S DX@WW $425WW544A 425 DX News #544 [1/4] 6 October 2001 No 544 $425WW544A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ >>> 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE <<< The new monthly edition of the 425 DX News Magazine is now available for downloading in either .PDF and .DOC formats at http://www.425dxn.org 3D2_cr - The DXpedition to Conway Reef was delayed while the operators (YT1AD, YU1AU, YU1DX, YU7AV, YZ7AA, YU1NR, N6TQR, K6NDV, RZ3AA and Z31FU) were waiting for some essential parts of their equipment to reach them on the Fiji Islands. They became eventually active in the late UTC hours on 4 October as 3D2CY (SSB) and 3D2CI (CW & RTTY). 5B - Johan, PA3FDO reports he will be active as 5B4/PA3FDO from Cyprus on 13-23 October. He will concentrate on 12 and 17 metres. QSL via home call either direct or through the bureau. 9H - Laco, OK1AD and Josef, OK1PD will be active (on CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31) as 9H3WD from Malta (EU-023) for two weeks starting on 10 October. QSL via OK1AD. [TNX OK1PD] CE - Marco, CE6TBN will be active as CE6TBN/7 from Chiloe Island (SA-018) from 11 October through the end of the month. He also plans to take part in the CQ WW SSB Contest. QSL via CE6TBN (Marco Quijada, P.O. Box 1234, Temuco, Chile). [TNX CE6TBN] F - Look for Alain, F5HPY/p to operate on 40 and 20 metres SSB from La Pointe de Grosse Terre Lighthouse (ARLHS FRA-310) at Saint Gilles (Vendee Department) between 6 and 11 UTC on 6 October. QSL via bureau. [TNX F5NQL] FO - Marcel, FO0DEH is currently active from Napuka (OC-094) and reportedly his next stops will be on Pukapuka (OC-062) and Hao (OC-066). The trip to Hereheretue (OC-052) has been cancelled due to lack of transport. QSL via ON4QM. [TNX Islands On The Web] FR/T - Look for Jack, FR5ZU/T to be on Tromelin until 15 October. He was originally expected to leave the island on the 6th. QSL via JA8FCG. [TNX The Daiy DX] GJ - Chris, G0WFH will be active as GH4BJC/p from Jersey Island (EU-013) on 17-31 October. He will operate on 160-10 metres SSB with 400 watts and four vertical antennas and will be using 100 watts and a 3-element on 6 metres. Suggested frequencies are 1.848, 3.680, 3.780, 3.799, 7.060 (rx up 7.185), 7.045, 14.185, 14.260, 18.135, 21.260, 21.285, 24.950, 28.460, 50.150 MHz. QSL via G0DBX or through the bureau. The web site for the operation is at http://www.hamplanet.com/gh4bjc/index.asp [TNX G0WFH] JT - Alberto, I1QOD and Antonio, I1ZB will be active as JT1FCY/5 &/7 and JT1FCZ/5 & /7 from Darkhan and Erdenet, Mongolia between 27 October and 6 November. They will operate CE only on 10-80 metres, WARC bands included. QSL for both via I1QOD (Alberto Frattini, Via S. Domenico 69, 17027 Pietra Ligure - SV, Italy). [TNX I1QOD] VK - Look for Dan, VK8AN/6 to be back on Troughton Island (OC-154) between 10 and 20 or 24 October. He will not be putting the island on air again until the cyclone season finishes, probably about April 2002. QSL direct via VK4AAR (Alan Roocroft, P.O. Box 421, Gatton 4343, Australia). [TNX VK4AAR] W - Howie, K1VSJ will operate (on 10-40 metres CW and SSB) from Martha's Vineyard (NA-046) on 5-7 October. [TNX The Daily DX] W - Rick, AI5P plans to be active on 20 metres as AI5P/m from the Georgia State Group (IOTA NA-058) on either 6 or 7 October. [TNX AI5P and Islands On The Web] ZD9 - Look for Chris, ZS6RI to be active (on 10-160 metres CW, SSB and RTTY) as ZD9IR from Gough Island (IOTA AF-030), Tristan da Cunha for the next 12-13 months. For the time being he is using 100 watts and a dipole, but he plans to have a beam for the high bands and wire antennas for the low bands. QSL via ZS6EZ. A web page has been set up at http://zs6ez.za.org/zd9ir.htm [TNX The Daily DX] ZK1_sc - The special callsign ZK1USA has been issued to Victor, ZK1CG (Rarotonga, OC-013, South Cooks) "to show support for the People of the United States". Victor will have special cards printed for this operation. QSL to ZK1CG (Victor Rivera, P.O. Box 618, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, via New Zealand). [TNX ZK1CG] /EX S DX@WW $425WW544B 425 DX News #544 [2/4] 6 October 2001 No 544 $425WW544B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH ARLHS CONVENTION ---> The 9-10 November Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society Convention, which was announced to be held in Brunswick, Georgia [425DXN 539], has been cancelled. However plans are already being made for a meeting in 2002. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] EU-182 ---> The 19-25 September UX1IM/P operation [425DXN 541] took place from the islands of Ankudinov (UIA DU-003, from 17.15 UTC on 19 September through 11.07 UTC on the 23rd) and Ochakovskiy (UIA DU-004, from 19.25 UTC on 23 September through 03.20 UTC on the 25th). QSL via UX1IM (Oleg S. Motsny, ul. Beregovaya 94-1, Selidovo, 85400, Ukraine). INORC CONTEST ---> The XXI INORC (Italian Naval Old Rhythmers Club) Contest (CW only) will take place from 12 UTC on 17 November through 12 UTC on the 18th and is open to either licensed amateur radio operators and SWLs. Full rules are available from Alberto Frattini, I1QOD (i1qod@inwind.it). NOT THE MANAGER ---> Please note that Hannes, DL3NM (DL3NEO) is not the QSL manager for either 4U1ITU or 4U1VIC. He can confirm only contacts made on 21-26 August 1994 (4U1ITU) and 20-21 November 1998 (4U1VIC). NOT THE MANAGER ---> Mario, IZ8DBJ reports he is not the QSL manager for T95DXT any longer, as he was unable to get the logs. OCEANIA DX CONTESTS ---> The Oceania DX Contests (the old VK/ZL Contests) will be held on 6-7 October (SSB) and 13-14 October (CW), from 8 UTC on Saturday to 8 UTC on Sunday. "There are some new awards and slight rule changes", Tony, VK3TZ says, "and we have tried to encourage activity from all of Oceania, including the smaller islands". The rules are available at http://www.nzart.org.nz/nzart/update/contests/oceania/ and http://www.vk4dx.net and POSTAGE (PARAGUAY) ---> Mike, ZP5YW reports that "due to recent mail rate increase, effective October 1st, 1 IRC or 1 US$ sent to ZP stations as return postage expense is no longer enough to cover the air mail cost of a letter. New mail rates require 2 US$ to cover the mail rates to everywhere in the world except for neighboring Argentina (LU) and Brasil (PY), which is a little under 1 US$. IRCs are useless here, as they can not be redeemed, but we use them for QSLs we send to others, so they may still be usable." QSL HK3JJH ---> Carl, N4AA says that "virtually all direct requests for Pedro's operations from Malpelo in 1998, 1999 and 2001 have now been answered. Some, which included requests for other operations are still in the process of confirmation of those 'other' contacts. Requests for other contacts with Pedro are being processed as confirmations are received from him on a weekly basis". If you have any questions about a request sent and not yet confirmed, e-mail Carl at N4AA@dxpub.com QSL IQ4T ---> Steve, IK4WMH is the new QSL manager for IQ4T. Cards can be requested either direct (Stefano Turci, Cerchia S. Egidio 4460, 47023 Cesena, Italy) or through the bureau (e-mail requests for bureau cards are welcome at topdxer@tin.it). S.I.A. ---> The Sicilian Islands Award (SIA) is sponsored by ARI Siracusa (http://siracusanet.it/arisiracusa) and is available to either licenced amateurs and SWLs. Further information is available from the Award Manager Salvo Costantino, IT9HLR (Sezione ARI di Siracusa, Via del Cormorano 24, 96100 Siracusa - SR, Italy; e-mail it9hlr@simail.it). WRTC 2002 ---> Ari Korhonen, OH1EH reports the following contesters have been nominated to represent their countries in WRTC 2002 (http://www.wrtc2002.org): Canada - VE3EJ (John Sluymer) and VE7ZO (Jim Roberts) Finland - OH1MDR (Timo Pohjola) and OH1MM (Pasi Alanko) Germany - DJ6QT (Walter Skudlarek) and DJ2YA (Ulrich Weiss) DK3GI (Roland Mensch) and DL1IAO (Stefan von Baltz) Sweden - SM5IMO (Dan Hultgren) and SM3SGP (Gunnar Widell) Ukraine - UT4UZ (Yuri "Jerry" Onipko) and UT3UA (Sergey Vasilenko) Yugoslavia - YU7BW (Robert Homolja) and YU1ZZ (Milan Milanovic) XP1AB ---> OZ1JSH stated that the special call XP1AB, to be aired again during the forthcoming CQ WW DX SSB Contest, "was used for the last time in the Sixties" [425DXN 537]. Now Maylon Harvey, WA2UUK reports that he operated XP1AB while on Temporary Duty with the Air Force at Sondrestrom AFB, Greenland on 20-29 July 1977. He made 1080 contacts and still has the logs and a few blank cards; any one still wanting one QSL can send a SASE to WA2UUK. Maylon also knows of one other operation by WA7ZLC, who made 229 QSOs in August 1977 and gave WA3HUP as his manager. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH LOGS: The K3J (Johnston Atoll) logs are now available at http://www.qsl.net/k3j /EX S DX@WW $425WW544C 425 DX News #544 [3/4] 6 October 2001 No 544 $425WW544C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH ======================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER ======================================================================== 2E0APH G3WRO CO2VQ EA5KB OA6CY EA5KB 3B8/PA0VHA PA0VHA CO3JR EA5KB OD5/OK1MU OK1TN 3B8/PA3BAG PA0VHA CO3ME EA5KB OG6Y OH6YF 3D2AD YT1AD CO6BR EA5KB OH0/ES1FB/P ES1FB 3D2CI YT1AD CO6FU EA5KB OH0/ES1RA/P ES1RA 3D2CY Z32AU CO6HF EA5KB OH0HEY OH3TY 3D2MH DL1MHM CO6RD EA5KB OH0JV DL7RV 3D2XU PA3AXU CO6TB N3ZOM OS0TIB ON7RN 3DA0DF DL7DF CO6TH EA5KB P40MM K3MM 3DA0FR DL7DF CO6TY EA5KB PJ2/PA0VDV PA0VDV 3DA0NL ZS6ANL CO6YY EA5KB RW9OWD UA9OW 3W2DC N4CD CO8CH EA5KB SN9PW SP9IIL 3W3ZZ JA1EUI CO8CY EA5KB SU3AM DL5ZBV 3W9HRN DL1HRN CO8EJ EA5KB T32CY JA1PCY 3XY6A VE2XO CO8HF W0DM T32EQ JR7TEQ 4L7O DL7BY CO8OT EA5KB T32RJ JP1TRJ 4S7OF K0JN CO8XI EA5KB T90A T94CV 5B4/DF3IS DF3IS CP4AY EA5KB TG0R EA4URE 5R8FL G3SWH CP4BT EA5KB TG9AAK EA5KB 5R8FT G3SWH CP4IC EA5KB TG9AMD EA5KB 5R8FU SM5DJZ CW5AM EA5RD TI2/KI7WO KC0ILO 5R8FV G3SWH CX1CCC EA5KB TI3TLS EA5KB 5R8GO G3SWH CX2AQ EA5KB TI5/JH8KYU JH8KYU 5R8GZ G3SWH CX2SA EA5KB TI5U JH8KYU 5R8HC F6BUM CX3UG EA5KB TM0LR F5PTI 7O7A pirate CX3VB EA5KB TR8XX F2XX 7X3WDK EA5KB CX4AT EA5RD TT8DX F5OGL 7Z1AC WA4JTK CX5AO EA5KB TT8FC EA4AHK 8R1USA 8R1AK CX5BE EA5RD UA0CW W3HNK 9G1AA PA3ERA CX7OV EA5KB UK8GZ UA3TT 9G1UW DL8UP ED2AZ EA2AZ UN3F EA5KB 9H3Q PA0RDY ED2LUZ EA2KZ UN5J W3HNK 9H3YT PA3GUU ED5FME EA5URA UN7JJ EA5KB 9K2USA 9K2RA EK1700Y EK6GB UN7PCZ DL8KAC 9N1AC N3ME EK3AA DK6CW V31JP K8JP 9N7BY JH0HDL EM1HO I2PJA V63A JA7AO 9N7DL JH0HDL EM25PO US1PM V63DX JA7HMZ 9N7QJ JH0HDL EN10U UX5UO V63XC 7L4IOU 9N7QK DL7UFP EO10B UX5UO VK6GIO/5 PA3GIO 9N7RB W4FOA EO10N UX5UO VP2EJB DK6ST 9N7SC JA0SC EO10W UX5UO VP2EKS DL1DA 9N7ZK SM4AIO ET3VSC K3IRV VQ9SS N6SS 9Y4/DL2YY DL2YY EW8AM DL8KAC WP4Q EA5RD A25/JA1ELY JA1ELY EY10T DJ1MM XE2KB EA5KB A25/JA1OEM JA1OEM EY8MM K1BV XF3IC XE3OYJ AP2JZB K2EWB EY8TM F6FNU XT2AJ F5JRY AT0D VU3DJQ EZ10BO EZ8BO XU7ABN F5JRY BI5Q BA4EG FG/KQ6SI JA6BCI XW0X XW2A BV3/DJ3KR DH3MG FO0DEH ON4QM XX9EH XX9AU C31VQ EA2CEM FR5ZU/T JA8FCG XX9TEP K8EP C91RF DL6DQW HC3AP EA5KB YB7N WB7B C98DC DL7AFS HC5NCR EA5KB YC1DYY EA5KB C98RF DL6DQW HC8N AA5BT YC1HDF EA5KB CE2GLR EA5KB HG50HSC HA1AG YC3CZ/9 YC9BU CE2LZR EA5KB HK1RRL EA5KB YC9NBR EA5KB CE2SQE EA5KB HL1OYF/2 HL1OYF YF1T EA5KB CE5CSV EA5KB HO1A DL6MYL YM3CC LX1CC CL6BIA N3ZOM HP1/DL7CM DL7CM YV6AZC EA5KB CM6QN EA5KB HP1AC EA5KB ZD9IR ZS6EZ CM6YD EA5KB IG9/YL2KL YL2KL ZF2MW SM7DKF CN8NK EA5XX J49XB DJ9XB ZF2QL SM7EQL CO2AV EA5KB JD1BKZ JE2DWZ (dir) ZK1ETW SM7ETW CO2CR EA5KB JM1MKB/JD1 JE2DWZ (dir) ZK1TLA OZ6TL CO2FN EA5KB JT1CO W3HNK ZL/K3SRO K3SRO CO2FU EA5KB KC4USV K1IED ZL75 ZL1AA CO2GL EA5KB LT5F LU4FPZ ZP3CTW EA5KB CO2GP EA5KB LX/ON4IPA ON6WR ZP6GBA EA5KB CO2QX EA5KB N6C KU6J ZP6VLA EA5KB /EX S DX@WW $425WW544D 425 DX News #544 [4/4] 6 October 2001 No 544 $425WW544D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 7L4IOU Hisami Dejima, 2-11-13 Minamikoiwa, Tokyo, 133-0056 Japan CE3/IZ6BRN Sergio Curina, Juan Bautista Pastene 3101, Vitacura, Santiago, Chile DL7AFS Babs Linge, Eichwaldstr. 86, 34123 Kassel, Germany EA5KB Jose F. Ardid Arlandis, Apartado 5013, 46080 Valencia, Spain F6ELE Didier Bas, 11 rue des Petites Maisons, F-17230 Saint Ouen, France JA0SC Hirotada Yoshiike, 722-1 Shiba, Matsushiro, Nagano, 381-1214 Japan JA1EUI Satoru Matushima, 2469-5 Toda, Atugi, 243-0023 Japan JA7AO Tokuro Matsumoto, 3-62 Okachimachi, Yuzawa, 012-0856 Japan JA7HMZ Shoji Igawa, 17 Shirogane, Yokobori, Ogachi, 019-0204 Japan JE2DWZ Yoshiyuki Mori, 20-16 Takiko-cho, Showa Nagoya, 466-0053 Japan JH0HDL Satoshi Nawai, 220-1 Nakahama, Itoigawa, 941-0002 Japan K3SRO Robert N. Wilderman, 19 Glen Road, Lansdale, PA 19446-1405, USA LU4FPZ Sebastian P. Rubio, 1 de mayo 2128, 2000 Rosario, Argentina N1EV G.N.A.R.C. Contest Club, 324 Main Ave Box 115, Norwalk, CT 06851, USA OH6YF Harri M. Mantila, P.O. Box 30, FIN-64701 Teuva, Finland ON4QM Marcel Dehonin, Eversestraat 130, B-1932 Saint-Stevens-Woluwe, Belgium PA3GIO Bert vd Berg, Parklaan 38, NL-3931 KK Woudenberg, The Netherlands TG0IARU C.R.A.G., P.O. Box 115, Guatemala City 01001, Guatemala US1PM Boris Buslovsky, P.O. Box 1, Novovolynsk - 8, 45408, Ukraine UX5UO Gennady V. Treus, P.O. Box 925, Kiev-100, 02100, Ukraine VK3DK/p P.O. Box 1068, Croydon 3136, Victoria, Australia YB5NOF John E. Daluas, P.O. Box 194/CPA, Ciputat 15401, Indonesia YT1AD Dr. Hrane Milosevic, 36 206 Vitanovac, Yugoslavia Z32AU Dragan Kostevski, P.O. Box 35, 6000 Ohrid, Macedonia ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX