DX425 bulletin issue nr. 519

SB DX@WW $425WW519A
425 DX News #519 [1/4]
  14 April 2001                    No 519                       $425WW519A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

3C      - Martin,   3C5J   (http://www.cleddau.com/3c5j/cw.html)   will    be
          operating from  an  oil platform  for  the next  six  months.  This
          activity will not  count for DXCC,  but there is  a possibility  to
          operate from Malabo. [TNX The Daily DX]
4X      - Yoram, 4Z1GY reports  he will operate  (on 80,  40, 20,  15 and  10
          metres SSB  and CW)  as 4X2K  during  the Holyland  Contest  (21-22
          April) [425DXN 500].
8Q      - Phil, G3SWH will be in the Maldives (AS-013) between 4 and 11  June
          and will be active as 8Q7WH on all  bands 40 to 10 metres, CW  only
          as time allows.  QSL via G3SWH  either direct or  through the  RSGB
          bureau. [TNX G3SWH]
9A      - Emir, 9A6AA  reports the  following operations  are/will be  taking
          place from  Croatian islands:  Ivan, 9A/ZS6ILU  from Brac  (EU-016,
          IOCA CI-010)  until 16  April; Ewald,  9A5ID from  Losinj  (EU-136,
          CI-058) until 15  April; Emir himself,  9A6AA from Losinj  (EU-136,
          CI-058) between 14 and 18 April.
9Y      - Charlie, N2IM will be active (on 20, 15, 10 and 6 metres at  least,
          in his early mornings and late evenings) as 9Y4/N2IM from  Trinidad
          (SA-011) between 26 April and 4 May. QSL via N2IM. [TNX N2IM]
CO      - Special station T40VPG will be active (on 160, 80, 40, 20, 17,  15,
          12, 10 and 6 metres SSB) from  Playa Giron on 13-15 April. QSL  via
          the CO bureau. [TNX CO2OJ]
DL      - Wolfgang, DH3ZK will be active (15, 20 and 40 metres SSB and  RTTY)
          from Poel Island (EU-098) on 13-16 April. Please note that contacts
          with this island are valid  until 1 February  2005, when Poel  will
          stop counting for IOTA. QSL via home call. [TNX VA3RJ]
DL      - Willy, DL1BJN  and others  will be  active  as DA0IMD  from  Borkum
          Island (EU-047, DID N-01 for the  German Islands Award) during  the
          International Marconi Day (21  April). They will  be on the  island
          from 19 April until the 22nd.
EM      - The Ukrainian QRP Club  will hold its  first QRP-DXpedition to  the
          mountain of Ai-Petri (Crimea) between 4 and 11 May. Look for EM5QRP
          on CW (5 watts) and SSB  (10 watts) on  the usual QRP  frequencies.
          Cards will be  sent automatically through  the bureau. Direct  QSLs
          via UR7IRL  (Vladimir Tretyakov,  P.O. Box  41,  Konstantinovka-10,
          Donetsk Region, 85110, Ukraine). [TNX US1REO]
FO      - Marcel, ON4QM will  be back  to Polynesia  for a  couple of  months
          later this year (September-November). This time he plans to operate
          as FO0DEH from  Pukapuka (OC-062),  Rapa (OC-051)  and maybe  again
          from Reao (OC-238). [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
FO_aus  - Alain F2HE/FO0CLA  is  now active  from  Tubuai  (OC-152),  Austral
          Islands until 27 April. He will then move to Rurutu (OC-050),  but,
          Jean-Michel, F6AJA says,  "may be  without radio".  QSL via  F6CTL.
          [TNX Les Nouvelles DX]
GM      - GM4VGR, GM4UYE,  GM0MZB, GM0HZ  and GM6KDD  will be  active  (10-80
          metres, possibly 6 metres as well)  from Skye Island (EU-008,  IOSA
          NH7) from 13 to 15 April. [TNX VA3RJ]
GM      - Jim, MM0BQI reports he will now operate from Tanera Mor (IOSA SC10)
          in the Summer Isles (EU-092) [425DXN 513] on 20-23 April.  Activity
          will be on all bands 10-80 metres SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK31. Jim will
          operate as MM0BQI/P and  with the special  callsign GB5SI. QSL  via
          MM0BQI either direct (Jim Martin, 3 Lismore Avenue, Edinburgh,  EH8
          7DW, Scotland) or through the RSGB bureau.
HR      - Rene', HR1RMG is /HR4 from Tigre Isl. (NA-060).
HS      - The E29AL operation, originally intended from Koh Tarutao  (AS-126)
          and diverted to  Koh Samui (AS-101)  [425DXN 518], was  temporarily
          halted after 3000 QSOs, around 9  UTC on 10  April, due to  various
          problems, including severe electrical interference. It is hoped  to
          resume operations as soon as possible. [TNX HS0/G3NOM]
I       - Berthold, DF5WA will be active (mainly CW) from Ischia (EU-031, IIA
          NA-001) between 14 and 28 April.  QSL via home  call. [TNX DX  News
I       - Operators from ARI Pisa will be active (SSB and CW) as IY5PIS  from
          the Marconian site at Coltano during the International Marconi  Day
          (21 April). QSL  via IK5QPZ either  direct or  through the  bureau.
          [TNX IK5ZTT]
I       - Nino, ID9/I2IAU is active (mainly on SSB and RTTY, with some CW and
          PSK31) from Lipari  (EU-017, IIA  ME-001) until  28 April.  Weather
          permitting he  will  operate from  Scoglio  Giafante  (EU-017,  IIA
          ME-037) on 21 or 22 April.
I       - Look for IE9/IZ8AJQ and IE9/IZ8DBJ to be active (on 10, 12, 15, 17,
          20, 30, 40  and 80 metres  CW, SSB, RTTY  and possibly PSK31)  from
          Ustica (EU-051) on 26-29 April. QSL  via IZ8AJQ (Erminio Cioffi  di
          Michele, Piazza Umberto I 16, 84036 Sala Consilina - SA, Italy) and
          IZ8DBJ (Mario Pesce, Via Privata Falci 2, 80070 Bacoli - NA, Italy)
          either direct or through the bureau. [TNX IZ8AJQ]
I       - IK7RVY, IK7WPD, I7ICU  and other operators  from ARI Altamura  will
          participate in the ARI International DX Contest (5-6 May) as  II7G.
          QSL via  IK7WPD either  direct (Antonio  Masiello, Via  Coop.  Casa
          Ridente Pal. A,  70024 Gravina in  Puglia    - BA)  or through  the
          bureau. [TNX IK7WPD]
SB DX@WW $425WW519B
425 DX News #519 [2/4]
  14 April 2001                    No 519                       $425WW519B
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                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

I       - Look for  IG9SIX to  be aired  on 6  metres from  Lampedusa  Island
          (AF-019, IIA AG-001, WWL JM65HL) on 2-3 June. The operators will be
          Franco/I4CIL,  Claudio/IW3RI,  Steve/IK4DRY,  Pierpaolo/I4BTK   and
          Lucky/IK4CZH (ex  I4MNK). QSL  via  IK4DRY either  direct  (Stefano
          Zoli, Carrarone Chiesa 21,  48010 Mezzano -  RA, Italy) or  through
          the    bureau.     The     logs    will     be     available     on
          http:www.qsl.net/ik4idf/ig9.htm.  For  further  information  please
          contact Franco, I4CIL at i4cil@sira.it [TNX IK4DRY]
J7      - Uli, HB9CGA and Hugo, HB9AFH will be active as J79CGA from Dominica
          (NA-101) between 21 April and 4  May. They plan  to operate on  all
          bands  mainly  CW.  The   home  page  for   the  operation  is   at
          http://surf.agri.ch/hb9afh [TNX HB9AFH]
JA      - Look for JH0BLI/6 to be active  from Miyako Island (AS-079) on  3-5
          May. He plans to operate on 40-10  metres CW and SSB. QSL via  home
          call. [TNX JI6KVR]
JA      - Special event station 8J3EAG will be  activated (on 80, 40, 20,  15
          nd 10 metres)  between 28 April  and 27 May  to celebrate the  East
          Asian Games (http://www.eagocweb.com/) to be held in Osaka. QSL via
          the JARL  bureau  or direct  to  JA3DBD  (Souichi  Miyamoto,  6-9-2
          Habikigaoka Habikino, Osaka 583-0864, Japan). [TNX JA3MZB]
JT      - Nicola/I0SNY , Gianni/I8KGZ and possibly others will be active from
          Mongolia starting 29 May. They are expected to use JT1Y from  Ulaan
          Baatar and to operate from call area 7 as well. Further information
          is expected in due course. [TNX I0SNY]
JW      - Look for LA9XGA to be active  (on 10-160 metres  CW, SSB, RTTY  and
          PSK31) as  JW9XGA from  Longyearbyen  (EU-026), Svalbard  until  20
          April. QSL via the bureau. [TNX DX News Letter]
KH0     - Look for Taka, KH0/JR3TVH  and Natsu, KH0/JJ3NAW  to be active  (on
          40-6 metres SSB and  CW, digital modes  upon request) from  Saipan,
          Northern Marianas (OC-086)  between 28 April  and 1  May. QSLs  via
          JR3TVH  either  direct  or  through  the  bureau.  Any  inquiry  to
          jr3tvh@jarl.com [TNX JR3TVH]
KH2     - Shige, JI3CEY will  be active (on  HF and 6  metres) as  KH2/JI3CEY
          from Guam (OC-026)  on 21-23 April.  QSL via  JI3CEY either  direct
          (Shigeru Yokoi, 2-138-1-704 Hamaderasuwanomorichonishi, Sakai-City,
          Osaka, 592-8347, Japan) or through the bureau. [TNX JI3ACL]
OZ      - Jakob, OZ7AEI will be active as  OZ7AEI/P from the islands of  Veno
          (not IOTA,  NJ-005  for  the  Danish  Islands  Award)  and  Jegindo
          (EU-171, NJ-006) on  17 April. He  will start from  Veno around  12
          UTC. QSL  via OZ7AEI  either direct  (Jakob Pedersen,  Hvamvej  47,
          DK-7500 Holstebro, Denmark) or through the bureau. [TNX OZ7AEI]
OZ      - Paul, OZ/DF4ZL and Mike, OZ/DK3WN will be active (on 160  metres-70
          centimetres CW,  SSB,  RTTY, PSK31  and  SSTV)  from  Laeso  Island
          (EU-088) on 4-7 May, including an entry in the ARI International DX
          Contest. QSL via home calls. [TNX DK3WN]
OZ      - Look for DL1AZZ, DL4AMK, DL5ASE, DL3ARK,  DH8WW, DL1AQU, DL1AQV  to
          be active (on  10-80 metres SSB,  CW and  RTTY, plus  6 metres)  as
          OZ/home call from Langeland Island (EU-172,  FY-019 for the  Danish
          Island Award)  between 19  and 26  May. QSL  via home  calls.  [TNX
PA      - Look for  Eric.  PA/F5SSM  to  be  active  from  Shouwen  Duiveland
          (EU-146) on 14-16 April. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
PJ      - George, W3EH (ex K2KTT) will be at his St. Maarten home from 11  to
          17 April. He plans to operate as PJ/W3EH and FS/W3EH, mostly on  10
          metres SSB (28.450 to 28.500 MHz)  with appearances on other  bands
          and cw depending on propagation. [TNX W3EH]
S0      - Fernando, EA1BT is active  as S07BT, from  Western Sahara. QSL  via
SM      - SM7DAY, SM7DDR and SM7NGH will be  active (on 10, 15 and 20  metres
          SSB and CW) from Ven Island  (EU-137) on 20-22 April. QSL via  home
          calls. [TNX SM7NGH]
SV      - J41YM is the new contest call issued to Olda, SV/OK1YM. QSL via the
          OK DX Foundation  (http://www.okdxf.cz/) or the OK bureau (not  the
          SV bureau, as Olda is not a member of R.A.A.G.) [TNX SV/OK1YM].
SV      - Mike, HB9EBC will be active (on 10, 12,  15, 17, 20, 30, 40 and  80
          metres CW and RTTY)  from Paros Island in the the Cyclades (EU-067)
          between 12 and 23 April. QSL via home call. [TNX VA3RJ]
SV9     - Jan, PA9JJ (http://www.qsl.net/pa9jj) will  be active as  SV9/PA9JJ
          from Crete (EU-015) on 7-22 May. QSL via home call either direct or
          through the bureau. [TNX PA9JJ]
TA      - Simone, IZ7ATN is currently  in  Turkey  and  plans to  operate  as
          TA0/IZ7ATN from a Black Sea  IOTA  island  during the weekend. [TNX
V4      - Joe, VE3BW cancelled his 9-24 April V47CA operation from St.  Kitts
          [425DXN 518]. He will try later in the year. [TNX OZ6OM]
V4      - John, N7YB (ex W7TDJ) will be  active (on 20  metres SSB) as  V47YB
          from St. Kitts & Nevis (NA-104) on 20-29 April. QSL via N7YB.  [TNX
          The Daily DX]
V4      - Larry, KJ4UY reports he will be active as V47UY from Karl's (V44NK)
          shack on Nevis on 10-16 May. QSL via KJ4UY. 
VK      - Dan Holloway, VK8AN  is going to  be active again  as VK8AN/6  from
          Troughton Island (OC-154). He should be there on 10-24 April,  8-22
          May and 5-19  June and will  operate in  his spare  time as  usual,
          tipically between 3 UTC and 13 UTC. He will operate as usual on 10,
          15 and 20 metres, but this time he will have a linear amplifier and
          later he might try a vertical on either 12 or 17 metres and a  long
          wire for 40,  80 and 160  metres. QSL direct  only to VK4AAR  (Alan
          Roocroft, P.O. Box  421, Gatton 4343,  Australia). [TNX VK4AAR  and
VP9     - Richard, AI5P will be operating as  VP9/AI5P from Hamilton  Parish,
          Bermuda (NA-005) between 29 April and 9 May. He will concentrate on
          the WARC bands CW. QSL via AI5P. [TNX AI5P]
YB      - Kadek, YC9BU  reports that  YE8XM/p will  try to  activate  Sermata
          Island (OC-???) on 14-20 April. [TNX WA6GFE and Islands On The Web]
ZB      - Look for Babs, DL7AFS and  Lot, DJ7ZG to  operate (on 10-80  metres
          SSB, RTTY and PSK) as ZB2/home call from Gibraltar on 23-30  April.
          [TNX DJ7ZG]
SB DX@WW $425WW519C
425 DX News #519 [3/4]
  14 April 2001                    No 519                       $425WW519C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

CARIBBEAN TOUR 2001 ---> The Low Land DX-pedition Team (LLDXT) is pleased  to
announce the  6th  Caribbean  Tour.  This  year  Bouke/PA0ZH,  Ronald/PA3EWP,
Rob/PA5ET and Dennis/PA7FM will operate as J3/home call from Carriacou Island
(NA-147) on 2-15 August and as  J8/home call from  Bequia Island (NA-025)  on
16-27 August. They will have two stations with amplifiers and will be  active
around the clock  on 10-160 metres  CW, SSB, RTTY  and PSK31.  QSL via  PA5ET
either direct  (Rob Snieder,  Van Leeuwenstraat  137, 2273  VS Voorburg,  The
Netherlands)  or   through  the   bureau.  The   LLDXT   home  page   is   at
http://www.qsl.net/lldxt/ [TNX PA5ET]

MARSHALL ISLANDS & MICRONESIA ---> Jim  Todd, KC7OKZ and his wife Carol  will
be leaving Honolulu in mid-May and  expect to arrive in the Marshall  Islands
around the second week of June. From June 2001 through June 2002 they plan to
operate from several IOTA groups in  the Marshalls (calls  to be issued  upon
arrival) and  Micronesia  (as V63JT  and  V63JB  respectively).  Their  plans
include operations from Ratak Chain (OC-029), Ralik Chain (OC-028),  Enewetak
Atoll (OC-087) and  Ujelang Atoll (OC-???)  in V7; Mwokil  & Pingelap  Atolls
(OC-226), Kosrae (OC-059), Pohnpei (OC-010),  Oroluk Atoll (OC-???),  Nukuoro
Atoll (OC-???),  Kapingamarangi Atoll  (OC-167), Mortlock  Islands  (OC-???),
Chuuk Islands (OC-011) and Hall Islands  (OC-???) in V6. Further  information
is expected in due course. [TNX KC7OKZ]

PACIFIC TRIP ---> Hide, JM1LJS will be active  (on HF and 6 metres) as  V63LJ
from Yap  (OC-012)  between 29  April  and 2  May,  as KH2/JM1LJS  from  Guam
(OC-026) on 2-4 May and as T88LJ from Palau (OC-009) on 11-13 May. QSL  V63LJ
and  T88LJ  via  JH8DEH;   QSL  KH2/JM1LJS  via   JM1LJS.  Log  searches   at
http://radio-dream.com/logsearch/t88lj/ and /v63lj/ [TNX JM1LJS]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 2001 ---> Ham Radio 2001  will took place at  Friedrichshafen
on 29 June-1 July. Further information is available at the following URLs:

QSL YC5XIP/P ---> Fulvio, I1WFF has already received quite a few requests for
Syafri's new activities. Please be patient and do not resubmit, as it takes a
few months for Syafri to forward  his logs to  Fulvio through Ronny,  YC8TXW.
Also please note that I1WFF will not  be able to send Syafri's cards  through
the bureau any longer. Cards should be sent direct only to Fulvio Marin, P.O.
Box 88, 13900 Biella - BI. Italy.

VK9K ---> Confused by the callsigns (VK9KCP and VK9KXP) used by SP9EVP during
his recent activity from Cocos and Christmas Islands? Here is the explanation
coming from an official source in Australia and forwarded by Neil, VK6NE. The
level of SP9EVP's Polish qualification is only acceptable for the issue of  a
reciprocal intermediate licence - hence the  K in his  suffix, followed by  C
(Cocos) or  X (Christmas).  The  recent changes  to  the bands  available  to
Intermediate licence holders has allowed this station to come up on the  "DX"
bands, whereas it would previously have  been limited to  the Novice and  VHF
bands only.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

LOGS:    The logs  for 5U2K,  5U3T  and 5U5A  are  now available  on-line  at
         http://digilander.iol.it/i2ysb [TNX I2YSB]

QSL received via direct:  3B9FR, 3C1AG, 3W2VKD, 4W6MM, 4X/OE1GZA, 5A1A, 5A31,
5I3A (AF-087),  5Z4IC,  9M6YAT, 9N7RB,  9Y4VU,  A22DX, A45XR,  A51AA,  A52UD,
A61AF,  A61AJ,  BA4DW/4  (AS-150),  BA4DW/5  (AS-137),  BI4S  (AS-150),  BV9O
(AS-155),  C21JH,  C91RF/P  (AF-088),  D68BT,  D68WL,  EK8WY,  EL2WW,   EM1HO
(AN-006), EP3SMH, ES1CC, ET3DP, EY1HQ, EY8MM, EZ8AQ, FK8GJ, FO0DEH  (OC-057),
HB0/HB9AON, HB0/PI4TUE,  J28CDX  (AF-053),  J38A,  JD1BCK,  JW5RIA  (EU-063),
JY9NX, K5K,  KT1J/CY9, OH9AR/P  (EU-126),  R0/UR8LV (AS-152),  R1AND,  R1ANP,
R1FJL, R3RRC/ANT,  RI1POM (EU-086),  RK0FWL/P (AS-149),   SV2FPU/8  (EU-060),
SV8/DJ4PI/P (EU-174), SV8/IZ7ATN/P (EU-174), SV8/ON5JE (EU-049), SV9/IW0FQZ/P
(EU-187),  SV9/IZ0CKJ/P   (EU-187),  TA0/IZ7ATN/P   (AS-099,  EU.186),   TE6U
(NA-155), UA0ZY/P  (AS-142), UA1PAC/P  (EU-086), UA1PAO/P  (EU-086),  UA1QV/1
(EU-085;  RR-03-05),  UA1TAN/1  (EU-147,  EU-162),  UE0XZZ  (AS-064),  UE6AAA
(EU-185), UR3GA  (EU-179), UU7J/P  (EU-180),  VK0MM, XW3QBR,  XW3ZNR,  YB3ZMI
(OC-237), YB8HZ/p  (OC-242), YC4FIJ  (OC-144), YK9A,  YN6HM, Z32XX,  ZD9/ZS1B
(AF-030), ZF2LM, ZK1AGL (OC-159), ZL/SM3TLG (OC-201), ZM8CW, ZS7B.

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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SB DX@WW $425WW519D
425 DX News #519 [4/4]
  14 April 2001                    No 519                       $425WW519D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  15/04      9A5ID: Losinj Island (EU-136)                          519
till  16/04      CT3AS: Madeira (AF-014) * by DJ8FW                     517
till  15/04      CW1D: Flores Island                                    517
till  25/05      D70IAF: special station (Korea)                        517
till  15/04      E29AL: Samui Island (AS-101)                           518
till  2002       EM1HO: Galindez Island (AN-006)                        513
till  27/04      FO0CLA: Tubuai (OC-152), Austral Islands               519
till  August     FO0CLA: French Polynesia and Australs * by F2HE        501
till  end Apr    FO/DL7FT: Austral Islands * by DL7FT                   517
till  end Apr    HK3JJH/HK0M: Malpelo * by HK3JJH                       515
till  16/04      HR1RMG/HR4: Tigre Isl. (NA-060)                        519
till  28/04      ID9/I2IAU: Lipari (EU-017)                             519
till  16/04      J28CDX: Sept Freres (AF-059) * by J28NH                517
till  20/04      JA6GXK: Me-shima, Danjo Islands (AS-056)               517
till  16/04      JM1TUK/JR6: Ishigaki Island (AS-024)                   517
till  June       JW3FL: Hopen Is. (EU-063) * by LA3FL                   504
till  20/04      JW9XGA: Svalbard (EU-026) * by LA9XGA                  519
till  17/04      KH0/JA3AOP: Saipan (OC-086)                            518
till  31/12      OE75: special prefix (Austria)                         504
till  15/04      OH1LU/p: Kustavi Island (EU-096)                       518
till  April      P49MR * by VE3MR                                       500
till  17/04      PJ/FS: St.Maarten/St. Martin * by W3EH                 519
till  April      RU0LM/0: Shikotan Island (AS-062)                      508
till  16/04      S07BT: Western Sahara * by EA1BT                       519
till  16/04      SM0DTK/1: Gotland Island (EU-020)                      517
till  23/04      SV8/HB9EBC: Paros Island (EU-067)                      519
till  20/04      V51/ZS4NS: Namibia                                     517
till  mid Apr    ZD7K: St. Helena * by GW4BVJ, G0WMW, GW0ANA            511
till  15/04      ZY0SAT: St. Peter and St. Paul Rocks * by PS7JN        516
10/04-24/04      VK8AN/6: Troughton Island (OC-154)                     519
13/04-16/04      DH3ZK: Poel Island (EU-098)                            519
13/04-15/04      GM4VGR, GM4UYE, GM0MZB, GM0HZ, GM6KDD: Skye (EU-008)   519
13/04-19/04      S7: Seychelles * by JAs                                517
13/04-15/04      T40VPG: special station (Cuba)                         519
13/04-15/04      Japan International DX Contest (20-10 mt)              ***
14/04-04/05      8Q7KK : Maldives (AS-013) * by HA2SX                   518
14/04-18/04      9A6AA: Losinj (EU-136)                                 519
14/04-21/04      F5SGI/p: Yeu Island (EU-064)                           515
14/04-28/04      IC8/DF5WA: Ischia (EU-031)                             519
14/04-22/04      W1VX/KH4: Midway (OC-030) * by JF1OCQ                  517
14/04-20/04      OH0/DL2SWW and OH0/DL2VFR: Aland Islands (EU-002)      513
14/04-16/04      PA/F5SSM: Shouwen Duiveland (EU-146)                   519
14/04-15/04      TA0/IZ7ATN: TA island (Black Sea)                      519
14/04-22/04      UA1PAC/p and UA1PAO/p: Vaygach island (EU-086)         518
14/04-20/04      YE8XM/p: Sermata Island (OC-???)                       519
14/04-15/04      EU Spring Sprint SSB (1500Z-1859Z)                     ***
15/04-25/04      HK0: San Andres (NA-033) * by HC2/UA4WAE               518
17/04            OZ7AEI/P: Jegindo (EU-171) and Veno Islands            519
19/04-22/04      DA0IMD: Borkum Island (EU-047)                         519
19/04-26/04      V73E: Enewetak Atoll (OC-087) * by V73ZZ and others    517
20/04-23/04      9M2DB: AS-058 * by KD6WW                               518
20/04-23/04      MM0BQI/p & GB5SI: Summer Isles (EU-092)                519
20/04-22/04      SM7DAY, SM7DDR, SM7NGH: Ven Island (EU-137)            519
20/04-29/04      V47YB: St. Kitts & Nevis (NA-104) * by N7YB            519
21/04            IY5PIS (International Marcony Day)                     519
21/04-04/05      J79CGA: Dominica (NA-101) * by HB9CGA and HB9AFH       519
21/04-23/04      KH2/JI3CEY: Guam (OC-026)                              519
21/04-28/04      SM7/DL2SWW and SM7/DL2VFR: Oland Island (EU-037)       513
21/04-24/04      VK9ML: Mellish Reef (OC-072) * by VK4s                 512
21/04-22/04      YU DX Contest                                          ***
21/04-22/04      Holyland DX Contest                                    500
21/04            EU Spring Sprint CW (1500Z-1859Z)                      ***
22/04-25/04      IA5/IK0YUJ: Giglio Island (EU-028, IIA GR-002)         517
23/04-08/05      VP8SDX: Falkland Isls (SA-002) * by GMs                513
23/04-30/04      ZB2/DL7AFS and ZB2/DJ7ZG: Gibraltar                    519
24/04-28/04      9M2DB: AS-073 * by KD6WW                               518
26/04-29/04      IE9/IZ8AJQ & IE9/IZ8DBJ: Ustica (EU-051)               519
26/04-04/05      9Y4/N2IM: Trinidad (SA-011)                            519
27/04-02/05      TX0C: Chesterfield Isls (OC-176) * by F2CW and others  518
28/04-27/05      8J3EAG: special event station (Japan)                  519
28/04-29/04      IZ7AUH/7 and IZ7CRW/7: Taranto Vecchia (IIA TA-004)    517
28/04-01/05      KH0/JR3TVH and KH0/JJ3NAW: Saipan (OC-086)             519
29/04-02/05      9M2DB: AS-072 * by KD6WW                               518
29/04-02/05      V63LJ: Yap (OC-012) * by JM1LJS                        519
29/04-09/05      VP9/AI5P: Bermuda (NA-005)                             519
28/04-29/04      Helvetia Contest                                       ***
28/04-29/04      SP DX RTTY Contest                                     ***
29/04-04/05      ZK1NDS & ZK1NFK: OC-013 (South Cooks)                  513
from mid-Apr     7Z1AC: Saudi Arabia * by W5FJG                         513
April            IR0MA: special station                                 513
April-May        ZA1/IK7VJP: Albania                                    518
01/05-08/05      IV3HAX and IV3SKB: EU-130                              515
01/05-10/05      JA6GXK: Me-shima, Danjo Islands (AS-056)               517
02/05-08/05      F9IE and F6BFH: Molene Island (EU-065)                 517
02/05-04/05      KH2/JM1LJS: Guam (OC-026)                              519
03/05-06/05      JA4FHE/4: Oki Islands (AS-041)                         511
03/05-05/05      JH0BLI/6: Miyako Island (AS-079)                       519
04/05-11/05      EM5QRP: Ukraine                                        519
04/05-06/05      JA4PXE/6: Mejima (AS-056)                              517
04/05-06/05      JI6KVR/6 and JA6IEF/6: Uji-jima (AS-067)               513
04/05-07/05      OZ/DF4ZL and OZ/DK3WN: Laeso Island (EU-088)           519
05/05-16/05      3B6RF: Agalega (AF-001)                                517
05/05-06/05      DS0DX/2: Kangwon-Do Province, AS-???                   517
05/05-07/05      F/ON4ZD/P: Fort Boyard (EU-032)                        517
05/05-11/05      ZK1NDS & ZK1NFK: OC-014 or OC-159                      513
05/05-06/05      ARI International DX Contest                           518