DX425 bulletin issue nr. 520

S DX@WW $425WW520A
425 DX News #520 [1/5]
  21 April 2001                    No 520                      $425WW520A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages              !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

                      >>> NEWS FROM WWW.425DXN.ORG <<<

The deadline for entries in  the 425 DX  News DXCC Most  Wanted Survey is  30
April. If you want to participate, please visit http://www.425dxn.org/survey/

3D2    - Kit, JA1NVF will  be active  (on 6-40  metres SSB)  as 3D2NV/P  from
         Rotuma (OC-060) between 27 April and  4 May and  as 3D2NV from  Fiji
         between  4  and  7  May.  QSL  via  JA1NVF  either  direct  (Katsumi
         Yoshinuma, 17-6 Wakamiyadai,  Yokosuka, 239-0829  Japan) or  through
         the JARL bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
3W     - Alan/BA1DU, Jin/BA4TA, Liao/BA7QT, Bac  Ai/3W6AR and Hau/3W6LI  will
         operate as 3W7D from Tam Island in the South China Sea Coast  Centre
         group (AS-???) between 26 April and  1 May. They  plan to be  active
         with two stations (including an amplifier, a vertical and  multiband
         dipoles) on 10-40 metres SSB and CW. The expedition is supported  by
         the Beijing DX Club,  the Chinese Radio  Sports Association and  the
         Vietnam Amateur  Radio Club  and is  sponsored by  the Island  Radio
         Expedition Foundation Inc.  QSL via  BA1DU either  direct (P.O.  Box
         8091, Beijing 100088,  China) or  through the  Chinese bureau.  [TNX
4X     - Jac, PA3AJW will be active (on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres SSB  and
         CW) from the Golan Heights between 20 and 24 April. He will  operate
         as 4X2C from Ramot, including an  entry in the Holyland Contest.  On
         22 April  he plans  to operate  mobile from  different locations  as
         4X21C, 4X22C, 4X23C or 4X24C. [TNX PA3AJW]
8Q     - Shigeo, JA1JQY will be active  (on 40-6 metres  mainly CW with  some
         SSB) as 8Q7JY from the Maldives (AS-013) between 28 April and 3 May.
         QSL via  JA1JQY either  direct  (Shigeo Matsui,  2-31-10  Shimoseya,
         Yokohama, 246-0035 Japan) or through the JARL bureau. [TNX The Daily
9N     - Kaz, JA8MWU will be active (on 6-20 metres SSB, WARC bands included)
         as 9N7WU from Katmandu, Nepal between  23 April and  3 May. QSL  via
         JA8MWU either direct  (Kazunori Abe, 12-5-9  Kagura 7jo,  Asahikawa,
         070-8007 Japan) or through the JARL bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
F      - Max, F6AXP  reports that  Jean-Claude, F5IL  and Jean-Pierre,  F6DLM
         will be active  (weather permitting) from  a few  French islands  as
         21 April - Ile des Ebihens (DIFM MA-024) as F5IL/P
         22 April - Ile de la Grande Roche (DIFM MA-117) as F6DLM/P
         22 April - Ile de la Nelliere (DIFM MA-118) as F6DLM/P
         23 April - Ile du Perron (DIFM MA-022) as either F5IL/P or F6DLM/P
         23 April - Ile del'Islet (DIFM MA-023) as either F5IL/P or F6DLM/P
F      - Fourteen French operators (namely F2FZ, F4AJQ, F4BUX, F4BTP,  F4TTR,
         F5FG, F5AGB, F5IKO, F6DOP, F6EGG, F8BUI, F8CTY, F8UHU and F9IE) will
         be active on all  bands as TM5N  from Saint-Nicolas Island  (EU-094,
         DIFM AT-010) between 26 April and 1 May. A side operation as F6KOP/p
         from to Cigogne Island (EU-094, DIFM  AT-061) is also planned on  28
         or 29 April. [TNX F6AJA]
FH     - Ted, JJ1LIB will be operating (CW, SSB, and RTTY) as FH/JJ1LIB  from
         Mayotte (AF-027)  between  29 April  and  4 May.  He  will  have  an
         amplifier, a two-element yagi for 10-20 metres, a 6-element yagi for
         6 metres and wire antennas for  the low bands. QSL via JN1HOW.  [TNX
I      - Look for Andy/IK4VET,  Robi/IK4XCL and Alex/IK4ALM  to be active  as
         home call/3  from Bonello  Scirocco (not  IOTA,  IIA RO-006)  on  22
         April. QSL via home calls. [TNX IK4RQJ]
I      - Vanni/IK4RUX, Sergio/IK4JPR, Franco/IK4GLV and Giuseppe/IZ4CCO  will
         be IA5/ from Isola del Giglio (EU-028, IIA GR-002) between 28  April
         and 1 May. They plan to be active on SSB and CW. Also expect a  side
         trip to Giannutri  (EU-028, IIA GR-001)  on 29 April  by IK4RUX  and
         IK4JPR. QSl via home calls. [TNX IK4JPR and IK4RUX]
JA     - Haya, JF6WTY has been on Tanega-shima (AS-032) since 1 April. He  is
         a school teacher and will be there for the next five years. QSL  via
         JF6WTY (Yuichiro  Hayashi,  16888 Noma,  Nakatane-Town,  Kumage-Gun,
         Kagoshima 891-3604, Japan) [TNX JI6KVR]
JA     - Look for Take,  JI3DST/6 to be  active from  Miyako Island  (AS-079)
         between 7 UTC on  28  April and 2 UTC  on 6 May.  He is expected  to
         operate on 80, 40, 17, 15,  12, 10 and 6 metres  SSB and maybe  RTTY
         and SSTV  as well.  QSL via  JI3DST either  direct (Takeshi  Funaki,
         2-18-26 Hannan-cho, Abeno-ku, Osaka-city, Osaka 545-0021, Japan)  or
         preferably through the bureau. [TNX JI3DST]
JW     - Rag, LA5HE will be active  as JW5HE from  Svalbard between 26  April
         and 1 May. [TNX LA5HE]
S DX@WW $425WW520B
425 DX News #520 [2/5]
  21 April 2001                    No 520                      $425WW520B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

SV     - William, N2DH  reports  he will  operate  as SV8/N2DH  from  Thassos
         Island (EU-174) between 27 April and 4 May. Operation will be on  10
         through 20 metres SSB with some possible activity on 75 metres.  QSL
         direct to N2DH.
TA     - The operation from  Giresun Island  (AS-154) [425DXN  516] has  been
         rescheduled to take place on 24-28 April. With the support from  the
         President of  the  Giresun  Amateur  Radio  Club,  Nando/IT9YRE  and
         Alfonso/IT9WDY will be active (on 40, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10  metres)
         from 13 UTC on the 24th  to 12 GMT on the 28th.  They will have  two
         transceivers, one  amplifier (350  watts),  one half  wave  vertical
         antenna on  a  12' mast,  one  quarter wave  vertical  antenna,  one
         generator (1500 watts) plus marine batteries for back up and the two
         stations will be active simultaneously on SSB and CW. QSL via IT9YRE
         either direct  (Ferdinando Rubino,  P.O. Box  30, 96012  Avola-  SR,
         Italy) or through the bureau. [TNX IT9YRE]
TK     - Pierre, F5MOG  will  be active  as  TK/F5MOG from  Corsica  (EU-014)
         between 28 April and 7 May. He also plans to be active from Giraglia
         (EU-164) from 29 April to May 1. [TNX The Daily DX]
TX_che - Jacky/ZL3CW (F2CW) and Akinori/ZL1GO  (JA4EKO) have cancelled  their
         participation  in   the   forthcoming  TX0C   operation   from   the
         Chesterfield Islands [425DXN 518]. Latest reports indicate that  the
         DXpedition will still take place  between 27 April  and 3 May.  [TNX
UA     - A DXpedition to a few Artic  Russian islands started on 16 April  to
         end on 2 May. The  team leader is  Victoriya Korykina/RA0BM and  the
         other operators are Yuri  Zaruba/UA9OBA, Valery Sushkov/RW3GW,  Alex
         Sukharev/RZ9OO, Andy Moiseev/UA0BA and Pavel Tscvetkov/RV0AR.  After
         starting as R3CA/0 from Dikson Island, they moved to the main target
         of the expedition,  Ushakova Island  (AS-156) and  became active  as
         RI0B on 17 April, a couple  of days earlier than planned. They  also
         plan to operate from Srednij Island  (AS-042) as RS0B, then to  move
         to Uyedineniya Island (AS-057) and be active as RU0B indicatively on
         26-28 April. Their last stop should  be the Arkticheskogo  Instituta
         Islands (AS-087), for an eight-hour operation only. The team's plans
         are subject  to  change due  to  local conditions.  Their  equipment
         include at least four transceivers, two amplifiers, three masts with
         beam antennas, two generators plus "rifles and guns for defense from
         hungry white bears". Latest news from the expedition will be sent to
         http://rrc.sc.ru through Valery, RW3GU. QSL R3CA/0 via UA9OBA,  RI0B
         via RW3GW, RS0B via RW3GW, RU0B via UA9OBA. [TNX UA9OBA and RZ3EC]
VK9_coc- Dennis G3MXJ (VK9CXJ), Roger G3SXW (VK9CXW) and Nigel G3TXF (VK9CXF)
         plan to be active (on  all nine bands,  CW only) from  Cocos-Keeling
         (OC-003) from 28 April until 5  May. As many other DXpeditions  will
         be QRV during  that week, there  are two  suggested frequencies  for
         each HF band. They will try always to be  on one or other of them  :
         10108/118, 14008/018, 18078/088, 21008/018, 24898/908 and  28008/018
         kHz. On LF they will try for 7008,  3508 and 1825 kHz. QSL via  home
         calls.     Propagation     and     other     details     are      on
         http://www.G3TXF.com/dxtrip/vk9cxf/vk9c.html [TNX G3SXW]
W      - Look   for   W1AA/IMD   (http://personal.tmlp.com/k1vv/w1aa/)   will
         participate in the  International Marcony Day  (see "Good to  Konow"
         below) representing 1903 Marconi transatlantic station at Cape  Cod,
         Massachusetts. QSL via CBA  (US stations) or  through the W1  bureau
         (DX stations). [TNX K1VV]
W      - Scott, K1OA and Len, K1NU will  be active as  W1N from Peaks  Island
         (NA-137, new one for the USI award) on 28 April. QSL via K1OA either
         direct or through the bureau. [TNX K1NU]
W      - Look for Silvano, KB5GL/5 to be active again [425DXN 516] from  Ship
         Island (NA-082) on  28-29 April.  Unfortunately he  has been  denied
         permission eithr to stay overnight and  to use a generator, so  that
         he will operate (on 15, 12, and 10 metres) from 16 UTC to 20.30  UTC
         with 100 watss, one half wave vertical antenna and marine batteries.
         QSL via KB5GL (Silvano Amenta, 5028  Hearst St, Metairie, LA  70001,
         USA). [TNX KB5GL]
ZK1_nc - Victor, ZK1CG reports that Tuatai, ZK1MA Is back in Manihiki  (North
         Cooks) after  his long  stay in  Rarotonga (South  Cooks) as  ZK1CY.
         Tuatai's home, gear  and antennas were  completely wiped  off a  few
         years ago during a hurricane that destroyed 85% of the atoll. He  is
         now using a battery powered transceiver and dipoles mainly on CW, as
         his microphone is malfunctioning. "If you  have an old not too  used
         mike for his FT-747GX  laying around", Victor  says, "please let  me
         know and  we can  arrange for  it to  be sent  to Tuatai".  Victor's
         e-mail address is sales@computers.co.ck
S DX@WW $425WW520C
425 DX News #520 [3/5]
  21 April 2001                    No 520                      $425WW520C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

HF CHAMPIONSHIP ---> The Estonia Open HF Championship (40 and 80 metres CW  &
SSB)   will   take   place   on   21   April.   Rules   are   available    at
http://www.erau.ee/eng/esopenrul.html [TNX ES8AS]

INTERNATIONAL MARCONI DAY  ---> Over 30  special event stations  representing
historic Marconi station locations worldwide are  expected to participate  in
this year's event, which will take  place on 21 April (00.00-23.59 UTC).  The
list of participating stations is at
http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~straff/particip.htm [TNX K1VV]

QSL 8Q7RR  ---> Maury,  IZ1CRR  reports that  cards  for his  operation  from
Ellaidhoo Island (January 2001) have  been received from  the printer and  he
will start processing direct requests in the next few days.

QSL FR/F6KDF/T ---> Gil, F5NOD reports that some 1000 QSLs were mailed on  13
April and there  are still  around 2000  cards to  process. If  you have  not
received your card so far, please  do not send second  requests for the  time

QSL VIA PA5ET ---> Rob is the QSL manager for the following operations
6Y5/PA3ERC  98   FM/PA3EWP    96      J79WP       96      V47WM      99
6Y5/PA3EWP  98   FM/PA3FQA    96      PJ7/PA3EWP  99      V47WP      99
8P9JR       00   FS/PA3EWP    99      PJ7/PA3GCV  99      VP2ECV     99
8P9JS       00   FS/PA3GCV    99      PJ7/PA4EA   99      VP2EEA     99
8P9JT       00   FS/PA4EA     99      PJ7/PA4WM   99      VP2EET     99
8P9JU       00   FS/PA4WM     99      PJ7/PA5ET   99      VP2EFM     99
8Q7ET (Jan) 00   FS/PA5ET     99      PJ7/PA7FM   99      VP2EWM     99
8Q7WP (Jan) 00   FS/PA7FM     99      TO5C (Aug ) 96      VP2EWP     99
9Y4/PA3BBP  97   HB0/PA3ERC/p 94      V26EA       00      VP2MPA     00
9Y4/PA3ERC  97   J6/PA3BBP    97      V26ET       00      VP5/PA3BBP 95
9Y4/PA3EWP  97   J6/PA3ERC    97      V26FM       00      VP5/PA3ERC 95
FG/PA3BBP   96   J6/PA3EWP    97      V26WP       00      VP5/PA3EWP 95
FG/PA3ERC   96   J77C (Aug)   96      V47CV       99      VP5/PA3FQA 95
FG/PA3EWP   96   J79BP        96      V47EA       99      VP5C (Aug) 95
FG/PA3FQA   96   J79QA        96      V47ET       99      ZF2RC/ZF9  98
FM/PA3BBP   96   J79RC        96      V47FM       99      ZF2WP/ZF9  98
FM/PA3ERC   96

QSL VIA PY7ZZ ---> Please note that the correct address is: Fred Souto Maior,
Rua Almeida Belo 241, Apt 302, Bairro Novo, Olinda, PE 53030-030, Brazil.  Do
not use the RAC 2001 address as it is wrong. [TNX PY7ZZ]

QSL VIA W3HC  ---> The following  comes from Mac,  W3HC and  lists those  who
"want cards  but never  supplied a  SASE": "Czech  Radio Club"  (200  cards),
OK2PHI, OM0GT, "QSL  Bureau 73. Moscow"  (250 cards),  RA3MB, UA0KCL,  UA0ZS,
US7IID, Yuri Burykh, Sakhalin Island (100 cards).

SSTV & DXPEDITIONS  ---> The following  comes from Danny  Van Tricht,  ON4VT:
"Never before there  was so many  SSTV activity from  different countries  as
nowadays. If you are going on a trip to an  exotic spot, we (a bunch of  SSTV
DXers) like to help you to  do some SSTV. It's different to  run a SSTV  pile
up... we  can  advise  you  and  bring you  in  contact  with  previous  SSTV
DXpeditioners".  To   learn   more  please   visit   Danny's  web   site   at

Z36W ---> This is Venco, Z31JA who has been using his new call since 1 April.
QSL via NN6C. [TNX Z36W]

WRTC 2002 ---> Ari Korhonen,  OH1EH (ari.korhonen@kolumbus.fi) has  announced
that the next  World Radiosport Team  Championship, the  Olympics of  Amateur
Radio, will take place in Finland on  9-16 July. WRTC 2002 will be  organized
by Contest Club Finland (CCF)  and the Finnish  Amateur Radio League  (SRAL).
The web site for the event is at http://www.wrtc2002.org
S DX@WW $425WW520D
425 DX News #520 [4/5]
  21 April 2001                    No 520                      $425WW520D

                      <<< MOST NEEDED DXCC ENTITIES >>>
                              <<< PART 1/2 >>>

The following survey  is taken from  the newly published  ARRL DXCC  Yearbook
2000 and includes the top 50 entities needed by DXers who participate in  the
DXCC programme (data  taken from  the 21,000  Mixed DXCC  records). Part  2/2
(positions from 51  to 100) will  be published  in 425  DX News  # 522.  Last
year's survey can be found in 425DXN 476 and 478. [TNX The Daily DX]

Rank Prefix Entity                    Rank Prefix Entity
 1   P5     North Korea               26   ZL8    Kermadec Isls
 2   BS7H   Scarborough Reef          27   HK0/M  Malpelo Island
 3   E4     Palestine                 28   3D2C   Conway Reef
 4   FO/A   Austral Islands           29   ZS8    Prince Edward & Marion Isls
 5   FO/M   Marquesas Islands         30   9U     Burundi
 6   H40    Temotu Province           31   3B7    Agalega & St Brandon Isls
 7   BV9P   Pratas Island             32   PY0S   St Peter And Paul Rocks
 8   VU4    Andaman & Nicobar Isls    33   XZ     Myanmar
 9   7O     Yemen                     34   FT5W   Crozet Isls
10   A5     Bhutan                    35   ZL9    Auckland & Campbell Isls
11   3Y     Bouvet Island             36   CE0X   San Felix Island
12   VU7    Lakshadweep Isls          37   VK9M   Mellish Reef
13   VK0/M  Macquarie Island          38   TN     Congo
14   E3     Eritrea                   39   5A     Libya
15   FR/T   Tromelin Island           40   YV0    Aves Island
16   FR/G   Glorioso Isls             41   PY0T   Trindade & Martin Vaz Isls
17   VP8/S  South Sandwich Isls       42   FT5X   Kerguelen Isls
18   FR/J   Juan De Nova & Europa     43   FT5Z   Amsterdam & St Paul Isls
19   KH5K   Kingman Reef              44   T33    Banaba
20   VP8/G  South Georgia             45   XW     Laos
21   SV/A   Mount Athos               46   KH1    Baker & Howland Isls
22   3Y     Peter I                   47   T31    Central Kiribati
23   3C0    Annobon                   48   1A0    S.M.O.M.
24   VK0/H  Heard Island              49   VK9/W  Willis Isls
25   YA     Afghanistan               50   EP     Iran

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  QSL INFO  ********
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3C5J        MW0BRO      CV6UA       CX1UA       P49MR       VE3MR
3D2AG/P     3D2AG       CW0Z        EA5KB       R15CH       RA3YA
3V8SF       DL1BDF      CW1U        CX1UU       R3CA/0      UA9OBA
3V8SM       DJ0QJ       CX1CCC      EA5KB       R3K         RV3DR
3W2KF       F5PBL       DU2/SM5ENX  SM5ENX      R40G        RK4CYW
3XY6A       VE2XO       E29AL       HS0GBI      RI0B        RW3GW
4S7BRG      HB9BRM      EA3URT      EA3TE       S07BT       EA1BT
4T1SIX      OA4DJW      EA8RA/P     EA8AKN      S79FO       JR2FOR
4X6UO       WB3CQN      ED5MUC      EA5VM       S79IC       JA2AIC
4Z8GZ       DH2GZ       ED5SJF      EA5URL      S79JA       JA2ALN
5B4/UA9YAB  UA9YAB      EM1HO       I2PJA       S79KS       JA3AQM
5H3OG       SM5IVO      ER2000L     ER1LW       S79NK       JA2AAU
5N3NDP/1    IK5JAN      ER6A        ER1lW       S79YT       JJ2NYT
5R8FU       SM5DJZ      EX8QB       IK2QPR      S79Z        JA9LSZ
5R8GT       DK8ZD       EY8XX       GW3CDP      S92TX       W7KNT
5X1D        SM5BFJ      FK8GJ       F6CXJ       SD5DS       SM5BDY
5Z4PV       PA3CBH      FO/DL7FT    DL7FT       SI900TKM    SK6NL
6V1A        6W6JX       FO0CLA      F6CTL       TA1ZZ/5     JE9IKG
6W4RK       F5NPS       G3MRC/C9    G3MRC       TT8FC       EA4AHK
7Q7KZ       JA2LZF      GX3CSR/P    G3CSR       TU5GD       N5FTR
8J3EAG      JA3DBD      HI3LFE      AD4Z        UA0QMU/0    UA4RC
8Q7JB       HB9JBN      HI7/N2EFW   N2EFW       UA1PAC/p    UA1PAC
8Q7KK       HA2SX       HK3JJH/5    N4AA        UA1PAO/p    UA1PAC
8R1RPN      OH0XX       HK3JJH/HK0M N4AA        UK8FF       W3HNK
9M2DB       KD6WW       HR1BY       EA7FTR      UN7EG       DL8KAC
9Q5BQ       HB9AMO      HR1RGA      EA7FTR      UT2VU/DU7   US1VA
9Q5TE       SM5BFJ      HR1RQF      EA7FTR      V5/ZS4NS    N7RO 
9U5D        SM5BFJ      J28AG       F5PTM       V73E        WF5T
9X/SM5DIC   SM5BFJ      J28CDX      F5IPW       V73ZZ       K7ZZ
9X1A        UA6MF       JW9XGA      LA9XGA      VK9ML       VK4APG
A25/KY4P    SV0LM       KA1I/NH2    JH7BZR      VP2EJ       W5SJ
A61AF       OK1CZ       KH0/JA3AOP  JA3AOP      VQ9AS       KK6AS
C21TA       VK3DYL      KH2/7L2PDJ  7L2PDJ      W1VX/KH4    JF1OCQ
C56VL       G3TKN       KH2/JI3CEY  JI3CEY      YB0HXH      W4JS
C6/WB8N     WB8N        KL1SLE      AC7DX       YE1H        YB1LGP
C6ASM       DL2RMM      L55DST      LU6DS       YE8XM/P     YC9BU
CE0Y/N0QJM  N0QJM       N4CD/TI2    N4CD        ZB2JS/M     G4SOK
CE2LZR      EA5KB       OH0/DL2SWW  DL2SWW      ZC4BS       G4KIV
CE3HKF      EA7FTR      OH0/OH2Z    OH2MW       ZD7K        GW0ANA
CM6YD       EA5KB       OH0B        OH1BV       ZP6EM       EA7FTR
CO2CI       EA5OL       OH0Z        OH1EZ       ZY0SAT      PS7JN
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425 DX News #520 [5/5]
  21 April 2001                    No 520                      $425WW520E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

3D2AG      Antoine de Ramon N'Yeurt, P.O. Box 14633, Suva, Fiji Islands
A45XR      Chris Dabrowski, P.O. Box 2038, CPO 111, Sultanate of Oman 
AC7DX      Ron Lago, P.O. Box 25426, Eugene, OR 97402, USA
DK8ZD      Jochen Errulat, Berlinerstrasse 31-35, Eschborn, D-65760 Germany
DL2SBY     Kasimir Bastian, Gruenaeckerstr. 39, 71069 Sindelfingen, Germany
DL7FT      Frank Turek, P.O. Box 1421, D-14004 Berlin, Germany
EA5KB      Jose F. Ardid Arlandis, Apartado 5013, 46080 Valencia, Spain
ER1LW      Wiacheslav Lysy, P. O. Box 112, Chisinau, MD-2012, Moldova
F5IPW      Joel Ricaud, 32 Avenue de la Vallee du Lys, 37260
           Artannes-sur-Indre, France
F5PBL      Claude Terrier, 18 allee du Mail, F-92360 Meudon-la-Foret, France
HA2SX      Peter Kalocsa, Marko, Bakonyi ut 20, H-8441 Hungary
HB9AMO     Pierre Petry, 3 Hutins-des-Bois, 1225 Chene-Bourg, Switzerland
HC2/UA4WAE Alex Otto Ogorodov Rafalsky, Correo Central, Salinas, Provincia
           Guayas, Ecuador
IK0YUJ     Riccardo Bruzzichini, P.O. Box 59, 06012 Citta' di Castello - PG,
IK7JWX     Alfredo De Nisi, Vico della Cavallerizza 4/d, 73100 Lecce - LE,
JA0DMV     Tex Izumo, 827 Nakanojyou Ueda, Nagano 386-0034, Japan
JA3DBD     Souichi Miyamoto, 6-9-2 Habikigaoka Habikino, Osaka 583-0864,
JF1OCQ     Hiroyuki Miyake, 1-3-6 Asakura, Maebashi, 371-0811 Japan
JI3CEY     Shigeru Yokoi, 2-138-1-704 Hamaderasuwanomorichonishi, Sakai-City,
           Osaka, 592-8347, Japan
KU9C       Steve Wheatley, P.O. Box 5953, Parsippany, NJ 07054-6953, USA
MM0BQI     Jim Martin, 3 Lismore Avenue, Edinburgh, EH8 7DW, Scotland, UK
N4AA       Carl Smith, P.O. Box 249, Leicester, NC 28748-0279 USA
OZ2OOI     P O. Box 351, DK-8900 Randers, Denmark
OZ7AEI     Jakob Pedersen, Hvamvej 47, DK-7500 Holstebro, Denmark
PA5ET      Rob Snieder, Van Leeuwenstraat 137, 2273 VS Voorburg, The
PS7JN      Joaquim das Virgens, Rua Carlos Serrano 1969, 59076-740 Natal -
           RN, Brazil
RA3YA      Vlado Vukov, P.O.Box 73, Bryansk 241000, Russia
RW3GW      Valery I. Sushkov, P.O. Box 3, Lipetsk 398000, Russia
SK6NL      Kungalvs Sandareamatorer, P.O. Box 625, SE-442 17 Kungalv, Sweden
SM5BFJ     Leif Hammarstrom, PL 1053, SE-730 91  Riddarhyttan, Sweden
UA1PAC     Alan V. Kuz'menko, P.O.Box 88, Amderma, Nenets oblast, 166744,
UA9OBA     Yuri V.Zaruba, P.O.Box 1, Novosibirsk-92, 630092, Russia
UA9YAB     Alex Vedernikov, P.O. Box 120, Biysk Altajskij kraj 659300, Russia
VK4APG     P.J. Garden, 58 Minerva Court, Eatons Hill, 4037 QLD, Australia
YC9BU      Kadek Kariana Sp., P.O. Box 106, Singaraja 81100, Bali, Indonesia

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