S DX@WW $425WW546A 425 DX News #546 [1/3] 20 October 2001 No 546 $425WW546A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 425DXN #546 ---> This issue was published earlier than usual a few hours before your Editors left for the International HF-DX & Contest Convention to be held in Catania over the weekend. 5B - RA0AM, RA9JX, RZ9UA, RV0AU, RW3QC, RW9UP, UA9MA, UA9UR and UA9YAB will be active as 5B4/homecall from Cyprus on 23-30 October. They will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as P3A. [TNX UA9YAB] 6Y - AC8G, N6NR, N7YX, WA8LOW and W8ILC will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as 6Y6L (Multi-Multi) from Jamaica (NA-097). They plan to have four complete stations with amplifiers and a wide range of antennas. QSL via WA8LOW. The group expects to start limited SSB, CW, PSK31 activity as homecall/6Y5 on 23 October. QSL via the appropriate home call. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] 9M6 - Irwin, KD3TB and Andy, KD3RF will be active (on SSB, RTTY and PSK31) as 9M6TBT from East Malaysiaa on 26-29 October, CQ WW SSB DX Contest included. QSL via KD3TB. [TNX The Daily DX] CT3 - Walter, DJ6QT will be active from Madeira (AF-014) between 23 October and 26 November. He will participate in both the CQ WW DX Contests as CT9L. QSL via DJ6QT. [TNX The Daily DX] F - Special call TM5SIA will be used on all bands and modes until 30 October, including an entry in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest, by French amateur radio operators to celebrate the 23rd International HamExpo in Auxerre. QSL via F2WS. [TNX F5NQL] FP - Look for FP/AC8W and FP/K8DD to operate from St. Pierre & Miquelon (NA-032) on 25-31 October, single band entries in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest included. QSL via home calls. FG - Edin, T97M will be active (on all bands SSB, CW and RTTY) as FG/T97M from Guadeloupe on 22-30 October. QSL via K2PF (Ralph G. Fariello, 23 Old Village Rd, Hillsborough, NJ 08844-4008, USA). Edin and Danny, T93M will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as FG5BG (Multi-Single). [TNX T97M] FS/PJ7 - Ken, K7ZUM, and Craig, AH8DX will operate as PJ7/K7ZUM (on 10-40 metres RTTY and SSB) from St. Maarten and FS/AH8DX (mostly SSB) from St. Martin starting on 21 October. They will participate in the CQ WW SSB Contest. QSL via home calls. [TNX The Daily DX] GD - Joe, K1JB and Mike, K1EU will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as GD6IA from the Isle of Man (EU-116). Before the contest they will operate on CW as MD/K1EU and MD/K1JB. [TNX The Daily DX] HV - Look for HV5PUL to be aired (on HF, 6 and 2 metres) from the Pontificia Universita' Lateranense, Vatican City (http://www.pul.it) on 20 October and 6 November. [TNX OZ6OM] I - A large group of operators (including 9A3GW, 9A6A, 9H1EL, I4AVG, I4EAT, I4TJE, I4VEQ, IT9CHU, IT9EQO, IT9GSF, IT9INO, IV3TMV, JH4RHF, N5ZO, S50R and SV8CS) will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as IG9A (Multi-Multi) from Lampedusa Island (African Italy, Zone 33, IOTA AF-019). QSL via I2MQP. [TNX IT9GSF] I - Pantelleria Contest Team (I2IFT, I8QLS, I8ULL, I8UZA, IK2ANI, IK2CIO, IK2HKT, IK2RZP, IK2SND, IK2YCN, IK8ETA, IN3QBR, IN3XUG, IT9BLB, IT9VDQ, IT9WPO, IT9ZMX, OL5Y, W1NA and W7ZB) will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as IH9P (Multi-Multi) from the island of Pantelleria (African Italy, Zone 33, IOTA AF-018, IIA TP-001). QSL via KR7X. They will arrive on 20 October and before the Contest they will operate as homecall/IH9 on CW, RTTY, SSTV, PSK31 and on the WARC bands. [TNX IT9BLB] J3 - Yankee Clipper Contest Club members K1RX (J3/K1RX), K1HI (J3/K1HI), K2KQ (J37ZA) and W1NR (J3/W1NR) will participate in the CQ WW SSB Contest as J3A (Multi-Multi) from Grenada (NA-024). QSL J3A via WA1S, others via home calls. [TNX The Daily DX] J6 - David, K3LP will operate as J6R from St. Lucia (NA-108) on 24-31 October. During the CQ WW DX SSB Contest he will be joined by Ernest, J69AZ and they will participate in the event as M/S on all bands. [TNX The Daily DX] KH0 - JF1MIA will operate (on HF and 6 metres) as KH0A from Saipan, Northern Marianas (OC-086) on 26-29 October. QSL via home call. [TNX OZ6OM] P2 - Yoshi, JG7AMD will be active as P29JA from Papua New Guinea (on 80-6 metres, WARC bands included) on 24-29 October, including an entry in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. QSL via JG7AMD either direct (Yoshi-hiro Shoji, 168-5 Yokaichi, Odaki, Esashi, 023-1131 Japan) or through the JARL bureau. [TNX JG7AMD] /EX S DX@WW $425WW546B 425 DX News #546 [2/3] 20 October 2001 No 546 $425WW546B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== T2 - Team Tuvalu will now use T2T (HF, QSL direct only via JN1HOW) and T2SIX (6m, QSL direct only via JH7OHF) during their 1-8 November operation [425DXN 545]. Their web site is at http://www1.famm.ne.jp/~ndxa/pedi/t2-2001/t2-2001.html [TNX JJ1LIB] V2 - Team Antigua will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as V26B (Multi-Multi). A large group of operators will be active (especially on RTTY, PSK31, 160 metres, the WARC bands and possibly 6 metres) with individual calls starting around 22 October until around 4 November. For the time being team members include: V26A (N3BNA) QSL via WB3DNA V26O (N5NJ) QSL via N5NJ V26K (N2TK) QSL via N2TK V26OC (N3OC) QSL via wN3OC V26B (WT3Q) QSL via WT3Q V26TZ (ZP5AZL) QSL via W3HNK V26E (AB2E) QSL via AB2E V26U (W2UDT) QSL via W2UDT V26EW (N2ED) QSL via N2ED V26YR (W2YR) QSL via W2YR For further information please visit http://www.frc-contest.org W - The University of Florida Radio Club will operate as W4DFU from the Cedar Key Island (NA-076) Lighthouse between approximately 14 UTC on 20 October and 21 UTC on the 21st. The primary bands will be 10, 15 and 20 metres SSB, with some operation on CW, 40 and 17 metres. QSL to W4DFU or WA4ET. [TNX W3KT] W - The Anne Arundel Radio Club in Davidsonville, Maryland will operate a special event station using the club callsign W3VPR to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of AARC. The station will operate on +/- 14240, 21340 and 28440 kHz from 12 UTC to 20 UTC on 20 and 21 October. QSL to Anne Arundel Radio Club Inc., P.O. Box 308 , Davidsonville, MD 21035, USA. [TNX K3GV] W - Special Event Stations using the call sign W7K will operate from 0000 UTC on 20 October through 0000 UTC on the 22nd to celebrate the 85th year of continuous operation by the Radio Club of Tacoma, Washington. QSL to RCT, Box 11188, Tacoma, WA 98411, USA. [TNX W7BUN] ZF - Jim, K4BI will be active (on 40-6 metres, with "primary emphasis" on 6m) as ZF2MU from the Cayman Islands (NA-016) on 18-28 October. [TNX OZ6OM] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH CQ ASKS CONTESTERS TO E-MAIL ALL LOGS ---> The following was released on 16 October: "Due to security concerns, CQ Communications Inc. (cq@cq-amateur-radio.com) is asking all participants in CQ-sponsored amateur radio contests to submit their logs electronically. All logs for the CQ World Wide DX Contest, the CQ WPX Contest, the CQ World Wide 160-Meter Contest, the CQ World Wide VHF Contest and the CQ/RTTY Journal RTTY contests should be submitted via e-mail per instructions in the rules for each contest. In light of recent events regarding hazardous items sent through the mail, logs received through the mail at the CQ offices will be held unopened until all potential health risks have been evaluated. CQ says it cannot guarantee that logs submitted by postal mail will be opened". For further information please contact Richard Moseson, W2VU (w2vu@cq-amateur-radio.com). E30NA ---> The pilot station is Dieter, DF4RD (DF4RD@qsl.net). The web page - to be updated on a daily basis - is at http://www.qsl.net/e30na. QSL via DL5NAM. NEW ISLAND AWARD ---> The Grado Lagoon Islands Award is sponsored by ARI Grado. Full information is available at http://go.to/arigrado [TNX IV3KTY] QSL EX10A ---> Cards for this Kyrgyz special event station have been printed and can be requested from the EX bureau (P.O Box 745, Bishkek 720017, Kyrgyzstan). [TNX EX/K4ANA] QSL VIA JE1DXC ---> Masa, JE1DXC is not the QSL manager for YJ0ADX [425DXN 540]. This was (obviously) a typo for YJ0AXC, the call Masa used during his operations from Vanuatu. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Masa and our readers. + SILENT KEY + Vilnis Vosekalns, YL2KF reports the sad news of the passing of Gundars "Gunis" Zakis, YL2RP on 9 October at 36 years of age. Gunis was an active island chaser and one of the few amateurs from Latvia to get the 5BDXCC and DXCC Honor Roll. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH GB0SM: The log for the 6-13 October operation from EU-011 is now available at www.qsl.net/gb0sm. E-mail requests for bureau cards can be sent to either tom@tctaylor.demon.co.uk or g0pse@qsl.net [TNX G0PSE] LOGS: The 3D2AD, 3D2CI and 3D2CY logs are available at http://dx.qsl.net/logs [TNX The Daily DX] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /EX S DX@WW $425WW546C 425 DX News #546 [3/3] 20 October 2001 No 546 $425WW546C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 3A2AD YT1AD EO8141ZPN UY0ZG S79DA DL1DA 3B8/ON4LAC ON4LAC ER8C ER1DA SV0IR DL2FDF 3B8/PA3BAG PA3BAG EX2M W3HNK SV8/DL8MCA DL8MCA 3D2CI YT1AD EX8W UA3AGS T30ES W1QI 3D2CY Z32AU EY8MM K1BV T88ME 7N1RTO 3D2MH DL1MHM EY90MT EY8MM T88YB HL1IWD 3D2WG DL9NCW EZ10A EZ3A TG/DB2TR DL1SBF 3DA0DF DL7DF EZ10AQ DJ1MM TG/DL1CW DL1CW 3W2DC N4CD EZ10BO EZ8BO TG/DL3GA DL3GA 4S7OF K0JN FM5WD W3HNK TI2/KI7WO KC0ILU 4W/CU3FT CT1EEB FO0DEH ON4QM TI4GCV EA7FTR 5B4/PA3FDO PA3FDO FR5ZU/T JA8FCG TT8DX F5OGL 5N41EAM IK7JTF FY/F8DEG/P F8DEG UA0AZ W3HNK 5N41NDP IK5JAN GB0SM G3WNI UA9CUA W3HNK 5T5KYC JA2KYC GB8ST G4DFI UK8OM IK2QPR 5T5NMY JR1BWQ GH4BJC/p G0DBX UN7EN EA7FTR 5T5RUZ JA8RUZ H40AT IZ8CCW UN7MO EA7FTR 5T5U JA1UT H44AT IZ8CCW UX1IM/p UX1IM 5U7JK I2YSB HB0/HA0HW/p HA0HW V31JP KA9WON 5W0MO OM2SA HB0/HA4DX/p HA4DX V47OHX G4OHX 8Q7LM DL7ULM HB0/HA4XG/p HA4XG V8AAP N2OO 8R1USA 8R1AK HK0OEP N0JT VE1/HB9BCK HB9BCK 8Z0A pirate II1ARI I1JQJ VK8AN/6 VK4AAR 9H3WD OK1AD II6I IK6LLE VK9LO PA3GIO 9N1AC N3ME IQ3V IV3LNQ VR2OS K0JN 9N7RB W4FOA IQ4T IK4WMH VU3MCV ON7LX 9Y4/DL2YY DL2YY IQ5ONU I5KKW VY2/HB9BCK HB9BCK A92DX pirate J41NIK SV1HR XF1/DL1YMK DL1YMK AA1NY/KH0 JA4CZM J88DR G3TBK XW0X XW2A AP2JZB K2EWB JA6WFM/HR3 JA6VU XX9TEP K8EP BD8HD/4 BA4EG JD1BKY JI2BTM YB0DPO K5ZE C6AHN KC4SZE JT1CS JR1CGJ YB0GJS K5ZE C98DC DL7AFS KH0/JA4KKW JA4KKW YC3CZ/9 YC9BU CE6TBN/7 CE6TBN KH2/KH0T JA1SGU YN4SU TI4SU CQ9T CT3KN KH2VL JM1LJS ZF2LC W2SM CT3KN/CT1 CT3KN KP2/EI2CA EI2CA ZF2ZZ SM7DZZ CT9KN CT3KN LU8XW EA5BD ZK1ETW SM7ETW CU3FT EA7FTR LW9EOC EA7JX ZK1USA ZK1CG DU1/SQ9BOP SP6GVU MM0LEO W3LEO ZL1/PA0MIR PA0MIR EA9EU EA9AZ OY3QN OZ1ACB ZV5OKT PP5BLU ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH CE6TBN Marco Quijada, P.O. Box 1234, Temuco, Chile CT3KN Ricardo Martins, Cam do Pilar, Edf Colinas do Pilar, Bl. D, 5 Dto, 9000-150 Funchal, Portugal DL1YMK Michael Kohla, Pieperfeldweg 31, D-48329 Havixbeck, Germany DL7AFS Babs Linge, Eichwaldstr. 86, 34123 Kassel, Germany HA8IB Karoly Szabo, Fuzesgyarmat, Aradi U. 42, 5525, Hungary IK4WMH Stefano Turci, Cerchia S. Egidio 4460, 47023 Cesena, Italy IK8PGM Roberto Duca, Viale Europa 184, 80053 Castellammare di Stabia - NA, Italy IZ8CCW P.O. Box 360, 87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy JA1JQY Shigeo Matsui, 2-31-10 Shimoseya, Seya, Yokohama 246-0035 Japan JA1OEM Shinichi Toyofuku, P.O. Box 9, Sawara, Chiba 287-8691, Japan JA8VE Kunio Saito, 2-26-5-554 Nishituruma, Yamato 242-0005, Japan JI2BTM Takashi Nakajima, Dai-ichi Kanare-sou 3-134, Moritaka 1-107, Moriyama, Nagoya 463-0035, Japan K4VUD Charly Harpole, 3100 HWY, 426 North, Geneva, FL 32732-9761, USA KA9WON Lonnie Miller, 12618 Thistle Ridge Close, Roscoe, IL 61073, USA N4CD Robert A. Voss, 3133 Charring Cross, Plano, TX 75025, USA PA0MIR Nico van der Bijl, Lepelblad 129, NL 1441 VH Purmerend, The Netherlands PA3GIO Bert vd Berg, Parklaan 38, NL-3931 KK Woudenberg, The Netherlands PS8HF/p P.O. Box 110, Teresina, PI 64001-970, Brazil PS8NF/p P.O. Box 110, Teresina, PI 64001-970, Brazil RZ9IB Alexander Ivanov, P.O. Box 1327, Tomsk-9, 634009, Russia SV2FPU Giannis Ioannidis, Poliviou 57, 54351 Thessaloniki, Greece UA0ZAL Oleg V. Surkov, ul. Lugovaya 24-12, pos. Svetlyj, Kamchatka 684010, Russia UX1IM Oleg S. Motsny, ul. Beregovaya 94-1, Selidovo, 85400, Ukraine VK4AAR Alan Roocroft, P.O. Box 421, Gatton 4343, Australia W1QI C.A.R.A., P.O. Box 3441, Danbury, CT 06813, USA YC9BU Kadek Kariana SP, P.O.Box 106, Singaraja 81100, Bali, Indonesia YT1AD Dr. Hrane Milosevic, 36 206 Vitanovac, Yugoslavia Z32AU Dragan Kostevski, P.O. Box 35, 6000 Ohrid, Macedoni ZK1CG Victor Rivera, P.O. Box 618, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, via New Zealand ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX