From: <> To: <> Subject: [425ENG] 425 DX News #555 Date: domenica 23 dicembre 2001 19:35 22 December 2001 No 555 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ************************************ * TO ALL OUR READERS * * WARMEST THOUGHTS AND BEST WISHES * * FOR A WONDERFUL HOLIDAY * * AND A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR * ************************************ >>> DUCIE ISLAND 2002 <<< PIARA President Tom Christian, VP6TC announces that all planning is now complete for the Pitcairn Island Amateur Radio Association's second attempt to activate Ducie Island (OC-182) [425DXN 554] The group will leave Mangareva (French Polynesia) on 12 March; they will use a VP6 callsign to be announced at the beginning of the activity and plans to be operational as soon as possible after arriving upon the island. The operators will be VP6TC, VP6DB, VP6AZ, VP6MW, VP6BK/JA1BK, JA3USA, JF1IST, K9AJ, and K5VT. The two main frequencies - 21020 kHz (CW) and 21295 kHz (SSB) - will be used 24 hours a day. Other prime frequencies include 28495 kHz and 14195 kHz for SSB and 14020 kHz for CW, but some activity is planned to take place on the other bands (160-6 metres) and on RTTY as well. It is expected that low band and WARC operations are more likely to take place in the last days of the operation, as the initial emphasis will be to allow as many operators as possible to work this new DXCC Entity. The team will have 2-element beams for 10 and 15 metres, a 4 Square for 20 metres and wire and vertical antennas for the other bands. There will be a 6 meter beacon on 50.110 Mhz. QSL via VE3HO (HF QSOs: Garth Hamilton, P.O. Box 1156, Fonthill, Ontario L0S 1E0, Canada) and JA1BK (6m QSOs: Kan Mizoguchi, 5-3 Sakuragaoka 4 Chome, Tama-City, Tokyo 206-0013, Japan). Logs will be available at Donations will be gratefully accepted and can be sent to either VE3HO or JA1BK. [TNX K5NX and VE3HO] >>> XR0X - SAN FELIX 2002 <<< Massimo Mucci, I8NHJ (Europeans will surely remember him working EU pile-ups as K5K from Kingman Reef) will be one of the 13 operators who will be conducting a DXpedition to San Felix Island (SA-013) for two weeks tentatively between 12 and 30 March 2002. The expedition is being organized and led by Carlos G. Nascimento, NP4IW/CE3AQI (, and the project is being carried out in conjunction with Cordell Expeditions ( All permits have been obtained. Other team members include Alan Brown (K5AB), Doug Faunt (N6TQS), Dick Hanson (K5AND), John Kennon (N7CQQ), Franz Langner (DJ9ZB), Ricardo Menzel (CE0YWS), Michael Mraz (N6MZ), Joseph M. Owen (KO4RR), Willy Ruesch (HB9AHL), Robert Schmieder (KK6EK), Charles Spetnagel (W6KK). The expedition is being financed by the participants, supplemented by donations from DX associations, radio clubs, and individuals. Contributions made to the expedition through Cordell Expeditions are eligible for U. S. tax deduction as a donation to a nonprofit organization. QSL via N7CQQ. For further information please visit the Expedition website at 7X - Mirek, SP5IXI (aka VK3DXI, 9V1XE and 9M8DX) has been working in Algeria since June 2001. He reports that an amateur radio licence (requested call 7X0DX) has been issued to him and he should receive it soon. He hopes to start being active (on HF bands and via satellite) in January for 2-4 months. QSL via DL4DBR either direct (Teddy Barczyk, Pappelstrasse 34, 58099 Hagen, Germany) or through the DARC bureau. Updates and logs will be available at 7X - Steve, OM3JW reports an IOTA activity from the Habibas Islands (AF-???) is being organized to take place in May 2002. The organizers are a Scout group from Oran led by Afif, 7X2RO; team members should include Ivan/OM3CUG, Mike/OM2DX and possibly Steve/OM3JW. They are looking for support from the IOTA community; if you are willing to help, please contact Steve ( and ask for the details. DL - DH3ZK will operate (on SSB and PSK31) from Poel Island (EU-098, group to be deleted on 1 February 2005) between 22 December and 5 January. QSL via bureau. [TNX DL2VFR] DU - Gerard, F2JD is active (on 20, 15 and 10 metres SSB and CW) as DU1/G0SHN from the Philippines until June. He plans to operate as DU6/G0SHN from Boracay Island (OC-129) between 22 December and 1 January. QSL via F6AJA. [TNX La Gazette du DX] FY - Pierre, FY5FU will be active as FY5FU/P from Fort Ceperou (DFCF FY-97002) in Cayenne, French Guyana on 22 December. Look for him on or around 28428 and 21421 kHz . QSL via F5AEG. [TNX La Gazette du DX] HC - Rick Dorsch, NE8Z will operate (on 80-10 metres CW and SSB) from Ecuador between 1 and 16 February. He will be signing HC1MD from Tumbaco, HC1MD/HC1 from Pichincha Volcano, HC1MD/HC3 from Loja, HC1MD/HC4 from Sua, HC1MD/HC4/p from IOTA SA-056 (with 100 watts and a dipole) and HC1MD/HC5 from Cuenca. QSL via K8LJG (John Kroll, 3528 Craig Drive, Flint, Michigan 48506, USA). Give a look to the HC/HD DX Award "Equatorial Line Diploma" at [TNX NE8Z] KH0 - Nozomu, JE8KKX will be active as AH2K/KH0 from Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands (OC-086) on 3-5 January. He plans to operate on 40-6 metres CW and SSB, and if time permits on 160m, 80m and WARC bands as well. QSL via JE8KKX (Nozomu Takahashi, 2-5, 5 chome 18jo Toko, Asahikawa, Hokkaido, 078-8358 Japan). [TNX JE8KKX] T8 - Due to health and family reasons Erminio, IZ8AJQ and Silvano, KB5GL have been forced to cancel their participation in the T88SI operation from Sonsorol Island (OC-???) [425DXN 553]. The team now includes Maurizio/IZ1CRR, Nando/IT9YRE and Derek/G3KHZ (ex 3B6RF) who will work CW. They expect to reach Sonsorol in the late local afternoon of 7 February or in the early morning of the 8th and to leave on 11 February. QSL via IT9YRE. This will be mainly an IOTA operation, but there is a survey at to help them understand on which bands and modes the DX community needs T8. Donations can be sent to the Diamond DX Club c/o I8YRK (Gennaro Casaburi, Via XXXI maggio 11, 80027 Frattamaggiore - NA, Italy). TI9 - The TI9M DXpedition to Cocos Island (NA-012) is now scheduled for 17 February through 4 March and 14 operators have confirmed so far (they will be 15 in total). They will run four stations (one for RTTY and 6 metres) with verticals (160, 80 and 40m), 5-band Cubical Quads (20/17/15/12/10m), dipoles for 30m and a 6-element Yagi for 6m. Suggested frequencies are: 1825, 3502, 7002, 10102, 14022, 18072, 21022, 24892, 28022 and 50102 kHz CW; 1845, 3795, 7080, 14195, 18145, 21295, 24945, 28495 and 50145 kHz SSB; 7035, 14080, 21080 and 28080 kHz RTTY. QSL via Grupo Isla del Coco, Apartado 220-6100, Ciudad Colon, Costa Rica (no IRCs please as they are not valid in Costa Rica). The web site for the DXpedition is at UA - Alexander, RX3AJL reports he will be active (mainly on 20 metres SSB, with some possible operation on 40 and 80 metres) as RX3AJL/1 from Mudjugsky Island (EU-153, RR-02-05) on 3-5 January. [TNX G3KMA] VK9_ni - Look for Bernd, VK2IA/DL1VJ to be active (mostly CW on the WARC bands) as VK9AA/9 from Norfolk Island (OC-005) for about seven days starting on 23 December. QSL via DL8YR. [TNX DL8YR] VU - The Calcutta VHF Amateur Radio Society's (CVARS) operation from Sagar Island (AS-153) is scheduled to take place on 10-16 January [425DXN 552] during Ganga Sagar Mela 2002. CVARS has been participating in Ganga Sagar operations for the last three years. The team operates upon request from the district administration to assist them in maintaining an emergency communication network and handling missing persons traffic. In January 2001 the team found the time to make some 300 QSOs with six continents, which were enough for a new IOTA reference number to be issued; in 2002 CVARS is sending around 20 operators and a few of them will constitute a dedicated IOTA team for HF IOTA operation with efforts being made to operate on 40, 20 and 15 metres CW and SSB. QSL route TBA. The operation is partly being funded by IREF, however contributions from the IOTA community will be most welcome, as the society's resources are extremely limited. Contributions can be sent in the form of cheque or bank draft drawn in favour of Calcutta VHF Amateur Radio Society, 87 Rashbehari Avenue, Calcutta 700 026, India. For further information please check or [TNX VU2HFR, CVARS Secretary] W - Special event call K1D will be aired (on 28370, 21370, 14270 and 3895 kHz) between 22 December and 6 January to celebrate Kid's Day (5 January) and Amateur Radio Awareness. The operators will be Peter (W1DAD) and Jeanne (K1MOM) Schipelliti, 7 Dearborn Ridge Rd, Atkinson, NH 03811, USA. [TNX W1DAD]. W - Ralph, K8RYU will be active from the Dry Tortugas (NA-079) on 5-6 January. He plans to be on 40-10 metres mostly CW with some SSB. QSL via home call. [TNX N8KM] XE - Radio Club Cancun members XE3OYJ, XE3WAO, XE2MVS, XE3PPR, XE2NN and XE3RGJ will be active as XF3IC from Holbox Island (NA-045) on 28-30 December. Look for them on 1825, 3800, 7100, 14195, 21260 and 28500 kHz SSB; 3530, 7005, 14005 and 28005 kHz CW; 14090 and 28090 kHz RTTY. QSL via XE3OYJ (Jose Angel Yanez, Apartado Postal 1883, Cancun, Quintana Roo 77500, Mexico). The web page for the operation is at http// [TNX XE2NN] XE - "La Gazette du DX" reports that Ken/G3OCA, Les/G4CWD, Ramon/XE1KK, Pepe/XE2MX, Javier/XE2JSP and others are planning IOTA activities from NA-162, NA-163, NA-164 and NA-165 in March. The expect to operate (on 10, 12, 15, 17, 20 and 40 metres) with two stations for three days and three nights from each island. YB - Adhi, YC3MM had to cancel his YC3MM/P operation from Siberut Island (OC-215) due to business committments. He plans to be active (on 15 metres CW only) again as YC3MM/P from Madura Island (OC-237) on 3-4 January. [TNX IZ8CCW] LIGHTHOUSES ---> The OPDX Bulletin reports that the following stations are expected to participate in the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society's "Lighthouse Christmas Lights 2001" [425DX 552]: - CS5E (on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres SSB) from Outao Lighthouse (POR-033) on 26-28 December. - N5AOK and WA5MLT as N5L (on 20, 15, 10 and 40 metres) from Boliver Point Lighthouse (USA-069), Texas on 22-23 December. QSL direct to N5AOK. - W2AGN as W3IYQ from Marcus Hook Rear Range Light (USA-475), Delaware on 22 December (14270, 21270 and 28370 kHz) and 29 December (14035, 21035 and 28035 kHz). Complete details on LCL 2001 frequencies, exchanges, scoring, certificates and prizes (all participants in this year's event will be eligible to receive a Harbour Lights miniature lighthouse collectible) can be found at SAMOA AND TONGA ---> OH3JR, OH1AWW and OH6KN will be active from Samoa (5W0VK) between 19 December and 2 January and from Tonga (A3) on 5-15 January, with an emphasis on 160-30 metres and Europe. They will work CW (1822, 3503, 7003, 10105, 14005, 18075, 21005, 24895 and 28005 kHz), SSB (1845, 3790, 7050, 14195, 18145, 21295, 24945 and 28495 kHz) and RTTY (14080, 21080 and 28070 kHz) with three stations with verticals and dipoles. QSL via OH3JR either direct (Henri Olander, Helavalkeantie 15, 13270 Hameenlinna, Finland) or through the bureau. The web pages for the operation are at [TNX OH6KN] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH NA-050 ---> John, KL7JR logged some 1250 QSOs (85% on 10 metres) between 13 and 18 December during his staying on Barter Island [425DXN 550]. The vast majority of contacts was with W, VE, JA and UA stations - "called CQ on 21.360 many, many times", John says, "with no IOTAers around". QSLs are on order. QSL FO/HG9B ---> FO/HG9B logged 25240 contacts (12942 on CW and 12298 on SSB) on 80 (145 CW only), 40 (632/163), 30 (815), 20 (5525/4740), 15 (4110/5860) and 10 (1715/1535) metres. Cards should be sent direct only and with US$2 to HA8IB (Karoly Szabo, Aradi u.42, Fuzesgyarmat, 5525 Hungary). If you want to check if your request for direct cards has been delivered to him, just send Charlie an e-mail at [TNX HA8IB] QSL GU/MU ---> Phil Cooper, GU0SUP (RSGB QSL Sub-manager for GU/MU cards) says he is receiving large numbers of QSL cards for GU4GMW, MU0AWR and GU0BCC. Please note that [a] GU4GMW has never been used from Guernsey, [b] MU0AWR is definitely a pirate call (MJ0AWR is active, but has never operated from Guernsey) and [c] GU0BCC, as far as Phil knows, has not been issued and is not active from Guernsey. "Due to the large quantities of cards for these calls", Phil says, "it is not practical for me to return them to sender". QSL US0HZ ---> Stan says that cards can be requested via W3HNK or direct from Stan Ermachkov, P.O. Box DX, Poltava 36000, Ukraine. QSL TX0DX ---> All QSLs (direct, bureau and even for those who did not ever claim their cards) for the Chesterfield Islands TX0DX operation (March 2000) have been released into the QSL network. In the U.S, TX0DX cards were sent directly to Newington from where they were distribited to area QSL bureaus some two weeks ago. The JA cards were taken to JARL in Tokyo and the rest were released through OH QSL bureau. The job is now 100 percent completed. [TNX N4GN] QSL ZC4DW ---> Dez, ZC4DW/G0DEZ reports that the only correct address for QSLling is: Dez Watson, C.A.O., JSSU (AN), BFPO 59, London, United Kingdom. + DL7VRO, SILENT KEY + Holger and Birgit Berger (DL7IO and DL7IQ) report the very sad news of the sudden passing of Fritz Stefan Bergner, DL7VRO, who unexpectedly became a silent key on 16 December. He was not only a most reliable QSL manager for about 50 callsigns, but also an active DXer and contester, who organized and took part in the TN2M/TN4U, 8Q7IO and ED8CMT operations and other IOTA activities. He is survived by his wife Gerda (DL7VYL), two children, three grandchildren and his son-in-law Roy (DL7UBA), who will take over Fritz's QSL chores for past DXpeditions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH YA5T: For up-to-date information on Peter's (ON6TT) activity from Afghanistan, do not forget to bookmark ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSLs received direct: 4X4FR, 4X4WN, 5A1A, 5A24PA, 5H3RK, 5U2K, 5U3T, 5U5A, 5U5K, 5V7A, 5V7VJ, 5W0VF, 5X1Z, 5Z4TT, 7X2DG, 9K2HN, 9K2ZZ, 9L1BTB, 9N7BY, 9Q5BQ, A25/KY4P, A61AJ, A71MA, A92GE, AA4V/KP2, BD7NQ, C98DC (AF-066), CN8NM, CO8CY, CP4BT, CV1Z (SA-030), D68C, DS5USH, EA9EU, EK3GM, EM1HO, EP2MKO, EP3SMH, ER4DX, EY8MM, FG/T97M, FH/JJ1LIB/P, FK8HG, FM5/F5SGI, FO0CLA, FR5ZU/T, GB0HI (EU-120), HI9/DJ7ZGNA-096), HL4SF (AS-026), J3/PA0ZH, J3/PA3EWP, J3/PA5ET, J3/PA7FM, J5X, J75J, J8/PA0ZH, J8/PA3EWP, J8/PA5ET, J8/PA7FM, JT1CO, JT1DA, KG4AS, LX5A, MI/EI7NET (EU-122), OD5NH, OH0YLS, OJOJ, OX3CO, OX3OX, PT0T, RU9VA, S59A, S79YL (AF-024), S92SV, SU1ER, SU9ZZ, SV2ASP/A, SY2A, T5X, T77C, T88LJ (OC-009),TL8DV, UK8IZ, UK8OM, UN5J, V44NK, V63LJ (OC-012), VE1/DH8IAT/P (NA-081), VP5V, VP8LGT (SA-002), VP8SDX (SA-002), VQ9GB, VQ9QM, XF4CA (NA-115), XU7ABC, XU7ABN, YB0A, YB0DPO, YB8HZ/P (OC-247),YJ0AYL (OC-035), YL2GN, YM0KI (AS-159)YM0MA (EU-186)ZC4DW, ZK1EFD, ZL7/G3SXW. QSLs received through the WF5E DX-QSL Service ---> 4K9W, 5H3US, A92ZE, C56NY, CE0ZY, JW5UF, KP2AD, NL7Z, OD5/OK1MU, OD5PN, OX2K, PW0S, PY0FF, SU9ZZ, TA3DD, V31GI, VK6EWI, VP9LR, XE2MX, XU7AAP, ZY5YZ. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM 425 DX News Editor E-mail: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >>> NEW TOOL ON WWW.425DXN.ORG <<< The opening page at now features an engine that allows you to search anything you want within the site.