S DX@WW $425WW521A 425 DX News #521 [1/5] 28 April 2001 No 521 $425WW521A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3B6 - The 3B6RF DXpedition to Agalega [425DXN 517] is expected to start a couple of days earlier than planned. The team will fly to Agalega on 2 May and should be on the air by the 3rd. All-band all-mode operations will end on 16 May. QSL via HB9AGH (Ambrosi Fleutsch, Lerchenweg 29, CH 8046 Zurich, Switzerland); QSL for North America (USA, Canada and Mexico) stations only via N3SL (Steve Larson, 22 N. Hidden Acres Drive, Sioux City, Iowa 51108, USA). Latest information and full details on the operation are available at http://www.agalega2000.ch 6Y - N6BT, KE7X, N6XG and K2KW will participate in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest (26-27 May) as 6Y1A from Jamaica (NA-097). Outside the contest, look for operations using homecall/6Y5 from 20 to 29 May. They will operate on 40-6 metres, with special emphasis given on the WARC bands and 6 metres. QSLs 6Y1A and K2KW/6Y5 via WA4WTG, others via homecall. Questions may be sent to Kenny, K2KW (k2kw@prodigy.net), or visit http://www.k2kw.com for information. [TNX K2KW] 9A - Dusan, S52DG will be active (on 10-80 metres SSB and CW) as 9A/S52DG/P from Krk Island (EU-136, CI-046) between 29 April and 1 May. QSL via home call. [TNX S52DG] AP - Robert, S53R reports he will start a new assignment with the U.N. in early May. His first stop will be in Pakistan and he will try to sign AP2ARS as much as possible. Operation will be on 40-10 metres, WARC bands included, almost exclusively on CW. C6 - Bill, W4WX will be operating as W4WX/C6A from Treasure Cay (NA-080), Bahamas on 7-14 May. He will be active on RTTY and some SSB on the WARC bands. QSL via home call. [TNX W4WX] DL - DL5XL/p will be active (10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 metres CW only) from Helgoland Island (EU-127) on 28-29 July. He plans to participate in the Single OP 24hr CW Island class of the RSGB IOTA contest. QSL via DL5XL either direct (P.O. Box 1253, D-30984 Gehrden, Germany) or through the bureau. Further information is available at http://www.dl5xl.de/ [TNX VA3RJ] F - Francois, F2GL will be active (on 10-80 metres CW and SSB) from Houat Island (EU-048, DIFM AT-016) between 30 April and 6 May. QSL via home call. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] F - The Council of Europe Amateur Radio Club (TP2CE) will be activated as TP5CE on 4-6 May to celebrate the anniversary day of the Council of Europe. Activity is expected to take place on SSB (10 metres and WARC bands), CW (all bands) and RTTY (20 metres). QSL via F6FQK. [TNX F6FQK] GJ - Rainer (DL1ZBO), Tilo (DJ5BX) and Ekki (DF4OR) will be MJ/ from Jersey (EU-013) on 7-12 June. They will participate in the ANARTS Contest and be active on CW and SSB before and after the event. [TNX DF4OR] HC8 - N5KO, W6OAT, K6TA, K6KO, N0JK and K5PI will participate in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest as HC8N (Multi-Multi) from the Galapagos (SA-004). QSL via AA5BT. [TNX N5KO] HL - Lee, HL1IWD is sorry to report that the 5-6 May DS0DX/2 IOTA DXpedition to the Kangwon-Do Province group (AS-???) [425DXN 517] has been cancelled as the group has not been given the final landing permission from the military authorities. HV - Vatican station HV5PUL will be active on 3 May starting around 8 UTC. Activity is expected to take place on HF bands as well as on 6 and 2 metres. [TNX IW0DJB] I - Erminio, IE9/IZ8AJQ and Mario, IE9/IZ8DBJ are currently active from Ustica (EU-051) [425DXN 519] and plan to operate from the lighthouse at Punta Omo Morto (WAIL SI-027) on 28 April and Lighthouse Cavezzi (WAIL SI-028) on the 29th. QSL via home calls. [TNX IZ8DBJ] I - Daniele, IZ7CFF plans to operate from the lighthouse at Capo d'Orlando (SI-032), Sicily (EU-025) on either 29 April or 1 May. [TNX IK1NLZ] /EX S DX@WW $425WW521B 425 DX News #521 [2/5] 28 April 2001 No 521 $425WW521B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== I - IK1GEY, IK1RLF, I1GXV, IK2WXQ and possibly other operators from ARI Arona will participate in the ARI International Contest as IK2WXQ/p. [TNX IK2WXQ] I - Mario, IK6GPZ and Lucio, IK6SNR will participate in the ARI International DX Contest (5-6 May) as IO6T and II6R respectively. QSL via home calls. [TNX IK6GPZ] I - Nicolas, F5TGR will be active (on 10-40 metres SSB and CW) from Lampedusa (AF-019, IIA AG-001) between 23 May and 3 June. QSL via F5TGR either direct (Nicolas Quennet, 8 bis rue de la Marne, 95220 Herblay, France) or through the REF bureau. [TNX F5TGR] I - A group of operators from ARI Gallarate (namely IK2DUV, IK2UVT, IK2UIZ, IW2KVT, IK2XXX and IK2RXX) will participate in the 6 Meter Contest on 2-3 June from Isola del Giglio (EU-028, IIA GR-001). Before and after the contest they will operate on 10, 15, 20, 40, 80 metres as well as on 144, 432 and 1200. QSL via IZ2BHQ. [TNX IK2RXX] I - Giovanni, IZ2DPX will be operating (10, 15, 20 and 40 metres) from San Domino (IIA FG-001) in the Tremiti Islands (EU-050) on 14-21 September. QSL via home call. [TNX IZ2DPX] J5 - DJ6SI and other operators will be active as J5X from Guinea Bissau between 27 April and 11 May. The plan to operate on 160-6 metres SSB & CW (QSL via DJ6SI) as well as RTTY, FSK and SSTV (QSL via DL1QW). [TNX DF6QN] JA - Kenji, JA4GXS plans to operate (on 10-40 metres SSB and CW) as JA4GXS/4 from Yashiro Island (AS-117) between 7 UTC and 23 UTC on 5 May. QSL to JA4GXS (Kenji Sasaki, 2-15 Ishikannon-cho, Yamaguchi-city, 753-0038 Japan). [TNX JI6KVR] JT - Special event station JU1O will be active from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia between 5 and 13 May. QSL via JR0CGJ (Takashi Shimizu, P.O. Box 5, Tateshina Kitasaku, Nagano 384-2305, Japan). [TNX JT1KAA] JW - Tor, LA7FJA reports he will operate (on 10-20 metres, WARC bands included, SSB only) as JW7FJA from Svalbard (EU-026) on 25-31 May. QSL via LA7FJA. JW - The DXpedition to Prins Karls Forland (EU-063, WWL JQ58WK) [425DXN 495] will take place on 1-9 June. A multi-national team (including Christoph/DL5NAM, Aleksei/ES1CH, Claude/F5PBL, Angelo/I2ADN, Andrea/IK2XDE, Giampaolo/IK2XDF, Dario/IK4MED, Terje/LA3OHA, Egil/LA8AV, Marc/ON4AMX, Aleksandra/S57FYL, Atila/S53AC, Jacek/SP5DRH, Witold/SP5LCC, Igor/US0VA and Hector/XE1BEF) will operate as JW0PK on all bands and modes, 24 hours a day, Suggested frequencies are: CW 1.822, 3.505, 7.005, 10.105, 14.020, 18.080, 21.020, 24.895, 28.020, 50.095 and 144.025 MHz; SSB 1.840, 3.790, 7.060, 14.195, 18.145, 21.295, 24.950, 28.460, 50.145 and 144.250 MHz; RTTY 14.080, 21.080 and 28.080 MHz; PSK31 14.071, 21.071 and 28.071 MHz; FM 29.200 MHz. QSL via SP5DRH either direct (Jacek Kubiak, P.O. Box 4, 00-957 Warszawa, Poland) or through the bureau. Contributions are gratefully welcome at: DXpedition Org., P.O. Box 584 9171, Longyearbyen, Svalbard Islands, Norway. For further information please e-mail dxpedition2000@dxpedition.org; the web page for the operation is at http://www.dxpedition.org [TNX IK2XDE] OZ - Helmut, DL7VOX will be active (on all HF bands, WARC included, mainly CW) as OZ/DL7VOX/p from North Jylland/Vendsyssel-Thy (EU-171) between 27 May and 8 June. QSL via DL7VOX either direct (Helmut Radach, Riesaer Strasse 93, D-12627 Berlin, Germany) or through the DARC bureau. [TNX DL7VOX] PY0_fdn- Dennis, K7BV will operate from Fernando de Noronha (SA-003) between 24 May and 1 June. He will use a special callsign throughout the DXpedition and will participate in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest (most likely as SOAB HP). After the contest he will be very active on all bands 160-6 metres, generally on CW. Rod, WC7N (wc7n@gb.wave.net) will serve as Pilot Station, assisting Dennis help 9BDXCC chasers fill empty bands. Logs will be posted on http://www.qth.com/k7bv/PY0F; QSL via KU9C. [TNX K7BV] SP - Helmut, DL7VOX will be active (on all HF bands, WARC included, mainly CW) as SO1VOX from Wolin Island (EU-132) on 3-15 May. QSL via DL7VOX either direct (Helmut Radach, Riesaer Strasse 93, D-12627 Berlin, Germany) or through the DARC bureau. [TNX DL7VOX] TX0_che- The TX0C team (now including F5CW/FK8VHY, FK8FS, FK8FU and FO3BM) started the voyage to the Chesterfield Islands on 24 April. They are expected to start operating on 28 April in their local afternoon. Look for TX0C to be QRV on 6-160 metres CW and SSB. Logs will NOT be available on the Internet. The QSL route for the DXpedition is now via JA1BK. [TNX The Daily DX] /EX S DX@WW $425WW521C 425 DX News #521 [3/5] 28 April 2001 No 521 $425WW521C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== UA - The operators who activated Ushakova (RI0B, AS-156) and Uyedineniya (RU0B, AS-057) islands [425DXN 520] now plan to travel to the Sergeya Kirova Islands (AS-050), but the activity will be limited at maximum 4-5 hours. [TNX VE3LYC and Islands On The Web] UA - Special stations RP3RST, RP3RTG, RP3RTK and RP3RZK will be activated by operators from the Michurinsk Contest Group on 5-9 and 12-13 May to celebrate the anniversary of the end of Worl War II. QSLs are via RN3RQ either direct (Jack Yatskiv, P.O.Box 30, Michurinsk 393760, Russia) or through the bureau. For information on the trophy available for working these stations, please contact Jack, RN3RQ at mcg@pub.tmb.ru [TNX RN3RQ] V6 - Tada, JA1WPX will be active (on 40-6 metres CW and SSB) as V63YV from Yap Island (OC-012) between 30 April and 3 May. He might also operate as KH2/JA1WPX from Guam for one or two days. QSL via JA1WPX. [TNX The Daily DX] VU - A large group of operators from Manipal and Mangalore (namely VU2GPH, VU2HEG, VU2JIX, VU2JRO, VU2MTT, VU2NJN, VU2PAI, VU2RCT, VU2RDJ, VU2RDQ, VU2SBJ and VU3DMP) will be active from the St. Mary's Isles (AS-096) from around 5.30 UTC on 5 May through around 1.30 UTC on the 7th. They will use their individual calls as well as VU2MHC (club callsign) and operate on 10-40 metres SSB and CW with three stations and a wide range of antennas (including a 3-element 5-band yagi, a 3-element yagi for 10 metres, a 2-element yagi for 15 metres, verticals and dipoles) but no amplifier as the legal limit is 150 watts. Suggested frequencies are 7.025, 10.115, 14.040, 18.098, 21.040, 24.920 and 28.040 MHz CW; 7.055, 18.128, 14.260, 21.260, 24.950, 28.460 and 28.560 MHz SSB. Each operator will handle his/her QSLs either direct or through the bureau (requests for bureau cards can be sent to qsl@vuiota.com).The web page for the operation is at http://www.vuiota.com [TNX VU3DMP] ZD8 - Jim, N6TJ will once again be active as ZD8Z from Ascension Island (AF-003) on 7-17 May. QSL via VE3HO. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH EAST TIMOR VIDEO ---> "Memories Beyond the Pileups" is the 32-minute professional prepared video of the East Timor DXpedition by 4W/K7BV and 4W/N6FF. For full information please contact Dennis, K7BV (Dennis Motschenbacher, 4357 Appollonio Way, Washoe Valley, NV 89704, USA) or e-mail him at k7bv@aol.com [TNX K7BV] FO0AAA VIDEO ---> Eddie, EA3NY partcipated in the FO0AAA DXpedition to Clipperton and has still 25 videos to distribute in Europe. For full information please visit http://www.ea3ny.com or e-mail Eddie (ea3ny@bitradio.com). QSL 3C5I ---> Alan, 3C5I/KB2WF reports his new postal address is Alan Isaachsen, 3601 Allen Parkway, Apt #348, Houston, Texas 77019, USA. [TNX OZ6OM] QSL K2OLG ---> Joe, K2OLG reports that on 1 June 2001 he will close the logs for his IOTA operations (20 different locations) between 1993 and 2000. Cards should be sent to Joe Gumino, 1648 P G A Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32935, USA. [TNX K2OLG and Islands On The Web] QSL K5K ---> Tom, N4XP reports he is processing and mailing QSLs daily. He started six weeks ago, but the queue was over 30,000, so it will take a while. [TNX CT1EEB] /EX S DX@WW $425WW521D 425 DX News #521 [4/5] 28 April 2001 No 521 $425WW521D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== QSL MANAGER SOCIETY ---> Bob Schenck, N2OO announces the formation of "The QSL Manager's Society". This will be a web based "organization" that will act as a point of contact for quality QSL managers, and for DXpeditions or DX stations looking for one. It will also provide a central source of information useful to any QSL manager. Please visit the web page at http://www.qsl.net/qslmanagers QSL VIA N4AA ---> Carl, N4AA (QSL manager for HK3JJH/HK0M) has discovered that the FCC made an error in the last four digits of his zip code when they processed a change of address several months ago. Please note that the correct address for N4AA is: Carl Smith, P.O. Box 249, Leicester, NC 28748-0249, USA. QSL VIA S53R ---> Robert, S53R reports that all direct requests for E4/S53R have been processed. The rest of the contacts will be confirmed via bureau when he is back home for a holiday in July 2001. QSLs for his recent operations as AP2ARS, EY8/S53R and UK8AXA are being printed and requests will be processed in July. Please do not send duplicates. QSL VIA SM3TLG ---> Hans reports he has processed all the direct requests for ZL/SM3TLG (OC-201) as well as for the other five islands he activated last year. Bureau cards will follow, but it will take a few months as Hans is currently mving to a new QTH. Please note that further direct cards should now be sent to Hans Nilsson, Styvje 3040, SE-826 94 Norrala, Sweden. [TNX SM3TLG and Islands On The Web] QSL VIA UT7UA ---> Pavlo, UT1KY/EM1KY reminds DXers that the QSL manager for his past operations from Antarctica is UT7UA. Cards for EM1KY (AN-006), EM1KY/mm, HF0/UT1KY (AN-010), LU/UT1KY (SA-008), LU1Z/UT1KY (AN-006) and VP8/UT1KY (AN-006) should be sent to Roman A. Bratchyk, P.O. Box B-19, Kyiv 01001, Ukraine. S.O.T.A. ---> The Submerines On The Air event is sponsored by the Submarine Veterans Amateur Radio Association and will take place from 6 UTC on 28 April to 23.59 UTC of the 29th. For further information, including the list of submarines, please visit http://home.sprintmail.com/~jaf/index.html [TNX K1VV] THAI ISLANDS ---> As the 6-15 April E29AL DXpedition to Koh Tarutao (AS-126) was cancelled at the last minute due to unexpected difficulties with a permit to land [425DXN 518], all donations and pledges of help that were gratefully received will be assigned to a further attempt to activate AS-126 later in the year. The DX group activated Koh Samui (AS-101) instead [425DXN 519], and made 3302 QSOs (1900 CW, 1352 SSB, 50 RTTY) as E29AL on 6-9 April. QSL E29AL via HS0GBI. Later E21EIC/P (330 QSOs) and HS4BPQ (100 QSOs) were active from Phuket Island (AS-053); QSLs via E21EIC. [TNX HS0/G3NOM] THE MOBILE DXER ---> Dave, AC6WO is the author of "The Mobile DXer", "the first book (12 chapters, 150 pages) devoted entirely to Mobile DXing and Portable DXing to be introduced to the Amateur Radio Community". It covers all major aspects of Mobile DXing and its main focus is on "Working That Rare DX Station & Busting The Pile-Up With The Mobile Rig And l00 Watts". For further information please contact Dave at cochise@pacbell.net V73E ---> The recent operation from Enewetak Atoll (OC-087) ended with about 18,000 contacts (4441 with Europe) in the log. Pictures and more information will be posted at http://www.sixmeters.com/V73E. QSL via WF5T. [TNX K7ZZ and The Daily DX] + SILENT KEY + Bob, N2OO reports the passing of H.G. Hassan, V85HG (aka V8HG), "a real fine gentleman, who was always a strong and steady voice for Ham Radio in Brunei". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSL received direct: 3C1AG (AF-010), 3W5FM, 4L0G, 4U1UN, 4W6GH (OC-148), 4W6GH/P (OC-232), 5A1A, 5A23PA, 5H3RK, 6K5SDI, 6Y8A, 9H0A, 9K2ZZ/NLD, 9M2TO, 9V1CP, A22DX, A35MO (OC-169), A61AJ, BT0S, BV4PM, BV9O (AS-155), BY1PK, C21JH, CE0ZIS, CO7OTA (NA-086), CO8OTA (NA-218), CO9OTA (NA-201), D68BT, D68WL, EP2FM, ER1DA, ES1QD, EY8MM, FH/G3TXF, FO0AAA, FO0AND, FO0CLA (OC-066), FO0MOT (OC-063), FR/F6KDF/T, FY5KE, H44MS (OC-162), H44MS (OC-168), I6AU, J28CDX, J28NH, JD1BIA, KH6ND/KH5, MD/DL5AXX, MJ0ASP, PV5IOTA (SA-088), S92TX, ST0P, T20CK, T88NF, TX0DX, UE6AAA (EU-185), V73GH, V73GJ, VK0MM, VP9KK, VQ9GB, VU2HFR (AS-153), XR0ZY (SA-013), XW3QBR, YC4FIJ (OC-144), YC7IPZ (OC-166), YC8RSW/P (OC-236), YJ0V, YK9A, ZD7BG, ZK1AGL, ZK1CG, ZK1FGV, ZL/SM3TLG (OC-201), ZM8CW. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX S DX@WW $425WW521E 425 DX News #521 [5/5] 28 April 2001 No 521 $425WW521E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till 04/05 3D2NV/P: Rotuma (OC-060) * by JA1NVF 520 till 01/05 3W7D: Tam Island (AS-157) * by BAs and 3Ws 520 till 04/05 8Q7KK : Maldives (AS-013) * by HA2SX 518 till 03/05 9N7WU: Nepal * by JA8MWU 520 till 25/05 D70IAF: special station (Korea) 517 till 29/04 IE9/IZ8AJQ & IE9/IZ8DBJ: Ustica (EU-051) 519 till 2002 EM1HO: Galindez Island (AN-006) 513 till August FO0CLA: French Polynesia and Australs * by F2HE 501 till 11/05 J5X: Guinea Bissau * by DJ6SI and others 521 till 04/05 J79CGA: Dominica (NA-101) * by HB9CGA and HB9AFH 519 till June JW3FL: Hopen Is. (EU-063) * by LA3FL 504 till 01/05 JW5HE: Svalbard * by LA5HE 520 till 31/12 OE75: special prefix (Austria) 504 till 04/05 SV8/N2DH: Thassos Island (EU-174) 520 till 01/05 TM5N & F6KOP/p: EU-094 520 till 02/05 UA: Arctic Russian Islands 521 till 29/04 V47YB: St. Kitts & Nevis (NA-104) * by N7YB 519 till 08/05 VP8SDX: Falkland Isls (SA-002) * by GMs 513 till 30/04 ZB2/DL7AFS and ZB2/DJ7ZG: Gibraltar 519 26/04-04/05 9Y4/N2IM: Trinidad (SA-011) 519 27/04-02/05 TX0C: Chesterfield Isls (OC-176) 521 28/04-27/05 8J3EAG: special event station (Japan) 519 28/04-03/05 8Q7JY: Maldives (AS-013) * by JA1JQY 520 28/04-01/05 IA5/IK4RUX, IK4JPR, IK4GLV, IZ4CCO: EU-028 520 28/04 IE9/IZ8AJQ & IE9/IZ8DBJ: Omo Morto LGH (WAIL SI-027) 521 28/04-29/04 IZ7AUH/7 and IZ7CRW/7: Taranto Vecchia (IIA TA-004) 517 28/04-29/04 KB5GL/5: Ship Island (NA-082) 520 28/04-01/05 KH0/JR3TVH and KH0/JJ3NAW: Saipan (OC-086) 519 28/04-06/05 JI3DST/6: Miyako Island (AS-079) 520 28/04-05/05 VK9CXJ, VK9CXW, VK9CXF: Cocos-Keeling * by Gs 520 28/04-07/05 TK/F5MOG: Corsica (EU-014 and EU-164) 520 28/04 W1N: Peaks Island (NA-137) * by K1OA and K1NU 520 28/04-29/04 Helvetia Contest *** 28/04-29/04 SP DX RTTY Contest *** 29/04-01/05 9A/S52DG/P: Krk Island (EU-136) 521 29/04-02/05 9M2DB: AS-072 * by KD6WW 518 29/04-04/05 FH/JJ1LIB: Mayotte (AF-027) * by JN1HOW 520 29/04 IE9/IZ8AJQ & IE9/IZ8DBJ: Cavezzi LGH (WAIL SI-028) 521 29/04 IT9/IZ7CFF: Capo d'Orlando lighthouse (WAIL SI-032) 521 29/04-02/05 V63LJ: Yap (OC-012) * by JM1LJS 519 29/04-09/05 VP9/AI5P: Bermuda (NA-005) 519 29/04-04/05 ZK1NDS & ZK1NFK: OC-013 (South Cooks) 513 30/04-06/05 F2GL: Houat Island (EU-048) 521 30/04-03/05 V63YV: Yap Island (OC-012) * by JA1WPX 521 April-May ZA1/IK7VJP: Albania 518 01/05-08/05 IV3HAX and IV3SKB: EU-130 515 01/05-10/05 JA6GXK: Me-shima, Danjo Islands (AS-056) 517 02/05-08/05 F9IE and F6BFH: Molene Island (EU-065) 517 02/05-04/05 KH2/JM1LJS: Guam (OC-026) 519 03/05-16/05 3B6RF: Agalega (AF-001) 521 03/05 HV5PUL: Vatican City 521 03/05-06/05 JA4FHE/4: Oki Islands (AS-041) 511 03/05-05/05 JH0BLI/6: Miyako Island (AS-079) 519 03/05-15/05 SO1VOX: Wolin Island (EU-132) * by DL7VOX 521 04/05-07/05 3D2NV: Fiji * by JA1NVF 520 04/05-11/05 EM5QRP: Ukraine 519 04/05-06/05 JA4PXE/6: Mejima (AS-056) 517 04/05-06/05 JI6KVR/6 and JA6IEF/6: Uji-jima (AS-067) 513 04/05-07/05 OZ/DF4ZL and OZ/DK3WN: Laeso Island (EU-088) 519 04/05-06/05 TP5CE: Council of Europe ARC (France) 521 05/05-07/05 F/ON4ZD/P: Fort Boyard (EU-032) 517 05/05 JA4GXS/4: Yashiro Island (AS-117) 521 05/05-13/05 JU1O: Mongolia 521 05/05-09/05 RP3RST, RP3RTG, RP3RTK, RP3RZK: special stations 521 05/05-07/05 VU: St. Mary Isles (AS-096) * by VUs 521 05/05-11/05 ZK1NDS & ZK1NFK: OC-014 or OC-159 513 05/05-06/05 ARI International DX Contest 518 06/05 IPA Contest (SSB) *** 07/05-14/05 W4WX/C6A: Treasure Cay (NA-080), Bahamas 521 07/05-22/05 SV9/PA9JJ: Crete (EU-015) 519 07/05-17/05 ZD8Z: Ascension Island (AF-003) * by N6TJ 521 08/05-22/05 VK8AN/6: Troughton Island (OC-154) 519 10/05-16/05 V47UY: Nevis * by KJ4UY 519 11/05-13/05 T88LJ: Palau (OC-009) * by JM1LJS 519 12/05-19/05 IA5: Elba (EU-028) * by ON4BBA and others 513 12/05-13/05 RP3RST, RP3RTG, RP3RTK, RP3RZK: special stations 521 12/05-13/05 VOLTA WW RTTY Contest *** 12/05-13/05 CQ-M International DX Contest *** 19/05-26/05 OZ: Langeland Island (EU-172) * by DLs 519 19/05-20/05 Baltic Contest *** 20/05-29/05 6Y1A, N6BT/6Y5, KE7X/6Y5, N6XG/6Y5, K2KW/6Y5: Jamaica 521 23/05-27/05 IB0S: Santo Stefano Island (EU-045) 515 23/05-03/06 IG9/F5TGR: Lampedusa (AF-019) 521 24/05-01/06 PY0F: Fernando de Noronha (SA-003) * by K7BV 521 25/05-31/05 JW7FJA: Svalbard (EU-026) * by LA7FJA 521 26/05-27/05 CQ WW WPX Contest (CW) *** 27/05-08/06 OZ/DL7VOX/p: North Jylland (EU-171) 521 27/05-03/06 SV: Thassos Island (EU-174) * by ON6HE, ON5CT, ON4AAC 517 from 29/05 JT1Y: Mongolia * by I0SNY and others 519 /EX