DX425 bulletin issue nr. 523

S DX@WW $425WW523A
425 DX News #523 [1/5]
  12 May 2001                      No 523                     $425WW523A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

                  >>> 425 DX NEWS - THE MONTHLY EDITION <<<

Put together by Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR/I1-21171, the monthly edition  (19
full colour  pages, with  pictures, graphs,  maps etc)  is now  available  at
http://www.425dxn.org/monthly/ and can be downloaded in either .pdf (2Mb)  or
.doc (3Mb) format.

3B6    - The 3B6RF  team on  Agalega will  have  to start  disassembling  the
         stations on Monday (14 May). They will leave the island on the 18th,
         but the port  is some  5 kilometres  away from  the operating  site.
         Check http://www.agalega2000.ch for on-line logs and latest news.
9A     - Fredi (9A5KV), Matko (9A3VM)  and Tom (9A2AA)  plan to operate  from
         the island  of Sveti  Andrija  (EU-016, LH  0383,  new one  for  the
         Islands Of Croatia Award) on 12-13 May. The new IOCA list is due  to
         be published on http://www.hamradio.hr [TNX 9A6AA]
9M6    - Danny, ON4ON and  Harvey, ON5SY  will operate  (possibly as  9M6ONT)
         from Sabah, East Malaysia between 21 and 30 May, including an  entry
         in the CW  WW WPX CW  Contest. QSL  via ON4ON  either direct  (Danny
         Commeyne, Rozenlaan  38,  8890 Dadizele,  Belgium)  or  through  the
         bureau. [TNX ON5SY]
BY     - David, BA4DW will be active  as BA4DW/2 with  100 watts and  dipoles
         (15, 20 and 30  metres) from Dachangshan,  Changshan Islands in  the
         Liaoning Province East group  (AS-???) on 17-22  May. QSL via  BA4DW
         (David Y. J. Zhou, P.O. Box  040-088, Shanghai 200040, China).  [TNX
CU     - CQ3E is currently active from the  Selvagens Islands (AF-047)  until
         15 May. QSL via CT3HV. [TNX DX Newsletter]
CX     - Jorge, CX6VM reports he will participate in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest
         as CW6V (SOAB TS). He plans to operate  mainly on 10, 15, 20 and  40
         metres. QSL via W3HNK.
DL     - Rolf, DL6ZFG plans to operate (on 10, 15 and 20 metres) from  Ummanz
         Island (EU-057) between 14 and  18-19 May. QSL  via home call.  [TNX
         The Daily DX]
EA     - Look  for  Pepe, EA5KB  to  operate  (on 17 and 12  metres CW)  from
         Penyeta  del Moro (EU-151) on 12-13 May. On 13 May he will be joined
         by EA5DHK who will operate on 40 metres SSB. [TNX EA5KB]
F      - Special station TM0AR will be activated on 10-40 metres, WARC  bands
         included, from 15 to  27 May during  the "International Festival  of
         Art and Technologies". QSL via F5TJC (Jean-Louis Briere-Lecomte,  18
         Le Petit Saint Louis, route de Theligny, 72400 Cormes, France). [TNX
F      - Dom, F5SJB reports  he will be  signing TM5CW between  21 May and  4
         June, including an entry in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest. QSL via F5SJB.
FP     - Wendell, K4JZ  reports he  will operate  (on  10-40 metres  SSB)  as
         FP/K4JZ from  St. Pierre  & Miquelon  (NA-032)  on 14-18  June.  QSL
         direct to K4JZ.
G      - Look for G0KJW/p and G0OWE/p to be active from Longstone  Lighthouse
         (LH 0234 for the WLH Award) on 13 May. QSL via home calls. [VA3RJ]
G      - Paul/G0WRE,  Tony/G0VBD,  Len/M0BOS,  Paul/G0XBI,  Terry/G0WAB   and
         John/G4WXO will be active  as GB0HI from  Hilbre Island (EU-120)  on
         25-28 May. QSL via G0WRE either  direct or through the RSGB  bureau.
         [TNX G0WRE]
G      - John, G3HTA will be operating (all bands 80-10 metres CW and SSB) as
         G3HTA/p from the island of Saint Mary's (Isles of Scilly, EU-011) on
         10-22  June.  Look  for  him  mostly  between  07.00-09.30  UTC  and
         17.00-23.00 UTC. QSL via home call. [TNX G3HTA]
GI     - The Bangor & District ARS  (http://welcome.to/bdars) will be  active
         from Rathlin Island (EU-122) on 1-3 June. Operators include  GI4XSF,
         GI4VIV, G0HWO,  MI5AFL,  MI0AEX, GI4AAM  and  GI6JGB and  they  will
         operate as GN3XRQ on  all HF bands,  mainly on SSB  and CW. QSL  via
         GI3XRQ either direct or through the bureau. [TNX GI4XSF]
HC8    - Kay, K6KO and Ken, K6TA will operate (CW, SSB and RTTY) as  K6KO/HC8
         and K6TA/HC8  from  the Galapagos  Islands  (SA-004)  for  one  week
         starting on 19 May. QSL via  WM6A (P.O. Box  73, Martell, CA  95654,
         USA). [TNX The Daily DX]
HR     - Hiro, JA6WFM moved to Honduras in  April and will  be there for  one
         year. He will operate as HR3WFM on HF and 6 metres SSB and CW.  [TNX
I      - Look for Tony, IK8VRH and Antonio, IK8UHA to operate from  Ventotene
         (EU-045, IIA LT-011)  on 9-16  May. QSL  via IK8VRH  (P.O. Box  173,
         80016 Marano, NA- Italy). [TNX IK8VRH]
I      - Special station IQ8MFC  will be active  (on CW, SSB,  RTTY, PSK  and
         SSTV) through 31 July to celebrate the centenary of Marconi's  First
         transatlantic Contact  between Great  Britain and  Newfoundland  (12
         December 1901). Special QSL via IZ8AJQ either direct (Erminio Cioffi
         di Michele, Piazza Umberto I 16,  84036 Sala Consilina - SA,  Italy)
         or through the bureau. [TNX IZ8AJQ]
JA     - Special station 8J0ITU will be  active from Nagano  on 12-20 May  to
         celebrate the International Telecommunications Day. Gil K. Miyazawa,
         JA0DWY will operate this station on 17-20 May; look for him on 10-80
         metres (WARC bands included) mainly  CW with some  SSB. QSL via  the
         JARL bureau. [TNX JA0DWY]
JT     - Nicola, I0SNY reports the JT1Y operation from Mongolia [425DXN  519]
         is confirmed to start on 29 May. Activity is expected to take  place
         on CW (28015, 24895,  21015, 18075, 14015,  10105, 7005, 3505,  1825
         and 50110 kHz)  and SSB (28485,  24985, 21285,  18145, 14185,  7045,
         3780, 1840  and 50140  kHz); special  attention will  be paid  to  6
KH1    - Raymundo, YS1RR announced  that the same  operators who were  active
         from Conway Reef last February are planning a DXpedition to Baker  &
         Howland Islands. It  should take place  on either  September/October
         2001 or February/March 2002. Further information is expected in  due
KH2    - Yoshi, JE2EHP reports that six operators  from Japan will be  active
         (on 160-6 metres) from Guam Island  (OC-026) between 9 and 12  June.
         The callsigns and QSL information are as follows:
         K1HP/KH2   (Yoshi)  via JE2EHP
         N3WW/KH2   (Ban)    via JF2WXS
         KH2/JH2CYU (Michy)  via JH2CYU
         KH2/JH2QFY (Aki)    via JH2QFY
         KH2/JJ2CYO (Yasu)   via JJ2CYO
         KH2/JS2ITP (Yasu)   via JS2ITP
KH6    - Oliver, DH5PK  will  operate (on  10-40  metres) as  KH6/DH5PK  from
         Kauai, Hawaii (OC-019) on 18-27 May. QSL via home call. [TNX DH5PK]
KL     - The Alaska Island Runners (http://www.qsl.net/kl1sle) are planning a
         trip  to  Fire  Island  (NA-158)  this  summer  or  autumn.  Further
         information is expected in due course. [TNX KL7FH and Islands On The
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425 DX News #523 [2/5]
  12 May 2001                      No 523                     $425WW523B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

OA     - Manuel (OA4AHW) Sergio (OA4DKC) and Pablo (OA4DJW) plane to operate
         from San Lorenzo Island (SA-052) with a special call 4T (on 10 - 80
         metres),  on  29 June - 1 July,  but  this date can  suffer changes
         depending of the paperwork. QSL via OA4DJW. [TNX OA4DJW]
OJ0    - Arne/LA3IKA  Bjorn/LA5UKA,  Paul/LA6YEA  and  Trond/LA9VDA  will  be
         signing OJ0/home call from Market Reef (EU-053) on 5-8 August. Lars,
         OH0RJ has been invited to join the team. They will operate on  2-160
         metres SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL OJ0/LA6YEA via LA9VDA, others via  home
         calls. Further information will be available on Trond's web pages at
         http://www.qsl.net/la9vda [TNX LA9VDA]
OY     - United Radio team members Max/ON5UR and Wim/ON4CJI will operate (10,
         15, 20, 40, 80, 160 and  6 metres) as OY9UR  from the Faroe  Islands
         (EU-018) between 28 May and 7  June. Wim will  operate PSK and  they
         plan to participate in the 6 metres contest on 2-3 June. QSL  direct
         to OY9UR,  United  Radio, P.O.Box  33,  Zichem 3271,  Belgium.  [TNX
P2     - Ron, VK3IO will be active as P29IO from Papua New Guinea between  18
         May and 22 August. QSL via VK3IO. [TNX The Daily DX]
PA     - Club  station  PI4TIL  (pi4til-clubstation@home.nl)  will  use   the
         special call PA6T between  27 May and  3 June. Look  for them to  be
         active on 10, 15 and 20 metres SSTV between 18 and 22 UTC on 30 May,
         while on 2-3 June they will be  active on 80-6m, 2m, 70cm, 23cm  and
         13cm and  will operate  CW,  SSB, SSTV,  RTTY,  PSK31, ATV  and  via
         satellite. [TNX PA3DZM]
PJ2    - Bristol Contest  Group members  G6YB,  G3RFX, G3TKF,  G3XSV,  G4FKA,
         G4HFX, G0WKW, M0AXF and M0WLF will  be active (on  all HF bands  SSB
         and CW) as PJ2/home call from Curacao (SA-006), Netherlands Antilles
         from 19 through 31 July. They  will participate in the IOTA  Contest
         as PJ2Y. QSL PJ2Y via G3SWH; others via home call. [TNX G3XSV]
SV5    - Arlyce, NB9Q and Mike Nowack, NA9Q will operate (on all bands  10-40
         metres SSB, CW and PSK31) as  SV5/NB9Q/p and SV5/NA9Q/p from  Rhodes
         (EU-001) from  20  June through  3  July. Before  going  to  Rhodes,
         between 13  and 19  June,  they will  be  active as  SV1/NB9Q/p  and
         SV1/NA9Q/p from Athens. QSLs via home calls. [TNX NA9Q]
         and UR0ML will  operate (on all  bands SSB  and CW)  as EN1MKN  from
         Nyzhnii (SD-06  for  the Ukrainian  Islands  Award,  not  IOTA)  and
         Krymskyi (UIA SD-07, not IOTA) Islands  between 13 and 30 June.  QSL
         via UX7MA (P.O.Box 22, Stakhanov, 94000, Ukraine). [TNX UX7MA]
VE     - Helen/VE2YAK,  Reg/VE2AYU,   Fred/VE2SEI,   Jeff/VE2TBH,   Al/VO1NO,
         Richard/VE2DX and Andrew/VE2WHO will be active (on 10-80 metres  SSB
         and CW) from Ile du Cap  aux Meules (NA-038, C.IS.A PQ-004)  between
         25 July and 1 August, including  an entry in the IOTA Contest.  [TNX
         The Daily DX]
VK     - The  Eastern  and  Mountain  Districts  Radio  club  will  again  be
         activating (on  10, 15  and 20  metres) the  special event  callsign
         AX3ITU to celebrate the International  Telecommunications Day on  17
         May. All QSOs will be confirmed via the bureau within 90 days of the
         event. Direct cards should be sent  to VK3ER (P.O. Box 87,  Mitcham,
         3131 Australia). [TNX VK3TZ]
W      - The Roane County Amateur Radio  Club (KW4JS) will  be QRV (on  20-10
         metres) from around 13.00 UTC on 19 May from Thief Neck Island  (not
         IOTA), located in the Tennessee River, Roane County. QSL via  KW4JS.
         [TNX VA3RJ]
W      - Operators from  the  Mississippi  Coast  Amateur  Radio  Association
         (http://www.qsl.net/mcara) will  operate (hopefully  with a  special
         event callsign) a tall 160m vertical over salt water from a pier  in
         the Gulf of  Mexico from 22  UTC on 20  May to 13  UTC on the  21st.
         Proposed CW frequency is 1803 kHz.  This will be a privately  funded
         experiment to  check propagation  at the  sunspot peak.  For  latest
         information please check  the website above.  QSL to  w5tht@arrl.net
         (please include your grid square on reports). [TNX W5THT & N5FG]
W      - The Old Barney ARC will operate as W2T from the lighthouse on Tucker
         Island  (NA-111)  during   the  International   Lighthouse/Lightship
         Weekend from 13 UTC on 18 August through 23 UTC on the 19th. QSL via
         N2OO (Bob Schenck,  P.O. Box 345,  Tuckerton, NJ  08087, USA).  [TNX
XE     - It has been announced that Victor, XE1UQZ plans to be active (on 10,
         15, 20,  40  and 80  metres  SSB and  CW)  as XF2UQZ  from  Isla  de
         Sacrificios (NA-???)  between 11  and 15  May.  QSL via  home  call.
         Victor's previous operation from this island in October 2000 [425DXN
         492] did not meet IOTA requirements for the issue of a new Reference
         Number. [TNX Islands On The Web]
XX9    - Arto, OH2KW will  be active as  XX9TKW from Macau  on 18-20 May  and
         again during the  CQ WW WPX  CW Contest.  QSL via  OH2KW. [TNX  OPDX
YB     - Joni, YC9WZJ reports he might operate as YC9WZJ/8 from Tidore Island
         (OC-145) between 10 UTC on 22 May and 5 UTC on the 25th.
YO     - Jean-Michel, editor of Les Nouvelles DX, reports he will once  again
         be active as  YO/F6AJA from  the QTH  of YO8FZ  in Suceava,  Romania
         between 14 and 20 May. QSL via F6AJA.
ZK1_nc - Victor, ZK1CG  reports that  the operation  from Manihiki  (OC-014),
         North Cooks [425DXN 515] is now scheduled to take place starting  on
         18 October for two  weeks, including an  entry in the  CQ WW SSB  DX
         Contest. "We need to get some ham radio gear down to Rarotonga so we
         can ship to Manihiki before October", Victor says. "We would like to
         know if anyone is planning a  vacation or trip  to the Cook  Islands
         before  October".  If  you  can  help.  please  contact  Victor   at
ZK1_sc - Carsten, DL1EFD will be active (on 10-80 metres mostly CW) as ZK1EFD
         from Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Islands  between 16 and 29  May,
         includind an entry in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest. QSL via DL1EFD. [TNX
         The Daily DX]
ZL7    - Ed, K8VIR is now active  from Chatham  as  ZL7IR. QSL via W8WC (Bill
         Coale, 605 S. Broad Street, Holly, MI 48442, USA).

PACIFIC TRIP (1)  ---> Gerard, PA3AXU  will be active  as T30XU from  Tarawa,
West Kiribati (OC-017) on 4-10 September. He will then move to Nauru (OC-031)
and operate as C21XU from 11 to 19 September.  His last stop will be on  Fiji
(OC-016), where he will operate as 3D2XU from 20 to 28 September. He plans to
be active  on  all  bands  and  modes. The  web  page  for  the  trip  is  at
http://www.qsl.net/pa3axu/2001/. [TNX VA3RJ]

PACIFIC TRIP (2) ---> Bert, PA3GIO plans to operate (on 10-80 metres SSB)  as
VK9CQ from Cocos/Keeling (OC-003) between 8  and 14 September, as VK9XV  from
Christmas Island (OC-002) between 15 and 22 September and as VK9LO from  Lord
Howe Island (OC-004) between 9 and  15 October (actual  dates will depend  on
flight schedules). QSL via PA3GIO either  direct (Bert vd Berg, Parklaan  38,
NL-3931 KK Woudenberg, The Netherlands) or preferably through the bureau. The
web pages for his activities are at http://www.pa3gio.nl/VK9CQ/, /VK9XV/  and
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425 DX News #523 [3/5]
  12 May 2001                      No 523                     $425WW523C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

ASSISTANCE  NEEDED  --->  The  Yasme  Foundation  (http://www.yasme.org)  has
commissioned a full-length history of the foundation and a biography of Lloyd
Colvin, W6KG (who died in 1993) and Iris Colvin, W6QL (who died in 1998). The
assistance of Radio Amateurs and others  around the world  is sought in  this
effort. The foundation has retained freelance writer Jim Cain, K1TN, to write
the book. Anyone with information to share (reminiscences, anecdotes, photos,
etc.) may contact him at yasmebook@mybizz.net

QSL 4W/N5KO, 4W/W3UR, E44DX, H40AA, TX0DX ---> Effective 15 May, late  QSLing
of E44DX, H40AA, 4W/N5KO and 4W/W3UR  will be done by  Steve, KU9C. A  "combo
late request  QSL-card' has  been designed  to confirm  these requests.  "The
procedure we use is to keep answering all direct request for 18 to 24  months
from the time  of the actual  DXpedition and at  the end of  that period  all
remaining QSOs  will  be QSLed  through  the bureau  network",  Jarmo,  OH2BN
reports. In the case of TX0DX, we will keep answering all direct requests  up
to September 2001 when the bureau release will take place.  All TX0DX  direct
requests have been answered as of today and we hold no backlog". [TNX N4GN]

QSL 5A24PA  ---> Alex,  PA1AW has  received the  logs  and expects  to  start
sending out the  cards around mid-June.  QSLs should go  to Alex van  Hengel,
Schoener 85, 2991JK Barendrecht, The Netherlands. [TNX PA1AW]

QSL 5U7JK ---> The QSL manager for  Jim, 5U7JK is I2YSB (Silvano Borsa,  P.O.
Box 45, 27036 Mortara - PV, Italy).

QSL A52UD ---> QSLs for all valid call signs in the A52UD log not  previously
answered direct have been prepared and  sent through the bureau system.  Work
is now  proceeding on  outstanding requests  for QSLs  from Charly's  (K4VUD)
activity as HS0ZCW, XW1UD, 9N1UD and 9N7UD.

QSL AS-096 ---> QSLs for the recent operation from the St. Mary Isles are  to
be sent to the single operators, either direct or through the bureau.  Direct
cards for contacts with multiple operators  can also be sent  to The MIT  Ham
Club (VU2MHC),  Manipal Institute  Of Technology,  Manipal 576119,  India  or
Mangalore Amateur Radio  Club, P.O. Box  1006, Mangalore  575008, India.  For
further information please visit http://www.vuiota.com

QSL EZ56V ---> Vit, EZ8CW reports  that cards for this special event  station
should be sent direct to EZ3A through the following address: Vitaly Dotsenko,
P.O.Box 73, Ashgabat-20, 744020, Turkmenistan.

QSL FR/F6KDF/T ---> Gil, F5NOD reports  that some 1500 QSLs were mailed  this
week. Another 800 cards will be mailed at the end of the month, and this will
be the last batch of QSLs for requests received in 2000.

QSL HK3JJH/HK0M  --->  Pedro  logged  15,000+  QSOs  during  his  month  long
operation from Malpelo and Carl, N4AA expects to have the logs by 1 June. QSL
to Carl Smith, P.O. Box 249, Leicester, NC 28748-0249, USA. [TNX N4AA]

QSL OZ7D ---> Allis,  OZ1ACB (Allis Andersen,  Kagsaavej 34, DK-2730  Herlev,
Denmark) is the new QSL manager for the Danish HQ station, OZ7D. She has  the
logs only for the 1997 and 1998 IARU Contests. OZ7D operated during the  1998
SAC Contest as well, but the log was lost due to a computer problem.

QSL SA-030 ---> Pepe, EA5KB reports that 98 direct cards for CV1Z (2000)  and
33 direct cards for CV0Z  (1996) were mailed  on 7 May.  Other 115 cards  for
CV1Z and CV0Z  were requested along  with CW0Z (2001)  and will be  processed
when Pepe receives the CW0Z cards from the printer in late May. Cards  should
be sent to Jose F. Ardid Arlandis, Apartado 5013, 46080 Valencia, Spain.

QSL V5/ZS4NS ---> Please note that cards for Nico's recent activity from
Namibia should be sent to his QSL manager, N7RO (not to ZS4NS).

SEANET CONVENTION --->  The 29th Seanet  Convention will took  place on  9-11
November in Kota  Kinabalu, Sabah,  East Malaysia.  Details can  be found  at
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  12 May 2001                      No 523                     $425WW523D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****

                       >>> DXCC MOST WANTED SUREVY <<<
These are the results of the recent 425 DX News DXCC Most Wanted survey. Many

thanks to all those who participated.

Rank Prefix Country         Needed by   Rank Prefix Country         Needed by
 1 P5       North Korea        99.53%   52 VK9/W    Willis Isls         9.89%
 2 VU4      Andaman & Nicobar  54.38%   53 ZK1/N    North Cook Isls     9.79%
 3 BS7H     Scarborough Reef   53.17%   54 FO/A     Austral Isls        9.70%
 4 VU7      Lakshadweep Isls   42.91%   55 KH4      Midway Isls         9.51%
 5 VP8/S    South Sandwich I   37.87%   55 S2       Bangladesh          9.51%
 6 3Y       Peter I Island     34.33%   57 VK0/M    Macquarie Island    9.33%
 7 7O       Yemen              33.49%   58 9L       Sierra Leone        9.24%
 8 FR/J     Juan de Nova       31.25%   59 3C       Equatorial Guinea   8.77%
 9 VK9M     Mellish Reef       30.04%   60 9U       Burundi             8.49%
10 KH1      Baker & Howland I  28.73%   61 JD1O     Ogasawara           8.30%
11 VP8/G    South Georgia Isl  28.64%   61 ZD9      Tristan da Cunha    8.30%
12 KP5      Desecheo Island    28.17%   63 1A0      S.M.O.M.            8.12%
13 KP1      Navassa Island     27.43%   63 KH5K     Kingman Reef        8.12%
14 VP8/O    South Orkney Isls  25.28%   63 ZL9      Auckland & Campbell 8.12%
14 YA       Afghanistan        25.28%   66 ZK2      Niue                7.84%
16 YV0      Aves Island        24.63%   67 3X       Guinea              7.74%
17 FT5X     Kerguelen Isls     22.67%   68 VK9/L    Lord Howe Island    7.65%
18 KH7K     Kure Island        22.48%   69 9Q       Dem. Rep. of Congo  7.37%
19 FT5W     Crozet Isls        22.39%   69 FR/T     Tromelin Island     7.37%
20 CE0X     San Felix & S.A.   21.83%   69 VK9/X    Christmas Island    7.37%
20 ZS8      Marion Isls        21.83%   72 TY       Benin               7.09%
22 3Y       Bouvet Island      20.24%   73 ZL7      Chatham Isls        7.00%
23 FR/G     Glorioso Isls      19.59%   73 4W       East Timor          7.00%
24 PY0T     Trindade           19.12%   75 YI       Iraq                6.81%
25 TI9      Cocos Island       19.03%   76 H4       Solomon Isls        6.72%
26 KH3      Johnston Island    18.75%   76 S0       Western Sahara      6.72%
27 ZL8      Kermadec Isls      18.66%   78 9N       Nepal               6.53%
28 3B6-7    Agalega & St. Br.  18.10%   78 C2       Nauru               6.53%
29 3C0      Annobon Island     17.44%   80 FO/C     Clipperton Island   6.44%
30 T5       Somalia            16.51%   80 XZ       Myanmar             6.44%
31 KH9      Wake Island        15.95%   82 T30      West Kiribati       6.25%
32 VK0/H    Heard Island       15.58%   83 EP       Iran                6.06%
33 3D2C     Conway Reef        15.02%   83 T2       Tuvalu              6.06%
33 HK0/M    Malpelo Island     15.02%   85 HK0S     San Andres & Prov.  5.50%
35 PY0S     St.Peter & St.Paul 13.99%   85 J5       Guinea-Bissau       5.50%
36 FT5Z     Amsterdam St.Paul  13.62%   87 T32      East Kiribati       5.41%
36 H40      Temotu Province    13.62%   88 XW       Laos                5.32%
38 SV/A     Mount Athos        12.59%   89 3D2/R    Rotuma Island       5.22%
39 FO/M     Marquesas Isls     12.03%   89 E4       Palestine           5.22%
39 ZK3      Tokelau Isls       12.03%   91 TT       Chad                5.13%
41 XF4      Revilla Gigedo     11.94%   91 ZC4      UK Bases on Cyprus  5.13%
42 CY0      Sable Island       11.75%   93 A5       Bhutan              5.04%
43 ST       Sudan              11.38%   94 4U       United Nations HQ   4.94%
43 T33      Banaba Island      11.38%   94 VP8      South Shetland Isls 4.94%
45 KH5      Palmyra & Jarvis I 11.29%   96 3W       Vietnam             4.66%
46 T31      Central Kiribati   10.91%   97 5W       Samoa               4.48%
47 FK/C     Chesterfield Isls  10.73%   98 E3       Eritrea             4.38%
48 JD1/M    Minami Torishima   10.63%   99 CY9      St. Paul Island     4.29%
49 TN       Congo              10.54%   99 R1M      Malyy Vysotskiy Isl 4.29%
50 BV9P     Pratas Island      10.17%   99 XU       Cambodia            4.29%
50 VK9/C    Cocos-Keeling Isls 10.17%   99 ZK1/S    South Cook Isls     4.29%

Direct QSLs received: 3C1AG, 3D2AG, 4U1VIC,  4W/K7BV, 5A1A, 6Y5/WT6G,  7X4AN,
8Q7DD, 9H1EL, 9M6BAA, 9M6SMT, 9N7RB, 9V1CP,  A35AD, A92GE, C56/DL7CM,  C6AGS,
C91RF/P (AF-088), CE0ZIS,  CO0OTA, CO1OTA (NA-093),  CO7OTA (NA-086),  CO8OTA
(NA-218), CO9OTA (NA-201), CQ9S (AF-047), D44BS, D68BT, D68WL, EM1HO,  EP2FM,
EP2MKO, ER230C, ES4ABO/8 (EU-178), FO8AA, FR/F6KDF/T (AF-031), FR5DX,  FY5KE,
GD4PTV, GH0STH/P,  H44MS (OC-162  and OC-168),  HK6DOS, HR3/HR1RMG  (NA-160),
J28CDX (AF-059), J68AM,  J79GU, J79K,  JD1BIA (AS-031),  JY4NE, K5K,  KB5GL/5
(NA-082), LZ1NG/1 (EU-181), KP2/NU0Q,  MD/DL5AXX, OH0JTU,  OH1LU/P  (EU-096),
OH2U, P49V, PJ5/UA1ACX (NA-145), PV5IOTA (SA-088), PZ5JR, S21YV, S92SV, TD0G,
TF3DX, TS7N, V26B, V73GJ, VE7QCR/P (NA-061), VK0MM, VK4FW/P (OC-160),  VK6HD,
VK9EHH, VK9NOO, VP2E,  VP2EK, VP2VI, VU2HFR (AS-153), WP3A,  XV5VE  (AS-132),

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425 DX News #523 [5/5]
  12 May 2001                      No 523                     $425WW523E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  16/05      3B6RF: Agalega (AF-001)                                523
till  16/05      5V: Togo * by IV3TDM                                   522
till  27/05      8J3EAG: special event station (Japan)                  519
till  14/05      W4WX/C6A: Treasure Cay (NA-080), Bahamas               521
till  15/05      CQ3E: Selvagens Islands (AF-047)                       523
till  25/05      D70IAF: special station (Korea)                        517
till  2002       EM1HO: Galindez Island (AN-006)                        513
till  August     FO0CLA: French Polynesia and Australs * by F2HE        501
till  16/05      I: Ventotene Isl. (EU-045) * by IK8VRH and IK8UHA      523
till  31/07      IQ8MFC: special station                                523
till  13/05      JU1O: Mongolia                                         521
till  June       JW3FL: Hopen Is. (EU-063) * by LA3FL                   504
till  13/05      KH2/JM1YGG: Guam (OC-026) * by JAs                     522
till  31/12      OE75: special prefix (Austria)                         504
till  15/05      SO1VOX: Wolin Island (EU-132) * by DL7VOX              521
till  22/05      SV9/PA9JJ: Crete (EU-015)                              519
till  16/05      V47UY: Nevis * by KJ4UY                                519
till  22/05      VK8AN/6: Troughton Island (OC-154)                     519
till  19/05      UA1PBP/9: AS-089                                       522
till  17/05      ZD8Z: Ascension Island (AF-003) * by N6TJ              521
till  ??         ZL7IR * by K8VIR                                       523
11/05-14/05      N6UB: Santa Catalina Island (NA-066)                   522
11/05-13/05      T88LJ: Palau (OC-009) * by JM1LJS                      519
11/05-15/05      XF2UQZ: Isla de Sacrificios (NA-???) * by XE1UQZ       523
12/05-20/05      8J0ITU: special station (Japan)                        523
12/05-17/05      8P9BK: Barbados (NA-021) * by DL1DA                    522
12/05-13/05      9A5KV, 9A3VM, 9A2AA: Sveti Andrija (EU-016)            523
12/05-13/05      EA5KB and EA5DHK: Penyeta del Moro (EU-151)            523
12/05-19/05      IA5: Elba (EU-028) * by ON4BBA and others              513
12/05-13/05      RP3RST, RP3RTG, RP3RTK, RP3RZK: special stations       521
12/05-13/05      VOLTA WW RTTY Contest                                  ***
12/05-13/05      CQ-M International DX Contest                          ***
13/05            G0KJW/p and G0OWE/p: Longstone Lighthouse              523
14/05-18/05      DL6ZFG: Ummanz Island (EU-057)                         523
14/05-20/05      YO/F6AJA: Romania                                      523
15/05-27/05      TM0AR: special station (France)                        523
16/05-29/05      ZK1EFD: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cooks * by DL1EFD    523
17/05            AX3ITU: special event station                          523
17/05-22/05      BA4DW/2: Dachangshan Island (AS-???)                   523
18/05-27/05      KH6/DH5PK: Kauai, Hawaii (OC-019)                      523
18/05-22/08      P29IO: Papua New Guinea * by VK3IO                     523
18/05-20/05      XX9TKW: Macau * by OH2KW                               523
19/05-26/05      K6KO/HC8 and K6TA/HC8: Galapagos (SA-004)              523
19/05            KW4JS: Thief Neck Island (not IOTA)                    523
19/05-26/05      OZ: Langeland Island (EU-172) * by DLs                 519
19/05-20/05      Baltic Contest                                         ***
20/05-29/05      6Y1A, N6BT/6Y5, KE7X/6Y5, N6XG/6Y5, K2KW/6Y5: Jamaica  521
21/05-30/05      9M6: Sabah, East Malaysia * by ON4ON and ON5SY         523
21/05-04/06      TM5CW: special call (France) * by F5SJB                523
22/05-25/05      YC9WZJ/8: Tidore Island (OC-145)                       523
23/05-27/05      IB0S: Santo Stefano Island (EU-045)                    515
23/05-03/06      IG9/F5TGR: Lampedusa (AF-019)                          521
24/05-01/06      PY0F: Fernando de Noronha (SA-003) * by K7BV           521
25/05-28/05      GB0HI: Hilbre Island (EU-120) * by Gs                  523
25/05-31/05      JW7FJA: Svalbard (EU-026) * by LA7FJA                  521
26/05-27/05      CQ WW WPX Contest (CW)                                 ***
27/05-08/06      OZ/DL7VOX/p: North Jylland (EU-171)                    521
27/05-03/06      PA6T: special call * by PI4TIL                         523
27/05-03/06      SV: Thassos Island (EU-174) * by ON6HE, ON5CT, ON4AAC  517
28/05-07/06      OY9UR: Faroe Islands (EU-018) * by ONs                 523
from  29/05      JT1Y: Mongolia * by I0SNY and others                   523
01/06-03/06      3A/IK5GQK, 3A/IK5YOJ, 3A/IW5BZQ, 3A/IW5EDQ: Monaco     522
01/06-03/06      GN3XRQ: Rathlin Island (EU-122) * by GIs               523
01/06-12/06      JA6GXK: Me-shima, Danjo Islands (AS-056)               517
01/06-09/06      JW0PK: Prins Karls Forland (EU-063)                    521
01/06-04/06      Major Six Club Contest                                 ***
02/06-03/06      IA5/: Giglio Island (EU-028) * by IK2s                 521
02/06-03/06      IG9SIX: Lampedusa Island (AF-019)                      519
02/06-03/06      WW South America CW Contest                            ***
02/06-03/06      IARU Region 1 Field Day (CW)                           ***
04/06-11/06      8Q7WH: Maldives (AS-013) * by G3SWH                    519
05/06-19/06      VK8AN/6: Troughton Island (OC-154)                     519
06/06-31/08      VO2/K2FRD: Zone 2                                      517
07/06-12/06      MJ/DL1ZBO, MJ/DJ5BX, MJ/DF4OR: Jersey (EU-013)         521
08/06-12/06      EA9/JI6KVR: Ceuta                                      517
08/06-10/06      Ham Com 2001 (Arlington, TX)                           510
09/06-12/06      KH2: Guam (OC-026) * by JAs                            523
09/06-10/06      ANARTS WW RTTY Contest                                 ***
09/06            Portugal Day Contest                                   ***
10/06-22/06      G3HTA/p: Saint Mary's Island (EU-011)                  523
13/06-30/06      EN1MKN: Nyzhnii (SD-06) & Krymskyi (SD-07) isls        523
13/06-19/06      SV1/NB9Q/p and SV1/NA9Q/p: Greece                      523
14/06-18/06      FP/K4JZ: St. Pierre & Miquelon (NA-032)                523
16/06-17/06      All Asian DX Contest (CW)                              517
20/06-03/07      SV5/NB9Q/p and SV5/NA9Q/p: Rhodes (EU-001)             523
23/06-24/06      Marconi Memorial HF Contest                            ***
23/06-24/06      ARRL Field Day                                         ***
29/06-01/07      4T: San Lorenzo Is. (SA-052) * by OA4AHW,OA4DJW,OA4DKC 523
29/06-01/07      Ham Fest  2001: Friedrichshafen (DL)                   519
June             TA: Kefken Island (AS-???) * by TA2KI                  513