S DX@WW $425WW507A 425 DX News #507 [1/4] 20 January 2001 No 507 $425WW507A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ >>> 425DXN MAILING LIST <<< If you are not receiving 425 DX News through [425ENG] any longer and are reading this on one of the various reflectors, please note that we still have problems with the mailing list. It is up and running, but apparently a few of the many hundreds of subscriptions have dropped off. For the time being, while we are trying to sort the problem out, please visit http://list.425dxn.org and click first "425.eng" and then on either "200012" or "200101" to see the list of the messages (425DXN bulletins, IOTA Notices etc) sent to the mailing list in December 2000 or January 2001 respectively. Then click on the appropriate button on the left (for instance "20010116000202" to read 425 DX News #506). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3C - Erik, SM0AGD will operate (licence to be issued upon arrival) from Malabo, Bioco Island (AF-010), Equatorial Guinea between 23 January and 5 February. He plans to be active on 10-160 metres CW, SSB and RTTY with low power and wire antennas, with some activity in the CQ WW 160 Meter and BARTG RTTY contests. John, SM5DJZ (djz@swipnet.se) has agreed to act as a pilot and will be able to QSP information in both directions. QSL via SM0AGD (Erik Sjolund, Vestagatan 27, SE-19556 Marsta, Sweden). [TNX SM0AGD] 3DA0 - Andre, ZS6WPX (http://www.zs6wpx.s5.com/3da.htm) will be active (on all bands, 6 metres included) as 3DA0WPX from Swaziland on 26-28 January. QSL direct to ZS6WPX. [TNX The Daily DX] 3Y_bou - Reportedly the latest date for the ship to arrive to Bouvet and pick up Chuck, 3Y0C and the other scientists is 2 March, but it could be as much as two weeks earlier than this. The beam antenna is operational, but Chuck reports the very unfortunate failure of his Icom PW1 solid-state linear amplifier. He has been unsuccessful in locating the fault and will continue to use his transceiver at 100W. If you are knowledgeable in the workings of the PW1, please get in touch with Joe at n4ol@mindspring.com. Up-to-date information and pictures from Bouvet are at http://www.qsl.net/wd4ngb/3y0.htm 5B - Bob, 5B4AGN and George, 5B4AGC will operate as ZC4A from the Akrotiri Base on 26-28 January, including and entry in the CQ WW 160 Meter CW Contest. [TNX The Daily DX] 8Q - Mike, OE3MZC and his wife Barbara, OE3YCB will be active as 8Q7MZ and 8Q7BZ respectively from the Maldives (AS-013) on 7-21 February. They plan to operate on all HF bands SSB with some activity on SSTV, PSK31 and 6 metres. Their web site is at http://www.qsl.net/oe3mzc/ [TNX OE3MZC] A4 - OM3RG and OM3LZ will be working in Oman from 18 to 25 or 27 January and will be active on CW and SSB during their evenings. Callsign(s) not mentioned, but QSL direct to OM3LZ. [TNX OM3LZ] CE0_sa - Michael, N6MZ will replace Mario, CE6NE during the DXpedition to San Ambrosio [425DXN 495], which is scheduled to take place on 12-20 February. Other team members include Alejandro/CE6SAX, Franz/DJ9ZB, Randy/K0EU, Carlos/NP4IW (CE3AQI), Jari/OH1EB, Martti/OH2BH, Pertti/OH2RF and team leader Marco/CE6TBN. They have been assigned a new callsign, CE0ZT (instead of the announced CE0XT) and will operate on 6-160 metres SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK31. Yosi, JA3AAW (ja3aaw@sannet.ne.jp) and Bill, K6GNX (bavery@telemetry.com) will be the pilot stations for Japan and North America respectively; the pilot for Europe is still TBA. QSL via CE6TBN either direct (Marco A. Quijada, P.O. Box 1234, Temuco, Chile) or through the bureau. Visit http://www.qsl.net/ce0xt for updates and further information. DU - Frank, VE7DP is going to the Philippines at the end of January and will try to activate some of the off-shore islands during February. There are several destinations on his list, details are expected to follow in due course. [TNX VE7DP] GD - DL4ALB, DL4LQM, DL4WG, DL5AXX, DL5LYM and DL8WAA will be active (on 10-160 metres mainly CW with some SSB and RTTY) as MD/home calls from the Isle of Man (EU-116) on 12-19 February, including a Multi-Two entry in the ARRL DX CW Contest. QSL via home calls. Please note that cards for MD/DL3OI (February 2000) have to directed now to DL5AXX (e-mail requests for bureau cards are welcome at dl5axx@darc.de). [TNX DL5AXX] /EX S DX@WW $425WW507B 425 DX News #507 [2/4] 20 January 2001 No 507 $425WW507B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH KH9 - Terry, K7ASU will be on Wake Island indicatively from 26 January until 26 February. He plans to operate during his free time using 100 watts and a vertical antenna, mostly on 20 metres PSK with some CW. QSL via K7ASU. [TNX The Daily DX] KH9 - Bruce, AC4G (V73CW) will be working on Wake Island (OC-053) from 9 through 27 February. He will operate (on all bands CW and SSB) as AC4G/KH9 in his spare time and will participate in the ARRL International DX (CW) and CQ 160-Meter (SSB) Contests on 17-18 and 23-25 February. QSL via AC4G (Bruce Smith, 1056 Old Railroad Bed Road, Taft, TN 38488, USA). [TNX The Daily DX] KP2 - W8UVZ and K8GG will operate as KP2/K8GG (QSL via K8GG) from St. Croix, Virgin Islands (NA-106) on 24-30 January. They will participate in the CQ WW 160 CW Contest as NP2S (QSL to Martha Golden, Kingshill POB 1276, Saint Croix, VI 00851, USA). [TNX The Daily DX] PJ8/FS - Bob/AA1M, Mike/W1USN and Jim/W1HL will be operating PJ8/homecall from Sint Maarten (NA-105) between 27 February and 6 March. They plan to be active on 6-80 metres CW, SSB and PSK31. They also hope to do some operating mobile from the French side as FS/homecall during this time. QSL PJ8/W1HL and PJ8/AA1M via AA1M (direct or bureau), QSL PJ8/W1USN via W1USN (direct or bureau). [TNX W1USN] PY - Jim, PY7XC and Ciro, PY7ZY will operate from Itamaraca Island (SA-046) on 21 January whil testing the antennas to be used from St. Peter & St. Paul Archipelago in February [425DXN 505 and below]. PY - PS7JS, PS7HF, PR7AR, PS7ZZ, PS7KC and PS7PIO will operate (SSB, CW and RTTY) as ZX7R and ZX7CW from Fort Reis Magos (DFH RN-01) on 27-28 January. QSL via PS7HF (Fabio Hoelz, P.O. Box 251, Natal - RN 59010-970, Brazil). [TNX PP5SZ] PY0_spp- The departure for St. Peter & St. Paul is confirmed to be scheduled on 2 February with 7 February as target QRV day. RTTY activity is still not confirmed, due to the lack of laptops. While on Itamaraca (see PY above) PY7XC and PY7ZY will see if they can operate RTTY (check 14.082, 21.082 and 28.082 MHz) using desktops under portable conditions. T32 - Pepa, OK1PD will replace Frank, OK1EK during the T32RD operation from Christams Island [425DXN 505]. A couple of other modes (RTTY and PSK31) a new band (6 metres) have been added to the previously announced plan. Operations are now expected to take place from 11 February until 4 March. Suggested CW and SSB frequencies are as follows (but they may change due to the unusually high number of DXpeditions in February): CW SSB CW SSB 1822/32 1845 18075/85 18145/130 3502/20 3790 21005/30 21295/195 7002/20 7060 24895/10 24945/935 10105/20 28005/30 28495/395 14005/30 14195/295 50105 50125 QSL via OK1RD (Jarda Semotan, Borova 155, 251 01 Ricany, Czech Republic). [TNX OK1RD] TY - F5CWU, F5MOO and F5AOV are planning an activity from Benin on 9-31 August. Hopefully they will operate on 160-6 metres CW, SSB and digital modes, but they are currenly waiting for their licences, which might be issued with band restrictions. They invite DXers to let them know their most wanted bands/modes for Benin; please e-mail Flo, F5CWU at f5cwu@wanadoo.fr or visit http://perso.wanadoo.fr/f5cwu [TNX F5CWU] VK - Tony , VK3TZ will be travelling to Phillip Island (OC-136) on 24-27 January and will try to be active as much as he can (most likely from 9 to 12 UTC and from 21 to 22 UTC on or around 14260 and 21260 kHz). "This is not a radio orientated trip2, he says, "so do not expect too much time nor good signals". [TNX VK3TZ] VK - Radio amateurs from Australia can use the AX prefix to celebrate Australia Day on their 26 January (i.e. from the afternoon UTC of the 25th to the afternoon UTC on the 26th, actual times depends on the various Australian time zones). VP5 - WB9Z, K9NR, K9QT and possibly AK9F plan to operate as home call/VP5 from the Turks and Caicos Islands from on 23-27 January. They will participate in the CQ WW 160 CW DX Contest as VP5F. [TNX QRZ-DX] ZD8 - John, KR6MR plans to leave for Ascension Island (AF-003) on 22 January and to be active as ZD8CA for at least a couple of weeks. [TNX The Daily DX] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH A52A VIDEO ---> James, 9V1YC reports that the 60-minute A52A Bhutan video is now finished: "Lots more pileups this time, but also plenty of scenery, people, music, and background info on this absolutely beautiful country". For further information please visit http://home.pacific.net.sg/~jamesb DAYTON DX DINNER ---> The Southwest Ohio DX Association announces the Sixteenth Annual DX Dinner to be held on Friday, 18 May 2001 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dayton (OH). Tickets are $32.00 and must be purchased in advance (groups wishing to sit together must order as a group, a table seats eight). Please make your check or money order payable to SWODXA and send an SASE for ticket return. Seats will be assigned on 11 March 2001 in the order that requests are received. Please order tickets from N8BJQ (Steve Bolia, 7354 Thackery Rd, Springfield, OH 45502, USA). For information on the dinner, check http://members.aol.com/SteveB4622/ or contact Steve, N8BJQ at (937) 788-2803 or e-mail to n8bjq@erinet.com. [TNX N8BJQ] IOTA 2000 ---> The following is for those who participated in the IOTA Millennium Programme using the SM6DEC software and now want to submit their entries: "we need the file called IOTA2000 ver3.dec", Neville, G3NUG says. "This file is a 'FileMaker Pro 4.0 Runtime Database'. It will probably be over 300KB. Rename the file with your callsign, for example, G3NUG.DEC and tell us whether you are using Ver1 or Ver3 of the SM6DEC program. Please be sure to complete the application form with the calls of the two amateurs that have checked your log." /EX S DX@WW $425WW507C 425 DX News #507 [3/4] 20 January 2001 No 507 $425WW507C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== QSL 5R8FL ---> There was a mistyping in 425DXN #506: John, SM5DJZ is the QSL manager for 5R8FU, *not* for 5R8FL. According to our sources, cards for 5R8FL should be addressed to P.O. Box 5005, Tananarive, Madagascar. QSL FR/F6KDF/T ---> Gil, F5NOD reports that some 8000 QSLs (for Europe, North America, South America, Asia and Oceania) were mailed on 19 January. There are still 2000 cards that will be sent in early February, so do not send second requests for the time being. QSL VU2HFR ---> Horey, the QSL manager for all of the operators who were active from Sagar Island last week, reminds DXers not to send green stamps (2 IRCs are all right). His address is: Nilanjan Majumdar, 9 Mandeville Gardens, Apt 5F, P.O. Ballygunge, Calcutta 700 019, India. Those who are concerned about the IOTA status of this operation can relax, as Horey is in touch with the IOTA Manager and expects to send the validation material as soon as possible. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the French DX bulletin "Les Nouvelles DX", whose issue #1 was published twenty years ago, on 15 January 2001. Congratulations and thanks to the staff at LNDX: Jacky/F6BBJ, Dominique/F5HVQ, Yves/F6CYV and Jean-Michel/F6AJA. + SILENT KEY + Harry L. Booth, Z26JP has been a Silent Key since 16 June 2000 and his daughter asks DXers not to send QSL cards any longer. [TNX DL2KUW] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 4W6GH: Information about Antonio's (CT1EGH) operations as 4W6GH (East Timor) and 4W6GH/p (Atauro, OC-232) can be found at http://www.qsl.net/ct1egh/oc_148.htm and http://www.qsl.net/ct1egh/oc_232.htm respectively. [TNX CT1EEB] A22DX: Complete details on the current operation from Botswana can be found on Deon Erwin's (ZR1DQ) web site at www.qsl.net/zr1dq [TNX ZR1DQ] D68: Josep/D68BT and Nuria/D68WL reached the 10000 QSOs mark on 18 January. They are now active also on CW, but please be patient, as they are not much experienced. Pictures and logs from can be found at http://www.qsl.net/ea3bt/ [TNX EA3AJI] HOME PAGES: A collection of URLs for the latest DXpeditions is available on The Daily DX's web site at http://www.dailydx.com/dxpeditions.htm MOST WANTED: Results of The DX Magazine's 100 Most Wanted survey for the year 2000 have been posted to the web site at http://www.dxpub.com [TNX N4AA] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSL received via direct: 1A0KM, 3D2TC, 3W50K (AS-132), 4JY2K, 4S7BRG, 4U1UN, 4W/OH2BF (OC-148), 4W6GH (OC-148), 4W6GH/p (OC-232), 4W6MM (OC-148), 5A1A, 5C8M, 5H3/K8LEE, 5H3RK, 5I3A (AF-087), 5N3CPR, 5R8FU, 5V7VJ, 5X1Z, 7P8AA, 7S5Z (EU-177), 9E1C, 9G5DX, 9H1EL, 9M0F, 9M6AAC, 9M6BG, 9M6NA (OC-133), 9M6TA, 9N7RB, 9V9HQ, A35RK, A35YL, A35ZG, A51AP, A92GE, A92GJ, AC4WW (NA-112), BI2J (AS-151), BI7Y (AS-143), BY1DX, C56/G8OO, C56VB, C91RF, CN8WW, D44BS, D68/G3OZF, DS0DX/4 (AS-148), DU1/DK3GI, DU9BCD (OC-235), EK6TA, EP2FM, EP2MKO, ET3VSC, EW3CW, EY8CQ, FG/F5SNY (NA-114), FG5BG, FH/TU5AX, FK8GM, FO0MCC, FO0MOT/p (OC-114), FT5YG (AN-017), GD4PTV, GD4UOL, GU3UOQ, PA3GIO/HC8, HC8N, HF0POL, HP3XBH, HQ0R, HR1RMG, HS0/IK4MRH, HV0A, HZ1AB, IH9/OK1TN (AF-018), J28NH, J3/G3TBK, J3A, J5X, J5Z, J69AZ, J80WW, JW5DW, JW5E, JW8NH, JX7DFA, K8SCH/4 (NA-112), KG4GC, KH3/KH7V, NH6D/KH3, KH6ND/KH5, N4TV, OA4SS, OD5/OK1MU, OH1LU/p (EU-096), OX3FV, PJ2I, N4ZC/PJ8, PS0S (SA-014), PS7AB, PY0FF, PZ5DX, SU3AM, SV/OK1YM, SV8/IT9YRE/p (EU-174), SV9/SV2COL, SY2A, T32Z, TE6U (NA-155), TF/LA2IJ, UA1QV/1 (EU-085; RR-03-05), UA1TAN/1 (EU-147 & EU-162), V63KP, V73GT, VK6DIR (OC-140), VK9CQ, VK9NS, VK9XV, VK9XY (OC-002), VP6BR, VP9/AA1AC, VP9KD, VU2CVP, XT2OW, XU7AAP, XU7ABD, XV3AA, YC7IPZ (OC-166), YI9OM, YJ0AXC (OC-111), YJ0AYL, YJ0AZG, YP1W (EU-183), ZC4ATC, ZC4ZM, ZD7BG, ZD7TK, ZD9ZM (AF-029), ZF2RV, ZK1AGL (OC-159), ZK1BQI (OC-013), ZK1DKX, ZK1NN, ZK1SHJ, ZK1YRE (OC-159), ZK2VF, ZL4IR, ZL4IR/7, ZS6EZ. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX S DX@WW $425WW507D 425 DX News #507 [4/4] 20 January 2001 No 507 $425WW507D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till 02/03 3Y0C: Bouvet (AN-002) * by N4BQW 507 till February 4W6FK: East Timor * by CT1FKN 488 till 27/01 8Q7RR: Maldives (AS-013) * by IZ1CRR 502 till 20/01 A22DX: Botswana * by ZS1FJ and ZS1GRM 505 till February A52GJ, A52MJ, A52VJ, A52YL: Bhutan 503 till 28/01 D68BT & D68WL: Comoros (AF-007) * by EA3BT & EA3WL 506 till 24/01 FG/F6HMJ: Guadeloupe 505 till August FO0CLA: French Polynesia and Australs * by F2HE 501 till January JW3FL: Bear Is. (EU-027) * by LA3FL 504 till 31/12 OE75: special prefix (Austria) 504 till 21/01 P40AV: Aruba (SA-036) * by K4AVQ 505 till April P40MR: Aruba (SA-036) * by VE3MR 500 till March R1ANF: South Shetlands (AN-010) 499 till 22/01 R1ANM: Amundsen-Scott Base (South Pole) 505 till 2001 UA0QBA: Kotelny Island (AS-028) 477 till 12/02 V31SN: Belize * by DJ4SO 506 till 26/01 V73GJ: Marshall Islands * by KA1GJ 506 till 22/01 VK6BSI: Breaksea Island (OC-243) * by VKs 499 till 28/02 VQ9PO: Diego Garcia (AF-006) * by W3PO 495 15/01-20/01 XQ8RI: Riesco Island (SA-???) * by RW3GW,UA3GVV,UA0XB 504 18/01-25/01 A4: Oman * by OM3RG and OM3LZ 507 18/01-26/01 N7NU/C6A and C6AJX: Abaco Island (NA-080) 506 19/01-21/01 FO0KUN: Tahiti (OC-046) * by JA8VE 506 20/01-21/01 ZV3F and ZW3F: Fort Dom Pedro II (DFH RS-03) 506 21/01 PY7XC and PY7ZY: Itamaraca Island (SA-046) 507 22/01-28/01 3G0Z: Juan Fernandez (SA-005)* by CE1VLY 505 from 22/01 ZD8CA: Ascension Island (AF-003) * by KR6MR 507 23/01-05/02 3C: Bioco Isl (AF-010), Equatorial Guinea * by SM0AGD 507 23/01-28/01 UU4JXM/P and UU7J/P: Kosa Tuzla Island (EU-180) 506 23/01-27/01 VP5: Turks & Caicos * by WB9Z, K9NR, K9QT, AK9F 507 24/01-30/01 KP2/K8GG & NP2S: Virgin Islands (NA-106) 507 24/01-27/01 VK3TZ: Phillip Island (OC-136) 507 26/01-28/01 3DA0WPX: Swaziland * by ZS6WPX 507 26/01-26/02 KH9: Wake Island * by K7ASU 507 26/01-28/01 TD0G: special station (Guatemala) 503 26/01-28/01 ZC4A: Akrotiri Base * by 5B4AGN and 5B4AGC 507 26/01-28/01 CQ 160-Meter Contest (CW) *** 27/01-10/02 FO: OC-066, Fr.Pol. * by DL1AWI,DL5XU,DL3APO,DG0OBN 503 27/01-28/01 ZX7R & ZX7CW: Fort Reis Magos (DFH RN-01) 507 03/02-12/02 YK9A: Syria 504 06/02-16/02 JA6GXK: Me-shima, Danjo Islands (AS-056) 495 07/02-21/02 8Q7MZ & 8Q7BZ: Maldives (AS-013) * by OE3MZC & OE3YCB 507 07/02-15/02 PY0S: St. Peter & St. Paul Rocks * by PY7XC and others 507 08/02-28/02 D68C: Comoros Islands (AF-007) 506 09/02-27/02 AC4G/KH9: Wake Island (OC-053) 507 10/02-17/02 VK7: Tasmania (OC-006) * by DF9MV 505 11/02-28/02 FO: OC-027, Marquesas * by DL1AWI and DL5XU 503 11/02-04/03 T32RD: Christmas Isl. (OC-024) * by OK1RD,OK1RI,OK1PD 507 12/02-20/02 CE0ZT: San Ambrosio (SA-013) * by CE6TBN and others 507 12/02-19/02 GD/DL4ALB, LQM, WG, DL5AXX, LYM, DL8WAA: Isle of Man 507 18/02-24/01 VK7: Flinders Island (OC-195) * by DF9MV 505 19/02-27/02 3D2: Conway Reef * by YT1AD and others 505 23/02-25/02 W4D: Dauphin Island (NA-213) 505 27/02-06/03 PJ8/AA1M, W1USN, W1HL: Sint Maarten (NA-105) 507 February-March Pacific Trip by I6BQI (A35BQ, ZK2BQI, ecc) 502 February 7Q7HB: Malawi * by G0JMU 503 February HR: Swan Islands (NA-035) * by HR1RMG 505 February JW3FL: Hopen Is. (EU-063) * by LA3FL 504 01/03/06/03 3D2: Fiji * by YT1AD and others 505 20/03-30/03 JA6GXK: Me-shima, Danjo Islands (AS-056) 495 05/04-24/04 3D2: Conway Reef * by SM6CAS, SM7PKK and others 493 21/04-22/04 Holyland DX Contest 500 05/05-18/05 3B6RF: Agalega (AF-001) 502 31/05-10/06 JW: Prins Karls Forland (EU-063) 495 09/08-31/08 TY: Benin * by F5CWU, F5MOO and F5AOV 507 /EX