DX425 bulletin issue nr. 535

SB DX@WW $425WW535A
425 DX News #535 [1/5]
  04 August 2001                   No 535                       $425WW535A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

                        >>> 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE <<<

The July edition of the 425 DX  News Magazine (22 colour pages) is  available
for  downloading  in  either  .PDF  (1,9Mb)  and  .DOC  (4,7Mb)  formats   at
Unpublished articles and pictures from rare DXCC Entities and IOTA groups for
the 425DXN  Magazine  are always  welcome,  but before  sending  them  please
contact Maurizio, I1-21171/IZ1CRR (i121171@425dxn.org)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3V      - Antonio, IK8VRH reports he will be vacationing in Tunisia on  15-30
          August and plans to operate from the 3V8SQ Radio Club in  Monastir.
          Cards for this activity via IK8VRH  (P. O. Box 173, 80016 Marano  -
          NA, Italy).
4X      - Dov, 4Z4DX  and  his  son  Mat, 4Z5DX  will  be  active  from  Acco
          Lighthouse (ISR-003)  on 18  August  during the  the  International
          Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend. [TNX 4Z4DX]
5B      - Laci, HA0HW  will be  active as  5B4/HA0HW/p from  Cyprus  (AS-004)
          during his holidays on 7-21 August.  He plans to operate mostly  CW
          in the early morning and late  evening hours. QSL via HA0HW  either
          direct or through the bureau. [TNX HA0HW]
9A      - Jozo, 9A5RJ is  expected to be  active (on 20,  15, 17,  12 and  10
          metres) from Pag Island (EU-170, CI-082) on 3-8 August. [TNX 9A6AA]
9A      - Emir, 9A6AA  plans  to  be  active  from  Galiola  Island  (EU-136,
          LH-0315, CI-020) on 9 August starting around 10 UTC and from  Unije
          Island (EU-136, CI-135)  on the 10th,  starting between  10 and  13
          UTC. QSL direct only to 9A6AA,  Emir Mahmutovic to either Zad  Bone
          8, 51551 Veli Losinj, Croatia (until 1 September) or Slovenska  15,
          10000 Zagreb, Croatia (after 1 September).
9A      - Paul, 9A/DK8SP/p  is active  (mainly on  20  metres SSB)  from  Rab
          Island (EU-136, CI-096) until 10 August. [TNX 9A6AA]
9M6     - Phil, HS0/G4JMB  (aka  VR2CT)  will  operate  as  9M6CT  from  East
          Malaysia between 4 August and 16 September. On 18-19 August he will
          participate in the SEANET Contest (SSB) as 9M6A (QSL via N2OO). QSL
          9M6CT to P.O. Box 7, Pat  Pong P.O., Bangkok 10506, Thailand.  [TNX
          The Daily DX]
BY      - Harry, AA2WN  reports  that  he will  be  travelling  to  China  on
          business the  week  of 6-10  August.  The trip  includes  stops  in
          Cheng-Du and LeShan Sichuan province. He has received an  Operators
          Permit for Visitors and will operate when time permits assuming  he
          makes contact with  local hams in  that area of  PRC. QSL via  home
BY      - A large group of operators from the Beijing DX Club and the Jiangsu
          DX Club (namely  BA1AJ, BA1DU, BA1FB,  BA1KA, BA1MK, BA1MT,  BA1RB,
          BA1TU, BD1CC, BD1CL, BD1CU, BA4KR, BA4RD,  BA4TA, BD4RS, BD5RV  and
          others) will operate as BI4F from Furong Island (Shandong  Province
          North West  group,  NO-REF) on  10-13  August (however,  since  the
          island is a military area, dates might change at the last  minute).
          There will  be four  stations including  two yagis  and two  linear
          amplifiers and operations will take place  on 6-40 metres SSB,  CW,
          RTTY and SSTV. QSL via BA4TA  either direct or through the  bureau.
          [TNX BA1DU]
DL      - Volker, DL1WH  will be  active as  DF0MF from  Lightship  "Deutsche
          Bucht" (formerly "Amrumbank")  in Emden between  17 and 23  August.
          Main activity is expected on 18-19 August during the  International
          Lighthouse &  Lightship  Weekend. QSL  via  bureau to  DF0MF.  [TNX
DL      - Christian, DL6KAC and others will operate as either DN1KAV (QSL via
          DH4KAV) or  DN2EI  (QSL  via  DH7KAT)  from  Helios  Lighthouse  in
          Cologne/Ehrenfeld (FED-107) during  the International Lighthouse  &
          Lightship Weekend. [TNX DL6KAC]
FO_aus  - Dave, AH6HY plans to operate (mostly  on 15 and  20 metres SSB)  as
          FO0FLA from Rurutu (OC-050), Austral Islands on 9-14 September. QSL
          via home call. [TNX AH6HY]
SB DX@WW $425WW535B
425 DX News #535 [2/5]
  04 August 2001                   No 535                       $425WW535B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

H4      - Roberto, EA4DX (aka  3D2DX, T24DX, 8Q7XX)  will operate (SSB  only)
          from Honiara (OC-047),  Solomon Islands (H44)  on 11-14 August  and
          again on 29-30 August.  He will then move to  Lata (OC-100), Temotu
          (H40), and be active  on 15-28 August. Callsigns to be issued  upon
          arrival. He will have  a beam for 10, 12, 15,  17 and 20  metres, a
          vertical  for 40 and  80 metres  and  a  1 KW amplifier.  Suggested
          frequencies are  3795-3799, 7042-7045,  14195, 18135,  21295, 24945
          and 28395  kHz. QSL  direct only via  EA4DX (Roberto  Diaz, Doce de
          Octubre  4, 28009  Madrid, Spain). Log  search  will  be  available
          after  the  operation  at http://www.qsl.net/ea4dx/ [TNX EA4DX]
HL      - Lee, DS5RNM and  other operators  from the  Taegu DX  Club will  be
          active (on all bands CW, SSB,  RTTY and PSK31)  as 6N0YO/4 from  Wi
          Island (AS-148) on 17-19 August. Special attention will be paid  to
          North America. QSL via 6N0YO either direct (Taegu DX club, P.O. Box
          4, Taegu 700-600, Korea) or through the KARL bureau. [TNX DS5RNM]
I       - Look for  Roberto, ID9/IK8PGM  to operate  (on 40-10  and 6  metres
          mainly during his night and early morning hours from Lipari  Island
          (EU-017, IIA ME-001 on 4-6 August. QSL via home call either  direct
          (Roberto Duca, Viale  Europa 184, 80053  Castellammare di Stabia  -
          NA, Italy) or through the bureau. [TNX IK8PGM]
I       - Frank, IZ7AUH reports he  plans to operate  from Scoglio Occhio  II
          (not IOTA,  IIA  LE-021)  on 8  August.  QSL  direct  to  Francesco
          Giacoia, P.O. Box 2224/TA5,  74100 Taranto -  TA, Italy or  through
          the  bureau  to  IZ7AUH.  Logs  and  pics  will  be  available   at
I       - Giuseppe,  IT9JOF  will  be  signing  IT9JOF/IH9  from  Pantelleria
          (AF-018, IIA TP-001) on 8-16  August. He plans  to operate SSB  and
          RTTY mostly on the WARC bands. QSL to IT9JOF preferably through the
          bureau. [TNX IT9JOF]
I       - Frank, I5RFD reports he will be active (on 15, 20 and 40 metres CW,
          SSB and RTTY)  from Pantelleria (IH9,  AF-018) and Favignana  (IF9,
          EU-054) on  25-31 August  and  2-7 September  respectively.  Bureau
          cards can be requested at http://www.i5rfd.bbk.org/
I       - Look for Riccardo,  IA5/IK0YUJ to  be active  (on HF  and 6  metres
          mainly CW with some SSB  and PSK) from  Giglio Island (EU-028,  IIA
          GR-002) between 26 August  and 4 September.  QSL via IK0YUJ  either
          direct (Riccardo Bruzzichini, P.O. Box 59, 06012 Citta' di Castello
          - PG, Italy) or through the bureau. [TNX IK0YUJ]
I       - ARI Salerno members  Antonio, IK8SUT and  Maurizio, IK8YTN will  be
          IE9/ from Ustica  Island (EU-051,  IIA PA-001)  on 8-15  September.
          They plan to operate on HF and 6 metres. QSL via home calls  either
          direct or through the bureau.
J3      - The Low Land DXpedition Team (PA0ZH, PA3EWP, PA5ET and PA7FM)  will
          no use J38PA instead  of the previously  announced J3PA for  their
          160 metres and contest operations  from Carriacou Island  (Grenada,
          NA-147, 2-15 August) [425DXN 533]. The web pages for the  operation
          are at http://www.qsl.net/lldxt. [TNX PA5ET]
KH2     - Ayumi, JH7BZR reports he  will be operating  as KA1I/NH2 from  Guam
          (OC-026) on 10-16 August, including an entry in the WAE DX  Contest
          (CW). QSL via  JH7BZR either direct  (P.O. Box  1, Isawa  023-0402,
          Japan) or through the JARL bureau.
KL      - Rick, KL7AK  confirms  that  the  operation  from  Sitkinak  Island
          (NA-053) [425DXN 533] is expected  to start around  21.30 UTC on  9
          August until about 18.00 UTC on  the 14th. Main activity will  take
          place on  20 metres  SSB (+/-  14260 kHz),  but they  also plan  to
          operate 15,  10 and  a little  40 metres  SSB and  CW plus  amateur
          satellite (AO-27  during the  daylight passes  only and  UO-14  all
          daily passes). QSL via N6AWD. 
LA      - Look for LA/DG1RUG to operate from  Averoy (EU-036, WWL JP33) on  2
          and 6  metres between  9 and  22 August.  QSL via  home call.  [TNX
LZ      - Nick, LZ1NG plans  to be active  (on 6-80 metres  SSB and CW)  from
          Sveta Anastasya Island (EU-181) between 11  and 18 August. QSL  via
          LZ1NG either direct  (Nikolay Babarev, P.O.Box  356, Plovdiv  4000,
          Bulgaria) or through the bureau. [TNX LZ1NG]
OE      - Nicola, IK3JLS  reports  he will  operate  on 10-80  metres  CW  as
          OE/IK3JLS/QRP from Salzburg, Austria between 4  and 18 August.  QSL
          via bureau.
PJ      - Kevin, KO4JY will be active (SSB and CW) as either PJ/KO4JY or with
          a PJ call from Saba (NA-145) on 13-18 August. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
PJ7     - Jim, W6JHB plans to operate as PJ7/W6JHB from St. Maarten  (NA-105)
          in the Netherlands Antilles from   8 through 14 September. He  will
          be active on 40, 30, 20,  15, and 10 metres  CW QRP, possibly  with
          some 17m operation, depending on antenna situation. [TNX W6JHB]
PY      - Look for PS7JS, PS7KC, PS7PIO,  PS7ZZ and others  to be active  (on
          10-80 metres  SSB,  CW, PSK31  and  RTTY) as  ZX7ZZ  from  Galinhos
          Lighthouse  (DFB  RN-09)  during  the  International  Lighthouse  &
          Lightship Weekend  on 18-19  August. QSL  via PS7ZZ  either  direct
          (Francisco de Freitas, Av. Sao Miguel dos Caribes 31, Conj.  Jiqui,
          59086-500 Natal - RN, Brazil) or through the bureau. [TNX PP5SZ and
SB DX@WW $425WW535C
425 DX News #535 [3/5]
  04 August 2001                   No 535                       $425WW535C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

PY0_tr  - PY1LVF and PY1VOY will be signing ZX0T and PT0T (or, if they do not
          get these calls, as home call/PY0T) from Trindade (SA-010) on  7-10
          August.  They   plan  to   operate  on   the  following   suggested
          frequencies: 7030, 10115, 14040, 18098,  21040, 24920, 28040  (CW);
          7055, 14260, 18128, 21260, 24950, 28460 (SSB). QSL via PY1LVF (Jose
          Luiz Vieira Fernandes, P.O. Box 18009,  20722-970 Rio de Janeiro  -
          RJ, Brazil). [TNX PS7AB]
SP      - Jurek, SP2BIK reports  that SN2KM  will be  operating from  Krynica
          Morska Lighthouse on 17-19 August.
TA      - Vito, I3BQC reports he will be touring Turkey between 21 August and
          6 September and, local conditions permitting,  will try to  operate
          as TA0/I3BQC/P from AS-098 and AS-115.
TF      - The Radio Club of the  Icelandic Radio Amateurs  will take part  in
          the International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend as TF1IRA from the
          lighthouse of Knarraros (EU-021). Operations will take place mainly
          on 10, 15 and 20 metres SSB and CW. [TNX TF3AO]
UA      - Weather permitting, the RI0F operation from Moneron Island (AS-149)
          [425DXN 530] is expected to take place starting around 4 August for
          about one  week,  while the  activity  from  Shikotan  (AS-062)  is
          planned for mid-September. QSL via RK0FWL. [TNX RA0FF]
UA      - Dennis/RZ1AK,  Vlad/UA1CIO  and  Tim/UA3DPB  will  be  active  from
          Vysotskiy Is. (RR-01-14) and a few other islands in the Baltic  Sea
          on 5-12 August.  According to Dennis,  RZ1AK "most  of the  islands
          would qualify  for IOTA  EU-133".  RK1A/p, RZ1CXF/p,  RZ1CXO/p  and
          possibly other callsigns will  be used. All  QSLs via RZ1AK  either
          direct (Dennis Eremin, P.O. Box 202, St.Petersburg 196070,  Russia)
          or through the bureau. [TNX RZ1AK]
UA      - Val (UA1TAN/1), Alex (RA1TC/1) and Alex  (UA1TBK/1) will be  active
          on all bands CW, SSB,  RTTY, PSK-31 from  IOTA EU-162 (island  name
          not given) on 7-12 August. QSL via home calls. [TNX UA1TAN]
UA      - Pavel, RA1OZ and Andy, RA4NF will  operate as RA1OZ/A and  UE4NMM/1
          from Kiy Island (EU-153, RR-02-22) on 20-27 August. QSL RA1OZ/A via
          RA1OZ, QSl UE4NMM/1 via RA4NF. [TNX RA1OZ]
VE      - Look for special  event station VY2PEI  to be  activated from  Cape
          Bear     Lighthouse     (CAN-092)      and     Marconi      Station
          (http://www.murrayrivercomm.pe.ca/marconi.html)  on  Prince  Edward
          Island (NA-029) from 13 UTC to 21  UTC on 8 August. QSL via  VY2RU.
          [TNX The Daily DX]
VE      - Len, VE9MY and  Linda, VE9GLF plan  to operate  (on 15,  20 and  40
          metres with 100 watts  portable or mobile)  from NA-126 during  the
          week of 6 August (probably the 8th or 9th depending on availability
          of transportation). QSL via home calls either direct or through the
          bureau. [TNX VE9MY]
VK      - Special callsign VI30RC will be operating  from 11 August until  31
          December to celebrate the 30 years  of the Redcliffe and  Districts
          Radio Club and  the opening of  the Club's new  clubhouse. QSL  via
          VK4RC either direct  (Redcliffe and District  Radio Club, P.O.  Box
          20, Woody  Point,  4019,  Queensland,  Australia)  or  through  the
          bureau. The web site is at http://www.qsl.net/~vk4iz [TNX VK4BLE]
VK0_ant - Mark, VK4KMT is currently active  in his free  time as VK0KMT  from
          Australian Antarctic Base "Davis"  (68.5S-77.9E, IOTA AN-016,  WABA
          VK-03, CQ Zone  39, ITU 69).  He usually operates  for a couple  of
          hours between 4 and 10 UTC and often he can be found on +/-  18.120
          and 14.180 MHz. QSL via VK4KMT  (Mark Tell, 3 Whelk Close,  Trinity
          Beach, QLD 4879, Australia).
W       - The North Fulton Amateur Radio League will operate as K4T from  the
          Tybee Island Lighthouse during National  Lighthouse Weekend on  4-5
          August. Announced frequencies are 28.270, 21.360, 14.260, 7.270 and
          3.970 MHz. QSL via K4PCF.
XX9     - Gary, W5FI  will be  operating from  Macau between  5  and 8  or  9
          August, depending on when transportation has to depart back to Hong
          Kong. He plans to be active  on 10-80 metres, WARC bands  included,
          CW, RTTY (14083 kHz), SSB and PSK-31 (14070 kHz) with 100 watss  to
          a vertical and dipoles. [TNX W5FI]
ZK1_sc  - Mark, KM6HB reports he will be able to use an amplifier during  his
          forthcoming trip to the South Cooks  [415DXN 527]. Look for him  to
          operate as ZK1AHB on 40-6 metres all modes from Rarotonga  (OC-013,
          7-8 and 13-17 August), Mangaia (OC-159,  9-11 August) and  Aitutaki
          (OC-083, 11-16 August). QSL via KM6HB either direct or through  the

ISLAND TOUR ---> Uwe, DJ9HX reports he plans to operate as follows:
02-07 August  as K2HX/KP4 from Puerto Rico (NA-099)
08-11 August  as K2HX/4 from the Florida Keys (NA-062)
13-23 August  as C6/??? (license to be issued  upon arrival) from NA-001  and
              possibly NA-113 as well.
QSL via DJ9HX preferably through the  DARC bureau (requests for bureau  cards
are welcome at uwe.jaeger@fh-heilbronn.de)

SB DX@WW $425WW535D
425 DX News #535 [4/5]
  04 August 2001                   No 535                       $425WW535D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

                         >>> 425 DX NEWS SURVEY <<<

PSK-31 enthusiasts are invited to participate in the new 425DXN Survey:  what
software  do   you   normally   use   for   your   activity?   Please   visit
http://www.425dxn.org/survpsk and cast your vote.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

INDIA ---> Jose Jacob, VU2JOS reports that Indiam amateurs have been  granted
permission  to  use  the  following  frequencies   until  31  January   2002:
10100-10150 kHz, 3790-3800 kHz, 50350 and 50550 kHz.

PACKETCLUSTER ---> Rod Elliott, VE3IRF  has collected the  DX spots from  the
OH2AQ Web Cluster since January 1997. The collection (from January 1997 up to
July 2001)  is  available  at   http://www.425dxn.org/dxspots/,  as  well the
software  (DXINFO  v 1.7)  which   will  enable   you  to  handle  the  files
(instructions  at  the  URL  above). F or further information, please  e-mail
Maurizio Bertolino,  I1-21171 (i121171@425dxn.org).

QSL 9G5MD ---> Please  note that the  QSL manager for  9G5MD is Derek,  F5VCR
(direct or  bureau).  Cards should  be  sent to  Ken,  G3OCA only  for  9G5MD
operating from Abowkwa Island (AF-084) in April 2000.

QSL HK3JJH/HK0M ---> Carl, N4AA reports he ran out of cards and had to  order
another printing. He expects these in  a few weeks. Carl  will be serving  as
QSL manager for any contacts with Pedro, for past and future operations,  but
please note that currently he has  only the logs for Pedro's operations  from
Malpelo in 1998, 1999 and 2001,  as well as the IOTA  operation from Isla  La
Palma (SA-017) in early April 2001. So  please be patient and wait for  Pedro
to send his past logs to Carl. [TNX N4AA]

QSL NA-148 --->  Bureau cards for  WF1N's and W1DIG's  recent operation  from
Thacher Island  (NA-148, ARLH  USA-105, USI  MA-001S)  can be  requested  via
e-mail  from  Tony,   WF1N  (megahertz260@mindspring.com)   and  Lou,   W1DIG
(megawatt@snet.net). [TNX WF1N]

QSL SV1BRL  --->  Kiki, SV1BRL  (who  participated in  the  IOTA  Contest  as
SV1BRL/8 from EU-052) reports she welcomes  bureau cards, but they should  be
routed through the REF Bureau - DPT 33 (do  not send your cards to the  Greek

QSL VIA AC7DX ---> Ron reports  that after sorting  everything out and  being
promised the logs by  Gabby, he will  again be QSL  manager for XE2Z,  XE2GV,
6D0Z and 6D8Z.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

GACW:   Raul, LU6EF reports the new web site for the Grupo Argentino de CW is
        at http://www.geocities.com/gacwar
ILLW:   The International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend  will  take place   on
        18-19 August.  A  full  list  of  participating  stations,  including
        callsigns,   QTH    and    QSL    routes,    can    be    found    at
LOGS:   Logs  for  TI2/DJ4VW  (13-26  March  2001)   are  now  available   at
        http://www.qsl.net/va3rj/search_ti2-dj4vw.html [TNX VA3RJ]
VQ9IO:  The web site for the Amateur Wireless Club on Diego Garcia Island  is
        at http://www.qsl.net/vq9io/ [TNX The Daily DX]

QSLs received  direct:   3B9FR, 3C1AG,  3D2CI, 3G0Y,  3V8BB, 3V8DJ  (AF-083),
3V8SZ, 3W2LC, 3W7CW, 4H2B (OC-093), 4I1P (OC-126, OC-244), 4S7NE, 5A1A, 5C8M,
5H3RK, 5R8FL (AF-013), 5R8GT/P   (AF-090), 5U2K,  5U5A, 5V7VJ, 6W1HM,  7Q7KZ,
7X4AN, 7Z1AC, 8S5T (EU-177), 9G5VJ, 9H1PF,  9M0M, 9M6A, 9M6CT, 9M6OO,  9V1RH,
A22DX, A35NB, A35YL (OC-049 & OC-169), A35ZG (OC-049 & OC-169), A41KJ, A71MA,
AA1IZ (NA-148), AC4G/KH9, AH2R, BA4DW/2  (AS-158), BQ9P, K3TEJ/C6A  (NA-080),
CE4U, CE8EIO,  CN8WW, CQ3E  (AF-047), CU3EJ,  CY0TP, CY9CWI  (NA-094),  D68C,
PJ7/W3HNK, PJ7UQ, PY1NEW/2  (SA-028), PY1NEZ/2  (SA-024), PY1NEZ/2  (SA-028),
PY1NEZ/PP1 (SA-067),  RU0BB,  S07BT,  S79YT,  SU/WA0VOM,  SV0LR,  SV5/DL3DRN,
(AS-018), UP4L, US0HZ, V31JU, V31VZ, V85RH, V8IAN, VE7DP/DU1 (OC-091), VK6LC,
XF1/F6BUM (NA-045),  XW2A, YB0A,  YB1KOR, YC9MKF  (OC-148), YJ0AYL  (OC-035),
YJ0AZG (OC-035),  Z22JE, Z30M,  ZB2/DJ7ZG,  ZB2/DL7AFS, ZC4BS,  ZD7K,  ZD7VJ,
ZD8K, ZF2AH, ZK1BJA, ZX5T/1 (SA-029).

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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SB DX@WW $425WW535E
425 DX News #535 [5/5]
  04 August 2001                   No 535                       $425WW535E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  05/08      5B4/SP5AUF: Cyprus (AS-004)                            534
till  31/08      5K3CA: special event call (Colombia)                   532
till  Sep        9A4A: EU-170                                           532
till  Sep        9A6AA: EU-136                                          532
till  10/08      9A/DK8SP/p: Rab Island (EU-136)                        535
till  09/08      C56YT: The Gambia * by G2YT                            533
till  October    CP5/G4ASL: Bolivia                                     533
till  2002       EM1HO: Galindez Island (AN-006)                        513
till  31/08      ES8SC: special call (Estonia)                          527
till  12/08      F6HQP and F5NGB: DIFM and IOTA islands                 533
till  August     FO0CLA: French Polynesia and Australs * by F2HE        501
till  10/08      HK5/W5WP: Colombia                                     534
till  08/08      HL0C/4: Wi Island (AS-148)                             534
till  28/10      II1ARI: special event station from Torino              530
till  05/08      IM0R: Isola dei Ratti (EU-165)                         529
till  06/08      J49R: Crete (EU-015) * by I2WIJ                        525
till  05/08      JI3DST/6: Kuchino Island (AS-049)                      529
till  03/09      K1VSJ: Martha's Vineyard (NA-046)                      525
till  05/08      N2OML/5: Mustang Island (NA-092)                       532
till  04-08      NH4/NH6YK: Midway Island (OC-030)                      533
till  31/12      OE75: special prefix (Austria)                         504
till  08/08      OY: Faroe Islands (EU-018) * by DF2SS                  531
till  10/08      OZ/DJ7RJ: Bornholm Island (EU-030)                     532
till  05/08      S21YV: Bagladesh * by KX7YT                            529
till  12/08      SV9/WB2GAI/P: Crete (EU-015)                           529
till  05/08      TE8AT: Chira Island (NA-116)                           534
till  10/08      TK/F5MCC: EU-014 and EU-164                            533
till  05/08      UE1CIG: Gogland island (EU-133)                        531
till  ???        UE1RCV/1,UE1QAA/1,UE1SAA/1,UE1RAA/1: Barents Sea Isls  533
till  ??         VK0KMT: Davis Base (VK-03), Antarctica * by VK4KMT     535
till  12/08      VP5/K9APW: North Caicos Island (NA-002)                534
till  31/08      VO2/K2FRD: Zone 2                                      533
02/08-05/08      DS4CNB/4  AS-085                                       533
02/08-15/08      J3/PA0ZH, J3/PA3EWP, J3/PA5ET, J3/PA7FM, J38PA: NA-147 535
02/08-07/08      K2HX/KP4: Puerto Rico (NA-099) * by DJ9HX              535
03/08-08/08      9A5RJ: Pag Island (EU-170)                             535
03/08-04/08      W0MTL: Mark Twain Memorial Lighthouse                  534
04/08-10/08      3A/IZ1DSH: Monaco                                      529
04/08-16/09      9M6CT: East Malaysia * by HS0/G4JMB                    535
04/08-06/08      ID9/IK8PGM: Lipari Island (EU-017)                     535
04/08-05/08      K4T: Tybee Island Lighthouse                           535
04/08-05/08      N2OB: Barnegat Lighthouse (USA-039, NA-111)            533
04/08-18/08      OE/IK3JLS/QRP: Austria                                 535
from  04/08      RI0F: Moneron Island (AS-149) * by RA0FF, RA0FU, RA0FW 535
04/08            VE9MY/p: Pendleton Island (NA-014)                     534
04/08-05/08      W4P: Ponce Inlet Lighthouse                            534
04/08-05/08      ARRL UHF Contest                                       ***
04/08            European HF Championship                               ***
05/08-06/08      DS4CNB/4  AS-060                                       533
05/08-10/08      GW0NWR/p: Bardsey Island (EU-124)                      513
05/08-08/08      OJ0: Market Reef (EU-053) * by LAs                     523
05/08-18/08      OZ/DL7UXG/p: Bornholm Island (EU-030)                  527
05/08-12/08      RK1A/p, RZ1CXF/p, RZ1CXO/p: Baltic Sea islands         535
05/08            VE9MY/p: Mac's Island (NA-014)                         534
05/08-08/08      XX9: Macau * by W5FI                                   535
05/08            YO DX HF Contest                                       ***
06/08-07/08      DS4CNB/5  AS-081                                       533
06/08-08/08      OY/ON4BAM/m: Faroe Islands (EU-018)                    533
06/08-19/08      ZA: Albania * by IZ7DOO                                534
07/08-12/08      UA1TAN/1, RA1TC/1, UA1TBK/1: EU-162                    535
07/08-21/08      5B4/HA0HW/p: Cyprus (AS-004)                           535
07/08-08/08      ZK1AHB: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cooks * by KM6HB     535
07/08-10/08      ZX0T & PT0T (PY1LVF/PY0T & PY1VOY/PY0T): Trindade      535
08/08-16/08      IH9/IT9JOF: Pantelleria (AF-018)                       535
08/08            IZ7AUH: Scoglio Occhio II (IIA LE-021)                 535
08/08-11/08      K2HX/4: Florida Keys (NA-062) * by DJ9HX               535
08/08            VE9MY and VE9GLF: NA-126                               535
08/08            VY2PEI: Cape Bear Lighthouse (NA-029, CAN-092)         535
09/08            9A6AA: Galiola Island (EU-136)                         535
09/08-14/08      FO0FLA: Rurutu (OC-050), Austral Isls * by AH6HY       535
09/08-20/08      JL2LRO/8: Okushiri Island (AS-147)                     533
09/08-14/08      KL7AK: Sitkinak Island (NA-053)                        535
09/08-22/08      LA/DG1RUG: Averoy (EU-036)                             535
09/08-23/08      TFx/ON4BAM: Iceland (EU-021)                           533
09/08-11/08      ZK1AHB: Mangaia (OC-159), South Cooks * by KM6HB       535
10/08            9A6AA: Unije Island (EU-136)                           535
10/08-13/08      BI4F: Furong Island (NO-REF) * by BYs                  535
10/08-13/08      IT9SSI: Scoglio Pollara (EU-017)                       533
10/08-16/08      KA1I/NH2: Guam (OC-026) * by JH7BZR                    535
11/08-14/08      H44: Honiara (OC-047), Solomons * by EA4DX             535
11/08-14/08      JQ1SUO/4: Oki Island (AS-041)                          529
11/08-18/08      LZ1NG: Sveta Anastasya Island (EU-181)                 535
11/08-29/08      TY: Benin * by F5CWU, F5MOO and F5AOV                  529
11/08-31/12      VI30RC: special station (Australia)                    535
11/08-16/08      ZK1AHB: Aitutaki (OC-083), South Cooks * by KM6HB      535
11/08-12/08      WAE DX Contest (CW)                                    ***
12/08-17/08      9A/DF9MV, DL1GEO, DL9CHR, DE0MST: Porer Isl (EU-110)   525
13/08-23/08      C6: NA-001 and NA-113 * by DJ9HX                       535
13/08-27/08      ID9/I1SNW: Eolie Islands (EU-017)                      527
13/08-18/08      PJ/KO4JY: Saba (NA-145)                                535
13/08-17/08      ZK1AHB: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cooks * by KM6HB     535
14/08-24/08      JA6GXK: Meshima, Danjo Islands (AS-056)                531
15/08-30/08      3V8SQ: Tunisia * by IK8VRH                             535
15/08-28/08      A52UL: Bhutan * by IK7WUL                              533
15/08-28/08      FR/I4ALU/p: Reunion Island (AF-016)                    527
15/08-28/08      H40: OC-100, Temotu * by EA4DX                         535
15/08-23/08      IH9: Pantelleria (AF-018) * by IZ2EER and IK2XRJ       531
15/08-20/08      MM/W5ZE/p: Shetland Islands (EU-012)                   533