SB DX@WW $425WW540A 425 DX News #540 [1/4] 8 September 2001 No 540 $425WW540A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 9A - Tibor, HA3HP will be active from Dugi Otok (EU-170, IOCA CI-018) on 8-15 September. He also plans to operate from the islands of Arta Mala (EU-170, CI-003), Arta Vela (EU-170, CI-004), Murter (not IOTA, CI-074), Murvenjak (EU-170, CI-075), Radelj (EU-170, CI-097), Vrgada (EU-170, CI-143) and Zminjak (EU-170, CI-153) during that time frame. [TNX 9A6AA] 9A - Look for 9A5V/p (Frano), 9A3VM/p (Matko) and 9A5KV/p (Fredi) to be active from the island of Bobara (EU-016, IOCA CI-157) on 8 September starting around 11 UTC. [TNX 9A6AA] 9H - The OPDX Bulletin reports that a large group of Dutch operators will be active (on all bands 40-2 metres) from Malta (EU-023) between 14 September and 6 October. They will use either 9H0VRZ (QSL via PA7DX: Anton Kerkhof, Blaublomke 2, 8401 MG Gorredijk, The Netherlands) or their own individual calls as follows: 9H3AAG (QSL via PA1XA), 9H3AAK (QSL via PE1RVQ), 9H3IE (QSL via PA0BEA), 9H3LRK (QSL via PA0LRK), 9H3ON (QSL via PA3BIZ), 9H3Q (QSL via PA0RDY), 9H3QC (QSL via PA3CLF), 9H3QF (QSL via PA3FEO), 9H3S (QSL via PA3HGP), 9H3TE (QSL via PE1NZA), 9H3X (QSL via PE1NGF), 9H3YM (QSL via PE1OFJ), 9H3YT (QSL via PA3GUU), 9H3? (QSL via PA1SL). BY - On 5 September Alan/BA1DU, Jerry/BA1FB and Chen/BA1HAM left for a reconnaissance trip to Furong Island (Shandong Province North West group) [425DXN 535] on 5 September and were joined by the rest of the team on the 7th. Plans are to be active (with three stations on 10-40 metres CW, SSB and RTTY) as BI4F until 10 September. [TNX BA1DU] CE - Sergio, IZ6BRN (ex VU3CUR, AP2WAP, 9N7RN) has been in Chile for six months and will be working there for a couple of years. He is active as CE3/IZ6BRN exclusively on 12, 17 and 6 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX CE3/IZ6BRN] CU - Bert, SM1CJV will be signing CU1/SM1CJV from Sao Miguel Island (EU-003), Azores on 10-17 September. He will operate CW QRP on or around 14060 and 21060 kHz during his evenings. [TNX SM1TDE] D4 - IK7VJP plans to be active from Sao Tiago (AF-005), Cape Verde between 14 and 21 September. QSL via home call. [TNX IZ8CCW] E3 - Chris/DL5NAM (SSB, RTTY and 6m), Dieter/DF4RD (SSB and CW), Wolf/OE2VEL (low bands SSB and CW) and Falk/DK7YY (low bands CW) will be active (with special attention for North America, Asia and the low bands) as E30NA from Eritrea between 17 October and 3 November. Their target QTH is one of the islands in the Dahlak Archipelago (AF-038), if they cannot go there they will operate from the capital city. The group is looking for financial support from the DX community (please contact Chris, DL5NAM at A web site is under construction at [TNX DL5NAM] EA9 - EA9LS, EA9LZ, EA9CD, EA9AZ, EA9BW, EA9GW and EA9PB will participate in the WAE DX Contest (SSB) as EA9LS. QSL via home call either direct or through the bureau. [TNX EA9CD] F - Didier, F5BJW will be active (on 10-80 metres mainly SSB) as TM2A from Groix Island (EU-048, DIFM AT-012) on 15-24 September. QSL via home call. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] G - The Cray Valley Radio Society will be operating GB2FB HF and VHF from 8 UTC on 15 September until 14 UTC on the 16th as part of "Transmission 2001" to help raise money for the British Wireless for the Blind Fund. QSL via G4DFI. [TNX BRS-32525] H4 - Luca, IZ6DSQ [425DXN 532] now plans to be active from Guadalcanal (OC-047, Solomon Islands) on 6 and again on 14 October, from the Reef Islands (OC-065, Temotu Province) on 7-13 October and from the New Georgia Islands (OC-149, Solomon Islands) on 15-22 October. [TNX IZ8CCW] LX - Look for Ralf, LX/DH7RD/p to be active (on 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 metres SSB) from Eisenborn, Luxembourg between 8 and 15 September. QSL via home call through the DARC bureau. [TNX DL4FCH] OZ - Look for Rudolf, OZ/DK7OM/p to be active on SSB and digital modes from Mors Island (EU-171, NJ-002 for the Danish Islands Award) on 8-22 September. QSL via home call. [TNX DL2VFR] PJ2 - Look for Joeke, PJ2/PA0VDV to be active (CW only) from the Netherlands Antilles between 15 September and 12 October. [TNX The Daily DX] SV - Look for Simon, SV8/IZ7ATN and Raffaele, SV8/IZ7BNH to be active (on 10-40 metres SSB, WARC bands included) from the islands of Skiros (EU-060) and Skiatos (EU-072) between 7 and 10 September. QSL SV8/IZ7ATN via IZ0CKJ either direct (Alessio Roma, Via Sterparo 43, 03023 Ceccano - FR, Italy) or through the bureau. QSL SV8/IZ7BNH direct only to IZ7BNH (Raffaele Di Troia, P.O. Box 178, 70056 Molfetta - BA, Italy). [TNX IZ7ATN] /EX SB DX@WW $425WW540B 425 DX News #540 [2/4] 8 September 2001 No 540 $425WW540B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== SV9 - Rene/ON5KH, Bill/ON5JE and Luk/ON4BB will operate from (on 40-10 metres SSB and CW) Crete (EU-015) on 10-23 September. If conditions permit and if they find suitable transportation, they will also be active from Paximadia (EU-187) for one or two days during that time frame. QSL via home calls, preferably through the bureau. [TNX ON4BB] TF - Gulli/TF8GX, Tiny/ON4CAT, Norby/LX1NO and Fred/DL8DXL will be active (on 10-80 metres SSB, CW and possibly some digital modes) from Flatey Island (EU-168) on 12-19 September. Gulli and Tiny will be signing TF4RX (QSL via K1WY or ON4CAT), while Fred and Norby will operate as TF4/LX9EG (QSL via LX1NO). [TNX K1WY] VU - Special call AT0HF will be aired on 1-9 September to celebrate the Hamfest India 2001 HF Contest. The Hamfest will be held at Nagpur on 27-28 October (details from QSL via VU2APR (National Institute of Amateur Radio, Raj Bhavan Road, Hyderabad 500082, India). [TNX VU2JOS] VU - Ram, VU3DJQ reports he will be participating in various contests as AT0D until mid-November. He operates on 20 metres with 50 watts. QSL direct via home call with IRCs (no green stamps please). W - Look for John, K1FWE to be active (on 10-40 metres SSB and CW) from the Isles of Shoals (NA-217) on 15-16 September. [TNX DL2VFR] ZK1_nc - Look for Mike, KM9D/ZK1QMA (on 10-160 metres mainly CW) and YL operator Jan, KF4TUG/ZK1TUG (on the higher bands SSB) to be active from Penrhyn (Tongareva) Island (OC-082), North Cooks on 8-16 September. QSLs via OM2SA either direct or through the bureau. [TNX OM2SA] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH ISS ---> The current ISS (International Space Station) crew members are the American Commander Frank Culbertson (KD5OPQ), the Russian Pilot Vladimir Dezhurov and the Russian Flight Engineer Mikhail Turin. The call signs available for use on the ISS are RS0ISS, RZ3DZR, NA1SS, RZ3DZR-1 (packet station mailbox callsign). The following frequencies are currently used for ARISS general QSOs: 145.80 (Voice and Packet Downlink, worldwide), 144.49 (Voice Uplink for Regions 2 and 3), 145.20 (Voice Uplink for Region 1) and 145.99 (Packet Uplink, worldwide). QSL for the USA to ARRL Headquarters, ARISS QSL Expedition-2, 225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111-1494 USA. QSL for Canada to Radio Amateurs of Canada, ARISS QSL Expedition-2, 720 Belfast Road, Suite 217, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. QSL for Europe to ARISS-Europe QSL Bureau, c/o AMSAT-France, 16 rue de la Vallee,, 91360 Epinay sur Orge, France. For other countries, please use the US or Canadian address above. [TNX IZ1CRR] QSL A61AJ ---> Bernie, W3UR has stepped down as QSL manager for Ali, A61AJ; effective 5 September all QSL requests need to go to N4QB (Joe Veras, P.O. Box 1041, Birmingham, AL 35201, USA), who will have all logs for all QSOs made by A61AJ. Cards already sent to W3UR need not to be resubmitted to N4QB. QSL 9L1DX ---> Dr. Elmer R. Ribeiro (aka OA8DX, 7Q7DX and P29DX) is now stationed in Sierra Leone and operates as 9L1DX (logs at QSL via EA4CEN either direct (Jose A. Rodriguez Fernandez, General Castejon 1-6-A, 28924 Alcorcon, Madrid, Spain) or through the URE bureau. [TNX EA4CEN] QSL SM1T ---> This call was used during this year's IOTA Contest from Gotland Island (EU-020) by SM1TDE and SM5DJZ. All QSOs have been confirmed via the bureau; direct cards can be sent to Eric, SM1TDE. [TNX SM1TDE] QSL TU2WL ---> Gianni, IN3ASW reports he has run out of QSLs for his April 2000 activity as TU2WL and it will take at least two months to have the new cards printed. Please be patient. QSL VIA LY2MM ---> Cards for 4L1AE, 4L1W and 4L5T can be sent to Al, LY2MM direct only with appropriate return postage. Al does not reply to bureau cards, but he stores them while waiting for any opportunity to give them to his Georgian friends. He had a chance to do so in May, but "the time for next opportunity is undefinite". QSL VIA VK4FW ---> Please note that effective 1 September the new address for VK4FW is: Bill Horner, P.O. Box 1343, Maroochydore, 4558, Australia. QSL VIA YC9BU ---> Kadek, YC9BU reports that some 60% of the direct QSL requests he gets from the IOTA community arrive without return postage. He recommends not to use US dollars but IRCs. /EX SB DX@WW $425WW540C 425 DX News #540 [3/4] 8 September 2001 No 540 $425WW540C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH DX ATLAS: Alex Shovkoplyas, VE3NEA is the author of "DX Atlas", an electronic World atlas for radio amateurs available for download at [TNX VK6LC] IOTA HELP LISTINGS: If you have still to convert your IOTA credits on the basis of the IOTA Directory 2000, you might find of interest the IOTA Help Listings maintained by John, WD8MGQ at LOGS: Roberto, EA4DX logged 7800 QSOs as H40DX from Temotu and 18200 QSOs as H44DX from the Solomons. and logs are now on line at QSLs for both calls direct only to EA4DX (Roberto Diaz, Doce de Octubre 4, 28009 Madrid, Spain). MOST WANTED SURVEY: The annual DX Magazine Most Wanted Survey is now available on the DX Publishing Web site at The world-wide results of the 2000 Survey are posted on the web site under "DX News". [TNX N4AA] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 3A/F5RBB F5RBB EY10S DJ1MM T88MO 7K1SGX 3D2AW DL2AWG FM5GU KU9C TA3DD KZ5RO 3D2HY JA0SC FM5WD W3HNK TE8AA TI5BX 3D2XU PA3AXU FO0FLA AH6HY TG/DB2TR DL1SBF 3V8MED DL1BDF GB5FI GW0ANA TK/IK1QBT IK1QBT 3W2B XW2A H40DX EA4DX TM5MA F8AJF 4L1FX DJ1CW H44RD EA4DX TR0A UA3DJY 4N7M YU7KMN HI3HN OE7NHT TT8DX F5OGL 4W1XW pirate ID9/IT9SSI IZ8CCW TT8FC EA4AHK 4Z8GZ DH2GZ J3/PA0ZH PA5ET TT8JE F6FNU 5A32 5A1A J3/PA3EWP PA5ET UA0AZ W3HNK 5R8EE FR5EL J3/PA5ET PA5ET UA1CIO/P RZ1AK 5R8HC F6BUM J3/PA7FM PA5ET UE1ZPQ RA1ZS 5U7AH I6NLJ J38PA PA5ET UE3DDJ RZ3DJ 5U7JK I2YSB J44L/P SV4AQJ UM8AR UK8AR 5Z4TT SP5TT J6/EX0M DF8WS UM8CK UX5UO 6D0Z AC7DX J8/PA0ZH PA5ET UM8LA RW3RN 6D2X AC7DX J8/PA3EWP PA5ET UM9AA UK9AA 6D8Z AC7DX J8/PA5ET PA5ET UN5J W3HNK 6G0V AC7DX J8/PA7FM PA5ET UN7QX W7BO 7L2ICS/JD1 7L2ICS J8PA PA5ET UP0ACS DL8KAC 7X5JF DJ8QP JH1AEF/4 JH1AEF V63KA JH8BKL 8P9JM K2ZD JT1FBX JG5PJJ V63MC JH8BKL 9A/N0MX DJ2MX JT1FYT K4YT V63OO JA3AJ 9A3OY 9A1CCY JW2PA LA2PA V63YB JH8MYB 9E1S IV3TRK JW7QI LA7QI V73MJ JF1NZW 9M2JI JK1AJX KC4USV K1IED VE2/F5TBA/p F5TBA A45WD YO9HP KG4DX W4WX VK0KMT VK4KMT CE2LZR EA5KB KH0/JA3MVI JA3MVI VK4AWX KC6AWX CO7KR DL5DCA LW9DAH AC7DX VK4BRK N5HHS CO8EJ EA5KB LX/ON6CK ON6IJ VK7TS/4 VK7TS CT1GFK/P CT1GFK LX0RL LX1KQ VK9CQ PA3GIO CT1HZE DL8HCZ OG3GZ OH3GZ VK9XV PA3GIO CT3/OK2BOB OK2BOB P29AM NU5O XE0DX AC7DX CW1D CX1UU P29VB N5HHS XE2GV AC7DX CX2AQ EA5KB P29WS W4HUT XE2XA AC7DX D2BB W3HNK PJ2/AE9B AE9B XE2Z AC7DX D44TD CT1EKF PJ2/NW0L NW0L XM2CWI VE2CWI E20HHK E21EIC PJ2/W0CG W0CG YC1ANA EA7FTR ED1SDC EA1AUM PJ2T KN7Y YJ0ADX JE1DXC EK1700S EK6GB RI6LAP UA6MF YL800KA YL2KA EK6TA DJ0MCZ RI9K UA4RC YL800LW YL2LW EM1HO I2PJA RT9W RZ9WWH YN4SU TI4SU EO100ZOO UY0ZG RZ1AK/p RZ1AK YU8/9X0A UA3DX EO10N UX5UO S21YH 7M4PTE ZB2AZ G3MNN EP3SP W3HC SV0LR HB9LDR ZC4DW G0DEZ ER10MD ER1BF SV5/SM8C SM0CMH ZD7DP W1ZT EX10A EX2A SW1XV SV1XV ZG2FX G3RFX EX8QB IK2QPR T30XU PA3AXU ZP26DC ZP1LL /EX SB DX@WW $425WW540D 425 DX News #540 [4/4] 8 September 2001 No 540 $425WW540D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 7L2ICS Youichi Kamata, 2-3-8, kami-Ikebukuro, Toyoshima-ku 170-0012, Japan 7M4PTE Shin Makoto, 2-3-18, Naritanishi, Suginami-Ku, Tokyo 166-0016, Japan CT1EEB Jose Emanuel Ribeiro de Sa, P.O. Box 79, P-3860 Estarreja, Portugal CT9F A.R.R.M., P.O. Box 4694, 9001 Funchal, Portugal DJ2MX Mario Lovric, Am Oelberg 11, D-61231 Bad Nauheim, Germany DS2LGK Choi Kyu Yong, P.O. Box 63, Inchon, 400-036, Korea F5OGL Didier A. Senmartin, P.O. Box 19, F-35998 Rennes Armees, France FY5KE Radio Amateur Club, B.P. 450, 97382 Kourou Cedex, French Guiana G0DEZ Dez Watson, C.A.O., JSSU (AN), BFPO 59, via London, UK HA5NG Andras Szilagyi, P.O. Box 88, H-1554 Budapest, Hungary IK0YUJ Riccardo Bruzzichini, P.O. Box 59, 06012 Citta' di Castello - PG, Italy IK1QBT Antonio Gallo, Via Capo Santo Spirito 1/16, 17020 Borghetto Santo Spirito - SV, Italy IZ0CKJ Alessio Roma, Via Sterparo 43, 03023 Ceccano - FR, Italy IZ8CCW P.O. Box 360, 87100 Cosenza- CS, Italy JH8BKL Katsuhide Kawase, 284-30 Kawaguchikisen, Teshio, 098-3312 Japan JH8MYB Susumu Harada, 3-8 Taga, Mikasa, 068-2152 Japan JK1AJX Mac Kumakura, 10-18 Kawagishi 4 chome, Kitakami, Iwate 024-0032, Japan K8ONV E.A.R.S., P.O. Box 572, Englewood, FL 34295-0572, USA KC6AWX Robert T. Devine, 407 Alameda Del Prado, Novato, CA 94949-6302, USA ON7YX Ronald Van Aken, Kapelstraat 5, 2330 Merksplas, Belgium PA3GIO Bert vd Berg, Parklaan 38, NL-3931 KK Woudenberg, The Netherlands PS7ZZ Francisco Edvaldo Pereira de Freitas, Av. Sao Miguel dos Caribes 31, Neopolis II, 59086-500 Natal - RN, Brazil RW3RN Alex Kuznetsov, P.O. Box 57, Tambov-23, 392023 Russia RZ1AK Dennis Eremin, P.O. Box 202, St.Petersburg 196070, Russia SV1XV Costas Krallis, P.O. Box 3066, GR-10210 Athens, Greece TI5BX P.O. Box 159, St. Barbara, 3009 Heredia, Costa Rica UA4RC P.O.Box 252, Almetyevsk, Tatarstan Republic, 423452, Russia UA6MF Ivan A Gudima , P.O. Box 47 , Rostov-on-Don 344007, Russia UA9KM Nikolai Kuprin, P.O. Box 158, Nadym, Yamalo-Nenetski AO, Tyumen obl., 629736, Russia UK9AA P.O. Box 58, Tashkent 700000, Uzbekistan VE2CWI West Isl. A.R. Club, P.O. Box 884, Dorval, QC H9R 4Z6, Canada VE9MY Len Morgan, 35 Upper Quaco RD., Baxters Corner, NB, E2S 2S2, Canada VK4KMT Mark Tell, 44 Corowa St, Wavell Heights, Queensland, Australia 4012 VK7TS Trevor Spargo, 1 Roebourne Rd, Otago, Tasmania, Australia 7017 W6JHB Jim Bennett, 25 Lagunita Court, Martinez, CA 94553-3039, USA YT1AD Dr. Hrane Milosevic, 36206 Vitanovac, Yugoslavia ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX