DX425 bulletin issue nr. 511

SB DX@WW $425WW511A
425 DX News #511 [1/4]
  17 February 2000                  No 511                        $425WW511A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

3B6       - There are still two vacancies for  the 5-18 May 3B6RF  DXpedition
            to Agalega [425DXN 502]. Team members now include HB9BQI, HB9BQW,
            HB9BXE, HB9CRV,  HB9HFN, HB9JAI,  HB9JBI, 3B8CF,  4Z5FL,  CT1AGF,
            CT1EPV, DL3KUD, DL6UAA, F6HMJ, G3KHZ, N3SL, NK6F and SP9RTI.  The
            web site for the operation  is at http://www.Agalega2000.ch  [TNX
3W        - Claude, F5PBL reports he will  be active (call  TBA) from Ho  Chi
            Minh City, Vietnam on 22-30 March. He plans to operate on 10  and
            15 metres SSB with some CW  and SOSB entry in the  CQ WW WPX  SSB
            Contest. QSL via F5PBL either direct or through the bureau.
6Y        - The  DXpedition  University  (http://pages.prodigy.net/k2kw/dxu/)
            group will be active from Jamaica  (NA-097) [425DXN 504] from  26
            February to  6 March.  They will  sign 6Y8A  WT6G/6Y5,  WA6O/6Y5,
            K0COP/6Y5, W6NS/6Y5, N6XG/6Y5 and K2KW/6Y5 with four stations  on
            all bands from 6 to 160 metres, mostly on SSB and CW though  some
            PSK31 is possible. The group will  enter the ARRL DX SSB  Contest
            with a Multi-2 entry. QSL 6Y8A  via WA4WTG, others via  homecall.
            [TNX K2KW]
9M0_spr   - Sally/KM5EP,  Dennis/AF7Y,  Jerry/WB9Z,  Luis/XE1L,  Darryl/AF7O,
            Dan/NA7DB and  Mike/N7MB  are planning  an  operation  (on  10-80
            metres CW  and SSB)  as 9M0M  from the  Spratly Islands  (AS-051)
            during the first week of March.  They will operate as 9M6DBT  and
            9M6MBT (QSL for  both via WN7J)  from Sabah, Malaysia  for a  few
            days before and after their 9M0 activity. QSL 9M0M via K7XN.  The
            web site for this operation  is at http://www.xcvr.com/9M0M  [TNX
            OPDX Bulletin]
A5        - The Daily DX reports there are seven newly licenced amateur radio
            operators  in  Bhutan:  A51AA   (Yeshey  Dorji),  A51KC   (Kesang
            Namgyel), A51PK (Parop Kinley Dorji), A51PR (Pema Rinzin),  A51UD
            (Dorji Yeshey), A51WD (Wangpo Dorji) and A51YL (Ambika Gurung).
BQ9       - The BQ9P [425DXN 509] team includes  BV4FH, BV2OO, BX2AE,  BV5CR,
            AA4NN, W4NZC, RK3DT and JA1AYC. They plan to start operating from
            Pratas Island (AS-110)  around 8 UTC  on 6  March and  to be  QRV
            until the 15th. QSL via KU9C. [TNX JI6KVR]
BV        - The BV9L [425DXN 509] team includes  BV4AS, BV4DC, BV4FH,  BV4HJ,
            BV6DF, AA4NN, JA6IEF JI6KVR, W4NZC and possibly others. BV9L will
            be aired from  Liuchiu Yu Island  (AS-???) on 10,  15, 20 and  40
            metres CW and SSB on 2-4 March. QSL via BV4YB. [TNX JI6KVR].
C5        - Mike, DL2OE and Hans, DL7CM will  be active (on 6-160 metres  CW,
            SSB and  RTTY)  as  C56/homecalls  from  The  Gambia  between  20
            February and 5 March. QSL via home calls. [TNX The Daily DX]
CO        - Juan Carlos, CO8TW reports he will participate in the ARRL CW  DX
            Contest this weekend as SOSB (10 metres) low power. Logs will  be
            available at http://www.qsl.net/co8tw/.  QSL via IZ8CCW.
CO        - The No-Name  DX-Group  will again  be  operating as  T48RAC  from
            Santiago de Cuba. They will participate  in the CQ 160 Meter  SSB
            Contest (23-25 February)  and in  the ARRL  International DX  SSB
            Contest (3-4  March), and  they hope  to  be active  between  the
            contests for prefix chasers. Logs will be posted on the Kitchener
            Waterloo ARC web page (http://www.kwarc.org). QSL via VE3ESE (Don
            Fisher, 48 Lucerne Dr., Kitchener, Ontario N2E 1B3, Canada). [TNX
DU        - VE7DP, DU1KGJ, 4F1FZ and 4F1OZ will try to activate Lubang Island
            (OC-126) on 17-19  February. They will  probably be signing  4I1P
            again (this was the call used one week ago from OC-244). QSL  via
            VE7DP or DX1CW. [TNX VE7DP]
DU        - Frank, VE7DP reports that arrangement have been finalized for the
            operation from Batan  Island (OC-093) on  24-27 February  [425DXN
            510]. Ten members of DX1CW will be participating in the expedtion
            and Frank  will  be one  of  the  operators.  CW-Philippines  has
            applied for 4H2B call. QSL via VE7DP or DX1CW.
FM        - Dan/IV3TDM, Max/IV3FHH and Luke/IV3JVJ will be active as  FM/home
            call from Martinique (NA-107) on 17-23  March. They will  operate
            SSB, CW and RTTY from the  QTH of FM5GU and  will join that  team
            for the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest (Multi-Single). QSL FM5GU via KU9C.
            [TNX FM5GU]
SB DX@WW $425WW511B
425 DX News #511 [2/4]
  17 February 2000                  No 511                        $425WW511B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

GJ        - Look for Pete, MJ/K8PT and Craig, MJ/K3PLV to be active from  the
            Channel Island  of  Jersey (EU-013)  on  14-20 March.  They  will
            operate on 160-10 metres with an  emphasis on the WARC bands  and
            on CW, RTTY, PSK31 QSL via home calls. [TNX K8PT]
GM        - Leo, W3LEO reports he will  once again be  active as MM0LEO  from
            Portpatrick in southwest  Scotland from about  20 February to  14
            March. He plans to participate  in the ARRL  DX SSB Contest.  QSL
            via W3LEO.
H4        - Bernard, DL2GAC/H44MS has been in Honiara, Solomon Islands  since
            11 February. He plans to operate from the Russel Islands (OC-168)
            from 16 February (local evening) until the 18th (local  morning).
            On 20 February he  will move to  the Shortland Islands  (OC-162),
            where he expects to arrive on the 23rd and to stay for about  two
            or three weeks. QSL via DL2GAC. [TNX G3KMA]
I         - Gaetano, IT9FXY reports he  will participate in  the ARRL DX  SSB
            and other major contests as II9F. QSL via home call.
J2        - David, J28EX (F5THR) and Jean-Louis, J28NH (F5NHJ) will be active
            from Maskali island (AF-053) during the  weekend. They expect  to
            leave Djibouti around 15 local time on Friday and to come back on
            Sunday late afternoon. [TNX F6AJA]
J3        - Dee, W1HEO and Paul, W5PF will operate from Grenada from 30 March
            to 11  April.  They will  be  active (calls  to  be  issued  upon
            arrival, but expect J3/W1HEO and J3/W5PF) on 10-40 metres SSB and
            CW; special attention  will be given  to the WARC  bands and  the
            General-class portions of  the phone  bands. QSL  via home  calls
            either direct or through the bureau. [TNX W5PF]
JA        - Masa, JA6GXK will be active again from Meshima, Danjo Archipelago
            (AS-056) on 27 February-9 March and 21-30 March. He will  operate
            on +/-  14260 and  21260 kHz  in his  spare  time. QSL  only  via
            bureau. [TNX JA3MZB]
JA        - Look for Aki, JA4FHE/4 to be active from Nakanoshima, Oki Islands
            (AS-041) on  3-6 May.  QSL via  JA4FHE (Akifumi  Matsuda,  1-11-6
            Ageicyo, Kurayoshi-city, Tottori 82-0022, Japan). [TNX JI6KVR]
PY        - Tom, PY1XP expects to operate as PY1XP/p from time to time  while
            visiting his  friends  and  relatives  on  Grande  and  Itacuruca
            Islands (SA-029). QSL via bureau ("no  IRCs or green stamps  will
            be accepted", he says, "only QSLs"). [TNX PY1XP]
PY        - Paul, PY3DX (ex PY3PAZ) reports he will operate (mainly CW on the
            low and WARC bands with some SSB) as PY3DX/p from Santa  Catarina
            Island (SA-026) between  23 February and  5 March.  QSL via  home
            call either direct or through the bureau.
T8        - Yukio, JA6ENF will be active (on 10-80 metres mainly CW) as T88NF
            from Palau  (OC-009) on  21-26 February.  QSL via  JA6ENF  either
            direct (Yukio Ono,  2-7-22-104 Yorumiya, Kita-Kyuushuu,  804-0042
            Japan) or through the JARL bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
S2        - The Daily  DX reports  that Stig,  S21YJ  [425DXN 510]  will  now
            remain in Bangladesh until early March. QSL via SM4AIO.
V7        - Dave, VE3LDT reports that Tom, K7ZZ (currently signing V73ZZ from
            Kwajalein) and a few others are  planning an operation  (possibly
            as V7E) from Enewetak Atoll (OC-087),  Marshall Islands on  19-26
VP2M      - Art, N2NB/VP2MDY  and Woody,  K2UU will  operate from  Montserrat
            Island (NA-103)  between  22 February  and  1  March.  They  will
            participate in the CQ WW 160 SSB Contest. QSL via NW8F. [TNX  The
            Daily DX]
W         - Nat, WZ3AR, will  be active as  WZ3AR/4 from Chincoteague  Island
            (NA-083, USI VA-002S) on 17-18 February. The operation will  take
            place from the  very rare Accomack  County, VA. Look  for him  on
            28.460, 24.950, 21.260, 18.128, and 14.260  MHz +/- QRM. QSL  via
            WZ3AR either direct or through the bureau.
W         - Look for Willy, WC6DX  (http://www.qsl.net/wc6dx) to operate  (on
            or around  14260  and  21260  kHz)  from  three  islands  in  San
            Francisco Bay as follows: on 10  March (18-24 UTC) from  Alcatraz
            (USI CA-05S, WLH LH-0105, not IOTA), on 11 March (17-24 UTC) from
            Yerba Buena (USI CA-19S, not IOTA), on 17-18 March (from 20 to 20
            UTC) from Angel (USI CA-06S, WLH LH-new, not IOTA). QSL via  home
            call either direct or through the bureau (if you work him thrice,
            do not  send three  cards -  one QSL  with all  the data  is  all
            right). [TNX I1HYW]
XU        - Frank, DL4KQ reports  a small group  of German  amateurs plan  to
            operate from Cambodia between 15 July  and 3 August. They  should
            be active on all bands 10-160  metres (SSB, CW and possibly  RTTY
            and PSK31) plus 6 metres. A  special emphasis will be on the  low
            bands. Further information is expected in due course.
ZD7 & ZD8 - ZD7K and ZD8K are the  calls issued to  the March DXpeditions  to
            Ascension and St. Helena Islands [425DXN  509]. QSL for both  via
            GW0ANA.   The   web   pages   for    the   operations   are    at
ZL        - Bob, G3PJT will  be active  mainly on  CW as  ZL4CC from  Waiheke
            Island (OC-201) on  8-13 March, including  an entry  in the  RSGB
            Commonwealth CW  Contest  (10-11 March).  QSL  via  G3PJT  either
            direct or through the RSGB bureau. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
SB DX@WW $425WW511C
425 DX News #511 [3/4]
  17 February 2000                  No 511                        $425WW511C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CE0XT ---> The team regrets to report that due to circumstances beyond  their
control regarding the  boat transportation from  Valparaiso to San  Ambrosio,
the CE0XT DXpedition has been canceled. [TNX K6GNX]

D68C ---> Operation began at 21 UTC on  8 February and 106 hours later  there
were some 61,500 QSOs in the log. The 90,000th  QSO was made at 20.01 UTC  on
15 February. Extra team members arrived on the 13th, which makes the team  up
to  25  operators.   Up-to-date  information  and   logs  are  available   at
http://www.dxbands.com/comoros/ QSL via G3SWH (Phil Whitchurch, 21 Dickensons
Grove, Congresbury, Bristol BS49 5HQ, England). [TNX G3NOM]

ILLW ---> The International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend will take place from
0001 UTC on Saturday 18 August unutil 2359 UTC on Sunday 19 August 2001. Last
year over  200 stations  were QRV  from lighthouses,  lihtships and  maritime
beacons. [TNX GM4SUC]

PW0S ---> The team arrived to St. Peter and  St. Paul Rocks around 13 UTC  on
Friday, 9 February, but rough seas prevented them from landing. A new attempt
took place at 12 UTC on  Monday and they finally  became active around  19.30
UTC. While on the rocks they also experienced severe weather conditions and a
generator and a computer were damaged during a thunderstorm. PW0S went QRT on
16 February. QSL  via KU9C  (Steve Wheatley,  P.O. Box  5953, Parsippany,  NJ
07054-6953, USA).

QSL 4O20S  ---> QSL  cards for  this special  station, celebrating  the  20th
anniversary of "SOKO" ARC in Sokobanja, should be sent direct to YU1ASB (P.O.
Box 86, 18230 Sokobanja, Yugoslavia). [TNX YU1AS]

QSL VK9LX/9 ---> Cards should be sent to Nick, VK2ICV (not VK2ICK as reported
in 425DXN 510). Thanks to Zlatko, 9A3MN for detecting the typo.

QSL VK0LD ---> Do not send  cards for VK0LD to Alan, VK4AAR,  as he does  not
have the  logs. QSL  for VK0LD  is  at http://www.eQSL.cc/qslcard  only  [TNX

QSL VK0MM  ---> When  sending  your request  to  VK4AAR, please  remember  to
include a SAE, but do not  stick Australian stamps on  it (Australia Post  is
now  issuing  new  "International  Only"  stamps  and  the  older  "standard"
Australian stamps are no longer valid). Also please use US$ or A$ and do  not
send foreign  currency, as  the bank  charges involved  in the  exchange  are
considerable. IRCs must be franked at the originating office and must be less
than one year old to be accepted by Australia Post. [TNX VK4AAR]

QSL VP8CSA ---> Dieter, DL1SDN reports  the cards have  been printed, but  he
still has problems in getting the logs from Mark, VP8CSA. "He promised me  to
send the logs in February or March", Dieter says - for the time being, please
be patient and do not send second cards.

WAZ --->  Jim, K1MEM  has  been Silent  Key  for over  a  year now,  yet  WAZ
applications continue to  arrive at his  QTH nearly every  week. Please  note
that all WAZ  applications and  other correspondence  should be  sent to  the
current CQ WAZ Awards Manager, K5RT (Paul Blumhardt, 2805 Toler Rd,  Rowlett,
TX 75089, USA). The CQ web site is at http://www.cq-amateur-radio.com

YK9A ---> The group made over  27,000 QSOs during 7  days of operating  time.
Final    statistics    will     be    available    on     the    web     site
(http://www.qsl.net/k7ar/yk9a_'01.htm) by the end of the month. QSL via  K9LA
(k9la@gte.net): Carl Luetzelschwab,  1227 Pion  Road, Fort  Wayne, IN  46845,

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

DAYTON HAMVENTION: http://www.hamvention.org/

DX HOLIDAY:        It is a site that lists QTHs around the world where people
                   have operated on DXpeditions, and provides information  on
                   how  to  contact  the  owners.  There  is  information  on
                   Rent-a-QTHs, Ham Friendly Hotels,  and Club stations.  The
                   site can be found at http://www.dxholiday.com [TNX K2KW]

QSL received  direct:  1A0KM, 3D2AA,  3D2NV,  3D2RW  (OC-121),  3E1DX,  4K8F,
4W/K7BV, 4W/N6FF,  4W6GH, 5R8GQ,  5X1P, 7X4AN,  8P9HT, 8P9JR,  8P9JS,  8P9JU,
8P9Z, 8Q7CE,  8R1AK,  9E1C, 9H1FN,  9K2ZZ,  9M0F, 9N7MS,  9Y4/DL2RVS,  A35IQ,
A35ZG, A52GJ, A52YL,  B7K,  C56RF, C56T, CV0F  (SA-057), D2EB,  D44CF, E30TA,
E44/IZ0CKJ,  EW5HQ, EW6GF,  EX8MA, FM/F2JD, FO0DEH (OC-057), FO0DEH (OC-238),
N7ET/DU7,  OH0RB,  OX3IO,  P40A,  PZ5JR,  PZ5RA, R0/UR8LV (AS-152),  RK0FWL/P
(AS-149),S92SV, SU9ZZ,  SV9/K7BV, SY2A, TI2DLL,  TR8IG, TR8IG, TS7N (AF-073),
V26EA,  V26ET,  V26FM, V26WP,  V44NK,  V51AS, V73GOD,  V7G,  VK6BSI (OC-243),
(OC-241), YC9WZJ/P (OC-239),  YJ0AYL,  YJ0AZG,  YL3CW,  Z30M,  Z32XX,  ZD7JC,

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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SB DX@WW $425WW511D
425 DX News #511 [4/4]
  17 February 2000                  No 511                        $425WW511D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  02/03      3Y0C: Bouvet (AN-002) * by N4BQW                       509
till  21/02      8Q7MZ & 8Q7BZ: Maldives (AS-013) * by OE3MZC & OE3YCB  507
till  18/02      C6A/KI6T & C6AGS: Bahamas (NA-080)                     510
till  28/02      D68C: Comoros Islands (AF-007)                         509
till  August     FO0CLA: French Polynesia and Australs * by F2HE        501
till  28/02      FO: OC-027, Marquesas * by DL1AWI and DL5XU            508
till  18/02      H44MS: Russel Islands (OC-168) * by DL2GAC             511
till  28/02      HP: NA-170, NA-203 * by F5PAC                          508
till  18/02      J28EX and J28NH: Maskali Island (AF-053)               511
till  ??         JW3FL: Hopen Is. (EU-063) * by LA3FL                   504
till  19/02      KH0/JQ1NGT and KH0/JI1EFP: Saipan (OC-086)             510
till  26/02      KH9: Wake Island * by K7ASU                            507
till  27/02      AC4G/KH9: Wake Island (OC-053)                         507
till  19/02      MD/DL4ALB, LQM, WG, DL5AXX, LYM, DL8WAA: Isle of Man   507
till  31/12      OE75: special prefix (Austria)                         504
till  April      P40MR: Aruba (SA-036) * by VE3MR                       500
till  March      R1ANF: South Shetlands (AN-010)                        499
till  18/02      SO0DIG: Karsibor Island (EU-132) * by DL3BQA           509
till  March      S21YD: Bangladesh * by SM6CPY                          511
till  04/03      T32RD: Christmas Isl. (OC-024) * by OK1RD,OK1RI,OK1PD  507
till  20/02      T88SM & T88VO: Palau (OC-009) * by JA6EGL & JM6VOV     510
till  28/02      VQ9PO: Diego Garcia (AF-006) * by W3PO                 495
till  20/02      XX9TDX: Macau * by SM0GNU                              510
14/02-21/02      C6AKW: Abaco Island (NA-080) * by K3TEJ                509
14/02-22/02      V4: St. Kitts * by VE3BW,K0CCX,DK5AX,W4OV,WD4JR VE3VFR 510
17/02-06/03      3W2LWS: Vietnam * by WA1LWS                            510
17/02-19/02      4I1P: Lubang (OC-126) * by VE7DP,DU1KGJ,4F1FZ,4F1OZ    511
17/02-18/02      WZ3AR/4: Chincoteague Island (NA-083)                  511
17/02-18-02      ARRL International DX Contest - CW                     ***
18/02-24/02      VK7: Flinders Island (OC-195) * by DF9MV               505
20/02-05/03      C56/DL2OE & C56/DL7CM: The Gambia                      511
21/02-26/02      S2:St.Martin's Isl (AS-127)*IZ0CKJ,IZ7ATN,IZ7BNH,IW0FT 509
21/02-26/02      T88NF: Palau (OC-009) * by JA6ENF                      511
22/02-01/03      3D2: Conway Reef * by YT1AD and others                 509
22/02-01/03      VP2M: Montserrat (NA-103) * by N2NB/VP2MDY & K2UU      511
from  23/02      H44MS: Shortland Islands (OC-162) * by DL2GAC          511
23/02-04/03      T48RAC: Cuba * by No-Name DX-Group                     511
23/02-05/03      PY3DX/p: Santa Catarina Island (SA-026)                511
23/02-25/02      W4D: Dauphin Island (NA-213)                           505
23/02-25/02      CQ 160-Meter Contest (SSB)                             ***
24/02-27/02      4H2B: Batan Island (OC-093) * by VE7DP & DUs           511
24/02-25/02      REF Contest, SSB                                       ***
24/02-25/02      RSGB 7 MHz DX Contest (CW)                             ***
24/02-25/02      UBA DX Contest (CW)                                    ***
25/02-02/03      A35BQ: Tonga * by I6BQI                                509
26/02-06/03      6Y8A: Jamaica * by WT6G,WA6O,K0COP,W6NS,N6XG,K2KW      511
27/02-12/03      5U: Niger * by I2YSB, I2UIY, IK2DIA                    509
27/02-09/03      JA6GXK: Me-shima, Danjo Islands (AS-056)               511
27/02-05/03      PJ2/K6RO, PJ2/W6KK, PJ2R: Curacao (SA-006)             509
27/02-06/03      PJ8/AA1M, W1USN, W1HL: Sint Maarten (NA-105)           507
February         7Q7HB: Malawi * by G0JMU                               503
February         DU5/LA7YX: Leyte Island (OC-129)                       508
from February    EM1HO: Galindez Island (AN-006)                        508
from February    RU0LM/0: Shikotan Island (AS-062)                      508
02/03-08/03      3D2: Fiji * by YT1AD and others                        505
02/03-04/03      BV9L: Liuchiu Yu (AS-???)                              511
02/03-09/03      ZK2BQI: Niue * by I6BQI                                509
03/03-04/03      ARRL International DX Contest (SSB)                    ***
03/03-04/03      Open Ukraine RTTY Championship                         ***
04/03-19/03      3G0Y: Easter Island (SA-001) * by CEs and DLs          509
06/03-15/03      BQ9P: Pratas Island                                    511
08/03-13/03      ZL4CC: Waiheke Island (OC-201) * by G3PJT              511
10/03            WC6DX: Alcatraz Island (USI CA-05S)                    511
10/03-11/03      RSGB Commonwealth Contest (CW)                         ***
10/03-11/03      UBA Spring Contest (CW)                                ***
11/03-16/03      V31GI: Southwest Caye (NA-180) * by PA3GIO             509
11/03            WC6DX: Yerba Buena Island (USI CA-19S)                 511
14/03-20/03      MJ/K8PT & MJ/K3PLV: Jersey (EU-013)                    511
17/03-23/03      FM/IV3TDM, FM/IV3FHH, FM/IV3JVJ: Martinique (NA-107)   511
17/03-18/03      HR: Swan Islands (NA-035) * by HRs                     508
17/03-18/03      WC6DX: Angel Island (USI CA-06S)                       511
17/03-19/03      BARTG WW RTTY Contest                                  ***
17/03-18/03      Russian DX Contest                                     ***
21/03-30/03      JA6GXK: Me-shima, Danjo Islands (AS-056)               511
22/03-30/03      3W: Vietnam * by F5PBL                                 511
24/03-25/03      CQ WW WPX Contest (SSB)                                ***
26/03-05/04      5W1BQ: Western Samoa * by I6BQI                        509
28/03-02/04      PJ6/PA3GIO/m: Saba (NA-145)                            509
30/03-11/04      J3/W1HEO & J3/W5PF: Grenada                            511
March            9M0M: Spratly Islands (AS-051)                         511
March            YJ: Vanuatu * by I6BQI                                 509
March            ZD7K: St. Helena * by GW4BVJ, G0WMW, GW0ANA            511
March            ZD8K: Ascension * by GW4BVJ, G0WMW, GW0ANA             511