S DX@WW $425WW549A 425 DX News #549 [1/4] 10 November 2001 No 549 $425WW549A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ >>> DUCIE ISLAND 2001 <<< Ducie Island (24.40.00S - 124.47.00W, OC-182, WAZ 32, ITU 63) should be the next new Entity to be added to the DXCC List [425DXN 545]. The main part of the team (JA1BK, JF1IST, JA1SLS, K9AJ, K5VT and FO3BM) expects to leave Mangareva (Gambier Islands, French Polynesia) on 13 November in the local evening, to stop at Pitcairn and pick up other two operators (team leader Tom, VP6TC, and Dave, VP6DB) and then to sail immediately for Ducie. They will be active with four stations and a VP6 callsign to be announced when the operation starts, i.e. at 00.00 UTC on 16 November. The team must be back on Mangareva on 28 November. The two main frequencies - 21020 kHz (CW) and 21295 kHz (SSB) - will be used 24 hours a day. Other prime frequencies include 28495 kHz and 14195 kHz for SSB and 14020 kHz for CW, but some activity is planned to take place on the other bands (160-6 metres) and on RTTY as well. It is expected that low band and WARC operations are more likely to take place in the last days of the operation, as the initial emphasis will be to allow as many operators as possible to work this rare IOTA and probable new DXCC Entity. The team will have 2-element beams for 10 and 15 metres, a 4 Square for 20 metres and wire and vertical antennas for the other bands. There will be a 6 meter beacon on 50.110 Mhz. 160 metres are not a priority. Nevertheless, the team is taking an inverted L 160 antenna and if the weather and other factors cooperate there may be 160m operation nearer the end. The pilot station is Bill Avery, K6GNX. QSL via VE3HO (HF QSOs: Garth Hamilton, P.O. Box 1156, Fonthill, Ontario L0S 1E0, Canada) and JA1BK (6m QSOs: Kan Mizoguchi, 5-3 Sakuragaoka 4 Chome, Tama-City, Tokyo 206-0013, Japan). Logs will be available at http://www.big.or.jp/~ham/dx.html. [TNX K6GNX and The Daily DX] 3W - Hans, WA1LWS plans to operate (on 10-20 metres) as 3W2LWS from Vietnam for three weeks starting on 11 November. QSL via WA1LWS. [TNX The Daily DX] 6Y - The guys of "Team Vertical" will be active from Jamaica on 20-26 November. They will participate in the CQ WW CW Contest, going for North American QRP single band records: look for 6Y1A on 10m (operated by K2KW), 6Y9A on 15m (KE7X), 6Y2A on 20m (N6XG), 6Y4A on 40m (N6BT), 6Y8A on 80m (W0YK) and 6Y0A on 160m (K2KW). Pre-contest QRP activity will be on 10-160 metres and there will be a dedicated 6m rig running high power. Outside the contest, operators will sign homecall/6Y5. QSL all callsigns via WA4WTG. For additional information, including how to win 25 bags of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, please visit http://www.k2kw.com [TNX K2KW] 9M8 - After attending the SEANET Convention in Kota Kinabalu (9-11 November), JA3AA, JA3UB, JA3AER, JA3ART, JH3GAH, JR3MVF, JA4HCK will go to the Mulu National Park, East Malaysia and will operate (on 10-160 metres SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK31) as 9M8/JA3AA (QSL via JA3AA), 9M8/JA3UB (QSL via JA3UB), 9M8/JA3AER (QSL via JA3AER), 9M8/JA3ART (QSL via JA3ART), 9M8/JR3MVF (QSL via JR3MVF), 9M8/JA4HCK (QSL via JA4HCK) and 9M8TG (QSL via JH3GAH) between 11 and 14 November. [TNX JH3GAH] C6 - Ed, K8EP will be active (SSB and CW) as C6A/K8EP from Treasure Cay (NA-080), Bahamas on 20-27 November, including an entry in the CQ WW DX CW Contest. QSL via home call. [TNX K8EP] DL - Dina/DJ8OK, Dietmar/DL7OK and Bjoern/DJ4OK will be active from EU-042 on 11-23 November. [TNX The Daily DX] ER - Club station ER3KAZ will use special call ER373R on 21 November to celebrate the 373rd anniversary of the town on Rybnitsa. QSL via ER3DX either dirrect (Anatoly Nimirski, P.O. Box 12, Kishinev, MD-2000, Moldova) or through the bureau. [TNX ER3DX] F - The special call TM0A has been issued to Patrick, F6OIE, who will use it on 17-30 November (CQ WW DX CW Contest included) and between 19 January and 1 February. QSL via F6OIE. [TNX F5NQL] FO - JI1JKW will be active (on HF bands and 6 metres) as FO0SAI from the Marquesas Islands (OC-027) on 18-21 November and from Moorea (OC-046), French Polynesia on 22-23 November. QSL via JI1JKW. [TNX OZ6OM] FO_aus - Jon Severt, WB8YJF and Leo Fry, K8PYD will be active (mostly RTTY with some CW and may be some SSB as well) from the Austral Islands as FO0SEV and FO0FRY respectively on 3-14 December. QSL via home calls. [TNX K8PYD] HK0_sa - HK0GU is the call Gerd, DL7VOG [425DXN 548] will be using from San Andres Island (NA-033) until 29 November. He will be active on 80-6 metres (maybe on 160 metres as well) CW and RTTY, with some SSB. QSL via DL7VOG. Bureau cards can be requested by e-mail (dl7vog@snafu.de). [TNX The Daily DX] /EX S DX@WW $425WW549B 425 DX News #549 [2/4] 10 November 2001 No 549 $425WW549B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== I - Special station IR3PO will be active on 17-18 November from Monselice to honour the amateur radio operators who gave their assistance during the Polesine flood emergency in 1951. QSL via IK3OYY (Fabrizio Bottaro, Via A. Manzoni 4, 35041 Battaglia Terme - PD, Italy). [YNX IK3OYY] LU - A group of operators from Radio Club Rosario (http://www.lu4fm.org.ar) will operate (on 80, 40, 30, 17, 12 and 6 metres CW, SSB and RTTY, plus 2-1,4 metres and 70cm FM) as L34H from 34 South-64 West (asL64H) on 23-26 November. QSL via LU4FM or direct to P.O. Box 400, 2000 Rosario, Argentina. [TNX LU4FM] OA - Ghi, ON4CD is active as OA/ON4CD from Peru until the end of the year. He operates on 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metres CW (14005/14010, 21005/21010, 18080/18090, 24900/24905 and 28005/28010 kHz), RTTY and PSK, with some SSB from time to time. He says that sometimes the QRN level is S9+20db and there is no way to decode anything. [TNX ON9CGB] OA - Rene, DL2JRM and Daniel, DL5SE will be active from San Lorenzo Island (SA-052) on 3-13 January. The have applied for special calls 4T4I and 4T4X respectively. QSL via home calls. [TNX VA3RJ] PY0_fn - Peter, PY5CC will be active again as PY0FM from Fernando de Noronha (SA-003) on 20-29 November. QSL via JA1VOK. [TNX OZ6OM] R1_ant - Oleg, UA1PBA will be active as R1ANF from the Russian Antarctic Base "Bellingshausen" (AN-010; WABA UA-04) starting around mid December. QSL via RK1PWA. [TNX DL5EBE] S7 - Clemens, DL2GAN expects to be active (with 50 watts and various dipoles) as S79GAN from the Seychelles between 15 November and 5 December. [TNX The Daily DX] T8 - Diamond DX Club members Nando/IT9YRE (aka ZK1YRE from OC-159, TA0/IT9YRE/p, from AS-154 and AS-159, SV8/IT9YRE/p from EU-174 etc), Maurizio/IZ1CRR (www.425dxn.org web master) and Erminio/IZ8AJQ will be active as T88SI from Sonsorol Island (South Palau group, OC-???) on 9-11 February 2002. They plan to have two stations active on 20, 15 and 10 metres mainly SSB (but IZ8AJQ will operate CW and digital modes). Contributions and donations can be sent to Diamond DX Club, c/o Gennaro Casaburi (I8YRK), Via XXXI Maggio 11, 80027 Frattamaggiore - NA, Italy). QSL via IT9YRE (Ferdinando Rubino, P.O. Box 30, 96012 Avola - SR, Italy). The web page for the operation is at http://www.425dxn.org/dxped/t88si/ T8 - Tosy, JA6VZB and Seiji, JH6RTO will be active from Palau (OC-009) on 22-27 November. Look for T88JA (QSL via JA6VZB) to participate in the CQ WW CW DX Contest and for T88FS (QSL via JH6RTO) to operate on 6 metres. [TNX JH6RTO] T8 - Hiro, JK1FNN and YL operator Mie, 7L1MKM will be active (on all bands CW, SSB and RTTY) as T88HA and T88MY from Palau (OC-009) between 30 December and 3 January. QSLs via JK1FNN. [TNX JI6KVR] V6 - Sho, JA7HMZ will be active on all bands as V63DX from Pohnpei (OC-010), Micronesia on 23-30 November. He will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest as V63A (SOAB). QSLs via JA7AO (bureau card requests are welcome at ja7ao@bc.wakwak.com). [TNX JA7KAC] V8 - After being active as 9M8TG from East Malaysia (see 9M8 above), Taiei, JH3GAH will be active as V85TG from Brunei on 15-17 November. QSL via home call. [TNX JH3GAH] W - Howie, K1VSJ will be active (on 10-40 metres CW and SSB) from Martha's Vineyard (NA-046) on 10-11 November. [TNX The Daily DX] YB - A group of operators from the ORARI Lokal Bekasi Club station YE1ZTC (formerly YC1ZTC) will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest as a Multi-Single entry. Their main bands will be 15, 10 and 20 metres since they have marginal antennas for 160, 80 and 40. Please QRS if necessary, as some of the operators are not (not yet!) used to contest style QSOs. QSL via YB1BOD. [TNX YB1BOD] ZD8 - Jim, N6TJ will be active again as ZD8Z from Ascension Island (AF-003) between 19 November and 18 December. He will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest. [TNX The Daily DX] ZL - Nico, PA0MIR [425DXN 543] is now on South Island (OC-134) and plans to operate from Stewart island (OC-203) around 12 November. QSL via PA0MIR (Nico van der Bijl, Lepelblad 129, NL 1441 VH Purmerend, The Netherlands). [TNX PA0MIR] ZL7 - Hiro, JF1OCQ will be active as ZL1WY/ZL7 from the Chatham Islands (OC-038) between 30 November and 5 December. He will operate on 80-6 metres SSB and CW, with an emphasis on 6 metres for North America and Europe. A breakable beacon will be on 50.115 MHz around the clock. QSL via JF1OCQ. [TNX JF1OCQ] ZS_ant - Anton, ZS4AGA is a newly licenced amateur radio operator who is currently stationed (until February 2002) at the SANAE Base (ZS7ANT, WABA ZS-01) on Princess Martha Coast (AN-016). [TNX DL5EBE] BRUNEI AND MALAYSIA ---> Hans, DF5UG is in Malaysia for the SEANET Convention and was active as 9M6QQ. He will be in that area for another week and he is expected to operate also as 9M2QQ, 9M8QQ and V85QQ from Brunei. Depending on local condition he might go to Brunei's (OC-184) and Sarawak's (OC-165) coastal island groups as well. QSL via home call. [TNX DL2GAC] /EX S DX@WW $425WW549C 425 DX News #549 [3/4] 10 November 2001 No 549 $425WW549C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH CL.I.A ---> The newly born Calabria Islands Award is sponsored by the Mediterraneo DX Club. Further information is available at http://www.mdxc.org/award.htm [TNX IZ8CCW] QSL 4L1DA ---> Ben, DL7BY is the QSL manager for 4L7O and 4L0G, but not for 4L1DA [425DXN 548]. The manager (maildrop) for 4L1DA is Tom, DL7BO, who collects the cards and gives them to 4L1DA. [TNX DL7BY] QSL 4W/CU3FT ---> QSL manager CT1EEB (Jose Emanuel Ribeiro de Sa, P.O. Box 79, 3860 Estarreja, Portugal) reports the cards are still to be printed. Stamp collectors can request their cards direct from Carlos in East-Timor (UNTAET mail stamps will be issued until full Independence is achieved next May 2002). His address is Carlos Poinho, Apartado 93, Dili, Timor-Leste/East-Timor. QSL 9K2ZZ ---> Please note that cards for 9K2ZZ and other 9Ks managed by W8CNL should be sent * direct only * to Raymond H. McClure, 5 McKenzie Circle, North Augusta, SC 29841-4319, USA. QSL CY9/WV2B ---> Cards for the CY9/WV2B 1998 and 2000 activities from Sable Island should now be sent to KC6AWX, who has taken over the duties of the former QSL manager (N2AU). QSL either direct (Robert T. Devine, 407 Alameda Del Prado, Novato, CA 94949-6302, USA) or through the bureau. [TNX The Daily DX] QSL D68C ---> Phil, G3SWH reports that nearly 50% of the direct requests for D68C QSLs have been processed and that 25,000 QSOs have been confirmed to date. [TNX G3XTT] QSL EY90MT ---> Ted Melinosky, K1BV (http://www.dxawards.com/) is the QSL manager for the recent EY90MT operation. Nodir, EY8MM is having special cards printed and they will be mailed to Ted. QSL to K1BV via Callbook address. QSL UA1QV/1 ---> Mike, UA1QV logged some 3000 QSOs during his 28 September-3 October activity from Kolguev Island (EU-085). QSL via home call (Mike Koutjumov, P.O. Box 23, Vologda, 160035 Russia). [TNX UA1RJ] QSL XE2P ---> The new QSL manager for North and South America is AC7DX (Ron G. Lago, P.O. Box 25426, Eugene, OR 97402, USA), while F6FNU (Antoine Baldeck, P.O. Box 14, Arpajon 91291, France). [TNX AC7DX] QSL VIA UA1RJ ---> Yuri, UA1RJ reports that some 20 kilograms of direct cards for Radio Club Vologda's summer activities (UE1RCV/1 from EU-188, UE1QAA/1 from EU-102, UE1SAA/1 from RR-03-13, UE1RAA/1 from RR-03-14) were mailed on 31 October. QSL VIA UR5VHB ---> Andy, UR5VHB reports he has the logs for 3B8FQ, 3B8FG, 3B8GL, 3B8DB. QSL direct only to Andy Zhuravel, P.O. Box 5 Svetlovodsk-7, Kirovogradskaya obl., 27507 Ukraine. For further information please e-mail ur5vhb@rambler.ru WAIL (CORRECTION) ---> The correct WAIL reference number for the Lighthouse at Capo San Vito (activated on 4 November) is PU-001 (not PU-011, see 425DXN 548). We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our readers. + SILENT KEY + Jean-Michel, F6AJA reports the sad news of the passing of Robert Berry, FO5BI on 28 September. IOTA old timers will surely remember Bob operating from OC-094, OC-113, OC-131 and other FO groups. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH LOGS: The log for 6W1/F5JJW is now available at http://www.qsl.net/f5nod/6w_f5jjw_01.html [TNX F5NOD] SP CALLBOOK: SP2UKB, PZK (Polish Amateur Radio Union http://www.pzk.org.pl) Secretary General reports that an official Polish Callbook is available at http://www.callbook.pzk.org.pl XT2DX: More information on the CQ WW CW Contest XT2DX Multi-Multi operation from Burkina Faso [425DXN 547] is available on the Voodoo Contest Group's new web site at http://www.voodudes.org [TNX G3SXW] WAE DX CONTEST: The RTTY event will take place on 10-11 November. Rules are available at http://www.waedc.de ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSLs received direct: 3V8DJ, 3W3ZZ, 3W9HRN, 5A1A, 5R8HA, 5R8HC, 5V7VJ, 7S5S, 8R1AK, 8S4Z, 9A6DM, 9E1S, 9J2BO, 9K2ZZ, 9L1DX, A41KJ, A61AJ, A71MA, A92GM, AP2ARS, BV9O (AS-155), C4MG (AS-120), D2BB, D68C, EK8WB, EM1HO, ER1ZZ, ES1WN, EY8MM, EZ8AQ, EZ8CQ, F5EU/ST2, FK8HZ, FO5DP, FP/N8KR, FR5FD, FR5ZU/T, FY5KE, H44NC, HK0VGJ, HK5MQZ/0M, HK5QGX/0M, HR4/TI5KD (NA-060), HR6SI (NA-035), IO2L, IO2SM, J5X, JT1CO, JW3FL (EU-063), JY4NE, KL7AK/P (NA-053), PJ2/G0WKW, PJ2T, PT0T, PV0F, PY1VOY/PY0T, TI2/KI7WO, UM9AA, V44KJ, V8A, VK8AN/6(OC-154), VP5/W6XK, VP5L, VP5Q, VP9/W6PH, VQ9IO, XT20W, YB5NOF/P (OC-108), YJ0AXC (OC-110), YS2MRL, Z24S, ZD7K, ZD8K, ZF2AH, ZL7/G3SXW, ZL7/G3TXF. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX S DX@WW $425WW549D 425 DX News #549 [4/4] 10 November 2001 No 549 $425WW549D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till 06/12 3B8/ON4LAC: Mauritius Island (AF-049) 533 till 16/11 3W2KHO: Vietnam * by WB2KHO 548 till 12/11 8Q7QQ: Maldives (AS-013) * by HB9QQ 539 till 15/11 9M6: East Malaysia * by JAs 548 till 26/11 CT3: Madeira (AF-014) * by DJ6QT (CT9L) 546 till 2002 EM1HO: Galindez Island (AN-006) 513 till Dec FO0DEH: OC-094, OC-062, (French Polynesia) * by ON4QM 545 till 10/11 FO/SP9FIH: Nuku Hiva (OC-027), Marquesas Islands 545 till 30/11 H44MA: Malaita Island (OC-047), Solomons * by VK2GR 545 till 29/11 HK0GU: San Andres Island (NA-033) * by DL7VOG 549 till 15/11 IB0/IK8VRH: Ventotene & Ponza Isls (EU-045) 548 till Dec IY1SP: special Marconi station 547 till Mar KC4/N3SIG: McMurdo Station, Ross Island (AN-011) 547 till 17/11 MM0LEO; Scotalnd * by W3LEO 545 till 31/12 OE75: special prefix (Austria) 504 till 31/12 OQ: special prefix (Belgium) 548 till 30/11 PJ4/PA3CNX: Bonaire (SA-006), Netherlands Antilles 547 till 15/11 S79AN: Seychelles * by DF8AN 547 till 11/11 SM7DAY and SM7NGH: Ven Island (EU-137) 547 till 18/11 SN45KDU: special event station (Poland) 524 till 11/11 T2T & T2SIX: Tuvalu (OC-015) * by JAs 548 till 2003 T30ES: Butaritari (OC-017), W. Kiribati * by N1JSY 543 till 30/11 TM5SIA: special event call (France) 546 till 31/12 VI30RC: special station (Australia) 535 till Jan VK0KMT: Davis Base (VK-03), Antarctica * by VK4KMT 537 till 10/11 XU: Cambodia * by F5TYY, F6BFH, F6EGG, F9IE 543 till 11/11 YV: Los Roques (SA-035) * by IZ1DLV 547 till Oct 2002 ZD9IR: Gough Island (IOTA AF-030) * by ZS6RI 544 till 13/11 ZK1: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cooks 529 till 26/11 ZM8CW: Kermadec Islands (OC-039) * by ZL3CW 545 till Feb ZS7: SANAE Antarctic Base * by ZS4AGA 549 06/11-15/11 JA6GXK: Danjo Islands (AS-056) 547 09/11-10/11 Japan International DX Contest (SSB) *** 09/11-11/11 Seanet Convention (Kota Kinabalu) 523 10/11-11/11 K1VSJ: Martha's Vineyard (NA-046) 549 10/11-11/11 OK/OM DX Contest (CW) *** 10/11-11/11 WAE DX Contest (RTTY) *** 11/11-14/11 9M8/hc, 9M8TG: East Malaysia * by JAs 549 11/11-23/11 DJ8OK, DL7OK, DJ4OK: EU-042 549 11/11-23/11 TJ2RSF: Cameroon * by EA2TV and EA2COL 548 from 12/11 ZL#/PA0MIR: Stewart island (OC-203) 549 15/11-17/11 5Z: Kenya * by DF8AN 547 15/11-30/11 FG/N4CD: Guadeloupe 547 15/11-05/12 S79GAN: Seychelles * by DL2GAN 549 15/11-17/11 V85TG: Brunei * by 9M8TG 549 16/11-01/12 3W2LWS: Vietnam * by WA1LWS 549 from 16/11 VP6: Ducie Island (OC-182) 549 17/11 4Z4DX and 4X6UU: Stela Maris Lighthouse 547 17/11-18/11 IR3PO: special event station 549 17/11-30/11 TM0A: special call (France) * by F6OIE 549 17/11-22/11 VP8SIG: South Orkneys (AN-008) * by GM0HCQ 537 17/11-18/11 IARU Region 1 - 160mt. Contest (CW) *** 17/11-18/11 INORC Contest 544 17/11-18/11 LZ DX Contest (CW) *** 17/11-18/11 RSGB 1.8 MHz Contest (CW) *** 18/11-21/11 FO0SAI: Marquesas Islands (OC-027) * by JI1JKW 549 19/11-18/12 ZD8Z: Ascension Island (AF-003) * by N6TJ 549 20/11-10/12 5W: Samoa (OC-097) * by W7TVF 547 20/11-26/11 6Y5/hc + 6Y#A: Jamaica * by Ws 549 20/11-27/11 C6A/K8EP: Treasure Cay (NA-080), Bahamas 549 20/11-29/11 PY0FM: Fernando de Noronha (SA-003) * by PY5CC 549 21/11 ER373R: special event station 549 21/11-09/12 HI3K: Dominican Republic * by AD4Z 547 21/11-25/11 NP2/K7BV & WP2Z: Virgin Islands (NA-106) 541 22/11-03/12 Tonga (A3) and Niue (ZK2) * by VK2IR 548 22/11-23/11 FO0SAI: Moorea (OC-046), French Polynesia * by JI1JKW 549 22/11-27/11 NH0S, NH0V, KH0/JE6MYI, KH0/AD6VH, KH0/JK2VOC: Saipan 539 22/11-27/11 T88JA & T88FS: Palau (OC-009) * by JA6VZB and JH6RTO 549 23/11-26/11 L34H: Argentina 549 23/11-25/11 LS2D: Isla Verde 545 23/11-30/11 V63DX & V63A: Pohnpei (OC-010) * by JA7HMZ 549 24/11-30/11 VP8SGK: South Georgia (AN-007) * by GM0HCQ 537 24/11-25/11 XT2DX: Burkina Faso * by Voodoo Contest Group 547 24/11-25/11 CQ Worldwide DX Contest (CW) *** 26/11-02/12 FS/W2AZK and FS/KF2HC: Saint Martin (NA-105) 543 27/11-06/12 JA6GXK: Danjo Islands (AS-056) 547 30/11-05/12 ZL1WY/ZL7: Chatham Islands (OC-038) * by JF1OCQ 549 Nov-Jan 2003 R1ANC: Antarctic Base "Vostok" * by RA1PC & UA1PAC 548 Nov-Mar 2002 VK3FEI/#: Australia & islands * by PA0MIR 543 03/12-14/12 FO0SEV & FO0FRY: Austral Islands * by WB8YJF & K8PYD 549 08/12-15/12 E29AL: Tarutao Island (AS-126) 545 27/12-07/01 JA6GXK: Danjo Islands (AS-056) 547 29/12-05/06 JI3DST/6: Miyako Island (AS-079) 547 30/12-03/01 T88HA & T88MY: Palau (OC-009) * by JK1FNN and 7L1MKM 549 Dec-Jan CE9C: Hornos Island (SA-031) 529 from December R1ANF: Antarctic Base "Bellingshausen" * by UA1PBA 549 December YC3MM: Siberut Island (OC-215) 541 /EX