DX425 bulletin issue nr. 541

S DX@WW $425WW541A
425 DX News #541 [1/4]
  15 September 2001                No 541                        $425WW541A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

                         The Editors of 425 DX News
                      are close in thoughts and prayers
            to their affectionate readers and friends in the US.

9M6    - Mat, JA1JQJ and  Kuni, JA8VE will  operate (possibly  as 9M6JQT  and
         9M6VET) from East Malaysia on 10-14 October. They plan to be  active
         on 6-80 metres SSB and CW. QSL via home call. [TNX JA1ELY]
9N     - Hiro, JA0BYS/9N7BY  will operate  from  Katmandu, Nepal  between  24
         September and 2 October. From 24  to 29 September he will be  joined
         by Sato,  JH0HDL/9N7DL and  Mako, JI0LQJ/9N7QJ.  The group  will  be
         active on 80-10 metres, including  the WARC bands  and 6 metres  (if
         permitted). All  QSLs via  JH0HDL  (Satoshi Nawai,  220-1  Nakahama,
         Itoigawa, 941-0002 Japan). [JA1ELY]
A2     - Mako, JA1OEM  (10-160 metres  SSB and  slow  CW) and  Toshi,  JA1ELY
         (10-80 metres SSB, CW and RTTY) will operate, possibly as A25/JA1OEM
         and A25/JA1ELY, from Botswana on 21  September-17 October and  21-28
         September  respectively.  QSL  via  home  calls  (JA1OEM:   Shinichi
         Toyofuku, P.O.  Box 9,  Sswara,  287-8691 Japan;  JA1ELY:  Toshikazu
         Kusano, P.O. Box 8, Kamata, Tokyo, 144-8691 Japan). [TNX JA1ELY]
A5     - The Bhutan  Amateur Radio  Club (BARC)  will  be inaugurated  on  26
         October  under  the  presidency  of  the  Director  of  the   Bhutan
         Telecommunicantions  Agency.  Yasuo  Miyazawa  (JH1AJT)  and   Glenn
         Johnson (W0GJ) are Honorary/Founding Members,  and have been  issued
         special lifetime  callsigns  of  A51A  and  A51B  respectively.  The
         primary purpose of the club is  to foster amateur radio interest  in
         the young Bhutanese and also to enable the club members to be active
         on the air.  To celebrate the  formation of the  BARC, A50A will  be
         active as a  multi-multi entry in  the CQ WW  DX SSB Contest  (27-28
         October). A  team of  U.S. operators  will be  helping the  licensed
         Bhutanese amateurs (namely Yeshey Dorji/A51AA, Kesang Namgyel/A51KC,
         Parop Kinley/A51PK, Pema Rinzen/A51PR, Dorji Yeshey/A51YL and Wangpo
         Dorji/A51WD) learn  to operate  in a  contest environment  from  the
         Bhutan Ham Centre. Before and after  the contest the U.S. hams  will
         concentrate on the low bands, WARC bands and new modes. Look for the
         following to be active from 23 October to 1 November:
         Dave Anderson, KW4DA  as  A52DA
         Chuck Brady, N4BQW    as  A52CB
         Pat Cahill, N0ADQ     as  A52PC
         Glenn Johnson, W0GJ   as  A51B
         Stewart Lewis, W0SHL  as  A52SL
         Ken Nollet, K0EN      as  A52ED
         Steve Towle, W0HT     as  A52ST
         QSL A50A direct only to  Bhutan Amateur Radio Club (BARC), P.O.  Box
         88, Thimphu, Bhutan. See http://www.qsl.net/a51aa for information on
         visiting Bhutan. [TNX QRZ-DX]
C9     - Babs/DL7AFS, Lot/DJ7ZG, Karl/DL2FAG and Simone/IV3NVN (DL8GCS)  will
         operate as C98DC from Inhaca Island (AF-066), Mozambique between  28
         September and 13 October. They will be active on 10-160 metres (WARC
         bands included) SSB, CW, RTTY and  PSK31 with two or possibly  three
         stations. When the band is open,  they will operate  on 6 metres  as
         well.    The    web    page    for     the    operation    is     at
         http://www.qsl.net/dl7afs/index.html [TNX DJ7ZG]
D4     - Loreto, IK7VJP has postponed his activity  from Sao Tiago  (AF-005),
         Cape Verde [425DXN 540] to take place on 5-12 October. [TNX IZ8CCW]
D4     - Marconi  Contest   Club   operators   Fabio/I4UFH,   Stefano/IK2JUB,
         Luca/IK2NCJ,    Matt/IK2SGC,    Gabriele/IK4UPB,     Alberto/IV3TAN,
         Antonio/CT1DVV and Tony/CT1ESV will participate in the CQ WW DX  SSB
         Contest (27-28  October) as  D44TC  (Multi/Single) from  Sal  Island
         (AF-086), Cape Verde. QSL via IV3TAN. [TNX I4UFH]
DL     - Look for DJ3XG to be active (on  +/- 7.030 and 10.115 MHz QRP)  from
         Hallig Hooge Island (EU-042, N-22 for  the German Islands Award)  on
         17-25 September. He will also operate  from Japsand Island  (EU-042,
         GIA N-32) during that time frame. [TNX DL2VFR]
DL     - Martin, DL1ZU/p will operate (on 10-80  metres mainly CW and  PSK31)
         from Fehmarn Island (EU-128) between 29 September and 7 October. QSL
         via bureau.
EA6    - Andree, DL8LAS reporst he will be signing EA6/DL8LAS on 10-80 metres
         CW from Menorca, Balearic Islands (EU-004) between 24 September  and
         8 October. QSL via home call through the bureau.
F      - Operators from  the Longlaville  A.R.A.S. 54  Nord Association  will
         activate (on all  modes and bands)  special event  station TM9OI  on
         17-20 September.  QSL to  F6KWP  via the  REF  Bureau or  direct  to
         F-11734 (Marc Nogent,  60 rue Foch,  57390 Audun-le-Tiche,  France).
         [TNX F-11734]
FO     - Marcel, ON4QM/FO0DEH [425DXN  529] will  be leaving  Brussels on  21
         September heading for Tahiti (OC-046), French Polynesia. During  his
         trip he expects to be active from Napuka (OC-094, French Polynesia),
         Hao (OC-066, French Polynesia), Pukapuka (OC-062, French  Polynesia)
         and hopefully Hereheretue (OC-052,  French Polynesia). Depending  on
         local conditions,  he should  start his  tour on  26 September  from
         either Napuka or, if he cannot get there, Hao. QSL via ON4QM (Marcel
         Dehonin, Eversestraat  130, B-1932  Saint-Stevens-Woluwe,  Belgium).
         [TNX ON5NT]
G      - Gus, M5GUS reports he will be operating GB0WB on HF, 6 metres and  2
         metres on 15-16  September as part  of "Transmission  2001" to  help
         raise money for  the British Wireless  for the Blind  Fund. QSL  via
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  15 September 2001                No 541                        $425WW541B
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                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

G      - Western  DX  Cluster   Group  members   Bill/G3WNI,  Tom/G0PSE   and
         Doug/G0WMW will be active (on 10-160  metres mainly CW and SSB  with
         some RTTY and PSK31) as GB0SM from St Mary's island in the Isles  of
         Scilly (EU-011) on  6-13 October. QSL  via the bureau  or direct  to
         G3WNI.  E-mail   requests  for   bureau  cards   can  be   sent   to
         tom@tctaylor.demon.co.uk or g0pse@qsl.net The logs of GB0SM for  the
         years 1998, 1999  and 2000 is  already at  http://www.qsl.net/g0pse,
         which will be updated with the 2001 activity shortly after the group
         returns home. [TNX G0PSE]
HP     - Look for HO1A (QSL via DL6MYL)  and HP1/DL7CM (QSL via DL7CM) to  be
         aired by  Hans, DL7CM  and others  from Contadora  Island  (NA-072),
         Panama between 21 or 22 September and 8 October, including an  entry
         in the CQ/RJ WW RTTY Contest. Before and after the contest they will
         operate on all bands and modes. [TNX The Daily DX and OPDX Bulletin]
HR     - JA6WFM/HR3, JM6EBU/HR3 and JM6UAA/HR3 will participate in the CQ  WW
         SSB Contest (27-28 October) as HR3J (Multi/Single). QSL direct  only
         via  JA6WFM.  (Hiro  Nakamura,  1311-11  Miyahara,  Yatushiro   Gun,
         Kumamoto, 869-4602 Japan). [TNX JI6KVR]
I      - Amateur radio operators from Biella will now activate special  event
         station II1BI (not I150B any longer, 425DXN 537) on 15-16  September
         to celebrate the 50th anniversary of  the local ARI branch. QSL  via
         the bureau. [TNX I1TBE]
I      - Franco, IK4PLW operated  from the Ravenna  Harbour lighthouse  (WAIL
         ER-004) on 9 September and plans to be active again "at any time" on
         40, 20 and 17  metres SSB and  CW. QSL via  home call either  direct
         (Franco Minghetti, Via 3 Dicembre  14, 48026 Russi  - RA, Italy)  or
         through the bureau. [TNX IK4PLW]
I      - Dario, IK4MED will be active (on 10-40 metres mainly CW and possibly
         via satellite  - RS12, FO20, FO29 - as well) as ID9/IK4MED from  the
         Eolie Islands (EU-017)  on 17-29  September. QSL  via IK4MED  either
         direct (Dario Calza, Via Stradella 54, 29100 Piacenza - PC,  Italy).
         [TNX IK4MED]
JA     - Look for  JI3DST/8 to  be active  from Okushiri  Island (AS-147)  on
         22-25 September. QSL via home call. [TNX JI6KVR]
JA     - Look for JF1NEH/1, JE1SQI/1, JO1CFV/1 and JA4LVZ/1 to be active from
         Hachijo Island (AS-043) on 19-21 October.  QSL via home calls.  [TNX
KP2    - Dennis, K7BV will operate as NP2/K7BV from St. Croix, Virgin Islands
         (NA-106) on 21-25 November, including an  entry in the  CQ WW DX  CW
         Contest as WP2Z (http://www.qth.com/Windwood) on 15 metres. QSL WP2Z
         and NP2/K7BV via KU9C. [TNX K7BV]
OH0    - Pentti "Ben"  Lareva, OH3TY  will be  active (mostly  on 10  metres)
         during the CQ/RJ WW RTTY  Contest as OH0HEY  from the Aland  Islands
         (EU-002). Before the  contest, starting  on 24  September, he  might
         operate as OH0/OH3TY.  QSL via OH3TY  either direct  or through  the
         bureau. [TNX OH3-911]
PY     - Noel, PT2ND  reports  that the  December  2001  operation  from  the
         Abrolhos Archipelago (SA-019) has been cancelled.
SV     - Dirk, ON5CT will be  active (on 20,  17, 15, 12  and 10 metres  SSB)
         from Samos Island (EU-049) between 17 and 26 September. QSL via home
         call either direct or through the bureau. [TNX ON4AAC]
SV9   -  Uli, DJ9XB reports he will participate in the CQ/RJ WW RTTY  Contest
         (29-30 September) as J49XB from Crete  (EU-015). Before the  Contest
         he will operate as SV9/DJ9XB on PSK31 and Hell.
SV9    - Luigi, IK8HCG and Salvatore, IK8UND will participate in the CQ WW DX
         SSB Contest as J49Z (Multi/Single) from Crete (EU-015). [TNX IK8UND]
T8     - Nobu, JA7AYE will operate (on 10-80 metres SSB and CW) as T88AY from
         Palau (OC-009) on 20-24 September. QSL via JA7AYE (Nobuyasu  Hosaka,
         98-118 Haramae, Oogawara, 989-1201 Japan). [TNX JA1ELY]
TA     - Nando, IT9YRE  has  cancelled his  16-18  September  operation  from
         AS-123 [425DXN 538] due to the sudden death of his father Salvatore,
         IT9YRS early this week. Our condolences to Nando and his family.
TG     - Toni, EA5RM reports that  the special call  TG0R has been  regularly
         issued to the 17-26 September operation from Guatemala [425DXN 531].
         A Spanish team will be installing a digital radio emergency  network
         and will operate on 6-160 metres  SSB, CW and RTTY jointly with  the
         Club de  Radioaficionados  de Guatemala.  QSL  via  EA4URE.  Further
         information and logs at http://www.ure.es/
UA     - RW4LAM, UA4LDP and UA4LU plan to operate as homecall/p from Julietta
         Island (RR-26-04)  on  15-16 September.  QSL  via home  calls.  [TNX
UA     - Look for Dmitrij, RW1ZZ/a to operate (on 20 metres SSB and CW)  from
         Salnyj Island (not IOTA, RR-03-17) on either 17 or 18 September from
         6 until 13 UTC. QSL via home call. [TNX RV3GW]
UT     - Look for Tom/UT3IB,  Vit/UT3IW, Mike/UT9IO, Stan/UT5SI,  Oleg/UX1IM,
         Alex/UX2IQ, Harry/UX3IW, Nick/UY0IX and Val/UR5ILA  to be active  on
         all bands CW and SSB from IOTA EU-182 (island name not specified) on
         19-25 September. QSL via home calls. [TNX UT3IB]
YB     - Adi, YC3MM is  planning an  operation from  Siberut Island  (OC-215)
         during the  third  week  of  December.  This  IOTA  group  (Mentawai
         Islands) was activated for the first an only time by 8A5ITU back  in
         May 1996.  Further  information is  expected  in  due  course.  [TNX
YI     - Cliff, G0MMI reports that due to the current circumstances,  Rodger,
         G0TLC [425DXN 539] will not be  going back to Baghdad, Iraq for  the
         foreseeable future.
ZK1_nc - Yuu, JR2KDN and Yasu, JI1NJC will  be active from Penrhyn  (OC-082),
         North Cook  Islands between  20 October  and 3  November. They  will
         collect their licences upon arrival; plans  are to operate on  6-160
         metres SSB, CW, RTTY and SSTV. QSL via JR2KDN. [TNX JF2MBF]
ZS     - A  team  of   twelve  operators  from   the  Western  Cape   (namely
         Rassie/ZS1YT,   Bob/ZR1BS,   Clyde/ZS1CS,   Bud/ZS1B,   Johan/ZU1LR,
         Deon/ZR1DQ, Karl/ZS1KC, Willem/ZR1OR, Johan/ZS1WC,  Alexander/ZR1BA,
         Martin/ZR1MH and Herman/ZS1HZ) will be active from "the Hell"  (also
         known as Gamkaskloof  or Gamka's valley,  situated in the  Swartberg
         Mountains  of  the  Southern  Cape  Province  in  the  area  between
         33.28S-21.15E and 33.33S-21.42E) on 21-24 September. Application has
         been made for the call ZS1HEL. [TNX ZS4BS]

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425 DX News #541 [3/4]
  15 September 2001                No 541                        $425WW541C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

BI4F ---> The  operation from Furong  Island (AS-160) went  QRT earlier  than
planned for safety  reasons, as  a military  training was  scheduled to  take
place on 10 September. BI4F made some 2500 QSOs. QSL to P.O. Box 538, Nanjing
210005, China. Logs are available at http://www.4hams.net [TNX BA4RF]

DXCC DEADLINE  CHANGES --->  Wayne Mills,  N7NG/1 (ARRL  Membership  Services
Department Manager)  announces  the following:  "Effective  immediately,  all
applications for DXCC credit that are  postmarked by September 30th, will  be
eligible for inclusion in the next  Annual List. Applications do not need  to
be actually received  in Newington by  that date.  All mail  must show  clear
evidence of the  posting date, or date of receipt by carriers other than  the
world postal system. This change should alleviate most problems arising  from
mail delays currently being  reported. Applications will  still be listed  on
the web as we receive them."

FM5GU/I ---> After five years and several thousands of QSOs Denis, FM5GU  has
wrapped up his Italian portable station  and has returned to Martinique.  QSL
via KU9C. Details (including logs) are available at  http://www.qsl.net/fm5gu

RUSSIAN ISLANDS  --->  Sergey, UA1ANA  reports  that  his  summer  DXpedition
programme included the following operations:
Call       Island             IOTA     RR      Date           QSL
RZ1CWD/P   Fort Pavel                  01-12   07.07.2001     UA1ANA (1)
UA1ANA/1   Bolshoy Berezovyy  EU-133   01-02   19-23.07.2001  UA1ANA (1)
RA1ACJ/1   Bolshoy Berezovyy  EU-133   01-02   19-23.07.2001  RA1ACJ (2)
RV3ACA/1   Bolshoy Berezovyy  EU-133   01-02   19-23.07.2001  RV3ACA
UA1ANA/1   Seskar             EU-133   01-10  01-08.09.2001   UA1ANA (1)
RA1ACJ/1   Seskar             EU-133   01-10  01-08.09.2001   RA1ACJ (2)
(1) Sergey Permut, P.O.Box 415, St.Petersburg, 190000, Russia.
(2) Vyachelav Osipov, P.O.Box 1, St.Petersburg, 198261, Russia.

QSL 9X1A ---> Ghis, ON5NT is receiving QSLs for 9X1A (September 2000). Please
note that Ghis has neither the logs nor the cards for this station; he is the
QSL manager only for 9X1A operated by Mark, ON4WW (9X4WW) during the May 1995
WPX Contest.

QSL LX/ON6CK ---> Please note that cards should not be sent to ON6IJ  [425DXN
540], but via the bureau or  to ON4ON (Danny  Commeyne, Rozenlaan 38,  B-8890
Dadizele, Belgium). [TNX ON6HH]

QSL TK/IK1QBT/p ---> Cards for Tony's  recent activity from Corsica  (EU-014,
DIFM TK-01) can be sent direct to Tony Gallo, Via Capo S. Spirito 1/16, 17052
Borghetto S. Spirito  - SV, Italy  or through the  bureau. Pics  and logs  at
http://www.qsl.net/ik1qbt [TNX IK1QBT]

QSL VP2VE --->  Lee, VP2VE reports  that his  QSL manager  is WA2NHA  (Howard
Messing, 90 Nellis Dr. Wayne, NJ 07470, USA).

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

LOGS:     The logs for LX9SW are at http://www.qsl.net/pi4zut/lx/lx.htm  [TNX
LX9SW:    The web  page for  the 15-23  September operation  from  Luxembourg
          [425DXN 531] is at http://www.qsl.net/pi4zut/lx/lx.htm [TNX PA3HEP]

QSLs received direct: 3B6RF (AF-001), 3D2RW/p (OC-095),3Y0C (AN-002),  4S7NB,
5A1A, 5H3RK,  5R8GY  (AF-090),  6H3KK  (NA-090),  8A0ITU,  8Q7KK,  9M2/JI1ETU
(AS-046), 9Q5BQ,  A71MA,  BQ9P,  C6AIE,  CO7OTA  (NA-086),  CO8OTA  (NA-218),
D6/WB4MBU, D68C, DF4XX/p (EU-128), DU1KGJ/p  (OC-091), EK6TA, EP3SMH,  FK8GJ,
FO/DL7FT (OC-050),  FO0ARE  (OC-131), FO0POM  (OC-027),  FO0WEG,  HC2/UA4WAE,
HK0OEP, HK3JJH/HK0M, HK5QGX/HK0M, J28VS, J49HW/p (EU-187), J49NG/P  (EU-187),
J5X, J88DR, JD1BCK,  K5K, K6KO/HC8, K6TA/HC8,  KG4IZ, KG4MO, OX3LG  (NA-220),
OX3NUK, P40B,  PJ4G, PJ7/W3HNK,  PSA088 (SA-088),  RA0LOM/0 (AS-062),  S21YT,
SV2FPU/8 (EU-060), SV9/WB2GAI/p,  T30ED, T5W,  TA0/IT9YRE/p (AS-159),  UA2FJ,
V73E (OC-087), VE2OV  (NA-176), VE9MY/P  (NA-014), VK0LD,  VK3MMY   (OC-136),
VP8SDX, VQ9AI, XF3/AB5EB  (NA-045), XF3/KB5SKN  (NA-045), YB5NOF/p  (OC-245),
YM0KI (AS-159), YW5FC (SA-058), ZA1E, ZD7K, ZV0SB (1999), ZV0SW (1999).

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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S DX@WW $425WW541D
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  15 September 2001                No 541                        $425WW541D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  16/09      4T0I: San Lorenzo Island (SA-052)                      537
till  27/09      5R8HC: Madagascar (AF-013) * by F6BUM                  527
till  16/09      9M6CT: East Malaysia * by HS0/G4JMB                    535
till  October    CP5/G4ASL: Bolivia                                     533
till  27/09      EA6: Balearic Islands (EU-004) * by DL6KAC             537
till  2002       EM1HO: Galindez Island (AN-006)                        513
till  21/09      FW5ZL: Futuna (OC-118)                                 538
till  28/10      II1ARI: special event station from Torino              530
till  18/09      K3J: Johnston Atoll (OC-023)                           538
till  31/12      OE75: special prefix (Austria)                         504
till  29/09      OZ/DL1EBR: Samso Island (EU-172)                       539
till  16/09      P29AM & P29WS: Papua New Guinea                        539
till  23/09      SV9: Crete (EU-015 & EU-187) * by ON5KH, ON5JE, ON4BB  540
till  19/09      TF4RX & TF4/LX9EG: EU-164*by TF8GX,ON4CAT,LX1NO,DL8DXL 540
till  21/09      TR0A: Gabon * by UA3DJY                                539
till  26/09      VE2/F5TBA/p: Canada & Zone 2                           539
till  31/12      VI30RC: special station (Australia)                    535
till  Jan        VK0KMT: Davis Base (VK-03), Antarctica * by VK4KMT     537
till  20/09      VK9CQ: Cocos/Keeling (OC-003) * by PA3GIO              525
till  ??         YJ0AXC: Loh Island (OC-110) * by JE1DXC                539
till  16/09      ZK1QMA & ZK1TUG: OC-082, North Cooks*by KM9D & KF4TUG  540
till  23/09      ZL7/G3TXF and ZL7/G3SXW: Chatham Islands (OC-038)      539
08/09-22/09      OZ/DK7OM/p: Mors Island (EU-171)                       540
10/09-17/09      CU1/SM1CJV: Sao Miguel (EU-003), Azores                540
14/09-20/09      5R8HA: Ile Sainte Marie (AF-090) * by G3SWH            537
14/09-06/10      9H0VRZ: Malta (EU-023) * by PAs                        540
14/09-21/09      IL7/IZ2DPX: San Domino (EU-050)                        521
15/09-16/09      CN2LE & CN2KA: Mogador (AF-065) * by F6ELE & F6HKA     539
15/09-16/09      GB0WB: special event station * by M5GUS                541
15/09-16/09      GB2FB: special event station                           540
15/09-16/09      ID9/IT9SSI: Eolie Islands (EU-017)                     539
15/09-16/09      II1BI: special event station                           541
15/09-16/09      K1FWE: Isles of Shoals (NA-217)                        540
15/09-22/09      LX9SW: Luxembourg * by PAs                             531
15/09-12/10      PJ2/PA0VDV: Curacao (SA-006), Netherlands Antilles     540
15/09-16/09      RW4LAM, UA4LDP, UA4LU: Julietta Island (RR-26-04)      541
15/09-24/09      TM2A: Groix Island (EU-048) * by F5BJW                 540
15/09-16/09      Scandinavian Activity Contest (CW)                     ***
16/09-06/10      YM3CC: Turkey * by LX1CC                               539
17/09-25/09      DJ3XG: Hallig Hooge Island (EU-042)                    541
17/09-29/09      ID9/IK4MED: Eolie Islands (EU-017)                     541
17/09            RW1ZZ/a: Salnyj Island (RR-03-17)                      541
17/09-26/09      SV: Samos Island (EU-049) * by ON5CT                   541
17/09-26/09      TG0R: Guatemala * by EAs                               541
17/09-20/09      TM9OI: special event station (France)                  541
17/09-30/09      7th Russian IOTA/DX Conference (Lipetsk)               525
19/09-28/09      A25/KG6GPA: Botswana * by W6DXO                        537
19/09-23/09      C91RF: Quirimba Island (AF-061) * by DL6DQW            536
19/09-25/09      EU-182 (Ukraine) * by UTs                              541
20/09-28/09      3D2XU: Fiji (OC-016) * by PA3AXU                       523
20/09-24/09      T88AY: Palau (OC-009) * by JA7AYE                      541
21/09-17/10      A25/JA1OEM: Botswana                                   541
21/09-28/09      A25/JA1ELY: Botswana                                   541
21/09-08/10      HO1A & HP1/DL7CM: Contadora Island (NA-072), Panama    541
21/09-28/09      XV3Z or XV3ZZ: Vietnam * by JA1EUI                     539
21/09-24/09      ZS1HEL: South Africa                                   541
22/09-25/09      JI3DST/8: Okushiri Island (AS-147)                     541
22/09-23/09      Scandinavian Activity Contest (SSB)                    ***
22/09            Clipperton DX Club Convention (Tours)                  530
23/09-26/09      5R: Nosy Be (AF-057) * by F6BUM                        527
23/09-29/09      WH2M/WH4 & N2IU/KH4: Midway (OC-030) * by JAs          539
24/09-02/10      9N7BY: Nepal * by JA0BYS                               541
24/09-29/09      9N7DL & 9N7QJ: Nepal * by JH0HDL & JI0LQJ              541
24/09-08/10      EA6/DL8LAS: Balearic Islands (EU-004)                  541
from  24/09      OH0/OH3TY & OH0HEY: Aland Islands (EU-002)             541
from  26/09      FO0DEH: OC-094, 66, 62, 52 (French Polynesia)*by ON4QM 541
26/09-30/09      VK3DK/p: Gabo Island (OC-196) & Lighthouse * by VKs    537
27/09-05/10      Z2/W6DXO: Zimbabwe                                     539
28/09-13/10      C98DC: Inhaca (AF-066) * by DL7AFS DJ7ZG,DL2FAG,IV3NVN 541
28/09-04/10      V63A, V63DX, V63XC: Pohnpei (OC-010) * by JAs          539
29/09-07/10      DL1ZU/p: Fehmarn Island (EU-128)                       541
29/09-30/09      J49XB: Crete (EU-015) * by DJ9XB                       541
29/09-02/10      TI5/JH8KYU and TI5U: Costa Rica * by JH8KYU            539
29/09-30/09      XVII Italian HF-DX Convention (Bologna)                ***