DX425 bulletin issue nr. 556

From: <425list@425dxn.org>
To: <i121171@tin.it>
Subject: [425ENG] 425 DX News #556
Date: sabato 29 dicembre 2001 11:21

   29 December 2001                                                 No 556
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages              !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

                     *        TO ALL OUR READERS        *
                     * WARMEST THOUGHTS AND BEST WISHES *
                     *     FOR A WONDERFUL  HOLIDAY     *
                     *    AND A  VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR    *

7X      - Please note  that the  correct  URL for  the  web page  on  Mirek's
           (SP5IXI/9V1XE)   activity    from   Algeria    [425DXN   555]    is
           http://www.7x0.sp5zcc.waw.pl [TNX SP5UAF]
8Q      - Ian, G3TMA will be active (mainly on CW) as 8Q7IJ from the Maldives
           (AS-013) from 31  December through 7  January. QSL  via home  call.
           [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
8Q      - Giovanni, I5JHW will be active as 8Q7CG from the Maldives  starting
           on 6 January for one week. QSL via home call. [TNX I5JHW]
HL      - Special event station  D902WSF (Delta Nine  Zero Two  WSF) will  be
           activated (on 80,  40, 15 and  10 metres CW  and SSB)  by the  KARL
           Branch in Pohang, South Korea between 31 December and 4 January  to
           celebrate the World Cup Sun Rising Festival. QSL via DS5UCP  either
           direct or through the bureau. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
HL      - Celebrating the 17th FIFA World Football  (soccer) Cup, the  Korean
           Amateur Radio League (KARL) will operate special event call HL17FWC
           from 1 January through 30 May. During the championship, from 31 May
           through 30  June, ten  special DT#FWC  (DT0, DT1  etc through  DT9)
           calls will be aired to hnour the ten host cities in Korea. QSL  via
           HL0HQ (Korean Amateur Radio League, C.P.O. Box 162, Seoul,  Korea).
           [TNX DS1BHE]
KH2     - Testu, JF2UED and Mack, JJ2QXI will be active from Guam (OC-026) on
           3-5 January. They plan to operate on 160-6 metres SSB, CW and RTTY.
           QSL via home calls. [TNX JJ2QXI]
P5      - Toma, YU1AB reports that Hrane/YT1AD  and Voja/YU7AV returned  from
           North Korea on 26 December with "a written permission" whose  "call
           sign is known". Hrane, Voja and two others are expected to  conduct
           a DXpedition  starting on  5 March  2002.  According to  Toma,  the
           activity will include  the training of  twenty local amateur  radio
           operators. Further information is expected in due course.
S7      - Luca, I5IHE will be active (mainly  on SSB and  RTTY, with some  CW
           and SSTV) as S79LC from Praslin Island (AF-024), Seychelles between
           31 December and 11 January QSL via I5JZP. [TNX VK2SG RTTY DX Notes]
TI9     - According  to  the   information  posted  on   the  new  web   site
           (http://www.qsl.net/ti9m/),  the  TI9M  DXpedition  team  to  Cocos
           Island [425DXN  555] includes  TI2HMG, AD6E,  AK0A, F5CWU,  KA0KKO,
           KI7WO, N4CD,  N6KT, N7DF,  PA3EWP, PA5ET,  RA9CO, RN3BZ,  WS4Y  and
           IZ7ATN, and the QSL manager will  be AK0A (Bill Boeckenhaupt,  8904
           Westbrooke Dr, Overland Park, KS 66212, USA).
VK      - Steve, VK6VZ will  participate in the  Stew Perry Topband  Distance
           Challenge (29-30  December) from  Australia's first  lighthouse  at
           Cape Leeuwin. Look  for VK6VZ/6 around  1810-1815 kHz. Special  QSL
           via VK6VZ. [TNX The Daily DX]
VK      - Tony, VK3TZ reports he will be active  (on the usual 10, 15 and  20
           metres IOTA fequencies) sporadically  from Phillip Island  (OC-136)
           between 29 December and 26 January. QSL via CBA.
VU      - Deepak/VU2DPM,   Sked/VU2SKD,   Kitchu/VU2KFR,   Horey/VU2HFR   and
           Joy/VU2JSH will be the Calcutta VHF Amateur Radio Society's members
           who willoperate on  HF bands from  Sagar Island  (AS-153) on  10-16
           January [425DXN 555].They will be using their personal callsigns as
           no special call has beenassigned for this operation. Look for  them
           between 1-3.30 UTC and 12-19 UTCon SSB (+/- 14260, 21260 and  28460
           MHz), CW (14040, 21040 and 28040 MHz) andpossibly on PSK31  (14.070
           MHz), with an emphasis  on 20m SSB  and CW. Pleaseremember  thatthe
           CVARS operates  upon  request from  the  districtadministration  to
           assist them in  maintaining an  emergency communicationnetwork  and
           handling missing persons traffic during the Ganga Sagar  Melaannual
           festival.  This   means  that   the  HF   schedule  might   change,
           particularlyon 13  and 14  January, when  the crowd  on the  island
           peaks toaround half amillion. The Mediterraneo DX Club will sponsor
           the QSLcards; the QSL manager for all of the five operators will be
           IZ8CCW (Antonio Cannataro,P.O. Box 360, 87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy).
           Any money surplus topostage costs received with incoming QSLs  will
           be given to  CVARS, whose resources  are extremely  limited. A  web
           site is under construction at http://www.mdxc.org/as-153
W       - Look for Howie,  K1VSJ to operate  from Martha's Vineyard  (NA-046)
           from 29 December until 1 January. [TNX The Daily DX]
XE      - Ken,  G3OCA  provides  official  information  on  the  March   2002
           operation from a few rare IOTA Mexican groups [425DXN 555]. Ken and
           Les, G4CWD will be leaving the  UK on 2 March, destination the  QTH
           of XE2MX where they will establish  their expedition HQ.  Depending
           on local conditions, they intend to  activate four out of the  five
           following IOTA groups:  NA-162, NA-163, NA-164,  NA-165 and  NA-167
           (no dates for each island are  currently available). The same  call
           (hopefully a special call, which is  being requested) will be  used
           from all of the islands. Ken and Les will leave Mexico on 24 March.
           QSL via G3OCA either direct or through the RSGB bureau. Any queries
           regarding the operation should be sent to ken@g3oca.fsnet.co.uk

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

EU SPRINT ---> Rules, full results, past scores and all time records for  the
European Sprint contests  are available  at http://loja.kkn.net/~i2uiy/  (the
free EU Sprint software can be downloaded at this same address). In 2002  the
EU Sprint contests (two in spring  and two in autumn) will  take place on  13
April and 5 October (SSB) and  on 20 April and 12  October (CW). The  Contest
runs from 15 UTC through 18.59 UTC on 20, 40 and 80 metres.

RRC --->  Rolf Rahne,  DL6ZFG reports  he will  be no  longer Checkpoint  and
Coordinator for the Russian Robinson Club (http://rrc.sc.ru).

QSL 3B9FR ---> Robert, 3B9RF reports  that several direct  cards got lost  in
the mail, apparently due to  incomplete address. QSLs  should be sent  direct
only to Robert Felicite, P.O. Box 31, Rodriguez Island, via Mauritius Island,
Indian Ocean. [TNX ON4LAC]

QSL 5R8O --->  Phil Whitchurch, G3SWH  reports he has  now received the  logs
from Albert, 5R8O for his activities between May 2000 and May 2001.

QSL LU5DX ---> Ron, AC7DX  reports he is  now the new  QSL manager for  LU5DX
starting December 2001.

QSL LX9SW ---> QSL manager Bert van  Holst, PA1KW reports that he expects  to
send the QSLs for the 15-22 September LX9SW operation in late January.

QSL TG9AJR ---> Cards can be  sent either to Juan Carlos  Munoz, P.O. Box  61
Periferico, Guatemala 01011, Guatenala or to  his QSL manager (WA1ECA).  [TNX

QSL VC7GM ---> Nenad, VE3EXY (RAC QSL Bureau Manager) says he is not the  QSL
manager for this Marconi special event station. Direct cards already received
by Nenad will be sent directly to the Maple Ridge ARC (VA7CMR, P.O. Box  292,
Maple Ridge, B.C.  V2X 7G2,  Canada) who  will process  them. Further  direct
cards Nenad will  receive in  the future  will be  forwarded to  the VE7  QSL

QSL XV3FT  ---> Mac,  W3HC (w3hcw@suscom.net)  has been  receiving a  lot  of
requests for cards for XV3FT. He does not know who this guy is, but Mac  does
handle cards for EU3FT. His name  is Henry and XV3FT is  using that name.  If
anybody knows of this operation, please  let Mac  know and  he will have  new
cards printed up. "I sent mail to Henry", Mac  says, "but it will take a  few
months  to get an answer if he is at home".

QSL VIA VK2GJH ---> QRZ-DX reports that Jack, VK2GJH is retiring from amateur
radio for the time being due to  work and family committments. In March  2002
the following  logs  will  be  closed:  3D2JH  (1997),  T33JH  (1997),  C21JH
(1998-2000) and T30JH (1997-2000). QSL direct only.

UK LICENCES ---> The Radiocommunications Agency announced in September 2001 a
series of changes to the radio amateur licensing regime, designed to make  it
more attractive as a technical hobby. The changes include lowering the  Morse
Code speed requirement from 12 to 5 wpm for full licensees, amalgamating some
licence categories,  allowing trainees  to  operate while  supervised  before
passing an examination and the introduction of a new Foundation Class licence
which will come into effect on 1 January 2002. Holders will be issued M3 (MM3
for Scotland, MW3  for Wales etc)  callsigns and will  be allowed to  operate
with 10 watts on most of the amateur bands. Detailed information is available
at http://www.rsgb.org/licensing/newlicencestructure.htm

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3W2XK       W9XK        HR3J        JA6VU       TI5N        W3HNK
3XY6A       VE2XO       HS0ZDJ      W2YR        TM0AFH/p    F6LDW
3XY8A       VE2XO       II3GM       IK3RIY      TM2E        F6KLO
4K5CW       UT3UY       IM0R        IS0AGY      TM4AMD      F6IGF
5W0VK       OH3JR       IR7GM       IK7JWX      TT8DX       F5OGL
8R1USA      8R1AK       IU0M        I0YKN       UA6JD       K0KG
9J2BO       W6ORD       IY4W        I4JED       UE3DDX      RZ3FR
9Q0AR       F2YT        JA6WFM/HR3  JA6VU       UK8BQ       RW6HS
9U5D        SM5BFJ      JI3DST/6    JI3DST      UQ10AB      DL8KAC
AH8A        AC7DX       JX7DFA      LA7DFA      V73GT       WF5T
C56YT       VK4AO       JX9LAA      LA9LAA      VK9AA/9     DL8YR
CE7AOY/8    CE7ZK       JY9NX       JH7FQK      VP5/KN4UG   KN4UG
CO3ET       WD4OIN      K1D         W1DAD       WV2B/CY9    KC6AWX
CQ3T        CT3KN       K1M         K3PD        XF3IC       XE3OYJ
CQ9T        CT3KN       KG4PK       W4WX        XK0XN/p     VE3XN
CT3KN/CT1   CT3KN       LP5F        LU1FZR      XU7ABF      XW2A
CT7A        CT1GFK      LU1ZA       LU2CN       XU7ABW      F6BFH
CT9KN       CT3KN       OH0Z        OH1EH       XU7ABY      F5TYY
DU6/G0SHN   F6AJA       P49MR       VE3MR       XU7ABZ      F9IE
DU9/N0NM    W4DR        P5/HA0HW    pirate      XU7ACA      F6EGG
EM1HO       I2PJA       P5/YT1AD    pirate      YV1DIG      EA7JX
EM75W       UT1WL       PT2ZAW      OK1FWQ      Z33F        NN6C
EY8MM       K1BV        T88DX       JI3DLI      ZA1E        I2MQP
FY5FU/P     F5AEG       T88HA       JK1FNN      ZC4DW       G0DEZ
HG02HNY     HG4I        T88MY       JK1FNN      ZY5A        PY1KN

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

3D2AG    Antoine D.R.Nyeurt, P.O. Box 14633, Suva, Fiji
3D2BA    H. J. Best, P. O. Box 23, Sigatoka, Fiji
5R8GZ    Albert Solonjatovo, COM/DT/TELECOM, Toby Ratsimandrava, Box 11 bis,
          Antananarivo 101, Madagascar
5Z4PV    Theodore Peter Vlaar, P. O. Box 3900, Eldoret, Kenya
AC7DX    Ron G. Lago, P.O. Box 25426, Eugene, OR 97402, USA
CT1GFK   P.O. Box 468, P-8700 914 Olhao, Portugal
CT3KN    Ricardo Martins, Cam do Pilar, Edf Colinas Pilar, Bl. D, 5 Dto,
          9000-150 Funchal, Portugal
DU1SAN   Serafin A. Nepomuceno, P. O. Box 3000 QCCPO, 1170 Quezon City, MM,
EG3TVC   URCat-EA3URC, C/ Riereta 4, E-08830 St. Boi, Barcelona, Spain
EY7AB    Yuri Pivovarov, 23 Rakhimberdy Egamberdyeva St., Khujand 735701,
EY7AV    Eugene Pivovarov, 23 Rakhimberdy Egamberdyeva St., Khujand 735701,
EZ8BO    Evgeny M. Zwontsov, P. O. Box 880, Ashgabat 744027, Turkmenistan
EZ8BP    Vladimir Zinevich, P. O. Box 168, Ashgabat 744017, Turkmenistan
F6AUS    Serge Soulet, Les Hautes Rivieres, 79800 Sainte Eanne, France
FR1GZ    Yvon Kong Kaye, 6 B, Ch. Cap Bernard, F-97417 La Montagne, France
G0DEZ    Dez Watson, C.A.O., JSSU (AN), BFPO 59, London, United Kingdom
GM0HCQ   Mike Gloistein, 27 Stormont Way, Scone, Perthshire, PH2 6SP,
          Scotland, UK
HA8IB    Karoly Szabo, Aradi u.42, Fuzesgyarmat, 5525 Hungary
HS0GBI   Cherdchai Yiwlek, P.O. Box 1090 Kasetsart, Bangkok 10903, Thailand
I0YKN    Nuccio Meoli, Via della stazione sn, 04010 Cori - LT, Italy
IK3RIY   c/o A.R.I. Venezia, P.O. Box  227, 30100 Venezia, VE - Italy
IK7JWX   Alfredo De Nisi, P.O. Box 218, 73100 Lecce - LE, Italy
JA6VU    Masaaki Kano, 712 Kagami-machi, Yatsushiro-gun, Kumamoto 869-4203,
JI3DST   Takeshi Funaki, 2-18-26 Hannan-Cho, Abeno-Ku, Osaka-City, Osaka
          545-0021, Japan
JT1BV    T.Naranbaatar, C.P.O Box 820, Ulaanbaatar-13, 210613, Mongolia
KA9WON   Lonnie Miller, 12618 Thistle Ridge Close, Roscoe, IL 61073, USA
KC6AWX   Robert T. Devine, 407 Alameda Del Prado, Novato, CA 94949-6302, USA
KH0JX    John Cadag, Koblerville, P. O. Box 501989, Saipan, MP 96950, USA
LU2CN    S.A.R.A., Avenida Del Libertador Y General San Martin 8209, CF 1429
          BNC Buenos Aires, Aregentina
OH3JR    Henri Olander, Helavalkeantie 15, 13270 Hameenlinna, Finland
PY1KN    Marcelo G. da Silva, Av. Gen. Guedes da Fontoura 551 / 201,
          22621-240 Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil
SM5BFJ   Leif Hammarstrom, Lerklockan 4, SE-73091, Riddarhyttan, Sweden
SM5DJZ   Jan Hallenberg, Vassunda Andersberg, SE-741 91 Knivsta, Sweden
UA0SJ    Yuri A. Maltsev, P.O. Box 2304, Bratsk-city, 665700, Russia
US0HZ    Stan Ermachkov, P.O. Box DX, Poltava 36000, Ukraine
UT1WL    P.O. Box 5951, Lviv 79054, Ukraine
UT5JAJ   Igor Kischenko, P.O. Box 72, Sevastopol-55 99055, Ukraine
VE2XO    Francois Normant, 3054 avenue Lacombe, Montreal QC H3T 1L4, Canada
VR2GP    John Tsui, G. P. O. Box 541, Hong Kong
VU2PHD   P. M. Mathew, P. O. Box 1, Kattappana S. P. O., Kerala 685 515,
VU2RIG   Rajen P. Kavadia, 9B, Giriraj, Altamount Road, Bombay 400 026, India
W1DAD    Peter Schipelliti, 7 Dearborn Ridge Rd, Atkinson, NH 03811, USA
XE3OYJ   Jose Angel Yanez, Apartado Postal 1883, Cancun, Quintana Roo 77500,
XU7ABN   Claude Laget, P.O. Box 1373 G.P.O., 99999 Phnom Penh, Cambodia
XW0X     Hiroo Yonezuka, P.O. Box 2659 Vientiane, Laos
YB2ERL   Bambang Suryo Widodo, Jl. Permata Hijau E 84A, Semarang 50176,
YJ8BC    Ben Carlson, P. O. Box 174, Port Vila, Vanuatu
YJ8GC    Greg Carlson, P. O. Box 174, Port Vila, Vanuatu
ZL6JAM   P.O. Box 606, Hamilton, New Zealand

             425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
425 DX News Editor
E-mail: i1jqj@425dxn.org


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