DX425 bulletin issue nr. 553

From: <425list@425dxn.org>
To: <i121171@425dxn.org>
Subject: [425ENG] 425 DX News #553
Date: sabato 8 dicembre 2001 00:19

   8 December 2001                                                No 553
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

3W     - Karl, W9XK will  be active (mostly  on 14260-14270, 21370-21400  and
          28500 kHz) as 3W2XK from near Saigon, Vietnam until 9 April. QSL via
          W9XK. [TNX Daily DX]
3X     - Francois, VE2XO  will  go back  to  Guinea  in  late  December-early
          January. He will operate as 3XY6A from Conakry and he also plans  to
          be active with a special callsign  from Rooma Island (AF-051).  [TNX
          The Daily DX]
9L     - Zbig, 9L1BTB will  be back home  in Poland  on 7  December and  will
          return to Sierra Leone on 7 January. [TNX The Daily DX]
9U     - Piero, IK2BHX (aka  K2BHX and HB9DSU)  has been in  Burundi since  4
          December on mission for the United Nations. He will be there until 4
          January and expects to  operate as 9U5X  concentrating on 30  metres
          and WARC bands. QSL via IK2ILH (preferably through the ARI  bureau).
          [TNX IK2BHX]
C6     - John, WZ8D will be active as C6AIE from Abaco (FL16ip),  Bahamas  on
          1-10 January. The main focus of this trip will be to work as many F2
          contacts possible on 6 metres during day time, and he will also  put
          a lot of effort in making WSJT contacts on 2 metres (144.140 MHz) in
          the evenings. If 6m is not  open, he will spend  some time on  10-40
          metres CW with some SSB. [TNX WZ8D]
C6     - Look for Wade, AA8LL/C6A and Liz,  K8LIZ/C6A to be active (on  10-40
          metres SSB) from Crooked Island (NA-113), Bahamas on 12-14  January.
          Their activity will count for ARLHS BAH-005 (Bird Rock  Lighthouse).
          QSL via home calls either direct or through the bureau. [TNX AA8LL]
CE     - Look for Ismael, CE7AOY/8 to be  active from Riesco Island  (SA-???)
          between around 22 UTC on 17 December and 15 UTC on the 20th. Marcos,
          CE7HJO expected to make the trip with Ismael, but has been forced to
          give up  due to  family reasons.  QSL direct  only via  CE7ZK.  [TNX
E4     - Gunter, E4/OE1GZA  was  active from  Ramallah,  Palestine  on  23-24
          November (1027 SSB  QSOs). His nex  activity was  scheduled to  take
          place on  either 14-15  or 21-22  December,  but the  current  local
          situation is  likely to  prevent him  from entering  the West  Bank.
          Updates on Gunter's operations can be found on his new home page  at
          http://www.geocities.com/dh2gz/arse4.html [TNX E4/OE1GZA]
EA     - Gerard, EA4ST and Ignacio,  EA4AHD will participate  in the ARRL  10
          Meter Contest as EA4TEN (M/S Mixed HP). QSL via EA4AHD. [TNX EA4AHD]
EA6    - Christian, DL6KAC will be again active (mainly on 40-10 metres  SSB)
          from Mallorca (EU-004, DIE E-021) between 21 December and 6 January.
          QSL via home call. [TNX DL6KAC]
FY     - Operators from Radio Club FY5KE plan  to be active (on HF, 6  metres
          and AO-40 satellite) from the Salut Islands (SA-020), French  Guiana
          starting around 16 UTC on 12 January for 24 hours. QSL via CBA. [TNX
HS     - The E29AL operation  from Tarutao  Island (AS-126)  [425DXN 545]  is
          confirmed to  take  place  on  8-15  December.  The  first  wave  of
          operators will be E21EIC, HS0GBI, E20HHK, E20RRW, G3NOM, HB9DKZ  and
          HS4BPQ; they will be joined on  12 December by HS1CKC,  HS0ZCW/K4VUD
          and HS0/SM3DYU. Monoband yagis will  be used for  the HF bands,  and
          dipoles/inverted Ls for the LF  bands. Look for  E29AL on 1.824  MHz
          and 3.524 MHz at 1100-1300 UTC and 1800-2330 UTC. Maximum power will
          be  100  watts.  QSL via HS0GBI  (Cherdchai Yiwlek,  P.O.   Box 1090
          Kasetsart, Bangkok  10903, Thailand). [TNX HS0/G3NOM]
JA     - Yuki, JI6KVR will  be active as  JI6KVR/6 from  the Amakusa  Islands
          (AS-012) on 8-9 December. This operation  is in preparation for  the
          17-22 April DXpedition to Cham Island (AS-???) [425DXN 547]. QSL via
          EA5KB. [TNX JI6KVR]
KH5    - Mike, KH6ND and Kimo, KH7U will  be on Palmyra Island this  weekend.
          The main purpose  of their trip  is to perform  maintenance on  some
          equipment on the  island, however they  plan to  to participate  for
          approximately the last 12 hours of the ARRL 160 Meter Contest.  They
          expect to be  on the air  by around 05.00Z  on Sunday; the  callsign
          will be KH7U/5 (QSL via KH7U). [TNX N4AA and QRZ-DX]
PJ2    - Marty, NW0L will be operating from Curacao (SA-006) on 2-8  January.
          He will be signing PJ2/NW0L primarily on RTTY and SSB, on 80 through
          10 metres.  He  will  participate in  the  ARRL  RTTY  Roundup  (5-6
          January) as PJ2T.  QSL PJ2/NW0L via  home call; QSL  PJ2T via  KN7Y.
          [TNX NW0L]
S9     - A group  of experienced  operators from  Norway and  Sweden  (namely
          LA6FJA, LA7THA,  LA5QKA,  LA5UF,  LA6EIA,  LA7WCA,  LC3EAT,  LC6ZBT,
          SM5COP and SM5IMO)  will be active  from Sao Tome  (AF-023) on  4-10
          February. They have been given oral  permission and hope S79LA  will
          be issued to them. They expect to have at least two stations on  the
          air 24 hours  a day and  plan to operate  on 160-6  metres CW,  SSB,
          RTTY, PSK31  and may  be  SSTV, with  amplifiers,  a wide  range  of
          antennas and an emphasis on  the low and  WARC bands, digital  modes
          and 6 metres. The Pilots will be Trond/LA9VDA (North & South America
          and low bands; e-mail la9vda@online.no), Tor/LA3WAA (Europe,  Africa
          and 6 metres; e-mail torpet@online.no) and Teru/JM2HBO (Japan,  Asia
          and Oceania; e-mail teru@k-net.or.jp). QSL  via LA2N (Sore  Sunnmore
          Gruppa av NRRL v/ Otto Norhagen, NO-6143 Fiskaabygd, Norway). A  web
          site is under construction at http://www.qsl.net/s92la/ [TNX LA6FJA]
SV     - Ilias, SV2BOH and Tassos,  SV2BFL will be  signing SW2B (CW)  during
          the ARRL 10 Meter Contest. QSL via bureau. [TNX SV2BFL]
V5     - DL2SL and SP6IXF will be active (on 160-6 metres) as V51/SP6IXF  and
          V51/DL2SL from Namibia between 15 February and 8 March. [TNX SP5EWY]
VE     - Amateur radio operators  from Canada  are allowed  to replace  their
          ordinary prefix with  a special event  prefix to  the celebrate  the
          100th anniversary  of  Marconi's first  transatlantic  transmission.
          Look for VX (for VE), VG (for VA), XJ (for VO) and XK (for VY) to be
          used between 12 December and 12 February. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
VK     - After an unsuccessful activity from  Phillip Island (OC-136),  Nico,
          VK3FEI/PA0MIR is now touring Australia. He might operate from French
          Island (OC-136) sometime in February. [TNX PA0MIR]
VP5    - John/G4RCG  (mainly  CW),  Ray/VK4BRC  (SSB  only)  and  Bruce/KI7VR
          (mainly CW) will be active as VP5/homecall from North Caisos  Island
          (NA-002) between 20  January and 2  February. They  will operate  on
          160-10 metres and will take part in  the CQ WW 160 Meter CW  Contest
          (25-27 January). QSLs via home calls. [TNX G4RCG]
VP8    - The operators who will be  active from South  Georgia and the  South
          Sandwich Islands  in  January-February  are  EI6FR,  EI5IQ,  HB9ASZ,
          PA3FQA, K0IR, W3WL, K4UEE, VE3EJ, N5KO, K5TR, W7EW and 9V1YC. Please
          note that the  dates given in  425DXN 552 were  taken from the  ANAN
          News 59/01 by Marty  Betts (forwarded by  Bob Oldfield, VK3UY),  but
          are not the correct ones. Exact dates, as well as callsigns and  QSL
          managers, will not be made public until the operation starts.  There
          will be no websites, no  online-logs, no pilots  and no promises  of
          any bands or modes; this  DXpedition is not  about QSO totals,  and,
          due to heavy  environmental and  safety restrictions  on the  team's
          permit, the  operators  will  have  ultra-light  generators,  simple
          antennas and  low  power.  "This  time  we  are  presenting  the  DX
          community with much more of a challenge", James Brooks, 9V1YC  says.
          "We feel that DXers need to get  back to basics and work harder,  so
          this time the burden of working the DXpedition is being shifted back
W      - Look for  Wade, AA8LL/4  and Liz,  K8LIZ/4 to  be active  (on  10-40
          metres SSB)  from  Dauphin  Island  (NA-213,  USI  AL-002S)  on  5-7
          January. QSL via  home calls either  direct or  through the  bureau.
          [TNX AA8LL]
XU     - Dick, N6FF is now active (with an emphasis on 160 metres) as  XU7ACB
          from Sihanoukville, Cambodia until 17 December.  QSL via N6FF.  Rod,
          WC7N is the pilot station for this activity and can be contacted  at
          wc7n@gb.wave.net [TNX The Daily DX]
ZL_ant - Chris, KC4/N3SIG  might  operate as  ZL5CP  from  near  New  Zealand
          Antarctic "Scott" Base on Ross Island (AN-011), Antarctica. Look for
          him on 14.243 MHz. QSL via AI3D. [TNX N3SIG]
ZS_ant - Anton, ZS7/ZS4AGA expects  to be QRV  (with 100 watts  and a  dipole
          around 17.00 UTC on either 21275  kHz or 14146  kHz) on 10  December
          from the so  called "E  Base" (Emergency  Base, WABA  ZS-04). It  is
          located about 160  km north of  the SANAE  IV ("Vesleskarvet")  Base
          (WABA ZS-03), which is Anton's current QTH. Dominik, DL5EBE suggests
          to give a  look to http://www.geocities.com/sanaeiv/  to learn  more
          about the existing Antarctic stations of South Africa.

T88SI ---> Well known island activator  Silvano Amenta, KB5GL has joined  the
T88SI group of operators (including  Nando/IT9YRE, Erminio/IZ8AJQ and  425DXN
web master  Maurizio/IZ1CRR) who  will operate  from Sonsorol  Island  (South
Palau group, NEW ONE for IOTA) on 9-10 February [425DXN 549]. Due to the high
costs of  the  expedition,  sponsors are  more  than  welcome.  Please  visit
http://www.425dxn.org/dxped/t88si for  further information  on the  operation
and send your contribution to the  Diamond DX Club (http://www.ddxc.org)  c/o
I8YRK (Gennaro Casaburi, v. 31 maggio 11, 80027 Frattamaggiore - NA, Italy).

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

DXCC NEWS  (T5) --->  The  1993 (20  April-22  May) T5/DL8YR  operation  from
Somalia has  been  approved for  DXCC  credit. "We  do  not have  records  of
rejections made  prior to  1 March  1998", Bill  Moore, NC1L  (DXCC  Manager)
reports. "If your card was part of a submission dated 1 March 1998 or before,
the card must be sent along with your next application for approval".

DXCC NEWS  (ZK1) --->  The January-February  2000 ZK1NCI  operation from  the
North Cook Islands  has been approved  for DXCC  credit. Those  who had  this
rejected during a past submission  can contact DXCC  at dxcc@arrl.org for  an
update to their  records. Or  it can  be sent  with the  next submission  for

ER3BAH ---> Due to an unfortunate misunderstanding, it was reported in  early
November that ER3BAH  is a  pirate [425DXN  548]. This  is not  the case,  as
Vasil, ER3BAH himself reports.  We apologize for  any inconvenience this  may
have caused Vasil and our readers.

HC8N ---> HC8N was activated during the week of CQWW CW by N0JK, N4GN,  N6TV,
N5KO, K1KI, N0AX,  K6AW, KM3T, K1TO  and K9NW, completing  40411 QSOs on  160
through 6 metres before, during and  after the contest. The 50 MHz  operation
included 3011 QSOs in 11 days (51 DXCC entities, including 270 contacts  with
Europe and 969 contacts  with Japan). QSL  via AA5BT. Logs  for HC8N are  now
available at http://www.kkn.net/~hc8n/log_search.html [TNX N5KO]

INTERNATIONAL DX CONVENTION ---> The 53rd International DX Convention will be
held in Visalia, California on 26-28 April  2002. The web site for the  event
is at http://www.qsl.net/visalia2002 [TNX N6DHZ]

PIRATE (S21YJ) ---> Stig, S21YJ (SM5VZS) has been QRT from Bangladesh since 1
March 2001. Someone  pirated his call  on 4  December (40  metres). [TNX  The
Daily DX]

PIRATE (YA5T) --->  Someone is pirating  YA5T. Peter, ON6TT  left Kabul on  4
December  and  should  be  back  early  in  the  coming  week.  "Mats/SM7PKK,
Robert/S53R and Mark/ON4WW cannot  come into Afghanistan,  due to other  work
obligations and the  security restrictions", The  Daily DX  reports, and  the
situation is not expected to change until early 2002. "Peter will continue to
fly in and out of Afghanistan until the end of this month".

QSL BUREAU  ---> Effective  1 December  the ARRL  Sixth District  QSL  Bureau
(http://www.kqlz.com/qslbureau6.html)  is  managed   by  Arlette  and   Chuck
Marshall (KO6IS and KD6WP). The  new mailing address  is ARRL Sixth  District
QSL Bureau, P.O. Box 530, Weed, CA 96094-0530, USA. [TNX The Daily DX]

QSL 5R8FU ---> Please note that cards  should be sent to SM5DJZ (not  SM0DJZ:
Jan has been SM5  for some twelve  months now!). His  current address is  Jan
Hallenberg, Vassunda Andersberg, SE-741 91 Knivsta, Sweden.

QSL TG9NX ---> Frank, TG9NX asks European stations who worked him on 6 metres
(200+) to QSL  direct only to  his callbook address  in Guatemala  (Francisco
Capuano, 16 Ave 17-20, Zona 10, Ciudad Guatemala, Guatemala), not to N4FK.

QSL UA9MQR/1  ---> Dmitriy, UA9MQR  reports that direct cards were mailed  on
30 November. This operation took place  on 2-9 October from Vysotskij  Island
(RR-01-14). QSL to  Dmitriy P. Mikhal'chenko,  P.O.Box 512, Omsk-21,  644021,

QSL VIA CT1ETE ---> Paulo is the QSL manager for CQ1CV only. He is  receiving
cards for 5V7A, but he is  not and has  never been the  QSL manager for  this

QSL VIA K4JDJ ---> The Daily DX  provides the list of the stations  prevously
managed by the late John Parrot, W4FRU  and now handled by K4JDJ (Bob  Young,
556 Babbtown Road, Suffolk, VA 23434, USA):
1S0XV          A4XRF          TX0K           XV100HCM/3W
1S1RR          A4XYS          TY0ABD         YB1AQC
3W0A [a]       A61AA          TZ1AZ          YJ8M
3W100HCM       A61AB          TZ2ZZ          ZD2XY
3W1A [b]       BS7H [f]       TZ6ZZ          ZD7BJ
3W1PZ          CE1CI          V21ZC          ZD7HH
3W3RR          E30GA          V21ZZ          ZD7LM
3W4KZ [c]      ED8HH          V29A           ZD7WA
3W7A           ET3USE         VK0IR [l]      ZD7XX
3W8AA          F5WE [g]       VK4NIC/3X      ZD7XY
3X1Z           FB8WJ          VP8CBC         ZD8CK
5A0RR          FB8ZM          VP8CRB         ZD8HH
5N0DOG         FB8ZN          VP8CRC         ZD8XX
5N0RMJ         FM5WE [h]      VP8CWN [m]     ZD9BV [o]
5N20DOG        FM5WS          VP8SGP         ZD9CD
5N2DOG         FR7BE          VP8TBD         ZD9CH
5N4ROF         HL0X/3         W3IVP/5N1      ZD9CK
5T5AY          J28EH          W4LZZ/6W       ZD9CL
5T5S           J28EM          W4LZZ/6W8      ZD9CN
5T5ZZ          K0AX/KH2       W4LZZ/TZ       ZD9DV
5X5AA          KA9YDK/HI8     W4LZZ/V2       ZD9JR
5Z4BI [d]      KB4ATV/4S7     W4LZZ/V21      ZD9PV
5Z4BX          KX6PO [i]      WZ6C/S2        ZD9WCY
8R1ZG          S21A           WZ6C/S21       ZD9YL
9G1KU          S21B [j]       WZ6C/ST2       ZK1SH
9M0S           S21NQ [k]      WZ6C/ST4       ZL7LM
9X5AA [e]      S21ZG          XV0SU [n]      ZS1EDR
A4XJF          TO0R           XV100HCM       ZS1USA
[a]  operated by RN6BY    [f]  1997, No JAs          [k]  operated by WZ6C
[b]  operated by RN6BY    [g]  1994-2000             [l]  Heard Island
[c]  operated by RN6BY    [h]  1994-2000             [m]  operated by ZD7BJ
[d]  operated by KG0ZI    [i]  operated by VK4NIC    [n]  August 1990
[e]  1988-1989            [j]  1992-04/2000          [o]  1993-2000

QSL VIA N6CW ---> Terry, N6CW  accepts e-mail requests  for bureau cards  for
any of the stations he handles.  This include ZD8A  and recent activities  as
VP2ECW,  VP2VCW,  VP2V/N6CW  and  TI4/N6CW.  Send  your  QSO  information  to
QSLviaN6CW@aol.com [TNX N6CW]

QSL VIA  W6DXO --->  Harry Edwards,  W6DXO reports  that  QSL cards  for  his
A25/KG6GPA and  Z2/W6DXO operations  (September-October 2001)  are going  out
now. Harry's "vanity call" (W6DXO) arrived after he had already been  granted
his Botswanan  license, issued  to KG6GPA.  W6DXO was  the call  used by  the
Zimbabwean authorities when they issued him his license. Both the  operations
have been approved for DXCC credit. QSL direct only.

+ SILENT KEY  + The international  DX community mourns  the death of  veteran
DXer and well-known QSL manager John  Parrott, W4FRU, who  passed away on  28
November at 79 years of age.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

LOGS:       The YA5T logs are now  on line at  http://www.ve9dx.com/logs.html
             As of 6  December Peter had  worked some 2200  stations all  SSB.
             [TNX VE9DX]
QSL ROUTES: F6KPO's search  engine contains  64,000+  entries. To  enter  the
             system send  an  e-mail to  qsl.f6kpo@eudil.fr  and  leave  blank
             either the subject  line and the  body of the  message. You  will
             receive an  automatic  reply  with  the  instructions.  Mistakes,
             additions   etc    should   be    reported   to    Yves,    F6CYV
             (f6cyv@dx-qsl.com). [TNX La Gazette du DX, http://cdxc.free/]

QSLs received direct:  3A/IK5GQK, 3B8GF,  3E1DX, 3G0Y  (SA-001), 3W3ZZ,  4H2B
(OC-093), 4I1P  (OC-244), 4U1ITU,  4W6MM  (OC-148), 5N4BFD,  5R8GC  (AF-057),
5R8HA (AF-090), 5Z4WI (AF-067), 6Y1A, 6Y2A, 6Y6L, 6Y8A, 9G5AA, 9H3O,  9L1BTB,
9M0C (AS-051),  9M2TO, A25/JA1ELY,  A35MO (OC-169),AP2IA,  BA4DW/2  (AS-158),
BA4DW/4 (AS-150),  C91RF, C98DC,  CN2LE  (AF-065), CO8ZZ,  CU8/DJ6SI,  ES1FB,
FK8KAB/P (OC-058),  FO/DL7FT,  FO/F6CTL (OC-066),  FO0MOT/P  (OC-114),FP/W8MV
(NA-032), FS/AH8DX, GJ2A, HK0VGJ (NA-033), HK5MQZ/0M, HL0C/4 (AS-084), HL0C/4
(AS-148),  J28VS,   J3/PA0ZH,   J3/PA7FM,   J38PA,   J5X,   J75J,   J8/PA0ZH,
J8/PA3EWP,J8/PA7FM,  JT1DA,  K2KW/6Y5  (NA-097),  KC4AAA,  KH0JX,   KL6/KD6WW
(NA-087), KL7AK/P  (NA-053),  KP2/K6RO, KP4DKE,  LZ1KSL  (EU-181),  MM/W5ZE/P
(EU-012), N1IBM/P  (NA-136),  OD5NJ,  OJ0/JH1ARJ,  PJ2/AE9B  (SA-006),  PJ4B,
R0/UR8LV  (AS-152),  RA1TC/1  (EU-162),   RI9K  (AS-109),  RK3IWT/3,   SU1SK,
SV8/IT9YRE/P    (EU-174),    T30ES    (OC-017),    T48K,    T5X,    TA0/I3BQC
(AS-098),TA0/IT9YRE/P (AS-154), TA0/IT9YRE/P (AS-159), TF4RX (EU-168),  TG0R,
UA0QJG/0  (AS-029),  V73E (OC-087),  VK4AWX (OC-137),  VP2V/K3MD,   VP5/AJ6V,
VP5DX, VP5VAC (NA-002),  VP8SDX (SA-002), VY0AA/P,  W8MV/KH4 (OC-030),  WP3F,
WV2B/CY9, WV2B/VE1 (NA-010), XQ6ET, XR0ZY (SA-013), YB8HZ/P (OC-247), YI1BGD,
YI1HK, YM0MA (EU-186), YV5JBI/P (SA-090), Z39A, ZD8K, ZK1AND, ZK1JD,  ZK1QMA,

             425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
425 DX News Editor
E-mail: i1jqj@425dxn.org


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