S DX@WW $425WW532A 425 DX News #532 [1/4] 14 July 2001 No 532 $425WW532A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3D2 - Ron, ZL1AMO reports he will be active again as 3D2RW from the Fiji Islands starting on 12 July. He will operate from Nadi on OC-016 for a few days; around 16 July he will move to the Lau Group (OC-095) for a couple of weeks. QSL via ZL1AMO. 5B - Look for 5B/IZ8CCW and 5B/IT9SSI to operate (on 10, 15, 20 and 40 metres SSB and CW) from Cyprus (AS-004) on 23-30 August. They will try to be active from AS-120 as well. QSL via IZ8CCW. [TNX IZ8CCW] 9A - 9A2BD, 9A2GK, 9A3LD, 9A3PG, 9A4LT, 9A6JWF and 9A7DAQ will be active as 9A1C/p on 12-15 July from EU-170. Plans are to visit and operate from the islands of Katina (CI-037), Sestrice (CI-103), Silo (CI-121), Mana (CI-064), Levrnaka (CI-054) and Rasip (CI-098). QSL via 9A4BL. [TNX 9A6AA] 9A - Weather permitting, Neno/9A2FL will operate (on 20 metres SSB) from Majsan (EU-016, IOCA CI-190) on 15 July. [TNX 9A6AA] 9A - Marc, ON5FP and Jose, ON4CJK will be island hopping in Croatia from 16 until 31 July. They will be based at the lighthouse of Veli Rat (CRO 183) on Dugi Otok Island (EU 170, CI 018) and will also visit other three islands nearby in the same IOTA group. Their plans also include activities (hopefully from lighthouses) from the following: Rab EU-136 CI-096 20 July Brac EU 016 CI-010 21 July Pasman EU 170 CI-085 22 July Pag EU 170 CI-082 27 July Vir EU 170 CI-141 27 July Porer EU-110 CI-090 31 July Jose, ON4CJK will participate in the IOTA Contest from Dugi Otok. QSLs for all the QSOs via ON4ADN either direct (Geert Decru, St. Laurentiusstraat 18, B- 8710 Wielsbeke, Belgium) or through the UBA bureau. [TNX ON5FP] 9A - 9A2EU, 9A2NO, 9A5MR, 9A4KJ and 9A7JLJ will be active as home call/p from Zut Island (EU-170, IOCA CI-154) on 27-29 July. They will participate in the IOTA Contest as 9A7T/p (QSL via 9A2EU either direct or through the bureau). [TNX 9A2EU] 9A - Emir, 9A6AA reports the following stations are/will be active from Croatian islands: Call IOTA Island IOCA Date 9A4A EU-170 Pag CI-082 till September 9A6AA EU-136 Losinj CI-058 till September 9A/DL1BKK EU-110 Pulari CI-205 15 July-7 August 9A/OE5EMS EU-136 Krk CI-046 IOTA contest 9A9R EU-136 Krk CI-082 IOTA contest 9A5JR/p EU-170 Sestrice CI-103 August (Lighthouse event) 9A2V/p EU-170 Sestrice CI-103 August (Lighthouse event) 9M6 - JA3IFT and JA3EYO will be active respectively as 9M6IFT and 9M6EYT from Sabah, East Malaysia on 19-22 July. QSL via home calls. [TNX JA3EYO] DL - Peter, DL4FCH will be active as DL4FCH/p from Pellworm Island (EU-042, GIA N-23) between 15 July and 3 August. He will operate mostly CW on 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 metres including an entry in the IOTA Contest. Logs will be available at http://www.niksch.de/peter [TNX DL4FCH] F - Bert, F6HKA and Did, F6ELE plan to be active again from Les Sept Iles (EU-107) on 21-22 July. They will have a dipole for 40 metres and a beam for 10, 15 and 20 metres. [TNX F6HKA] F - Yves, F5TYY reports he will be active (on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres SSB) as F5TYY/p from Noirmoutier Island (EU-064) on 27-29 July, including an entry in the IOTA Contest. QSL via F5TYY through the REF bureau. H4 - Luca/IZ6DSQ, Ant/IZ8CCW and possibly others will be active (SSB only) from New Georgia Island (OC-149, Solomon Islands) on 8-15 October and from Pigeon Island (OC-065, Temotu) on 17-23 October. The licences have been already issued but calls will be known upon arrival. Donations are gratefully accepted. [TNX IZ8CCW, iz8ccw@425dxn.org] HK - Special event call 5K3CA will be aired (on 10-80 metres all modes) from Colombia starting on 11 July through August to celebrate the "Copa America" football (soccer) tournament. QSL via HK3DDD either direct or through the bureau. [TNX HK3CW] HL - Lee, DS1EON has joined the HL team for the 27-29 July operation from Tokchok Island (AS-090) [425 527] and will be signing DS1EON/2. The web site for the activity is at http://www.qsl.net/hl1vau/iota2001/ QSL via HL1OYF. [TNX HL1VAU] I - Special station II1GO will be active from Genova for the G8 summit (see "Genova G8" Award below) between 13 and 22 July. QSL via I1UP. [TNX IZ1BZS] /EX S DX@WW $425WW532B 425 DX News #532 [2/4] 14 July 2001 No 532 $425WW532B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== I - Simon/IZ7ATN, Luca/IZ6DSQ, Silvestro/IK7BRX, Paolo/IW0FT, Massimo/IW0FQZ and Diego/IW0FTB will be active from the Tremiti Islands (EU-050) on 14-15 July. They plan to operate from a few minor islands - I Pagliai (IIA FG-007), Caciocavallo (FG-005), La Vecchia (FG-008) and a possible IIA new one near Capraia. [TNX IZ7ATN] I - Special station IO2SM will be activated by operators from ARI Varese between 8 and 18 UTC on 15 July from Isola Virginia (not IOTA, ILIA LOM-001). QSL via the bureau. [TNX IK2DUW] I - IK4VET, IK4XCL, IK4ALM and possibly others plan to operate from Isola del Basson (not IOTA, IIA RO-021) and Isola Girotto (not IOTA, IIA RO-017) on 22 July. [TNX IK4VET] I - The Salento DX Team will participate in the IOTA Contest from Isola Grande (EU-091, IIA LE-002). The call to be used has not been announced, but it will be one the operators' home call/p. [TNX IK7JWX] I - Look for IQ1L to be active from La Lanterna (WAIL LI-005), Genova during the International Lighthouse and Lighthsip Weekend on 18-19 August. QSL via the bureau or direct to A.R.I. Genova, P.O. Box 347, 16121 Genova - GE, Italy. [TNX IZ1BZS] JA - Look for JM6CIP/6 and JN3FPV/6 to participate in the IOTA Contest from Koshiki Island (AS-037). QSL via home calls. [TNX JI6KVR] OZ - Look for Willy, DJ7RJ to be active (on 80-6 metres SSB and CW) as OZ/DJ7RJ from Bornholm Island (EU-030) between 22 July and 10 August, IOTA Contest included. [TNX DJ7RJ] PY - PY2TNT, PY2AXH, PY2RAZ, PY2DCE, PY2MTF and PY2MWS are active as PX2I from Sao Sebastiao Island (SA-028) until 31 July. They will participate in the IOTA Contest. QSL via PY2TNT (either direct to P.O Box 2605, 08780-990 Mogi das Cruzes - SP, Brazil or through the bureau). [TNX PY2MTF] SM - During the celebration of The King Chulalongkorn Days in Utanede, Sweden, special station SI9AM (http://www.qsl.net/si9am) will be open between 08-18 UTC from 19 to 22 July. Guest operators are welcome and can contact si9am@qsl.net to book a 2-hour slot. QSL via SM3CVM either direct or through the bureau. [TNX SM3CVM] SV & TA - Gabriele, IK3GES [425DXN 529] is currently active as TA0/IK3GES/p from Gokceada (EU-186) through 16 July (his morning time). He will then move to Greece and be active from the islands of Thassos (EU-174), Skiatos (EU-072), Euboea (counts for EU-060 until 1 February 2005) and Salamina (EU-075). He will be back home at the end of the month. SV - Simon/IZ7ATN, Alessio/IZ0CKJ, Carlo/IK6CAC and Luca/IK0QDB will operate (hopefully as J43P) from the islands of Proti, Sapientza and Schiza (all count for EU-158) on 25-27 July. Then they will move to Khitira (EU-113) and be active (hopefully as J48K) during the IOTA Contest. They might operate from Elafonissos (EU-113) as well. QSL via IZ0CKJ. [TNX IZ7ATN] UR - UR3PA, UR3PCN, UR3PFX, US1PM, UT1PO, UT1PF, UT4PZ and UT5PW will be active as EN0PA from Voljansky island (UIA VoL-01, new one for the Ukrainian Islands Award) between 19 and 22 July. Logs will be available at http://www.qsl.net/us1pm (where logs and pictures of the previous activities as EN8PSL from the islands of Svityaz, SvL-01 and Krymno, KrL-01 are also available). [TNX US1PM] VE - Linda, VE9GLF and Len, VE9MY will be active from Deer Island (NA-014, CISA NB-005) on 14 July. They expect to start around 14.30 UTC and to remain there for 4 hours. QSL via home calls. [TNX VE9MY and Islands On The Web] VE - Sylvie/VE2SYK, Yves/VE2YVT, Tvon/VE2YAT, Jean-Yves/VE2PS, Camille/VE2SO, Yvan/VE2BA and Yvon/VE2TG will operate (10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 metres CW and SSB) as VE2A from CQ Zone 2 on 21-24 July. The web site for the operation is at http://www.ve2dsb.com/ve2a/ [TNX The Daily DX] W - Bob, N2OML will operate from Mustang Island (NA-092) on 13-14 July and again on 3-5 August. Look for him on +/- 14260 kHz at 12 UTC and +/- 18128 kHz at 14 UTC. [TNX The Daily DX] W - Joe/W4SAA and Dick/N4RP will participate in the IOTA Contest (CW) from Virginia Key (NA-141). QSL via W4SAA either direct (Joe Hornbach, 13691 NE 25 Ave, North Miami Beach, FL 33181-3502, USA) or through the bureau. [TNX W4SAA] XE - Masa, XE1ZOI, and Ramon, XE1KK will be active as 4A3ZOI (mostly CW) and 6H3KK (mostly SSB) respectively from Cozumel Island (NA-090) on 27-29 July, IOTA Contest included. Outside the contest they will operate on WARC, 6 metres (from grid EL60) and FM satellites. QSL via home calls. [TNX XE1KK] YV - N. Vicent Bracho, YV7QP announces he will participate in the IOTA Contest from Margarita Island (SA-012). ZL - Look for ZL2AS to be active on 160 metres during the Pacific 160 Metres Contest (from 7 UTC to 23 UTC on 21 July, send RS(T) + serial number). Plans are to operate LSB (+/- 1850 kHz) during the first half of each hour and CW (+/- 1830 kHz) during the last half of each hour. IARU HF WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP ---> The following have announced their participation in this year's event: 9A - The Croatian sociaty as 9A0HQ on all bands and modes. QSL via 9A5K either direct or through the bureau. See below for Kresimir's two (both OK) addresses. [TNX 9A5K] ER - The national team of the Amateur Radio Society of Moldova (ARM) as ER7HQ. QSL via ER1FF. [TNX ER1BF] FK - Eric, FK8GM from New Caledonia as single operator multiband SSB. QSL via WB2RAJ. [TNX FK8GM] HS - E21EIC, HS1CKC, HS0GBI and HS6NDK from the Radio Amateur Society of Thailand's club station HS0AC. Look for them on 1834-1850, 3524-3526 and 3534-3536 kHz between 20 and 23.30 UTC. QSL via G3NOM. [TNX E21EIC] I - Salvo IT9HLR as II9R. QSL direct only to IT9HLR. LU - Daniel, LU1DK as LO0D. QSL via F6FNU. [TNX LU1DK] YO - The Romanian national society as YR0HQ. QSL via YO3FRI. [TNX YO4ATW] A listing of HQ and official stations participating in the contest can be found at http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/iaru2001.html /EX S DX@WW $425WW532C 425 DX News #532 [3/4] 14 July 2001 No 532 $425WW532C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH >>> 425 DX NEWS SURVEY <<< The results of the most used logging software survey, as well as the calls of the 2.256 participants, are now available at http://www.425dxn.org/survlog/results.html DIAMOND DX CLUB ---> Gennaro Casaburi, I8YRK reports that on 29 April 2001 he was officially entrusted with the reorganization of the Diamond DX Club. Further information will follow in due course through ARI and DX bulletins, and will be available on the DDXC's web site at http://www.ddxc.org The current e-mail address for the DDXC club is: casaburi1@tin.it GENOVA G8 AWARD ---> The "Genova G8" Award is sponsored by ARI Genova for contacting (listening for SWLs) stations located in Liguria Region between 23 UTC on 13 July and 23 UTC on the 22nd. For further information please contact IZ1BZS at iz1bzs@iol.it MUSEUM SHIP EVENT ---> The Museum Ship Special Event, sponsored by the USS Salem Radio Club, K1USN will take place from 00.01 UTC on 21 July to 23.59 UTC on the 22nd. Details on the list of participating ships, operating frequencies and Certificate information are available at http://www.qsl.net/k1usn/event.html [TNX K1VV] NOT THE MANAGER ---> KL7Y reports he is not the QSL manager for 5V1SM. OKINO TORISHIMA ---> Pictures of Okino Torishima are available on Yuki's (JI6KVR) web pages at http://www3.ocn.ne.jp/~iota/newpage11.html QSL CP4BT ---> Pepe, EA5KB is now the QSL manager for Claus, CP4BT and has the logs from 1 January 1998 onwards. Direct cards should be sent to Jose F. Ardid Arlandis, Apartado 5013, 46080 Valencia, Spain. [TNX HB9PL] QSL UK9AA & UK0A ---> Karl, K4YT/DL4YT is still receiving cards for UK9AA and UK0A, but he has not been the maild drop for Fedor since he left Germany in January 1998. Please note that cards should be sent direct to Fedor Petrov, Box 58, Tashkent 700000, Uzbekistan. [TNX K4YT] QSL VIA IZ8CCW ---> Antonio (P.O. Box 360, 87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy) reports he is now the QSL manager also for Sam, YC9MB (OC-151) and Ferry, YC0UTC (OC-021). QSL VIA VE7DP ---> Frank, VE7DP reports that the QSL cards for the February 2001 IOTA operations from the Philippines have arrived from the printer. Processing of direct requests has already begun and Frank expects it may take him about 4 weeks to clean up the backlog. Cards for QSOs not confirmed direct will be sent automatically through the bureau at a later stage. The QSO totals are the following: 4H2B OC-093 4100 4I1P OC-244 3900 4I1P OC-126 2100 VE7DP/DU1 & DU1KGJ/p OC-091 1600 Please note that Frank is not the QSL manager for contest station 4G1A; cards should be sent direct to 4G1A/DX1CW. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 3A/W0YR OM2SA II1ARI I1JQJ P40B I2MQP 3V8BB IK7XGF [*] J75KG K5KG PU1NEZ/p PU1NEZ 3V8GI YT1AD JW4LN LA4LN PY1AMF/p PY1NEZ 3W7TK OK2HWB KD1OS/KH0 JH1ORA PY1LVF/p PY1LVF 5B4/UA1CBX UA1CBX KG4AS N4SIA PY1NEW/p PY1NEW 7Z1AC WA4JTK KG4XE AA5XE PY1NEZ/p PY1NEZ 8R1RPN OH0XX KG4ZI W5OZI R1ANB RU1ZC 8S4C/5 SM4DDS KH7/W0YR W0YR R3/W0YR W0YR 9A/IN3DEI IN3YGW KI8CT/KH0 JJ1CRV SV9/WB2GAI/P WB2GAI 9A/IN3TJV IN3YGW KL7/W0YR W0YR T30ED 3D2SJ 9A/IN3YGW IN3YGW KS4/W0YR W0YR T48Z IN3ZNR 9A/ON5JE ON5JE LX0HQ LX1KQ T88BB JE8BKW 9A/W0YR W0YR LY0HQ LY1DR TG9AJR WA1ECA 9A7K/p 9A7K LY3TA LY3BE UA0KCL RA3DEJ 9H3O DL7VRO OE/W0YR W0YR UA1PBP/9 RK1PWA 9H3TZ DL7VRO OH/W0YR W0YR UE1WPI RA1WZ 9Q5BQ HB9AMO OH0/OK1NR/P OK1NR UW7M UR3MP C6/K2VOL KJ4Z OH0/OK2DA/P OK2DA V31TE W7AV C6/K4TKE KJ4Z OH0/OK2PBM/P OK2PBM VE/W0YR W0YR C6/KJ4Z KJ4Z OH0/OK2WY/P OK2WY VO2/K2FRD K2FRD C6A/W0YR W0YR OH0/W0YR W0YR VP2VCA W0YR CN8LI ON4ANT OH0/W3UR W3UR VP2VE K3RGD CQ2EHX CT1EHX OH0YLS OH1MK VP5/W0YR W0YR D6/WB4MBU WB4MBU OJ0/JH1ARJ JH1ARJ VU3CHE K4VUD ED3CDB EA3DZK OJ0/JH4RHF JH4RHF W0YR/4 W0YR EM0HQ UR5EAW OJ0/JP1NWZ JP1NWZ W0YR/6 W0YR EP3SP W3HC OJ0/JR4PMX JR4PMX W0YR/9 W0YR GS0NHR G3OCA OJ0/OH0RJ OH0RJ WA0AAD W0YR GS3EEO G3OCA OJ0/OH1NX OH1NX WA0JPX W0YR GS3ZBI G3OCA OJ0/OH1TX OH1TX WW8DX/8 NE8Z HA/W0YR W0YR OJ0/OH1VR OH1VR YB33AR YB1FCC HA5ORP PA3GEO OJ0U JP1NWZ ZF1AD (Old) W0YR HR6/W0YR W0YR OK/W0YR W0YR ZS5T ZS5BBO I/W0YR W0YR OS4OSA ON7SS ZV3B PY3CEJ [*] 13-16 June 2001 /EX S DX@WW $425WW532D 425 DX News #532 [4/4] 14 July 2001 No 532 $425WW532D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 3B8GL Ishwar S. Mandary, 6, Shastri Road, Candos, Quatre-Bornes, Mauritius 4L2M Mamuka Kordzakhia, P. O. Box 123, Tbilisi 380004, Georgia 4L4CR Mike Janverdashvili, Agmashenebeli 26, Kaspi 383440, Georgia 5B4AGN Bob Henderson, P. O. Box 62155, 8061 Pafos, Cyprus 9A5K Kresimir Kovarik, M.Sufflaya 15, HR-43000 Bjelovar, Croatia 9A5K Kresimir Kovarik, Zagorska 14, HR-49210 Zabok, Croatia DL1YC Jan Wilgenbusch, Wagenfeldstr. 13, D-48301 Nottuln, Germany E4/OE1GZA Gunter Zwickl, c/o SICT, P.O.Box 1133, Ramallah, Palestine EA9CD Jose Antonio Mendez, P.O. Box 2078, 51080 Ceuta, Spain EX8MIO Alex Barmushkin, P. O. Box 381, Bishkek 720065, Kyrghyzstan EY8CQ Alexander L. Rubtsov, P. O. Box 126, Dushanbe 734025, Tajikistan G3OCA Ken Frankcom, 1 Chesterton Road, Spondon, Derby DE21 7EN, England HB9AMO Pierre Petry, 3 Hutins-des-Bois, 1225 Chene-Bourg, Switzerland HS0/EA4BKA Eduardo Campos Tortosa, GPO Box 2008, Bangkok 10501, Thailand HS0/KA3TDZ Hans D. Hollstein, 86/1 Sukhumvit Soi 23, Bangkok 10110, Thailand HZ1MD Mohamad al-Daigani, P. O. Box 864, Riyadh 11342, Saudi Arabia I1JQJ Mauro Pregliasco, Corso Novara 39, 10154 Torino - TO, Italy IK2QPR Paolo Fava, Via Bertani 8, 46100 Mantova - MN, Italy IK7XGF Alfredo Colapietra, P.O. Box 13, 71036 Lucera - FG, Italy IN3ZNR Fabrizio Vedovelli, Via Gramsci 27, 38100 Trento - TN, Italy IT9YRE Ferdinando Rubino, P.O. Box 30, 96012 Avola - SR, Italy IZ7AUH Francesco Giacoia, Casella Postale 2224/TA05, 74100 Taranto - TA, Italy IZ8CCW P.O. Box 360, 87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy JD1BKG Yoshiyuki Jingo, 4-303, Kiyose-Syokujyu, Chichijima, Ogasawara, Tokyo 100-2101, Japan JE8BKW Hideki Sanada, 4-2-11-312, 24-Ken 2-Jo, Sapporo, 063-0802 Japan JG6BKB Mizuho Tanaka, P.O. Box 7, Hayato 899-5191, Kagoshima, Japan JW0HR Vlad Shakun, P. O. Box 224, N-9178 Barentsburg, Norway JW0HS Ivan Lesiv, P. O. Box 127, N-9178 Barentsburg, Norway JW5DW Bjorn Dommersnes, P. O. Box 659, N-9171 Longyearbyen, Norway K2FRD Fred Stevens, 263 Keach Rd, Guilford, NY 13780, USA KB2FB/DU7 David Collins, Pons Garcia Building, Tagbilaran City, Bohol 6300, Philippines KJ4Z Mike Coffey, P.O. Box 7033, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-3333, USA KU9C Steve Wheatley, P.O. Box 5953, Parsippany, NJ 07054-6953, USA LA4LN Tom V. Segalstad, P.O. Box 15 Kjelsas, N-0411 Oslo, Norway LY1DR Saulius Zalnerauskas, P.O.Box 922, Kaunas 3005, Lithuania LY2BCR Eduard Vaisman, P.O.Box 70, Klaipeda LT-5800, Lithuania LY3BE Eugene Vaisman, P.O. Box 70, Klaipeda LT-5800, Lithuania N4AA Carl Smith, P.O. Box 249, Leicester, NC 28748-0249, USA NE8Z Rick Dorsch, P.O. Box 616, Hamburg, MI 48139, USA OH0XX Olli Rissanen, #599, 1313 So. Military Trail, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442, USA [w3ur] OH1MK Marjatta Kaistila, Nahvontie 5B1, FIN-25410 Suomusjarvi, Finland ON7SS Marc Domen, Ferdinand Coosemansstraat 32, B-2600 Berchem, Belgium PU1NEZ Carlos Guilherme Correa, Calle Presidente Backer 9 apto. 306, 24220-045 Niteroi, RJ, Brazil PY1LVF Jose Luiz Vieira Fernandes, Apartado Postal 18009, 20722-970 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil PY1NEW Emanuel Tavares Filho, Apartado Postal 100659, 24001-970 Niteroi, RJ, Brazil PY1NEZ Rogaciano de Lima Correa Filho, Calle Belizario Augusto 91 apto. 1101, 24230-200 Niteroi, RJ, Brazil PY3CEJ Alencar Fossa, P.O. Box 6022, Porto Alegre - RS, 91031-970, Brazil RK1PWA Nick Shapkin, P.O.Box 73, 164744 Amderma, Arkhangelskaja, Russia SM4DDS Kjell Bonerfalt, Oskarsvagen 4B, S-702 14 Orebro, Sweden SV8CRI Panagiotis Nalmpantis, Agia Paraskevi, GR-811 02 Mytilini, Greece TG9AJR Juan Carlos Munoz, P.O. Box 61 Periferico, Guatemala 01011, Guatemala UA0KCL Yuri Lobachev, Institutskij Prospect 9 KV 170, Chernogolovka, Noginskij Rajon, Moskovskaya Obl., 142432, Russia UR3MP Andy Yarovoi, P.O. Box 50, Perevalsk, 94300, Ukraine VE1OTA Dana Rushton, P.O. Box 1862, Truro, NS B2N 6C7, Canada VE6VK Russ. A. Wilson, 1235 Richland Road N.E., Calgary, AB T2E 5M5, Canada VE9MY Len Morgan, 35 Upper Quaco Rd., Baxters Corner, N.B., E2S 2S2, Canada VP8CMT Keith Grimmer, P. O. Box 544, Stanley, Falkland Islands W0YR Michael D. Lonneke, 20732 Furr Road, Round Hill, VA 20141-1808, USA W3HNK Joe Arcure, P.O. Box 73, Edgemont, PA 19028, USA W3UR Bernie McClenny, 3025 Hobbs Road, Glenwood, MD 21738, USA WA0VOM/SU1 Jeff Bodin, American Embassy, Box 2456, APO AE 09839, USA YB0KO H. Bambang Soetrisno, Jl. Belanusa, I/12, RT04/RW01-36, Ds. Pamoyanan, Bogor 16136, Indonesia YB2SSB Herry Gagaryanto, P. O. Box 45, Kudus 59301, Indonesia YB8DOA H. M. Ishak Iskandar, P. O. Box 1262, Makassar 90012, Indonesia YC0SKI Lie Ambar Angin, Jl. Betet Raya No. 29 AA, Jembatan Lima, Jakarta Barat 11220, Indonesia YC0VIP Handy Sujono, P. O. Box 1005 JKB, Jakarta 11010, Indonesia YC2VTO Deta Ariani Sayekti, P. O. Box 67 YKBS, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia YC2VVD Ir. Sardjana M., Jl. Melati Kulon No. 6, Baciro, Yogyakarta 55225, Indonesia YC3CPJ A. P. Indrajaya, P. O. Box 18 W. O., Surabaya 60244-A, Indonesia YC7IPZ Gusti Tamardjaja, P. O. Box 138, Tarakan 77100, Indonesia YC7PTL Se Yusuf, P. O. Box 555, Palangkaraya 73000, Indonesia YC8BJK Jerry Katuuk, P. O. Box 623, Biak 98115-A, Indonesia YC8CPS Baharuddin Karim, Perumaban Pondak Ungu Permai, Blok AC II No. 10, Bekasi 17610, Indonesia YC8QP Ricky Mewenkang, P. O. Box 1402, Manado 95014, Indonesia YC8RB Ridwan Nggilu SH, P. O. Box 1006, Gorontalo 96100, Indonesia YC8TXW Ronny Monoarfa, P. O. Box 166, Tahuna 95800, Indonesia YC9BU Kadek Kariana Sp., P.O. Box 106, Singaraja 81100, Bali, Indonesia YE1D Deddy D. Iskandar, P. O. Box 99, Karawang 41300, Indonesia YT1AD Hrane Milosevic, 36206 Vitanovac, Yugoslavia ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX