DX425 bulletin issue nr. 508

S DX@WW $425WW508A
425 DX News #508 [1/4]
  27 January 2001                  No 508                      $425WW508A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages              !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

                         >>> 425DXN MAILING LIST <<<

If you are  not receiving 425  DX News through  [425ENG] any  longer and  are
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http://list.425dxn.org and click first "425.eng" and then on either  "200012"
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"20010116000202" to read 425 DX News #506).
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

C6      - Wade, AA8LL will be active (on 10-40 metres SSB) as AA8LL/C6A  from
          Crooked Island (NA-113),  Bahamas on 27-28  January. QSL via  AA8LL
          either direct or through the bureau. [TNX AA8LL]
CE0_sa  - Two operators are needed for the 12-20 February CE0ZT DXpedition to
          San Ambrosio  [425DXN  507]. If  interested  in joining  the  team,
          please e-mail Marco, CE6TBN at ce6tbn@dxpedition.org [TNX CE6TBN]
CT3     - Hermann, HB9CRV will participate in the CQ WW 160 Meter CW  Contest
          as CT3FN from Madeira Island (AF-014).  Operations are expected  to
          start on 25 January. [TNX CT1END]
DU      - LA7YX is expected  to be active  (with 100 watss  and a dipole)  as
          DU5/LA7YX from Leyte Island (OC-129) for  the next five weeks.  His
          preferred frequencies are 3790, 7050, 14190, 21290 and 28490.  [TNX
          LA2PHA and http://islandchaser.com]
EM_ant  - Paul, EM1HO  will  be active  (on  all bands,  WACR  and  6  metres
          included)  from  Vernadtsky  Base  on  Galindez  Island   (AN-006),
          Antarctica starting in  February. QSL  via I2PJA  either direct  or
          through the bureau. [TNX I2PJA]
FO      - The OPDX Bulletin reports that Wolfgang/DL1AWI, Matthias/DL5XU  and
          Peter/DL3APO will operate  under the terms  of their CEPT  licences
          during their  upcoming  activity  from  French  Polynesia  and  the
          Marquesas [425DXN 503]. Look for FO/DL1AWI, FO/DL5XU and  FO/DL3APO
          from Rangiroa (OC-066, French Polynesia) on 27 January-10  February
          and from  Nuku  Hiva, Marquesas  (OC-027)  on 11-28  February.  For
          further information please visit http://www.radioklub.de/cgcg.  QSL
          via DL1AWI either  direct (Wolfgang Ziegler,  Arno-Schlothauer-Str.
          15, 99842 Ruhla, Germany) or through the DARC bureau.
GU      - Ed, G3SQX will  participate in the  CQ WW 160  Meter CW Contest  as
          MU2K from the  Guernsey Amateur  Radio Society  (GU3HFN). [TNX  The
          Daily DX]
HP      - Joel, F5PAC will be in Panama on 2-28 February and plans to operate
          from Isla  El  Porvenir (NA-170),  Isla  Grande (NA-202)  and  Isla
          Iguana or  Isla Villa  (NA-203). QSL  via  F5PAC either  direct  or
          through the bureau. [TNX DE0MST and http://islandchaser.com]
HR      - The operation  from  Swan  Island  (NA-035)  [425DXN  505]  is  now
          scheduled to take place from 14  UTC on 17 March to  24 UTC on  the
          18th.   Team    members   include    Radio   Club    de    Honduras
          (http://www.qsl.net/hr2rch) members HR2CPS, HR2CSB, HR2HM,  HR2JPQ,
          HR2MAG (CX2CT), HR2RDR and W5/HR2PAC. They plan to operate on 20-40
          metres SSB. QSL to P.O. Box 273, Radio Club de Honduras, San  Pedro
          Sula, Honduras. Suggestions, comments and questions should be  send
          to     HR2RCH      (rch@mayanet.hn).      [TNX      HR2CPS      and
J3      - Willi, DJ7RJ is active  as J3/DJ7RJ from  Grenada until 3  February
          and plans to participate in the CQ WW 160 Meter CW Contest. QSL via
          DJ7RJ. [TNX The Daily DX]
JW      - Look for Rag,  LA5HE to be  active as  JW5HE from  Svalbard on  1-6
          February. [TNX LA5HE]
PY      - Special event station ZY3WSF is active (on 10-80 metres CW and SSB)
          on 25-30 January from Porto Alegre, Brazil during the World  Social
          Forum (http://www.forumsocialmundial.org.br). QSL  direct only  via
          PY3FBI. [TNX PY3FBI]
PY0_spp - Plans are moving ahead on schedule for the DXpedition to St.  Peter
          and St. Paul Archipelago [425DXN  507]. All government  permissions
          are in  hand, and  the  callsign PW0S  has  been issued.  The  team
          (Jim/PY7XC, Fred/PY7ZZ and Ciro/PY7ZY) is expected  to arrive on  7
          February and to operate (on 160-6 metres CW, SSB and possibly RTTY)
          for five or six days, but this is a long open-ocean trip and  dates
          may  vary.  QSL  via  KU9C.  Financial   support  from  clubs   and
          individuals is most  welcome (please contact  Bill, W9VA/PY0ZFO  at
          w9va@aol.com). [TNX W9VA]
UA      - Alex, RU0LM will  be working at  the Russian Navy  Radio Centre  on
          Shikotan Island (AS-062) for  a couple of  months starting in  late
          January-early  February.   He  will   operate  on   amateur   radio
          frequencies as RU0LM/0. QSL via UA0MF (Mike Filippov, P.O. Box  20,
          Vladivostok, 690021, Russia). [TNX UA0MF]
YB      - Pri, YB0ECT has been active on RTTY since 11 January. Look for  him
          from 13.30 UTC to 15.00 UTC  around 14085 kHz.  QSL via K5ZE.  [TNX
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425 DX News #508 [2/4]
  27 January 2001                  No 508                      $425WW508B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

YJ      - Sigi, DK9FN/YJ0AFN  (CW)  and  Bernhard,  DL2GAC/YJ0ABS  (SSB)  are
          currently active from Vanuatu. If they can arrange  transportation,
          they might  operate from  some of  the rarer  YJ IOTA  groups.  QSL
          YJ0AFN via HA8FW, QSL YJ0ABS via DL2GAC. [TNX HA0DU]
YK      - The following are  the announced frequencies  for the 3-11 February
          YK9A operation from Syria:
          CW      SSB                 CW      SSB
           1815    1840               18085   18105
           3515    3790               21002   21195
           7015    7047.5             24905   24925
          10110     -                 28002   28295
          14002   14145               50095   50130
          QSL via K9LA  (Carl Luetzelschwab, 1227  Pion Road,  Fort Wayne, IN
          46845, USA).
ZC4     - Look for ZC4A, the special  event and contest  call of the  Western
          Sovereign Base Radio Club on Cyprus,  to be aired during the CQ  WW
          160 Meter CW Contest. QSL via 5B4AGC. [TNX The Daily DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

POSTAGE (HK)  ---> Oscar,  HK6DOS reports  an airmail  postage increase  from
Colombia to the USA, Canada, Central and South America (+60%) and to  Europe,
Asia, Africa and Oceania (+65%). "One dollar is not enough to answer one  QSL
card", he says, "therefore, it is better  to send IRC or two dollars."  Oscar
is the QSL maanger for CO6XN. 

RUSSIAN POBs --->  Victor, UA2FM reports  that according to  the new  Russian
Post Rules (effective 1 January 2001) "The mail will be returned [...] If the
NAME of adressee who is the  subscriber of the P.O. Box, is  not shown or  if
shown wrong" (Item "d", Paragraph 123).  "As for RW2F,  RK2FWA or UA2FM",  he
says, "put neither call, nor 'UA2 Contest Club', nor 'Petrovo Radio Club' but
Victor Loginov, P.O.Box 73, Kaliningrad, 236000, Russia. In case you send  us
QSL direct, please keep in mind  that our postmen  love 'green stamps',  they
have little  knowledge about what IRCs are, but can destroy your letter  with
IRC as well. So we earnestly recommend you to send RK2FWA and RW2F cards  via
DK4VW instead."

QSL 4N1DX ---> Please note that K1WY is no longer the QSL manager for  4N1DX.
Cards should now be sent direct  to Zrinko Zibert, 99  palih boraca 7,  11277
Ugrinovci, Yugoslavia or through the YU QSL bureau. [TNX 4N1DX]

QSL 5B4AGW & ZC4DW ---> Cards  should be sent to G0DEZ  through the RSGB  QSL
bureau or direct  to Dez Watson,  C.A.O., JSSU  (AN), BFPO  59, Cyprus.  [TNX

QSL AX3OLY ---> QSLs for the Olympic Games 2000 special event station  AX3OLY
that have been received direct will be answered within the next few days. The
others will receive the special QSL card through the bureau. [TNX VK3EW]

QSL CO8TW ---> Please note that EA3FQV has not been the QSL manager for CO8TW
since 15 October. The new QSL manager is IZ8CCW (P.O. Box 360, 87100  Cosenza
- CS, Italy).

QSL RK0FWL/P ---> Eugene, RA0FF reports  that cards for the July-August  2000
RK0FWL/p operation from Moneron Island (AS-149) are being sent out by  FEIDXC
(Far East Island  DX Club). Direct  cards should be  mailed to Eugene  Popov,
P.O. Box 79, Yu-Sakhalinsk-10, 693010, Russia. The web pages for RK0FWL/p are
at http://dx.bgtelecom.ru/shams/as149.html

QSL VK6BSI ---> Cards should be  sent direct only  to VK4AAR (Alan  Roocroft,
P.O. Box 421, Gatton  4343, Australia). Please  note that "it  is NOT a  good
idea to send envelopes with Australian stamps", Alan says,"as there is now  a
special type of stamp for use  on international mail. The postal  authorities
assure me that using the wrong stamps will incur a penalty".

QSL XF4MX  ---> Fernando,  XE1AE reports  that COFETEL  (Comision Federal  de
Telecomunicaciones) has  asked the  Radio Club  Mexicano A.C.  to answer  QSL
requests for the March 1999 XF4MX operation. Cards should be sent to P.O. Box
# 19-500/510, Mixcoac, Mexico D.F., 03910 Mexico.

QSL VIA AC7DX ---> Ron has  taken over chores  from NU4N and  is the new  QSL
manager for KL9A, KL7FH, WL7KY and KL1SLE. Cards should be sent to Ron  Lago,
P.O. Box 25426, Eugene, OR 97402, USA.

QSL VIA DJ4ZB ---> At the end of March Lothar will close the logs for the his
following  DXpeditions:  A35ZB  (October  1994),  T32ZB  (Sepetember-November
1995),  ZL7ZB  (February-March  1995  and  February-March  1997)  and   ZM7ZB
(January-March 2000). If you need a card you should send your request  before
the end  of March  2001 to  Lothar Grotehusmann,  Quaekerstrasse 35,  D-13403
Berlin, Germany. [TNX HB9PL]

QSL VIA RW3RN ---> Alex (rw3rn@tmb.ru)  reports he can confirm contacts  made
with UA3RZ/UL1E,  UA3RF/UL0E and  UA3RZ/UA8T. Cards  should be  sent to  Alex
Kuznetsov, P.O. Box 57, Tambov-23, 392023, Russia.

QSL VIA UA3AGS  ---> Cards for  R1FJV and  other stations  managed by  Sergei
should be mailed to P.O. Box 196, Pepperell, MA 01463-0196, USA (a mail drop,
as your QSLs will be sent from Moscow). [TNX S51U]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

ARRL DX CONTESTS: The NG3K "Announced Operation" tables for the 2001 ARRL  DX
                  Contests (CW & SSB) are now available at
                  http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/adxc2001.html (CW)
                  http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/adxs2001.html (RTTY)
S DX@WW $425WW508C
425 DX News #508 [3/4]
  27 January 2001                  No 508                      $425WW508C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  QSL INFO  ********
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER

3B8/OE3GEA  OE3GEA      EA6/DL7AFS  DL7AFS      SU9ZZ       OM3TZZ
3C1AG       SM0AGD      EA9EU       EA9AZ       T20CK       HB9BCK
3D2AG/P     3D2AG       ED1SXX      EA1AUM      T32Z        N7YL
3D2NV       JA1NVF      ED2000      EA2HT       T88HA       JK1FNN
3W7CW       SP5JTF      ED5RCM      EA5EOR      T88LL       F4TVY
3W7TK       OK1HWB      ED5URE      EA2HT       T95A        K2PF
3Y0C        WA4FFW      ED6FSS      EA6VC       TA3DD       KB2MS
3Z6IEQ      SP6IEQ      EK1700GM    IK2QPR      TG9IGI      I2MQP
3Z9MRO      SP9MRO      EK1700YL    SP9ERV      TR8XX       F2CW
4L1UN       IK7JTF      EK8WY       IZ8CLM      TT8RH       F8BBT
4L5T        LY2MM       EM1KY       UT7UA       UE1SAA      UA1RJ
4O20S       YU1KN       EM2000I     UR7IA       UN21A       DL8KAC
4W1CW       PIRATE      EW6GF       DL8KAC      UN7OP       IK2QPR
4X3A        WA4WTG      EX0V        N6FF        UU2JQ/P     UU2JQ
5A/UY0MF    UX5MZ       EX7ML       DL4YFF      UU4JXM/P    UU8JK
5N3CPR      SP5CPR      EX8W        UA3AGS      UU7J/P      UU8JK
5R8EW       AD6KA       EY1HQ       DJ1MM       V26I        N3ISH
5R8FU       SM5DJZ      EZ21A       EZ8CW       V26Q        NV4Z
5R8O        5R8FL       FG/F6HMJ    F6HMJ       V26YT       JJ2NYT
5U7DG       K4SE        FK8HZ       F6DLN       V31SN       DJ4SO
5X1GS       WB2YQH      FM/F2JD     F6AJA       V31YN       DJ4KW
5X1T        ON5NT       FO0KUN      JA8VE       V47JR       W2APF
7S2000M     SM7TZK      FO5RA       KM5M        V47SS       DL2MDZ
8P9AR       J69EJ       FY5FU       F5PAC       V51HK       DL6OBS
8P9EM       G3VBL       GM3WOJ      ZS5BBO      V63PD       VK4AAR
8P9JW       W8UN        HB2IIY      HB9IIY      V73CW       AC4G
8Q7DV       UA9CLB      HG01HNY     HG4I        V73GJ       KA1GJ
8Q7GB       IZ1DLV      HH2SJR      KZ5RO       VI0ANARE    VK4AAR
8Q7RR       IZ1CRR      HI3LFE      AD4Z        VK6BM       VK4AAR (OC-234)
9A900BP     9A2DM       HI9/DL5YV   DL5YV       VK6BSI      VK4AAR
9G1AA       PA3ERA      HR3/K4ZLE   K4ZLE       VK8AN       VK4AAR
9H1EL       LA2TO       HS0/SM3DYU  SM3CVM      VK8AN/6     VK4AAR (OC-154)
9H3AAA      OE1JIS      HS0AC       HS0/G3NOM   VK8AN/8     VK4AAR (OC-229)
9K2ZZ       W8CNL       HS0ZCW      K4VUD       VK8AV/3     VK4AAR (OC-136)
9N7RB       W4FOA       IR0AD       I0NNY       VK8MI       VK4AAR (OC-173)
9N7ZK       W2UFO       J28FH       WA2VUY      VK9CEH      AA4EH
9V1YC       AA5BT       J6/JA2EZD   XW2A        VP5/K4ISV   N2AU
9Y4TD       9Y4AQ       J68JW       XW2A        VP5/K9NR    K9NR
A22DX       ZS1FJ       J73ALN      LA4LN       VP5/K9QT    K9QT
A22ZS       ZS6ZS       J73CI       XW2A        VP5/KB4IRS  KB4IRS
A35YL       DL7AFS      J79K        XW2A        VP5/KN4UG   KN4UG
A35ZG       DL7AFS      JT1FBB      W9JOE       VP5/WA9ALS  WA9ALS
A41KJ       N5FTR       JW1I        LA3FL       VP5/WB9Z    WB9Z
A41MO       A47RS       JX7DFA      LA7DFA      VP5AZ       KN4UG
A43MF       A47RS       K2S         WA2CAM      VP8DBQ      M1AIB
A52GJ       W0GJ        K4C         N2IW        VQ9PO       W3PO
A52PJ       W0PRJ       KB0CY/C6A   KB0CY       VQ9QM       W4QM
A52YL       N0MAJ       KC4/KK6KO   K1IED       VR2DXA      VR2XRW
A92GM       KA8JRM      KG4AS       N4SIA       VU2RBQ      DJ9RB
A92ZE       K4SXT       KG4HAP      DL1GAB      VU2ZAP      W3HNK
AX2000      VK2PS       KH0/JA4GXS  JA4GXS      VU3RSB      VK4AAR
AX3OLY      VK3WI       KH0AC       K7ZA        W2V         N2MUN
AX4SJ       VK4SJ       KH2V        JA8RWU      W3I         W3LEO
BD5RT       F6FNU       KP2/K8GG    K8GG        WH0D        JA3QGI
BD7NQ       W2AY        KP4VP       KD8IW       XE1UN       EA5XX
BN0X        BV4YB       LZ0A        LZ1KDP      XV9TH       SK7AX
BX7AA       BV7WB       MW2I        WW2R        YA/RW6AC    pirate
C21HC       DL9HCU      OD5/OK1MU   OK1TN       YC8RSW/p    YC8TXW
C50YL       DL7AFS      OE75BZL     OE2BZL      YI1BGD      G0MMI
C53HP       DL7AFS      OL2OOO      OK1MD       YI9OM       OM6TX
C56/G2YT    G2YT        OZ1AA       LX1NO       YJ0AYL      DL7AFS
C56RF       G3NKO       P40AV       K4AVQ       YJ0AZG      DL7AFS
CM6UV       W3CKU       P43P        I2MQP       YN1EYE      W7EYE
CN8NK       EA5XX       P49MR       VE3MR       YU30AA      YU1AA
CO2TK       F6FNU       PJ9LS       PA3FNI      YU8/9X0A    RW3AH
CO2WL       EA3ELM      PT2/KC2BAA  OK1FWQ      Z2LZF       JA2LZF
CO3JR       EA5KB       PY0FT       JA1ELY      Z33F        NN6C
CO6XN       HK6DOS      PY1NEZ/PP1  PY1NEZ      Z38/IV3FSG  IK3GES
CO7GC       EA2BFM      R1ANB       RU1ZC       ZB2/K4ZLE   K4ZLE
CO8LY       EA7ADH      R1ANC       UA1PAC      ZB2FUM      pirate
CO8WL       EA3ELM      R1AND       DL5EBE      ZC4BS       G4KIV
CO8ZZ       DK1WI       R1FJV       UA3AGS      ZC4GB       5B4AGC
CP6XE       IK6SNR      S21YV       KX7YT       ZC4ZM       5B4AGN
CT1EGW      W3HNK       S79FAG      DL7AFS      ZD7DP       W1ZT
CT3FN       HB9CRV      S79OK       OK1TD       ZF2LM       AF2C
CU3DJ       KZ5RO       S79YL       DL7AFS      ZK2JJ       VK4AAR
CV0F        CX2FR       S79ZG       DL7AFS      ZW3F        PY3UR
D2EB        I3LLH       SI6SSA      SM6CLU      ZX5T/1      IV3NVN
D68BT       EA3BT       SI900TKM    SK6NL       ZX5Z        PY3UEB
D68WL       EA3WL       SN2000C     SP9PKZ      ZX7CW       PS7HF
DX2000      DU1SAN      SO9ZM       WA6ZEF      ZX7R        PS7HF
EA6/DJ7ZG   DL7AFS      SP2000S     SP5ZCC      ZY2FF       PY2AE
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425 DX News #508 [4/4]
  27 January 2001                  No 508                      $425WW508D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

5R8FL   P.O. Box 5005, Tananarive, Madagascar
A47RS   P.O. Box 980 PC 113, Muscat, Oman
AC4G    Bruce Smith, 1056 Old Railroad Bed Road, Taft, TN 38488, USA
BA4DW   David Y. J. Zhou, P.O. Box 040-088, Shanghai, 200040, China
DL2MDZ  Rainer Kuhnberger, Hofer Str. 54, 95233 Helmbrechts, Germany
DL3APO  Peter Kohde, Wurgwitzer Str. 36, 01187 Dresden, Germany
DS4CNB  Lee, P.O. Box 30, Tongyung 650-600, South Korea
FY5FY   Didier Bironneau, 16 Ave Salvador Dali, BP 166, F-97310 Kourou,
        French Guiana
JA2LZF  Kazuaki Kurita, 3-25-9 Matsugaoka, Hatoyama, 350-0313, Japan
JA6GXK  Masafumi Ishihara, 493-4 Koba-Cho, Fukue, 853-0033 Japan
JA8VE   Kunio Saito, 2-26-5-554 Nishitsuruma, Yamato, 242-0005, Japan
KI6YG   Challenger Middle School ARC, 10810 Parkdale Ave, San Diego, CA
        92126, USA
KN4UG   Donald Namm, 103 Birkhaven Drive, Cary, NC 27511, USA
NP2S    Martha Golden, Kingshill POB 1276, Saint Croix, VI 00851, USA
OD5NH   Puzant Azirian, P.O. Box 80903, Beirut, Lebanon
PS7HF   Fabio Hoelz, P.O. Box 251, Natal - RN 59010-970, Brazil
RW3GW   Valery I. Sushkov, P.O. Box 3, Lipetsk, 398000, Russia
SM0AGD  Erik Sjolund, Vestagatan 27, SE-19556 Marsta, Sweden
UA0ZC   Valery A. Makarov, P.O. Box 6, Petropavlovsk, Kamchatsky 683000,
UR4RWO  Children Club Station, P.O.Box 1242, Chernigov, 14034, Ukraine
UR5RMO  Alex Kalita, P.O.Box 591, Chernigov, 14030, Ukraine
UR8RF   Alex Svistelnik, P.O.Box 1, Oster, Chernigovskaya obl., 17044,
US1RS   Sergei Ignatenko, P.O.Box 167, Chernigov, 14005, Ukraine
UT0RC   Igor Dirko, P.O.Box 605, Chernigov, 14030, Ukraine
UT0RF   Nick Konavchenko, P.O.Box 1660, Chernigov, 14001, Ukraine
UT0RW   Yuri Kuchinsky, P.O.Box 591, Chernigov, 14030, Ukraine
UT1RT   Igor Chernov, P.O.Box 167, Chernigov, 14005, Ukraine
UT5RQ   Oleg Pleshkunov, P.O.Box 1242, Chernigov, 14034, Ukraine
UU8JK   Alex Kotovskij, P.O. Box 57, 98312 Kerch, Ukraine
UX2RY   Andre Asriyanz, P.O.Box 14, Slavutich-3, Kiev obl., 07100, Ukraine
VK4AAR  Alan Roocroft, P.O. Box 421, Gatton 4343, Australia
VQ9IO   Diego Garcia Amateur Radio Club, c/o Morale, Welfare and Recreation,
        PSC 466 Box 15, FPO AP 96595-0015, USA
VU2HFR  Nilanjan Majumdar, 9 Mandeville Gardens, Apt 5F, P.O. Ballygunge,
        Calcutta 700 019, India
VU2JOS  Jose Jacob, Box 1555, Somajiguda, Hyderabad 500082, India
W3I     MADRAS, P.O. Box 2468, Wheaton, MD 20902, USA
WA4FFW  Mark McIntyre, 2903 Maple Ave., Burlington, NC 27215, USA
YJ8AA   Frank Palmer, 78 Corser Street, Point Vernon 4655, Australia
ZS1FJ   Barry Fletcher, P.O. Box 53319, Kenilworth 7754, South Africa

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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