SB DX@WW $425WW516A 425 DX News #516 [1/4] 24 March 2001 No 516 $425WW516A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ >>> NEWS FROM WWW.425DXN.ORG <<< - The 425 DX News DXCC Most Wanted Survey for the year 2001 is up and running on our web site - if you want to participate, please go to - 425 DX News is now also available as a monthly edition (either .doc and .pdf formats) with pictures, DXpedition images etc. - Do not forget that the opening page features an engine that allows you to search anything you want within the site. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3V - Look for 3V8SZ to be active from Sidi Bou Zid in central Tunisia on 23-25 March. The station will be installed in a local school and will be left there for further activities in the future. The operators will then move to Djerba (AF-083) and be active as 3V8DJ from 27 to 31 March with four stations (three verticals, one 3-element beam, one amplifier) on all bands 160-10 metres SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK31. The team includes six operators from Tunisia(Zaida, Sarra, Nadia, Fatham, Haunik and Lofti, responsible for 3V8BB) and eleven operators from Italy (Giovanni/I5JHW, Sergio/I5NSR, Danio/I5OYY, Roberto/I5HLK, Piero/IK5CKL, Sauro/IK5EKB, Roberto/IK5FTQ, Marcello/IK5JAN, Gabriele/IK5OSA, Gabriele/IK5ZTW, Franco/IK4ADE). QSL via I5JHW (Giovanni Bini, Via Santini 30, 51031 Agliana - PT, Italy). [TNX I5JHW] 4W - Neville, VK2QF will be active as 4W/VK2QF from Dili, East Timor between 28 March and 5 April. He plans to be operate on the following suggested frequencies: 3510, 7010, 14010, 21010, 28010, 50090 kHz (CW) and 3790, 7095, 7145-7175, 14195, 21295, 28470, 50135 kHz (SSB). QSL via VK2QF (Neville Mattick, Hargraves, N.S.W. 2850, Australia). The expedition home page is at [TNX VK2QF] C6 - Bill, AA7X will be active as C6AKK from Treasure Cay (NA-080), Bahamas on 24-31 March, including an entry in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest. QSL via AA7X. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] CE0_jf - Key/JE6JYT, Chip/N6CA, Jack/N6XQ and Roman/XE2EED will be on Robinson Crusoe Island (Juan Fernandez Archipelago, SA-005) from 28 March to 2 April and will operate on 6 metres with two stations. "We have received word our call will be 3G0Z", Jack reports. Earlier this year this call was assigned to Pat, CE1VLY [425DXN 505]. QSL via N6XQ (P.O. Box 7732, San Diego, CA 92167, USA). The web page for the operation is at [TNX The Daily DX and OZ6OM] CE0_ei - Arliss, W7XU and Holly, N0QJM will be active as CE0Y/W7XU and CE0Y/N0QJM from Easter Island between 29-30 March and 8 April. They will concentrate on 6 metres CW and SSB. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX] E4 - Gunter, E4/OE1GZA plans to be active from Ramallah on various Saturdays until probably the end of 2002. For the time being he operates on 10-30 metres, later this year he should be active on 40 and 80 metres as well. QSL to Gunter Zwickl, c/o SICT, P.O.Box 1133, Ramallah, Palestine. Bureau cards can be sent to OE1GZA, but "due to the operator's permanent absence from OE it will take a real long time to respond". [TNX E4/OE1GZA] F - Didier, F5BWJ will be active as TM2A from Noirmoutier Island (EU-064) between 31 March and 7 April. QSL via F5BWJ. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX] H40 - During a QSO with Dick (N6FF) Ron, H40RW/ZL1AMO reported he would "be changing his QTH over the weekend" and would "not be on the lower frequencies until after the move". It is not clear if he has to move to another QTH on the same island or to a different island in Temotu Province. Dick also reports that Ron's laptop computer is gone and there will be no RTTY operation. [TNX G3MCS] H44 - Bernard, DL2GAC/H44MS returned from the Shortland Islands on 20 March and is currently in Honiara (OC-047). On 27 March he will leave the Solomons and fly to Brisbane. [TNX H44MS] JX - Trond, LA8XM will be active in his spare time as JX8XM from Jan Mayen (EU-022) between 30 March and 4 April. He plans to operate on or around 10 kHz from the bottom of each band. [TNX The Daily DX] HK0_mal - A second DXpedition to Malpelo is being organized by Jairo, HK5MQZ and Hiro, HK5QGX, They will leave on 6 April and plan to operate on 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 and 6 metres as HK5MQZ/0 (SSB) and HK5QGX/0 (CW) from the 10th until the 21st. They will two transceivers, one amplifier, dipoles for the low bands and yagis for the others. QSL HK5MQZ/0 direct only to HK5MQZ (Jairo Vargas, P.O. Box 10862, Cali, Colombia). QSL HK5QGX/0 direct only to JA0MGR. [TNX HK5MQZ] PY0_spp - Kim, PS7JN reports he is going to St. Peter and St. Paul Rocks (SA-014) to carry out some scientific reseraches between 1 and 15 April. He plans to operate as ZY0SAT in his free time (his afternoons and evenings) on HF (3780, 7085, 14180, 21280, 28450 kHz) and via satellite AO-10 (145.9), UO-14 (435.07), FO-20 (435.850), FO-29 (435.850). QSL via PS7JN (Joaquim das Virgens, Rua Carlos Serrano 1969, 59076-740 Natal - RN, Brazil). TA - Enrico, IT9AXZ had a car accident earlier this week and has been forced to give up the trip to Turkey [425DXN 515]. Nando, IT9YRE reports the 27-30 March activity from Giresun (AS-154) has not been cancelled but postponed for a short time while he is looking for someone else to join him. VK9 - VK9KCP and VK9KXP are the calls Jerzy, SP9EVP will be using from Cocos/Keeling (OC-003) on 24-31 March and Christmas Island (OC-002) between 31 March and 6 April respectively [425DXN 515]. QSL via SP9EVP. [TNX The Daily DX] W - Jim, K9PPY will operate from Santa Rosa Island (NA-142) on 24-26 March and from St. George Island (NA-085) on 27-28 March. Due to the fact that this is a vacation he will not always be active, but will be looking for QSOs as time permits. He will be operating on +/- 14.260 Mhz and 21.260 Mhz especially looking for Europe and Asia. QSL via home call. [TNX KB5GL] XV - Look for JA3AFJ (XV3MRC), JR1JAA (XV3JAA) and JA1TAA (XV3TAA) to operate on 6-80 meters (30 metres excluded) CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31 from Vietnam between 29 March and 3 April. QSL direct only to JA1TAA (Hiroshi Hotta, 4-12-53 Kameino, Fujisawa, 252-0813, Japan). [TNX The Daily DX] /EX SB DX@WW $425WW516B 425 DX News #516 [2/4] 24 March 2001 No 516 $425WW516B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== CQ WW WPX SSB CONTEST: the following stations are expected to participate in this year's event: 9K - Hamad, 9K2HN as 9K9X (SOAB). QSL via the bureau. [TNX The Daily DX] CE - Juan Pablo, CE4USW as CC4A (SOAB high power). Juan Pablo reports he is the first operator to be allowed to use the CC prefix. QSL via home call. (Juan Pablo Mardones, P.O. Box 666, Talca, Chile). [TNX CE4USW] CX - Jorge, CX6VM as CW6V. QSL via W3HNK. [TNX CX6VM] EA - Rod, EA7JX as EF7AIR (his father's, EC7AIR, special call). The only frequencies assigned to this licence class are 3600-3700 kHz, 21150-21200 kHz and 28900-29100 kHz, but Rod hopes to listen up on the U.S. 80 metres segment, around 21350 Khz and around 28400 kHz. EA6 - Gabriel, EA6AEQ as AN6AEQ (SOAB). QSL via EA6AEQ either direct (P.O. Box 10180, Palma de Mallorca, 07080 Balearic Islands, Spain) or through the bureau. [TNX EA6AEQ] FK - FK8HC, FK8GM, FK8HW and LA5IIA [425DXN 515] as TX8G (Multi-Multi). QSL via LA9GY. FM - Madinina Contest Club members as TO5T (Multi-Single) from Martinique. QSL via FM5BH. [TNX FM5BH] GM - Keith, GM4YXI as GM7V (SOSB - 10 metres - high power). QSL via ZS5BBO. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] I - Maurizio, IT9RZR as IR9A. QSL via home call. LU - A large group from Radio Club Rosario as L40F (Multi-Multi). QSL via LU4FM. [TNX LU4FM] LU - Jesus, LU5FC as LP1F (SOSB 10 metres). QSL via LU5FC either direct (Jesus Rubio, San Juan 2694, Rosario 2000, Santa Fe, Argentina) or through the bureau. [TNX LU5FC] PY - Mario, PP5MQ as ZX5X (not PS5S as he previously reported) as SOSB on 10 metres low power. QSL direct to PP5MQ (Mario Marquardt, P.O. Box 212, 89201-972 Joiniville - SC, Brazil). [TNX PP5MQ] SM - John, SM7CRW as 8S7A from Oland Island (EU-037). QSL via W3HNK. [TNX The Daily DX] VE - Todd, VE5MX as VB6A. QSL via VE5MX. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH ALL ASIAN DX CONTEST ---> JARL (the Japanese Amateur Radio League) will sponsor the ALL ASIAN DX Contest, which will be held this summer. Further information and rules can be found on the JARL web site at [TNX JJ1ANW] FM/F2JD ---> Gerard is closing down his tation from Martinique and will be back in France next week after 11200 QSOs (6600 CW, 1000 RTTY, 3600 SSB). [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX] NA-082 ----> Silvano, KB5GL was active from Ship Island on 17 March for a couple of hours only. He started around 11 a.m. local time and had to stop after some 200 QSOs (95% with Europe) when he was informed the ship would leave three hours earlier than scheduled due to the bad weather conditions. He plans to be back to the island in late April or early May. [TNX KB5GL] QSL A35RK ---> Paul Kidd, A35RK reminds DXers that Tonga has not had a functioning QSL bureau (either incoming or outgoing) since 1996. The Kingdom of Tonga has a licensing authority (Tonga Communication Commission), but there is no national amateur radio society, no radio club of any sort, and no QSL bureau. The only possible QSL route for A35RK is via W7TSQ. QSL A51AA ---> Please note that Gerard, F2VX can confirm contacts made with A51AA in September 2000 only. He is not the QSL manager for the newly licenced A51AA. QSL A52UD ---> Charly, A52UD reports all direct requests for A52UD QSLs have been answered to date. Bureau o cards will be processed next autumn. QSL UA0FZ --> Antonello, IK2DUW reports he is no longer the QSL manager for UA0FZ. He can confirm QSOs made between 1 January 2000 and 31 January 2001 only. Cards should be sent to Antonello Passarella, P. O. Box 13448, 20051 Limbiate - MI, Italy). QSL VK2IOM ---> If you still need a card for VK2IOM (OC-223, 13-14 September 1997), please send your request to JS1DLC (Ken Arakawa 1-17-2 Hachimandai, Sakura City, Chiba 285-0867, Japan). He was one of operators and now has logs and QSLs. [TNX JA9IFF/1] QSL VK0MM ---> Alan, VK4AAR reports that all QSL requests for VK0MM cards received to 20 March have now been processed. "There were some 'not-in-log' replies sent out", he says, "but please be assured that they were not sent out without a thorough check. Therefore it is useless to contact me for further checks. I have already done all that is possible". Also please note that Alan has neither the logs nor the cards for VK0LD or AX0LD. Requests for VK0MM should be sent direct only to Alan Roocroft, P.O. Box 421, Gatton, QLD 4343, Australia. QSL ZA5G ---> Florian, ZA5G says he has never had a QSL manager. Cards should be sent direct only to Florian Gjonej, P.O. Box 210, Shkoder, Albania. /EX SB DX@WW $425WW516C 425 DX News #516 [3/4] 24 March 2001 No 516 $425WW516C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH LOGS: Logs for the recent 9M0M DXpedition to the Spratly Islands are available at ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 3B8/DF3IAU DF3IAU EA4/CT4UW/P CT4UW TG9RZ EA7FTR 3D2AA VE6VK EA9LZ EA7JB TI5BX/8 TI4JHQ 3D2CC VE6VK EK3GM IK2QPR TM0A F6OIE 3D2HY JA0SC EM1HO I2PJA TM1Z F6OYU 3D2RK W7TSQ EO3Q UR3QCW TO9T F6HMQ 3D2SQ W7TSQ EW6WR GW3CDP TP5CE F6FQK 3E500ALX HP1RCP EX0V N6FF TX5CW ZL3CW 3E500CTM HP1RCP EX8W UA3AGS UA0YAY IK2QPR 3G0Y DK7YY EY8XX GW3CDP UA1PBP/9 RK1PWA 3V8CB DL1BDF FG5FC F6DZU UA9C/UA9QDK RW9QA 3W2FM UA0FM FM/IV3FHH IV3TDM UA9QA RW9QA 3W2KF F5PBL FM/IV3JVJ IV3TDM UA9QDK RW9QA 3W2NY JH1MZG FM/IV3TDM IV3TDM UK8AXA S53R 3W7CW SP5JTF FO0ARE HA8IB UK8LA RW3RN 3W9HRN DL1HRN FO0CLA F6CTL UN7GCE EA7FTR 4L1DA DL7BO H40RW ZL1AMO V31GI PA3GIO 4L4MM ON4CFI HB0/F6KQL F6KQL V63KX JE8KKX 4N7M YU7KMN HC8A WV7Y V63TN JA7GAX 4S7BRG HB9BRM HR6SI HR2HM V73GT WF5T 5A24PA PA1AW II1TQ IZ3CYN V8IAN VE6VK 5B4/DL8KWS DL8KWS IO4I IK4QIB VE6RH VE6VK 5R8GT DK8ZD IO4T IK4XCL VK4DMV DF9MV 5U2K I2YSB IO7C I7PXV VK6KVP SP9EVP 5U3T I2YSB IQ2W IK2DUW VK7KHZ EA7FTR 5U5A I2YSB IU7M IK7JWY VK9EHH W8WC 5W0HY JA0SC J28VS F4DBF VP2ECW N6CW 6Y5/G0NJZ G0NJZ J37LR VE3EBN VP2VI W6RKC 6Y8A WA4WTG J38X K1XX VP5/K4ISV N2AU 7X5JF DJ8QP J41K SV1DPI VP5/K5CM K5CM 8P5A W2SC J79XC G0IXC VP5/N5DD N5DD 8P9HR K4BAI JK1UWY/5N0 JH8BKL VP5/N5KW N5KW 8P9HT K4BAI JW3FL LA3FL VP6BK VE3HO 8P9Z K4BAI JW5RIA LA5RIA VP6CW ZL3CW 8Q7DD W4WET JW8G LA8G VP8ROT GM0HCQ 9G5MD F5VCR JW9PJA LA9PJA VQ9NL W4NML 9M0M K7XN JY4NE K3IRV VQ9VK N1TO 9M6A N2OO KG4IZ WA5PAE VU2ZAP W3HNK 9M6AAC N2OO KG4MO K4ZLE W6STT/WH0 7M1STT 9M6BAA G4SHF KG4MO K4ZLE XF4MX XE1X 9M8DX/2 9V1XE KH0/JJ7FZC JJ7FZC XX9ARM XX9BB 9N7RB W4FOA KH0/JM1LRQ JM1LRQ XX9JUV XX9BB A35RK W7TSQ KH0XX/NH2 JP1NWZ XX9SAR XX9BB A35SQ W7TSQ KH2/JA2EMP JA2EMP YB0AZ W7TSQ A52CO UA9DD KH2VG JE8KKX YB3ASQ W7TSQ A61AJ W3UR LR7DX LU8FDZ YB3OSE W7TSQ AA8FY/KL7 AA8FY LX7I LX2AJ YB4JIM EA7FTR AF2C ZF2LM MJ/K3PLV K3PLV YC1VBH EA7FTR AH0F JA2NQG MJ/K8PT K8PT YC1WAE K5ZE AH6PN/HR6 W7TSQ N7QXQ/HR6 W7TSQ YC4FIJ YC9BU AH7X/WH2 JP1NWZ OA4/DL1NL DL1NL YJ0ABQ I6BQI AM8CI EA8AKN OX3CO EA7FTR YV6AZC EA5KB AP2JZB K2EWB P49V AI6V Z31PK DJ0LZ AY8A LU8ADX PY0FM JA1VOK ZC4DW G0DEZ BQ9P KU9C PY0FZ PY7ZZ ZC4JP G0WSA BV9O BV8BC R3ARES RW3AH ZD8CSA DL1SDN C21AN DF8AN RM9RX RW9QA ZD8K GW0ANA CM6UV W3CKU RM9RZ RW9QA ZF1WD G4RWD CQ1CV CT1ETE RN9RZ RW9QA ZF2JC/ZF8 NC8V CQ3CEC CT1BNW RW9QA RW9QA ZK1CAN KE7NO CT3/DL3KWF DL3KWF RW9QA W3HNK ZK1EPY F6EPY CU2/SM0DSF SM0DSF S79MX HB9MX ZK1HCU DL9HCU CU3/PY3ZM PY3CEJ SI900TKM SK6NL ZK2BQI I6BQI CX2AQ EA5KB T30AN DF8AN ZK3HC DL9HCU CX8BU EA7FTR T88LJS JH8DEH ZP5/DK7PE DK7PE DU1/N6HPX N6HPX TA3DD KB2MS ZP8AE EA7FTR DU3NXE W3HNK TE8AA TI4JHQ ZP8BHA EA7FTR /EX SB DX@WW $425WW516D 425 DX News #516 [4/4] 24 March 2001 No 516 $425WW516D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 3B9FR Robert Felicite, Box 31, Rodrigues Island, Indian Ocean, via Mauritius 5A1A Abubaker Alzway, P.O.Box 74421, Tripoli, Libya 9V1XE Mirek Rozbicki, 7 Seletar Terrace, Singapore 806908 A45XR P.O. Box 2038, CPO 111 Oman BV8BC Bill Chen, P.O. Box 222, Taitung-city 950, Taiwan CT1ETE P.O. Box 1026, 4811-908 Guimaraes, Portugal CT3KN Ricardo Martins, Cam do Pilar. Ed Colinas do Pilar, Bl D, 5� Dir., 9000-150 Funchal, Portugal CT4UW Joao Paulo, Circular Norte, 13D-1 Dt, 1800-134 Lisboa, Portugal DF9MV Sven Duhme, Spitzerweg 2, D-83708 Kreuth, Germany DL6DQW Reinhard Fendler, Waldteichstrasse 34, 01468 Boxdorf, Germany F6KQL Radio Club MJC, 7 Rue de Longvic, 21300 Chenove, France F6OYU Luc Hedoin, 1020 route de Frans, 69400 Villeranche, France G4RWD Ken Cheetham, 25 Highcroft Drive, Burton-On-Trent, Staffs DE14 2BJ, UK HA8IB Szabo Karoly, Aradi str. 42, H-5525 Fuzesgyarmat, Hungary HR2HM Henry Handal, 25 y 26 Calle, 15 Ave Casa 2503, Colonia, Altipiano, San Pedro Sula, Honduras HR2RCH Radio Club de Honduras, P.O. Box 273, San Pedro Sula, Cortes, Honduras I6BQI Angelo Brandolini, Contrada Colle di Giogo 36/A, 65010 Moscufo - PE, Italy IK2DUW Antonello Passarella, P.O. Box 13448, 20051 Limbiate - MI, Italy IK2QPR Paolo Fava, Via Bertani 8, 46100 Mantova - MN, Italy JA0SC Hirotada Yoshiike, 722-1 Shiba matsushiro-cyo, Nagano-city, 381-1214, Japan JE8KKX Nozomu Takahashi, 2-5, 5-chome 18-jo Toko, Asahikawa, 078-8358 Japan JH8DEH Akira Miyata, 4-28-5 Minami, Nishi 23, Obihiro, 080-2473, Japan JM1LRQ Nobuyuki Arai, 5-6-1-1002 Kitayamata, Tsuzuki, Yokohama, 224-0021 Japan JP1NWZ Yoichi Sakurada, C201 3-11-24 Nakahara Isogo, 235-0036 Yokohama, Japan K1XX Charles Carroll, POB 3, Rindge, NH 03461, USA K8PT B. Peter Treml, 725 W. Magnetic St., Marquette, Michigan 49855-2730, USA KB5GL Silvano Amenta, 5028 Hearst Street, Metaire, LA 70001, USA KU9C Steve Wheatley, P.O. Box 5953, Parsippany, NJ 07054-6953, USA LA5RIA Erling Winje, Bautaveien 8, N-6507 Kristiansund, Norway LA8G Radioamatorklubben P35, P.O. Box 941, Sentrum, N-7409 Trondheim, Norway LA9GY Morten Antonsen, Hallsetreina 6, N-7027 Trondheim, Norway LR7DX P.O Box 400, 2000 Rosario, Aregentina LU8ADX Diego Salom, P.O. Box 373, 1412 Buenos Aires, Argentina LX2AJ Philippe Lutty, 6A Sentier de Bricherhof, L-1262 Luxembourg N4GN Tim Totten, P.O. Box 91196, Louisville KY 40291-0196, USA N6HPX Larry Fields, 1207 E. Victoria Ct., San Pablo, CA 94806, USA NE8Z Rick Dorsch, P.O. Box 616, Hamburg, MI 48139, USA OZ0ITT Hans Thomassen, Villavej 3 - Ejerslevlyng, 7900 Nykobing Mors, Denmark PA1AW Alex van Hengel, Schoener 85, 2991JK Barendrecht, The Netherlands PU1NEZ Carlos Guilherme Correa, Calle Presidente Backer 9 apto. 306, 24220-045 Niteroi - RJ, Brazil PY1LVF Jose Luiz Vieira Fernandez, Apartado Postal 18009, 20722-970 Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil PY1NEW Emanuel Tavares Filho, Apartado Postal 100659, 24001-970 Niteroi - RJ, Brazil PY1NEZ Rogaciano de Lima Correa Filho, Calle Belizario Augusto 91 apto. 1101, 24230-200 Niteroi - RJ, Brazil RW9QA Vlad Kondratenko P.O.Box 1, Kurgan-38, 640038, Russia SK6NL Kungalvs Sandareamatorer, P.O. Box 625, SE-442 17 Kungalv, Sweden SV1DPI Kostas Stamatis, P.O. Box 66, 30100 Agrinio, Greece UR3QCW Ruslan Chernyavskye, P.O. Box 4848, Zaporozhye 69118, Ukraine VE6VK Russ. A. Wilson, 1235 Richland Road N.E., Calgary, AB T2E 5M5, Canada W3UR Bernie McClenny, 3025 Hobbs Road, Glenwood, MD 21738, USA WA4FFW Mark McIntyre, 2903 Maple Avenue, Burlington, NC 27215, USA XE1X Radio Club Mexicano A. C., P.O. Box # 19-500/510, Mixcoac, Mexico D.F., 03910 Mexico XX9AU P.O. Box 8005, Macau YC6LAY Dayan Sianipar, P.O. Box 17, Balige 22300, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia YC9BU Kadek Kariana Sp., P.O. Box 106, Singaraja 81100, Bali, Indonesia YT1AD Hrane Milosevic, 36206 Vitanovac, Yugoslavia ZK1CG Victor Rivera, P.O. Box 618, Rarotonga, Cook Islands ZL3CW Jacky Calvo, P.O. Box 593, Pukekohe 1800, New Zealand ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX