DX425 bulletin issue nr. 527

S DX@WW $425WW527A
425 DX News #527 [1/5]
  9 June 2001                      No 527                       $425WW527A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

3V     - Hrane, YT1AD reports he is planning an operation from Galite  Island
         (AF-???) to take place, possibly as 3V2GI or 3V8GI, between 5 and 12
5R     - Jack, F6BUM reports he will operate from Madagascar (AF-013) between
         2 and  27 September.  He  will be  active  form either  AF-090  (3-7
         September) and AF-057 (23-26 September). He prefers CW.
9A     - Look for Bill, 9A/ON5JE to be active from EU-170 between 30 June and
         19 July. QSL via home call. [TNX ON4BB]
9A     - IN3YGW, IN3TJV  and IN3DEI  will be  signing 9A/home  call from  Rab
         Island (EU-136) for three weeks  starting on 30  June. They plan  to
         operate on all bands and modes. QSL for all via IN3YGW. [TNX IN3DEI]
C6     - University of Tennessee Amateur Radio Club members Mike (KJ4Z),  Dan
         (K2VOL) and Bret (K4TKE) will  be active (on  80-10 meteres SSB,  CW
         and RTTY) as C6/home call from Eleuthera (NA-001), Bahamas on  13-22
         July. QSLs for all operators  should go to  KJ4Z (Mike Coffey,  P.O.
         Box 7033, Oak Ridge, TN  37831-3333, USA). Logs  and photos will  be
         available  during  the   expedition  on  the   group's  website   at
         http://www.utarc.org/bahamas/ [TNX KJ4Z]
C6     - Joe/W8GEX,  Kirk/W8QID,  Ron/W8ILC,   Byron/WA8NJR,  Mike/N9NS   and
         Jim/K8FL will be  active (on 40-6  metres CW, SSB  and PSK-31)  from
         Eleuthera Island (NA-001, WWL FL15), Bahamas  between 25 July and  1
         August. They will participate in the  IOTA Contest as C6DX (QSL  via
         N8QET). Outside the contest look for  C6AJR (QSL via W8GEX) or  home
         calls/C6A. [TNX W8GEX]
C9     - Look for C93AN, C93DU (JR6XIW), C93EN (JJ6VOV) and C93ET (JG6BKB) to
         be active on HF and 6 metres  from Mozambique between 30 June and  9
         July. [TNX JI6KVR]
EI     - The  Cambridge  University  Wireless  Society  will  be  active   as
         EI/G6UW/P from the West Coast of  Ireland on 19-23 June. Islands  to
         be visited will depend on local  sea conditions, but the group  hope
         to visit at least two of  the following: The Aran Islands  (EU-006),
         Great Blasket  Island (EU-007)  and  Inishboffin (EU-121).  QSL  via
         M0BLF    or    (preferably)    via    the    form    available    at
         http://www.cam.ac.uk/societies/cuws/dxped/ [TNX M0BLF]
EM     - Alex, UR5EAW reports that the Ukranian  Amateur Radio League  (UARL)
         will be active in the IARU  HF World Championship (14-15 July)  from
         the UARL  Headquarters  in Lisichansk  using  the  special  callsign
         EM0HQ. A  certificate is  available free  of charge  for  contacting
         EM0HQ during  the HF  World  Championship, for  further  information
         please e-mail em0hq@qsl.net [TNX UR5EAW]
ES     - Special call ES8SC will be aired  through 31 August for the  "Summer
         Capital Award" (http://www.ppnet.ee/sc_award.htm). [TNX ES8AS]
EY     - Nodir/EY8MM, Vladimir/EY8HB and Faruh/EY8AV plan to climb a nameless
         peak (5800-5900  metres asl)  in central  Pamir and  name it  "Radio
         Amateur's Peak". The group has applied for special call EY1ARP to be
         used while operating (on 20 and 40 metres) from the peak. They  will
         be leaving  Dushanbe on  3 July  and expect  to start  the  climbing
         around  the   7th.  The   web  page   for   the  operation   is   at
         http://www.qsl.net/ey8mm/ey1arp.html [TNX DL8AAM and The Daily DX]
F      - Look for Eric, F5SSM/P and Valery,  F5IDJ/P to operate from  Berclau
         Island (not IOTA, DIFI 59-001R and 62-001R) on 9 June. QSL via  home
         calls through the REF bureau. [TNX F5IDJ]
FO     - Yves, F6CTL expects to be active as FO/F6FTL from Rangiroa (OC-066),
         French Polynesia between mid June and mid July. [TNX The Daily DX]
FR     - Carlo, I4ALU will be active (on HF bands CW only) as FR/I4ALU/p from
         Reunion Island  (AF-016)  on 15-28  August.  QSL  via  I4ALU  (Carlo
         Amorati, Via Battistelli 10, 40122 Bologna - BO, Italy), [TNX I4ALU]
GD     - Wade, AA8LL and  Liz, K8LIZ will  operate (on 10-40  metres SSB)  as
         MD/AA8LL and MD/K8LIZ from the Isle  of Man (EU-116) on 15-17  June.
         QSL via home calls. [TNX AA8LL]
HL     - Kim/HL1OYF, Phil/HL1TXQ,  Han/HL1VAU,  Jeon/DS3BGI  and  Jeon/DS1EVQ
         will be active (on 40-10 metres, WARC bands excluded, CW and SSB) as
         home call/2 from Tokchok  Island (AS-090) on  27-29 July. They  will
         have two stations with a beam, dipoles and a 500W amplifier and will
         participate in the IOTA Contest (Han, HL1VAU/2 will be competing  in
         the SO 12H category). QSL for all via HL1OYF either direct  (P.O.Box
         54, Dong-Jak, Seoul  156-600, South  Korea) or  through the  bureau.
         Further   information    and    logs   will    be    available    at
         http://www.qsl.net/hl1vau/iota2001/   (under   construction).   [TNX
HR     - Ray, WA9YYY  will  be operating  as  HR6/WA9YYY from  Roatan  Island
         (NA-057), Honduras on 16-23 June.  Primary bands will  be 20 and  12
         meters, mostly  CW. QSL  via WA9YYY  either  direct or  through  the
         bureau. [TNX WA9YYY]
HS     - Champ, E21EIC  reports  the  following  operators  are  expected  to
         participate in the All Asian DX Contest (CW) on 16-17 June:
         Yong, HS4BPQ as SOSB 15m, low power (QSL via E21EIC);
         Choon, E20HHK as SOSB 10m, low power (QSL via E21EIC);
         Son, HS6NDK as SOSB 20m, low power (QSL via HS1CKC);
         Nut, E20RRW as SOSB 40m, low power (QSL via E21EIC);
         Champ, E21EIC as SOAB, low power (look for him on 3.524 MHz  between
         19.30 UTC and 22.30 UTC).
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425 DX News #527 [2/5]
  9 June 2001                      No 527                       $425WW527B
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                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

I      - Augusto/IK4RQJ, Alessandro/IK4ALM and  Giuseppe/IK4HLQ will  operate
         (on 10-40  metres  SSB) as  home  call/4 from  Scanno  di  Piallazza
         (EU-155, IIA  FE-001) between  7 and  10 June.  QSL via  home  calls
         either direct or through the bureau. [TNX IK4RQJ]
I      - Luigi, IC8GVV plans to operate (on 40-6 metres) from the  Lighthouse
         at Punta Carena (WAIL CA-008) on  Capri Island (EU-031, IIA  NA-006)
         on 17 June.  He might be  joined by Giovanni,  IC8CDU and  Pasquale,
         IC8CQF. QSL via IC8GVV either direct  (Luigi Esposito, Via  Tamborio
         5, 80073 Capri - NA, Italy) or through the bureau.
I      - Operators from  ARI Trieste  will be  active as  IQ3V from  Vittoria
         Lighthouse (WAIL  FV-01)  on 18-19  August.  QSL via  IV3LNQ  either
         direct (Luigi Lenardon, P.O. Box 3959, 34148 Trieste - TS, Italy) or
         through the bureau. [TNX IV3LNQ]
I      - Claudio, I1SNW reports he will be  signing ID9/I1SNW from the  Eolie
         Islands (EU-017) on 13-27  August. QSL via  home call either  direct
         (Claudio Scaglia, P.O. Box 161, 14100 Astri - AT, Italy) or  through
         the bureau.
JW     - Tom, LA4LN will be operating as JW4LN from Spitsbergen (EU-026)  and
         Bear Island (EU-027)  on 6-23  July. He  will be  active during  his
         spare time, mainly in his evenings  and when time permits. Look  for
         him on 40, 30 and 20  metres CW, and  on 50110 kHz  +/- 10 as  well.
         Some activity on  RTYY and PSK-31  is also possible.  QSL direct  to
         LA4LN (Tom V. Segalstad, P.O. Box 15 Kjelsas, N-0411 Oslo,  Norway).
         Tom reports that postal rates will suffer a 25% increase effective 1
         July and from that date one  green stamp will not cover the  postage
         for one QSL card from Norway any loger. [TNX LA4LN]
KG4    - Pat,  W5OZI  and  Dale,  AA5XE  will  operate  as  KG4ZI  and  KG4XE
         respectively from Guantanamo Bay (NA-015, WWL FK29) between 29  June
         and 5 July. Operation will  be primarily on  6 metres with  possible
         activity on HF. Proposed frequencies will be 50.102 MHz for  CW/SSB,
         QSX 50.115 or per operators instructions if pileups are large. There
         will be a breakable beacon on 50.102 MHz and the operators will  man
         the station  to the  maximum extent  possible.  QSL direct  to  home
         calls. Questions can be submitted to W5OZI (w5ozi@ktc.com) or  AA5XE
         (aa5xe@ktc.com) [TNX AA5XE]
KH0    - The Northern Kyushu DX Club will be active as KH0N and WH0C from the
         Mariana  Islands  (OC-086)  on  15-19  June,  All  Asia  DX  Contest
         included. Outside the contest they will operate also on 6 metres and
         the WARC bands. [TNX The Daily DX]
OH     - Look for OH6HJE, OH6NJ, OH6UV and OH6MTG to be active (on HF, 6m, 2m
         and 70cm) as OH6AW/8 from Hailuoto  Island (EU-184) between 29  June
         and 5 July. [TNX OH6NJ]
OZ     - Klaus, DL7UXG  will be  active (on   10-80  metres  CW and  SSB)  as
         OZ/DL7UXG/p from Bornholm  Island (EU-030) on  5-18 August. QSL  via
         DL7UXG. [TNX DL7UXG]
PY     - PS7ZZ, PS7HF, PS7KC and others will be active (on all bands SSB. CW,
         RTTY and PSK-31) as PQ7ZZ from the Lighthouse at Cabo Sao Roque (DFB
         RN-06, new  one for  the WLH  Award) on  13-17 June.  QSL via  PS7ZZ
         (Francisco Edvaldo P  de Freitas, Av.  Sao Miguel dos  Caribes 31  -
         Conj Jiqui,  59086-500 Natal,  Rio Grande  do Norte,  Brazil).  [TNX
PY     - Look for  PU1NEZ/p (Carlos),  PY1AMF/p (Martins),  PY1LVF/p  (Zeca),
         PY1NEW/p (Pete) and PY1NEZ/p (Lima) to be active (on 80-6 metres  CW
         and SSB) from  Frances Island (SA-077,  WWL GG97) on  5-8 July.  QSL
         PY1AMF/p via PY1NEZ, others via home  call either dircet or  through
         the bureau. [TNX PY1NEZ]
SP     - Special station  3Z0GI will be activated  (on HF & UHF bands CW  and
         SSB) between 10 June and 30 July to celebrate the 666 anniversary of
         the town of Gorowo Ilaweckie. QSL via SP4CUF. [TNX SP4CUF]
SP     - Look for 3Z0WI to operate CW  and SSB from Wolin Island (EU-132)  on
         14-17 June. QSL via SP4KIE. [TNX SP6TPM]
SP     - Marek, SP2OVN reports that SP2LLW, SP2CYK  and propably SP2QCW  will
         be signing home call/1 from Wolin Island (EU-132) on 14-17 June. QSL
         via home calls.
SV     - Special event  station SW1SPA  will  be operated  by  Kostas/SV1ENI,
         Manos/SV1DZB,  John/SV1DKR,  Stathis/SV1DKL  and  Antonis/SV1ENG  on
         15-25 June  from  Euboea  to  celebrate  the  Cultural  Festival  of
         Aedipsos. IOTA chasers  please note that  contacts with Euboea  will
         count for EU-060 until 1 February 2005. QSL via SV1ENI. [TNX SV1DKL]
SV5    - Look for  Carl,  GW0VSW  to be  active  as  SV5/GW0VSW  from  Rhodes
         (EU-001) on 16-30 June. He plans  to operate mainly CW on all  bands
         40-10 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
TA     - Rafal, SP6TPM reports  he will  be joining  the TA2KI  team for  the
         operation from Kefken Island (AS-???) [425DXN 513]. The activity  is
         expected to take place on 23-25 June, subject to receiving a special
         permission from  the  local  authorities  as  the  island  is  under
         military control. [TNX SP6TPM]
TA     - Look for Rafal,  TA0/SP6TPM/m to operate  from Gokceada (EU-186)  on
         26-27 June and from Bozcaada  (AS-099) on 28-29  June. QSL via  home
         call. [TNX SP6TPM]
UA     - Look for UA1TAN, UA1TBK and RA1TC to operate SSB and CW from  Eyskay
         Kosa (not IOTA, RR-17-02) and Dolgiye  (not IOTA, RR-17-01)  islands
         in Azov Sea between 8 and 15 June. QSL via home calls. [TNX UA1TAN]
UA     - RW4LAL, UA4LU and UA4LDP will be active as UE4LKI from  Krasnoyarski
         Island (RR-26-new one) on 10-12 June.  QSL via UA4LDP either  direct
         or through the bureau. [TNX DL8AAM]
UR     - Andy/UX2RY,  Alex/UY2RO,  George/UY2RA,  Irina/UY2RY,  Witaly/UX2RV,
         Yuri/UT0RW, George/UY5XE,  Eugen/US5UM, Vlad/U5UG,  Vlad/UR4UKV  and
         others will operate as UR4RZA/p from Pravednyi Island (not IOTA, UIA
         DN 051) on 14-17 June. Activity is expected to take place on 10-80 m
         CW/SSB  and  via  satellite.  QSL  via  UX2RY  either  direct  (Andy
         Asriyanz, P.O.Box  14, Slavutich-3,  Kiev obl.,  07100, Ukraine)  or
         through the bureau.
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425 DX News #527 [3/5]
  9 June 2001                      No 527                       $425WW527C
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                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

UR     - Serge/UA6MC,  Alex/RV6LSS,  Oleg/UA6LP,  Alex/RK4HM,  Vit/UX7IM  and
         Oleg/UR3IFD  plan  to  be  active  from  Djulka  Island  (not  IOTA,
         RR-17-04) on 10-13 June  and from Zeleniy  Island (not IOTA,  RR-17-
         new) on 14-17  June. They will  also try to  visit and operate  from
         Peschanie Island (not IOTA, RR-17-03). [TNX UR3IFD]
V3     - Rick, W7AV  reports he  will operate  (callsign  to be  issued  upon
         arrival) from  Ambergris Caye  (NA-073), Belize  on 22-29  June.  He
         plans to be  active on 80-10  meters SSB and  CW, possibly PSK31  as
         well. QSL direct to W7AV.
VE     - James, W2RA reports  he will  be back  in Iqaluit  on Baffin  Island
         (NA-047, Zone 2) on 11-17 June  and plans to operate as W2RA/VY0  as
         his work schedule  permits. Activity  will be  mainly on  20 and  17
         metres CW, possibly  on 30 and  15 metres  CW as  well depending  on
         propagation. QSL via W2RA.
VE     - Canadian amateurs with VA2 and VE2 prefixes have been authorized  to
         use CF2  and CG2  from 15  June to  15 July  to celebrate  the  50th
         anniversary of the founding of the  "Radioamateurs du Quebec,  Inc."
         (RAQI). RAQI has also obtained a  special callsign (VC2A) which  can
         be used  by individuals  or groups.  For  more details  pleae  visit
         http://www.marc.qc.ca/raqi0105.html [TNX VE2MBS]
VE     - Gilles, VE2MAM will be operating from Grande Basque Island  (NA-125)
         on 16-21 June. (on 20, 17 and 15 metres, but he will try 10, 12  and
         40 metres as well). [TNX VE2MAM]
VK     - Peter, VK8PW will be operating (SSB  only on 10-20 metres) again  as
         VK8PW/8  from  the  Trust  Territory  of  Arnhem  Land  in  Northern
         Australia from  22  June through  the  end of  August.  There  is  a
         possibility to operate for a few  days from OC-229 as well. QSL  via
         home call either direct or through the VK8 bureau. [TNX VK8PW]
VP9    - Adrian, G0KOM will be active as  G0KOM/VP9 from the Bermuda  Islands
         (NA-005) on 14-22 July. He will have  a vertical for HF bands and  a
         5-element for 6 metres. [TNX OZ6OM]
W      - Henry, KC6VNA will  be active  (on +/-  14.260 MHZ  low power)  from
         Santa Rosa Island (NA-144) on 17-19 June. QSL via K6FQ. [TNX DL2VFR]
W      - Gary, N4DL plans to be  active from Treasure  Island (NA-034) on  12
         June from 13 UTC to 17 UTC. Look for  him at +/- 14055 kHz QRP.  QSL
         via N4DL either direct (Gary Powell, 1108 Devonshire Lane, Lakeland,
         FL 33813, USA) or through the bureau. [TNX N4DL]
XE     - Seven operators  from Quintana  Roo will  be  active as  XF3CI  from
         Contoy Island (NA-045)  on 21-22 June.  They will  operate on  10-80
         metres SSB, CW and RTTY. It will be a first time operation from this
         national park island. QSL via XE3OYJ  either direct (P.O. Box  1883,
         Cancun, Quintana  Roo 77501,  Mexico) or  through the  bureau.  [TNX
YB     - The  boat   carrying  Hajar/YB8HZ,   Eddy/YC8HU,  Murad/YD8EAQ   and
         Abdullah/YD8GKZ to Sabalana Island (OC-???) [425DXN 526] had to turn
         about due  to  engine  problems. The  team  was  expected  to  start
         operating on 8 or 9 June for ten days; now they hope the engine  can
         be fixed over  the weekend and  depart on  11 June.  [TNX G3ZAY  and
         Islands On The Web]
ZK1_sc - Mark, KM6HB reports  will be active  as ZK1AHB from  the South  Cook
         Islands as follows:
         7-8 August from Rarotonga (OC-013),
         9-11 August from Mangaia (OC-159),
         11-16 August from Aitutaki (OC-083),
         13-17 August from Rarotonga (OC-013).
         He plans to operate on all modes including RTTY and PSK-31. QSL  via
         KM6HB either direct or through the bureau.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CHESTERFIELD --->  Bill,  VK4FW is  looking  for operators  for  the  planned
DXpedition to the Chesterfields. The trip is scheduled to take place  between
1   and   19    September.   If    interested   please    e-mail   Bill    at

QSL AS-154 --->  Cards have arrived  from the printer  and Nando, IT9YRE  has
started processing the 1000+ direct requests  received so far for the  recent
operation from Giresun  Island (TA0/IT9YRE,  TA0/IT9WDY, YM0KG).  QSL can  be
sent to IT9YRE either direct (Ferdinando  Rubino, P.O. Box 30, 96012 Avola  -
SR, Italy) or through the bureau. [TNX IT9YRE]

QSL 9G1MR --->  Dima, UA3AGW  operated from  9G1MR during  the CQ  WW WPX  CW
Contest and cards can be sent to either UA3AGW or Mario, IK3HHX. Also  please
note that IK3HHX is *not* the QSL manager for 9G0ARS (QSL via UA3AGW).

QSL G3HTA/p ---> John, G3HTA reports he now has a QSL manager who will handle
all his  home and  portable  IOTA operations.  Cards  for John's  10-22  June
operation [425DXN 523]  from the Scilly  Isles (EU-011)  should therefore  be
sent to G3RUV:  A.T.James, 37 Stratford  Avenue, Whipton,  Exeter, Devon  EX4

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425 DX News #527 [4/5]
  9 June 2001                      No 527                       $425WW527D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

QSL PJ5/UA1ACX ---> Cards can be  sent (either direct or through the  bureau)
to Dima's QSL  manager, RV1CC  (Vladimir Sidorov,  P.O.Box 7,  St.Petersburg,
191011 Russia).  Direct  cards can  also  be sent  to  Dima  himself:  Dmitri
Tonkopi, University of Sint Eustatius School of Medicine, Golden Rock, P.  O.
Box     73,     St.     Eustatius,     Netherlands     Antilles.     Vladimir
(http://www.qsl.net/rv1cc) reports that cards should arrive from the  printer
in mid June.

QSL YI1BGD/5 ---> Cards should be sent to Diya, YI1DZ and not to Cliff, G0MMI
(he can confirm only contacts made with YI1BGD operated by Rodger, G0TLC).

QSL VIA  I6BQI  ---> Angelo  reports  several cards  for  his  February-March
activity as A35BQ, YJ0ABQ and ZK2BQI still arrive to his old address.  Please
note that the correct address is  - and has been for the  last three years  -
Angelo Brandolini, Contrada Colle di Giogo  36/A, 65010 Moscufo - PE,  Italy.
He has already replied to some 3,000 QSLs and expects to process  outstanding
requests within May. Logs are available at http://www.qsl.net/i6bqi

WRTC 2002 ---> Ari, OH1EH reports that some of the WRTC 2002  representatives
will be attending a number of events in the near future:
- HamCom 2001 (Arlington, TX) on 8-10  June - meet Martti, OH2BH and  Dennis,
- Ham Radio Fair  2001 (Friedrichshafen, Germany)  on 29 June-1  July -  meet
  Ari/OH1EH, Timo/OH1NOA and Jari/OH2BU
- Hietahami 2001 (Oulu, Finland) on 5-8  July - meet several  representatives
  at the biggest annual amateur radio event in Finland

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

LOGS:   The logs for 5A24PA are now available at http://dx.qsl.net and  cards
        are currently being printed. QSL via PA1AW.
LOGS:   Logs for J28BS (January 1993, October-November  1994 and April  1999)
        are available at http://www.ve9dx.com/f5phw/j28bs.html [TNX F5PHW]
LOGS:   Logs for 6W1/F5PHW (April-June  1994 and May  1997) are available  at
        http://www.ve9dx.com/f5phw/6w1-f5phw.html [TNX F5PHW]
PV0F:   Dennis, K7BV departed  Fernando de  Noronha after  6800+ QSOs  (1/6m,
        991/10m, 426/12m,  1671/15m,  703/17m,  997/20m,  574/30m,  1145/40m,
        257/80m, 38/160m). He  operated from  Andre's (PY0FF)  resort on  the
        island (http://www.noronha.com.br/). The final  logs are avalable  at
        http://www.qth.com/k7bv/py0f; QSL via KU9C. [TNX WC7N]
QSL DB: Boye Christensen, OZ7C has updated his QSL DBase (which now  contains
        283,612  unique  records)  for  Packet  Cluster.  You  can   download
        oz7c0106.exe at:
        A search  engine is  available at  http://www.hammall.com [TNX  OZ7C,

QSL received direct: 3D2AG/P, 3D2CI, 3G0Y, 3G0Z, 3Z1DXC, 5A1A, 5N9EAM,  5T5U,
5U2K, 5U3T, 5U5A, 5X1GS, 7Z1AC, BY6RC, CN8LI, D2BB, D4A, DS0NO, EK0I (AS-059,
09/91)EP3SMH,  EW4MM,  EZ0/UT3UV,  FO0BOG  (OC-067),FO0DER,  FO0POM,  FO0WEG,
FS/AH8DX, FY5KE,  H44MS, HC8N,  HL0O, J6/OH1HX,  JI3DST/6 (AS-012),  JI3DST/6
(AS-032), JI3DST/1 (AS-043), JI3DST/6  (AS-067), JI3DST/6 (AS-079),  JI3DST/8
(AS-147), JI3DST/JA6 (AS-049), JX7DFA, K5K, KG4VL, KH0A, KH8/N5OLS, KP2/K9TM,
LY5W, MJ/K3PLV, PJ7/G2GSJ, R200AP, R3RRC/6, RA1QQ/1 (EU-147), RF1P  (EU-102),
RI1OSW (EU-066),  S07U, S79WB,  SV1IW/8 (EU-174),  T32RD, TF8GX,  TG9/IK2NCJ,
TG9IGI, TX8G,  UK9AA,  V47UY, V51AS,  V63YT,  V73AX, V73CW,  VK9CXF,  VK9CXJ,
YJ0ABQ (OC-035), ZB2FK, ZF8/ZF2JC.

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425 DX News #527 [5/5]
  9 June 2001                      No 527                       $425WW527E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  10/06      3D2LB: Fiji (OC-016) * by GM3VLB                       525
till  09/06      5R8GY: Ile Sainte-Marie (AS-090) * by PA3GIO           525
till  19/06      7Q7YL, 7Q7CW, 7Q7DU, 7Q7EN, 7Q7KZ: Malawi * by JAs     526
till  11/06      8Q7WH: Maldives (AS-013) * by G3SWH                    519
till  2002       EM1HO: Galindez Island (AN-006)                        513
till  31/08      ES8SC: special call (Estonia)                          527
till  August     FO0CLA: French Polynesia and Australs * by F2HE        501
till  10/06      IK4RQJ/4, IK4ALM/4, IK4HLQ/4: EU-155                   527
till  31/07      IQ8MFC: special station                                523
till  12/06      JA6GXK: Me-shima, Danjo Islands (AS-056)               517
till  14/06      JT1Y: Mongolia * by I0SNY and others                   525
till  June       JW3FL: Hopen Is. (EU-063) * by LA3FL                   504
till  03/09      K1VSJ: Martha's Vineyard (NA-046)                      525
till  11/06      KH0/JA8CCL: Saipan (OC-086)                            526
till  12/06      MJ/DL1ZBO, MJ/DJ5BX, MJ/DF4OR: Jersey (EU-013)         521
till  31/12      OE75: special prefix (Austria)                         504
till  15/06      UA1TAN, UA1TBK, RA1TC: RR-17-02 and RR-17-01           527
till  19/06      VK8AN/6: Troughton Island (OC-154)                     519
till  31/08      VO2/K2FRD: Zone 2                                      526
till  14/06      VP5/W3RM and VP5/N3MT: Providenciales (NA-002)         525
till  20/06      XW0X: Laos * by JA2EZD/XW2A                            526
till  30/06      ZV3A: Ilha do Furado (DIB 62) * by PY3CEJ and PY3ZM    525
08/06-12/06      EA9/JI6KVR: Ceuta                                      517
08/06-20/06      SV8/IK0REH/P: Zakynthos (EU-052)                       526
08/06-10/06      Ham Com 2001 (Arlington, TX)                           510
09/06            IS0A: special station (Sardinia)                       525
09/06-12/06      KH2: Guam (OC-026) * by JAs                            523
09/06            F5SSM/P & F5IDJ/P: Berclau Isl (DIFI 59-001R, 62-001R) 527
09/06-10/06      JA6LCJ/6, JA6GIJ/6, JA6JPS/6: Danjo Islands (AS-056)   526
09/06-10/06      MJ/DL1ZBO: Jersey Island (EU-013)                      526
09/06-12/06      UA1NDX/p, RA1NO/p: Suisari Island (RRA 20-03)          526
06/06-10/06      OY/OH7KA: Faroe Islands (EU-018)                       526
09/06-16/06      SM7/DL5CX: EU-037                                      525
09/06-10/06      ANARTS WW RTTY Contest                                 ***
09/06            Portugal Day Contest                                   ***
10/06-30/07      3Z0GI: special station (Poland)                        527
10/06-22/06      G3HTA/p: Saint Mary's Island (EU-011)                  523
10/06-17/06      HF1UKF: Wolin Island (EU-132)                          525
10/06-22/06      OH0JWL, OH0JWH: Aland Isls (EU-002) * by DL5FF, DJ2PJ  525
10/06-13/06      UA6MC,RV6LSS,UA6LP,RK4HM,UX7IM,UR3IFD: RRA RR17-04     526
10/06-12/06      UE4LKI:  Krasnoyarski Island (RR-26-new)               527
11/06-13/06      AB7TL/6 and KM6RY: NA-066 * by LX1NO and LX2LX         525
11/06-18/06      FH/PA3GIO/p: Mayotte Island (AF-027)                   525
11/06-17/06      W2RA/VY0: Baffin Island (NA-047)                       527
12/06            N4DL: Treasure Island (NA-034)                         527
13/06-30/06      EN1MKN: Nyzhnii (SD-06) & Krymskyi (SD-07) isls        523
13/06-17/06      PQ7ZZ: Cabo Sao Roque Lighthouse (DFB RN-06)           527
13/06-19/06      SV1/NB9Q/p and SV1/NA9Q/p: Greece                      523
14/06-17/06      3Z0WI: Wolin Island (EU-132)                           527
14/06-18/06      FP/K4JZ: St. Pierre & Miquelon (NA-032)                523
14/06-17/06      SP2LLW/1, SP2CYK/1, SP2QCW/1: Wolin Island (EU-132)    527
14/06-17/06      UA6MC,RV6LSS,UA6LP,RK4HM,UX7IM,UR3IFD: RRA RR17-??     527
14/06-17/06      UR4RZA/p: Pravednyi Island (UIA DN 051)                527
15/06-15/07      CF2 and CG2: special prefixes (Canada)                 527
15/06-17/06      MD/AA8LL and MD/K8LIZ: Isle of Man (EU-116)            527
15/06-19/06      KH0N and WH0C: Mariana Islands (OC-086)                527
15/06-25/06      SW1SPA: Euboea Island                                  527
16/06-23/06      HR6/WA9YYY: Roatan Island (NA-057)                     527
16/06-30/06      SV5/GW0VSW: Rhodes (EU-001)                            527
16/06-21/06      VE2MAM: Grande Basque Island (NA-125)                  527
16/06-17/06      All Asian DX Contest (CW)                              517
17/06            IC8GVV: Punta Carena Lighthouse (WAIL CA-008)          527
17/06-19/06      KC6VNA: Santa Rosa Island (NA-144)                     527
18/06-23/06      XE: Isla Mujeres (NA-045) * by AB5EB and KB5SKN        525
19/06-23/06      EI/G6UW/P: EU-006, EU-007, EU-121                      527
19/06-22/06      FR/PA3GIO/p: Reunion Island (AF-016)                   525
20/06-03/07      SV5/NB9Q/p and SV5/NA9Q/p: Rhodes (EU-001)             523
21/06-22/06      XF3CI: Contoy Island (NA-045) * by XEs                 527
22/06-29/06      V3: Ambergris Caye (NA-073) * by W7AV                  527
22/06-31/08      VK8PW/8: Arnhem Land, Australia                        527
23/06-25/06      TA: Kefken Island (AS-???) * by TA2KI                  527
23/06-24/06      Marconi Memorial HF Contest                            ***
23/06-24/06      ARRL Field Day                                         ***
25/06-07/07      9A/S50IPA, S53IPA, S57AX/p: Kolocep Isl (EU-016)       525
26/06-27/06      TA0/SP6TPM/m: Gokceada (EU-186)                        527
29/06-01/07      4T: San Lorenzo Is. (SA-052) * by OA4AHW,OA4DJW,OA4DKC 523
28/06-29/06      TA0/SP6TPM/m: Bozcaada (AS-099)                        527
29/06-05/07      KG4ZI & KG4XE: Guantanamo (NA-015) * by W5OZI & AA5XE  527
29/06-05/07      OH6AW/8: Hailuoto Island (EU-184) * by OHs             527
29/06-01/07      Ham Fest  2001: Friedrichshafen (DL)                   519
30/06-21/07      9A/IN3YGW, 9A/IN3TJV, 9A/IN3DEI: Rab Island (EU-136)   527
30/06-19/07      9A/ON5JE: EU-170                                       527
30/06-09/07      C93AN, C93DU, C93EN, C93ET: Mozambique * by JAs        527
June-July        FO/F6FTL: Rangiroa (OC-066), French Polynesia          527
June             RA1QQ, RA1QY, RA1QCZ from Hvoshovik Island (RRA new)   526
June             YB8HZ, YC8HU, YD8EAQ, YD8GKZ: Sabalana Island (OC-???) 527