DX425 bulletin issue nr. 509

S DX@WW $425WW509A
425 DX News #509 [1/4]
  3 February 2001                   No 509                       $425WW509A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

                         >>> EMERGENCY IN INDIA <<<

Members  of  National  Institute  of  Amateur  Radio  (NIAR)  Hyderabad  have
established HF/VHF stations in the earthquake  affected areas of Gujarat  for
providing emergency relief communications. Their main operating frequency  is
14.160 Mhz. [TNX VU2JOS]

3D2_con   - The February DXpedition  to Conway Reef  [425DXN 505] will  start
            later than previously announced, that is on 22 February around  8
            UTC  until  1  March.  QSL  via  YT1AD  (Hrane  Milosevic,  36206
            Vitanovac,      Yugoslavia).      Other      information       at
            http://www.kragujevac.co.yu/3d2. After Conway Reef the  operators
            (YT1AD, YU7AV, YU1NR, YZ7AA, YU1DX, Z32ZM, Z32AU, YS1RR) will  be
            active from Fiji on 2-8 March. [TNX YT1AD and YS1RR]
3D2_con   - The Daily DX reports that the  Scandinavian DXpedition to  Conway
            Reef, originally scheduled to take place  between 5 and 24  April
            [425DXN 493], has been postponed due  to personal commitments  of
            two of the team members.
3Y_bou    - Deon, ZR1DQ (see http://www.qsl.net/zr1dq) reports that the  team
            on Bouvet  lost  their  diesel  generator  after  many  weeks  of
            troublesome operation. The only operational generator is a petrol
            Honda with limited fuel supply. Investigation  is in progress  to
            convert the Honda engine to run on propane gas. [TNX ZR1DQ]
5U        - I2YSB, I2UIY  and  IK2DIA will  operate  from  Niger  between  27
            February and  12  March.  Callsigns (one  for  SSB  and  one  for
            CW/RTTY/PSK31) will be  issued upon  arrival. They  plan to  have
            three stations running and to operate on 10-160 metres + 6 metres
            CW/SSB. QSL for both callsigns via  I2YSB either direct  (Silvano
            Borsa, P.O. Box 45, 27036 Mortara- PV) or through the ARI bureau.
            The web page for the operation  (http://digilander.iol.it/i2ysb/)
            will be updated  with logs  and pictures  during the  DXpedition.
            [TNX I2UIY]
9V        - Mirek, 9V1XE reports  he has been  granted permission to  operate
            via satellite  and  plans to  be  often on  Oscar  10  and  other
            satellites (Oscar  40 too,  but modes  A, B,  J, K  only at  this
            stage). QSL for satellite QSOs via either 9V1XE or his usual  QSL
            manager, DL4DBR.
BQ9       - Paul, BV4FH reports  an operation as  BQ9P is  scheduled to  take
            place from Pratas Island (AS-110) on 6-15 March. [TNX JI6KVR]
BV        - Yuki, JI6KVR and  operators from Taiwan  will be  active as  BV9L
            from Liuchiu Yu (Taiwan's Coastal Islands, AS-???) on 2-4  March.
            Plans are to have to stations working on 10, 15 and 20 metres  CW
            and SSB, with  a beam and  a ground  plane. QSL  via BV4YB.  [TNX
            BV4FH and JI6KVR]
C6        - Look for K3TEJ to  operate as C6AKW  from Abaco Island  (NA-080),
            Bahamas on 14-21  February. Main  activity on  10-160 metres  CW,
            with some SSB on 40. [TNX The Daily DX]
CE0_est   - A group of operators from Chile and Germany plan to be active (on
            all bands mostly CW and RTTY) as 3G0Y from Easter Island (SA-001)
            on  4-19   March.   A  web   site   is  under   construction   at
            http://www.qsl.net/3g0y. QSL via DK7YY. [TNX DL9NEI]
CE0_sa    - Joe, KO4RR has joined the 12-20 February CE0ZT FXpedition to  San
            Ambrosio [425DXN  507].  Marco, CE6TBN  reports  that  they  will
            participate in  the  ARRL International  DX  Contest  (CW)  as  a
            Multi/Single entry. There will be two QSL managers: N6MZ (Michael
            A. Mraz, 15526  Se 50th St,  Bellevue, WA  98006-3611, USA)  will
            handle cards for  the US and  CE6TBN (Marco  A. Quijada,  P.O.Box
            1234, Temuco, Chile) for stations outside the US. [TNX CE6TBN].
CT        - Cupido, CT1BNW  reports  he will  participate  in  the  WPX  RTTY
            Contest with the special call CQ2CE.  QSL direct only to  P.O.Box
            4143, 4461-901 Senhora da Hora, Portugal.
D6        - The following are the announced frequencies for the 8-28 February
            D68C operation from the Comoro Islands (AF-007):
            CW      SSB     RTTY    PSK31      CW      SSB     RTTY    PSK31
             1822    1842     -       -        18072   18145     -       -
             3502    3795    3570     -        21022   21295   21085   21071
             7002    7052    7035     -        24892   24945     -       -
            10102     -       -       -        28022   28495   28075   28071
            14022   14195   14085   14071      50102   50145     -       -
            At least  five other  DXpeditions are  expected to  be active  in
            February, so  there is  a strong  likelihood that,  from time  to
            time, D68C will need to change transmitting/receiving frequencies
            to avoid confusion.  The first group  of operators fly  out on  4
            February, arriving D68 on the 6th. They expect to take about  two
            days  setting  up  equipment  and  antennas,  so  that  when  the
            operation starts they will  have all bands  up and running.  D68C
            will be active during the WPX RTTY Contest (10-11 February).  The
            QSL managers  are G3SWH  (Phil Whitchurch,  21 Dickensons  Grove,
            Congresbury, Bristol,  BS19 5HQ,  England; bureau  card  requests
            welcome by e-mail at phil@g3swh.demon.co.uk)  and, for SWLs,  BRS
            32525 (Bob  Treacher,  93 Elibank  Rd,  Eltham, London  SE9  1QJ,
            England; e-mail:  brs32525@compuserve.com).  The  D68C  Web  Page
            (http://www.dxbands.com/comoros) is and will be updated with  the
            latest news, logs etc. [TNX G3XTT]
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425 DX News #509 [2/4]
  3 February 2001                   No 509                       $425WW509B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

DL        - Look for DL5CW/p  to be active  (CW and SSB)  from Ummanz  Island
            (EU-057, O-06 for  the German Islands  Award) on 10-16  February.
            QSl via DL5CW. [TNX DL2VFR]
DU        - Frank, VE7DP [425DXN 507] and operators from DX1CW will be active
            as follows:
            * as  4I1P  from  Marinduque  Island  (Luzon's  Coastal  Islands,
              OC-???) on 9-11 February (operators VE7DP, 4F1FZ, 4F3XX, 4F1CJC
              and others from the local amateur radio club);
            * as 4I1P/2 (or  maybe a 4H2  special prefix)  from Batan  Island
              (OC-093) on  24-25 February  (operators   VE7DP, 4F1FZ,  4F3XX,
              4F1OZ and others).
            Plans to operate from Polillo Island  (OC-091), possibly as  4I1P
            or 4G1A, have still to be finalized. Activity will take place  on
            10, 15, 20, 30 and 40 metres CW and SSB. QSL via VE7DP or  direct
            only  to  DX1CW  (44  Sta  Fe  st.  Bo  Kapitolyo,  Pasig   City,
            Philippines).    The    web    site     for    DX1CW    is     at
            http://www.qsl.net/dx1cw [TNX 4F3XX and VE7DP]
FG        - Look for Ekki,  DF4OR to be  active as  FG/DF4OR from  Guadeloupe
            until 17 February. Operating plans include CW, SSB, SSTV, Pactor,
            Amtor and RTTY,  with an  entry in  the WPX  RTTY Contest  (10-11
            February). [TNX VK2SG RTTY DX NOTES]
JA        - Look for  JQ1SUO/2, JA2HMD/2,  JA2JTN/2 and  7N2JZT/2 to  operate
            (SSB and CW) from  Hatsu Island (AS-117)  on 10-13 February.  QSL
            via home calls. [TNX JQ1SUO & JA9IFF/1]
KP2       - John, W8LBY and Norm, K8NI are  active as KP2/W8LBY and  KP2/N8NI
            from St. Croix, Virgin Islands (NA-106)  until 15 February.  [TNX
            The Daily DX]
LU_ant    - The GACW  expedition to  Vicecomodoro  Marambio Base  on  Seymour
            Island (AN-013) that was tentatively scheduled for March  [425DXN
            488] has been "suspended". The icebreaker  is under repairs  that
            won't be completed before  the Antarctic summer  is over, so  the
            group is looking for next season.  [TNX WC6DX and Islands On  The
PJ2       - Larry, K6RO and Charlie, W6KK will  operate (on all bands CW  and
            SSB) as PJ2/home call from Curacao (SA-006) from 27 February to 5
            March. Larry will participate in the ARRL SSB DX Contest as  PJ2R
            (SOAB HP). QSL PJ2R via K6RO and PJ2/ via home calls. [TNX K6RO]
PJ6       - Bert, PA3GIO will operate (on 10-20  metres SSB) as  PJ6/PA3GIO/m
            from Saba (NA-145) from 28  March until 2  April. QSL via  PA3GIO
            either direct (Bert vd Berg, Parklaan 38, NL-3931 KK  Woudenberg,
            The Netherlands) or preferably through the  bureau. The web  page
            for this activity is at http://www.pa3gio.nl/ca/PJ6/ [TNX PA3GIO]
S2        - Alessio/IZ0CKJ,  Simon/IZ7ATN,  Raffaele/IZ7BNH  and  Paolo/IW0FT
            will operate (calls to be issued upon arrival) from St.  Martin's
            Island (AS-127) on 21-26 February. Contributions  can be sent  to
            IZ0CKJ and will be returned if  the operation cannot take  place.
            QSL via IZ0CKJ (Alessio Roma, P.O. Box 22, 03023 Ceccano, Italy).
            [TNX IZ0CKJ]
SP        - Uwe, DL3BQA reports he will be  active (mainly on SSB) as  SO0DIG
            from Karsibor Island (EU-132, SZ003 for the Polish Island  Award)
            on 10-18 February. QSL via DL3BQA.
V31       - Bert, PA3GIO will  operate (on 10-80  metres SSB)  as V31GI  from
            Southwest Caye, Glovers Reef (NA-180), Belize on 11-16 March. QSL
            via PA3GIO either direct (see PJ above) or preferably through the
            bureau.   The    web   page    for    this   activity    is    at
            http://www.pa3gio.nl/ca/southwest/ [TNX PA3GIO]
VK        - Bill, VK4FW reports he will arrive on Cumberland Island  (OC-160)
            on 6 February for a possible 4-day stay. He will try to be active
            daily during  his spare  time, mainly  during his  evenings.  QSL
            direct only to VK4FW.
YK        - The pilot stations for DX Syria 2001 (YK9A) [425DXN 508] are Dick
            Wolf,  N6FF  (n6ff@tco.net,  western  half  of  the  US);  Bernie
            McClenny, W3UR  (bernie@dailydx.com,  eastern half  of  the  US);
            Masao Ueki, JH3VNC  (m-ueki@po.bcap.co.jp, Japan).  The web  site
            for the  operation can  be found  at http://www.qsl.net/k7ar  and
            will include and updated  daily online logs.  The QSL manager  is
            K9LA and cards may be sent via the bureau (outside of the US)  or
            direct to  Carl Luetzelschwab,  1227 Pion  Road, Fort  Wayne,  IN
            46845, USA. Cards  will be  available at  the Dayton  Hamvention.
            [TNX W3UR]
ZD7 & ZD8 - Barry Amateur Radio Society  members Rich/GW4BVJ, Doug/G0WMW  and
            Glyn/GW0ANA will depart on  19 March to  operate first for  eight
            days from Ascension Island (AF-003) and  then for two weeks  from
            St. Helena (AF-022).  They plan  to be  active on  as many  bands
            (160-6 metres with an emphasis on  the low bands) and modes  (CW,
            SSB, RTTY, PSK31, SSTV, MFSK,  Heilshriber) as possible.  Further
            information is expected in due course. Contributions can be  sent
            to GW0ANA,  who  will  be  also the  QSL  manager  for  both  the
            activities. [TNX GW0ANA]

PACIFIC TRIP --->  These are the  announced stops for  Angelo, I6BQI  [425DXN
502]: Tonga (A35BQ, from 25 February to 2  March), Niue (ZK2BQI, from 2 to  9
March), Vanuatu (call TBA, in March), Western Samoa (5W1BQ, from 26 March  to
5 April). QSL via I6BQI (Angelo  Brandolini, C.da Colle di Giogo 36/A,  65010
Moscufo - PE, Italy).
S DX@WW $425WW509C
425 DX News #509 [3/4]
  3 February 2001                   No 509                       $425WW509C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CLOSED LOGS ---> "One thing that has always bothered me is hearing that a QSL
manager is 'closing  a log'", Bob  Schenck, N2OO says.  "I will  be happy  to
preserve any DX or DXpedition log and take on the QSL manager responsibility,
no matter how old the log might be. Logs can be in any format, even paper and
I will even provide replacement cards if needed  as well. If any of you  hear
of a DX  or DXpedition log  that is  being 'closed',  or perhaps  that a  QSL
manager becomes SK,  please save the  log(s) and  drop me  a message".  Bob's
e-mail address is n2oo@arrl.net

CIS AWARD ---> The Radio Amateur's Diploma of the Commonwealth of Independent
States is sponsored by the  "Funkner DX Family"  amateur radio club  (RZ3DZZ)
and is  available to  licenced amateurs  and SWLs  for contacting/hearing  12
stations located in the twelve CIS countries. QSL cards are not required. For
further information please contact fdxf@aha.ru [TNX RN3FX]

CQ FROM CIS ---> The first  issue of the monthly  Radio Amateur's Journal  of
the Commonwealth of Independent States will be published in July 2001. Editor
Yuri V. Funkner (RN3FX) states  that the magazine,  written in English,  will
give comprehensive  information  on  all aspects  of  amateur  radio  in  CIS
countries  (Azerbaijan,  Georgia,  Armenia,  Moldova,  Belarus,   Kyrgyzstan,
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Russia,  Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine):  awards,
activities, QSL routes, URLs and e-mail addresses and much more. For  further
information please contact fdxf@aha.ru

D68C (PILOTS) ---> The pilot stations for the 8-28 February DXpedition are:
Martin, G3ZAY (g3zay@btinternet.com: Chief Pilot + Europe and Africa);
Don, N1DG (n1dg@aurumtel.com: North and South America);
Ray, G3NOM (g3nom@rast.or.th: Asia and Oceania);
Dale, AA5XE (aa5xe@smirk.org: 6 metre issues worldwide).
The feedback  from the  expedition team  will principally  be via  the  Chief
Pilot's web page at http://www.dxbands.com/comoros/zaypilot.shtml

D68C (SWLs) --->  In addition to  the 15  trophies for  working D68C  [425DXN
506], there will be 3 trophies for the 3 SWLs who hear D68C on the most bands
(1.8 to 50 MHZ) and modes  (CW, FM, PSK31, RTTY and  SSB). Bob Treacher,  BRS
32525 (see address above) will administer  the SWL trophies: entries must  be
received no later than 30th April 2001 and to submit a claim, listeners  must
provide the usual log details (Date, UTC, Frequency, Mode, RS(T), callsign of
the station(s) worked).

DXNL ---> Issue 1228 of the "DX  Newsletter" (18 December 2000) was the  last
one edited by Michael, DJ5AV [425DXN 504].  The DARC Committee for DX and  HF
Contesting has announced  that the new  editor is  Karlfried Henrichs,  DL1EK
(dxnl@darc.de). [TNX DL3TD]

QSL E4/OE1GZA ---> Gunter reports that  cards should be sent direct only  to:
Gunter Zwinkl, c/o SICT, P.O.Box 1133, Ramallah, Palestine. "Bureau cards  to
OE1GZA will be stuck in Austria", he says, "and probably not be replied to as
long as I'm overseas, and that might be another few years".

QSL FY5FY ---> The address given in 425DXN #508 was taken from RAC 2001,  but
Alain, F6EZV (Didier's brother) states it  is wrong. The correct address  is:
Didier Bironneau, 5 Ave Chopin, F-97310 Kourou, French Guiana.

QSL VK0MM ---> As  promised Alan has  announced the QSL  route for his  VK0MM
activity from Macquarie Island. The QSL manager (direct only) is VK4AAR: Alan
Roocroft, P.O. Box 421, Gatton, QLD 4343, Australia. All excess proceeds from
the QSLing process will be donated to Camp Quality, a charity providing  care
for children  with  cancer and  other  terminal illness.  The  log  has  been
carefully checked, however if you receive  "Not In Log" and are certain  that
you had a QSO with VK0MM, then you should contact Alan (vk0mm@yahoo.com)  and
he will double check the original log in case of a typo.

QSL VIA  9A2DM  ---> Direct  cards  for contacts  made  last  year  by  9A5Z,
9A1CZZ/P, 9A2DM/P, 9A3LM/P,  9A5ZM/P, 9A00WCD, 9A900Z  and 9A900BP  (December
2000) have  been processed,  Vlado reports.  Remaining cards  are being  sent
through the bureau.

QSL VIA  IZ0CKJ --->  Alessio  reports that  the  cards for  EU-186,  EU-187,
EU-158, EU-045 and AS-099 will be  mailed before his trip to Bangladesh  (see
S2 above) or in early March at the latest.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

D68BT & D68WL: Josep and Nuria went QRT after some 31,000 QSOs. Pictures  and
               logs are available respectively at
               http://www.qsl.net/ea3bt/Comoros-Logs_Angles.htm [TNX EA3BT]

QSL received direct: 3B8/DL6UAA, 3W6DXI,  4S7EA, 4W/K7BV, 4W/N6FF,  4W/OH2BF,
4W6GH, 5I3A  (AF-087),  5N0W, 5V7VJ,  5X1GS,  6Y5MM,  7P8AA,  7Q7LZ,  8R1AK/P
(SA-068), 9A0A (EU-170), 9A10C (EU-090), 9K2/XE1KK, 9M0F,9M2/JI1ETU (AS-097),
A35YL, A41/XE1KK,  AB5EB (NA-143),  B1A, BV5BG,  CE0Y/WA6O, CU6/DJ6SI,  D44CF
(AF-086), E30TA, EJ/GI3VFW (EU-121), EU1UN, EW1WZ, EX8W, EY8JJ, FM5DN, FO0DEH
(OC-057 & OC-238), FO0SHA (OC-046), FR/F6KDF/T,  FS/K8HTP, HC8/PA3GIO,  HQ0R,
HR1RMG,  HR3/HR1RMB (NA-160), J28EW, J5X, J73ALN (NA-101), J8/WA2VUY, JD1BCK,
KH5/DF6FK,  LZ1KMS  (EU-181),  OG2R,  OH0Z,   OX3UB,  OY4TN,  P40P,   PY7ZY/7
(SA-046), PZ5JR, S58A, SY2A, T32Z, T88DX, TA2RJ, TJ2RSF, TX0DX, UA2BD, V31RU,
YC7IPZ (OC-166), YC8RSW/P (OC-236), YC8TXW/P (OC-236), YJ0AYL, YW5LF,  Z31JA,

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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S DX@WW $425WW509D
425 DX News #509 [4/4]
  3 February 2001                   No 509                       $425WW509D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  05/02      3C1AG: Bioco Isl (AF-010), Eq. Guinea * by SM0AGD      507
till  02/03      3Y0C: Bouvet (AN-002) * by N4BQW                       509
till  17/02      FG/DF4OR: Guadeloupe                                   509
till  August     FO0CLA: French Polynesia and Australs * by F2HE        501
till  10/02      FO: OC-066, Fr.Pol. * by DL1AWI,DL5XU,DL3APO,DG0OBN    508
till  ??         JW3FL: Hopen Is. (EU-063) * by LA3FL                   504
till  06/02      JW5HE: Svalbard * by LA5HE                             508
till  26/02      KH9: Wake Island * by K7ASU                            507
till  15/02      KP2/W8LBY and KP2/N8NI: Virgin Isls (NA-106)           509
till  31/12      OE75: special prefix (Austria)                         504
till  April      P40MR: Aruba (SA-036) * by VE3MR                       500
till  March      R1ANF: South Shetlands (AN-010)                        499
till  12/02      V31SN: Belize * by DJ4SO                               506
till  28/02      VQ9PO: Diego Garcia (AF-006) * by W3PO                 495
till  ??         YJ0AFN and YJ0ABS: Vanuatu * by DK9FN and DL2GAC       508
02/02-28/02      HP: NA-170, NA-202, NA-203 * by F5PAC                  508
03/02-12/02      YK9A: Syria                                            509
06/02-16/02      JA6GXK: Me-shima, Danjo Islands (AS-056)               495
06/02-10/02      VK4FW: Cumberland Island (OC-160)                      509
07/02-21/02      8Q7MZ & 8Q7BZ: Maldives (AS-013) * by OE3MZC & OE3YCB  507
07/02-12/02      PW0S: St. Peter & St. Paul Rocks * by PY7s             508
08/02-28/02      D68C: Comoros Islands (AF-007)                         509
09/02-11/02      4I1P: Marinduque Island (OC-???) * by VE7DP and DUs    509
09/02-27/02      AC4G/KH9: Wake Island (OC-053)                         507
10/02-16/02      DL5CW/p: Ummanz Island (EU-057)                        509
10/02-13/02      JQ1SUO/2,JA2HMD/2,JA2JTN/2,7N2JZT/2: Hatsu Isl (AS-117)509
10/02-18/02      SO0DIG: Karsibor Island (EU-132) * by DL3BQA           509
10/02-17/02      VK7: Tasmania (OC-006) * by DF9MV                      505
11/02-28/02      FO: OC-027, Marquesas * by DL1AWI and DL5XU            508
11/02-04/03      T32RD: Christmas Isl. (OC-024) * by OK1RD,OK1RI,OK1PD  507
12/02-20/02      CE0ZT: San Ambrosio (SA-013) * by CE6TBN and others    509
12/02-19/02      GD/DL4ALB, LQM, WG, DL5AXX, LYM, DL8WAA: Isle of Man   507
14/02-21/02      C6AKW: Abaco Island (NA-080) * by K3TEJ                509
18/02-24/02      VK7: Flinders Island (OC-195) * by DF9MV               505
21/02-26/02      S2:St.Martin's Isl (AS-127)*IZ0CKJ,IZ7ATN,IZ7BNH,IW0FT 509
22/02-01/03      3D2: Conway Reef * by YT1AD and others                 509
23/02-25/02      W4D: Dauphin Island (NA-213)                           505
24/02-25/02      4I1P/2 (4H2xx): Batan Island (OC-093) * by VE7DP & DUs 509
25/02-02/03      A35BQ: Tonga * by I6BQI                                509
27/02-12/03      5U: Niger * by I2YSB, I2UIY, IK2DIA                    509
27/02-05/03      PJ2/K6RO, PJ2/W6KK, PJ2R: Curacao (SA-006)             509
27/02-06/03      PJ8/AA1M, W1USN, W1HL: Sint Maarten (NA-105)           507
February         7Q7HB: Malawi * by G0JMU                               503
February         DU5/LA7YX: Leyte Island (OC-129)                       508
from February    EM1HO: Galindez Island (AN-006)                        508
from February    RU0LM/0: Shikotan Island (AS-062)                      508
02/03-08/03      3D2: Fiji * by YT1AD and others                        505
02/03-04/03      BV9L: Liuchiu Yu (AS-???)                              509
02/03-09/03      ZK2BQI: Niue * by I6BQI                                509
04/03-19/03      3G0Y: Easter Island (SA-001) * by CEs and DLs          509
06/03-15/03      BQ9P: Pratas Island                                    509
11/03-16/03      V31GI: Southwest Caye (NA-180) * by PA3GIO             509
17/03-18/03      HR: Swan Islands (NA-035) * by HRs                     508
20/03-30/03      JA6GXK: Me-shima, Danjo Islands (AS-056)               495
26/03-05/04      5W1BQ: Western Samoa * by I6BQI                        509
28/03-02/04      PJ6/PA3GIO/m: Saba (NA-145)                            509
March            YJ: Vanuatu * by I6BQI                                 509
March            Ascension (ZD8) & Helena (ZD7)*by GW4BVJ,G0WMW,GW0ANA  509
21/04-22/04      Holyland DX Contest                                    500
05/05-18/05      3B6RF: Agalega (AF-001)                                502
31/05-10/06      JW: Prins Karls Forland (EU-063)                       495
09/08-31/08      TY: Benin * by F5CWU, F5MOO and F5AOV                  507