DX425 bulletin issue nr. 517

SB DX@WW $425WW517A
425 DX News #517 [1/4]
  31 March 2001                    No 517                        $425WW517A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

3B6    - The 3B6RF DXpedition to Agalega is confirmed to take place from 5 to
         16 May.  A multi-national  team of  19 operators  from  Switzerland,
         Portugal, Germany,  France,  England,  USA,  Poland,  Mauritius  and
         Israel will be  active with several  stations (6 on  HF bands)  with
         amplifiers and a wide range of  26 antennas on  all bands and  modes
         including satellite  (suggestions before  departure  to be  sent  to
         Matthias, DL3KUD at  dl3kud@qsl.net), 6  metres, PSK  31, SSTV  (for
         three days). More details can be found at http://www.Agalega2000.ch.
         There  will  be  four  pilot  stations:  Sigi,  HB9DLE  for   Europe
         (hb9dle@uska.ch), Bill, K6GNX for USA (bavery@telemetry.com),  Yasu,
         JA3LDH for Japan (ja3ldh@tcct.zaq.ne.jp) and Daniel, PT7BI for South
         America (mdmassun@fortalnet.com.br).  QSL via  HB9AGH either  direct
         (Ambrosi Fleutsch, Lerchenweg  29, CH 8046  Zurich, Switzerland)  or
         through the bureau.
         QSL for USA stations only via N3SL (Steve Larson, 22 N. Hidden Acres
         Drive, Sioux City, Iowa 51108, USA). [TNX HB9BXE]
CT3    - Ben, DJ8FW will be active as  CT3AS from Madeira (AF-014) between  2
         and 16  April. He  plans to  operate CW,  RTTY  and PSK31  on  10-40
         metres. QSL via DJ8FW. [TNX VK2SG RTTY DX Notes]
CX     - Luis/CX2GA,  Laura/CX1GA,  Estela  Mary/CX3ACS,  Eduardo/CX8BU   and
         Daniel/CX1AK will  be active  as CW1D  from Flores  Island  (SA-030)
         between 6 and 15 April. They  plan to concentrate on digital  modes.
         QSL to CW1D, P.O. Box 37, 11000 Montevideo, Uruguay. [TNX CX3ACS]
DL     - Look for DL1RTW/p and DL7UXG/p to be active (on 15-40 metres CW  and
         SSB) from Usedom Island (EU-129, O-013 for the German Island  Award)
         on 2-4 April. QSL via home calls. [TNX DL2VFR]
DU     - Joe, I2YDX reports that Dan, DU8ARK is expected  to be  active  from
         Tawi Tawi (OC-174) on 31 March. QSL via I2YDX.
EA9    - Yuki, JI6KVR will operate as EA9/JI6KVR from Ceuta on 8-12 June. QSL
         via EA5KB (Jose  F. Ardid Arlandis,  Apartado 5013, 46080  Valencia,
         Spain). [TNX JI6KVR]
EK     - Daniel, F5LGQ reports he will be in  Armenia from 9 to 21 April.  He
         will take all the direct and bureau cards for Karen, EK7DX and  that
         he has not been able to send for six months. Daniel will operate  as
         EK8ZZ whenever possible.
F      - Look for Bernard, F9IE and Alain,  F6BFH to operate SSB and CW  from
         Molene Island (EU-065) on 2-8  May. QSL via  home calls. [TNX  F6AJA
         and Les Nouvelles DX]
F      - Leon, ON4ZD reports he will be active (CW and SSB) as F/ON4ZD/P from
         Fort Boyard (EU-032, DIFM AT-026) between around 10 UTC on 5 May and
         5 UTC on  the 7th. QSL  via ON4ZD  either direct  (Leon Donner,  Rue
         Gaston Dubois 6, B-1428 Lillois, Belgium) or through the bureau.
F      - The  Belgian  group  of  "The  Minkies  Boys"  (namely  Bill/ON9CGB,
         Pat/ON7PQ, Dries/ON6CX, Harvey/ON5SY,  Danny/ON4ON, Hans/ON4ASG  and
         Wilfried/ON4AVA) confirm their 25-30 July activity from Sein  Island
         (EU-068) [425DXN 515] and report they will now use F/G0MEU/p  during
         the IOTA Contest  and TM1ON  (requested call)  outside the  contest.
         They will  also operate  from two  lighthouses (Le  Grand Phare  and
         Phare de Men  Brial). QSL  for both  calls via  ON4ON either  direct
         (Danny Commeyne, Rozenlaan, 38, B-8890 Dadizele, Belgium) or through
         the Belgian bureau. [TNX ON9CGB]
FO_aus - The Daily DX  reports that  Frank, DL7FT  is expected  to be  active
         (10-20 metres SSB) from the  Austral Islands for  3-4 weeks QSL  via
         DL7FT direct  only  (Frank Turek,  P.O.  Box 1421,  D-14004  Berlin,
HL     - Lee, HL1IWD reports  that special station  D70IAF (Delta Seven  Zero
         India Alpha Foxtrot) will be  active until 25  May to celebrate  the
         opening of the new Incheon International Airport. QSL via bureau  to
HL     - Lee, HL1IWD reports that operators from Korea DX Club will be active
         as DS0DX/2  from  the last  unnumbered  IOTA group  in  South  Korea
         (Kangwon-Do Province, AS-???) on 5-6 May. QSL via HL1XP.
HS     - Champ, E21EIC, one of the E29AL operators, reports the activity from
         Terutao Island (AS-126)  is confirmed to  take place  on 6-15  April
         [425DXN 515]. They will operate on all modes (SSB, CW, RTTY,  PSK31,
         FM) on 160-10  metres (WARC bands  excluded) and 2  metres. QSL  via
I      - Look for Alfredo, IK7JWX/7 and other Salento DX Team operators to be
         active from Traversa Island (EU-091, IIA BR-009) on 1 April. QSL via
         home calls. [TNX IK7JWX]
I      - Riccardo, IK0YUJ will be active (on 40-10 metres, possibly on 80 and
         6 metres as  well, mainly CW  with some SSB  and PSK) as  IA5/IK0YUJ
         from Giglio  Island (EU-028,  IIA GR-002)  on 22-25  April. QSL  via
         IK0YUJ either  direct  (Riccardo Bruzzichini,  P.O.  Box  59,  06012
         Citta' di Castello - PG, Italy) or through the bureau. [TNX IK0YUJ]
I      - Look for Francesco, IZ7AUH/7 and Fabio, IZ7CRW/7 to be active (on 20
         and 40 metres SSB) from  Taranto Vecchia (IIA  TA-004, not IOTA)  on
         28-29 April. QSL via home calls. [TNX IZ7AUH]
SB DX@WW $425WW517B
425 DX News #517 [2/4]
  31 March 2001                    No 517                        $425WW517B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

J2     - Jean-Louis, J28NH (F5NHJ)  is now expected  to be  active as  J28CDX
         from the Sept Freres (AF-059) [425DXN  513] from about 10 UTC on  13
         April and about 7 UTC on  the 16th. QSL via  F5IPW either direct  or
         through the bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
JA     - Look for Nasu, JM1TUK/6 to be  active (mainly on  40 and 15  metres)
         from Ishigaki Island (AS-024)  on 4-16 April.  QSL Via JM1TUK.  [TNX
JA     - Look for  Masa, JA6GXK  to be  active from  Meshima (Danjo  Islands,
         AS-056) [425DXN 515] during his spare time on 10-20 April, 1-10  May
         and 1-12  June. He  plans to  operate on  20 (14260  +/- 10kHz),  15
         (21260 +/- 10  kHz) and 40  metres. QSL  via the  JARL bureau.  [TNX
JA     - Yuki, JI6KVR reports  that Joe, JA4PXE/6  [425DXN 513]  will now  be
         active from Otokojima (Danjo Islands, AS-056) starting around 22 UTC
         on 4 May through 22 UTC on the 6th. Look for him on +/- 14260, 21260
         and 50145  kHz.  QSL  via JA4PXE  (Joe  S.  Kuwahara,  1-75  Midori,
         Tokuyama 745-0075, Japan)
KH4    - Hiro, JF1OCQ plans to be active (on 6-80 metres mainly CW with  some
         RTTY) as W1VX/KH4 from Midway (OC-030) between 14 and 22 April.  QSL
         via JF1OCQ either direct (Hiroyuki Miyake, 1-3-6 Asakura,  Maebashi,
         371-0811 Japan) or through the JARL bureau. [TNX JF1OCQ]
KL     - Bruce, KD6WW reports he will be activating NA-087 (Shumagin Islands)
         on 17-20 August. Details are expected in due course. [TNX Islands On
         The Web]
LA     - Stein, LA6FJA  will  be active  (on  10-160 metres  CW)  from  LG5LG
         (SJ9WL) at  Morokulien, on  the border  between Norway  and  Sweden,
         between 30  March and  1 April.  QSL via  LA6FJA ("Rag"  Stein  Roar
         Brobakken, Gronvold, NO-2830 Raufoss, Norway). [TNX LA6FJA]
OH     - Club station OH8TA will operate from  Hailuoto Island on 6-8  April.
         Activity is expected on HF, VHF and UHF. The frequency for 6  metres
         will be 50110 kHz, for  other bands and  frequencies you can  e-mail
         oh8ta@oulu.fi [TNX OPDX Bulletin]. Island  chasers please note  that
         the IOTA Reference Number  for Hailuoto has  been EU-184 since  June
         2000 (it used to be EU-126).
PY     - The 29 March-2 April operation from Ilha dos Franceses (SA-077)  has
         been cancelled  due to  the serious  health  problems three  of  the
         operators have after their latest actiity from Sao Sebstiao (SA-028)
         earlier this month. [TNX PY1NEZ]
S7     - Two groups of  JA operators will  be active from  the Seychelles  in
         April. JA3AQM  and JR3DVL  will  be there  on  6-12 April  and  will
         operate on all HF bands plus  6 metres SSB  and CW. JA2AAU,  JA2AIC,
         JA2ALN, JR2FOR, JJ2NYT and JA9LZS will  be active between 13 and  19
         April on  all  HF bands  plus  6 metres  SSB,  CW, RTTY  and  PSK31.
         Callsigns TBA on the air. QSL via home calls. [TNX The Daily DX]
SM     - Look for Martin, SM0DTK/1 to be active from Gotland Island  (EU-020)
         on 12-16  April. Skeds  can be  arranged via  sm0dtk@hem.passagen.se
         [TNX SM0DTK]
SV     - Look for Eddy/ON6HE, Dirk/ON5CT and Frank/ON4AAC to be active (on CW
         and SSB,  hopefully with  a special  callsign) from  Thassos  Island
         (EU-174) between 27 May and 3 June. QSLs via the bureau or direct to
         ON4AAC (Frank Pletinck, Potaardestraat 72, B-9190 Stekene, Belgium).
         [TNX ON4AAC]
V5     - Nick, ZS4NS will be active as  V51/ZS4NS from Namibia from 10  April
         till about the 20th. He plans to operate mainly on 6 metres (he will
         monitor 50.110 MHz and when the band  is open he will QSY to  50.145
         MHz) with activity on 10, 15  and 20 metres as  well. QSL via  N7RO.
         [TNX ZS4NS]
V7     - "Plans for  the  expedition to  Enewetak  (OC-087)  on  19-26  April
         [425DXN 513]  are  going smoothly",  Tom,  K7ZZ  reports.  "The  two
         Stateside team members will depart the West Coast on about 10  April
         to join the rest of the team on Kwajalein. From there they will  fly
         on to Enewetak. Although  only one station  will have an  amplifier,
         two additional tranceivers  will be included.  Antennas are a  small
         tri-bander, a log for 10-6  metres, an R-7000  vertical plus a  wire
         dipole for the low bands. Propogation predictions show a slim chance
         of a 10  metre opening to  Europe, but lots  of chances  on 15.  All
         other areas should have lots of openings. The team will be using the
         usual IOTA frequencies on a 24 hour basis." QSL V73E via WF5T.  [TNX
VE     - Fred, K2FRD  plans to  be active  (on 10-40  metres SSB  and CW)  as
         VO2/K2FRD from Zone 2 from about  6 June through the end of  August.
         He will be operating from a tent about 90km WSW of Churchill  Falls,
         Labrador. QSL direct  only via K2FRD  (Fred Stevens,  263 Keach  Rd,
         Guilford, NY  13780,  USA). For  further  information  please  visit
         http://sites.netscape.net/thefred3/labr1 [TNX K2FRD]
VK     - Trevor, VK7TS will operate as VK7TS/P  from King Island (OC-233)  on
         6-9 April. He will be active  on all bands 10-40 metres mainly  SSB.
         QSL via VK7TS either direct (Trevor  Spargo, 1 Roebourne Rd,  Otago,
         Tasmania, Australia 7017) or through the bureau. [TNX VK7TS]
VP2E   - Bill, W5SJ will be active as VP2EJ from Anguilla (NA-022) between  4
         and 10 April. He plans to concentrate  on the low bands CW. QSL  via
         W5SJ. [TNX The Daily DX]
YV     - Rick, NE8Z confirms he will still be active from SA-035 as  YV5/NE8Z
         [425DXN 515] for 48 hours from 31 March through 1 April. He now  has
         a new antenna which allows him  to operate on  more bands. Look  for
         him on CW  (7040, 14040, 21040,  28040 kHz) and  SSB (14260,  21260,
         28460 kHz). QSL via home call  (Rick Dorsch, P.O. Box 616,  Hamburg,
         MI 48139, USA).
ZD7    - The ZD8K team was expected to leave for St. Helena on 30 March. They
         should be active  as ZD7K until  12 April.  QSL for  both calls  via
SB DX@WW $425WW517C
425 DX News #517 [3/4]
  31 March 2001                    No 517                        $425WW517C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

ALL ASIAN DX CONTEST ---> The results for last year's event are available  at
The  rules for the 42nd edition (16-17 June CW and 1-2 September SSB) are  at

EAWW RTTY CONTEST ---> It will take place from  16 UTC on 7 April through  16
UTC    on    the    8th.    The    new     rules    can    be    found     at
http://www.rttyjournal.com/eaww.html [TNX EA1MV]

H40RW ---> Island chasers please note that Ron, H40RW/ZL1AMO is not operating
from OC-065: "Ron was confused  about his IOTA  number", Dick, N6FF  reports,
"believe he told  some it was  OC-065, when  in fact  he is  on Lata  Island,
OC-100". [TNX G3PMR]

NORTHWEST      DX      CONVENTION      --->      This      year's       event
(http://www.wwdxc.org/convention), hosted by the Western Washington DX  Club,
will take place on  20-22 July at  the Everett Holiday  Inn in Seattle.  Send
questions to convention@wwdxc.org or to WWDXC,  P.O. Box 395, Mercer  Island,
WA 98040, USA.

QSL A61AF  ---> Stations  who contacted  A61AF on  23-24 March  2001 can  QSL
direct to W4CK  (Mark Clark, 1853  Dunroamin' Lane,  Fayetteville, TN  37334,
USA). Please note that he does not have logs for any other period.

SP DX CONTEST ---> Sponsored by PZK - Polski Zawiazek Krotkofalowcow  (Polish
Amateur Radio Union) and the SP  DX Club, this year's  event will take  place
from 15 UTC on 7 April  to 15 UTC on the 8th.  The SP DX  Contest page is  at
http://dendro.sggw.waw.pl/sp5zcc/spdxc/spdxc.htm [TNX SP6CIK]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

LOGS:       Doug,  N6RT  reports   the  A52CO   log  is   now  available   at
MINIPROP:   The new Windows  version of MiniProp,  W6ELProp is now  available
            from Shel,  W6EL (http://www.qsl.net/w6elprop/).  The program  is
            free for non-commercial use. [TNX KK6T]

QSL received  via direct:   3A/OH1RY,  3A2K,  3DA0WPX, 3W7CW,  3W7TK,  4S7UB,
4U1UN, 4W6MM,  5T5TD/P (AF-050),  6W6/K3IPK,  6Y5WJ, 6Y8A,  7P8/ZS5GMW,  7S5Z
(EU-177), 7X5JF,  8P9JS, 9H1AL,  9H1ET, 9K2ZZ,  9Y4VU, A22DX,  A22HH,  A52GJ,
A52UD, A52W,  A52YL,  A92GJ,  AP2HA,  AX2GAMES,  BA7JA/7  (AS-129),  BD4ED/4,
BD5HAG, BI4Q (AS-135), BI4S (AS-150), C56RF, C6AKP, C91RF, C91RF/P  (AF-088),
D68BT, D68WL,  DU9BCD (OC-235),  EA5KB/P  (EU-151), EK7DX,  EM5UIA  (EU-182),
EP2MKO, EP3SMH, EW6GF,  EZ8BO, FO0/F5JJW (OC-063),  FO0AND, FO0EEN  (OC-152),
FO0JAN, FP/KT1J  (NA-032),  FR/F6KDF/T,  FY/F5KEE,  GM3VLB/P  (EU-108),  HC8Z
IU0FM, J3/W1MD,  JD1BCK, JI1PLF/1  (AS-043),JI3DST (AS-037,  AS-041,  AS-043,
AS-047,  AS-067,  AS-147),  JW5RIA  (EU-063),  JX3EX,  JX7DFA,  JY8FX,   K5K,
KH2/W7LP, KH6ND/KH5, LZ5QZ/1  (EU-181), OD5/OK1MU,  OH9AR/P (EU-126),  OZ1ITT
(EU-171), P29BW, P29KPH, P29VPY (OC-240), P40A, P40P, PJ5/UA1ACX,  PJ7/K7ZUM,
PV5L (SA-088), R0/UR8LV  (AS-152), R1AND, R1ANP,  R1FJL, R3RRC/ANT,  RK0FWL/P
(AS-149), RV2FW,  RW2F,  S92SV, SU/WA0VOM,  SU9AM,  SU9ZZ,  SV1TP/8  (EU-060,
EU-075, EU-113),  SV2FPU/8  (EU-060), SV5/DL8DZV,  SV5/HA6NL/P,  SV8/IZ7ATN/P
(EU-174), SV8/ON5JE (EU-049),  SV9/IW0FQZ/P (EU-187),  SV9/IZ0CKJ/P (EU-187),
SV9/K7BV, SW1OF, SY2A, T32R, T77C, T88DX, TA0/IZ7ATN/P (AS-099, EU.186), TE6U
(NA-155),  TE8CI,  TF8SM,  TG9NX,  TR8XX,  TZ6DX,  UA0FB,  UA0ZY/P  (AS-142),
UA1PAC/P (EU-086), UA1PAO/P  (EU-086), UA1QV/1  (EU-085; RR-03-05),  UA1TAN/1
(EU-147, EU-162), UE0XZZ  (AS-064), UE6AAA (EU-185),  UR3GA (EU-179),  UU7J/P
(EU-180), V26FM, V26WP, V31YW (NA-073), V51E,  V51GB, V63KP, V73JK  (OC-028),
V73UX  (OC-028),  V73ZZ,  VB2R,  VK0MM,  VK6BM  (OC-234),  VK6BSI   (OC-243),
VE8YEV/VY1 (NA-193),  W2KV/2 (NA-111),  WH6CYC, WP2Z,  XF4MX (NA-030),  XQ0Y,
YB8HZ/P  (OC-242),  YC7IPZ  (OC-166),  YC8XWJ  (OC-076),  YC9BU/P   (OC-241),
YC9MKF/P (OC-241), YC9WZJ/P (OC-239, OC-241), YI9OM, YJ0AXC (OC-111), YJ0AYL,
(OC-159), ZK1BQI (OC-013), ZK1DKX, ZK1FGV (OC-013),  ZK1LPN,  ZK1NN,  ZK1SHJ,
ZK1YRE (OC-159), ZK1XXC (OC-082), ZK2VF, ZL4IR, ZL4IR/7.

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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SB DX@WW $425WW517D
425 DX News #517 [4/4]
  31 March 2001                    No 517                        $425WW517D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  31/03      3E500: special prefix (Panama)                         512
till  02/04      3G0Z: Juan Fernandez * by JE6JYT, N6CA, N6XQ XE2EED    516
till  05/04      4W/VK2QF: East Timor (OC-148)                          516
till  04/04      9M6BAA: East Malaysia * by G4MJS                       515
till  08/04      CE0Y/W7XU and CE0Y/N0QJM: Easter Island                516
till  25/05      D70IAF: special station (Korea)                        517
till  2002       EM1HO: Galindez Island (AN-006)                        513
till  August     FO0CLA: French Polynesia and Australs * by F2HE        501
till  ??         H40RW: Temotu * by ZL1AMO                              516
till  June       JW3FL: Hopen Is. (EU-063) * by LA3FL                   504
till  31/12      OE75: special prefix (Austria)                         504
till  April      P40MR: Aruba (SA-036) * by VE3MR                       500
till  02/04      PJ6/PA3GIO/m: Saba (NA-145)                            509
till  April      RU0LM/0: Shikotan Island (AS-062)                      508
till  05/04      VP5/W5AO, /K5CM, /N5KW, VP5V: NA-002                   515
till  03/04      XV3MRC, XV3JAA, XV3TAA: Vietnam * by JAs               516
till  06/04      YJ0ABQ: Vanuatu * by I6BQI                             512
30/03-11/04      J3/W1HEO & J3/W5PF: Grenada                            515
30/03-01/04      JI3DST/6: O-shima (AS-012)                             515
30/03-04/04      JX8XM Jan Mayen (EU-022) * by LA8XM                    516
31/03            DU8ARK: Tawi Tawi (OC-174)                             517
31/03-07/04      TM2A: Noirmoutier Island (EU-064) * by F5BWJ           516
31/03-06/04      VK9KXP: Christmas Island (OC-002) * by SP9EVP          516
31/03-01/04      YV5/NE8Z: Los Roques (SA-035)                          517
01/04            IK7JWX/7 and others: Traversa (EU-091, IIA BR-009)     517
01/04-15/04      ZY0SAT: St. Peter and St. Paul Rocks * by PS7JN        516
02/04-16/04      CT3AS: Madeira (AF-014) * by DJ8FW                     517
02/04-04/04      DL1RTW/p and DL7UXG/p: Usedom Island (EU-129)          517
04/04-16/04      JM1TUK/6: Ishigaki Island                              517
04/04-10/04      VP2EJ: Anguilla (NA-022) * by W5SJ                     517
06/04-15/04      CW1D: Flores Island                                    517
06/04-15/04      E29AL: Tarutao Island (AS-126)                         517
06/04-08/04      OH8TA: Hailuoto Island (EU-184)                        517
06/04-19/04      S7: Seychelles * by JAs                                517
06/04-09/04      VK7TS/P: King Island (OC-233)                          517
07/04-08/04      EA RTTY Contest                                        ***
07/04-08/04      SP DX Contest                                          ***
07/04-08/04      UBA Spring Contest (SSB)                               ***
10/04-21/04      HK5MQZ/0 and HK5QGX/0: Malpelo                         516
10/04-20/04      JA6GXK: Me-shima, Danjo Islands (AS-056)               517
10/04-20/04      V51/ZS4NS: Namibia                                     517
12/04-16/04      SM0DTK/1: Gotland Island (EU-020)                      517
13/04-16/04      J28CDX: Sept Freres (AF-059) * by J28NH                517
13/04-15/04      Japan International DX Contest (20-10 mt)              ***
14/04-21/04      F5SGI/p: Yeu Island (EU-064)                           515
14/04-22/04      W1VX/KH4: Midway (OC-030) * by JF1OCQ                  517
14/04-20/04      OH0/DL2SWW and OH0/DL2VFR: Aland Islands (EU-002)      513
14/04-15/04      EU Spring Sprint SSB (1500Z-1859Z)                     ***
19/04-26/04      V73E: Enewetak Atoll (OC-087) * by V73ZZ and others    517
21/04-23/04      MM0BQI/p: Summer Isles (EU-092)                        513
21/04-28/04      SM7/DL2SWW and SM7/DL2VFR: Oland Island (EU-037)       513
21/04-24/04      VK9ML: Mellish Reef (OC-072) * by VK4s                 512
21/04-22/04      YU DX Contest                                          ***
21/04-22/04      Holyland DX Contest                                    500
21/04            EU Spring Sprint CW (1500Z-1859Z)                      ***
22/04-25/04      IA5/IK0YUJ: Giglio Island (EU-028, IIA GR-002)         517
23/04-08/05      VP8SDX: Falkland Isls (SA-002) * by GMs                513
27/04-02/05      Chesterfield Islands * by F2CW and others              515
28/04-29/04      IZ7AUH/7 and IZ7CRW/7: Taranto Vecchia (IIA TA-004)    517
28/04-29/04      Helvetia Contest                                       ***
28/04-29/04      SP DX RTTY Contest                                     ***
29/04-04/05      ZK1NDS & ZK1NFK: OC-013 (South Cooks)                  513
from mid-Apr     7Z1AC: Saudi Arabia * by W5FJG                         513
April            FO0: Austral Islands * by DL7FT                        517
April            HK0: Malpelo * by HK3JJH                               515
April            IR0MA: special station                                 513
April            ZD7K: St. Helena * by GW4BVJ, G0WMW, GW0ANA            511
01/05-08/05      IV3HAX and IV3SKB: EU-130                              515
01/05-10/05      JA6GXK: Me-shima, Danjo Islands (AS-056)               517
02/05-08/05      F9IE and F6BFH: Molene Island (EU-065)                 517
03/05-06/05      JA4FHE/4: Oki Islands (AS-041)                         511
04/05-06/05      JA4PXE/6: Mejima (AS-056)                              517
04/05-06/05      JI6KVR/6 and JA6IEF/6: Uji-jima (AS-067)               513
05/05-16/05      3B6RF: Agalega (AF-001)                                517
05/05-06/05      DS0DX/2: Kangwon-Do Province, AS-???                   517
05/05-07/05      F/ON4ZD/P: Fort Boyard (EU-032)                        517
05/05-11/05      ZK1NDS & ZK1NFK: OC-014 or OC-159                      513
05/05-06/05      ARI International DX Contest                           ***