DX425 bulletin issue nr. 542

S DX@WW $425WW542A
425 DX News #542 [1/3]
   22 September 2001                No 542                      $425WW542A
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages              !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

                        >>> THE PORTUGUESE VERSION <<<
The Editors of 425 DX News welcome Paulo Pinto, CT1ETE who has kindly offered
to  translate  the  bulletin  into  Portuguese  language.  Give  a  look   to
http://www.425dxn.org and let us know your opinion!

3W      - 3W3ZZ will the call used by  Sam, JA1EUI during his 21-28  September
          activity from  Vietnam  [425DXN 539].  QSL  via  home  call  (Satoru
          Matushima, 2469-5 Toda, Atugi, 243-0023 Japan). [TNX The Daily DX]
5U      - The same operators who aired  5U2K, 5U3T and  5U5A in March  (namely
          I2UIY, I2YSB and IK2DIA) will go  back to Niger in  January/February
          2002 for a  2-week DXpedition. Three  or four  other operators  from
          Italy and USA are expected to join the team. They will have at least
          three stations and  will be active  on 160-10  metres (with  special
          attention to  80/160m) CW/SSB/RTTY/PSK31  and  on 6  metres  CW/SSB.
          Further information is expected in due course. [TNX I2UIY]
9K      - Effective 15 September, the Kuwait Amateur Radio Society (KARS),  in
          conjunction  with  the  Kuwait   Ministry  of  Communications,   has
          authorized the  use of  the callsign  9K2USA by  all Kuwait  amateur
          radio operators simultaneously "as a small token of the sympathy and
          support for the  people of the  United States from  the citizens  of
          Kuwait". Look for 9K2USA to be aired until the end of September. QSL
          via 9K2RA, as the Kuwait Amateur Radio Society (9k2ra@kars.org) will
          merge all the QSOs in one single database. [TNX K4CY/9K2ZZ]
C9      - Reinhard/DL6DQW, who is currently signing C98RF from Quirimba Island
          (AF-061) [425DXN 536], will operate as C91RF from Maputo between  24
          September and 4 October. QSL via DL6DQW. [TNX OZ6OM]
DL      - Look for DL2RXE/p to be active on  20 and 40 metres SSB from  Mukran
          Lighthouse (GLHA 58,  ARLHS FED-159)  on Ruegen  Island (EU-057)  on
          22-23 September. QSL via bureau. [TNX DL2VFR]
FO_aus  - Jon/WB8YJF and Leo/K8PYD were expected to be active (mainly on RTTY)
          from the  Austral  Islands  between  24  September  and  3  October.
          However, according to the "VK2SG RTTY DX Notes", their trip has  now
          been postponed until December.
HA      - Special call HG50HSC will be aired  from Hungary to commemorate  the
          50th anniversary  of the  High Speed  Club (http://www.hsc.de). The
          operators will be  Hungarian HSC  members (HA3OV,  HA3NU, HA1AG  and
          others). QSL via HA1AG (e-mail requests for bureau cards are welcome
          at ha1ag@compuserve.com). [TNX HA1AG]
HS      - Champ, E21EIC  reports he  will participate  in  the CQ/RJ  WW  RTTY
          Contest (SOAB low power) next weekend.
I       - Special event station II6I will be activated on 5-14 October  during
          a congress  on  propagation.  The  web page  for  the  event  is  at
          http://www.qsl.net/arijesi/ii6i [TNX IK6PYS]
KH4     - The  23-29  September  operation  by  Nao  (JE7RJZ/WH2M)  and   Koln
          (JP1JFG/N2IU) from Midway Island [425DXN 539] has been cancelled due
          to the current sad circumstances in the US. [TNX JA1EOD]
KH0     - Look for  JH7IMX  to  operate  as  KH0/K7WD  from  Saipan,  Northern
          Marianas (OC-086)  between  28 September  and  2  October.  QSL  via
          JH7IMX. [TNX The Daily DX]
OH      - Toni Linden, OH2JTE (the 21-year-old vice-president of Contest  Club
          Finland) will participate  in the Scandinavia  Activity Contest  SSB
          (from 12 UTC on 22 September to 12 UTC on the 23rd) from the station
          OH2BH. Meanwhile Martti Laine,  OH2BH will be  active from the  OH0B
          contest station in the Aland Islands. The SAC was the first  contest
          Martti took part  in when he  was 15  back in  September 1961.  [TNX
P4      - Tyler, K3MM will be active from Aruba (SA-036) between 25  September
          and 2 October. He will  participate in the  CQ/RJ RTTY Contest  from
          the P40V  station,  while before  and  after the  contest  and  will
          operate, possibly as P40M, on WSFT and PSK31. [TNX The Daily DX]
T7      - IK4GLV, IK4JPR, IK4RUX and IZ4CCO will operate on HF and VHF as T70A
          from      the      San      Marino      Amateur      Radio      Club
          (http://www.inthenet.sm/arrsm) on 29-30  September. The activity  is
          to celebrate  the  1700th  anniversary  of  the  foundation  of  the
          Republic. QSL  to T70A  either direct  or through  the bureau.  [TNX
TI      - Bill, AK0A will be operating from TI2HMG's QTH between 25  September
          and 9 October, including an entry  in the CQ/RJ  WW DX RTTY  Contest
          and the TARA PSK Rumble. Look for TI2/AK0A on all bands RTTY, PSK31,
          MFSK, CW and SSB. QSL via AK0A. [TNX The Daily DX]
TI9     - A DXpedition to Cocos Island (NA-012) is being planned to take place
          on 4-19 February 2002. A  team of 12  experienced operators will  be
          signing TI9M on 160-6 metres CW,  SSB and RTTY. They will have  four
          stations on two operating sites, plus a fifth station for 6  metres.
          Detailed information,  including  an online  membership  application
          form  for  those  who  want  to  join  the  team,  is  available  at
          http://www.qsl.net/ti2hmg/cocos.htm [TNX TI2HMG]
V6      - Sho, JA7HMZ  and Hisa,  7L4IOU will  be active  (on RTTY,  SSTV  and
          PSK31) as V63DX and V63XC from Pohnpei (OC-010), Micronesia  between
          28 September and 4 October, including and entry in the CQ/RJ WW RTTY
          Contest as V63A. QSL  V63DX via JA7HMZ  (Shoji Igawa, 17  Shirogane,
          Yokobori, Ogachi,  019-0204 Japan).  QSL  V63XC via  7L4IOU  (Hisami
          Dejima, 2-11-13 Minamikoiwa,  Tokyo, 133-0056 Japan).  QSL V63A  via
          JA7AO (Tokuro Matsumoto, 3-62  Okachimachi, Yuzawa, 012-0856  Japan;
          bureau card requests welcome at ja7ao@jarl.com). [TNX JA1ELY]
W       - N6KZ, N6FH, W6VX, N6IC, KQ6MW, WB9AWX,  KJ6Y, and NN7A will  operate
          (on 10-40 metres CW and  SSB) from Santa  Rosa Island (NA-144)  from
          00.00 UTC  on 29  September through  18 UTC  on  1 October.  Due  to
          environmental considerations,  they will  have modest  antennas  and
          batteries, but will try to do  their best to work Japan and  Europe.
          QSL via home calls. [TNX The Daily DX]
W       - The Greater Norwalk Amateur Radio Club (N1EV,  http://www.gnarc.org)
          will operate (on 15, 20 and 40 metres mainly SSB) from the Sheffield
          Island (NA-136,  USI  CT-008S)  Lighthouse  (ARLHS  USA-753)  on  30
          September between 14-21 UTC. QSL direct to G.N.A.R.C. Contest  Club,
          324 Main Ave Box 115, Norwalk, CT 06851, USA. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
YB      - John, YB5NOF  will  operate  (with 100  watts  and  GP  antenna)  as
          YB5NOF/p from Anambas Island (OC-108) on  22-26 September. Look  for
          him on or around 21260 and 14260 kHz. QSL to YB5NOF (John E. Daluas,
          P.O. Box 194/CPA, Ciputat 15401, Indonesia). [TNX YB5QZ]

S DX@WW $425WW542B
425 DX News #542 [2/3]
   22 September 2001                No 542                      $425WW542B
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

EURA --->  The "European  Union  Regions Award"  is  sponsored by  ARI  Busto
Arsizio  and   is   available  to   licensed   amateurs   and   SWLs.   Visit
http://www.malpensa.it/radio/index.html or ask the Award Manager (Pier Luigi,
IK2UVR: e-mail ik2uvr@malpensa.it) for the details.

QSL OC-237  --->  Rivai/YC2MTA,  who operated  from  Panjang  Island  on  7-8
September [425DXN 539],  reports it will  take 6-8 weeks  at least before  he
gets the cards from the printer. He recommends to use IRCs, also because  the
current postage from Indonesia to foreign countries "costs almost $2".

QSL VIA YC9BU ---> Kadek reminds  island chasers that he  is the QSL  manager
for the following stations/operations:
YB9ZBI   OC-022           YE8XM/P  OC-221
YC9XJ    OC-034           YC8SHQ   OC-224
YE8XM    OC-070           YE8XM/P  OC-224
YC7URA   OC-088           YC9WZJ/P OC-239
YC4FIJ   OC-144           YC9BU/P  OC-241
YC9BU/P  OC-148           YC9MKF/P OC-241
YC9ID    OC-150           YC9WZJ/P OC-241
YC8RRK   OC-210           YE8XM/P  OC-246
He recommends to enclose IRCs for return postage and to use US$ only if  sent
by registered mail. QSL to  Kadek Kariana SP,  P.O.Box 106, Singaraja  81100,
Bali, Indonesia. [TNX I8YRK]

+ SILENT KEY +  The following comes  from The Daily  DX #187 (21  September):
"The Washington Post  reported yesterday on  the sad  passing of  one of  our
Amateur Radio brothers, William Ruth, W3HRD.  Bill died in the attack on  the
Pentagon on  September 11,  2001.  He was  a  teacher in  Montgomery  County,
Maryland for many years.  Ruth  served in the US  Marines during the  Vietnam
War and in the Army Reserve when the Persian Gulf War broke out."

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

QSL DB: Boye Christensen, OZ7C has updated his QSL DBase (which now  contains
         266,158  unique  records)  for  Packet  Cluster.  You  can   download
         oz7c0600.exe at:
         A search  engine is  available at  http://www.hammall.com [TNX  OZ7C,

WF5E:   Information  on   the   WF5E   DX-QSL   Service   is   available   on
         http://www.qsl.net/wf5e/. Also  please  note  that  the  new  e-mail
         address for Les is wf5e@home.com

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3D2XU       PA3AXU      EY10T       DJ1MM       UE4HMI      RW4HW
3W9HRN      DL1HRN      EZ8AQ       DJ1MM       UF3CWR      UA3DX
4K0LO       4Z5LO       FM5GU       KU9C        UK8CK       UX5UO
4L1AE       LY2MM       FO0FLA      AH6HY       UK8LA       RW3RN
4L1DA       DL87BO      FR5ZU/T     JA8FCG      UN5J        W3HNK
4L1W        LY2MM       GB0SM       G3WNI       UN7EX       UA3DX
4L5T        LY2MM       GB0WB       M5GUS       UN7JJ       EA5KB [*]
4T0I        OA4DJW      GB2FB       G4DFI       UN8GDR      IZ8CCW
4Z8GZ       DH2GZ       HA/N1BCL    N1BCL       UN8GF       IZ8CCW
5B4/DL1LH   DL1LH       HK0OEP      N0JT        UN8GU       IZ8CCW
5R8HA       G3SWH       HS0AC       G3NOM       UP0ACS      DL8KAC
5R8HC       F6BUM       HS4BPQ      E21EIC      UR4ILA      UX3IV
9A/N0MX     DJ2MX       HS9EQY      E21EIC      UT3IB       UX2IQ
9G1UW       DL8UP       ID9/IK4MED  IK4MED      UT5SY       UT3IW
9H0VRZ      PA7DX       IH9/DL4KM/P DL4KM       UT9IO       UT3IW
9H1EL       LA2TO       II8CS       IZ8CCW      V44KJ       WB2TSL
9H3S        PA3HGP      IS0/N9ZP    DF9ZP       V73RX       W6WRX
9H3YM       PE1OFJ      IU8W        IZ8CCW      VK2BNG      IZ8CCW
9K2ZZ       W8CNL       J28FH       WA2VUY      VK7KHZ/P    EA7FTR
9L1DX       EA4CEN      JI3DST/8    JI3DST      VK8AN/6     VK4AAR
9N1AC       N3ME        JT0FAA      IZ8CCW      VK9CQ       PA3GIO
9N7DK       OE4MDA      K3J         AH6HN       VK9XV       PA3GIO
9N7QK       DL7UFP      KC4USV      K1IED       VO1GAM      VO1CJ
9N7RB       W4FOA       KG4DX       W4WX        VP2VE       WA2NHA
A25/JA1ELY  JA1ELY      KH0/K7WD    JH7IMX      VU2NGB      IZ8CCW
A25/JA1OEM  JA1OEM      LX/DH7RD/p  DH7RD       VU3NTV      G3SEM
A25/KG6GPA  W6DXO       LX/ON6CK    ON4ON       XT2AJ       F5JRY
A45WD       YO9HP       LX9SW       PA1KW       XU7ABF      XW2A
A61AJ       N4QB        OD5RN       IZ8CCW      YB3ZMI      IZ8CCW
A61AO       N1DG        P29AM       NU5O        YC0IEM      IZ8CCW
A92GM       KA8JRM      PJ2/PA0VDV  PA0VDV      YC0IR       W4JS
AT0HF       VU2APR      RA0BA       UA3DX       YC0LND      IZ8CCW
BI4F        BA4TA       RI6UKI      RU6UO       YC0UTC      IZ8CCW
BW0RS       BV4VE       S21YH       7M4PTE      YC3DE       IZ8CCW
C21XU       PA3AXU      S21YV       KX7YT       YC3DIK      IZ8CCW
CN2KA       F6HKA       SM1T        SM1TDE      YC3IZK      IZ8CCW
CN2LE       F6ELE       SV9/DL8KWS  DL8KWS      YC3MM       IZ8CCW
CO8CY       EA5KB       SV9/ON4BB   ON4BB       YC3OX       IZ8CCW
CO8EJ       EA5KB       SV9/ON5JE   ON5JE       YC9MB       IZ8CCW
CO8TW       IZ8CCW      SV9/ON5KH   ON5KH       YJ0AXC      JE1DXC
CW5AM       EA5RD       T30XU       PA3AXU      YM3CC       LX1CC
D44TD       CT1EKF      T88AY       JA7AYE      YV5AT       IZ8CCW
DU1/SQ9BOP  SP6GVU      TF4/LX9EG/p LX1NO       YV5KOH      IZ8CCW
DU3NXE      W3HNK       TF4RX       ON4CAT      ZF2VV       K9VV
E20HHK      E21EIC      TG0R        EA4URE      ZK1QMA      OM2SA
EK1700L     EK6GB       TM2A        F5BJW       ZK1TUG      OM2SA
ET3VSC      K3IRV       TM8CDX      F5IPW       ZL7/G3SXW   G3SXW
EX8QB       IK2QPR      TM9OI       F6KWP       ZL7/G3TXF   G3TXF
EY10S       DJ1MM       UA0BA       UA3DX       ZP8VAO      ZP5AA

[*] after 01 Sept 2001)

S DX@WW $425WW542C
425 DX News #542 [3/3]
   22 September 2001                No 542                      $425WW542C
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

4U1ITU   IARC, P.O. Box 6, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland
5A1A     Abubaker Alzway, P.O. Box 74421, Tripoli, Libya
DL6DQW   Reinhard Fendler, Waldteichstrasse 34, 01468 Boxdorf, Germany
DL8UP    Herb Hein, Johannesleite 4, D-96450 Coburg, Germany
EA4CEN   Jose A. Rodriguez Fernandez, General Castejon 1-6-A, 28924 Alcorcon,
          Madrid, Spain
EA4DX    Roberto Diaz, Doce de Octubre 4, 28009 Madrid, Spain
F-11734  Marc Nogent, 60 rue Foch, 57390 Audun-le-Tiche, France
F5IPW    Joel Ricaud, 32 ave de la vallee du Lys, 37260 Artannes, France
F6ELE    Didier Bas, 11 rue des Petites Maisons, F-17320 Saint Ouen, France
G3SEM    Paul Cort-Wright, 32 Brian Ave, Norwich NR1 2PH, England
G3SWH    Phil Whitchurch, 21 Dickensons Grove, Congresbury, Bristol, BS19
          5HQ, England
G3SXW    Roger Western, 7 Field Close, Chessington, Surrey KT9 2QD, England,
G3TXF    Nigel Cawthorne, Falcons, St. George's Avenue, Weybridge, Surrey
          KT13 0BS, England, UK
IK4MED   Dario Calza, Via Stradella 54, 29100 Piacenza - PC, Italy
IK4PLW   Franco Minghetti, Via 3 Dicembre 14, 48026 Russi - RA, Italy
IZ0CKJ   Alessio Roma, Via Sterparo 43, 03023 Ceccano - FR, Italy
IZ7BNH   Raffaele Di Troia, P.O. Box 178, 70056 Molfetta - BA, Italy
IZ8CCW   P.O. Box 360, 87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy
JA1ELY   Toshikazu Kusano, P.O. Box 8, Kamata, Tokyo, 144-8691 Japan
JA1OEM   Shinichi Toyofuku, P.O. Box 9, Sswara, 287-8691 Japan
JA7AYE   Nobuyasu Hosaka, 98-118 Haramae, Oogawara, 989-1201 Japan
JE1DXC   Masayoshi Mihara, 4-22-23 Motobuto, Saitama 336-004, Japan
N4QB     Joe Veras, P.O. Box 1041, Birmingham, AL 35201, USA
ON4ON    Danny Commeyne, Rozenlaan 38, B-8890 Dadizele, Belgium
PA0VDV   Joeke van der Velde, Delleburen 1, 8421 RP Oldeberkoop, The
PA3GIO   Bert vd Berg, Parklaan 38, NL-3931 KK Woudenberg, The Netherlands
PA7DX    Anton Kerkhof, Blaublomke 2, 8401 MG Gorredijk, The Netherlands
PY7EG    Jose Saulo Vieira Belo, Av. Esperantinopolis, 221 Ur-2 Ibura,
          51340-260 Recife - PE, Brazil
RA1ACJ   Vyachelav Osipov, P.O. Box 1, St. Petersburg, 198261, Russia
UA1ANA   Sergey Permut, P.O. Box 415, St. Petersburg, 190000, Russia
UA3DX    Nick Averyanov, P.O. Box 39, Odintsovo, Moscow region, 143010,
UT3IW    P.O. Box 11, Gorlovka, 84601, Ukraine
UX2IQ    P.O. Box 370, Yenakiyevo, 86420, Ukraine
UX3IW    P.O. Box 73, Dzerzhinsk, 85200, Ukraine
UX5MZ    P.O. Box 136, Lugansk 91057, Ukraine
UY0IX    P.O. Box 9, Gorlovka, 84601, Ukraine
VK4FW    Bill Horner, P.O. Box 1343, Maroochydore, 4558, Australia
VU2APR   National Institute of Amateur Radio, Raj Bhavan Road, Hyderabad
          500082, India
VU2ELJ   Sabu Mathew, P.O. Box 30, Sultan's Battery.P.O., Pin-673592 Wayanad,
          Kerala, India
WA2NHA   Howard Messing, 90 Nellis Dr. Wayne, NJ 07470, USA
YE1D     Deddy D. Iskandar, P.O. Box 99, Karawang 41300, Indonesia

             425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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