DX425 bulletin issue nr. 537

SB DX@WW $425WW537A
425 DX News #537 [1/5]
  18 August 2001                   No 537                       $425WW537A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

3A     - Look for Patrice, 3A/F5RBB  to be active  (on 40, 20,  15, 10 and  6
         metres SSB) from Monaco between 25  August and 3 September. QSL  via
         home call either direct or through the bureau. [TNX F5RBB]
3V     - Antonio, IK8VRH reports  that "for  reasons beyond  his control"  he
         will not operate  from 3V8SQ [425DXN  535], but from  3V8CB at  Borg
         Cedria during his vacations in Tunisia.
5R     - Phil, G3SWH  will be  active (CW  only on  all bands  40 through  10
         metres) as 5R8HA from Ile Sainte Marie (AF-090) on 14-20  September.
         QSL via G3SWH either direct (Phil  Whitchurch, 21 Dickensons  Grove,
         Congresbury, Bristol, BS19 5HQ, England) or through the RSGB bureau.
         [TNX G3SWH]
5W     - Atsu, JI3WLT/5W1SA  will be  back to  Apia, Samoa  Islands  (OC-097)
         starting on 22 August for two years. QSL via JH7OHF. [TNX The  Daily
9A     - Borut, S57GM  will be  active (mainly  on 40,  20 and  15 metres  CW
         between 19 and  23 UTC) as  9A/S57GM/p from  Losinj Island  (EU-136,
         IOCA CI-058) between 22 August and  1 September. QSL via home  call.
         [TNX S57GM]
A2     - Harry Edwards, W6DXO reports  he will be  active as A25/KG6GPA  from
         two safari camps  in Botswana from  19 September  through the  28th.
         Very primitive  operating  conditions mandate  QRP  operations  with
         battery power and a dipole for 20 metres. He will concentrate on SSB
         and operate as  much as propagation  and camp  schedules allow.  QSL
         direct only via W6DXO.
A5     - Tony, IK7WUL  (A52UL) plans  to operate  also on  6 metres  when  in
         Bhutan [425DXN 533]. He will be QRV for Europe between 8 and 10  UTC
         around 50.110 MHz and his grid is NL47. QSL via I7JFQ. [TNX IK1EGC]
CT3    - A group of operators from A.R.R.M.  (Associacao de Radioamadores  da
         Regiao da Madeira) plans to operate as CT9F from Ilheu das  Cenouras
         (AF-014, DIP MA-009), Iheu de Fora (AF-014, DIP MA-011) and Ilheu da
         Fonte da Areia (AF-014, DIP MA-013) during the forthcoming weekends.
         QSL via the CT3 bureau or  direct to A.R.R.M.,  P.O. Box 4694,  9001
         Funchal, Portugal. [TNX CT3BD]
DL     - Katrin (DL1AXL), Dominik (DL5EBE), Frank (DL7UFP), Torsten (DL7UTM),
         Fritz (DL7VRO) and Gerda (DL7VYL) will be active as DA0BHV on  17-19
         August for  the INternational  Lighthouse &  Ligthship Weekend.  The
         will operate from the  old lightship "Elbe  3" (DA0BHV/LS) and  from
         the "Bremerhaven  Upper Light"  (DA0BHV/LGT). QSL  via DL5EBE.  [TNX
E4     - Local conditions permitting,  Gunter (DH2GZ/4Z8GZ)  plans to  active
         (on 10-20 metres SSB) as E4/OE1GZA  from Ram Allah, Palestine on  24
         August. QSL to Gunter Zwickl,  C/O SICT, P.O.  Box 1133, Ram  Allah,
         Palestine. [TNX The Daily DX]
EA6    - Christian, DL6KAC  will  be active  (on  40-10 metres,  possibly  80
         metres as well,  mainly SSB) from  Mallorca (EU-004,  DIE E-021)  on
         5-27 September. QSL via home call either direct or through the  DARC
         bureau. [TNX DL6KAC]
EA8    - The Gran  Canaria DX  Group will  participate in  the  International
         Lighthouse  &  Lightship  Weekend  as  ED8MCC  from  the  Maspalomas
         Lighthouse (FEA D-2814). QSL via EA8AKN or through the bureau.  [TNX
EO     - The following special event stations will be active on 20-28  August
         to celebrate the 10th anniversary of indipendence for Ukraine: EO10J
         (QSL via KG6AR), EO10G  (QSL via UR7GG:  Victor Tkachenko, P.O.  Box
         73, Kherson,  73000 Ukraine),  EO10M (QSL  via UX7MA:  P.O. Box  22,
         Stakhanov, 94000,  Ukraine),  EO10V (QSL  via  UR7VA: P.O.  Box  23,
         Kirovograd-9, 25009, Ukraine). [TNX KG6AR, UR7GG, UX2VZ, UX7MA]
ER     - Special event  station ER10MD  will be  active  on 25-31  August  to
         celebrate the 10th anniversary of indipendence for Moldova. QSL  via
         ER1BF.     For     additional      information     please      visit
         http://www.arm.moldtelecom.md/index.htm [TNX ER1BF]
F      - Patrice, F5RBB reports he will operate from a few DIFM islands on 23
         and 24 August.
F      - Jean-Yves/F5LHW, Pascal/F5RZJ,  Herve/F8BFB  and Eric/F0DI  will  be
         active (on 80-10 metres SSB and CW, plus 6m, 2m, 70cm and ATV  438.5
         MHz) from  the Chausey  Islands (EU-039)  on 10-14  September.  [TNX

SB DX@WW $425WW537B
425 DX News #537 [2/5]
  18 August 2001                   No 537                       $425WW537B
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                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

FR/T   - Jack, FR5ZU  will  be  back  to  Tromelin  Island  (AF-031)  from  6
         September until 5 October and plans  to be active  on all bands  SSB
         with 100 watts  and a vertical.  QSL direct or  via his current  QSL
         manager, JA8FCG. [TNX The Daily DX]
GW     - Members of the Barry Amateur Radio Society will be operating (on all
         bands CW, SSB, PSK31, RTTY and  SSTV) as GB5FI from Flatholm  Island
         (EU-124) on 24-29 August. QSL via GW0ANA. [TNX The Daily DX]
H40    - Roberto, EA4DX is currently active as  H44RD from Honiara  (OC-047),
         Solomon Islands. He will be moving to Lata (OC-100), Temotu Province
         on 19 August  and remain there  for one  week. QSL  direct only  via
         EA4DX (Roberto Diaz, Doce de Octubre  4, 28009 Madrid, Spain).  [TNX
HS     - Look for RAST HS station HS0AC to participate in the SEANET  Contest
         (see "Good To Know" below) on all  bands SSB and CW. Activity on  80
         metres  (3524  kHz)  and  160  metres  (1834  kHz)  will  be  around
         19.30-22.30 UTC. QSL via HS0/G3NOM (Ray Gerrard, P.O. Box 1300, Nana
         Post Office, Bangkok 10112, Thailand). [TNX E21EIC]
I      - Look for IK7JWX/P to  operate from Santa  Maria di Leuca  Lighthouse
         (ITA-039, WAIL PU-004) on 18-19 August. [TNX IK7JWX]
I      - Look for  IV3KTY and  IV3NCC to  be active  from Orbi  (EU-130,  IIA
         GO-007) or San Pietro  d'Orio (EU-130, IIA  GO-009) or Banco  d'Orio
         (EU-130, IIA GO-030) during the weekend. [TNX IV3KTY]
I      - Special event station IO6ARI will be activated by ARI Senigallia  on
         10-80 metres SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK31 on 5-15 September. [TNX IK6ZDE]
I      - Special event  station  I150B  (India  One  Fifty  Bravo)   will  be
         activated on 15-16 September to celebrate  the 50th  anniversary  of
         ARI Biella. [TNX I1TBE]
JA     - Look for JH6RTO/2  to be active  from Hatsushima  (AS-117) on  24-27
         August. QSL via home call. [TNX JH6RTO]
JA     - Look for  JA6VZB/6 to  be active  from  the Danjo  Islands  (AS-056)
         between 25 August and 15 September. He will be cruising in that area
         and will operate one night per each landing. QSL via home call. [TNX
OA     - After being  granted  permission by  the  Peruvian  Navy,  the  IOTA
         operation from San  Lorenzo Island  (SA-052) [425DXN  530] has  been
         rescheduled to take place on 14-16 September. Activity is planned on
         10-80 metres SSB  and CW,  with some  RTTY and  PSK31 on  15 and  20
         metres. The team  has applied  for the  special call  4T0I. QSL  via
         OA4DJW. The web site for the operation is at http://www.qsl.net/4t0i
         [TNX OA4AHW]
OH     - Five operators  from the  Finnish Air  Force Radio  Club OI6AY  will
         activate (on 80, 20, 15, 10 and 6 metres mainly CW and SSB) Russaroe
         Island (EU-097, KO19ls) and the local lighthouse (FIN-050) on  18-19
         August. QSL  via  the OH  bureau.  The web  page  for  OI6AY  is  at
         http://kotisivu.mtv3.fi/oma/oi6ay/ [TNX  OH2BF  and Islands  On  The
OX     - Special call XP1AB  was used for  the last time  in the Sixties  and
         will be aired again during the CQ WW DX SSB Contest (27-28  October)
         from Sondrestrom,  Greenland. QSL  direct only  via OZ1ACB.  Further
         information on  the operation  is at  http://www.qsl.net/xp1ab  [TNX
SV     - Look  for IZ7ATN, IZ0CKJ, IZ0EGB,  IW0FT and IW0FTB to operate  from
         Samos Island (EU-049) on 24 August. QSLs via IZ0CKJ. [TNX IZ7ATN]
TA     - Simon, IZ7ATN gives  the dates for  the forthcoming IOTA  operations
         from Turkey [425DXN 536]:
         Bogsak Island  AS-123  18-20 August
         Uc Island      AS-115     21 August
         Sedir Island   AS-098     22 August
         The operators will  be Alessio/IZ0CKJ, Massimo/IZ0EGB,  Paolo/IW0FT,
         Diego/IW0FTB and  Simon/IZ7ATN  himself and  they  will  be  signing
         TA0/homecall. Special  attention  will be  paid  to  North  American
         island chasers. QSLs for all via IZ0CKJ (Alessio Roma, Via  Sterparo
         43, 03023 Ceccano - FR, Italy).
T2     - Hiro, JA0SC will be active (SSTV on  21343 or 28685 kHz and RTTY  on
         21080 or 28080 kHz) as T22SC from Funafuti, Tuvalu (OC-015) on 22-29
         August. QSL via JA0SC either direct (Hirotada Yoshiike, 722-1 Shiba,
         Matsushiro-cyo, Nagano-city,  381-1214 Japan)  or through  the  JARL
         bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
UA     - Dennis, RZ1AK/p and Vlad, UA1CIO/p will  be active from  Shepelevsky
         Lighthouse (ERU  007) on  18-19 August.  QSL  via home  calls.  [TNX
UK     - Special event  station UM9AA  will active  on all  bands between  27
         August and 5  September to celebrate  the tenth  anniversary of  the
         indipendence for Uzbekistan.  QSL via UK9AA  (P.O. Box 58,  Tashkent
         700000, Uzbekistan).
V6     - Look  for   Katsu/JH8BKL   (V63KA),   Michiko/JF8IYR   (V63MC)   and
         Susumu/JH8MYB (V63YB) to be active (on 80-6 metres SSB, CW and FM on
         10 metres) from Pohnpei (OC-010), Micronesia between 31 August and 6
         September. QSL V63KA and V63MC via JH8BKL (Katsuhide Kawase,  284-30
         Kawaguchikisen,  Teshio,  098-3312  Japan).  QSL  V63YB  via  JH8MYB
         (Susumu Harada, 3-8 Taga, Mikasa, 068-2152 Japan). [TNX JA1ELY]
V7     - The OPDX  Bulletin reports  that "very  soon"  Jeff, KA1GJ  will  be
         active as  V73GJ from  the Marshall  Islands during  his  three-year
         assignment on Kwajalein (OC-028). QSL direct  to P.O. Box 1050,  APO
         AP 96555, USA.
V8     - Jani, YB0US will be operating as V8AAP from Brunei on 17-20  August,
         SEANET Contest included. QSL via N2OO. [TNX N2OO]
VK     - Paul/VK3DK, Tex/VK1TX,  Keith/VK3FT,  Gwen/VK3DYL  and  Randel/VK3RM
         will operate (on 10 through 80 metres SSB), mainly as VK3DK/p,  from
         Gabo Island (OC-196) on 26-30 September. They will also activate the
         lighthouse on the  island (ARLHS  AUS-078). QSL  VK3DK/p via  VK3DYL
         (bureau) or  direct  to P.O.  Box  1068,  Croydon,  3136,  Victoria,
         Australia.   The    web   page    for    the   operation    is    at
         http://vk2ce.com/vk3dk [TNX VK2CE]

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  18 August 2001                   No 537                       $425WW537C
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                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

VP8    - Mike, GM0HCQ, who operated as VP8SGK from South Georgia (AN-007)  in
         late March-early April,  will be going  back to  the South  Atlantic
         later this year. His itinerary will include South Georgia again  and
         Signy Island  in  the South  Orkneys  (AN-008)  and  operations  are
         expected as follows:
         17-22 Nov       2001 VP8SIG (So. Orkneys)
         24-30 Nov       2001 VP8SGK (So. Georgia)
         05-08 Jan       2002 VP8SIG (So. Orkneys)
         10-11 Jan       2002 VP8SGK (So. Georgia)
         28-30 Jan       2002 VP8SIG (So. Orkneys)
         27 Feb - 02 Mar 2002 VP8SIG (So. Orkneys)
         04-06 Mar       2002 VP8SGK (So. Georgia)
         Updates will be posted on  http://www.qsl.net/gm0hcq [TNX The  Daily
W      - The Magnolia DX Association will  be active as  W5B from the  Biloxi
         Lighthouse during the International Lighthouse & Lightship  Weekend.
         QSL via W5OXA. For further details please visit  http://www.mdxa.org
         [TNX The Daily DX]
W      - Operators from the Englewood Amateur Radio Society will be active as
         K8ONV from  the  Boca Grande  lighthouse  during  the  International
         Lighthouse &  Lightship Weekend.  QSL via  E.A.R.S., P.O.  Box  572,
         Englewood, FL 34295-0572, USA. [TNX The Daily DX]
W      - The Hiawatha Amateur  Radio Association will  operate (on all  bands
         SSB,  CW,  RTTY  and  PSK31)  as  W8L  from  the  Marquette   Harbor
         Lighthouse/Coast  Guard  Station   on  Lake   Superior  during   the
         International Lighthouse &  Lightship Weekend. QSL  direct via  K8PT
         (B.  Peter  Treml,   725  W.  Magnetic   St.,  Marquette,   Michigan
         49855-2730, USA). [TNX K8PT]
W      - Skip Maze (N1IBM), Bob Schenck (N2OO) and Beth Schenck (KF2BQ)  will
         operate (on +/- 7165, 14265,  21265 kHz SSB  and 7030, 14030,  21030
         kHz CW) as N1IBM/p from Sheffield Island (NA-136, USI CT-008S, ARLHS
         USA-753) on 25-26 August from 15 to 21 UTC each day (later if able).
         QSL via N1IBM  either direct (Skip  Maze, 847  Dolan Street,  Lanoka
         Harbor, NJ 08734, USA) or through the bureau. [TNX N2OO]
XE     - Michael, DL1YMK has got the license to operate from Magdalena Island
         (NA-078). Look for XF1/DL1YMK  to be active  (on 10-80 metres,  WARC
         bands included, mainly SSB) from this most wanted IOTA group on 7-13
         October. QSL via home call. [TNX DL1YMK]
ZK1_sc - Gunter, DL2AWG will  be active  as ZK1AWG  from Raratonga  (OC-013),
         South Cook Islands on 21-29 August. [TNX The Daily DX]
ZS     - ZS1DUP,  ZS1UOK,   ZS1HZ  and   ZR1DDK  will   participate  in   the
         International Lighthouse/Lightship  Weekend  as ZS1ESC  from  Robben
         Island (AF-064).  Look  for them  on  14185-14190,  21200-21250  and
         28450-28500 kHz. [TNX The Daily DX]

ILLW ---> The International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend  will take place  on
18-19 August. A full list of participating stations, including callsigns, QTH
and QSL routes, can be found at http://www.vk2ce.com/ILLW/2001.htm

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

AS-131 ---> It  has been confirmed  that Dong-Ao Island,  which is  currently
being activated by the BI7D team  until 19 August [425DXN 536], does  qualify
for AS-131. QSL via QSL via BD7NI (P.O.Box 306, Guangzhou, 510030, China).

D68C TROPHIES:  A complete  listing  of the  winners  of the  Nevada  Comoros
Trophies [425DXN 506] and the other stations participating in the event  (254
amateurs either as individuals or as club  members) can be found at the  D68C
website (http://www.dxbands.com/comoros) The maximum achievable score was  in
fact 26 band-slots (CW 10, SSB 9, PSK 3, RTTY 3, FM 1). [TNX G3XTT]

NEW CONTEST ---> The Grupo Argentino de CW organizes the first edition of the
GACW CW DX Contest, which will  take place on 20-21  April 2002 to  celebrate
the   25th   anniversary   of   the   Group.    Rules   are   available    at
htto://www.geocities.com/gacwar [TNX LU6EF]

QSL 5A24PA ---> Alex,  PA1AW reports that  all of the  direct QSL cards  were
mailed   on    13    August.   The    5A24PA    logs   are    available    at
http://www.qsl.net/pa1aw (QSL section).

QSL 5B4AGX ---> Mike, 5B4AGX reports that his old UK address for G4PFF is  no
longer valid, and cards for 5B4AGX should no longer be sent via G4PFF.  Cards
should be sent either  to the 5B4  bureau or direct  to 5B4AGX (Mike  Potter,
Kamares Club Plot  466 (Box 171),  C/O Vesta  Holidays Ltd,  P.O. Box  60195,
Paphos 8128, Cyprus). [TNX G3PMR]

QSL CE9/R1ANF ---> Dominik, DL5EBE reports that the CE9/R1ANF cards for  last
year's operation  from Ripamonti  Base (2000)  will be  printed after  Oleg's
(UA1PBA) next  visit  to Bellingshausen  Base.  He will  go  there  again  in
November for the 2001/02 wintering season. The QSL manager is RK1PWA.

QSL D68C ---> Phil, G3SWH reports that the D68C cards "are being processed in
the order in which they are  received. Direct requests  are being dealt  with
first; after that bureau and e-mail requests will be answered. So far I  have
confirmed 10,000 QSOs. We are making good process but please do remember that
the D68C team made 168,000 QSOs with over 45,000 unique calls. Please do  not
send duplicate requests or e-mail chasers to G3SWH. This just slows down  the
whole process. You can check if your contacts are in the log by accessing the
D68C log server at www.dxbands.com/comoros" [TNX G3XTT]

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  18 August 2001                   No 537                       $425WW537D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****

QSL EU-185  ---> Cards  for  Pavel's 26-27  July  activity as  RA3AUM/6  from
Dzendzik Island (EU-185, RR-2404) can be sent to RA3AUM either direct  (Pavel
Buyko, P.O.Box  90,  Moscow, 103062,  Russia)  or through  the  bureau.  [TNX

QSL OC-247  ---> Gennaro,  I8YRK reporst  that the  QSL cards  for  YB8HZ/P's
mid-June activity are now at the printers thanks to the Diamond DX Club. They
are expected to be mailed out during the first half of September.

QSL S21B ---> As of 13  August QSL cards should be sent  to John Core,  KX7YT
rather than the old manager (K4FRU). [TNX KX7YT]

QSL VK0KMT ---> Mark, VK4KMT  reports his current  address is the  following:
Mark Tell, 44 Corowa St, Wavell Heights, Queensland, Australia 4012. He  will
be active from Antarctic Base "Davis" (IOTA AN-016, WABA VK-03) until January
2002, on most weekends between 10 and 30 metres.

QSL VIA DL5EBE  ---> Dominik reports  he has received  the R1AND/A and  R1AND
handwritten logs and  plans to print  separate QSLs for  the operations  from
Maitri and  Novolazarevskaya bases.  Vic, R1AND  made  some 35,000  QSOs  and
Dominik will have  to enter them  all in his  PC before being  able to  start
QSLling. Please be patient.

SEANET CONTEST ---> It will take place from 12 UTC on 18 August to 12 UTC  on
the 19th. This is now a  single 24 hour multi-mode contest  and rules can  be
found  at  http://www.QSL.net/RAST   or  http://www.qsl.net/seanet2001   [TNX

TRINDADE ---> The ship arrived to the island on schedule (around 19 UTC on  7
August), but strong winds and heavy rain prevented Ricardo, PY1VOY and  Jose,
PY1LVF (as well as the military  crew) from disembarking.  They were able  to
reach the island around 10 UTC on 8 August and to start operating as soon  as
possible. The two  special calls, PT0T  and ZX0Z, were  authorized by  ANATEL
when Ricardo  and Jose  had already  started being  active as  homecall/PY0T.
Operations had to close down five hours before departure. Some 4000 QSOs were
made on 40-10 metres (but not on 12 metres, as the antenna tuner did not work
on that band) between 14.01 UTC  on 8 August and 11.30 UTC  on the 10th.  QSL
cards are expected  to be  printed by  mid-September. QSL  via PY1LVF  either
direct (Jose Luiz Vieira Fernandes, P.O. Box 18009, 20722-970 Rio de  Janeiro
- RJ, Brazil) or through the PY1 bureau. [TNX PY1LVF]

WRTC2002  --->  The  WRTC2002  organization  has   announced  that  the   two
co-chairmen of the judging committee will be Mr. Pekka Lansman (Finland)  and
Mr. David Sumner (USA). Mr. Lansman is Chairman of the CEPT Project Team that
is responsible for preparing  European Common Proposals  on key agenda  items
for the 2003  World Radiocommunication Conference.  Mr. Sumner  is the  Chief
Executive Officer of  the American Radio  Relay League and  Secretary of  the
International Amateur Radio Union.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CONTEST CALENDAR: Mike, VK4DX reports he has redesigned and updated his  site
                  at http://www.vk4dx.net, which includes an international HF
                  Contest calendar with contest rules.
PSK31 DX NOTES:   Dima, UT5RP (ut5rp@radio.tenet.odessa.ua) reports they  are
                  available     at     http://www.krs.poltava.ua/psk31dx.htm,
                  http://www.qsl.net/xe1m/ut5rpdx.htm and http://radio.cn.ua.
                  There is also an Ukrainian PSK31 DX Reflector (to subscribe
                  send  an  e-mail   to  majordomo@krs.poltava.ua,   Subject:
                  (Blank) , Message Body: subscribe psk31).

QSLs received direct: 3B6RF (AF-001), 3D2CI, 3G0Y, 3R1Z, 3V8BB, 3W2LWS,  4H2B
(OC-093), 4I1P (OC-126 and  OC-244), 4W6GH, 4W6MM,  5A1A, 5H3RK, 5T5U,  5U3T,
5Z4FM, 6Y5WJ, 8Q7KK, 9E1C, 9M0M, 9M2/JA4DPL, 9Y4/DL2RVS, A35NB, A71MA, AA4XR,
AI5P/M (NA-055), AP2JZB, BA1DU, BQ9P, BV7ID, C56/DL7CM, CW6V, D68C, ES1AKM/8,
ET3VSC,  EZ3A,  EZ8CW/3,  FH5CB,  FK8GJ,  FO0BOG,  FO0CLA  (OC-152),  FO0WEG,
FP/W8MV,  FR/F6KDF/T,   FR5FD,   FS/W2JJ,   FS5/W3HNK,   GS3EEO/P   (EU-010),
HB0/IK2WAN, HK3JJH/HK0,  J3/W1MD,  J38A, J5X,  J73HPL,  J79CGA,  J79WW,  K5K,
N6IC/P (NA-066), P41E, P43E, PJ7B, S21YT,  S92TX, SM5/G0GRC (EU-177),  T32RD,
T5W, T5X,  T77C,  TA0/IT9YRE/P (AS-159),  TX0C,  V25WX,  V31DI,  V31VZ,  V73E
(NA-148), XW0X, YB6LYS/P (OC-245), YC6LAY/P (OC-245), YM0KI (AS-159),  YN6HM,

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SB DX@WW $425WW537E
425 DX News #537 [5/5]
  18 August 2001                   No 537                       $425WW537E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  21/08      5B4/HA0HW/p: Cyprus (AS-004)                           535
till  31/08      5K3CA: special event call (Colombia)                   532
till  19/08      6N0YO/4: Wi Island (AS-148) * by HLs                   535
till  Sep        9A4A: EU-170                                           532
till  Sep        9A6AA: EU-136                                          532
till  16/09      9M6CT: East Malaysia * by HS0/G4JMB                    535
till  28/08      A52UL: Bhutan * by IK7WUL                              537
till  19/08      BI7D: Do-Ao Island (AS-131)                            537
till  23/08      C6: NA-001 and NA-113 * by DJ9HX                       535
till  October    CP5/G4ASL: Bolivia                                     533
till  2002       EM1HO: Galindez Island (AN-006)                        513
till  31/08      ES8SC: special call (Estonia)                          527
till  August     FO0CLA: French Polynesia and Australs * by F2HE        501
till  28/08      FR/I4ALU/p: Reunion Island (AF-016)                    527
till  19/08      GB5RO: Hoy High Lighthouse, Graemsay (EU-009)          531
till  27/08      ID9/I1SNW: Eolie Islands (EU-017)                      527
till  23/08      IH9: Pantelleria (AF-018) * by IZ2EER and IK2XRJ       531
till  28/10      II1ARI: special event station from Torino              530
till  27/08      J8/PA0ZH, J8/PA3EWP, J8/PA5ET, J8/PA7FM, J8PA: NA-025  533
till  24/08      JA6GXK: Meshima, Danjo Islands (AS-056)                531
till  20/08      JL2LRO/8: Okushiri Island (AS-147)                     533
till  03/09      K1VSJ: Martha's Vineyard (NA-046)                      525
till  22/08      LA/DG1RUG: Averoy (EU-036)                             535
till  20/08      MM/W5ZE/p: Shetland Islands (EU-012)                   533
till  31/12      OE75: special prefix (Austria)                         504
till  24/08      OZ2ZB: Danish Islands & Lighthouses                    536
till  18/08      OZ/OR0MO: Romo Island (EU-125)                         536
till  23/08      TFx/ON4BAM: Iceland (EU-021)                           533
till  29/08      TY: Benin * by F5CWU, F5MOO and F5AOV                  529
till  31/12      VI30RC: special station (Australia)                    535
till  Jan        VK0KMT: Davis Base (VK-03), Antarctica * by VK4KMT     537
till  31/08      VO2/K2FRD: Zone 2                                      533
till  19/08      ZA: Albania * by IZ7DOO                                534
till  09/09      ZX3B: special call (Brazil)                            536
17/08-19/08      DA0BHV: Lighthouse & Ligthship                         537
17/08-23/08      DF0MF: Lightship "Deutsche Bucht"                      535
17/08-19/08      SN2KM: Krynica Morska Lighthouse                       535
17/08-20/08      UE0LLH: Skryplyov Island (AS-066) & Lighthouse         536
17/08-20/08      V8AAP: Brunei * by YB0US                               537
18/08            4Z4DX and 4Z5DX: Acco Lighthouse (ISR-003)             535
18/08-19/08      8R1AK: Georgetown Lighthouse                           536
18/08-19/08      9A2V/p: EU-170 & Lighthouse                            532
18/08-19/08      9A5JR/p: EU-170 & Lighthouse                           532
18/08-19/08      9A5V, 9A3VM, 9A5KV, 9A4NC: EU-016 & Lighthouses        536
18/08-19/08      AX8LH: Emery Point Lighthouse                          534
18/08-19/08      DN1KAV or DN2EI: Helios Lighthouse (FED-107)           535
18/08-19/08      ED8MCC: Maspalomas Lighthouse                          537
18/08-19/08      EI: Old Head of Kinsale Lighthouse                     536
18/08-19/08      F6HKS/p & F6HDH/p: Cordouan Isl (EU-159) & Lighthouse  536
18/08-19/08      GB2ELH: Eshaness Lighthouse, Shetland Isls             529
18/08-19/08      GT3FLH: Isle of Man (EU-116)                           525
18/08-19/08      IK7JWX/P: Santa Maria di Leuca Lighthouse              537
18/08-19/08      IQ1L: La Lanterna (Lighthouse)                         532
18/08-19/08      IQ3V: Vittoria Lighthouse (WAIL FV-01)                 527
18/08-19/08      IV3KTY & IV3NCC: EU-130 & IIA islands                  537
18/08-19/08      K2L: Buffalo Lighthouse                                536
18/08-19/08      K4UP: Currituck Beach Lighthouse                       531
18/08-19/08      K8ONV: Boca Grande Lighthouse                          537
18/08-20/08      KL7: Popof Island (NA-087) * by KD6WW                  536
18/08-19/08      OI6AY: Russaroe Island (EU-097) & Lighthouse           537
18/08-19/08      OS4LHN: Nieuwpoort Lighthouse                          536
18/08-19/08      RZ1AK/p and UA1CIO/p: Shepelevsky Lighthouse           537
18/08-19/08      SY7LH: Alexandroupolis Lighthouse                      536
18/08-19/08      TF1IRA: Knarraros Lighthouse                           535
18/08-20/08      SK0QO: Soderarm Lighthouse                             536
18/08-20/08      TA0/IZ7ATN, IZ0CKJ, IZ0EGB, IW0FT, IW0FTB: AS-123      537
18/08-02/09      TK8T: Corsica (EU-014 and EU-104) * by F2YT            536
18/08-24/08      VE: Cape Breton Island (NA-010) * by DH8IAT            536
18/08-19/08      W2T: Tucker's Island Lighthouse                        533
18/08-19/08      W5B: Biloxi Lighthouse                                 537
18/08-19/08      W8L: Marquette Harbor Lighthouse                       537
18/08-19/08      ZS1ESC: Robben Island (AF-064) & Lighthouse            537
18/08-19/08      ZX7ZZ: Galinhos Lighthouse (DFB RN-09)                 535
18/08-19/08      International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend             518
18/08-19/08      SARTG WW RTTY Contest                                  ***
18/08-19/08      SEANET Contest (CW/SSB/Digital)                        531
19/08-25/08      H40: OC-100, Temotu * by EA4DX                         537
from  20/08      A52RK or A52KR: Bhutan * by S53R                       536
20/08-28/08      EO10J, EO10G, EO10M, EO10V: special stations (Ukraine) 537
20/08-27/08      RA1OZ/A and UE4NMM/1: Kiy Island (EU-153)              535
21/08-06/09      TA0/I3BQC/P: AS-098 & AS-115                           535
21/08            TA0/IZ7ATN, IZ0CKJ, IZ0EGB, IW0FT, IW0FTB: AS-115      537
21/08-29/08      ZK1AWG: Raratonga (OC-013), South Cooks * by DL2AWG    537
22/08-01/09      9A/S57GM/p: Losinj Island (EU-136)                     537
22/08-29/08      T22SC: Tuvalu (OC-015) * by JA0SC                      537
22/08            TA0/IZ7ATN, IZ0CKJ, IZ0EGB, IW0FT, IW0FTB: AS-098      537
22/08-24/08      VK7TS/4: Fitzroy Island (OC-172)                       536
23/08-30/08      5B/IZ8CCW and 5B/IT9SSI: AS-004 and AS-120             532
23/08-24/08      F5RBB: DIFM islands                                    537
25/08-26/08      F6HKA and F6ELE: Les Sept Iles (EU-107)                533
24/08            E4/OE1GZA: Palestine                                   537
24/08-29/08      GB5FI: Flatholm Island (EU-124)                        537
24/08-27/08      JH6RTO/2: Hatsushima (AS-117)                          537
24/08            SV8/IZ7ATN,IZ0CKJ,IZ0EGB,IW0FT,IW0FTB: EU-049          537
25/08-03/09      3A/F5RBB: Monaco                                       537
25/08-31/08      ER10MD: special event station (Moldova)                537
25/08-31/08      IH9/I5RFD: Pantelleria (AF-018)                        535
25/08-15/09      JA6VZB/6: Danjo Islands (AS-056)                       537
25/08-26/08      N1IBM/p: Sheffield Island (NA-136)                     537
25/08-30/08      VE: Long Island (NA-127) * by DH8IAT                   536
26/08-04/09      IA5/IK0YUJ: Giglio Island (EU-028)                     535
26/08            IK4VET, IK4XCL, IK4ALM: IIA RO-021 and RO-017          534
27/08-05/09      UM9AA: special station (Uzbekistan)                    537
29/08-30/08      H44: Honiara (OC-047), Solomons * by EA4DX             535
31/08-06/09      V63KA, V63MC, V63YB: Pohnpei (OC-010) * by JAs         537
August           3V8CB: Tunisia * by IK8VRH                             537
August           CT9F: AF-014 & DIP islands                             537
from August      T30ES: Western Kiribati (OC-017) * by N1JSY            536