S DX@WW $425WW513A 425 DX News #513 [1/5] 3 March 2001 No 513 $425WW513A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3Y - Chuck, 3Y0C reports he will be leaving Bouvet on 4 March. He expects to arrive to Cape Town around the 10th. 5W - Dominique, F6EPY has changed his plans and will now be active as 5W0DA from Samoa (OC-097) instead of French Polynesia [425DXN 512]. He will be there through 6 March and will then operate from Rarotonga in the South Cooks (ZK1EPY) on 7-17 March. QSL via F6EPY. [TNX The Daily DX] 9M6 - Andy, G4ZVJ plans to operate CW only from 9M6AAC, East Malaysia, on 8-12 March, including activity in the RSGB Commonwealth Contest (BERU). [TNX G4ZVJ] BV - Look for BV9O to be active from the Lang-Tao Elementary School on Lan Yu (Orchid Island, AS-155) between 15 and 19 March. QSL via BV8BC (Bill Chen, P.O. Box 222, Taitung-city 950, Taiwan). [TNX BV8BC] CX - A group of CX operators will be active on all bands and modes (RTTY and PSK included) as CW0Z, from Flores Island (SA-030, LH-0528) on 2-9 March. QSL via EA5KB. [TNX CX2AM] EA8 - Martti, OH2BH will be airing EA8BH on all six bands from his Canary Islands QTH this coming weekend during the ARRL DX SSB Contest. [TNX N4GN] EM_ant - Paul, EM1HO (home call UX2HO) has been on Argentine Island (AN-006), Antarctica for a couple of weeks [425DXN 508] and will be there for one year. He is active on HF using 200w to a vertical and on six metres with 100w and (for the time being) a simple dipole. Paul is active on SSB, CW, and will also be on the digital modes, including RTTY and PSK 31. QSL via I2PJA. [TNX K0YR] F - Jean-Marc, F5SGI reports he will operate (on all HF bands mostly CW) as F5SGI/p from Yeu Island (EU-064, DIFM AT-021) on 14-26 April. QSL to F5SGI either direct or through the bureau. [TNX F5SGI] GM - Jim, MM0BQI (http://www.qsl.net/mm0bqi) will operate as MM0BQI/p from the Tanera Mor (SC10) in the Summer Isles (EU-092) during the Scottish Activity Weekend (21-23 April). He plans to be active 80-10 metres all modes including RTTY and PSK31. The Activity weekend is sponsored by the GMDX Group. Jim will be back to EU-092 between 27 July and 3 August - he will participate in the IOTA Contest and try to activate some other islands nearby. QSL via MM0BQI either direct (Jim Martin, 3 Lismore Avenue, Edinburgh, EH8 7DW, Scotland) or through the RSGB bureau. [TNX MM0BQI] GW - Ten operators from the North Wales Radio Rally Club (http://www.nwrrcw.org.uk) will be active (on all bands 160-6 metres) as GW0NWR/P from Bardsey Island (EU-124) on 5-10 August. They will be operating from Bardsey Lighthouse for the first three days, then will move to Plas Bach, a farm house on the middle of the island, for the remaining time. QSL via GW0NWR (bureau) or direct to GW0DSJ (Edward Shipton, 34 Argoed, Kinmal Bay, Rhyl. Conwy LL18 5LN, Wales. [TNX GW0DSJ] H44 - Bernard, H44MS/DL2GAC eventually arrived to the Shortland Islands (OC1-62) on 27 February. "There are generators around", he says, "but gasoline is in short supply,if available 1 liter is 2 US$". He reports he will try "to organise a solar panel locally", but for the time being he is using a battery and asks island chasers to refrain calling him if they already have this IOTA group. He will stay there until 15 or 16 March. QSL via DL2GAC. HC8 - Pedro, HC1OT is active as HC8Z from San Cristobal Island, Galapagos (SA-004) until 8 March. QSL via NE8Z (Rick Dorsch, P.O. Box 616, Hamburg, MI 48139, USA). [TNX NE8Z] HI - Look for Babs, DL7AFS/HI9 and Lot, DJ7ZG/HI9 to operate from the Dominican Republic (NA-096) on 4-23 March. They will be active on 80-6 metres SSB, RTTY and PSK. QSL via DL7AFS. [TNX DJ7ZG] /EX S DX@WW $425WW513B 425 DX News #513 [2/5] 3 March 2001 No 513 $425WW513B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== HZ - Joe Musachia, W5FJG (ex KA5ZMK, aka EL2JM in 1987-89 and JY9ZK in 1991-93) works for the US State Department and is currently assigned to the American Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for the next two years. Recently he received permission from the Saudi Government to operate from the Consulate using the call 7Z1AC. Joe plans to be on the air starting sometime in mid April. For now QSL via WA4JTK. Joe's web page (http://sites.netscape.net/joeyjeep99usa/homepage) will provide logs and operating updates. [TNX W5FJG/7Z1AC] I - Alfredo, IK7JWX reports that besides IQ7J [425DXN 512] other operators will be signing home call/7 from the Pedagne Islands (EU-091) on 3-4 March outside the ARRL DX SSB Contest. They will be active on SSB and RTTY. I - Mario, IZ8DBJ will participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest as IQ8S (SOSB 10 metres). QSL via home call either direct (Mario Pesce, P.O. Box 15, 80070 Bacoli - NA, Italy) or through the bureau. This call will be aired again by "Campania Contest Team" (IZ8AJQ, IZ8DBJ IZ8CEV, I8TLI, IZ8CSD and IK8YBE) during this yrear's major contests. [TNX IZ8AJQ] I - Look for scout station II1TQ to be activated (on 2-80 metres SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK31 and Hell) on 24-25 March by ARI Moncalieri, Radioscout AGESCI Piemonte and AGESCI Torino 40. QSL via IZ3CYN. [TNX IZ3CYN] I - Special station IR0MA will be activated throughout April to celebrate the 2754th anniversary of the foundation of Rome. QSL direct only to I0MWI (Stefano Cipriani, Via Taranto 60, 00055 Ladispoli - RM, Italy). [TNX I0MWI] I - Jean-Pierre, ON4BBA and other seven operators from UBA-DST Amateur Radio Club (hhpt://www.on4dst.be) will be active (mostly on SSB with some CW, RTTY and PSK) as IA5/home call from Elba Island (EU-028) on 12-19 May. They will also try to operate on VHF (skeds are welcome at on4bba@village.uunet.be). QSL either direct to ON4AMM or through the bureau via ON4DST. [TNX ON4BBA] JA - Look for Masa, JA6GXK to be active from Meshima (Danjo Islands, AS-056) [425DXN 511] during his spare time as follows: 3 March 03.30-07.00 UTC & 10.00-15.00 UTC 4 March 00.30-02.30 UTC 5 March 10.00-11.00 UTC 6 March 10.00-15.00 UTC 8 March 10.00-11.00 UTC He plans to operate mainly SSB on 20 (14260 +/- 10kHz), 15 (21260 +/- 10 kHz) and 40 metres. QSL via the JARL bureau. [TNX JA3MZB] JA - Look for Joe, JA4PXE/6 to be active (on 40, 20, 15, 28 and 6 metres) from Mejima (Danjo Islands, AS-056) on 3-6 May. QSL via JA4PXE (Joe S. Kuwahara, 1-75 Midori, Tokuyama 745-0075, Japan). [TNX JI6KVR] JA - Look for Yuki, JI6KVR/6 and Shu,JA6IEF/6 to be active from Uji-jima (AS-067) on 4-6 May. QSL via EA5KB. [TNX JI6KVR] J2 - J28EX (F5THR) and J28NH (F5NHJ) hope to be active as J28CDX from Sept Freres (AF-059) at the end of March. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX] JW - Look for Bjorn/LA9IY (JW9IY) and Morten/LA9GY (JW9GY) to participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest (24-25 March) as JW8G. They will be active before and after the contest. Further information at http://www.qsl.net/la8g. QSL via LA8G (Radioamatorklubben P35, P.O. Box 941, Sentrum, N-7409 Trondheim, Norway). [TNX LA9GY] KG4 - Jay/K4ZLE and Pick/WA5PAE will be active as KG4MO (QSL via K4ZLE) and KG4IZ (QSL via WA5PAE) from Guantanamo Bay on 16-25 March. They plan to operate on 160-6 metres, WARC bands included, mainly on CW with some SSB and possibly PSK-31. [TNX The Daily DX] KH0 - Nob, JM1LRQ will be active (on 6-160 metres CW and SSB) as KH0/JM1LRQ from Saipan (OC-086) on 22-26 March. He plans to participate in the CQ WPX SSB Contest and will therefore concentrate on CW outside the contest. QSL via JM1LRQ either direct (Nobuyuki Arai, 5-6-1-1002 Kitayamata, Tsuzuki, Yokohama, 224-0021, Japan) or through the JARl bureau. [TNX JM1LRQ] OH0 - Frank/DL2SWW and Ric/DL2VFR will operate as OH0/home calls from the Aland Islands (EU-002) on 14-20 April. They plan to be active on 6-160 metres mostly CW with some SSB and RTTY. QSL via home calls. For further information please visit http://www.iota-expedition.com [TNX DL2VFR] PJ/FS - Joe, W3HNK will be active as PJ7/W3HNK and FS/W3HNK from either Sint Maarten and St. Martin until 15 March, including some operation during the ARRL SSB Contest. QSLs for this operation go to KU9C. /EX S DX@WW $425WW513C 425 DX News #513 [3/5] 3 March 2001 No 513 $425WW513C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== PY - Look for PU1NEZ/2 (Carlos), PY1LVF/2 (Zeca), PY1NEW/2 (Pete) and PY1NEZ/2 (Lima) to be active on 10-80 metres CW and SSB from Sao Sebastiao Island (SA-028) on 15-19 March. They plan to operate on or around 3755, 7055, 14260, 18128, 21260, 24950, 28460 kHz SSB and 3539, 7030, 10115, 14040, 18098, 21040, 24920 and 28040 kHz CW. QSL via home calls either direct or through the bureau. [TNX PY1NEZ] PY0_tri- PU2RYW (Fran), PY2NW (Claudio) and PY2QI (Erwin) will operate as ZW0TB (SSB) and ZW0TW (CW) from Trindade (SA-010) for two or three days in October. QSL via PY2KQ. A web site is under construction at http://www.radiohaus.com.br/trindade.htm [TNX PY2QI] SM - Frank/DL2SWW and Ric/DL2VFR will operate as SM7/home calls from Oland Island (EU-037) on 21-28 April. QSL via home calls. [TNX DL2VFR] SM - A group of operators from the Grantham Amateur Radio Club will be active as SM5/G0GRC/P from Lammskar Island (EU-177) on 22-25 July. QSL via G0RCI either direct (Alan Gibson, 1 Oakleigh Rd., Grantham. Lincs. NG31 7NN, England). [TNX G0RCI] TA - Operators from club station TA2KI are planning to be active from Kefken Island (AS-???) the first week of June. [TNX G0APV] TX_che - Jacky Calvo, F2CW is currently signing TX5CW from New Caledonia. The Daily DX reports that he, Dany/F5CW and a couple of other operators will be active from the Chesterfield Islands (OC-176) between 24 April and 8 May. Further information is expected in due course. UA - Dennis/RZ1AK and Vlad/UA1CIO will be active as home calls /p from Verperluda Island (EU-133, RR-01-11) on 7-10 March. QSL via RZ1AK either direct or through the bureau. [TNX RZ1AK] UA - Serge, RA0JJ (Zone 19) plans to operate during the Russian DX Contest (17-18 March) on 80 metres CW. Look for him between 3503 and 3512 kHz. QSL to Serge Smirnoff, P.O.Box 1, Blagoveschensk, 675000, Russia. [TNX RA0JJ] V2 - Chuck, N2CY has been forced to cancell his planned V26CY operation from Antigua [425DXN 512] due to unexpected business commitments. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] V7 - Tom, K7ZZ confirms the V73E operation from Enewetak Atoll (OC-087), Marshall Islands is scheduled to take place on 19-26 April [425DXN 511]. Team members are Dave (V73UX/WW2AVG), George (V73GT/AH8H), Tom (V73ZZ/K7ZZ) and Jim (W7UG). They plan to operate on SSB, CW and RTTY on 80-6 metres with two complete stations with amplifiers, a tribander, a multi-band vertical plus wire. QSL to WF5T either direct or via the bureau. VK9_lh - The Daily DX reporta that Ed, K8VIR (ZL4IR) plans to operate as VK9EHH from Lord Howe Island (OC-004) starting on 5 March. QSL via W8WC. VP8_fal- GMDX group members Rob/GM3YTS, Jack/GM4COX, Tom/GM4FDM and Gavin/GM0GAV will be active as VP8SDX from the Falklands (SA-002) between 23 April and 8 May. They plan to have two stations; the main focus will be on CW, LF and WARC bands. QSL via GM4FDM. Further information can be found at http://www.hfdx.co.uk/vp8sdx [TNX GM0GAV] YB - Irfan, YC4FIJ is a resident on Belitung Island (OC-144) and can be found on 21260 kHz around 12 UTC till 16 UTC with YC9BU, YC8TXW, etc. QSL via YC9BU (Kadek Kariana Sp., P.O. Box 106, Singaraja 81100, Bali, Indonesia). [TNX YB5QZ] ZK1 - Bavarian Contest Club (BCC) members Uwe/DL9NDS (ZK1NDS) and Klaus/DL7NFK (ZK1NFK) will operate from the Cook Islands between 29 April and 18 May. They will be active from Rarotonga (OC-013, South Cooks) from 29 April to 4 May and again on 12-18 May. Between 5 and 11 May they plan to operate from either Manihiki (OC-014, North Cooks) or Mangaia (OC-159, South Cooks), possibly with a stop at Aitutaki (OC-083, South Cooks). "A lot of activity" is expected on RTTY, PSK31 and MFSK16. QSL ZK1NDS via DL9NDS (Uwe Scherf, Itzgrund 15, 95512 Neudrossenfeld, Germany); QSL ZK1NFK via DL7NFK (Klaus Mohr, Am Anger 12, 95488 Eckersdorf, Germany). Up-to-date information and online logs can be found at http://www.dl9nds.de/Cook/cook.html [TNX DL7NFK] PACIFIC TRIP ---> Hirotada, JA0SC will be leaving Japan on 8 March to operate as A35SC from Tonga (10-15 March), as 5W1xx from Samoa (15-19 March, call to be issued upon arrival) and as 3D2HY from Fiji (20-21 March). SSTV and RTTY enthusiasts should be looking for him on 14.233, 21.343, 28.683 MHz and 14.080, 21.080, 28.080 MHz respectively. QSL via JA0SC either direct (Hirotada Yoshiike, 722-1 Shiba matsushiro-cyo, Nagano-city, 381-1214, Japan) or through the JARL bureau. [TNX Japan DX News] /EX S DX@WW $425WW513D 425 DX News #513 [4/5] 3 March 2001 No 513 $425WW513D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 3D2CI ---> The team on Conway Reef had various problems. The WX continued to deteriorate on Sunday, with rough sea, strong wind and heavy rain. The generator was damaged and it took almost 20 hours to resume the operation with a second generator. They were expected to operate until around 6 UTC on 1 March, but had to go QRT earlier than planned due to tropical cyclone Paula approaching Conway. The logs will be available at http://www.kragujevac.co.yu/3d2/ after 9 March. [TNX VE3EXY] NEW U.S. ISLANDS AWARD ---> Michael Crownover, AB5EB has announced the creation of the "Stars and Stripes Island Award" (SSIA), which is different from the "United States Island Award" (USIA). The SSIA has finite number of groups (673 groups from all 50 states and the District of Columbia). Further information is available at http://www.qsl.net/ab5eb/ssia NOT THE MANAGER ---> Mario, IV3VBM is not the QSL manager for HC1BKP and Karl, DL2FAG is not the QSL manager for Z21AV. The DX Newsletter reports that DJ3QX is no longer the QSL manager for TZ1GH; all direct QSLs are returned to sender. POSTAGE FROM FK ---> Didier, FK8VHN reports that while 1 US$ (= 125 XPF) is not enough for postage to NA, SA and AS (135 XPF) or EU (155 XPF), 1 IRC is all right for all continents. [TNX SP7ICE] QSL CY9 & FP ---> Henry, KT1J reports that QSL cards have finally arrived from the printers for the July 2000 operations of FP/KT1J, FP/N1JEZ and KT1J/CY9 (all via K1WY), and WV2B/CY9 and WA4RX/CY9 (both via N2AU). Direct and bureau cards will be mailed very shortly. QSL FR/F6KDF/T ---> More than 3,000 QSL were mailed during this past weekend. Requests received in January and February will be processed in March. Also please note that "we confirm only QSO(s) requested on your QSL. We receive many QSLs with 'one' QSO and when we check the log we find many more QSOs. Only 'one' QSO requested is confirmed!". QSL SA-030 ---> Pepe, EA5KB reports he now has the logs for CV0Z (1996) and CV1Z (2000). QSL direct to EA5KB (Jose F. Ardid Arlandis, Apartado 5013, 46080 Valencia, Spain). QSL UA0FZ ---> The QSL manager (USA excluded) for Vlad, UA0FZ is IK2DUW: Antonello Passerella, P.O. Box 13448, 20051 Limbiate - MI, Italy. [TNX IK2DUW] QSL VK0MM ---> Alan, VK4AAR reports that QSLing is now well underway; those who mailed in their cards immediately after the QSL address announcement at the end of January should be receiving their VK0MM QSL very shortly. An initial donation of approximately six thousand US$ has already been made to the childrens cancer charity "Camp Quality" in Australia. There will be more donations to Camp Quality as the QSL process continues. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH IOTA CONTEST: The results of the RSGB IOTA Contest 2000 are now available at http://www.ei5di.com/iota200r.html. LOGS: The latest logs for XX9TDX and VQ9GB are now available at at http://dx.qsl.net/logs [TNX N6RT] WRC 2001: The Russian Robinson Club (http://rrc.sc.ru) has announced the results of World Robinson Cup 2000 and the new rules for this year's marathon (1 April-30 September). Questions can be sent to wrc_rrc@mail.ru [TNX RZ3EC] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSL received direct: 3W3SK, 3W7CW, 3W7TK, 4K54CW, 4W6MM, 5R8GC, 5R8O, 5U7X, 5V7VJ, 7P8AA, 9G5AA, 9Y4SRR, A35AD, A35AU, A45XM, A52DX, A52GJ, AP2NK, AX2000, AX2GAMES, BA4DW, BO2YA (AS-102), BV7FF, CE0/JA3IG, CE8/KD6WW (SA-050), CU6/DJ6SI, E30TA, EM5UIA, EP2MKO, EX2T, EY2A, EY8/W6XD, EZ8BO, FK8HZ, FO0DEH (OC-057, OC-067, OC-238), FO0PT, FR/F6KDF/T, FT5XN, FY/DJ6SI, HC8A, II7LE, IK7JWX/7 (WAIL PU-007), IU0FM, J3A, J5X, J5Z, JT1DA, JY4NE, KH6ND/KH5, N2OO/P (NA-111), OD5/JY4NE, OX3UB (NA-134), P29VPY, PJ5CM, PV5IOTA (SA-088), RK0FWL/P (AS-149), RV2FW, SV3/IZ7ATN/P (EU-158), SV9/IW0FQZ/P (EU-187), SV9/IZ0CKJ/P (EU-187), T32R, T77C, TA0/IZ7ATN/p (AS-099), TA0/IZ7ATN/P (EU-186), TE6U (NA-155), TF8GX, TG0AA, TS7N, V47KP, V73UX, V73XP, VK6BM (OC-234), VK6BSI (OC-243), VK8AN/6 (OC-154), VP8DBQ, W2RA/VY0 (NA-047), XQ0Y, XT2OW, XV9TH, XW1UD, XX9TDX, YC9MKF/P (OC-241), YC9WZJ/P (OC-239), YC9WZJ/P (OC-241), YJ0PD (OC-035), YJ0V, ZA1B, ZB2X, ZC4GL, ZK1NDK, ZK1NJC, ZL3CW, ZM1A, ZM8CW, ZS6AVP. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX S DX@WW $425WW513E 425 DX News #513 [5/5] 3 March 2001 No 513 $425WW513E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till 31/03 3E500: special prefix (Panama) 512 till 06/03 3W2LWS: Vietnam * by WA1LWS 510 till 12/03 5U: Niger * by I2YSB, I2UIY, IK2DIA 509 till 06/03 5W0DA: Samoa (OC-097) * by F6EPY 513 till 06/03 6Y8A: Jamaica * by WT6G,WA6O,K0COP,W6NS,N6XG,K2KW 511 till 04/03 BV9L: Liuchiu Yu (AS-155) 512 till 05/03 C56/DL2OE & C56/DL7CM: The Gambia 511 till 09/03 CW0Z: Flores Island (SA-030) 513 till 2002 EM1HO: Galindez Island (AN-006) 513 till August FO0CLA: French Polynesia and Australs * by F2HE 501 till 15/03 H44MS: Shortland Islands (OC-162) * by DL2GAC 513 till 08/03 HC8Z: Galapagos (SA-004) * by HC1OT 513 till 09/03 JA6GXK: Me-shima, Danjo Islands (AS-056) 513 till ?? JW3FL: Hopen Is. (EU-063) * by LA3FL 504 till 31/12 OE75: special prefix (Austria) 504 till April P40MR: Aruba (SA-036) * by VE3MR 500 till 05/03 PJ2/K6RO, PJ2/W6KK, PJ2R: Curacao (SA-006) 509 till 15/03 PJ7/W3HNK and FS/W3HNK: Sint Maarten and St. Martin 513 till 06/03 PJ8/AA1M, W1USN, W1HL: Sint Maarten (NA-105) 507 till 05/03 PY3DX/p: Santa Catarina Island (SA-026) 511 till April RU0LM/0: Shikotan Island (AS-062) 508 till March S21YD: Bangladesh * by SM6CPY 511 till 07/03 VP2E: Anguilla * by W8ILC, N6JRL, AC8G, WD8MQJ, N8JE 512 till 04/03 T32RD: Christmas Isl. (OC-024) * by OK1RD,OK1RI,OK1PD 507 till 13/03 ZK2BQI: Niue * by I6BQI 512 02/03-08/03 3D2: Fiji * by YT1AD and others 512 03/03-04/03 IQ7J: Pedagne Islands (EU-091) 512 03/03-04/03 ARRL International DX Contest (SSB) *** 03/03-04/03 Open Ukraine RTTY Championship *** 04/03-19/03 3G0Y: Easter Island (SA-001) * by CEs and DLs 512 04/03-23/03 DL7AFS/HI9 and DJ7ZG/HI9: Dominican Republic (NA-096) 513 06/03-15/03 BQ9P: Pratas Island 511 07/03-10/03 RZ1AK/p and UA1CIO/p: Verperluda Island (EU-133) 513 07/03-17/03 ZK1EPY: Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cooks * by F6EPY 513 08/03-12/03 9M6AAC: East Malaysia * by G4ZVJ 513 08/03-13/03 ZL4CC: Waiheke Island (OC-201) * by G3PJT 511 10/03-15/03 A35SC: Tonga * by JA0SC 513 10/03 WC6DX: Alcatraz Island (USI CA-05S) 511 10/03-11/03 RSGB Commonwealth Contest (CW) *** 10/03-11/03 UBA Spring Contest (CW) *** 11/03-16/03 V31GI: Southwest Caye (NA-180) * by PA3GIO 509 11/03 WC6DX: Yerba Buena Island (USI CA-19S) 511 14/03-20/03 MJ/K8PT & MJ/K3PLV: Jersey (EU-013) 511 15/03-19/03 5W: Samoa * by JA0SC 513 15/03-16/03 A35BQ: Tonga * by I6BQI 512 15/03-19/03 BV9O: Lan Yu (Orchid Island, AS-155) 513 15/03-19/03 PU1NEZ/2, PY1LVF/2, PY1NEW/2, PY1NEZ/2: SA-028 513 from 15/03 VK9EHH: Lord Howe Island (OC-004) * by K8VIR/ZL4IR 513 16/03-25/03 KG4MO and KG4IZ: Guantanamo Bay * by K4ZLE and WA5PAE 513 17/03-23/03 FM/IV3TDM, FM/IV3FHH, FM/IV3JVJ: Martinique (NA-107) 511 17/03-18/03 HR: Swan Islands (NA-035) * by HRs 508 17/03-18/03 WC6DX: Angel Island (USI CA-06S) 511 17/03-19/03 BARTG WW RTTY Contest *** 17/03-18/03 Russian DX Contest *** 18/03-06/04 YJ0BQI (?): Vanuatu * by I6BQI 512 20/03-21/03 3D2HY: Fiji * by JA0SC 513 21/03-30/03 JA6GXK: Me-shima, Danjo Islands (AS-056) 511 22/03-30/03 3W: Vietnam * by F5PBL 511 22/03-26/03 KH0/JM1LRQ: Saipan (OC-086) 513 24/03-25/03 II1TQ (scout station) 513 24/03-25/03 JW8G: Svalbard * by JW9IY and JW9GY 513 24/03-25/03 CQ WW WPX Contest (SSB) *** 28/03-02/04 PJ6/PA3GIO/m: Saba (NA-145) 509 30/03-11/04 J3/W1HEO & J3/W5PF: Grenada 511 March 9M0M: Spratly Islands (AS-051) 511 March J2: Sept Freres (AF-059) * by J28EX and J28NH 513 March ZD7K: St. Helena * by GW4BVJ, G0WMW, GW0ANA 511 March ZD8K: Ascension * by GW4BVJ, G0WMW, GW0ANA 511 07/04-08/04 EA RTTY Contest *** 07/04-08/04 SP DX Contest *** 07/04-08/04 UBA Spring Contest (SSB) *** 13/04-15/04 Japan International DX Contest (20-10 mt) *** 14/04-26/04 F5SGI/p: Yeu Island (EU-064) 513 14/04-20/04 OH0/DL2SWW and OH0/DL2VFR: Aland Islands (EU-002) 513 14/04-15/04 EU Spring Sprint SSB (1500Z-1859Z) *** 19/04-26/04 V73E: Enewetak Atoll (OC-087) * by V73ZZ and others 513 21/04-23/04 MM0BQI/p: Summer Isles (EU-092) 513 21/04-28/04 SM7/DL2SWW and SM7/DL2VFR: Oland Island (EU-037) 513 21/04-24/04 VK9ML: Mellish Reef (OC-072) * by VK4s 512 21/04-22/04 YU DX Contest *** 21/04-22/04 Holyland DX Contest 500 21/04 EU Spring Sprint CW (1500Z-1859Z) *** 23/04-08/05 VP8SDX: Falkland Isls (SA-002) * by GMs 513 24/04-08/05 Chesterfield Islands * by F2CW and others 513 28/04-29/04 Helvetia Contest *** 28/04-29/04 SP DX RTTY Contest *** 29/04-04/05 ZK1NDS & ZK1NFK: OC-013 (South Cooks) 513 from mid-Apr 7Z1AC: Saudi Arabia * by W5FJG 513 April E29AL: Tarutao Island (AS-126) 512 April IR0MA: special station 513 03/05-06/05 JA4FHE/4: Oki Islands (AS-041) 511 03/05-06/05 JA4PXE/6: Mejima (AS-056) 513 04/05-06/05 JI6KVR/6 and JA6IEF/6: Uji-jima (AS-067) 513 05/05-18/05 3B6RF: Agalega (AF-001) 511 05/05-11/05 ZK1NDS & ZK1NFK: OC-014 or OC-159 513 05/05-06/05 ARI International DX Contest *** /EX