DX425 bulletin issue nr. 536

S DX@WW $425WW536A
425 DX News #536 [1/4]
  11 August 2001                   No 536                       $425WW536A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages              !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

                           >>> 425DXN MINIPOLL <<<

How and how much are you prepared to  contribute to an operation from a  most
wanted Entity? Go to http://www.425dxn.org and take part in the minipoll!

8R      - Look for  Esmond,  8R1AK to  be  active  during  the  International
          Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend from Georgetown Lighthouse in Guyana
          (to be assigned GUY-001). QSL via CBA. [TNX VA3RJ]
9A      - 9A5V, 9A3VM and  9A5KV plan to  operate from  Ruda Island  (EU-016,
          IOCA CI-208) on 12 August starting around 7 UTC on 40 metres and on
          20 metres after 8 UTC. [TNX 9A6AA]
9A      - Look for Frano (9A5V/p), Matko (9A3VM/p), Fredi (9A5KV/p) and Zoran
          (9A4NC/p) to  operate from  Grebeni  Island (EU-016,  IOCA  CI-173,
          WLH-0483) on 18 August and from Daksa Island (EU-016, IOCA  CI-165,
          WLH-0111) on the 19th. [TNX 9A6AA]
A5      - Robert, S53R reports he will be going back to Pakistan on 16 August
          and after a few days he will move  to Bhutan, where he plans to  be
          active (mostly on CW) in his  free time as  either A52RK or  A52KR.
          This should happen just after 20  August for about 7 days, when  he
          will return to AP. QSL via S53R.
BY      - The 10-13 August BI4F DXpedition to Furong Island (AS-???)  [425DXN
          535] has been postponed until early September. The exact date  will
          be announced later. [TNX BA1DU]
BY      - Terry, BD7NQ  and  other operators  from  the Chinese  province  of
          Guangdong will operate as BI7D from  Do-Ao Island (NO-REF,  claimed
          for AS-131) between 7 UTC on 17 August and 2 UTC on the 19th.  They
          will operate (CW,  SSB, RTTY,  PSK31, Satellite)  on 80m-70cm  with
          three HF stations and one VHF/UHF  station. QSL via BD7NI  (P.O.Box
          306, Guangzhou, 510030, China). [TNX BD7NQ]
C6      - Al, K3TKJ  plans  to operate  (requested  call C6TKJ)  from  Andros
          Island (NA-001), Bahamas between 13 August  and 27 September.  [TNX
          The Daily DX]
C9      - Reinhard, DL6DQW (C91RF) will be active (SSB and CW) from  Quirimba
          Island (AF-061), Mozambique on 19-23 September.  QSL via home  call
          (Reinhard Fendler,  Waldteichstrasse 34,  01468 Boxdorf,  Germany).
          [TNX DE0MST]
DL      - Ali, DF2BC  reports he  will be  QRV on  136,5  kHz CW  during  the
          Lighthouse Weekend. He will  start on 17  August through the  19th,
          mainly between his early morning hours and noon. Listenings reports
          and comments on this LF activity are welcome at df2bc@darc-i06.de
EI      - A group  of  operators  from  the  Wicklow  Wireless  Society  will
          activate the Lighthouse at the Old Head of Kinsale (IRE-055) during
          the International Lighthouse  & Lightship Weekend.  QSL via  EI9HQ.
          [TNX EI9HQ]
EO      - The Crimea Contest Club will have a Special Event Station with  the
          call EO10J to  celebrate 10 years  of independence.  QSL via  KG6AR
          either direct or through the bureau. [TNX KG6AR]
F       - Francis, F6HKS  and  Jean-Claude, F6HDH  will  participate  in  the
          International Lighthouse &  Lightship Weekend  (18-19 August)  from
          the  lighthouse  (WLH  0271,  ARLHS  FRA-007)  on  Cordouan  Island
          (EU-159, DIFM AT-032). They will be  active as homecall/p on  20-40
          metres SSB and CW. QSl via home calls. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
GM      - Look for GM0HBF, GM0OMC and MM0BGQ to  be active (on 80, 40 and  20
          metres SSB) from Trodday Island (EU-008) on 13-14 August. [TNX  The
          Daily DX]
HS      - RAST HQ station HS0AC will activated on all bands by Champ,  E21EIC
          during the  WAE DX  Contest (CW).  Look for  him on  3524-3526  kHz
          between 19.30 and 23.30 UTC. QSL  via G3NOM (Ray Gerrard, P.O.  Box
          1300, Nana, Bangkok 10112, Thailand). [TNX E21EIC]
I       - Simon, IZ7ATN and Silvestro, IK7BRX will  operate from the  islands
          of La Chianca (not  IOTA, IIA FG-011)  and Sant'Eufemia (not  IOTA,
          IIA FG-012) on 12 August. [TNX IZ7ATN]
I       - Giuseppe/IK8WCQ reports  he  will  be  joining  Antonio/IK8SUT  and
          Maurizio/IK8YTN on Ustica Island (EU-051, IIA PA-001) from 8 to  15
          September [425DXN 535]. They will be signing IE9/homecall on HF and
          6 metres.
JA      - Look for JR8KJR/8 to be active from Teuri Island (AS-147) on  14-18
          August. QSL via home call. [TNX JI6KVR]
KH3     - Dan,  KH6UW  will  lead  a  group   of  four  operators   including
          Mike/AL7KC, Bob/W7TSQ and  Tom/K7ZZ to Johnston  Atoll (OC-023)  on
          11-18 September. The  group  will  be using K3J  on 10-160  metres,
          WARC bands included, SSB  and CW. Two  and possibly three  stations
          will be used  and European contacts  will be  emphasized when  band
          openings permit. QSL via AH6HN. [TNX KH6UW and K7ZZ]
KL      - Bruce, KD6WW  confirms  his  activity  from  the  Shumagin  Islands
          (NA-087) [425DXN 517]. Look  for him to  operate as KL6/KD6WW  from
          Popof Island on 18-20 August. QSL to KD6WW either direct or through
          the bureau (bureau card requests welcome at kd6ww@inreach.com).

S DX@WW $425WW536B
425 DX News #536 [2/4]
  11 August 2001                   No 536                       $425WW536B
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                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

LU      - Look for L80AA/D  to be  active (SSB  and CW  on HF  and VHF)  from
          Martin Garcia Lighthouse (ARG-045) on Martin Garcia Island (SA-055)
          on 11-12 August. QSL via LU4AA. [TNX LU4BR]
LZ      - Look for Boyan (LZ1BJ/1),  Simon (LZ/IZ7ATN), Alessio  (LZ/IZ0CKJ),
          Paolo (LZ/IW0FT) and Diego (LZ/IW0FTB) to  operate (on 6-80  metres
          SSB and  CW,  WARC bands  included)  from  Sveta  Anastasya  Island
          (EU-181) on 15-16 August. QSL via IZ0CKJ (SSB) and LZ1BJ (CW). [TNX
ON      - ON4ADN, ON4CJK, ON5FP,  ON6HH, ON1DPX  and others  will operate  as
          OS4LHN from  the  Nieuwpoort Lighthouse  during  the  International
          Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend (18-19 August).  QSL via ON4ADN.  [TNX
          OPDX Bulletin]
OZ      - Look for Kurt/ON4CJV, Eddy/ON4AFU, Steven/ON4CLC and Yves/ON1DHJ to
          be active (on all HF bands, plus 6 metres, CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31)
          as OZ/OR0MO  from Romo  Island (EU-125)  on 11-18  August. QSL  via
          ON4AFU (bureau)  or direct  to ON4AFU  (P.O. Box  41, 9400  Ninove,
          Belgium). [TNX VA3RJ]
OZ      - Knud, OZ2ZB  reports he  will operate  from the  following  islands
          (NJ-xxx is  the  reference number  for  the Danish  Islands  Award)
          between 13 and 24 August:
          NJ-010   Fruens Holm         EU-171
          NJ-011   Troldholme          EU-171
          NJ-012   Kyo Holm/Var Holm   not IOTA
          NJ-013   Klosterholm         not IOTA
          NJ-014   Ronholm
          NJ-015   Tagholme
          NJ-016   Hornsgard Holm      not IOTA
          NJ-017   Borreholm
          Knud also plans to be active  from a couple of lighthouses  (namely
          Loegstor FF, DEN-079 and Loegstoer BF, DEN-080) on 18-19 August.
PY      - ZX3B is a special call sign which will be aired on all HF bands SSB
          and CW by amateur radio operators  in the  Brazilian  Army  (PY3YY,
          PY3KK, PY3FOX, PY3KN, PY3BM, PY3CTA and PY3DX) between 9 August and
          9  September   to   celebrate  the  anniversary  of  the  Brazilian
          indipendence.   For    further     information     please     visit
          http://www.qsl.net/zx3b [TNX PY3DX]
SM      - Look for SK0QO to be active  from Soderarm Lighthouse (LH 0175  for
          the WLH Award) between 18 and 20 August. QSL via SK0QO. [TNX VA3RJ]
SV      - Akis/SV7CLI, Vagelis/SV7AIF  and Sakis/SV7AMJ  will participate  in
          the   International   Lighthouse    &   Lightship   Weekend    from
          Alexandroupolis Lighthouse (GRE-005). They will be signing SY7LH on
          all bands SSB. QSL via SV7CLI (Akis Kaltsaras, I. Kaviri 93,  68100
          Alexandroupolis, Greece). [TNX SV7CLI]
SV      - Look  for   Simon  (SV8/IZ7ATN),   Alessio  (SV8/IZ0CKJ),   Massimo
          (SV8/IZ0EGB), Paolo (SV8/IW0FT) and  Diego (SV8/IW0FTB) to  operate
          from Samos Island (EU-049) on 25-26  August. QSLs via IZ0CKJ.  [TNX
T30     - Eric Griffin, N1JSY will be spending some 18 months with the  Peace
          Corps on Butaritari Island (OC-017), Western Kiribati starting  the
          third week in August. He will be active as T30ES a few hours a day,
          due to  either  his  work  on the  island  and  his  limited  power
          resources (solar panels and a car battery). Eric will be using  two
          G5RV antennas,  positioned  separately, on  10-80  metres,  with  a
          maximum of  100 watts.  The  Candlewood Amateur  Radio  Association
          (CARA) provides amateur  radio support for  this operation, in  the
          form of equipment,  net control  assistance (in  the beginning,  as
          Eric is  new to  HF and  DXing) and  QSL management.  QSL via  W1QI
          (C.A.R.A., P.O. Box 3441, Danbury, CT 06813, USA). Updates will  be
          posted on http://people.mags.net/boem/kiribati1.htm [TNX KZ1Z]
TA      - Look  for   Simon  (TA0/IZ7ATN),   Alessio  (TA0/IZ0CKJ),   Massimo
          (TA0/IZ0EGB), Paolo (TA0/IW0FT) and  Diego (TA0/IW0FTB) to  operate
          from the islands of Bogsak (AS-123), Uc (AS-115) and Sedir (AS-098)
          between 18 and 24 August. They plan to operate on 80-6 metres (WARC
          bands included) SSB. QSLs via IZ0CKJ. [TNX IZ7ATN]
TK      - Paul, F2YT will operate from Corsica  (EU-014) and the  Sanguinaire
          Islands (EU-104) between 18 August and  2 September. He expects  to
          use the special call TK8T on 20 and  40 metres SSB and CW. QSL  via
          F2YT either direct or through the REF bureau. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
UA      - Alan, UA9ZZ reports he will operate (on 10, 15, 17 and 20 metres CW
          and SSB) as UA9ZZ/p from a 8200 ft high peak in the Altai Nountains
          (87.28E-49.15N) between 10 and 17 August. QSL direct only to UA9ZZ.
UA      - Lex/RU0LM, Oleg/RW0LL and Mike/UA0MF will be active as UE0LLH  from
          the lighthouse (LH-1309) on Skryplyov  Island (AS-066) starting  on
          17 August for three days. QSL direct to UA0MF (Mike Filippov,  P.O.
          Box 20, Vladivostok, 690021, Russia). [TNX UA0MF]
V6      - Hide, JM1LJS reports he will be active as V63LJ from Yap  (OC-012),
          Micronesia on 9-15  August. He will  operate on HF  (30, 17 and  12
          metres only), 6 and 2 metres.  He might also operate as KH2VL  from
          Guam (OC-026) on 15-16 August. QSL V63LJ via JH8DEH, QSL KH2VL  via
VE      - Thomas, DH8IAT will be active from  Cape Breton Island (NA-010)  on
          18-24 August, from Long  Island (NA-127) on  25-30 August and  from
          Tancook Island (NA-081) on 5-7 September. QSL via DH8IAT. [TNX  The
          Daily DX]
VK      - Trevor, VK7TS  will be  operating  (on 10,  15  and 20  metres)  as
          VK7TS/4 from  Fitzroy  Island (OC-172)  on  22-24 August  and  from
          Magnetic Island (OC-171)  on 3-7  September. QSL  via VK7TS  either
          direct (Trevor Spargo, 1 Roebourne  Rd, Otago, Tasmania,  Australia
          7017) or through the bureau. [TNX VK7TS]
W       - The Western New York DX Association will once again be active  from
          the Buffalo, New  York harbor Lighthouse  during the  International
          Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend. Look for  K2L to be aired on  80-10
          metres CW and  SSB with two  stations. QSL direct  via WB2YQH,  Bob
          Nadolny, P.O. Box 73, Spring Brook, NY 14140, USA). [TNX WB2YQH]

ILLW ---> The International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend  will take place  on
18-19 August. A full list of participating stations, including callsigns, QTH
and QSL routes, can be found at http://www.vk2ce.com/ILLW/2001.htm

S DX@WW $425WW536C
425 DX News #536 [3/4]
  11 August 2001                   No 536                       $425WW536C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CANADIAN PREFIXES ---> The  following special  prefixes  are  being  used  by
Canadian  amateurs  until  15 August to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the
Olympic Games held in Montreal back in 1976: "XM" for VE callsigns,  "XL" for
VAs, "XN" for VOs, "XO" for VYs.

NOT THE MANAGER ---> Erwann, F6JJX often receives QSL requests for Z22JE, but
he is not and has never been his QSL manager.

QSL EU-185 ---> Leonid, UA6CW reports that cards for all of the contacts with
UE6AAD (September 2001) not confirmed direct were sent to the bureau in early
May. Bureau cards for the recent RI6AAA operation will be sent  automatically
in January or February 2001. The address for those who need a direct card  is
Leonid S. Kashigin, P.O. Box 1, Krasnodar, 350000 Russia.

QSL 6D2X ---> Ken, K5TSQ used to be the QSL manager for 6D2X before the  call
was reissued. The new QSL manager is Ron, AC7DX who, with Ken's agreement and
in order to avoid any confusion, will be able to confirm all of the past  and
future QSOs with 6D2X (and with XE2XA and XE0DX as well).

QSL 9A9R/P ---> Cards for contacts made with 9A9R/p operating from Krk Island
(EU-136) during the IOTA Contest 2001  should be sent to  DJ2MX. There is  no
need to resubmit direct cards already sent to Vlatko, 9A9R. [TNX 9A9R]

QSL F/IK1TTD  ---> Cards  for Gianpi's  recent activity  from Ile  du  Levant
(EU-070, DIFM ME-12) should be sent  direct to IK1TTD  (Gianpi, P.O. Box  32,
18011   Arma   di   Taggia   -   IM,   Italy).   Logs   are   available    at
http://www.qsl.net/ik1ttd [TNX IK1TTD]

QSL TI9CF ---> Anyone needing a  QSL from TI9CF (Cocos  Island) for the  1994
and 1997 activities can send the request to Joe, W3HNK. [TNX W3HNK]

QSL VIA DL6UAA ---> The DX News  Letter reports that Mart, DL6UAA will  close
his logs for OH0/DL6UAA, 3B8/DL6UAA and S79UAA on 31 December 2001.

QSL VIA S53R ---> Robert reports that all direct requests for his  operations
as AP2ARS, EY8/S53R (February/March 2000) and  UK8AXA (March 2000) have  been

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

ARLHS:      The web  site for  the Amateur  Radio  Lighthouse Society  is  at
JW0PK:      The JW0PK (EU-063) story is now available at http://dx.to (go  to
            DXpeditions, Prins Karls Forland). [TNX PA5NT]
LOGS:       Pictures and  soon logs  as well  from  the recent  IOTA  Contest
            operation  from   Isola   Grande  (EU-091)   are   available   at
            http://www.iz7auh.com [TNX IZ7AUH]
LOGS:       Dave, VA3RJ reports that on-line logs  for CF3RJ, VA3RJ,  VE3JDR,
            VX3RJ,   XL3RJ,    and    XM3JDR    are    now    available    at
            http://www.qsl.net/va3rj/search.html. There  is  also  an  e-mail
            bureau QSL request link on the same page, for those who wish  one
            of his cards via the bureau.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  QSL INFO  ********
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3A/IZ1DSH   IZ1DSH      HS0ZCW      K4VUD       RS9O        UA9OBA
3V8MED      DL1BDF      HS4BPQ      E21EIC      RU1OG/A     RZ1OA
3W2B        XW2A        ID9/IK8PGM  IK8PGM      RZ0ZWA      RA0ZD
3W2LWS      WA1LWS      ID9/IT9SSI  IZ8CCW      RZ1OA/A     RZ1OA
3W2PS       HL4CYZ      IM0R        IS0AGY      S21YT       JA7KXD
4U1ET       4W6MM       IT9JOF/IH9  IT9JOF      SJ9WL       SM5DJZ
4U1WB       KK4HD       J3/PA0ZH    PA5ET       SK6M        SM6DYK
5N3NDP/6    IK5JAN      J3/PA3EWP   PA5ET       SM5/G0GRC   G0RCI
5X1GS       WB2YQH      J3/PA5ET    PA5ET       SV9/G4DHF   G4DHF
6D0Z        AC7DX       J3/PA7FM    PA5ET       T7/IW3RUA/P IW3RUA
6D2X        AC7DX       J38PA       PA5ET       TA0/LZ1NK   LZ1NK
6D8Z        AC7DX       J43J        DJ5JH       TE8AT       TI3MCY
6G0V        AC7DX       J88DR       G3TBK       TM1BFA      F6KFO
8S7A        W3HNK       JW6RHA      LA6RHA      TU5GD       N5FTR
9A/ON4CJK/P ON4ADN      JW6RHA      LA6RHA      UA1OLM/A    RZ1OA
9A/S55A     S55A        JX9ZP       LA9ZP       UA1OMS/1    UA1OMS
9A/S57RW/P  S57RW       K2HX/KP4    DJ9HX       UA1QV/1     UA1QV
9A0E        DJ4PG       K4T         K4PCF       UA1TAN/1    UA1TAN
9A10HRM     9A7K        K6KO/HC8    WM6A        UA1TBK/1    UA1TBK
9A2NO/p     9A2NO       K6TA/HC8    WM6A        UA9C/UA9QDK RW9QA
9A2V/p      9A2V        K9Y         N9BOR       UA9QA       RW9QA
9A5TN/P     OK1TN       KA1I/NH2    JH7BZR      UA9QDK      RW9QA
9A9Z/p      9A1ADE      KH0/JH0SPE  JH0SPE      UE0XYZ      RA0ZD
9H3TI       DL2AAZ      KL7AK/P     N6AWD       UE1QAA/1    UA1RJ
9J2BO       G3TEV       LG5LG       SM5DJZ      UE1RAA/1    UA1RJ
9K11POW     9K2RA       MM0BNN/P    M0BNN       UE1RCV/1    UA1RJ
9M6TBT      KD3TB       N6HR/VE7    N6HR        UE1SAA/1    UA1RJ
9N7RB       W4FOA       N7YX/VE7    N6HR        UE3DDJ      RZ3DJ
BI4U        BA4RD       NH4/NH6YK   NH6YK       UE3FCW      UA3CS
C4MG        5B4KH       NH4/NH6YK   NH6YK       UE3FFF      RU3HD
C56YT       VK4AO       OH0/OH2K/M  OH2LRE      V47FNH      WB4FNH
C91MR       G3MRC       OJ0/LA3IKA  LA3IKA      V73OJ       WA5IPS
CM8WAL      EA5KB       OJ0/LA5UKA  LA5UKA      VI4FLG      VK4WIT
CP6BT       EA5KB       OJ0/LA6YEA  LA9VDA      VK0KMT      VK4KMT
CQ2I        EA4URJ      OJ0/LA9VDA  LA9VDA      VP5/K9APW   K9APW
CT1/CT3FN   HB9CRV      OJ0RJ       OH0RJ       VU3MCV      ON7LX
CU4AP       CU3AN       OX/SP8UFO   SP8TK       VY0AAA      VE3FN
DF4XX/p     DF4XX       OZ/DL7UXG/p DL7UXG      VY2PEI      VY2RU
EA6/SP4AOQ  EC6TK       PJ2/G3XSV   G3XSV       XE0DX       AC7DX
ED2IZA      EA2URV      PT0T        PY1LVF      XE2GV       AC7DX
EI8EM       W2ORA       PY1VOY/PY0T PY1LVF      XE2XA       AC7DX
EM1HO       I2PJA       R1FJV       UA3AGS      XE2Z        AC7DX
F5RYC/P     F5RYC       R3DAS       UA3DJ       XX9TFI      W5FI
FP/KB9LIE   KB9LIE      RA1TC/1     RA1TC       YB7N        WB7B
FS/W6IZT    W6IZT       RA2FW/1     RA2FW       YC1VBH      EA7FTR
GB5SI       MM0BQI      RA3NZ/1     RA3NZ       YI9OM       OM6TX
GW0NWR/P    GW0DSJ (*)  RI1CGG      RN1AW       YL800BJ     YL2BJ
GW0NWR/P    GW0NWR (**) RI6AAA      UA6CW       YL800CW     YL3CW
HB0/PI4TUE  PI4TUE      RK0YWA/P    RA0WA       YL800GP     YL2GP
HC8N        AA5BT       RK1A/P      RZ1AK       YN9HAU      EA7JX
HI3/KB2MS   KB2MS       RK1B/P      RZ1AK       ZA/IZ7DOO   IZ7DOO
HK0OEP      N0JT        RM9RX       RW9QA       ZK1AHB      KM6HB
HK5/W5WP    W5WP        RM9RZ       RW9QA       ZK1SCQ      DL6DK
HL0C/4      HL0C        RN2FA/1     RN2FA       ZX5T/1      IV3NVN (*)
HL0Y/2      HL0Y        RN9RZ       RW9QA       ZX5T/1      PP5TO (**)

(*)  direct
(**) bureau

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  11 August 2001                   No 536                       $425WW536D
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                         *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

4W6MM       Thorvaldur Stefansson, P.O. Box 3699, Darwin, NT 0801, Australia
9A7K        Kresimir Juratovic, P.O. Box 88, HR-48001 Koprivnica, Croatia
9M2/JI1ETU  Masaru Funakubo, 1B-15-01, Sunnyville Condo, Jalan Batu Uban,
            Glugor Penang, 11700 Malaysia
9M2TO       Tex Izumo, 2C-10-03, Ferringhi Mutiara Apt., JLN. Sungai Emas
            11100, Batu Ferringhi, Penang Is., Malaysia
9M6CT       P.O. Box 7, Pat Pong P.O., Bangkok 10506, Thailand
BA4RD       Ken Wang, P. O. Box 538, Nanjing 210005, China
DJ4PG       Hans Welling, zum Ortenbrink 42, 49205 Hasbergen, Germany
DK8ZD       Jochen Errulat, Berliner Strasse 31-35, D-65760 Eschborn, Germany
DL4KQ       Frank Rosenkranz, Blumenstr. 25, 50126 Bergheim, Germany
DL5ME       P.O. Box 180109, 39028 Magdeburg, Germany
DS4CNB      Lee Dae Ryung, P.O Box 30, Tongyung 650-600, South Korea
EA4URJ      URE Jarama, P.O. Box 123, 28700 San Sebastian de Los Reyes,
            Madrid, Spain
EA5KB       Jose F. Ardid Arlandis, Apartado 5013, 46080 Valencia, Spain
EA7JX       Rodrigo Herrera, P.O. Box 47, 41310 Brenes, Sevilla, Spain
EO56JS      P.O. Box 14, Sevastopol 99055, Ukraine
EZ10A       P.O. Box 73, Ashgabat 744020, Turkmenistan
EZ21A       P.O. Box 73, Ashgabat 744020, Turkmenistan
EZ56V       P.O. Box 73, Ashgabat 744020, Turkmenistan
EZ75R       P.O. Box 73, Ashgabat 744020, Turkmenistan
G0RCI       Alan Gibson, 1 Oakleigh Road, Grantham, Lincolnshire NG31 7NN,
            England, UK
G4DHF       David Johnson, Deans Cottage, Fen Road, Dowsby, Lincs PE10 0TU,
            England, UK
GW0DSJ      Edward Shipton, 34 Argoed, Kinmal Bay, Rhyl. Conwy LL18 5LN,
            Wales, UK
HL0C        CPO Box 4397, 100-643 Seoul, Korea
HL1OYF      Duk-nam Kim, P.O. Box 54, Dong-Jak, Seoul 156-600, South Korea
IK7BRX      Silvestro Mammola, Via Martiri di Via Fani 110, I-71100 Foggia,
IK8PGM      Roberto Duca, Viale Europa 184, 80053 Castellammare di Stabia -
            NA, Italy
IV3NVN      Simone Candotto, P.O.Box 4, 33050 Castions di Strada - UD, Italy
IW3RUA      Pietro Florio, P.O. Box 0, 33028 Tolmezzo - UD, Italy
IZ8CCW      P.O. Box 360, 87100 Cosenza- CS, Italy
JA6WFM/HR3  Hiro Nakamura, 1311-11, Miyahara, Yatushiro Gun, Kumamoto,
            869-4602 Japan
JA7KXD      Junji Ogawa, 2-3-51, Kimachidori, Aoba-Ku, Sendai 980-0801, Japan
JH7BZR      P.O. Box 1, Isawa 023-0402, Japan
LZ1KSL      P.O. Box 597, Burgas 8001, Bulgaria
LZ1NG       Nikolay Babarev, P.O.Box 356, Plovdiv 4000, Bulgaria
N2OB        P.O. Box 345, Tuckerton, NJ 08087, USA
N6AWD       Fred K. Stenger, 6000 Hesketh Dr.,  Bakersfield, CA 93309, USA
PA5ET       Rob Snieder, Van Leeuwenstraat 137, 2273 VS Voorburg, The
PJ5/UA1ACX  Dmitri Tonkopi, University of Sint Eustatius School of Medicine,
            Golden Rock, P.O. Box 73, St. Eustatius, Netherlands Antilles
PY1LVF      Jose Luiz Vieira Fernandes, P.O. Box 18009, 20722-970 Rio de
            Janeiro - RJ, Brazil
RA0ZD       Alexey Antipov, P.O. Box 51, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky 683049,
RW9QA       Vlad Kondratenko P.O.Box 1, Kurgan-38, 640038, Russia
RZ1AK       Dennis Eremin, P.O. Box 202, St.Petersburg 196070, Russia
RZ1OA       Vlad Sadakov, P.O. Box 48, Arkhangelsk, 163040, Russia
SP8TK       Jerzy Miskiewicz, ul.Walecznych 17, 20-135 Lublin, Poland
UA1NDX      Timo Raikkerus, P.O. Box 1010, Petrozavodsk, 185034, Russia
UA3DJ       Leonid Kamensky, P.O. Box 410, Zhukovsky 140180, Russia
UN2O        Leo. V. Welikanov, P. O. Box 1, Atyrau 465002, Kazakstan
VE9MY       Len Morgan, 35 Upper Quaco Rd., Baxters Corner, N.B., E2S 2S2,
VK4KMT      Mark Tell, 3 Whelk Close, Trinity Beach, QLD 4879, Australia
WF5T        Paul Rubinfeld, P.O. Box 4909, Santa Fe, NM 87502-4909, USA
XU7ABN      Claude Laget, P.O. Box 1373 G.P.O., 99999 Phnom Penh, Cambodia
YB1A        Halim Park, KP. Cimacan Rt. 12/06 Cimacan Pacet, Cianjur 43253,
YB5NOF      John E. Daluas, P.O.Box 194/CPA, Ciputat 15401, Indonesia
YB8HZ       Hajar Sas, P.O. Box 105, Pangkep 90600, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
YC8RSW      Syarifuddin Syah, Jl. Nusa Indah 21, Bitung 95513, North
            Sualawesi, Indonesia
YC8TXW      Ronny Monoarfa, P.O. Box 166, Tahuna 95800, North Sulawesi,
YC8UFF      Miky Tuera, P.O. Box 1677, Manado 95016, North Sulawesi,
YC9BU       Kadek Kariana SP, P.O. Box 106, Singaraja 81100, Bali, Indonesia
YC9NBV      Bobby Ndolu, P.O. Box 1021, Kupang 85000, Indonesia
YC9VJ       John Saroinsong, Jl. Trikora, Wamena 99511, Indonesia
YC9WZJ      Joni Salim, P.O. Box 127, Sorong 98401, Irian Jaya, Indonesia

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