S DX@WW $425WW529A 425 DX News #529 [1/5] 23 June 2001 No 529 $425WW529A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ >>> DUCIE ISLAND <<< Kan Mizoguchi, JA1BK/VP6BK (http://www.iijnet.or.jp/JA1BK/index2.html) has announced that the Pitcairn Island Amateur Radio Association (PIARA) is organizing a DXpedition to Ducie Island (OC-182) [425DXN 515]. Operations are expected to start at 00.00 UTC on 16 November and there will be three stations operating 24h a day. The team will include Tom Christian, VP6TC (team leader and President of PIARA), VP6DB, JA1BK/VP6BK, JA1SLS/VP6BB, JF1IST and three other operators. QSL via VE3HO. Further information is expected in due course. The Pitcairn Island Amateur Radio Association has applied for membership into the International Amateur Radio Union. The application has been approved by Region III and it has been forwarded to the full membership of the IARU for final approval. 3A - Look for Gerry, 3A/IZ1DSH to be active (on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres SSB) from Monaco on 4-10 August. QSL via home call either direct or through the bureau. [TNX IZ1DSH] 9A - Neno, 9A2FL and Luka, 9A7Z will be operate from Glavat Island (CI-144, LH-0170, CLHA-035) in the Vrhovnjaci Islands (EU-016) on 22-23 June. QSL via home calls. [TNX 9A2FL] 9A - Look for Kresimir, 9A7K/p to be active from Pag Island (EU-170, CI-82 for the Croatian Islands Award) between 1 and 10 July. He will also be active from two lighthouses on the island, namely Stara Novalja (CLH-135 for the Croatian Lighthouses Award, http://www.qsl.net/9a7k) and Zaglav (CLH-195). QSL is via 9A7K either direct or through the bureau. [TNX 9A7K] BV - Look for BV9A/JH3JWW (Doji) and BV9A/JI3DST (Take) to be active (on 40, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10, 6 and 2 metres SSB) from P'enghu Island (AS-103) between 9 UTC on 20 July and 2 UTC on the 22nd. QSL via home calls. [TNX JI3DST] C6 - John, WZ8D will be active as C6AIE from Abaco (NA-080, WWL FL16IQ), Bahamas between 21 June and 2 July. He will concentrate on 6 and 2 metres, with some activity on 10-40 metres. QSL direct only to WZ8D (John Walker, 1930 Meredith Dr., Loveland, OH 45140-7216 USA). [TNX OZ6OM] CE - The Southern Cross DX Group has announced plans for DXpeditions to the following Chilean islands: Hornos (CE9C, SA-031) in December-January, Lennox (CE9L, SA-050) in January, Nueva (CE9N, SA-050) in January, Picton (CE9P, SA-050) in January, Riesco (CE8R, SA-???) in February. QSL via CE4EBJ. Firmer dates will be announced in the future; for further information check http://www.qsl.net/ce9c. [TNX WC6DX] CX - Those who need Uruguay on 80 and 160 metres should look for Geo, CX1SI and Al, CX4SS between 00.00-02.00 UTC (80m) and 02-00-03.30 UTC (160m). [TNX CX1SI] DL - DH1LA, DH7NO, DL2RTK, DL2SWW and DL2VFR will operate from Hiddensee Island (EU-057, O-05 for the German Islands Award) on 27-29 July. They will participate in the IOTA Contest as DL0KWH. [TNX DL2VFR] EX - John Janssen (aka KZ5RQ, WA4WKY, C9RJJ, C91J and KH2/K4ANA) is now living and working in Kyrgyzstan. He has been on the air signing EX/K4ANA. Bureau cards should go to either K4ANA or W2PS, while direct requests should be sent to W2PS (Ben Bond, 55 Eberle Road, Latham, NY 12110, USA). [TNX W2PS] F - Look for F6ELE and F6HKA to be active from Les Sept Iles (EU-107) on 23-24 June. [TNX F6ELE] FG - Jon, N0JK will be active from Guadeloupe between 30 June and 2 July. He will operate on 6 metres only, CW and SSB. [TNX OZ6OM] FO - Marcel, ON4QM/FO0DEH [425DXN 519] recently confirmed that he hopes to visit Pukapuka (OC-062), Napuka (OC-094) and Hereheretue (OC-052) between mid September and early December. The details are still being finalised, but he is definitely not going to Rapa (OC-051). [TNX G3ZAY] FP - Pete/NN9K, Peg/KB9LIE and Paul/K9OT will be active (on 80-10 metres SSB and CW with a possibility of 6 metres) as FP/home calls from Miquelon (NA-032) starting 26 July until 1 UTC on 1 August. They will participate in the IOTA Contest as FP/K9WM; before and after the contest they will concentrate on the WARC bands and PSK31. QSL via home calls, QSL FP/K9WM via NN9K. /EX S DX@WW $425WW529B 425 DX News #529 [2/5] 23 June 2001 No 529 $425WW529B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== GM - Derek, GM0EEY and Jim, MM0BJG plan to operate as MS0IRC from Kirkibost Island (OH29) in the Outer Hebrides (EU-010) from about 19 UTC on 22 June for around 24 hours. QSL via GM0EEY. [TNX GM3VLB] GM - Cambell/MM0DXC, John/GM7OLQ, John/MM0CCC, Colin/GM0CLN, Bob/GM4UYZ, Ron/GM0NTL, Landles/GM4XZZ, Tony/GM3PGY Iain/MM1CPP, Robert/MM0ANT, Brian/M5BAP, Ron/GM4IKU and Bob/GM0BWU from Cockenzie & Port Seton Amateur Radio Club (http://www.cpsarc.com/) will participate in the IOTA Contest as GM2T from the Isle of Tiree (EU-008, IOSA NH-04). QSL via GM4UYZ. [TNX GM0CLN and Islands On The Web] GM - Pete (MM5PSL), Cedric (GM4GPP) and John (W5ZE) will operate (on most HF bands SSB) special event station GB2ELH from within the buildings of Eshaness Lighthouse (Shetland Islands, EU-012) during the International Lighthouse Weekend on 18-19 August. QSL via MM5PSL either direct or through the bureau. [TNX MM5PSL] I - Simone, IK5RUN plans to operate from Formiche di Grosseto (EU-028, IIA GR-005) on 40 and 2 metres SSB on 24 June. [TNX IK5RUN] IS0 - Andrea, IK4VET is active as IS0/IK4VET from Sardinia (EU-024) until 23 June. He operated as IM0/IK4VET from Marinella (EU-024, IIA SS-105) on 20 June and plans to be QRV from a few EU-041 islands (namely Maddalena/SS-001, Caprera/SS-005, Giardinelli/SS-027 and Chiesa/SS-016) on the 22nd and the 23rd. QSL via home call. [TNX IK4RQJ] IS0 - IS0AGY, IS0BMU, IS0CAK, IS0CPU, IS0GQX, IS0JOO and IW0USV plan to operate (requested call IM0R) on HF bands, 6 and 2 metres from Isola dei Ratti (EU-165, IIA CA-010) on 3-5 August. QSL via IS0AGY. [TNX IS0AGY] JA - Look for 7N1GMK/6 and JA6FRS to operate (on 6, 15 and 17 metres SSB and CW) from Yoron Island (AS-023) on 1-8 July. QSL via home call. [TNX JI1PLF and JI6KVR] JA - Look for Take, JI3DST to be active (on 40-6 metres SSB) as JI3DST/6 from Kuchino Island (AS-049) between 8 UTC on 28 July and 1 UTC on 5 August, including an entry in the IOTA Contest. QSL via home call. [TNX JI3DST] JA - Seiji, JQ1SUO will be active (on 10-40 metres SSB and CW) as JQ1SUO/4 from Oki Island (AS-041) between 11 and 14 August. QSL via home call. [TNX JI6KVR] JT - Laurence, G4DMA expects to operate (also on 6 metres) as JT1FCR from Mongolia between 24 June and 15 July. [TNX OZ6OM] KG4 - Look for KG4AS to be active from Guantanamo between 3 and 10 July. QSL via N4SIA. KH0 - Look for KH0/JA1TCF and operators from the Chichibu DX Club to be active on HF and 6 metres from Saipan (OC-086) between 29 June and 2 July. QSL via home calls. [TNX OZ6OM] OY & TF - Fabian, DJ1YFK will be active as OY/DJ1YFK/p from the Faroe Islands (EU-018) on 9-11 July and as TF/DJ1YFK/p from Iceland on 12-19 July. He will operate CW only on as many bands as possible. Skeds are welcome at dj1yfk@darc.de [TNX The Daily DX] S2 - John, KX7YT reports he will be operating as S21YV from Dhaka, Bangladesh between 15 July and 5 August. Look for him on 15 and 20 metres around 14-18 UTC daily. QSL via KX7YT. SV - Nikos, SV1CEI will operate from Tinos Island (EU-067) for ten days starting on 25 June. Look for him 14.260 and 14.020 MHz between 0300-0600 and 2000-2200 UTC. QSL via the bureau. [TNX DX News Letter] SV - Panos, SV8DTL and his wife Evi, SV8DTZ will participate in the IOTA Contest as SW8T from Thassos Island (EU-174). QSL via SV8DTL. [TNX SV8DTL] SV9 - Laurent, F8BBL will be active as SV9/F8BBL (on 160-6 metres CW and SSB plus FM on 29533 kHz) from Crete (EU-015) between 25 June and 2 July. QSL via home call. [TNX F8BBL] SV9 - Ron, WB2GAI will be active (on 10-160 metres CW only) as SV9/WB2GAI/P from Crete (EU-015) between 29 June and 12 August. QSL via home call. [TNX WB2GAI] SV & TA - Gabriele, IK3GES is leaving for his summer holidays in Turkey and Greece. Depending on local conditions he plans to operate from Giresun and/or Kefken islands as well as from AS-123, AS-115, AS-098, AS-099, EU-174 (Amoliani) and EU-075 (Salamina). TA - After operating from Giresun Island (AS-154) Nando/IT9YRE will be back to Turkey and be active, with Simone/IZ7ATN, from Kefken Island (AS-159) between 2 and 5 July. Look for TA0/IT9YRE/p and TA0/IZ7ATN/p on 10, 12, 15, 17, 20 and 40 metres SSB and possibly CW. QSL via home call. The operation is sponsored by the Diamond DX Club and the pilots will be Silvano, KB5GL (kb5gl@aol.com) for North America and Oceania and Gennaro, I8YRK (casaburi1@tin.it) for the rest of the world. [TNX IT9YRE and I8YRK] TX - The Oceania DX Group's DXpedition to the Chesterfield Islands, originally planned to take place between 1 and 19 September [425DXN 527], has been cancelled due to the lack of a suitable number of operators. TY - Flo, F5CWU reports that the operation from Benin [425DXN 507] is now scheduled to take place on 11-29 August. UA - Nick, RA1QQ and Alex, RA1QY plan to be active as RA1QQ/1 and RA1QY/1 from a few islands in "western part of the Barents Sea" in late June-early July . QSLs via RA1QQ (Nick A. Smerdov, P.O.Box 24, Cherepovets, 162627, Russia). [TNX RA1QQ] /EX S DX@WW $425WW529C 425 DX News #529 [3/5] 23 June 2001 No 529 $425WW529C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== V4 - Lawrence, KJ4UY will be operating (on 6-160 metres SSB, CW, RTTY and maybe PSK, with 10-20 metres as primary bands) as V47UY from V44NK's on Nevis Island (NA-104) from 20 July through the 31st, IOTA Contest included. He should be joined the second week by RB, WB4FNH (proposed call V47FNH). QSLs direct via home calls. V7 - Bruce, AC4G will be active as V73CW from Kwajalein (OC-028), Marshall Islands on 26-30 June. He plans to concentrate on 6 metres, AO-10 satellite and 40 metres SSB (other HF bands as time permits). QSL via AC4G. [TNX The Daily DX] W - Look for Nat, WZ3AR/4 to be QRV from Chincoteague Island (NA-083, USI VA-002S) on 25-30 June. This operation also counts for the relatively rare Accomack County, VA as well as ARLHS USA-021. He plans to operate almost exclusively on the IOTA SSB frequencies of 28460, 24950, 21260, 18128, and 14260 kHz +/- QRM with some minor trips to the ARLHS and County Hunter frequencies. QSL via WZ3AR either direct or through the bureau. [TNX WZ3AR] W - Paul, AA3DD, will be active (on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres CW) from Chincoteague Island (NA-083) during the IOTA Contest, He will be "warming up" from 00.00 UTC to 03.00 UTC on 40, 30 and 20 metres CW on 28 July. QSL via home call. [TNX AA3DD and Islands On The Web] W - The ARRL Headquarters station call sign W1AW will be activated from California as W1AW/6 for the duration of the IARU HF World Championship (14-15 July). A certificate will be available for working W1AW/6 on different bands/modes, for further information please visit http://www.nccc.cc/. QSL via ARRL. [TNX N6RO] YI - Rodger, G0TLC will be in Iraq on 28 June for at least three weeks and will be at the YI1BGD club station once again. QSLs for contacts made with YI1BGD operated by G0TLC *only* should go via G0MMI either direct or through the RSGB bureau. Otherwise the address for YI1BGD is P.O. Box 7361, Baghdad 12216, Iraq. This address should be used for Hasan, YI1BGD/5 as well. [TNX G0MMI] ZK1 - The operation from Manihiki (OC-014), North Cooks [425DXN 523] is confirmed to take place between 18 October and 1 November. The operators will be Ralph, VE7XF/ZK1AKX; John, AA7PM/ZK1APM; Bob, W7TSQ/ZK1ASQ; Roger, W7VV/ZK1VVV; Victor, ZK1CG and Tuatai, ZK1MA/ZK1CY; they will participate in the CQ WW SSB DX Contest as ZK1CG. Then they will go to Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cooks and be active between 1 and 13 November. Activity from both places is expected on 2-160 metres (30 metres excluded) CW and SSB. Donations can be sent to W7VV (Roger Huntley, 13710 235th Street, Snohomish, WA 98296, USA). [TNX The Daily DX] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH >>> 425DXN SURVEY <<< What logging software are you using? The new 425 DX News survey is up and running at http://www.425dxn.org/survlog/ AS-149 ---> The RK0FWL team plans to visit the Marine National Park of Moneron Island (http://dx.bgtelecom.ru/moneron/island.html) in August. Those interested in joining the team can contact Ken, RA0FW at prokushev@stmobile.ru [TNX RA0FF] DIB ---> Pedro, PP5SZ reports that contacts with PSA088 from Tacami Island (SA-088) [425DXN 528] count as DIB 78 towards the Brazilian Islands Award. QSL via PP5LL (Jay Lira, P.O. Box 8, 88010-970 Florianopolis - SC, Brazil). JW0PK ---> Andrea, IK2XDE reports that 12732 QSOs were made during the 1-8 June JW0PK operation (by DL5NAM, F5PBL, I2ADN, IK2XDE, IK2XDF, IK4MED, LA3OHA, ON4AMX, PA5NT, SP5DRH and SP5LCC) from Prins Karls Forland (EU-063): CW SSB RTTY PSK31 Total 7 264 5 - - - - 269 10 688 - - - - - - 688 14 2549 2417 323 20 5309 18 1187 1503 1 - - 2691 21 1554 1942 83 - - 3579 24 5 2 - - - - 7 28 - - 1 - - - - 1 50 28 150 - - - - 178 SAT - - 10 - - - - 10 Total 6275 6030 407 20 12732 Most of the contacts (9216) were with Europe, followed by North America (1691) and Asia (1665). Logs (except for some 500 QSOs recorded on paper) are available at http://www.dxpedition.org. /EX S DX@WW $425WW529D 425 DX News #529 [4/5] 23 June 2001 No 529 $425WW529D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== QSL 3W2KF ---> Claude, F5PBL apologizes for the delay, due to his participation in the JW0PK DXpedition, and reports he expects to have all of the direct requests answered within the end of the month. The correct address for direct QSLs is Claude Terrier, 18 allee du Mail, F-92360 Meudon-la-Foret, France. QSL CO2OJ ---> Oscar, CO2OJ reports that Al Bailey, K8SIX is now his QSL manager and can confirm any contact from 1 January 2001 onwards. QSL EU-028 ---> Cards for IK5AMB, IK5ORQ, IK5PWH, IK5PWS, IK5VLS, IK5WWB, IW5CFN, IW5EDT, IZ5AXB and IZ5DKO (last week's operation from Gorgona Island, IIA LI-014, WWL JN43WK) go via home call direct, through the bureau or to P.O. Box 303, 55100 Lucca - LU, Italy. [TNX IK5AMB] QSL EU-052 ---> Cards for SV8/IK0REH/p from Zakynthos can be sent to IK0REH via the bureau. Those who need a direct card should use Daniele's new address: Daniele Casini, P.O. Box 31, 06010 Citerna - PG, Italy. Logs will be available at http://digilander.iol.it/ik0reh QSL FR/F6KDF/T ---> Gil, F5NOD reports that another batch of 1500 cards was mailed on 14 June. All of the direct requests received before April have now been processed. Logs are availbale at http://www.qsl.net/f5nod/frt_log.html QSL HK3JJH/HK0 ---> Carl, N4AA reports that QSL cards are being processed with batches of cards going out every day. He expects to have all of the direct requests answered by the end of July at the latest. QSL VIA G3UOF ---> Direct cards for Mike's most recent operation (EA6/G3UOF) or for his ZD8M operation in 1993-94 should be sent to his new address: M.R. Wadsworth, 67 Station Road, Bardney, Lincol LN3 5UD, England. [TNX K8PT] QSL VIA K9PPY ---> Jim reports he has just received the QSL cards for his operations from the islands of Santa Rosa (NA-142) and St. George (NA-085). He hopes to have all direct cards in the mail by the end of June, while bureau cards will be answered as they are received. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH DIFO: The up-to-date island list for the DIFO (French Overseas Islands Award) is available at http://www.qsl.net/f5nod/difolist.html [TNX F5NOD] EM1HO: Paolo, IK2PTR reports a web page for EM1HO can be found at http://www.sys-net.it/ari2704/polosud.htm LOGS: The logs for the recent J48T operation from Thassos Island (EU-174) are available at http://www.qsl.net/on6wl [TNX ON4AAC] LOGS: The full logs for TX0C are now available at http://www.big.or.jp/~ham/tx0c/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSL received direct: 3D2AG/P, 3D2CI, 3D2NV/R, 3DA5A, 3E1AA, 3G0Y, 3G0Z, 3XY2D, 4K5CW, 4K9C, 4S7NE, 4X7AN, 5A1A, 5B4KH, 5H3RK, 5U2K, 5U3T, 5U5A, 5W0DA, 5X1Z, 6Y8A, 7X4AN, 8A3B (OC-197), 8Q7MZ, 8R1K,9A7A, 9A8A, 9M6CT, 9N1FP, 9V1WW, 9X1A, BA4DW/2 (AS-158), BV8BC, BV9O, C31LJ, C56/DL2OE, C6A/N2VV (NA-080), CE0YEH, CU3DJ, CX5X, D2BB, D44AC, D68C, DJ7ZG/HI9, DL7AFS/HI9, DU3NXE, EA6SX, EA8LS, EK7DX, EM1HO, EP2FM, ES1RA/8 (EU-178), EY8MM, F0/DL1AWI (OC-027), F0/DL5XU (OC-066), FG/F6HMJ, FJ5DX (NA-146), FM5BH, FP/N8KR, FR/F6KDF/T, FY5KE, GZ7V (EU-012), H40RW (OC-100), H44MS, HB0/DF5UL/P, HI9/DL7AFS, HO1A, HP2/F5PAC, HR1RMG/HR4, J73VW, J8/KQ6MW, JW9GY, JX7DFA, JY9NX, K5K, KB5GL/5 (NA-082), KC4/KE6ZYK (AN-011), KH9/AC4G, KP4/8P6AH, NO7F/KL7, OD5NH, OD5NJ, P29CC, PW0S,R1ANB, R1ANF, R1ANZ, RI0ZKR (AS-095), RI1POM (EU-086), RW1ZZ/P (EU-161), S07U, S21YT, S79YT, SU1SK, SU9ZZ, SY2A, T32RD, TA0/IT9YRE/p (AS-154), TP5CE, TU5GD, UA0AZ, UA0FZ, UK9AA, UZ7U, V63KX, V73CW, V8A, VK9CXF, VK9CXJ, VK9KCP, VK9ML, VP5/AJ6V, VP6BK, VP8CMT, VR2BG,VU2PAI (AS-096), W3EP/C6A, WH2Z, XU7ABC, YE8XM/P (OC-246), YJ2AD, Z24S, ZC4BS, ZK3DX, ZL4IR. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX S DX@WW $425WW529E 425 DX News #529 [5/5] 23 June 2001 No 529 $425WW529E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till 02/07 C6AIE: Abaco Island (NA-080) 529 till 15/07 CF2 and CG2: special prefixes (Canada) 527 till 23/06 EI/G6UW/P: EU-006, EU-007, EU-121 527 till 2002 EM1HO: Galindez Island (AN-006) 513 till 30/06 EN1MKN: Nyzhnii (SD-06) & Krymskyi (SD-07) isls 523 till 27/06 EN1WJP: special event station (Ukraine) 528 till 31/08 ES8SC: special call (Estonia) 527 till August FO0CLA: French Polynesia and Australs * by F2HE 501 till ?? HK5MQZ/0M and HK5QGX/0M: Malpelo (SA-007) 528 till 23/06 HR6/WA9YYY: Roatan Island (NA-057) 527 till 28/06 IB0: Ventotene (EU-045, LT-011): by IK2DUW 528 till 23/06 IS0/ & IM0/IK4VET: EU-024 and EU-041 529 till 31/07 IQ8MFC: special station 523 till June JW3FL: Hopen Is. (EU-063) * by LA3FL 504 till 03/09 K1VSJ: Martha's Vineyard (NA-046) 525 till -23/06 MS0IRC/P: Kirkibost Island (EU-010) by GM0EEY & MM0BJG 529 till 31/12 OE75: special prefix (Austria) 504 till 30/06 SV5/GW0VSW: Rhodes (EU-001) 527 till 25/06 SW1SPA: Euboea Island 527 till 31/08 VO2/K2FRD: Zone 2 526 till 23/06 XF3: Isla Mujeres (NA-045) * by AB5EB and KB5SKN 525 till 25/06 YM0KI: Kefken Island (AS-159) * by TA2KI's team 527 till 30/06 ZV3A: Ilha do Furado (DIB 62) * by PY3CEJ and PY3ZM 525 20/06-03/07 SV5/NB9Q/p and SV5/NA9Q/p: Rhodes (EU-001) 523 22/06-23/06 9A2FL and 9A7Z: Glavat Island (EU-016) 529 22/06-25/06 KH0/JE1RRK; Saipan (OC-086) 528 22/06-29/06 V3: Ambergris Caye (NA-073), Belize * by W7AV 527 22/06-31/08 VK8PW/8: Arnhem Land, Australia 527 23/06-24/06 F6ELE/p and F6HKA/p: Les Sept Iles (EU-107) 529 23/06-26/06 V2/W4WX: Antigua (NA-100) 527 23/06-14/07 W1RQ: Martha's Vineyard (NA-046) 527 23/06-24/06 Marconi Memorial HF Contest *** 23/06-24/06 ARRL Field Day *** 24/06 IK5RUN: Formiche di Grosseto (EU-028) 529 25/06-07/07 9A/S50IPA, S53IPA, S57AX/p: Kolocep Isl (EU-016) 525 25/06-04/07 SV1CEI: Tinos Island (EU-067) 529 25/06-02/07 SV9/F8BBL: Crete (EU-015) 529 25/06-30/06 WZ3AR/4: Chincoteague Island (NA-083) 529 26/06-27/06 TA0/SP6TPM/m: Gokceada (EU-186) 527 26/06-30/06 V73CW: Kwajalein (OC-028) * by AC4G 529 28/06-29/06 TA0/SP6TPM/m: Bozcaada (AS-099) 527 29/06-01/07 4T: San Lorenzo Is. (SA-052) * by OA4AHW,OA4DJW,OA4DKC 523 29/06-05/07 KG4ZI & KG4XE: Guantanamo (NA-015) * by W5OZI & AA5XE 527 29/06-02/07 KH0: Saipan (OC-086) * by JAs 529 29/06-05/07 OH6AW/8: Hailuoto Island (EU-184) * by OHs 527 29/06-12/08 SV9/WB2GAI/P: Crete (EU-015) 529 29/06-01/07 Ham Fest 2001: Friedrichshafen (DL) 519 30/06-21/07 9A/IN3YGW, 9A/IN3TJV, 9A/IN3DEI: Rab Island (EU-136) 527 30/06-19/07 9A/ON5JE: EU-170 527 30/06-09/07 C93AN, C93DU, C93EN, C93ET: Mozambique * by JAs 527 30/06-02/07 FG: Guadeloupe * by N0JK 529 June-July FO/F6CTL: Rangiroa (OC-066), French Polynesia 528 June-July RA1QQ/1 and RA1QY/1: Barents Sea islands 529 01/07-08/07 7N1GMK/6 and JA6FRS: Yoron Island (AS-023) 529 01/07-10/07 9A7K/p: Pag Island (EU-170) 529 01/07-31/07 IB0: Ventotene (EU-045, LT-011): by IK8VRH 528 02/07-05/07 TA0/IT9YRE/p and TA0/IZ7ATN/p: Kefken Island (AS-159) 529 03/07-10/07 KG4AS: Guantanamo (NA-015) * by N4SIA 529 05/07-12/07 3V2GI or 3V8GI: Galite Island (AF-???) * by YT1AD 527 05/07 GT3FLH: Isle of Man (EU-116) 525 05/07-08/07 PU1NEZ/p,PY1AMF/p,PY1LVF/p,PY1NEW/p,PY1NEZ/p: SA-077 527 06/07-23/07 JW4LN: EU-026 and EU-027 * by LA4LN 527 07/07-14/07 GT3FLH: Isle of Man (EU-116) 525 07/07-08/07 Venezuelan Ind. Day Contest (SSB) *** 09/07-11/07 OY/DJ1YFK/p: Faroe Islands (EU-018) 529 12/07-16/07 OJ0/h.c. & OJ0U: Market Reef (EU-053) * by OHs & JAs 525 12/07-19/07 TF/DJ1YFK/p: Iceland 529 13/07-22/07 C6/KJ4Z, C6/K2VOL, C6/K4TKE: Eleuthera (NA-001) 527 14/07-15/07 EM0HQ (HF World Championship) 527 14/07-22/07 G0KOM/VP9: Bermuda (NA-005) 527 14/07-15/07 W1AW/6 (IARU HF World Championship) 529 14/07-15/07 IARU HF World Championship *** 15/07-05/08 S21YV: Bagladesh * by KX7YT 529 15/07-03/08 XU7ABR: Cambodia * by DL4KQ and others 515 15/07 Colombian Ind. Day Contest *** 19/07-31/07 PJ2/hc and PJ2Y: Curacao (SA-006) * by Gs 523 20/07-22/07 BV9A/JH3JWW and BV9A/JI3DST: P'enghu Island (AS-103) 529 20/07-31/07 V47UY: Nevis Island (NA-104) * by KJ4UY 529 20/07-22/07 Northwest DX Convention (Seattle) 517 22/07-25/07 SM5/G0GRC/p: Lammskar Island (EU-177) 513 23/07-06/08 J49R: Crete (EU-015) * by I2WIJ 525 24/06-15/07 JT1FCR: Mongolia * by G4DMA 529 25/07-01/08 C6DX,C6AJR,W8QID,W8ILC,WA8NJR,N9NS,K8FL/C6A: NA-001 527 28/07-29/07 RSGB-IOTA Contest *** /EX