DX425 bulletin issue nr. 550

S DX@WW $425WW550A
425 DX News #550 [1/4]
  17 November 2001                 No 550                      $425WW550A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages              !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

                        >>>     DUCIE  ISLAND     <<<
                        >>> THE 335TH DXCC ENTITY <<<

The International  Amateur Radio  Union (http://www.iaru.org)  has  announced
that The Pitcairn Island Amateur Radio Association (PIARA, see "Good To Know"
below) has been admitted as an  IARU member effective 16 November 2001.  This
makes the Pitcairn Islands (namely Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno) to be
considered a DXCC  "Political Entity";  consequently Ducie  Island, which  is
separated from its "Parent" (Pitcairn itself) by 350+ kilometres has become a
DXCC "Geographic Separation  Entity". The ARRL  (http://www.arrl.org) has  in
its turn announced  that starting at  00.00 UTC  on 16  November 2001,  Ducie
Island (IOTA OC-182,  CQ zone  32, ITU  zone 63)  will be  eligible for  DXCC
credit; only contacts dated 16 November 2001 and later will count for DXCC.

As for the  DXpedition to the  newest "new  one", the  team's departure  from
Mangareva (French  Polynesia),  originally scheduled  to  take  place  on  14
November [425DXN  549], has  been  delayed due  to  concerns about  a  nearby
weather front. They expected to leave  from Mangareva at sunrise (14 UTC)  on
15 November, to stop for  a couple of  hours at Pitcairn  and to reach  Ducie
around local dawn on Saturday 17 November. [TNX K6GNX]

                             >>> NORTH KOREA <<<

Ed, 4L4FN works for the  UN World Food  Program in North  Korea and has  been
finally able to get a verbal permission to operate amateur radio from the  #1
Most Wanted DXCC Entity. 200+ stations have been able to work 4L4FN/P5 on  20
and/or 10 metres so far (logs  at http://www.amsatnet.com/p5log.html). Ed  is
now awaiting  a  written permission,  which  hopefully should  arrive  around
Christmas. This is not a DXpedition,  but Ed will try to  operate as much  as
possible. For the time being he has SSB  only, and prefers +/- 14205 and  +/-
28575 kHz (split  up 5-15 kHz),  tipically between 14  and 15  UTC and  again
between 22 and 23 UTC during  the week, while during weekends more  operating
time is available to him.  Ed is currently  using a dipole,  but he plans  to
build a small beam for 10 and 20 metres.  He will be back home for  Christmas
and will return to North Korea with his keyer and some equipment for  digital
modes. Ed expects to be in North Korea until June or July 2002. QSL via KK5DO
(Bruce Paige, P.O.  Box 310, Alief,  TX 77411, USA),  who will  wait for  the
final written licence before printing the  cards. Updates on Ed's  activities
will be posted by KK5DO at http://www.amsatnet.com/p5.html [TNX KK5DO and The
Daily DX]

3D2_rot - Tony, 3D2AG is expected  to be active  from Rotuma Island  (OC-060)
          from now until around 10 January. [TNX The Daily DX]
5A      - The Daily  DX  reports that  Abubaker  Alzway, 5A1A  will  be  soon
          leaving Libya; he will go and study in Germany. In the meanwhile  a
          few new amateur radio licences have been issued to the Assaker Club
          station (5A1ASC,  QSL via  DK4HB), Tark  Abu Kris  (5A1TA, QSL  via
          EA3GIP) and Haytm Hashim (5A1HA, QSL via DJ9ZB).
8P      - John, K4BAI will be active as 8P9HT from Barbados (NA-021) on 20-27
          November. He hopes to use the 8P9Z callsign during the CQ WW DX  CW
          Contest (SOAB high power). Outside the contest he will  concentrate
          on 160 metres and the WARC bands CW (SSB on request), plus 6 metres
          CW and SSB when the band  is open. QSLs via  K4BAI. [TNX The  Daily
9U      - Gus, SM5DIC will be back to Burundi on 17 November for around three
          months. He expects his licence will  be renewed and most likely  he
          will operate again as 9U5D. He plans to be active on HF bands  (all
          modes with  100 watts  and a  loop antenna),  on 6  metres (with  a
          3-element beam) and 2 metres (with a 17-element beam and 400  watts
          for EME). QSL direct only via SM5BFJ (Leif Hammarstrom,  Lerklockan
          4, SE-73091, Riddarhyttan, Sweden). [TNX SM5DIC]
CN      - Jacques, F6BEE  will  be active  as  CN2JS from  Morocco  on  21-27
          November. He will participate in the CQ WW CW Contest (SOAB); if he
          can bring a suitable antenna with  him, before the contest he  will
          operate on the WARC bands. QSL via F6BEE. [TNX F5NQL]
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425 DX News #550 [2/4]
  17 November 2001                 No 550                      $425WW550B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

CT3     - Frank, DL2CC will be active as  CT3/DL2CC from Madeira (AF-014)  on
          20-26 November. He will participate in  the CQ WW DX CW Contest  as
          CT9M. QSL via DL1SBF. [TNX DX News Letter]
CU      - Gabriel, CU3AN is  regularly active around  19 UTC on  HF bands,  6
          metres (50.110  MHz)  and satellite.  QSL  direct only  to  Gabriel
          Alves, P.O. Box 157, 9701-902 Angra Codex, Portugal. [TNX CU3AN]
D2      - Vitor, CT1FSC  will  be  in Angola  from  21  November  through  14
          December and will try to operate as D2/CT1FSC from Luanda. QSl  via
          home call. [TNX CT1FSC]
FO      - Marcel, FO0DEH  expects to  be leaving  OC-062  for Papeete  on  20
          December. QSL via ON4QM. [TNX JE1DXC and Islands On The Web]
HC8     - Jon, N0JK  and others  will be  back to  the  HC8N station  on  San
          Cristobal Island, Galapagos (SA-004) on  20-26 November. They  will
          participate in the CQ WW  DX CW Contest;  outside the contest  they
          will be active on  HF, 6 and  2 meters as  well as the  satellites.
          [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
I       - Look for the Marconi memorial station IY4FGM to be activated on  HF
          bands CW  and SSB  (details available  from iy4fgm@amsat.org)  and,
          exceptionally, for  IY4FGM/4 on  23cm EME  (details available  from
          I4BER, tomassetti@ira.bo.cnr.it) on  12 December  to celebrate  the
          100th anniversary of the first transatlantic radio transmission  by
          Guglielmo Marconi. [TNX IK4UPU]
JT      - Ken, K4ZW (JT1/K4ZW) is making his final preparations for a lowband
          operation from Mongolia along with JT1CO. They expect to be  active
          on 80 and 160 metres early  in the week of  19 November. [TNX  OPDX
KH0     - JF2SKV   (NH0S),   JG3VEI   (NH0V),   JQ1UKK   (KH0/AD6VH)   JE6MYI
          (KH0/JE6MYI) and  JK2VOC  (KH0/JK2VOC) will  be  active  (on  160-6
          metres CW, SSB,  FM, RTTY,  PSK31) from  Saipan, Northern  Marianas
          (OC-086) on 22-27 November. They will  participate in the CQ WW  DX
          CW Contest as NH0S (Multi-Single High Power). QSLs via home  calls.
          Questions should be  sent to Maz,  JF2SKV (jf2skv@jarl.com).  Their
          web site is at http://homepage2.nifty.com/jg3vei/ [TNX JF2SKV]
KH2     - Guam Contest Club  members JI3ERV/NH2C, JR7OMD/WI3O,  JK3GAD/AL7NC,
          JR8VSE/NH2N and JP1JFG/N2IU  will participate in  the CQ  WW DX  CW
          Contest as AH2R (Multi-Single) from Guam  Island (OC-026). QSL  via
          JH7QXJ either direct or through the JARL bureau. [TNX JI3ERV]
KL      - John, KL7JR will be active from Kaktovik on Barter Island  (NA-050,
          USI AK-044S) on 13-18 December. He  will operate exclusively on  10
          metres (+/- 28495 kHz) and  will participate in  the ARRL 10  Meter
          Contest. The  main  purpose of  this  operation  is  amateur  radio
          demonstration at school. QSL via CBA (qrz.com). [TNX KL7JR]
PJ4     - Look for Jeff, W8RXR to operate  (on 10, 15 and  20 metres CW  with
          some SSB) as  PJ4/W8RXR from  Bonaire (SA-006)  on 18-27  November.
          [TNX The Daily DX]
UN      - Valery, UN9PQ is now active on  RTTY and can be found almost  daily
          on 18107 kHz between 10 and 15 UTC. QSL via IK2QPR (Paolo Fava, Via
          Bertani 8, 46100 Mantova - MN, Italy). [TNX IK2QPR]
V4      - Larry, KJ4UY will be operating (SSB, RTTY, PSK-31 with some CW)  on
          all bands as V47UY from Karl's (V44NK) QTH on Nevis Island (NA-104)
          from 22 November through 4 December. He will try to operate  during
          the CQ WW DX CW Contest to give the multiplier (but please QRS  and
          be patient with him, as he  says his CW is  rusty). QSL via  KJ4UY.
          [TNX KJ4UY]
VE      - Len, VE9MY and Linda, VE9GLF will try to operate from Purdy  Island
          (CISA NS-028)  and  possibly Emerys  Island  (CISA  NS-029)  on  17
          November starting around 14 UTC. QSL  via home calls either  direct
          or through the bureau. [TNX VE9MY and Islands On The Web]
VP5     - John, K3TEJ will be active (on 10-160 metres) as VP5/K3TEJ from the
          Turks and Caicos Islands on 20-27  November, including an entry  in
          the CQ WW DX CW Contest as VP5G (SOAB). [TNX The Daily DX]
VP5     - Ed, WA3WSJ  will be  active  as VP5ED  from  the Turks  and  Caicos
          Islands on 20-27 November, including a QRP entry in the CQ WW CW DX
          Contest. [TNX QRZ-DX]
XU      - Andy, G4ZVJ will be in Cambodia  on 21-27 November and hopes to  be
          active (CW only) as XU7AAV, including an  entry in the CQ WW DX  CW
          Contest. QSL via G4ZVJ (Andy Chadwick,  5 Thorpe Chase, Ripon,  HG4
          1UA North Yorkshire, UK). [TNX G4ZVJ]
YB      - Adi, YC3MM (http://www.mdxc.org/yc3mm) will operate as YC3MM/p from
          Madura Island  (OC-237) on  24-26 November.  QSL via  IZ8CCW.  [TNX
ZF      - Joe/W5ASP, John/K6AM and Carl/K9LA are planning single band efforts
          for the CQ WW DX CW Contest from the Cayman Islands (NA-016).  Look
          for ZF2AM (QSL  via K6AM) on  10 metres,  ZF1A (QSL  via W5ASP)  on
          either 15  or 20  metres and  ZF2LA (QSL  via K9LA)  on 80  metres.
          Additionally, Vicky AE9YL/ZF2YL will be on SSB before, during,  and
          after the contest. QSL via home call. [TNX K9LA]
ZL      - A group of operators from the  NZART branch 33  are planning to  be
          active, possibly  as ZL6WI,  from Whale  Island (OC-201)  on  23-26
          November. [TNX The Daily DX]
ZS_ant  - Anton, ZS4AGA is currently operating as  ZS7/ZS4AGA from the  SANAE
          Antarctic Base (WABA ZS-01)  [425DXN 549].  QSL via ZS4A (Rickus de
          Lange,  23 Kedron St., Bethlehem, South Africa). [TNX DL5EBE]
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425 DX News #550 [3/4]
  17 November 2001                 No 550                      $425WW550C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

DXCC NEWS ---> The ARRL DXCC  Desk reports that  ZK1NJC (North Cook  Islands)
and T5X (Somalia) have been approved  for DXCC credit. The documentation  has
been reviewed  and it  is OK.  Those who  have submitted  them and  had  them
rejected, can  contact  DXCC (dxcc@arrl.org)  to  have their  record  updated
without having to re-submit the card(s). Otherwise, they can be included with
the next submission. 

OQ AWARD  --->  The  Belgian  IARU society  (UBA)  sponsors  "The  OQ  Award"
(http://qsl.net/on4cas/oq.htm) to honour the birth of Princess Elisabeth  (25
October 2001). The award is  available to either  licenced amateurs and  SWLs
for working Belgian stations using the special OQ prefix [425DXN 548] between
26 October and 31 December.  For further information  please contact the  UBA
Award Manager, Egbert Hertsen, ON4CAS.

PIARA --->  The Pitcairn  Island Amateur  Radio Association  has 10  members,
representing the entire  population of resident  amateur operators.  Moreover
there are  23  amateurs  licensed  to  operate  including  several  temporary
residents and visitors, plus one club station. The official address of  PIARA
is P.O.  Box 88,  Adamstown, Pitcairn  Island, South  Pacific Ocean  via  New
Zealand. Tom Christian, VP6TC is the  PIARA president and  head of the  Ducie
DXpedition team.

PIRATE ---> Marc,  ON6AA reports  his call  is regularly  pirated by  someone
signing F/ON6AA on CW and RTTY from southern France. [TNX F5NQL]

QSL C91JM ---> Bob, W7MAE still has logs for John, C91JM (August 1997 -  June
1998). The TL8JM logs were never recovered. [TNX The Daily DX]

QSL TR0A ---> Miro,  OM3LZ was active  as TR0A from  Gabon during a  business
trip between 27 October and 4 November. He logged more than 3000 QSOs on  20,
17, 15, 12 and 10 metres  SSB and CW.  QSL direct only  to OM3LZ (CBA).  [TNX

QSL VIA UT3UY ---> Toly, UT3UY is the new  QSL manager for  Serge, 4K5CW  and
club station 4J6ZZ.  Cards should be sent  direct only to  Anatoly Kirilenko,
P.O. Box 439/3, Kiev - 151, 03151 Ukraine. [TNX UT3UY]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

SP-M@ILS: Sylwester, SP2FAP (editor  and publisher  "QTC -  The Polish  Radio
          Amateur's  Journal)  reports  that  e-mail  addresses  for   Polish
          amateurs can be found at http://qtc.radio.org.pl

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  QSL INFO  ********
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8/LA7MFA  LA7MFA      D44CF       SM0JHF      PJ4/PA3CNX  PA3CNX
3B8/ON4LAC  ON4LAC      DT2001PAF   DS2AXU      PY0FF       W9VA
3G5A        XQ5SM       DU3NXE      W3HNK       RA0FU       N6FF
3W2FM       UA0FM       DU9/N0NM    W4DR        S79AN       DF8AN
3W2KHO      WB2KHO      ED4MAD      EA4RCU      S79GAN      DL2GAN
3W2LWS      WA1LWS      ED5MUC      EA5VM       SP0PZK      SP2UKB
4K6GF       TA2ZV       EG1CYV      EA1EG       T2T         JN1HOW
4L0G        DL7BY       EK8WA       SP9ERV      TA3DD       KZ5RO
4L1DA       DL7BO       EL2DT       WA4TII      TI8/N0KE    N0KE
4L7O        DL7BY       EM3QLH      UR5QRB      TJ2RSF      EA4AHK
4W/CU3FT    CT1EEB      EN10U       UX5UO       TK5XN       F2YT
5H1F/#      KQ1F        EO10B       UX5UO       TM0A        F6OIE
5H1X/#      KQ1F        EO10N       UX5UO       UA0AZ       W3HNK
5H2MN       DF8AN       EO10W       UX5UO       UA9CUA      W3HNK
5R8GZ       G3SWH       EX0V        N6FF        UE2FWG      RA2FO
5V7BR       F5RUQ       EX8MLE      IK2QPR      UN7MO       EA7FTR
5W0MO       OM2SA       EY8CQ       DJ1MM       UR5FEO/P    UR5FEO [c]
5Z4KE       DF8AN       EY90MT      K1BV        UR5FJF/P    UR5FJF [c]
8Q7KT       HB9KT       F6AUS/HI9   F6AUS       UT4FA/P     UT4FA [c]
9L1BTB      SP7CDG      F6KTL       F6HMJ [b]   UW7C        UT7UW
9M6/JA1HGY  JA1HGY      FG/N4CD     N4CD        UX0FF/P     UX0FF [c]
9M6/JA8GQZ  JA8GQZ      FG/T93M     DJ2MX       UX3FW/P     UX3FW [c]
9M6/JK1OPL  JK1OPL      FG/T97M     K2PF        V31JP       KA9WON
9M6A        N2OO        FO0DEH      ON4QM       V85TG       JN3GAH
9M6JU       JA1RJU      FO0SAI      JI1JKW      VK0KMT      VK4KMT
9M6LSC      JA2ADH [a]  FR5/ON4LAC  ON4LAC      VK4AHN      JF1VXB
9M6SEA      N2OO        GJ2A        GJ3DVC      VK7GK       DL8NU
9M6TDC      JA1BRK [a]  HF50WAT     SP5PCI      VP5/K5CM    K5CM
9M6US       N2OO        HK0GU       DL7VOG      VP5/N5KW    N5KW
9M8AER      JA3AER      HS0ZDG      K4YT        VU2ABE      JA4DOB
9M8ART      JA3ART      II2R        I2RFJ       VY0/W2NTJ   VE3LYC [d]
9M8HCK      JA4HCK      IR3MD       IN3BHR      XE2P        AC7DX [e]
9M8JAA      JA3AA       IR3PO       IK3OYY      XE2P        F6FNU [f]
9M8JUB      JA3UB       JD1XX       pirate      XF2RCS      KA9WON [f]
9M8MVF      JR3MVF      JW7VK       LA7VK       XF2RCS      XE1KK [g]
9M8TG       JH3GAH      KC4/N3SIG   AI3D        XU7ABZ      F9IE
9N1AC       N3ME        KC4AAA      K1IED       YC9MB       IZ8CCW
9N7ZK       SM4AIO      KH2/JA5XAE  JA5XAE      YJ8UU       ZL2HE
A35OY       KF8OY       KH2E        JE1HJA      ZB2CN       DJ9WH
A45WD       YO9HP       MM0LEO      W3LEO       ZC4DW       G0DEZ
A61AJ       N4QB        MW5EPA      W2GR        ZC4VG       G0UVX
BD4XYL      BD4XA       OA/ON4CD    ON4CD       ZD7DP       W1ZT
CE0Y/HB9AAQ HB9AAQ      OD5/OK1MU   OK1TN       ZD9IR       ZS6EZ
CX2AM       EA5KB       OH0NL       OH2BYS      ZF2ZZ       SM7DZZ
CX2TG       EA5KB       OH0RM       OH3RM       ZL4/PA0MIR  PA0MIR
CY9/WA4RX   KC6AWX      OQ4ELD      ON5UE       ZM8CW       ZL3CW
CY9/WV2B    KC6AWX      OZ0RM       OH3RM       ZY2Y        PY2KQ

[a] 8-11 November 2001 only
[b] 26-29 October 2001 only
[c] 19-21 October 2001 (EU-182)
[d] 13 August-15 October 2001 only
[e] North and South America
[f] others
[g] XE stations

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425 DX News #550 [4/4]
  17 November 2001                 No 550                      $425WW550D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

AC7DX   Ron G. Lago, P.O. Box 25426, Eugene, OR 97402, USA
CT1EEB  Jose Emanuel Ribeiro de Sa, P.O. Box 79, 3860 Estarreja, Portugal
DF8AN   Michael Noertemann, Neustadt 18, D-37154 Northeim, Germany
DS2AXU  Sang Yong Yun, P.O.Box 80, Pyong Taek, 450-600, South Korea
EA4RCU  Seccion Local URE Madrid, Avda. Monte Igueldo 102 - 2a Planta, 28053
        Madrid, Spain
F6FNU   Antoine Baldeck, P.O. Box 14, 91291 Arpajon Cedex, France
GJ3DVC  Jersey Amateur Radio Society, P.O. Box 338, Jersey JE4 9YG, United 
I2RFJ   Ivano Rigoli, Via Spluga 3, 21050 Gorla Maggiore - VA, Italy
IK3OYY  Fabrizio Bottaro, Via A. Manzoni 4, 35041 Battaglia Terme - PD, Italy
IZ8CCW  P.O. Box 360, 87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy
JA5XAE  Hirokazu Yano, 1-3-7 Minami-machi, Matsuyama City, Ehime 790-0856,
JA6GXK  Masafumi Ishihara, 493-4 Koba-cho, Fukue, 853-0033, Japan
JN1HOW  Toshihiko Niwa, 1081-8 Sakae, Kitakawabe, 349-1213 Japan
KA9WON  Lonnie Miller, 12618 Thistle Ridge Close, Roscoe, IL 61073, USA
KC6AWX  Robert T. Devine, 407 Alameda Del Prado, Novato, CA 94949-6302, USA
N4CD    Robert A. Voss, 3133 Charring Cross, Plano, TX 75025, USA
OM2SA   Juraj Sipos, 93013 Trhova Hradska 550, Republic of Slovakia
ON4CAS  Egbert Hertsen, Postbus 85, Mechelen 2, B-2800 Mechelen, Belgium
PA0MIR  Nico van der Bijl, Lepelblad 129, NL 1441 VH Purmerend, The
PY2KQ   Rubens Galdino, P.O. Box 348, 13330-970 Indaiatuba - SP, Brazil
UA0ACG  Vlad Kravchenko, P.O.Box 375, Zelenogorsk, Krasnoyarskiy kray,
        663690, Russia
UA1QV   Mike Koutjumov, P.O. Box 23, Vologda, 160035 Russia
UR5QRB  Yuri Kazakevich, P.O. Box 146, Berdyansk - 8, Zaporozhskaya Obl.,
        71108 Ukraine
UT7UW   P.O. Box B-32, Kiev 01001, Ukraine
UX5UO   Gennady Treus, P.O. Box 925, Kiev-100, 02100, Ukraine
VE3LYC  Cezar Trifu, 410 College St., Kingston, Ontario K7L 4M7, Canada
VK4KMT  Mark Tell, 44 Corowa St, Wavell Heights, Queensland, Australia 4012
W2GR    Mike Benjamin, 1064 99th Street, Niagara Falls, NY 14304, USA
XU7ABN  Claude Laget, P.O. Box 1373 G.P.O., 99999 Phnom Penh, Cambodia
XW0X    Hiroo Yonezuka, P.O. Box 2659 Vientiane, Laos
ZL3CW   Jacky Calvo, P.O. Box 593, Pukekohe 1800, New Zealand

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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