S DX@WW $425WW510A 425 DX News #510 [1/3] 10 February 2001 No 510 $425WW510A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3W - Hans, WA1LWS expects to be active again as 3W2LWS from Vietnam between 17 February and 6 March, including an entry in both the ARRL DX contests. [TNX The Daily DX] C6 - Gary, KI6T will be active as C6A/KI6T from NA-080, Bahamas on 13-18 February, with an entry in the ARRL CW DX Contest as C6AGS. QSL via KI6T. [TNX The Daily DX] CE0_sfe- Marco, CE6TBN reports the Chilean authorities have once again authorized the use of CE0XT for the upcoming operation from San Ambrosio (previosuly announced as CE0XT, some three weeks ago the call was changed into CE0ZT). US QSL via N6MZ (Michael A. Mraz, 15526 Se 50th St, Bellevue, WA 98006-3611, USA); others via CE6TBN (Marco A. Quijada, P.O. Box 1234, Temuco, Chile). DU - Frank, VE7DP reports 4I2P is the call sign requested for the IOTA expedition to Batan Island (OC-093) [425DXN 509]. Frank will arrive on 23 February and will be joined my the main group on the 25th. They will be active until 27 February and be back to Manila on th 28th. [TNX VE7DP and VE3JV] KH0 - Look for KH0/JQ1NGT and KH0/JI1EFP to be active (on 6-160 metres CW and SSB) from Saipan (OC-086) on 16-19 February. They plan to participate in the ARRL CW DX Contest as either single opertaors or multi-single. QSL via JQ1NGT (Kenji Sekine, 3-4-7 Honcyo, Fukiage, 369-0115, Japan). [TNX The Daily DX] PJ2 - Larry, K6RO and Charlie, W6KK will operate (on all bands CW and SSB) as PJ2/home call from Curacao (SA-006) from 27 February to 5 March. Larry will be a SOAB HP entru in the ARRL SSB DX Contest as PJ2K (not PJ2R as reported in 425DXN 509, as this call has been issued to someone else). QSL PJ2K via K6RO and PJ2/ via home calls. [TNX K6RO] PY0_spp- The PW0S group (Jim/PY7XC, Ciro/PY7ZY and Eli/PT7BZ, plus Epaminondas/PY7CV, captain of the "Old Smuggler") left Recife, Brazil at 20 UTC on 3 February. They stopped at Fernando de Noronha, where Andre/PY0FF (and his equipment for 6 metres and SSTV) have joined the team, and left for St. Peter and St. Paul's Rocks in the early morning UTC of 7 February. They were expected to start operating from the rocks on the 9th, but rough seas are preventing them from landing. Suggested frequencies are 3790, 7050, 14170, 18125, 21270, 24960, 28470, 50115 kHz (SSB); 1832, 3504, 7025, 10108, 14025, 18090, 21025, 24915, 28025, 50095 kHz (CW); 14080, 21080, 28080 kHz (RTTY); 14233, 21363, 28683 kHz (SSTV). QSL via KU9C. Pictures at http://www.soutomaior.eti.br/mario/ S2 - Carl, SM6CPY plans to operate as S21YD from Bangladesh on 12-19 February. [TNX The Daily DX] T8 - Look for JA6EGL and JM6VOV to operate (on 10-160 metres) as T88SM (mainly CW) and T88VO (mainly SSB) from Palau (OC-009) on 16-20 February. QSL T88SM via JA6EGL (Shoji Miyake, Box 252, Fukuoka, 810-8694, Japan); QSL T88VO via JM6VOV (Masaru Yokoi, 1-30-13 Sakuragaoka, Shime, 811-2201, Japan). Cards can also be sent through the JARL QSL bureau. [TNX The Daily DX] TZ - Fred, ON6QR will try to operate (on 20 and 15 metres SSB) from TZ6VY or TZ6YH from around 19 UTC to 24 UTC on 14 February. He might be active on 15 and 16 February as well. QSL via ON6QR through the bureau. [TNX ON9CLV] UA - A group of operators is expected to sign (SSB and CW) UE1RCV/1 from Sengeyskiy Island (Pechorskoye Sea Coast West group, EU-???) on 9-14 February. QSL via UA1RJ. [TNX RZ3EC] V4 - Joe/VE3BW, Bob/K0CCX, Markus/DK5AX, Bruce/W4OV, Julio/WD4JR and Norm/VE3VFR will be active from St. Kitts Island (NA-104) on 14-22 February (callsigns to be issued upon arrival). They will operate on 6-160 metres CW and SSB and will participate in the ARRL DX CW Contest. The QSL route for QSOs made during the contest is via VE3VFR (Norm Sanger, 2626 Guyatt Rd East Binbrook, Ontario L0R1C0, Canada). [TNX DJ5AV] VK - Bill, VK4FW reports his planned activity from Cumberland Island (OC-160) [425DXN 509] has been postponed has been postponed due to transport problems associated with equipment not arriving from Sydney. The new dates are from 11 to 16 February. QSL direct only to VK4FW (Bill Horner, P.O. Box 929, Gympie, 4570, Australia). VP5 - Ed, AJ6V will participate in the ARRL CW DX Contest (17-18 February) as VP5U from the Turks and Caicos Islands. Before and after the contest he will operate SSB as VP5/AJ6V. QSL via WA4WTG. [TNX WA4WTG] XX9 - Ulf, SM0GNU reports will be operating as XX9TDX from Macau between 12 and 20 February. He plans to be active on all bands CW/SSB, possibly with some RTTY. There will also be a SOAB effort in the ARRL DX CW Contest. QSL via SM0GNU. /EX S DX@WW $425WW510B 425 DX News #510 [2/3] 10 February 2001 No 510 $425WW510B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH HAM COM 2001 ---> The Lone Star DX Association (http://www.dxer.org) has announced an attractive DX programme for "Ham Com 2001", to be held in Arlington, Texas on 8-10 June. For further information please visit http://hamcom.org [TNX WW5L] QSL K5K, KH6ND/KH5, T32R ---> K5K QSLs are due from the printer any day and processing will begin as soon as they arrive. Requests for KH6ND/KH5 are being processed daily. T32R QSL's are being printed and will be processed along with K5K and KH6ND/KH5 direct requests. There is no need for concern for the lack of sufficient postage for direct requests received before early January, as all SASEs or requests which include return postage will be answered. However requests sent in 2001 should include sufficient return postage. Direct cards with no SAE, non-US stamps or money from other countries will be answered in due course via the bureau. [TNX K4TSJ] QSL OA4DKC ---> Tony, LZ1JZ reports he is the QSL manager for OA4DKC as far as QSOs with European stations are concerned. His address is: Anton Stefanov, P.O Box 43, Harmanli 6450, Bulgaria. QSL VP8SSI (2000) ---> Tony, WA4JQS is still receiving cards (mainly from Japan) for this pirate operation. "This call is assigned to me, it has not been and will not be reissued", Tony says. "I have not been in the South Sandwich group since 1992 but I plan on returning within the next three years for a one month stay". QSL YC3OX ---> Agung, YC3OX is a newly licenced amateur from Surabaya (Java, OC-021). He is active on 15 and 40 metres. QSL via IZ8CCW (P.O. Box 360, 87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy). QSL VIA ON4ACA ---> Jef, ON4ACA (on4aca@ping.be) is the new QSL manager for OTxC and has the logs from 1996 (OT6C) onwards. TOKELAU CANCELLED ---> Ken Holdom, ZL2HU/ZL4HU (zl2hu@clear.net.nz) reports that after lengthy considerations and taking into account several factors, The Kermadec DX Association will not undertake the planned ZK3 Tokelau Island DXpedition in July-August 2002. "In order to keep the Kermadec DX Association reputation intact", he says, "we have decided to undertake a much smaller DXpedition to ZL7, Chatham Islands in October 2002 to coincide with the CQWW SSB contest. We have already received some 70 plus donations towards the cost of ZK3: if you agree to carry your support forward from ZK3 to ZL7 we would appreciate your confirmation of this or if you wish your donation to be refunded please advise accordingly." YO DX HF CONTEST ---> Ciprian Sufitchi, YO3FWC reports that the final results of the YO DX HF Contest 2000 are now available on the Romanian Amateur Radio Federation web site (http://www.qsl.net/yo3kaa). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 3Y0C: http://www.qsl.net/wd4ngb/3y0.htm http://www.qsl.net/zr1dq D68C: http://www.dxbands.com/comoros/ FO/DL5XU: http://www.qsl.net/dj7aa/fo0 YK9A: http://www.qsl.net/k7ar/yk9a_'01.htm http://www.dailydx.com/yk9a.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH ===================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER ===================================================================== 2E0APH G3WRO D68C G3SWH SN2X SP2DWG 3C1AG SM0AGD D68C (SWL) BRS-32525 SU/ZS6WPX ZS6WPX 3D2AG/P 3D2AG D68WL EA3BT T88LL F4TVY 3DA0WPX ZS6WPX DU1KT KU9C TF8SM N5FTR 3W7CW SP5JTF EA8/DL2DXA DL2DXA TT8FC EA4AHK 3Y0C WA4FFW EK6YL SP9ERV TT8RH F8BBT 4I1P VE7DP EM1HO I2PJA UA0FZ W3HNK 4J4K PA3EPG EM1KY UT7UA UA3RF/UL0E RW3RN 4K9W DL6KVA EN23RW UX2RY UA3RZ/UA8T RW3RN 4L7O DL7BY EO6F UX0FF UA3RZ/UL1E RW3RN 5B4AGW G0DEZ (buro) EP2MKO UA6HCW UE6LRD UA6MF 5W1VE DL9HCU EX2M W3HNK UN21A DL8KAC 5Z4XW SM5XW EY1HQ DJ1MM UN6T DF6PB 7J6CEC AC6ZM EY1ZA W3HNK UN7EG DL8KAC 8Q7LH DL1LH EY8/RX3QY RA3OO V31SN DJ4SO 8Q7MZ OE3MZC EZ21AQ EZ8AQ V31YN DJ4KW 8R1JC WE2K FG/JA2EZD XW2A V73CW AC4G 9G1UW DL8UP FG5FC F6DZU V73GT WF5T 9G5XA G3XAQ FK8GM WB2RAJ VK0MM VK4AAR 9H3AAA OE1JIS FM/F2JD F6AJA VK4SJ/VK9 VK4SJ 9J2BO W6ORD FM5GU KU9C VK9LX/9 VK2ICK 9K2ZZ W8CNL FO/DL5XU DL3APO VK9NOO K6KM 9M2TO JA0DMV HB0/DL1RWB DL1RWB VP5/JA1MZL JA1MZL 9M6RJT JE7RJZ HC8N AA5BT VP5F K9NR 9V1XE DL4DBR HH2SJR KZ5RO VP8DBQ M1AIB 9Y4TD 9Y4AQ HI3LFE AD4Z WL7KY AC7DX A35BR DL6NBR HP1/F5PAC F5PAC XR1X XQ1IDM A35NB DH3NB J28NH/P F5IPW XT2DE F5JRY A45XW G0KDJ J28VS F4DBF YB0A W3HNK A92GM KA8JRM J3/K4LTA K4LTA YB0ECT K5ZE AC5FL/m DF4TD J37BO K4LTA YB0GN K5ZE AP2ARS S53R JT1FBX JG5PJJ YB9ZBI YC9BU AP2JZB K2EWB JW3FL LA3FL YC7URA YC9BU AX4SJ VK4SJ JW5HE LA5HE YC8RRK YC9BU C4A 9A2AJ JW9DL LA9DL YC9ID YC9BU CE2LZR EA5KB K7ASU/KH9 K7ASU YC9XJ YC9BU CM6QN EA5KB KL1SLE AC7DX YE8XM YC9BU CM6UV W3CKU KL7FH AC7DX YJ0ABS DL2GAC CO2CI EA5OL KL9A AC7DX YJ0AFN HA8FW CO2JD AD4Z LZ0A LZ1KDP YK9A K9LA CO2TK F6FNU OD5NJ EA5BYP YU2000A YU1FJK CO8CY EA5KB OY2H I2MQP Z34A Z31ET CO8EJ EA5KB P49MR VE3MR Z35M Z32KV CO8LY EA7ADH PB6X PA3HBB ZA1Z HB9BGN CO8ZZ DK1WI PI50A PI4KGL ZC4A 5B4AGC CQ2CEC CT1BNW PJ2MI W2CQ ZC4DW G0DEZ (buro) CT3FN HB9CRV PT7BZ/PY0F PT7BZ ZC4ZM G3ZEM CU2/G3OOK/P G3OOK R1ANB RU1CZ ZD8CA KR6MR CU8/DJ6SI DJ6SI R3ARES RW3AH ZD8CR KR6MR CU8/DJ8CR DJ8CR RU0LM/0 UA0MF ZF2NT G3SWH CX2AQ EA5KB S21AR JA1UT ZF2TX KZ5TX CX5AO EA5KB S21YJ SM4AIO ZL4IR W8WC CX6VM W3HNK S21YV KX7YT ZX7CW PS7HF D2BB W3HNK S92TX W7KNT ZX7R PS7HF D2EB I3LLH SI900TKM SK6NL ZY2FF PY2AE D68BT EA3BT SN2D SP2HPD ZY3WSF PY3FBI /EX S DX@WW $425WW510C 425 DX News #510 [3/3] 10 February 2001 No 510 $425WW510C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 3B9FR Robert Felicite, Box 31, Rodriguez Island, Indian Ocean, via Mauritius 3D2AG Antoine de Ramon N'Yeurt, P.O. Box 14633, Suva, Fiji Islands 4N1DX Zrinko Zibert, 99 palih boraca 7, 11277 Ugrinovci, Yugoslavia 5B4AGW Dez Watson, C.A.O., JSSU (AN), BFPO 59, Cyprus AC7DX Ron Lago, P.O. Box 25426, Eugene, OR 97402, USA BD5WW Cao Jianjun, P.O. Box32, Lqingliu 365300, China BRS-32525 Bob Treacher, 93 Elibank Rd, Eltham, London SE9 1QJ, England CT1BNW P.O.Box 4143, 4461-901 Senhora da Hora, Portugal E20GJW Pornchai Olarikded, P. O. Box 1090, Bangkok 10903, Thailand E20GMY Phot Sripanich, P. O. Box 140, Raminthra, Bangkok 10220, Thailand E20HHK Kriangkrai Suriyakrai, P. O. Box 1090, Bangkok 10903, Thailand E20OU Yai, 26 M. 3, Bangyaw, Prapadang, Samutprakarn 10130, Thailand E20REX Kornnapa Chukwamdee, P. O. Box 1090, Kasetsart, Bangkok 10903, Thailand E21DWX Dumrongk Thanamitr, 1353/20-46 Soi Taksin 33, Taksin Rd, Bukkalo, Bangkok 10600, Thailand E21EHI Phairat Chanchaem, 55/21 Moo 7, Sararanrom 2, Nuanchan Rd, Bangkok 10230, Thailand E21EIC Chalermpol Muangamphun, P. O. Box 1090, Kasetsart, Bangkok 10903, Thailand E21EJC Krissada Futrakul, POB 20, Bangkok 10163, Thailand E21FFL Somkuan Poonsuksiri, 382/384 Charoen Rat Rd, Klong San, Bangkok 10600, Thailand E21FTZ Krirk Kornkanok, 3/334 Moo 6, Phaholyothin Rd, Bangkhen, Bangkok 10220, Thailand E21HJZ Krongyote Glinfuang, 177 Phaholyothin 51, Bangkok 10220, Thailand E21HXB Prasit Neera, 196 Moo 1, Mung, Singburi 16000, Thailand E21IYK Somboon Leelasutharoj, 1630 Songward, Bangkok 10100, Thailand E21IZC Wichyein Tretrantipvikul, 716/26 Soi Wat Jannai, Bangkorlhamp, Bangkok 10120, Thailand E21LLR Piti Eksitikul, P. O. Box 20, Bangkok 10163, Thailand E21SMN Pheraph 313/359 Sukhapibal 1 Rd, Beungkum, Bangkok 10240, Thailand E21TEO Uthai Vanithprasertporn, 1050 Therdthai Rd, Talardphul, Dhonburi, Bangkok 10600, Thailand E4/OE1GZA Gunter Zwinkl, c/o SICT, P.O.Box 1133, Ramallah, Palestine F4TVY P.O. Box 21, F-83440 Tanneron, France FY5FY Didier Bironneau, 5 Ave Chopin, F-97310 Kourou, French Guiana G3SWH Phil Whitchurch, 21 Dickensons Grove, Congresbury, Bristol BS49 5HQ, England G4XTA Paul D. Godolphin, Pleasant View, Blencarn, Penrith, CA10 1TX, England K9LA Carl Luetzelschwab, 1227 Pion Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46845, USA K9NR Don Kerouac, 6311 E. Flora St., Kankakee, IL 60901, USA KU9C Steve Wheatley, P.O. Box 5953, Parsippany, NJ 07054, USA RA0FU Yuri Burykh, P.O. Box 12, Yu-Sakhalinsk-23, 693023 Russia RK0FWL/p Eugene Popov, P.O. Box 79, Yu-Sakhalinsk-10, 693010, Russia RW3RN Alex Kuznetsov, P.O. Box 57, Tambov-23, 392023, Russia RZ3EC Eugene Shelkanovtcev, P.O. Box 70, Orel 302028, Russia SM0AGD Erik Sjolund, Vestagatan 27, SE-19556 Marsta, Sweden SV3AQR/B P.O. Box 30, Amalias 27200, Greece UA0MF Mike Filippov, P.O. Box 20, Vladivostok, 690021, Russia UX2RY Andy Asriyanz, P.O.Box 14, Slavutich-3, Kiev. obl., 07100, Ukraine VK4AAR Alan Roocroft, P.O. Box 421, Gatton, QLD 4343, Australia VK4SJ June Sim, P.O. Box 406, Caloundra, Queensland 4551, Australia WA4FFW Mark McIntyre, 2903 Maple Ave., Burlington, NC 27215, USA XF4MX P.O. Box # 19-500/510, Mixcoac, Mexico D.F., 03910 Mexico XQ1IDM Nicolas Herrera G., P.O.Box 345, Antofagasta, Chile YC8TXW Ronny Monoarfa, P.O. Box 166, Tahuna, 95800 Indonesia YC9BU Kadek Kariana Sp., P.O. Box 106, Singaraja 81100, Bali, Indonesia ZC4DW Dez Watson, C.A.O., JSSU (AN), BFPO 59, Cyprus ZL4HU Ken Holdom, P.O. Box 7, Clyde, Central Otago, New Zealand ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX