       ON4ON        VX2EM       VE2EM
AA8LL/4     AA8LL          OQ5YA       ON5YA        VX3SJL      VE3SJL
AA8LL/C6A   AA8LL          OQ6WI       ON6WI        VX9HF       VE9HF
AB0VE/D2    AB0VE          OY4TN       ON5UR        W4UC        KC7DCW
AH2K/KH0    JE8KKX         P29CJ       W3JC         WH2R        JI1DMH
AH4/AH7G    AH7G           P40AV       K4AVQ        XF3IC       XE3OYJ
AP2ZA       VE3XAP         P40PW       N1PW         XJ1HP       VO1HP
BV3/DJ3KR   DJ3KR          P49MR       VE3MR        XJ1TK       VO1TK
C21HC       DL9HCU         PI4OSS      PA3DHN       XK0XN/p     VE3XN
C56YT       VK4AO          PI50V       PI4ZWN       XT2DX       G3SXW
C6AGN       W1DIG          PJ2/NW0L    NW0L         YB0DPO      K5ZE
C6AIE       WZ8D           PJ2T        KN7Y         YS1RR       W3HNK
CE9/R1ANF   RK1PWA         PT2ZAW      OK1FWQ       YV5/DL2GG   DL3AMA
CE9/R3RRC   RW3GW          R1ANM       AB0KG (dir)  Z32XX       NN6C
CN/F5VHH    ON4CKY         R1ANM       UA3YH (buro) ZC4VG       G0UVX
CN8YR       K4KU           RM9RX       RW9QA        ZD9IR       ZS6EZ
CO2OJ       K8SIX          RM9RZ       RW9QA        ZF2NT       G3SWH

[*] AS-153 (10-16 January 2002)

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

7Z1ZZ   Aboula Alnajim, POB 16595, Riyadh 11474, Saudi Arabia
A61AU   Huraiz Al Maktoum, P.O. Box 270, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
AB0KG   P.O.Box 18118, Boulder, CO 80308-1118, USA
AC7DX   Ron G. Lago, P.O. Box 25426, Eugene, OR 97402, USA
BA4DW   David Y. J. Zhou, P.O. Box 040-088, Shanghai, 200040, China
CE7ZK   Percy Raurich, P.O. Box 15, Puerto Montt, Chile
DK4VW   Ulrich Mueller, Kreutzacker 13, D-35041 Marburg, Germany
ER1LW   Lysy Wiacheslav, P.O. Box 112, Chisinau, MD-2012, Moldova
ER1QQ   Boris Chekir, str. Bucuresti 99/7, MD-2012, Moldova
ER1RR   Alex Comarov, P.O. Box 26, Cisinau, MD-2012, Moldova
F5BYM   Christian Gaye, 30 allee Jacques Cartier, 33260 La Teste de Buch,
G0DEZ   Dez Watson, C.A.O., JSSU (AN), BFPO 59, London, United Kingdom
G3SXW   Roger Western, 7 Field Close, Chessington, KT9 2QD, England
HL0HQ   Korean Amateur Radio League, C.P.O. Box 162, Seoul, Korea
IK2QPR  Paolo Fava, Via Bertani 8, 46100 Mantova - MN, Italy
IZ8CCW  P.O. Box 360, 87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy
JA8MWU  Kazunori Abe, 12-5-9 Kagura 7, Asahikawa, 070-8007, Japan
JA9XBW/JD1  Yasuhiro Matsuda, 1591 Kurakawa, Himi, 935-0025, Japan
JD1BIA  You Takubo, 12-2 Syokujuu, Motochiokimura, Hahajima, 100-2211, Japan
JE8KKX  Nozomu Takahashi, 2-5, 5 chome 18jo Toko, Asahikawa, Hokkaido,
         078-8358 Japan
K4VUD   Charles Harpole, 3100 N. Hwy. 426, Geneva, FL 32732-9761, USA
KA9WON  Lonnie Miller, 12618 Thistle Ridge Close, Roscoe, IL 61073, USA
OH3JR   Henri Olander, Helavalkeantie 15, 13270 Hameenlinna, Finland
P29NB   Norm Beasley, P.O. Box 437, Ukarumpa, EHP, 444, Papua New Guinea
PJ4M    Daniel Marlow, 12 Sub Rincon, Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles
RW9QA   Vlad Kondratenko, P.O.Box 1, Kurgan-38, 640038, Russia
SM5BFJ  Leif Hammarstrom, Lerklockan 4, SE-73091, Riddarhyttan, Sweden
SM5DJZ  Jan Hallenberg, Vassunda Andersberg, SE-741 91 Knivsta, Sweden
SQ5TA   Artur Tabaszewski, ul. Wiejska 100, 26-606 Radom, Poland
UT3UY   Anatoly Kirilenko, P.O. Box 439/3, Kiev - 151, 03151 Ukraine
V73UX   Dave Fortin, P.O. Box 66, APO AP 96555, USA
VE2XO   Francois Normant, 3054 avenue Lacombe, Montreal QC H3T 1L4, Canada
VK3TZ   A. L. Burt, 3 Moyston Close, Vermont, South Victoria 3133, Australia
XE3OYJ  Jose Angel Yanez,  Apartado Postal 1883,  Cancun, Quintana Roo
         77500, Mexico

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Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
425 DX News Editor
E-mail: i1jqj@425dxn.org


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