DX425 bulletin issue nr. 547

S DX@WW $425WW547A
425 DX News #547 [1/4]
  27 October 2001                  No 547                          $425WW547A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

3W     - The IOTA  DXpedition to  Cham Island  (AS-???) [425DXN  545] is  now
         scheduled to take place on 17-22 April 2002. Shu/JA6IEF, Yuki/JI6KVR
         and Hau/3W6LI plan to operate with  two stations on SSB and CW.  QSL
         via    EA5KB.     For    further     information    please     visit
         http://www3.ocn.ne.jp/~iota/newpage25.htm [TNX JI6KVR]
4X     - Dov, 4Z4DX and Paul, 4X6UU will operate from Stela Maris  Lighthouse
         (ISR-004) starting around 13 UTC on 17 November. On their way to the
         lighthouse they will  be active from  a few  Holyland Award  squares
         starting around 3 UTC. [TNX 4Z4DX]
5W     - Bill, W7TVF will be active from  Samoa (OC-097) between 20  November
         and 10 December. The call is not known yet. Operation will be on all
         bands from 160 to 6 metres and  the mode will be mostly CW.  Special
         attention will be given to Europe and Africa on the low bands during
         favorable  grayline.  Further  information,  including  on-line  log
         serach, will be available at http://www.air-internet.com/~w7tvf [TNX
9M6    - Jani, YB0US will be operating as 9M6US from the Hillview Gardens ARC
         in Sabah from 26 October  until 6 November.  He will participate  in
         the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as 9M6A  (SOAB HP). All QSL via N2OO.  [TNX
9N     - Micha, DL7VMH will be active as 9N7MH from Nepal between 28  October
         and 5 November. He will operate mainly CW on 17 metres and a  second
         band to be decided upon arrival. [TNX The Daily DX]
CE0_est- Andy, HB9JOE  and  Fred,  HB9AAQ  will  be  visiting  Easter  Island
         (SA-001) between 4  and 8 November  and plan to  be active in  their
         free time as CE9Y/home call on 10-40 metres CW. QSL via home  calls.
         [TNX HB9AAQ]
E3     - The E30NA [425DXN  543] team is  transmitting from  near Asmara  and
         there will be no operation from AF-038 due to power and other  local
         problems. Damaged  notebooks  prevent them  from  operating  digital
         modes; for the same reason on-line logs will not be available during
         the activity. They  will participate  in the  CQ WW  DX SSB  Contest
         (Multi-Single) and will go QRT on  2 November. QSL via DL5NAM.  More
         details are available at http://www.qsl.net/e30na [TNX DF4RD]
E4     - Due to local conditions, Gunter, E4/OE1GZA had to cancel his planned
         activity during the CQ WW SSB  Contest [425DXN 539]. Updates on  his
         future       operations        will       be        posted        on
FG     - Robert, N4CD will  be active (on  all bands CW  and SSB) as  FG/N4CD
         from Guadeloupe on 15-30 November. QSL via N4CD. [TNX N4CD]
HI     - Julio, AD4Z/HI3K reports he will be back home at HI3K and HI3J  (his
         father's station)  between  21 November  and  9  December.  He  will
         operate on all bands mostly CW  with an emphasis  on 160 metres  and
         the WARC bands. Any arrangements for QSO will be welcome via  e-mail
         to USA002@hotmail.com. Julio will also participate  in the CQ WW  DX
         CW and ARRL 160m Contests. QSL via AD4Z. 
I      - Operators from  ARI La  Spezia will  operate special  event  station
         IY1SP  until  31   December  to   commemorate  Guglielmo   Marconi's
         experiments in 1901 and 1931. IY1SP will be active during the CQ  WW
         SSB, CQ WW  CW, Memorial Marconi  VHF and  Italian 40/80m  Contests.
         Special QSL  card via  I1FNX either  direct (c/o  Sezione A.R.I.  La
         Spezia, P. O. Box 45, 19100  La Spezia - SP,  Italy) or through  the
         bureau. [TNX IW1PDP]
JA     - Masafumi, JA6GXK will be active again from the lighthouse on Mejima,
         Danjo Islands (AS-056) on 6-15 November, 27 November-6 December  and
         27 December-7 January. These  are likely to  be his last  operations
         from this island. [TNX JI6KVR]
JA     - Take, JI3DST will be active (on 40, 17, 15, 12, 10 and 6 metres SSB)
         as JI3DST/6  from Miyako  Island (AS-079)  between  7.00 UTC  on  29
         December and 00.00  UTC on 5  January. QSL to  JI3DST either  direct
         (Takeshi Funaki,  2-18-26  Hannan-Cho, Abeno-Ku,  Osaka-City,  Osaka
         545-0021, Japan) or preferably through the bureau. [TNX JI3DST]
KC4_ant- Chris, N3SIG  is active  (mainly on  20, 17  and 15  metres SSB)  as
         KC4/N3SIG  from  the  McMurdo  Station  (WABA K-09) on  Ross  Island
         (AN-011), Antarctica until  March 2002.  QSL via  AI3D. Special QSOs
         can be arranged by  sending an e-mail  to  n3sig@arrl.net  [TNX OPDX
LU     - The CRMMA Radio Club from Merlo,  Buenos Aires will operate (on  10,
         15 and 20 metres CW, RTTY and PSK31) L82D on 29 October to celebrate
         the 32nd anniversary of the Marambio  Antarctic Base. QSL via  LU8DR
         (CRMMA, P.O.  Box 47,  1722 Merlo,  Buenos Aires,  Argentina).  [TNX
OZ     - Look for Jakob, OZ7AEI/p to be active  on 40 and 20 metres SSB  from
         Als Island (not IOTA, DIA JY-001)  on 2 November starting around  16
         UTC. QSL via bureau or direct to Jakob Pedersen, Hvamvej 47, DK-7500
         Holstebro, Denmark. [TNX OZ7AEI]
PJ4    - Peter, PA3CNX will  be active as  PJ4/PA3CNX from Bonaire  (SA-006),
         Netherlands Antilles on  5-30 November. Look  for him  on or  around
         3790, 7070, 14340, 28440, 29580 (FM)  and 50110 kHz. QSL via  PA3CNX
         either  direct  or  through   the  bureau.  His   web  site  is   at
         http://home.wxs.nl/~cnx [TNX PA3CNX]
R1_ant - Alex, RA1PC (and possibly Alan, UA1PAC as well) will be a member  of
         the next  wintering expedition  to Russian  Antarctic Base  "Vostok"
         (R1ANC, IOTA AN-016, WABA UA-010). The QSL route will be via DL5EBE.
         [TNX DL5EBE]
SM     - SM7DAY and SM7NGH will  be active (on  10, 15 and  20 metres CW  and
         SSB) from Ven Island (EU-137) on  9-11 November. QSL via home  calls
         either direct or through the bureau. [TNX SM7NGH]
YV     - Gilberto, IZ1DLV will be active from Los Roques (SA-035) between  30
         October and 11 November. Gilberto's licence is being issued and will
         operate on 10,  12, 15, 17  and 20 metres  SSB. QSL  direct only  to
         IZ1DLV (Gilberto  Bonasegale,  P.O. Box  7039,  16148 Genova  -  GE,
XT     - The Voodoo Contest Group will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest
         (24-25 November) as  XT2DX (Multi-Multi)  from Ouagadougou,  Burkina
         Faso. Operators  will include  G3PJT,  G3SXW, G3XTT,  G4BWP,  G4IFB,
         G4PIQ, KC7V. QSL via G3SXW. [TNX G3SXW]
ZL     - Andy, GM0NWI will be active (mainly on  20 and 40 metres CW QRP)  as
         ZL/GM0NWI from New Zealand  between 30 October  and 24 January.  QSL
         via home call. [TNX GM0VRP]
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425 DX News #547 [2/4]
  27 October 2001                  No 547                          $425WW547B
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                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

AFRICAN TOUR --->  Mike, DF8AN reports  he plans  to visit  and operate  from
Kenya (5Z) on 2-5 and 15-17 November,  Tanzania (5H) on 5-7 November and  the
Seychelles (S7) 8-15  November. QSL direct  to DF8AN  either direct  (Michael
Noertemann, Neustadt  18,  D-37154 Northeim,  Germany)  or through  the  DARC

THE EUROPEAN TRIANGLE (CQWW SSB) ---> It is often thought that working Europe
and working *from* Europe means one  and the same thing.  A group of  serious
contesters decided to run a single-op  all-band CQ WW  SSB effort from  three
different corners  of Europe.  They expect  huge differences  in their  final
tally which will be published and analyzed. This will also provide those  who
plan to be around during the  contest weekend with an opportunity for  making
some interesting observations. The stations involved in this experiment are:
1: CT7B, Northern Portugal (40.20N - 08.42W) by Martti Laine, OH2BH
2: OH0MM, Aland Islands (60.40N - 20.00E) by Ville Hiilesmaa, OH2MM
3: SV9CVY, Crete Island (35.33N - 25.13E) by Bernd "Ben" Och, DL6FBL
Web sites are  at http://www.dl6fbl.de/sv9cvy and  http://www.qsl.net/ct1eeb/

CQ  WW  DX  SSB  CONTEST  --->  Other  operators  who  have  announced  their
partecipation in this year's event include:
- Hamad, 9K2HN as 9K9X (SOAB). QSL via bureau. [TNX 9K2HN]
- Juan Carlos, CO8TW as SOSB (10 metres). QSL via IZ8CCW and on-line logs  at
  http://www.qsl.net/co8tw/ [TNX CO8TW]
- E21EIC, E20RRW  and HS0XNO  as E21EIC  (Multi-Single). QSL  via home  call.
  Other participants from  Thailand include HS5AYO  (SOAB LP,  QSL via  CBA),
  (SOAB LP,  QSL via  E21EIC), E20HHK  (SOSB 20m  LP, QSL  via E21EIC).  [TNX
- Pekka, OH1RY as  EA8AH from the  Canary Islands.  QSL via  OH1RY. [TNX  The
  Daily DX]
- Don, G3XTT as MJ0C (SOSB on 15 or 10 metres, depending on conditions)  from
  Jersey. QSL via G3XTT.
- The Mid Lanark ARS contest  group as GM0B  (Multi-Multi) from Dunnet  Head,
  most  northerly  point  of  the  United  Kingdom.  Further  information  at
  http://www.qsl.net/mm0bhx/gm0b/new-page-1index.htm [TNX GM0EGI]
- A group of German and Swiss operators as HB0/HB9AON from Liechtenstein. QSL
  via DJ2YE. [TNX DX Newsletter]
- Pedro, HC1OT as HC8Z from Isla  San Cristobal, Galapagos (SA-004). QSL  via
  NE8Z (Rick Dorsch, P.O. Box 616, Hamburg, MI 48139, USA). [TNX NE8Z]
- JA6WFM/HR3, JM6EBU/HR3 and JM6UAA/HR3 as HR3J (Multi-Single). QSL via JA6VU
  (Masaaki Kano, 712 Kagami-machi, Yatsushiro-gun, Kumamoto 869-4203, Japan).
- I3BQC/p, IK3ABY/p,  IK3BPN/p  and IK3BSM/p  with  individual  entries  from
  Ottagono degli  Alberoni (EU-131,  IIA VE-041).  QSL via  home calls.  [TNX
- A group of operators from the Northern  Italy DX and Contest Team as  IO4T.
  QSL direct only to IK4XCL (Roberto Bellotti, Via G.Graziosi 6, 41100 Modena
  - MO, Italy). [TNX IK4RQJ]
- Fabrizio, IN3ZNR as IR3Z. QSL via IN3XUG. [TNX IN3XUG]
- IK0NFV, IK0LNN and other operators from  Rome as IQ0N (Multi-Single).  [TNX
- Andrea, IV3SKB as IQ3X (SOSB 10 metres). QSL via IV3HAX. [TNX IV3SKB]
- Bob, LU2FA and Seba, LU4FPZ as  LT5F (Multi-Single) with an emphasis on  80
  metres. [TNX LU4FPZ]
- Sergio, LU7YS as SOSB (20 metres) High  Power from San Martin de los  Andes
  in Patagonia. [TNX LU7YS]
- Olli, OH0XX as OA4BA (SOAB). QSL for this operation only to Olli  Rissanen,
  #599, 1313 So. Military Trail, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442, USA.
- Jef, ON4ACA and others as OT1C. QSL via ON4ACA either direct or through the
  bureau. [TNX ON4ACA]
- KK9A from Aruba (SA-036) as P40A (SOSB on 20 metres). QSL via WD9DZV.  [TNX
  The Daily DX]
- Serge, RA0JJ as SOSB (80 metres)  from Zone 19. Look  for him on  3785-3800
  kHz. QSL to  Serge Smirnoff, P.O.  Box 1,  Blagoveschensk, 675000,  Russia.
- Marco, TI3TLS as TI3M. QSL via EA5KB. [TNX EA5KB]
- N0KE from Costa Rica as TI5X (SOAB QRP) from TI5KD's station. QSL for  TI5X
  and TI/N0KE via N0KE. [TNX The Daily DX]
- F5PAL, F8BGV, F8CFO, F8DFP and F8NAN  as TM9W from  France. QSL via  F8BGV.
  This special call will be used until 9 November. [TNX F8BGV]
- Bogdan, YO2LIF  as YP2A.  QSL via  YO2KAB (P.O.  Box 100,  1900  Timisoara,
  Romania). [TNX YO2LIF]
- Luis, ZP5WBM as ZP2W. QSL via ZP5CGL.
- Jim Neiger, N6TJ from the ZW5B station as SOAB. [TNX The Daily DX]
Give also a look to the  listing of announced operations maintained by  Bill,
NG3K at http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/cqs2001.html
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425 DX News #547 [3/4]
  27 October 2001                  No 547                          $425WW547c
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CQ CONTEST LOGS  ---> Due to  security concerns, CQ  Communications asks  all
participants in  CQ-sponsored amateur  radio contests  to submit  their  logs
electronically [425DXN 546]. In order not to damage contesters who still  use
paper logs, the  CQ WW Committee  has appointed  a few  individuals who  will
collect paper logs and mail them to CQ. One of them is CQ WW Committee member
Paolo Cortese, I2UIY  (P.O. Box 14,  27043 Broni  - PV,  Italy). [TNX  I2UIY,

NCDXF --->  At its  Board of  Directors meeting  on 23  October 2001  in  San
Francisco, CA, the Northern California DX Foundation  (http://www.ncdxf.org/)
re-elected the following officers and directors:
President       Len Geraldi   K6ANP
Vice President  Al Burnham    K6RIM
Secretary       Tom McShane   NW6P
Treasurer       Bruce Butler  W6OSP
Director        Rusty Epps    W6OAT
Director        Dave Pugatch  KI6WF
Director        Chuck Ternes  N6OJ
Director        Steve Thomas  N6ST
Director        Glenn Vinson  W6OTC
Newly elected directors are Steve Merchant, K6AW and Ken Anderson, K6TA.

QSL 3B6RF ---> All direct requests  have been processed  and cards have  been
mailed by  HB9AGH and  N3SL. The  team is  still $  25,000 short  due to  the
additional costs for the last minute  change in their planned  transportation
("without this  last minute  expenses, the  expedition  would not  have  been
possible", Fred,  HB9AAQ  says). Donations  are  therefore  still  gratefully
welcome and anyone contributing with $ 15 ore  more will receive a CD with  a
slide show of the trip.

QSL GB0HI  --->  The QSLs  for  the Hilbre  Island  (EU-120) GB0HI  May  2001
operation have finally arrived from the printers. and Paul, G0WRE will  begin
answering direct requests next week. Bureau requests will be processed  after
all direct request currently held have  been answered. The  web site for  the
operation is at http://qsl.net/g0wre [TNX G0WRE]

QSL HC8A ---> Steve, KU9C is the new QSL manager for HC8A. Current QSL routes
for other stations active from Isla San Cristobal, Galapagos Islands (SA-004)
are: HC8GR via N5KO, HC8L via N2AU, HC8N via AA5BT, HC8Z/HD8Z via NE8Z.  [TNX

QSL KL7AK/P  ---> As of 17 October,  2001 QSL cards for the KL7AK/P  (NA-053)
expedition were printed and N6AWD is currently answering direct requests.

QSL WH6ASW/KH2 --->  Ray, WH6ASW/KH2 is leaving Guam in a few days, returning
to Hawaii. His  new address for  QSLing is Ramon  E. Fabree,  P.O. Box  1693,
Aiea, Hawaii 96701, USA. Any mail sent  to his previous Guam address will  be
forwarded. All future QSL request should go to the address above. [TNX N4NX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

NIGER 2002: The web site for the January-February DXpedition to Niger [425DXN
            542] is at http://www.qsl.net/niger-2002 and it includes a survey
            form for your band/mode needs. Further information will be  added
            when the details are finalized. [TNX I2UIY]

QSLs received direct:3B6RF (AF-001), 3C5J, 3D2AG/P (OC-060), 3D2CI  (OC-112),
3D2RW (OC-095),  3V8DJ, 3Y0C,  4U1VIC, 5R8HA  (AF-090), 5V7TD,  6A1A,  7Q7DX,
9E1S, 9H0A,  9L1DX,  9Q0AR, A41LZ,  CE0ZIS,  E29DX (AS-145),  EM1KCC,  EM1KY,
FG/DF4OR, FK8GM,  FO/DL7FT,  FP/K9WM,  FP/NN9K,  FR/F6KDF/T,  H76C  (NA-212),
HK5QGX/0M, HO1A,  HR6SI  (NA-035), J48SAM  (EU-174),  J5X,  J79CGA  (NA-101),
JM6CIP/6  (AS-037),  JT1Y,  JW7FJA,  KL6/KD6WW  (NA-087),  KL7AK/P  (NA-053),
PJ2/G3RFX,  PJ5/UA1ACX  (NA-145),  PT0T,  RK2FWA,  S21YT,  T48Z,  T5X,  T88LL
(OC-009), TA0/LZ3ND  (EU-186),  UK8LA,  UN5J,  UN7LZ,  V73E  (OC-087),  V73GT
(0C-028), VK4AWX (OC-137), VK9CXJ (OC-003), VK9NS, VP5/K5CM, XU7ABT,  XU7ABV,
YK1AO, YM0MA (EU-186), YS1CF, ZC4DW (AS-004), ZL7/G3SXW, ZL7/G3TXF, ZL75.

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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425 DX News #547 [4/4]
  27 October 2001                  No 547                          $425WW547D
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******   CALENDAR  *******
                                Edited by I1JQJ

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  06/12      3B8/ON4LAC: Mauritius Island (AF-049)                  533
till  03/11      3D2MH: Fiji (OC-016, OC-121, OC-156) * by DL1MHM       543
till  30/10      5B4/hc, P3A: Cyprus (AS-004) * by UAs                  546
till  30/10      AC8G,N6NR,N7YX,WA8LOW,W8ILC/6Y5, 6Y6L: Jamaica(NA-097) 546
till  29/10      9M6TBT: East Malaysia * by KD3TB and KD3RF             546
till  06/11      9M6US: Sabah, East Malaysia * by YB0US                 547
till  01/11      A52DA, A52CB, A52PC, A51B, A52SL, A52ED, A52ST: Bhutan 541
till  29/10      hc/C6A & C6AKO: Abaco (NA-080), Bahamas * by Ws        545
till  31/10      CE6TBN/7: Chiloe Island (SA-018)                       544
till  26/11      CT3: Madeira (AF-014) * by DJ6QT (CT9L)                546
till  02/11      E30NA: Eritrea * by DLs & OE                           547
till  2002       EM1HO: Galindez Island (AN-006)                        513
till  December   FO0DEH: OC-094, OC-062, (French Polynesia) * by ON4QM  545
till  30/10      FG/T97M: Guadeloupe                                    546
till  05/11      FO0ARE: Rurutu (OC-050), Australs * by HA9RE           545
till  10/11      FO/SP9FIH: Nuku Hiva (OC-027), Marquesas Islands       545
till  31/10      FP/AC8W and FP/K8DD: St. Pierre & Miquelon (NA-032)    546
till  30/11      H44MA: Malaita Island (OC-047), Solomons * by VK2GR    545
till  31/10      GH4BJC/p: Jersey Island (EU-013) * by G0WFH            544
till  29/10      GM3WOJ/p, GM4YXI/p, GZ7V: Shetland Islands (EU-012)    543
till  28/10      II1ARI: special event station from Torino              530
till  31/10      J6R: St. Lucia (NA-108) * by K3LP                      546
till  30/10      J75WX, J79WB, J79DA, J79LR, J79AA: Dominica (NA-101)   545
till  March      KC4/N3SIG: McMurdo Station, Ross Island (AN-011)       547
till  17/11      MM0LEO; Scotalnd * by W3LEO                            545
till  31/12      OE75: special prefix (Austria)                         504
till  29/10      P29JA: Papua New Guinea * by JG7AMD                    546
till  28/10      SV9/DL6FBL and SV9CVY: Crete                           545
till  2003       T30ES: Butaritari (OC-017), W. Kiribati * by N1JSY     543
till  04/11      TI2/SM4DHF: Costa Rica                                 545
till  30/11      TM5SIA: special event call (France)                    546
till  04/11      V2: Antigua (NA-100) * by  Ws                          546
till  28/10      V63HJ: Micronesia * by JE1LES                          545
till  29/10      VB2V: Zone 2                                           545
till  31/12      VI30RC: special station (Australia)                    535
till  Jan        VK0KMT: Davis Base (VK-03), Antarctica * by VK4KMT     537
till  04/11      VK9KNE & VK9KND: Norfolk (OC-005) * by SP9PT & SP9EVP  539
till  30/10      VP5/WA2VYA, K2WB, N2VW & VP5T: Providenciales (NA-002) 543
till  31/10      VY0/7K1WLE or AK2M/VY0: Cornwallis Island (NA-009)     545
till  10/11      XU: Cambodia * by F5TYY, F6BFH, F6EGG, F9IE            543
till  Oct 2002   ZD9IR: Gough Island (IOTA AF-030) * by ZS6RI           544
till  28/10      ZF2MU: Cayman Islands (NA-016) * by K4BI               546
till  01/11      ZK1: Manihiki (OC-014), North Cooks                    529
till  03/11      ZK1: Penrhyn (OC-082), North Cooks*by JR2KDN & JI1NJC  541
till  08/11      ZL#/PA0MIR: New Zealand & islands                      543
26/11-02/12      FS/W2AZK and FS/KF2HC: Saint Martin (NA-105)           543
26/10-29/10      KH0A: Saipan (OC-086) * by JF1MIA                      546
27/10-04/11      9G: Ghana * by W7XU, K5AND and W0SD                    545
27/10-28/10      A50A: Bhutan                                           541
27/10-28/10      AH2R: Guam (OC-026) * by JAs                           545
27/10-28/10      D44TC: Sal Isl (AF-086) * by Marconi Contest Club      541
27/10-28/10      FY5KE: French Guiana * by Fs and FYs                   545
27/10-28/10      GD6IA: Isle of Man (EU-116) * by K1JB and K1EU         546
27/10-28/10      HR3J: Honduras                                         541
27/10-28/10      IG9A: Lampedusa (AF-019) * by Is and others            546
27/10-28/10      IH9P: Pantelleria (AF-018) * by Is and others          546
27/10-28/10      J3A: Grenada (NA-024) * by Ws                          546
27/10-28/10      J49Z: Crete (EU-015) * by IK8HCG and IK8UND            541
27/10-06/11      JT1FCY and JT1FCZ: Mongolia * by I1QOD and I1ZB        544
27/10-05/11      OX3IPA: Greenland * by OZ5AAH/OZ5IPA                   543
27/10-28/10      XP1AB: Greenland (CQ WW DX SSB)                        537
27/10-28/10      YN2EJ: Nicaragua * by W5GCX, K5LBU, G3UML              543
27/10-28/10      CQ Worldwide DX Contest (SSB)                          ***
28/10-05/11      9N7MH: Nepal * by DL7VMH                               547
29/10            L82D: special station (Argentina)                      547
30/10-11/11      YV: Los Roques (SA-035) * by IZ1DLV                    547
30/10-24/01      ZL/GM0NWI: New Zealand                                 547
31/10-12/11      8Q7QQ: Maldives (AS-013) * by HB9QQ                    539
Oct-Dec          IY1SP: special Marconi station                         547
October          YC9BU/3: OC-237                                        531
01/11-18/11      SN45KDU: special event station (Poland)                524
01/11-08/11      T2T  & T2SIX: Tuvalu (OC-015) * by JAs                 546
01/11-04/11      XE: Isla de Lobos (NA-???) * by XE1RCS                 545
01/11-13/11      ZK1: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cooks                   529
01/11-26/11      ZM8CW or ZL8CW: Kermadec Islands (OC-039) * by ZL3CW   545
02/11-05/11      5Z: Kenya * by DF8AN                                   547
02/11-05/11      JI1PLF/1, 7N1GNK/1, 7N4PVR/1: Hachijo Island (AS-043)  545
02/11            OZ7AEI/p: Als Island (DIA JY-001)                      547
03/11-04/11      Ukrainian DX Contest                                   ***
04/11-08/11      CE9Y/HB9JOE and CE9Y/HB9AAQ: Easter Island (SA-001)    547
04/11            High Speed Club CW Contest                             ***
04/11            IPA Contest (SSB)                                      ***
05/11-07/11      5H: Tanzania * by DF8AN                                547
05/11-30/11      PJ4/PA3CNX: Bonaire (SA-006), Netherlands Antilles     547
06/11            HV5PUL: Vatican City                                   546
06/11-15/11      JA6GXK: Danjo Islands (AS-056)                         547
08/12-15/12      E29AL: Tarutao Island (AS-126)                         545
08/11-15/11      S7: Seychelles * by DF8AN                              547
09/11-11/11      SM7DAY and SM7NGH: Ven Island (EU-137)                 547
09/11-10/11      Japan International DX Contest (SSB)                   ***
09/11-11/11      Seanet Convention (Kota Kinabalu)                      523
10/11-11/11      OK/OM DX Contest (CW)                                  ***
10/11-11/11      WAE DX Contest (RTTY)                                  ***
15/11-17/11      5Z: Kenya * by DF8AN                                   547
15/11-30/11      FG/N4CD: Guadeloupe                                    547
from  16/11      VP6: Ducie Island (OC-182)                             545