S DX@WW $425WW543A 425 DX News #543 [1/4] 29 September 2001 No 543 $425WW543A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 425DXN #543 ---> This issue is being published a few hours before leaving for the annual HF-DX Convention in Bologna. This week's calendar will be published when we come back home. 3B8 - Jack/PA3BAG and Hans/PA0VHA will be active (on all bands RTTY, PSK-31, CW and SSB) as 3B8/PA3BAG and 3B8/PA0VHA from Mauritius Island (AF-049) on 1-16 October. QSL via PA0VHA (Hans Vernhout, Ph.de Goedestraat 54, NL 3132 XR Vlaardingen, The Netherlands). [TNX OPDX Bulletin] 3D2 - Michael, DL1MHM will operate (on 20-6 metres SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK31 and Pactor 1 & 2) as 3D2MH from Fiji between 27 September and 3 November. He expects to be active from the Viti Levu (OC-016), Vanua Levu (OC-016), Mamanuca (OC-121) and Yasawa (OC-156) IOTA groups. QSL to DL1MHM through the DARC bureau. [TNX DE0MST and Islands On The Web] 3D2_cr - The DXpedition to Conway Reef [425DXN 538] is confirmed to take place between 1 and 10 October. The list of operators now includes YT1AD (team leader), YU1AU, YU1DX, YU7AV, YZ7AA, RZ3AA, Z31FU and N6TQS. Two different calls (to be announced when operations start) will be used for CW & RTTY (QSL via YT1AD: dr. Hrane Milosevic, 36 206 Vitanovac, Yugoslavia) and SSB (QSL via Z32AU: Kostevski Dragan, P.O. Box 35, 6000 Ohrid, Macedonia). The web site for the operation is at http://www.kragujevac.co.yu/3D2 [TNX YT1AD] 4X - Dov, 4Z4DX will operate from Eilat Lighthouse (ISR-002) on 6 October. On his way to the lighthouse he will be QRV as 4Z4DX/m for the Holyland Award squares starting around 3 UTC on 14265 kHz. [TNX 4Z4DX] 5T - JA1UT reports that seven members of the International Amateur Radio Volunteers (IARV) will be active (mostly on CW, 30 metres included) from Mauritania on 6-16 October. They expect to be permitted to operate with individual call signs of the format 5T5xxx as well as 5T5U. [TNX G3NOM] 9N - Hiro, JA0SC plans to operate from Nepal, hopefully as 9N7SC, between 30 September and 6 October. His activity will take place on 20 and 15 metres RTTY and SSTV. QSL via JA0SC (Hirotada Yoshiike, 722-1 Shiba, Matsushiro, Nagano, 381-1214 Japan). [TNX The Daily DX] DL - Look for Lutz, DL3ARK/p to be active on 10-40 metres from Nordstrand Island (not IOTA, N-024 for the German Islands Award) between 29 September and 6 October. QSL via home call either direct or through the bureau. [TNX DL3ARK] EA - Pepe, EA5KB plans to operate from Peneta del Moro (EU-151, DIE E-039) for a few hours on 29-30 September. Look for him on or around 21260 and 28460 kHz. Pepe will concentrate on Japan and North America and asks island chasers to refrain from calling him if EU-151 is not a new one for them. [TNX EA5KB] E3 - Bernd, DF3CB (df3cb@qsl.net) will be the pilot for the 17 October-3 November E30NA operation from Eritrea [425DXN 540]. The web site for the DXpedition is at http://www.qsl.net/e30na FM - Andy/IV3BTY, Luke/IV3JVJ, Dan/IV3TDM, Leon/FM5DN, Dennis/FM5GU and Lucien/FM5WD will participate int the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as FM5GU (Multi-Single) from Martinique (NA-107). Further information at http://www.qsl.net/fm5gu [TNX FM5GU] FO_mar - SP9FIH and SQ9LR plan to operate (on 80-6 metres SSB and RTTY) as FO/SP9FIH from Nuku Hiva (OC-027), Marquesas Islands for two weeks starting on or around 15 October. QSL via SP9FIH. [TNX SP9FIH] FS - Look for Ann, FS/W2AZK and Brian, FS/KF2HC to be active from Saint Martin (NA-105) between 26 November and 2 December. They will operate SSB and CW on 40-10 metres (80 and 160 metres will be added if circumstances allow) with wire antennas and possibly a vertical dipole. QSL to their home calls direct or via the bureau. Check "DX News" on http://www.njdxa.org/ for any last minute announcements. [TNX KF2HC] /EX S DX@WW $425WW543B 425 DX News #543 [2/4] 29 September 2001 No 543 $425WW543B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== GM - Chris, GM3WOJ and Keith, GM4YXI will be back to the Shetland Islands (EU-012) on 24-29 October. They will participate in the CQ WW SSB Contest as GZ7V (Multi-Multi high power). This counts as Scotalnd for DXCC purposes but is a seperate multiplier in CQWW contests. Before the contest they will operate as homecall/P on 30, 17 and 12 metres. QSL via ZS5BBO. The web site for the operation is at http://www.GM7V.com [TNX GM4YXI] I - IT9GSF, YL2KL, YL2KA, YL2LY, YL2KF and YL3CW are operating from the IG9A station on Lampedusa (AF-019) until 1 October, including an entry in the CQ/RJ WW RTTY Contest (Multi-Single). [TNX IT9GSF] OH - Harry, OH6YF was active during the SAC as OG6Y. This special call, which celebrates the 80th anniversary of SRAL, will be used during the CQ WW SSB and CW Contests as well. QSL via OH6YF (Harri M. Mantila, P.O. Box 30, FIN-64701 Teuva, Finland). [TNX OH6YF] OX - Ben, OZ5AAH/OZ5IPA will be active (on all bands SSB and CW) as OX3IPA from Greenland between 27 October and 5 November. He will operate from 10 until 22 UTC and on 30 October there is a slight possibility for SSTV and RTTY. He will participate in the International Police Associations Contest (http://www.ipa-rc.de) the first weekend of November. QSL direct only to Ben Jakobsen, 9 Knoldager, DK-2670 Greve, Denmark. [TNX OZ5AAH/OZ5IPA] SM - Look for Fred/SM7DAY and Jan/SM7NGH to be active (on 80, 40, 20, 17, 15 and 10 metres CW and SSB) from Ven Island (EU-137,) on 26-30 September. QSL via home calls, either direct or through the bureau. [TNX SM7NGH] T30 - Eric, N1JSY is now active as T30ES from Butaritari Island (OC-017), Western Kiribati [425DXN 536]. QRZ-DX reports that the current schedule for his operation is Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday from 10 UTC to 12 UTC on 14280 kHz, depending on conditions. QSL via W1QI (C.A.R.A., P.O. Box 3441, Danbury, CT 06813, USA). Updates will be posted on http://people.mags.net/boem/kiribati1.htm T32 - Takashi/JR7TEQ, Hiro/JA1PCY and Hiro/JP1TRJ will be active (on 6-160 metres SSB, CW and RTTY) from Christmas Island (OC-024), East Kiribati on 1-7 October. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] TG - Look for Arno, DL1CW and Andy, DL3GA to operate as TG/DL1CW and TG/DL3GA from Guatemala on 5-15 October. Activity is expected to take place mstly on the upper bands CW, with some SSB and RTTY. QSL via home calls. [TNX QRZ-DX] VP5 - WA2VYA, K2WB and N2VW will be active from VP5JM's QTH on Providenciales (NA-002), Turks & Caicos Islands between 23 and 30 October. They will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as VP5T (Multi-Multi, QSL via N2VW); before and after the contest they will operate (mostly CW, WARC bands and PSK31) as VP5/homecall. QSL via homecall. [TNX N2VW] XU - Yves/F5TYY, Alain/F6BFH, Jacqueline/F6EGG and Bernard/F9IE will operate (80-6 metres CW and SSB with a dipole) from Cambodia between 22 October and 10 November. They will try to be active from Koh Poah (AS-133) during that time frame. F6BFH will be signing XU7ABW, while the licences for the others will be collected upon arrival. QSL via home calls either direct or through the bureau. [TNX F6BFH] XX9 - Ed, K8EP will be active (SSB and CW) as XX9TEP from Macau (mainland) on 11-17 October. QSL via home call. [TNX K8EP] YN - Ed/W5GCX, Frosty/K5LBU and Laurie/G3UML will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as YN2EJ from Nicaragua. QSL via G3UML (Europe and Africa) or K5LBU (others). [TNX W5GCX] ZL & VK TRIP ---> Nico, PA0MIR expects to leave for New Zealand and Australia on 8 October. He will be in New Zealand until 8 November and plans to operate as ZL1/PA0MIR from OC-201 during the the WAG Contest (20-21 October) and as ZL3/PA0MIR from either OC-134 or OC-203 during the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. He will then move to Australia and be active as VK3FEI/# until March. IOTA operations should include OC-006, OC-233, OC-136 and possibily other groups, including Lord Howe and Norfolk. A side trip to Fiji is also being planned. Nico will use 100 watts and either a mobile vertical antenna or dipoles. QSL via PA0MIR (Nico van der Bijl, Lepelblad 129, NL 1441 VH Purmerend, The Netherlands). [TNX PA0MIR] /EX S DX@WW $425WW543C 425 DX News #543 [3/4] 29 September 2001 No 543 $425WW543C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH INTERNATIONAL NAVAL CONTEST ---> This year the International Naval Contest is sponsored by the Italian Navy Old Rhythmers Club (INORC) and will take place from 16 UTC on 15 December until 16 UTC on the 16th. Participating naval clubs include the Australian Naval Amateur Radio Society, the Belgian Maritime Amateur Radio Society, the Finnish Naval Amateur Radio Society, the Marine Amateur Radio Club Netherlands, the Marine Funker-Runde, the Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society, the Romanian Marine Amateur Radio Club and the Marine Funk Club Austria. Detailed information is available from Alberto Frattini, I1QOD (i1qod@inwind.it). NOT THE MANAGER ---> Ed, W4YO is not and has never been the QSL manager for XT2AT, XT2AU, XT2AW or any other DX station. "Do not send your requests for cards for these stations to me", he says. "Any further cards received by me will be destroyed". QSL 6A1A ---> Direct cards for the 24-25 April 1999 6A1A operation [425DXN 417] sent to F5KAM were eventually mailed on 20 September 2001. Andre, F6CBL says that the reasons for the delay were beyond the control of radio club F5KAM. QSL VIA G3SWH ---> As a result of his recent visit to Madagascar and meetings with local hams there, Phil Whitchurch, G3SWH is now the QSL manager for the following stations: 5R8FL, 5R8FT, 5R8FV, 5R8GO and 5R8GZ. QSL VIA EA5KB ---> Pepe is the QSL manager for the following stations: 7X3WDK CO2GL CO6TY CX2AQ TG9AAK ZP3CTW CE2GLR CO2GP CO6YY CX2SA TG9AMD ZP6GBA CE2LZR CO2QX CO8CY CX3UG TI3TLS ZP6VLA CE2SQE CO2VQ CO8CH CX3VB UN3F CE5CSV CO3JR CO8EJ CX5AO UN7JJ CM6QN CO3ME CO8OT CX7OV XE2KB CM6YD CO6BR CO8XI HC3AP YC1DYY CO2AV CO6FU CP4AY HC5NCR YC1HDF CO2CR CO6HF CP4BT HK1RRL YC9NBR CO2FN CO6RD CP4IC HP1AC YF1T CO2FU CO6TH CX1CCC OA6CY YV6AZC QSL VIA N3ZOM ---> Frank Dalonzo, N3ZOM is the QSL manager for CO6TB and CL6BIA. He has the complete logs for both stations and accepts cards either direct or via the bureau. [TNX N3ZOM] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 425DXN SURVEY: The results of the PSK31 software survey [425DXN 535] are now available at http://www.425dxn-org LOGS: The logs for TG0R are available on-line at http://www.ure.es/hf/eadx/expediciones/tg0r/log/logsp.htm CONTEST RULES: The rules for the Oceania DX Contest can be found at http://www.vk4dx.net QSLs received direct: 3B6RF, 3C0R, 3Y0C, 4L5T, 4M5LR (SA-035), 4S7NB, 5R8GT/P (AF-090), 5R8GY (AF-090), 5V7VJ, 5X1GS, 5X1P, 7Z1AC, 8Q7KK, 8R1Z, 9E1S, 9N7RB, 9Q0AR, 9Q5BQ, A92GE, AP2ARS, BQ9P, C21TT, CO0OTA (NA-015), CT3/DL3DXX, CT3BX, CT3FN, D4A, D68C, DS2LGK/P (AS-122), EK6TA, EP3SMH, EU5F, EU6TT, EX8W, FH/PA3GIO, FK8HZ, FO0ARE, FS/W2JJ, HB0/IK2IQD, HC1HC, HC2FN, HK5QGX/0M, HL0AGD/4 (AS-060), HL1OYF/2 (AS-090), J5X, J5X, JT1BG, K4RFK/P (NA-069), KA1I/NH2, KC4USV (AN-011), KF9YL (NA-076), OX3LG (NA-220), PJ7/W3HNK, R1FJV, S21YT, S92SV, T5W, TA0/IK3GES/P (AS-115), TI5/N0KE, TI5N, UA0FO, UA0ZAL/0 (AS-025), V26KT, V73E (OC-087), V8AAP, VE2A, VK7TS/4 (OC-171), VO2/K2FRD, VP5L, VP5VAC, WF1N (NA-148), XF3/AB5EB (NA-045), XF3/KB5SKN (NA-045), XF3IC (NA-045), XW0X, YM0KI (AS-159), YV5/NE8Z, YW5FC (SA-058), YW5LF (SA-059), YW5LO (SA-054), YW5LT (SA-059), Z36W, ZD7K. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX S DX@WW $425WW543D 425 DX News #543 [4/4] 29 September 2001 No 543 $425WW543D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till 03/11 3D2MH: Fiji (OC-016, OC-121, OC-156) * by DL1MHM 543 till 30/09 9K2USA: Kuwait 542 till 06/10 9H0VRZ: Malta (EU-023) * by PAs 540 till 02/10 9N7BY: Nepal * by JA0BYS 541 till 17/10 A25/JA1OEM: Botswana 541 till 10/10 C91RF: Mozambique * by DL6DQW 542 till 13/10 C98DC: Inhaca (AF-066) * by DL7AFS DJ7ZG,DL2FAG,IV3NVN 541 till October CP5/G4ASL: Bolivia 533 till 08/10 EA6/DL8LAS: Balearic Islands (EU-004) 541 till 2002 EM1HO: Galindez Island (AN-006) 513 till December FO0DEH: OC-094, 66, 62, 52 (French Polynesia)*by ON4QM 541 till 05/10 FR5ZU/T: Tromelin Island * by FR5ZU 537 till 08/10 HO1A & HP1/DL7CM: Contadora Island (NA-072), Panama 541 till 29/09 ID9/IK4MED: Eolie Islands (EU-017) 541 till 01/10 IG9A: Lampedusa (AF-019) * by IT9GSF and YLs 543 till 28/10 II1ARI: special event station from Torino 530 till 02/10 KH0/K7WD: Saipan (OC-086) * by JH7IMX 542 till 31/12 OE75: special prefix (Austria) 504 till 29/09 OZ/DL1EBR: Samso Island (EU-172) 539 till 02/10 P40M: Aruba (SA-036) * by K3MM 542 till 12/10 PJ2/PA0VDV: Curacao (SA-006), Netherlands Antilles 540 till 30/09 SM7DAY and SM7NGH: Ven Island (EU-137) 543 till 2003 T30ES: Butaritari (OC-017), W. Kiribati * by N1JSY 543 till 09/10 TI2/AK0A: Costa Rica 542 till 31/12 VI30RC: special station (Australia) 535 till Jan VK0KMT: Davis Base (VK-03), Antarctica * by VK4KMT 537 till 30/09 VK3DK/p: Gabo Island (OC-196) & Lighthouse * by VKs 537 till 06/10 YM3CC: Turkey * by LX1CC 539 28/09-04/10 V63DX,V63XC,V63A: Pohnpei (OC-010)*by JA7HMZ & 7L4IOU 542 29/09-07/10 DL1ZU/p: Fehmarn Island (EU-128) 541 29/09-06/10 DL3ARK/p: Nordstrand Island (N-024) 543 29/09-30/09 EA5KB: Peneta del Moro (EU-151) 543 29/09-30/09 J49XB: Crete (EU-015) * by DJ9XB 541 29/09-01/10 N6KZ,N6FH,W6VX,N6IC,KQ6MW,WB9AWX,KJ6Y,NN7A: NA-144 542 29/09-30/09 T70A: San Marino * by IK4GLV, IK4JPR, IK4RUX, IZ4CCO 542 29/09-02/10 TI5/JH8KYU and TI5U: Costa Rica * by JH8KYU 539 29/09-30/09 XVII Italian HF-DX Convention (Bologna) *** 30/09-13/10 3DA0DF and 3DA0FR: Swaziland * by DLs 539 30/09-06/10 9N7SC: Nepal * by JA0SC 543 30/09 N1EV: Sheffield Island (NA-136) 542 30/09-03/10 VK6GIO/5: Kangaroo Island (OC-139) * by PA3GIO 539 01/10-16/10 3B8/PA3BAG and 3B8/PA0VHA: Mauritius Island (AF-049) 543 01/10-10/10 3D2: Conway Reef (OC-112) * by YT1AD and others 543 01/10-07/10 T32: Christmas Isl (OC-024), E. Kiribati * by JAs 543 05/10-12/10 D4: Sao Tiago (AF-005), Cape Verde * by IK7VJP 541 05/10-14/10 II6I: special event station 542 05/10-16/10 JA6GXK: Meshima, Danjo Islands (AS-056) 531 05/10-15/10 TG/DL1CW and TG/DL3GA: Guatemala 543 06/10 4Z4DX: Eilat Lighthouse (ISR-002) 543 06/10-16/10 5T5: Mauritania * by JAs 543 06/10-13/10 GB0SM: Isles of Scilly (EU-011) * by G3WNI,G0PSE,G0WMW 541 06/10 H44: Guadalcanal (OC-047), Solomon Isls * by IZ6DSQ 540 06/10 EU Autumn Sprint (SSB) *** 06/10-07/10 Iberoamericano Contest *** 06/10-07/10 Oceania DX Contest (SSB) *** 07/10-13/10 H40: Pigeon Island (OC-065) Temotu * by IZ6DSQ 540 07/10-13/10 XF1/DL1YMK: Magdalena Island (NA-078) 537 07/10 RSGB 21/28 MHz Contest (SSB) *** 08/10-08/11 ZL#/PA0MIR: New Zealand & islands 543 09/10-15/10 VK9LO: Lord Howe Island (OC-004) * by PA3GIO 525 10/10-14/10 9M6JQT & 9M6VET: East Malaysia * by JA1JQJ & JA8VE 541 11/10-17/10 XX9TEP: Macau * by K8EP 543 12/10-14/10 RSGB International HF & IOTA Convention (Windsor) 530 13/10 EU Autumn Sprint CW (1500Z-1859Z) *** 13/10-14/10 Oceania DX Contest (CW) *** 14/10 H44: Guadalcanal (OC-047), Solomon Isls * by IZ6DSQ 540 from 15/10 FO/SP9FIH: Nuku Hiva (OC-027), Marquesas Islands 543 15/10-22/10 H44: New Georgia (OC-149) Solomon Isls * by IZ6DSQ 540 16/10-06/12 3B8/ON4LAC: Mauritius Island (AF-049) 533 17/10-03/11 E30NA: AF-038 (?), Eritrea * by DLs & OE 543 18/10-01/11 ZK1: Manihiki (OC-014), North Cooks 529 19/10-21/10 JF1NEH,JE1SQI,JO1CFV,JA4LVZ/1:Hachijo Isl (AS-043) 541 20/10-21/10 K7UGA: special event operation 531 20/10-04/11 VK9KNE & VK9KND: Norfolk (OC-005) * by SP9PT & SP9EVP 539 20/10-21/10 International HF-DX & Contest Convention (Catania) 524 20/10-21/10 Jamboree On The Air *** 20/10-21/10 Worked All Germany Contest *** 20/10-03/11 ZK1: Penrhyn (OC-082), North Cooks*by JR2KDN & JI1NJC 541 21/10 RSGB 21/28 MHz Contest (CW) *** 22/10-10/11 XU: Cambodia * by F5TYY, F6BFH, F6EGG, F9IE 543 23/10-01/11 A52DA, A52CB, A52PC, A51B, A52SL, A52ED, A52ST: Bhutan 541 23/10-30/10 VP5/WA2VYA, K2WB, N2VW & VP5T: Providenciales (NA-002) 543 24/10-29/10 GM3WOJ/p, GM4YXI/p, GZ7V: Shetland Islands (EU-012) 543 26/11-02/12 FS/W2AZK and FS/KF2HC: Saint Martin (NA-105) 543 27/10-28/10 A50A: Bhutan 541 27/10-28/10 D44TC: Sal Isl (AF-086) * by Marconi Contest Club 541 27/10-28/10 E4/OE1GZA: Palestine 539 27/10-28/10 HR3J: Honduras 541 27/10-28/10 J49Z: Crete (EU-015) * by IK8HCG and IK8UND 541 27/10-05/11 OX3IPA: Greenland * by OZ5AAH/OZ5IPA 543 27/10-28/10 XP1AB: Greenland (CQ WW DX SSB) 537 27/10-28/10 YN2EJ: Nicaragua * by W5GCX, K5LBU, G3UML 543 27/10-28/10 CQ Worldwide DX Contest (SSB) *** 31/10-12/11 8Q7QQ: Maldives (AS-013) * by HB9QQ 539 October YC9BU/3: OC-237 531 October ZW0TB and ZW0TW: Trindade (SA-010) * by PY2s 513 /EX