DX425 bulletin issue nr. 533

SB DX@WW $425WW533A
425 DX News #533 [1/6]
  21 July 2001                     No 533                       $425WW533A      
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

3B8     - Jose, ON4LAC reports he  will be active  (SSB, possibly Pactor  and
          RTTY) as  3B8/ON4LAC  from Mauritius  Island  (AF-049)  between  16
          October and 6 December. QSL direct only to ON4LAC.
5B      - Loris/5B4FN, George/5B4KH, Marios/5B4WN, Paris/5B4XF, George/5B4AGC
          and possibly others will participate in the IOTA Contest  (probably
          with a C4 prefix)  from Agios Georgios  Island (AS-120). They  will
          have vertical antennas and a 400W linear amplifier. QSL via  5B4KH.
          [TNX 5B4MF]
9A      - Look for  9A2AA/p to  operate from  a  few EU-016  islands  (namely
          Kluda/CI-177, Kraljevac/CI-183,  Sv Fumija/CI-217,  Pijavica/CI-201
          and Piscena/CI-202) on 22 July. [TNX 9A6AA]
9A      - 9A5V, 9A5KV, 9A3DU and 9A3VM will be active from Lirica  Lighthouse
          (WLH-381, CLH-070 and  CI-194) on 22  July starting  around 6  UTC.
          They will operate on 20, 15, 10 and 40 metres SSB, CW upon request.
          [TNX 9A7Z]
9A      - Milan/OK1DJG, Jarda/OK1DUO, Martin/OK1FUA, Jan/OK1HSK,  Pepa/OK1KA,
          Jan/OK1QM, Jarda/OK1TC  and Nikola/9A9AA  will participate  in  the
          IOTA Contest as 9A0A (QSL via OK1FLM) from Vir Island (EU-170, IOCA
          CI-141). Look for them to be active as 9A/home call starting on  23
          July. [TNX OK1FLM]
A5      - Tony, IK7WUL will be active (on all bands mostly SSB) as A52UL from
          the A51AA club station in  Bhutan on 15-28  August. QSL via  I7JFQ.
          [TNX IK7WUL and I7JFQ]
BV      - Takeshi, JI3DST sends an  update on the  20-22 July operation  from
          P'enghu Island  (AS-103) [425DXN  529]. Takeshi  himself and  Doji,
          JH3JWW will  be signing  BV9AYA (QSL  for this  operation only  via
          JH3JWW), while Lee, BV2NT will use BV9A/BV2NT (QSl via home call).
C5      - Peter, G2YT will be active (on 40-10 metres SSB only) as C56YT from
          The Gambia between 28 July and 9 August. QSL via VK4AO. [TNX G2YT]
CO      - Special station CO0SC  will be activated  (by CO8DD, CO8TW,  CO8WE,
          CM8ESE, CM8EFP and CM8VDC on 10, 15,  20, 40 and 80 metres SSB  and
          CW) on 27-29 July, including an entry in the IOTA Contest  (NA-015)
          to celebrate the 486th anniversary of the foundation of Santiago de
          Cuba. QSL direct  to IN3ZNR  (Fabrizio Vedovelli,  Via Gramsci  27,
          38100 Trento - TN, Italy). [TNX IN3ZNR]
CP      - Steve, G4ASL, is active from Cochabamba, Bolivia as CP5/G4ASL until
          October. He operates on  80-10 metres mostly  RTTY, PSK31, CW  with
          some SSTV and HELL. QSL to G4ASL via the RSGB Bureau. [TNX G4ASL]
CT      - EA2TV, EA4ATI,  EA4ST, CT1EE  (SSB  operators) and  EA1CA,  EA1DAV,
          EA4AHD, CT1CJJ, Z32AF (CW operators) will  participate in the  IOTA
          Contest as CQ2I from Insua Island  (EU-150). QSL via EA4URJ  either
          direct or through the bureau. Further  information on the  activity
          is at http://www.ea4ahd.com/insua/ [TNX EA4AHD]
DL      - DM5JBN and DO1CSH/DN1CR  will be active  (on 80-2  metres CW,  SSB,
          PSK31 and RTTY) from Usedom Island (EU-129) on 26-31 July. QSL  via
          DM5JBN. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
EA      - Tony, EA2AIJ and others will be  active (on 10, 15,  20, 40 and  80
          metres SSB, CW and possibly on  some digital modes) as ED2IZA  from
          Izaro Island (EU-134) on 27-31 July, including an entry in the IOTA
          Contest. QSL via bureau to EA2URV or direct to P.O. Box 323,  48080
          Bilbao, Spain. [TNX EA2AIJ]
EI      - EI5GM, EI4IS, EI1CS and possibly others plan to be active as  EJ3HB
          from Clear Island  (EU-121) on the  IOTA Contest  weekend. QSL  via
          WA2YMX. [TNX EI4IS and WA2YMX]
ES      - Kent,  SM0ELV  will  operate  as  ES/SM0ELV  from  Naissaar  Island
          (EU-149, WWL KO29GN) during  the IOTA Contest  weekend. He will  be
          active on 6 metres as well. QSL via home call. [TNX OZ6OM]
EW      - EW6GB and others will  be signing home  call/p from Stephan  Batory
          Island (not IOTA, WD-4 for the West Dvina River Award) on 28  July.
          QSL via IK2QPR  (Paolo Fava,  Via Bertani  8, 46100  Mantova -  MN,
          Italy). [TNX IK2QPR]
F       - Marc, F6HQP and Pierre, F5NGB plan  to operate from a few IOTA  and
          DIFM islands in Brittany between 29 July and 12 August. [TNX  F6AJA
          and Les Nouvelles DX]
F       - F6HKA and F6ELE have cancelled their announced 21-22 July operation
          from Les Sept  Iles (EU-107) [425DXN  532]. The  activity has  been
          postponed to 25-26 August. [TNX F6HKA]
GI      - Members of  the Kilmarnock  & Loudoun  Amateur Radio  Club  (namely
          Bill/GM3ZRT,   Gordon/MM0BIM,    Barry/GM3YEH,   Alan/GM3OZB    and
          Steve/GM4OSS) will  be  active (on  10-80  metres CW  and  SSB)  as
          GN0ADX/P from Rathlin Island (EU-122) on  27-30 July, IOTA  Contest
          included. [TNX GM3ZRT]
GM      - Jim,  MM0BQI  (http://www.qsl.net/mm0bqi)  will  operate  (on  6-80
          metres SSB, CW,  RTTY and  PSK31) as  GB5SI from  Tanera Mor  (IOSA
          SC10) in the  Summer Isles (EU-092)  between 27 July  and 3  August
          [425DXN 513]. QSL via MM0BQI either  direct (Jim Martin,  3 Lismore
          Avenue, Edinburgh,   EH8 7DW,   Scotland, UK) or  through the  RSGB
          bureau. [TNX MM0BQI]
SB DX@WW $425WW533B
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  21 July 2001                     No 533                       $425WW533B      
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                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

GM      - John, W5ZE will be  active as MM/W5ZE/p  from the Shetland  Islands
          (EU-012) between 15 and 19 or 20 August. John and Pete, MM5PSL will
          operate from a lighthouse on 18-19 August. [TNX W5ZE and Islands On
          The Web]
HL      - Phil, HL1TXQ reports that Butch, HL9DX has joined the team for  the
          27-29 July operation from Tokchok Island (AS-090) [425DXN 532].  He
          will be signing  HL9DX/2 on SSB,  RTTY, PSK and  6 metres. The  web
          site for the activity is at http://www.qsl.net/hl1vau/iota2001/
HL      - The Korea DX Club will participate in the IOTA Contest from  Yongyu
          Island (AS-105). Look for DS0DX/2 on  10-80 metres CW and SSB.  QSL
          via HL1XP either direct or through the bureau. [TNX HL1XP].
HL      - Lee, DS4CNB  (http://ds4cnb.corea.to) reports  he is  planning  the
          following IOTA activities:
          28-30 July         DS4CNB/4  AS-093
          30 July -2 August  DS4CNB/4  AS-084
          02-05 August       DS4CNB/4  AS-085
          05-06 August       DS4CNB/4  AS-060
          06-07 August       DS4CNB/5  AS-081
          He will operate CW and SSB on 10-40 metres. QSL to DS4CNB (Lee  Dae
          Ryung, P.O Box 30, Tongyung 650-600, South Korea).
I       - Luigi/I5ZUF, Alessandro/IK5PWB, Francesco/IK5UIP, Beppe/IK5WWA  and
          others will  be active  from Gorgona  Island (EU-028,  IIA  LI-014)
          between 26 and 31 July. They will operate (CW and SSB on HF, 6  and
          2 metres)  as IA5/home  call/p and  will  participate in  the  IOTA
          Contest as IA5G.  QSL via  home calls;  QSL IA5G  via I5ZUF  either
          direct (Luigi Bulfon, P.O. Box 486,  57100 Livorno - LI, Italy)  or
          through the bureau. [TNX I5ZUF]
I       - Roberto/I5HLK,    Giovanni/I5JHW,    Sergio/I5NSR,     Danio/I5OYY,
          Roberto/IK5FTQ and  Gabriele/IK5ZTW will  participate in  the  IOTA
          Contest from Pianosa Island (EU-028, IIA LI-016) ai either IQ5P  or
          IA5P. Outside the contest they will operate also on 6 and 2 metres.
          QSL via I5JHW. [TNX I5JHW]
I       - Dario, IT9SSI  plans to  be active  from  the Eolie  Islands  (ID9,
          EU-017) as follows: from  Lipari (IIA ME-001)  on 28-29 July,  from
          Scoglio Pollara  (IIA  ME-019)  between  10  and  13  August,  from
          Filicudi (IIA ME-003) on 7-9 September. QSL direct to IZ8CCW  (P.O.
          Box 360, 87100 Cosenza- CS, Italy). [TNX IZ8CCW]
IS0     - A group of operators from the  local ARI branch will be active  (on
          HF SSB and  CW, 6 and  2 metres) from  the Porto Torres  Lighthouse
          (WAIL SA-015, IOTA EU-024) between 6 and 18 UTC on 22 July. QSL via
          each operator. [TNX IS0OMH]
KH4     - Ted Brattstrom, NH6YK  is planning  to operate  again as  NH4/NH6YK
          from Midway Island (OC-030) on 2-4 August. He will be active on  HF
          and 6 metres SSB only. [TNX G3RTE]
J3 & J8 - Two special  calls have  been issued  to  the Low  Land  DXpedition
          Team's  members  (PA0ZH,  PA3EWP,  PA5ET   and  PA7FM)  for   their
          operations from  the islands  of Carriacou  (Grenada, NA-147,  2-15
          August) and  Bequia (St.  Vincent,  NA-025, 16-27  August)  [425DXN
          519]. Look for J3PA and J8PA  to be used on  160 metres and  during
          contests, while they will be signing J3/home call and J8/home  call
          on the other  bands and  outside contests.  The web  pages for  the
          operations are at http://www.qsl.net/lldxt.  QSLs for all  contacts
          via PA5ET (Rob  Snieder, Van Leeuwenstraat  137, 2273 VS  Voorburg,
          The Netherlands).
JA      - Look for JA4PXE/4 to participate in  the IOTA Contest from  Yashiro
          Island (AS-117). Activity is expected to  take place on 10, 15  and
          20 metres SSB. QSL via home call. [TNX JI6KVR]
JA      - Look for JM1PXG/6 to  participate in the  IOTA Contest from  AS-047
          (Daito Islands). He  will operate on  10, 15 and  20 metres CW  and
          outside the contest he will be active on 17 metres CW as well.  QSL
          via home call. [TNX JI6KVR]
JA      - Look for  JL2LRO/8  to be  active  from  Okushiri  Island  (AS-147)
          between 9 and 20 August. QSL via home call. [TNX JI6KVR]
KL      - Rick,  KL7AK  reports  that  everything  is  on  schedule  for  the
          DXpedition to  Sitkinak Island  (Trinity Islands,  NA-053)  [425DXN
          518]. Weather and other local conditions permitting, operations are
          expected to start by 21.30 UTC  on 9 August  and to continue  until
          around 18-19 UTC on the 14th. QSL via N6AWD. [TNX G3ZAY and KL7AK]
OH      - OH1MDR, OH1NOA and OH1MM  will participate in  the IOTA Contest  as
          OH9A from Sandstrom  Reef (EU-173).  QSL via  OH1NOA either  direct
          (Timo Klimoff, Yrjonkatu 4  A 15, 28100  Pori, Finland) or  through
          the    bureau.    Further     information    is    available     at
          http://www.saunalahti.fi/oh1mdr/iota.html [TNX OH1MDR]
OY & TF - Maurice, ON4BAM  will  be active  as  OY/ON4BAM/m  from  the  Faroe
          Islands (EU-018) on 6-8 August. He will then operate as  TFx/ON4BAM
          from various call areas of Iceland (EU-021) on 9-23 August. He  may
          also operate  from  a few  lighthouses.  QSL via  home  call.  [TNX
          ON4BAM] maurice.andries@easynet.be
PA      - PA7BT, ON5UM, ON6NL, ON6ZX and ON4AKL will participate in the  IOTA
          Contest as  PI4HQ  from Tiengemeten  Island  (EU-146).  Before  the
          contest some of the Belgians may be active as PA/home call. QSL via
          VERON in the Netherlands, either direct or through the bureau. [TNX
SM      - Eric, SM1TDE will operate as SM1TDE/p from Faro Island (EU-020, WWL
          JO98OA) on 21-23 July. Look for  him around 50105 kHz CW and  50155
          kHz SSB; if the band is not open,  he may operate on HF. Also  look
          for SM1WZV/P on 144 and 432 MHz SSB/FM. QSL via the bureau. Further
          information at http://www.grk.se/jo98oa.shtm [TNX SM1TDE]
TA      - TA1E, TA2DS, HB9FBL  and HB9SUL will  operate (on HF  and 6  metres
          from KM93AT)  as YM0KA  from Bozcaada  (AS-099) between  24 and  30
          July, IOTA  Contest  included. QSL  via  TA1KA. The  page  for  the
          operation is  at  http://www.ticino.com/usr/hb9sul/TA2001/index.htm
          [TNX HB9SUL]
SB DX@WW $425WW533C
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                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

TK      - Claude, F5MCC will operate  (SSB and CW)  as TK/F5MCC from  Corsica
          (EU-014) between 20 July and 10 August. He plans to be active  from
          several lighthouses and to operate (CW only) with TK5XN from Ile du
          Toro (EU-164) during a weekend. Claude will participate in the IOTA
          Contest from  EU-014  (CW only).  QSL  either direct  to  F5MCC  or
          through the bureau to F3GJ. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
UA      - Yuri, UA1RJ sends an update on the IOTA operations from the Barents
          Sea islands  [425DXN 531].  The team  includes also  UA1QV,  RA3NZ,
          UA1OMS, RN2FA and RA2FW and they  expected to leave Nar'Jan-Mar  on
          20 July. Weather permitting, they should be active as follows:
          UE1RCV/1   Sengeyskiy Island   EU-188 (RR-03-06)   QSL via UA1RJ
          UE1QAA/1   Lovetskiy  Island   EU-102 (RR-03-12)   QSL via UA1RJ
          UE1SAA/1   Sanev Island        ------ (RR-03-13)   QSL via UA1RJ
          UE1RAA/1   Rvanye Island       ------ (RR-03-14)   QSL via UA1RJ
          Depending on local conditions, they might also operate from EU-160
          and EU-085 as well. Cards for  QSOs made with the single  operators
          /1 go via home call.
UA      - Arthur, UA0NL  plans  to operate  as  UA0NL/P from  Russkiy  Island
          (AS-066) on 25-30 July, IOTA Contest  included. QSL via home  call.
          [TNX UA0NL]
VE      - Fred, VO2/K2FRD [425DXN 526] reports from Zone 2 he is experiencing
          propagation problems on  10 and 12  metres and  broadcast QRM  over
          almost 100% of  40 metres, so  he has had  to discard  much of  his
          schedule        as        shown        on        his        website
          (http://sites.netscape.net/thefred3/labr1).  He   says   the   best
          time/freq to contact VO2/K2FRD  is starting about  22-23 UTC on  17
          metres daily, going up to about  1 UTC. CW operations on 30  metres
          (and, eventually, 15, 17, and 20  metres) are expected to start  on
          23 July around 23 UTC. QSL direct only to K2FRD (Fred Stevens,  263
          Keach Rd, Guilford, NY 13780, USA).
W       - Andy, VA3PL will operate SSB and  CW from either Assateague  Island
          (NA-139, MD-001S)  or  Chincoteague Island  (NA-083,  USI  VA-002S)
          between 26 and 30 July, IOTA  Contest included. QSL via home  call.
          [TNX VA3RJ]
W       - The Old  Barney ARC   will operate  as N2OB   from "Old  Barney",  
          the Barnegat Lighthouse (USA-039) on Long Beach Island (NA-111, USI
          NJ-001S), between 13 and 23 UTC  on 4 and 5 August.  QSL  via  N2OB
          (P.O.    Box  345,   Tuckerton,  NJ  08087,   USA).  Web  page   at
          http://www.qsl.net/n2oo/history/beacon.htm [TNX N2OO]
W       - The Old Barney ARC will  operate as W2T  from the "Tucker's  Island
          Lighthouse"  (USA-911,  not  IOTA)  in  the  "Tuckerton   Seaport",
          Tuckerton, New Jersey during the International Lighthouse/Lightship
          Weekend from 13 UTC on 18  August through 23 UTC  on the 19th.  QSL
          via N2OO (Bob Schenck,  P.O. Box 345,  Tuckerton, NJ  08087,  USA).
          [TNX N2OO]
XE      - A group of seven operators will be active (on 10-80 metres CW,  SSB
          and RTTY) as XF3IC from Contoy  Island (NA-045) on 21-22 July.  QSL
          via XE3OYJ. [TNX ARRL DX Bulletin]
YV      - The IOTA  DXpedition to  Cayo Sombrero  in the  Falcon State  group
          (SA-???) [425DXN 530] is now expected to use 4M1X (and not YW1F  as
          previously announced). QSL via W4SO. [TNX The Daily DX]
YV      - John, YV5JBI  and others  will be  active as  YV5JBI/P from  Piritu
          Island (SA-???, WWL FK70MD) on 25-29  July, including and entry  in
          the IOTA Contest. Plans are to have at least 2 stations running  on
          all bands (6-80 metres) and modes  24 hours a day. QSL via  YV5JBI.
          [TNX yv5jbi@cantv.net]

ISLAND/LIGHTHOUSE TOUR ---> Kresimir, 9A7K reports he will be active from the
following Croatian lighthouses and islands between 29 July and 3 August:
ISLAND              IOTA     IOCA   LIGHTHOUSE         CLH    WLH    ARLH
Veli Brijun         EU-110   139    Peneda             101    1651   CRO-010
Sv Jerolim          EU-110   114    Sv Jerolim         150           CRO-160
Sv Ivan na Pucini   EU-110   113    Sv Ivan na Pucini  145      36   CRO-017
Porer               EU-110   090    Porer              111     240   CRO-014
Krasnica            EU-110   045           -            -       -       -
QSL via 9A7K (Kresimir Juratovic, P.O. Box 88, HR-48001 Koprivnica,  Croatia)
Further information  on  the  Croatian  Lighthouses  Award  is  available  at

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

9Q0AR ---> The  ARAC (the amateur  radio national society  of the  Democratic
Republic of  Congo)  station was  activated  on 13-15  July  (IARU  HF  World
Championship included) by  TU5NC/5N0YL, F6BLQ/5N0T and  others. QSL via  F2YT
either direct or through the REF bureau. Any extra contribution is welcome to
support ARAC's next clubstation at PTT  Training Centre Kinshasa. Pat,  F6BLQ
says the Society is looking for a new or second hand 20/15/10m tribander  and
a transceiver for HF bands; if you can help supporting this programme, please
contact  the   Society's   treasurer  (TU5NC/5N0YL,   gckin@ic.cd).   Further
information on amateur radio in the  DRC at http://f6blq.multimania.com  [TNX

CDXC ---> At the Annual General Meeeting of  the Chiltern DX Club, the UK  DX
Foundation (http://www.cdxc.org.uk),  held  on 14  July  the  following  were
elected to the  2001/02 committee: Neville  Cheadle, G3NUG (President),  John
Butcher, G3LAS (Chairman),  Shaun Jarvis, M0BJL  (Secretary), Nigel  Peacock,
G4KIU (Treasurer), Don Field, G3XTT (Digest Editor), Mike Devereux/G3SED, Ian
Capon/G0KRL and Paul Brice-Stevens/G0WAT (Committee Members). [TNX G3XTT]

DIAMOND DX CLUB ---> Gennaro  Casaburi,  I8YRK reports  that on  the official
Diamond DX Club's WEB site (http://www.ddxc.org)  are now available the rules
and the list of the bases for the WABA (Worked Antartic Bases Award) and WASA
(Worked Antartic Stations Award) awards, as well as the current scores of the
participants.  The  current  e-mail  address  for  the  Diamond DX  Club  is:
gennaro.casaburi@tin.it (or casaburi1@tin.it).

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                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****

IIA ---> The up-to-date  list  of the  islands  for the Italian Island Award,
including  the  relevant  IOTA  reference  numbers  when appropriate,  is now
available at http://www.425dxn.org/iia or www.ari.it/d_iia/html

K5K VIDEO ---> The K5K Kingman Reef  2000 video (22 minutes) for Europe  (PAL
format) is now available. For further  information and orders please  contact
Massimo Mucci, I8NHJ (i8nhj@pagus.it)

NOT THE MANAGER ---> Larry, K5MK  reports he is the  QSL manager for  neither
8P6GD nor any other station.

RIGA 800 ---> The Latvian Amateur Radio League sponsors the "Riga 800"  Award
to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the Latvian capital city. The award  is
for contacting (listening  to) special calls  YL800xx between 1  July and  30
September.  For  further  information  please  contact  Grigorij,  YL2NS   at

QSL C21TA  --->  Peter's  QSL  Manager  (Gwen,  VK3DYL)  apologizes  for  the
unavoidable delay  in  answering direct  cards.  Since stamps  from  C21  are
greatly sought after by  philatelists, Peter intends  posting the cards  from
Nauru on his next trip.

QSL CO8LF --->  Martin, DL1ZU  reports he  is the  new QSL  manager for  Luis
Vazquez Seisdedos, CO8LF. Cards  can be sent  either direct (Martin  Wieland,
Cottbuser Str. 10, 35440 Linden, Germany) or through the DARC bureau.

QSL VIA IK3GES  ---> Direct cards  should be  sent to  Gabriele Gentile,  Via
Baratta Vecchia 240, 31022 Preganziol -  TV, Italy. Bureau cards are  welcome
and can be requested by e-mail (ik3ges@libero.it). If you choose to send your
cards through the bureau system, please send one card for each IOTA group you
have worked, as this will make  life easier him (he  keeps separate logs  for
his various activities).

QSL VIA N4AA ---> Carl, N4AA now has the logs for Pedro's (HK3JJH) operations
from Malpelo in 1998, 1999 and 2001, as well  as the logs for his April  2001
activity from Isla La Palma (SA-017). [TNX N4AA]

WAIL ---> For information on the Worked All Italian Lighthouses Award  please
visit  http://www.425dxn.org/awards/wail/  or http://www.ari.it/wail.html, or
contact the Award Manager  (Paolo Garavaglia, IK1NLZ)  at  ik1nlz@425dxn.org.

+ SILENT KEY + Grigorij, YL2NS reports the  sad news of the passing of  Boris
Mitchenko, YL2PM on  7 June at  63 years of  age. Boris  had been  a keen  CW
operator for more than 40 years.

QSLs received direct:  3D2SC, 4L1BR,  5C8M, 5U7DG,  6Y5/OH3UU, 7Z1AC,  8R1JC,
8S5T (EU-177),  9M0M,  9N1AA, A35NB,  A52AP,  AD1C, BA4DW/2  (AS-158),  C6ASM
(NA-080), CE7LHG  (SA-053,  02/95)CN8WW, CW0Z,  DU1EIB,  FO/DL1AWI,  FO/DL7FT
(OC-050), FO0FRA, FO5PS, H40RW, HA6NF, HK3JJH/5 (SA-017), HK3JJH/HK0M,  HO1A,
J3/DJ7RJ,  J45W,  J5X,  JD1BFA,  K5K,  K9PPY/4  (NA-142),  KC4USV   (AN-011),
KP2/KD4D, SM0DTK/1 (EU-020), SV0LR (EU-060)T32RD, TA3DD, TR8XX, TZ6DX, V73ZZ,
VE1OTA/9 (NA-014), VE2MAM/P (NA-125), VK9ML, VK9XY, VP8SDX, VP8SGK  (AN-007),
XV3AA, ZK1AND, ZL7IR, ZX0F, ZX5T/1 (SA-029).

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SB DX@WW $425WW533E
425 DX News #533 [5/6]
  21 July 2001                     No 533                       $425WW533E      
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  30/07      3D2RW: OC-095 * by ZL1AMO                              532
till  02/08      3W2LWS: Vietnam * by WA1LWS                            531
till  24/07      4M1X: Cayo Sombrero (SA-089)                           533
till  31/08      5K3CA: special event call (Colombia)                   532
till  21/07      9A/IN3YGW, 9A/IN3TJV, 9A/IN3DEI: Rab Island (EU-136)   527
till  31/07      9A/ON5FP and 9A/ON4CJK: EU-170, EU-136 and EU-016      532
till  Sep        9A4A: EU-170                                           532
till  Sep        9A6AA: EU-136                                          532
till  22/07      9M6IFT and 9M6EYT: East Malaysia * by JA3IFT & JA3EYO  532
till  22/07      BV9AYA & BV9A/BV2NT: P'enghu Island (AS-103)           533
till  01/08      CN2DX: Morocco * by HB9HLM                             531
till  October    CP5/G4ASL: Bolivia                                     533
till  23/07      DL1YC/p: Ruegen Island (EU-057)                        531
till  03/08      DL4FCH/p: Pellworm Island (EU-042)                     532
till  2002       EM1HO: Galindez Island (AN-006)                        513
till  22/07      EN0PA: Voljansky Island (UIA VoL-01)                   532
till  31/08      ES8SC: special call (Estonia)                          527
till  August     FO0CLA: French Polynesia and Australs * by F2HE        501
till  ???        FO/F6CTL: Rangiroa (OC-066), French Polynesia          528
till  31/07      IB0: Ventotene (EU-045, LT-011): by IK8VRH             528
till  28/10      II1ARI: special event station from Torino              530
till  22/07      II1GO: special event station                           532
till  31/07      IQ8MFC: special station                                523
till  24/07      JA6GXK: Meshima, Danjo Islands (AS-056)                531
till  23/07      JW4LN: EU-026 and EU-027 * by LA4LN                    527
till  03/09      K1VSJ: Martha's Vineyard (NA-046)                      525
till  21/07      LA/DL5ME and LA/DG3HWO: Vigra (EU-056)                 531
till  31/12      OE75: special prefix (Austria)                         504
till  08/08      OY: Faroe Islands (EU-018) * by DF2SS                  531
till  31/07      PJ2/hc and PJ2Y: Curacao (SA-006) * by Gs              523
till  31/07      PX2I: Sao Sebastiao Island (SA-028) * by PY2s          532
till  ???        RA1QQ/1 and RA1QY/1: Barents Sea islands               529
till  05/08      S21YV: Bagladesh * by KX7YT                            529
till  22/07      SI9AM: special event station (Sweden)                  532
till  12/08      SV9/WB2GAI/P: Crete (EU-015)                           529
till  31/07      V47UY: Nevis Island (NA-104) * by KJ4UY                529
till  31/08      VO2/K2FRD: Zone 2                                      533
till  03/08      XU7ABR: Cambodia * by DL4KQ and others                 515
till  31/07      ZV3B: Ilha Pedras Brancas (DIB 33) * by PY3CEJ & PY3ZM 530
20/07-10/08      TK/F5MCC: EU-014 and EU-164                            533
20/07-22/07      Northwest DX Convention (Seattle)                      517
21/07-30/07      9A/HA6PS/p, 9A/HA6ZV/p, 9A/HA6NL/p: EU-170             531
21/07-23/07      SM1TDE/p and SM1WZV/P: Faro Island (EU-020)            533
21/07-24/07      VE2A: Zone 2 * by VE2s                                 532
21/07-22/07      XF3IC: Contoy Island (NA-045)                          533
21/07            Colombian Indipendence Day Contest                     ***
21/07-22/07      Museum Ship Special Event                              532
21/07            Pacific 160 Metres Contest                             532
22/07            9A2AA/p: EU-016                                        533
22/07            9A5V, 9A5KV, 9A3DU, 9A3VM: Lirica Lighthouse           533
22/07            IK4VET, IK4XCL, IK4ALM: IIA RO-021 and RO-017          532
22/07            IS0: Porto Torres Lighthouse (WAIL SA-015)             533
22/07-10/08      OZ/DJ7RJ: Bornholm Island (EU-030)                     532
22/07-25/07      SM5/G0GRC/p: Lammskar Island (EU-177)                  513
22/07-29/07      WB8YJF: Ocracoke Island (NA-067)                       531
23/07-29/07      9A/OK1xxx, 9A9AA, 9A0A: Vir Island (EU-170)            533
23/07-06/08      J49R: Crete (EU-015) * by I2WIJ                        525
23/07-05/08      UE1CIG: Gogland island (EU-133)                        531
23/07-24/07      ZL2/K3SRO: New Zealand                                 531
24/06-15/07      JT1FCR: Mongolia * by G4DMA                            529
24/07-31/07      OH0V: ALand Isls (EU-002) * by DLs and OHs             531
24/07-30/07      YM0KA: Bozcaada (AS-099) * by TAs and HB9s             533
25/07-01/08      C6DX,C6AJR,W8QID,W8ILC,WA8NJR,N9NS,K8FL/C6A: NA-001    527
25/07-27/07      J43P: EU-158 * by IZ7ATN, IZ0CKJ, IK6CAC, IK0QDB       532
25/07-30/07      TM1ON and F/G0MEU/p: Sein Island (EU-068) * by ONs     517
25/07-30/07      UA0NL/P: Russkiy Island (AS-066)                       533
25/07-01/08      XM2CWI: La Madeleine Islands (NA-038)                  525
25/07-29/07      YV5JBI/P: Piritu Island (SA-???)                       533
26/07-31/07      DM5JBN and DO1CSH/DN1CR: Usedom Island (EU-129)        533
26/07-31/07      IA5/I5ZUF,IK5PWB,IK5UIP,IK5WWA/p, IA5G: EU-028         533
26/07-01/08      FP/NN9K,FP/KB9LIE,FP/K9OT,FP/K9WM: Miquelon (NA-032)   529
26/07-30/07      VA3PL: NA-139 or NA-083                                533
27/07-29/07      4A3ZOI & 6H3KK: Cozumel (NA-090) * by XE1ZOI & XE1KK   532
27/07-03/08      9A10HRM and 9A0LH: EU-110                              531
27/07-29/07      9A2EU, 9A2NO, 9A5MR, 9A4KJ, 9A7JLJ, 9A7T/p: EU-170     532
27/07-29/07      CO0SC: special event station                           533
27/07-29/07      DH1LA, DH7NO, DL2RTK, DL2SWW, DL2VFR, DL0KWH: EU-057   529
27/07-29/07      DL3KUD/p: Poel Island (EU-098)                         531
27/07-31/07      ED2IZA: Izaro Island (EU-134)                          533
27/07-29/07      F5TYY/p: Noirmoutier Island (EU-064)                   532
27/07-03/08      GB5SI: Summer Isles (EU-092) * by MM0BQI               533
27/07-30/07      GN0ADX/P: Rathlin Island (EU-122)                      533
27/07-29/07      HL: Tokchok Island (AS-090) * by HLs and DSs           533
27/07-29/07      KO4PY, N4YDU, W1F: NA-067                              531
27/07-29/07      WF1N and W1DIG: Thacher Island (NA-148)                531
SB DX@WW $425WW533F
425 DX News #533 [6/6]
  21 July 2001                     No 533                       $425WW533F      
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

28/07-29/07      9A9R: EU-136                                           532
28/07-29/07      9A/OE5EMS: EU-136                                      532
28/07-29/07      AA1AC/1: Aquidneck Island (NA-031)                     531
28/07-29/07      AA3DD: Chincoteague Island (NA-083)                    529
28/07-29/07      C4: Agios Georgios Island (AS-120)                     533
28/07-09/08      C56YT: The Gambia * by G2YT                            533
28/07-29/07      CQ2I: Insua Island (EU-150)                            533
28/07-29/07      CS5C: Culatra Island (EU-145)                          525
28/07-29/07      CT7A: EU-145                                           531
28/07-29/07      DL5XL/p: Helgoland Island (EU-127)                     521
28/07-29/07      DS0DX/2: Yongyu Island (AS-105)                        533
28/07-30/07      DS4CNB/4  AS-093                                       533
28/07-29/07      EJ3HB: Clear Island (EU-121)                           533
28/07-29/07      ES/SM0ELV: Naissaar Island (EU-149)                    533
28/07            EW6GB/p: Stephan Batory Island (WD-4)                  533
28/07-29/07      F/IK1TTD: Ile du Levant (EU-070)                       525
28/07-29/07      GM2T: Isle of Tiree (EU-008)                           529
28/07            I8SUD/p: Capo Vaticano Lighthouse (WAIL CL-005)        531
28/07-29/07      ID9/IT9SSI: Lipari Island (EU-017)                     533
28/07-29/07      IQ5P or IA5P: Pianosa Island (EU-028)                  533
28/07-29/07      J48K: EU-113 * by IZ7ATN, IZ0CKJ, IK6CAC, IK0QDB       532
28/07-29/07      JA4PXE/4: Yashiro Island (AS-117)                      533
28/07-05/08      JI3DST/6: Kuchino Island (AS-049)                      529
28/07-29/07      JM1PXG/6: Daito Islands (AS-047)                       533
28/07-29/07      JM6CIP/6 and JN3FPV/6: Koshiki Island (AS-037)         532
28/07-29/07      JW5E: Svalbard (EU-026) * by ON7PC and ON6QR           525
28/07-29/07      L80AA/D: Martin Garcia Island (SA-055) * by LUs        531
28/07-29/07      LV5D: Oyarvide Island (SA-055) * by LUs                531
28/07-29/07      KF9YL: Cedar Key (NA-076)                              531
28/07-29/07      OH9A: Sandstrom Reef (EU-173)                          533
28/07-29/07      PI4HQ: Tiengemeten Island (EU-146)                     533
28/07-29/07      SW8T: Thassos Island (EU-174) * by SV8DTL and SV8DTZ   529
28/07-29/07      W4SAA and N4RP: Virginia Key (NA-141)                  532
28/07-29/07      RSGB-IOTA Contest                                      ***
28/07-29/07      Russian RTTY WW Contest                                ***
28/07-29/07      Venezuelan Ind. Day Contest (CW)                       ***
29/07-03/08      9A7K: EU-110 and Lighthouses                           533
29/07-12/08      F6HQP and F5NGB: DIFM and IOTA islands                 533
30/07-02/08      DS4CNB/4  AS-084                                       533
July             EY1ARP from the "Radio Amateur's Peak"                 527
July             IZ8BGY, IZ8BRI, IZ8CCW, IZ8DWL: EU-144, CS-004, CS-003 531
July             OZ/I2AE/p, SM7/I2AE/p, DL/I2AE/p                       530
July-August      RI0F: AS-149 and AS-025 * by RA0FF, RA0FU, RA0FW       530
July             SV/IK3GES/p: EU-174, EU-072, EU-060, EU-075            532
July-August      UE1RCV/1,UE1QAA/1,UE1SAA/1,UE1RAA/1: Barents Sea Isls  533
July-August      VK8PW/8: Arnhem Land, Australia                        527
02/08-05/08      DS4CNB/4  AS-085                                       533
02/08-15/08      J3/PA0ZH, J3/PA3EWP, J3/PA5ET, J3/PA7FM, J3PA: NA-147  533
02/08-04-08      NH4/NH6YK: Midway Island (OC-030)                      533
03/08-05/08      IM0R: Isola dei Ratti (EU-165)                         529
03/08-05/08      N2OML: Mustang Island (NA-092)                         532
04/08-10/08      3A/IZ1DSH: Monaco                                      529
04/08-05/08      N2OB: Barnegat Lighthouse (USA-039, NA-111)            533
04/08-05/08      ARRL UHF Contest                                       ***
04/08            European HF Championship                               ***
05/08-06/08      DS4CNB/4  AS-060                                       533
05/08-10/08      GW0NWR/p: Bardsey Island (EU-124)                      513
05/08-08/08      OJ0: Market Reef (EU-053) * by LAs                     523
05/08-18/08      OZ/DL7UXG/p: Bornholm Island (EU-030)                  527
05/08            YO DX HF Contest                                       ***
06/08-07/08      DS4CNB/5  AS-081                                       533
06/08-08/08      OY/ON4BAM/m: Faroe Islands (EU-018)                    533
07/08-08/08      ZK1AHB: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cooks * by KM6HB     527
09/08-20/08      JL2LRO/8: Okushiri Island (AS-147)                     533
09/08-14/08      KL7AK: Sitkinak Island (NA-053)                        533
09/08-23/08      TFx/ON4BAM: Iceland (EU-021)                           533
09/08-11/08      ZK1AHB: Mangaia (OC-159), South Cooks * by KM6HB       527
10/08-13/08      IT9SSI: Scoglio Pollara (EU-017)                       533
11/08-14/08      JQ1SUO/4: Oki Island (AS-041)                          529
11/08-29/08      TY: Benin * by F5CWU, F5MOO and F5AOV                  529
11/08-16/08      ZK1AHB: Aitutaki (OC-083), South Cooks * by KM6HB      527
11/08-12/08      WAE DX Contest (CW)                                    ***
12/08-17/08      9A/DF9MV, DL1GEO, DL9CHR, DE0MST: Porer Isl (EU-110)   525
13/08-27/08      ID9/I1SNW: Eolie Islands (EU-017)                      527
13/08-17/08      ZK1AHB: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cooks * by KM6HB     527
14/08-24/08      JA6GXK: Meshima, Danjo Islands (AS-056)                531
15/08-28/08      A52UL: Bhutan * by IK7WUL                              533
15/08-28/08      FR/I4ALU/p: Reunion Island (AF-016)                    527
15/08-23/08      IH9: Pantelleria (AF-018) * by IZ2EER and IK2XRJ       531
15/08-20/08      MM/W5ZE/p: Shetland Islands (EU-012)                   533
16/08-27/08      J8/PA0ZH, J8/PA3EWP, J8/PA5ET, J8/PA7FM, J8PA: NA-025  533
17/08-19/08      GB5RO: Hoy High Lighthouse, Graemsay (EU-009)          531
17/08-20/08      KL7: Shumagin Islands (NA-087) * by KD6WW              517
18/08-19/08      9A2V/p: EU-170 & Lighthouse                            532
18/08-19/08      9A5JR/p: EU-170 & Lighthouse                           532
18/08-19/08      GB2ELH: Eshaness Lighthouse, Shetland Isls             529
18/08-19/08      GT3FLH: Isle of Man (EU-116)                           525
18/08-19/08      IQ1L: La Lanterna (Lighthouse)                         532
18/08-19/08      IQ3V: Vittoria Lighthouse (WAIL FV-01)                 527
18/08-19/08      K4UP: Currituck Beach Lighthouse                       531
18/08-19/08      W2T: Tucker's Island Lighthouse                        533
18/08-19/08      International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend             518