From: <> To: <> Subject: [425ENG] 425 DX News #551 Date: sabato 24 novembre 2001 13:59 24 November 2001 No 551 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3A - Laura, 3A2MD reports she is QRV almost daily and looking for North America long path at 13.30 UTC (28.030 MHz), at 14.00 UTC (28.515 MHz) and at 14.30 UTC (18.085 MHz). 9M6 - Look for 9M6NA to participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest as SOAB HP from Labuan Island (OC-133), East Malaysia. QSL via JE1JKL either direct (Saty Nakamura, 1-27-2 Kamiya, Ushiku, Ibaraki, 300-1216 Japan) or through the JARL bureau. E-mail requests for bureau cards are welcome at [TNX VA3RJ] C6 - Joe, W4SAA is active as C6A/W4SAA from South Bimini (NA-048), Bahamas until 27 November. During the CQ WW CW DX Contest he will multi-operate with Dick, N4RP using the call C6AKP. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] F - Look for the Council of Europe Amateur Radio Club to be on the air as TP5CE on 14-16 December, ARRL 10 Meter Contest included. Outside the contest main activity will be on all bands RTTY and CW. QSL via F6FQK. [TNX F6FQK] F - Special call TM4AMD will be aired from France between 26 December and 13 January during the 24th Rally Arras-Madrid-Dakar (ex Paris-Dakar). QSL via F6IGF through the REF bureau. For further information please visit [TNX F5PSI] HF0_ssh - Miroslaw Stefanski, SP7JKW will be active as HF0POL ( or from the Polish base "Henryk Arctowski" (WABA SP-01) on King George Island, South Shetlands (AN-010) from 1 January through 31 December 2002. He plans to operate CW, RTTY and PSK-31 (with some SSB) on all bands, WARC included. QSL via SQ5TA either direct (Artur Tabaszewski, ul. Wiejska 100, 26-606 Radom, Poland) or through the bureau. [TNX SP2FAP and SQ5TA] I - Look for the following special event stations/calls to be activated from 1 through 31 December to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the first transatlantic radio transmission by Guglielmo Marconi: * IU0M operated by Nuccio/I0YKN and Simone/IZ0BTV. QSL via bureau or direct to I0YKN (Nuccio Meoli, Via della stazione sn, 04010 Cori - LT, Italy). * IR7GM operated during the weekends by Alfredo/IK7JWX. QSL via IK7JWX either direct (Alfredo De Nisi, P.O. Box 218, 73100 Lecce - LE, Italy) or through the bureau. * Operators from ARI Venice as II3GM on 7, 14, 144 and 432 MHz SSB and CW. This activity will also celebrate Giulio Salom, 1MT (I0ACL), the first Italian radioamateur to use home-brewed equipment back in 1923. QSL via IK3RIY either direct (c/o A.R.I. Venezia, P.O. Box 227, 30100 Venezia VE - Italy) or through the bureau. J3 - Yankee Clipper Contest Club members NB1B (J3/NB1B), K2KQ (J37ZA), K2TE (J3/K2TE), N2GA (J3/N2GA), N2MI (J3/N2MI), WA1S (J38AA) and K2DO (J3/K2DO) will participate in the CQ WW CW Contest as J3A (Multi-Multi) from Grenada (NA-024). QSL J3A via WA1S, others via home calls. [TNX The Daily DX] KG4 - Look for Tip, N4SIA to be active as KG4AS from Guantanamo Bay (NA-015) between 27 November and 5 December. QSL via N4SIA. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] OX - Rene, OX3HX is active as OX1AWG. This special call is for the Arctic Winter Games which will take place on 17-24 March 2002. QSL via OX3HX. [TNX PA3GVI] P5 - A vertical antenna and a keyer were shipped to Ed, P5/4L4FN on 19 November, but for the time being he still operates SSB only. Look for him on 28580 kHz between 22.00 and 23.00 UTC and on 14205 kHz around 14.30-15.30 UTC for Europe, Japan and Russia. Ed will be back home from 22 December through 18 January. For further information on his activity (logs included) please visit; QSL via KK5DO (Bruce Paige, P.O. Box 310, Alief, TX 77411, USA). [TNX KK5DO] PY - Look for Pete, PY1NEW/2 and Lima, PY1NEZ/2 to be active (on 40-6 metres CW and SSB) from Comprida Island (SA-024) between 28 November and 2 December. They will pay special attention to island chasers in Asia and Oceania. QSL to PY1NEW (Emanuel Tavares Filho, Apartado Postal 100659, 24001-970 Niteroi, RJ, Brazil) and PY1NEZ (Rogaciano de Lima Correa Filho, Calle Belizario Augusto 91 apto. 1101, 24230-200 Niteroi, RJ, Brazil) or via the bureau. [TNX PY1NEZ] PY0_fdn - Tony, PY8IT will operate as PY0FT from Fernando de Noronha (SA-003) on 12-18 December. He will concentrate on RTTY and PSK31. QSL via JA1ELY. [TNX VK2SG RTTY DX Notes] SV9 - Bill, W4WX will be signing SV9/W4WX from Crete (EU-015) between 27 November and 4 December. Look for him on 80-10 metres RTTY and SSB. QSL to home call either direct or through the bureau. [TNX W4WX] VE - The Society Of Newfoundland Radio Amateurs ( will be active as VO1S on 1-31 December to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the reception of the first transatlantic signal on Signal Hill in St. John's, Newfoundland. All of the QSOs will be confirmed automatically through the bureau; direct cards should be sent before 1 March 2002 to SONRA, P.O. Box 23099, St. John's, NF A1B 4J9, Canada. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] VP8_so - Mike, GM0HCQ (VP8CMH/mm) expected to operate as VP8SIG from Signy Island in the South Orkneys on 18-19 November, but strong winds prevented him from landing. His next visit to the island will be in January 2002 [425DXN 537]. Mike is now going to King Edward Point, South Georgia (AN-007) and he anticipates he will be able to operate as VP8SGK ("all being well I should get three evenings in", he says). More up-to-date information on the trip can be found at the British Antarctic Survey web site (, specifically related to the RRS "Ernest Shackleton" (the ship that Mike is working on). [TNX DL5EBE and K8AJS] VP9 - Tom, W9AEB is active (on 10-20 metres SSB and CW) as VP9/W9AEB from Bermuda (NA-005) until 26 November. W - The Marconi Radio Club (W1AA, and the Falmouth Amateur Radio Association will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the first transatlantic radio transmission by Guglielmo Marconi (12 December 1901). Look for W1AA/CC to be aired on 11-16 December from the location of Marconi's 1903 Trans-Atlantic radio station at Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Further information is available at [TNX K1VV] XV - Rolf, SM5MX will be active (on 10, 15 and 20 metres CW) as XV9SW from Hanoi, Vietnam until 28 November. He will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest as SOSB (15 metres) Low Power. QSL via SM3CXS. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] YA - The Daily DX reports that the foreign ministry of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (Northern Alliance) issued the call YA5T, which can be used on all bands by Peter/ON6TT, Matts/SM7PKK and Robert/S53R. ZK2 - Mike, KM9D (CW) and Jan, KF4TUG (SSB) are now active as ZK2MO and ZK2TO respectively from Niue Island (OC-040). Look for Mike, ZK2MO to participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest as SOAB LP. QSL via OM2SA for both. [TNX QRZ-DX] CQ WW DX CW CONTEST ---> The following stations have announced their partecipation in this year's event: - Yoram, 4Z1GY as 4X2K (SOAB High Power). QSL via home call. [TNX 4Z1GY] - Bavarian Contest Club ( member Mike, DL1HCM as 9K9X (SOAB) from Kuwait. QSL via 9K2HN either direct or through the bureau. [TNX DL1HCM] - Con, DF4SA as CS7T (SOAB low power) from near Lisbon. QSL via DF4SA either direct (Cornelius Paul, Adelberger Weg 3, 73104 Breech, Germany) or through the DARC bureau. [TNX DF4SA] - CU2BV, CU2CE, OH2BH, OH2TA and OH8SR as CU2A from the Azores. QSL via OH2BH. [TNX QRZ-DX] - CT1EEB and CT1CJJ as CT7B from Portugal. QSL via OH2BH. [TNX QRZ-DX] - Patrick, FR5FD as SOAB low power. QSL to Patrick Labeaume, 40 rue Louis Desjardins, 97411 Bois de Nefles St Paul, France. [TNX F5NQL] - Jesus, LU5FC as LP1F (SOSB 10 metres, low power). QSL via LU5FC either direct (Jesus Rubio, San Juan 2694, Rosario 2000, Argentina) or through the bureau. [TNX LU5FC] - Kari, LX/OH2PQ as LX4B (, SOSB (10 metres). QSL via LX1TI. [TNX LX1KQ] - DF9LJ, DK2OY, DK6WL, DL1MGB, DL2HBX, and DL5UT as LX5A (Multi-Single). QSL to LX1RQ or via the LX bureau. [TNX The Daily DX] - Hein, DL2OBF as MU/DL2OBF (SOAB low power) from Guernsey (EU-114). QSL via DL2OBF. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] - Ian, G3WVG and Nigel, G3TXF as MZ5A from the Shetland Islands (EU-012, Scotland, but a separate multiplier in CQWW). [TNX The Daily DX] - Jukka, OH6LI as OH0V (15 metres) and DJ2QV as OH0N (10 metres) from the Aland Islands. QSL OH0V via OH6LI (Jukka Klemola, Aarontie 5, 31400 Somero, Finland); QSL OH0N via OH1BOI. [TNX OH6LI] - Scott, K0DQ as P40Q (SOAB HP) from the QTH of P43P in Aruba. [TNX The Daily DX] - Serge, RA0JJ as SOSB (80 metres) from Zone 19. He will be looking for Europe and Africa on 3541 kHz (+/- 1) between 21.30 and 23.00 UTC. QSL to Serge Smirnoff, P.O. Box 1, Blagoveschensk, 675000, Russia [TNX RA0JJ] - SV1VN, SV1VN, SV1XV as SW1R from near Athens. They will operate mainly on 160 metres with 100 watts. QSL via SV1XV either direct (Costas Krallis, P.O.Box 3066, GR-10210 Athens, Greece) or through the bureau. [TNX SV1XV] - N0KE from Costa Rica as TI5X (SOAB QRP) from TI5KD's station. QSL for TI5X and TI/N0KE via N0KE. [TNX The Daily DX] - F5ROP, F8BWB, F5SIH, F5NOD and DL7FER (guest operator) as TM0DX from the contest site of the F6KDF Radio Club. [TNX F5NQL] - Ed, N1TO and Press, N6SS from Diego Garcia (AF-0069 as VQ9X (the new club call for the local ARC, formerly VQ9IO). [TNX The Daily DX] - Dennis, K7BV (currently signing NP2/K7BV) as WP2Z from the Virgin Islands (NA-106) as SOAB 15 metres. QSLs for both via KU9C. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] - Lani, YB0GJS as Single Operator Single Band on 20 metres. QSL via K5ZE. [TNX YB0ECT] - Jim Neiger, N6TJ from ZD8Z on Ascension Island (probably as SOSB 10 metres). QSL via VE3HO. [TNX The Daily DX] Give also a look to the listing of announced operations maintained by Bill, NG3K at ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH DUCIE ISLAND ---> The team departed from Mangareva (French Polynesia) shortly after local sunrise on 15 November and arrived to Pitcairn around 12.30 UTC on the 17th. The voyage took much more time than expected due to a storm, which also prevented them from leaving Pitcairn after just a couple of hours as originally planned. Their new plans were to leave Pitcairn around 15 UTC on 18 November, to arrive at Ducie around 03.30 UTC on the 20th (Tuesday) and to leave on the 23rd (Friday) at the latest. However at 21 UTC on 19 November they were still approximately 11-12 hours away from the island, with rough sea and even worse weather closing in behind them. Later in the UTC night between Monday and Tuesday the trip to Ducie was cancelled and the team turned around and headed back to Pitcairn. The team left Pitcairn around 1 UTC on 22 November to return to the Gambier Islands. Kan, JA1BK donated all the antennas and masts and two generators to the Pitcairn Island Amateur Radio Association (PIARA) for a future DXpedition. [TNX K6GNX and WD4NGB] NOT THE MANAGER ---> Alan, G3PMR has received several bureau cards sent "via G3PMR" for ZC4AKR, ZC4ATC, ZC4RAF. Please note that he is not the QSL manager for any of these stations. QRP DXCC AWARD ---> The new QRP DXCC Award certificate is given for working 100 different DXCC entities on the DXCC List while operating with a transmitter power of 5 watts or less. Applications will be accepted beginning 2 January 2002, but contacts may have been made at any time since 15 November 1945. The award is not endorseable and is separate and distinct from the traditional DXCC award program (credits are not assigned to other DXCC awards). Certificates will be dated, but not numbered. QSL cards are not required; applicants must certify the authenticity of log information. For further information (including the application forms) please visit [TNX NC1L] QSL FO/SP9FIH ---> Janusz reports that cards will be ready early next year. He was active from the Marquesas Islands between 24 October and 10 November and logged some 12,000 QSOs on 80-10 metres. QSL to Janusz Wegrzyn, P.O. Box 480, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland. QSL H44NC ---> Father Norried, H44NC should be back to the Solomon Islands in August 2002. For the time being, while he is in the US, he can confirm only contacts made between 1 July 2000 and 31 May 2001. Send your request direct to: Norried F. Chaisson, P.O. Box 2262, Springfield, Missouri 65801, USA [425DXN 522]. When he returns to the Solomons, he will be able to confirm older contacts as well. His new address will be P.O. Box 419, Honiara, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands. [TNX The Daily DX] QSL VIA W4FRU (CHANGE) ---> John Parrot, W4FRU is no longer able to continue being a QSL manager for any of his stations. The new QSL manager for all of the stations previously handled by John is K4JDJ: Bob Young, 556 Babbtown Rd., Suffolk, VA 23434, USA. [TNX K1XN and The Golist,] WRTC 2002 ---> The following contesters have been nominated to represent their countries in WRTC 2002 ( Czech Republic Vojta Zeman, OK2ZU & Karel Karmasin, OK2FD Spain Eduardo Stark, EA3NY & Fernando Martinez, EA3KU Belgium Mark Demeuleneere, ON4WW & Peter Casier, ON6TT Poland Bogdan Chorazyk, SP3RBR & Andrzej Jarzabkowski, SP8NR France Gerard Parat, F6GFZ & Laurent Blin, F5NLY Japan Koji Tahara, JM1CAX & Satoshi Nakamura, JE1JKL Italy Stefano Brioschi, IK2QEI & Maurizio Panicara, I4JMY AS Russia (new team) Mikhail Klokov, RZ9UA & Gennadij Kolmakov, UA9MA All national teams have now been selected. The deadline for "Wildcard" team applications is 30 November 2001. ZL/PA0MIR ---> Nico logged 920 QSOs from Stewart Island (OC-203) and left New Zealand on 22 November. He is now going to Australia, where he should be active as VK3FEI/# until March [425DXN 543]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSLs received direct: 3V8BB, 4L7O, 4T0I (SA-052), 7Q7RH, 8J0JCA, 8P2K (NA-021), 8R1AK/P (SA-068), 9M2TO, 9M6CT, A61AJ, AP2IA, C31BO, C31US, C56RF, CQ3E (AF-047), CQ9S (AF-047), CT3BX, D68C, ER7HQ, EZ10BO, FK8HG, FO0/DL7FT, FO0CLA, FO0WEG, FR5FD, FR5ZU/T, FS/AH8DX, HC8Z, HK5MQZ/0M, HR4/TI5KD (NA-060), HS0AC, IH9P, J3A, J75KG (NA-101), JI3DST/8 (AS-147), KD7H/4 (NA-110), KH0JX, KH6TO, KH7U, KL7AK/P (NA-053), KL7Y, KP4KE, L44D/D (SA-021), OH3BHL/1 (EU-096), OM5XX, OX3CO, OX3LG (NA-220), P3A, P49I, PJ7/K7ZUM (NA-105), PT0T, RI9K (AS-109), RW2F, RZ1CWD/P, T30ES, TA2IM, TA3J, TI2/AK0A, TM8CDX, TT8JE, TZ6YV, UE1RCV/1 (EU-188), UN5J, V29K, V47KP, V73UX (OC-028), VP2E, VP5/W6XK, VP5/WA2VYA, VP5DX, VP5T, WH6ASW/KH2, YC7URA (OC-088), YC9BU/P (OC-148), YE8XM (OC-070), YK1AH, YV5JBI/p (SA-090), Z21KD, ZX0F. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM 425 DX News Editor E-mail: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >>> NEW TOOL ON WWW.425DXN.ORG <<< The opening page at now features an engine that allows you to search anything you want within the site.