DX425 bulletin issue nr. 501

S DX@WW $425WW501A
425 DX News #501 [1/5]
  9 December 2000                  No 501                  BID: $425WW501A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

                                 THANK YOU!

From the editors  of 425 DX  News to  the dozens  of readers  who sent  their
congratulations on the publishing of issue #500: there were too many messages
to cope with, but thanks to you all, from  the bottom of our hearts, for  the
kindest words of appreciation and encouragement.

3D2_con - The first activity from Conway Reef (operators YT1AD, YU1RL, YU1NR,
          YU7AV, YS1RR, Z32AU  and Z32ZM) [425DXN  495] is  now scheduled  to
          take place on 18-27 February 2001.  Operations are expected on  all
          bands from 160 to 6 and 2 metres and all modes (CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK,
          SSTV). [TNX YT1AD]
5T      - Reportedly Yannick,  5T5YD  hopes to  operate  from  Arguin  Island
          (AF-050) from 10 December. He did  not indicate his length of  stay
          on the island. [TNX GI0TJJ and Islands On The Web]
9A      - Ewald, 9A5ID/DK3ID plans to operate from three Croatian islands  on
          27 December: Sv. Marko (EU-136, IOCA CI-117), Krk (EU-136,  CI-046)
          and Cres  (EU-136, CI-012).  He will  then  be active  from  Losinj
          (EU-136, CI-058) for a few days. Further information on the Islands
          Of     Croatia      Award      (IOCA)     is      available      at
          http://www.qsl.net/9a6aa/islands.htm   or   http://ham2.irb.hr/hrs/
          [TNX 9A6AA]
C2      - Jack Haden, VK2GJH will be active  as C21JH from Nauru (OC-031)  on
          10-22 December. Preference will be given to 50 MHz, but limited  HF
          activity, including WARC and 29 MHz  FM, will also take place.  QSL
          to VK2GJH  (direct  only). For  further  information  please  visit
          http://web.one.net.au/~vk4cp [TNX VK2GJH]
D6      - Everything remains  on  course  for  the  D68C  DXpedition  to  the
          Comoros, active  from about  8 to  28 February  2001 [425DXN  495],
          including an entry in the multi-two section of the ARRL CW  Contest
          (17-18 February).  Some  3000kg of  equipment  was  shipped  on  30
          November and 28 operators are signed  up to participate (some  will
          be there for the whole of the  period, some for part of the  time):
          5B4AGC, 5B4WN, 9H1EL,  DL7AKC, G0OPB, G3NUG,  G3OZF, G3SED,  G3VMW,
          JP1NWZ, M0BJL, M0DXR, N7CQQ, PE9PE, SM5AQD,  UT8LL, W3EF and  W3WL.
          The chief pilot will be Martin/G3ZAY, Ray/9M2OM (G3NOM) will be the
          pilot for Asia and pilots  for other regions  will be announced  in
          due course.  QSL  via G3SWH  (SWL  QSLs will  be  handled  by  Bob,
          BRS32525). Further  sponsorship,  especially  from  DX  groups  and
          foundations,  is  sought   and  being   co-ordinated  by   Wes/W3WL
          (blamboley@aol.com,      for       the      US),       Taizo/JA3AER
          (arakawa@sakurura.ner.jp,    for     Japan)     and     Steve/G4JVG
          (g4jvg@cwcom.net, for the rest of the world); donations can be sent
          to John/G3WGV (g3wgv@aol.com). Look for the latest news on the D68C
          Web Page at http://www.dxbands.com/comoros [TNX G3XTT]
EA      - Pepe, EA5KB reports he will  operate from Isla  Mata del Rei  (DIEI
          V-26, not IOTA) on 9-10 December. QSL via EA5KB.
FO      - Jean-Michel, F6AJA reports that Alain, F2HE/FO0CLA [425DXN 499] has
          left for  French  Polynesia via  Los  Angeles. His  plans  for  his
          8-month  (at  least)  staying  include  Rangiroa  (OC-066),  Rurutu
          (OC-050, Austral Islands), Mangareva (OC-063)  and may be  Pukapuka
          (OC-062). QSL via F6CTL. [TNX Les Nouvelles DX]
HB0     - Wolf, DM2AUJ will operate as HB0/DM2AUJ from Liechtenstein  between
          19 and 23 December. He plans  to concentrate on  the low bands  CW.
          QSL via the bureau to DM2AUJ. [TNX DX News Letter]
I       - Paolo, IV3UHL/P is active from Isola Cona (IIA GO-033, not IOTA).
J6      - Tom, LA4LN will be active (mostly  on CW, possibly with some  RTTY)
          either as J6/LA4LN  or with a  J6 call from  St. Lucia (NA-108)  on
          14-28 December.  Suggested frequencies  (+/- QRM)  are 3505,  7005,
          10105, 14025, 18073,  21025, 24895,  28025, 50105  kHz; 160  metres
          will be tried if noise conditions  make it possible. QSL direct  to
          LA4LN (Tom V. Segalstad, P.O. Box 15 Kjelsas, N-0411 Oslo, Norway)
J7      - Tom, LA4LN will be active (mostly  on CW, possibly with some  RTTY)
          either as J7/LA4LN or with a J7 call from Dominica (NA-101) between
          28 December  and 4  January. Suggested  frequencies (+/-  QRM)  are
          3505, 7005, 10105,  14025, 18073, 21025,  24895, 28025, 50105  kHz;
          160 metres will be tried if noise conditions make it possible.  QSL
          direct to  LA4LN (Tom  V. Segalstad,  P.O. Box  15 Kjelsas,  N-0411
          Oslo, Norway)
JA      - Takeshi, JI3DST will  operate (on 40,  17 15, 12,  10 and 6  metres
          SSB) as JI3DST/6 from Daito  Islands (AS-047) between  9 UTC on  30
          December and  1 UTC  on 7  January. QSL  via JI3DST  either  direct
          (Takeshi Funaki, 2-18-26  Hannan-Cho, Abeno-Ku,  Osaka City,  Osaka
          545-0021, Japan) or, preferably, through the bureau. [TNX JI3DST]
S DX@WW $425WW501B
425 DX News #501 [2/5]
  9 December 2000                  No 501                  BID: $425WW501B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

KG4     - Bill, W4WX  will operate  as KG4GC  from  Guantanamo Bay  on  12-18
          December. He will concentrate on  RTTY and 6  metres. QSL via  W4WX
          either direct or through the bureay. [TNX W4WX]
KH0     - Look for  Kenji, KH0/JA4GXS  (160-6 metres,  CW and  SSB),  Masayo,
          KH0/JF4LNO (6 metres SSB) and Shinichiro, KH0/JN4AWW (6 metres SSB)
          to operate from the Northern Marianas  (OC-086) on 23-27  December.
          QSLs via JA4GXS (Kenji Sasaki, 2-15 Ishikannon-cho, Yamaguchi-city,
          753-0038 Japan) [TNX JI6KVR]
KP2     - Brian, ND3F will operate (CW  only) as KP2/N3IQ  from St. John,  US
          Virgin Islands (NA-106)  until 12 December,  including an entry  in
          the ARRL 10 Meter Contest. Rod,  WA0QII will operate as  KP2/WA0QII
          (on 10 metres  SSB only) from  the same site.  QSL via home  calls.
          [TNX ND3F]
P2      - Look  for  Steve,  VK4EMS  to  be   active  again  as  P29BI   from
          Bougainville Island (OC-135) starting on 6 December for two months.
          He will operate (probably on 20 metres SSB only) in his spare time.
          QSL via VK4EJ  (Bernie McIvor, 30  Brennan Parade, Strathpine  4500
PA      - Look for Marc,  ON5FP to be  signing PA/ON5FP/P  from Texel  Island
          (EU-038) on  28-30 December.  He  plans to  operate  on 20  and  40
          metres. QSL via home call. [TNX ON5FP]
PY      - PU1NEZ/2 (Carl),  PY1LVF/2  (Zeca), PY1NEW/2  (Pete)  and  PY1NEZ/2
          (Lima) will be active from Comprida  Island (SA-024) from 13  until
          18 or 19 December. Look for  them on CW  (1835, 3530, 7030,  10115,
          14040, 18098, 21040,  24895, 28040 and  50080 kHz)  and SSB  (1850,
          3755, 7055, 14190, 14260, 18128, 21260, 24950, 28360, 28460, 28560,
          and 50110 kHz).  QSL via home  calls either direct  or through  the
PY      - Special event station PS5J will be active on all bands and modes on
          7-12 January during the 11th Panamerican  Scout Jamboree that  will
          be held at Foz do Iguazu  (Parana). QSL via PY5UEB  or to P.O.  Box
          2019, 80011-970 Curitiba, Brazil  Further information is  available
          at http://www.qsl.net/ps5j [TNX PY5DZ]
T2      - Albert, HB9BCK  will be  active as  T20CK from  Tuvalu (OC-015)  on
          between 28 December and 8 January. He will operate on 10-40  metres
          CW and SSB, possibly on RTTY and PSK31 as well. He might be  active
          as 3D2BCK from  Fiji before  and after  T2. QSL  via HB9BCK  either
          direct or through the bureau. [TNX DX News Letter]
T8      - Hiro, JK1FNN and his wife Mie, 7L1MKM will operate (on 10-80 metres
          CW and  SSB) as  T88HA and  T88MY from  Palau (OC-009)  between  30
          December and 3 January. QSL via JK1FNN. [TNX JI6KVR]
V4      - Look for DF2SS to operate as  V47SS from Nevis between 22  December
          and 6 January.  He plans to  be active  on 160-10  metres (maybe  6
          metres as well) CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via home call. [TNX DL2VFR]
VE      - Dennis, K7BV  will participate  in the  ARRL  10 Meter  Contest  as
          VY1/K7BV from the VY1 (Yukon) multiplier. He will operate mostly CW
          from VY1JA's QTH. QSL via KU9C. [TNX K7BV]
VU      - Special event station VU2HR2000 will be active during the Ham Radio
          2000 Millenium  meeting to  be held  in Hyderabad,  India on  22-24
          December. [TNX VU2JOS]
W       - If your current NA-140 credit is for a QSO with Kent Island (to  be
          deleted in 2005), you should  look for K3RE  to operate from  Smith
          Island (NA-140) from 17 UTC on 16  December to 17 UTC on the  17th.
          He will be active on SSB (7260, 3860, 14260, 21260, 28460 kHz)  and
          CW (.040). QSL direct to K3RE (Robert E. Lee, 15527 Brandywine  Rd,
          Brandywine, MD 20613, USA). [TNX K3BEQ]

ARRL 10 METER  CONTEST: The following  will be  active in  this year's  event
(9-10 December):
- Giovanni, I5JHW from 3V8BB on SSB.
- John, SM7CRW as 8S7A from Oland  Island (EU-037). QSL  via W3HNK. [TNX  The
  Daily DX]
- Deal, BA4TB and Michael, BD5RV/4 as B4R. QSL via JSDXC. [TNX BA4TB]
- LP1F on CW  and SSB. QSL  via LU5FC (Jesus  Rubio, San  Juan 2694,  Rosario
  2000, SF, Argentina). [TNX LU5FC]
- LP7H on  SSB.  QSL  via LU9HS  (Javier  Santillan,  Fournier  2783,  Barrio
  Matienzo, X5011CDO Cordoba, Argentina). [TNX LU9HS]
- Sergio/LU7YS, Alex/LU8VCC, Raff/LU7VCH and Guille/LW1EXU  as Multi Operator
  High Power. QSL via LU8VCC. [TNX LU7YS]
- Bruce, AA5B as VP5K from North Caicos (NA-002). [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
S DX@WW $425WW501C
425 DX News #501 [3/5]
  9 December 2000                  No 501                  BID: $425WW501C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CONTEST/DX MEETING  --->  The 7th  annual  International  Contest/DX  Meeting
organized by Contest Club Finland (CCF) will be held on 19-21 January 2001 at
the Tampere Spa Hotel, about 150  km north of  Helsinki. Full information  is
available at http://ccf.contesting.com [TNX OH6YF]

GD4UOL QRT ---> "The  2000 trip to  GD land was  my final operation",  Steve,
G4UOL/GD4UOL states.  "Since 1988  I  have made  88,600  QSOs as  GD4UOL  and
achieved most  of  my original  objectives.  I've certainly  given  many  new
band/country   slots    during    this    period".    Steve's    web    pages
(http://www.topcities.com/Personal/g4uol/) will  be updated  to include  this
year's log search, new pictures etc.

QSL 6Y5DA  ---> Please  note that  VE4JK is  no longer  the QSL  manager  for
Donald, 6Y5DA.  Cards should  be sent  direct only  to Donald  himself.  [TNX

QSL 9H3MM ---> Con, DF4SA reports that all of the contacts made during the CQ
WW CW Contest will be confirmed automatically through the bureau. If you need
a direct  card, his  address is  Cornelius Paul,  Adelberger Weg  3,  D-73104
Breech, Germany

QSL CO8DM ---> After the untimely death of DL5DSH, who passed away a few days
ago at the age of 37, the new QSL manager is DL9US. [TNX DJ2PJ]

QSL UA0QT ---> If you still need a card from UA0QT (1 August 1986 - 1  August
1989, Kotelny Island, AS-028) and UA0QT/U0K (7 October 1989 - 22 August 1990,
Wrangel Island, AS-027), you can  send your request  (direct only) to  UX7VA:
Vladimir N. Vybrik, P.O. Box 5, Svetlowodsk 27507, Ukraine. [TNX UX2VZ]

QSL UN7VX --->  Flavio, IK2XYU is  no longer the  QSL manager  for UN7VX.  He
still has the logs from January 1999 through June 2000 and can still  confirm
contacts made during this time frame. [TNX IK2XYU]

QSL V31FH ---> This call, previously held by N7NUR, has been reissued and  is
now held by F6BFH.  QSLs for V31FH  operation in November  should be sent  to
F6BFH; requests sent to N7NUR are  being returned and bureau cards via  N7NUR
will not be answered. [TNX NN7A]

QSL   VK0LD/AX0LD/VK0MM   --->   E-QSLs    for   Alan   Cheshire's    (VK0MM,
http://www.geocities.com/vk0ld/1.html) activity  as VK0LD  (November-December
1999) from Macquarie Island are available at http://www.eQSL.cc/ and, quoting
Alan's statement,  "QSL cards  via postal  mail  are simply  not  available".
Bernie McClenny, W3UR,  editor of "The  Daily DX",  asked Alan  if those  who
worked VK0LD will ever be able  to get a traditional QSL  card: "I think  the
statement is pretty conclusive", Alan replied. "I have issued QSLs for  VK0LD
as promised. It is not my problem if the  ARRL or any other DX body  declines
to accept them."  While those who  worked Alan as  AX0LD (from 13  UTC on  25
January 2000 to 13 UTC on  the 26th) can  get their card  through the CW  Sao
Paulo Group c/o PY2YP (Cesar Augusto C. Rodrigues, Al Min Rocha Azevedo,  495
AP 121, Sao  Paulo 01410-001, Brazil),  the route/method for  VK0MM cards  is
still to be announced.

QSL VP6BR ---> As of 5 December Jukka, OH2BR had processed 90% of the  10,000
direct requests received so far. He  works on a first-in-first-out basis  and
is currently working  on the requests  received in  July. You  can check  the
QSLling   situation    on   the    News   page    on   Jukka's    web    site
(http://www.qsl.net/oh2br) The address  for direct requests  is P.O. Box  37,
FI-01361 Vantaa, Finland. [TNX 9A2TW]

QSL Z35M ---> Vlado, Z35M (ex  Z32KV) reports he has  no QSL manager.  Direct
cards should  be  sent to  Vladimir  Kovaceski, P.O.  Box  10,  6330  Struga,

QSL ZF2SA --->  Cards for late  Steve's (K3SA) operation  as ZF2SA should  be
sent to Burt,  W3GG (QSLs already  sent to Joe,  W3HNK will  be forwarded  to
W3GG). [TNX The Daily DX]

QSL VIA IZ8CCW ---> Ant reports he is  now the QSL manager for CO8TW,  YC3DIK
and JT0FAA. QSL to P.O. Box 360, 87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy.
S DX@WW $425WW501D
425 DX News #501 [4/5]
  9 December 2000                  No 501                  BID: $425WW501D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****

US POSTAGE ---> The US postage rates for domestic and international mail will
go up effective 7 January 2001. The new rates for international airmail  will
be as follows (1 ounce = 28.35 gr.):
Postcard to Canada & Mexico               50 cents
Postcard to rest of world                 70 cents
1 ounce to Canada & Mexico                60 cents
1 ounce to other countries                80 cents
2 ounces to Rate Group 3 countries (*)  1.60 $
2 ounces to Rate Group 4 countries (*)  1.70 $
2 ounces to Rate Group 5 countries (*)  1.55 $
(*) Rate Group 3 = mainly (but not totally) Western Europe
    Rate Group 4 = Japan, Australia, New Zealand
    Rate Group 5 = the rest of the world
As of 7 January 2001 IRCs will be exchanged  for 80 cents worth of stamps  or
other postal products (no cash refunds). [TNX NB1B and The Daily DX]

+ SILENT KEY  + Jon, VK4CY  reports that Alan,  EA7BA (ex  G3NNF and  GW3NNF)
became Silent Key on 22 November being involved in a fatal road accident.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

QSL DBASE:    Boye Christensen, OZ7C  has updated  his QSL  DBase (which  now
              contains 269,268 unique  records) for Packet  Cluster. You  can
              download oz7c0600.exe at
              A search engine is  available  at  http://www.hammall.com  [TNX
              OZ7C, oz7c@qsl.net]
QSL ROUTES:   A collection of QSL routes for  the recent CQ WW DX CW  Contest
              is available at http://www.arrakis.es/~ea5eyj [TNX EA5EYJ]

QSL received  via  direct: 1A0KM,  3A/OH4GN,  3A2K,  3W50K  (AS-132),  3W7CW,
4U1ITU, 4W6MM,  5H1/PA3GIO  (AF-063),  5H3/PA3GIO  (AF-054),  5I3A  (AF-087),
7Q7CE, 9K2UB,  9M6CT,  9M8QQ (OC-165),  A35BQ,  A51AA, A52FH,  A52JS,  AY0N/X
(SA-087), BA4DW/5  (AS-137), BI2J  (AS-151),  BI4L (AS-146),  BY1PK,  BY4BZB,
C6AKQ, W5BOS/C6A (NA-219), CO8ZZ, CP6XE,  D44BS/P (AF-086), D68/G3OZF,  DS0DX
(AS-081),  DS0DX/2,  DS0DX/4,  DS3BGI,  K9AW/DU6  (OC-129),  E29DX  (AS-145),
E4/G3WQU,  E44/HA1AG,  ED1GL  (CLU-001),  EM5UIA  (EU-179,  EU-180,  EU-182),
EP2MKO,  FK8KAB/P  (OC-058), FO0CLA (OC-066),  FO0MOT (OC-063), FR5GO,  H22H,
HC8A, HL0C,  HS0/IK4MRH (AS-053),  IH9P, IJ7/I7XUW  (EU-073), IR4RCR,  J28EW,
J5X, J75KG,  JD1BCK, JW7M,  JW/IK2XDE,  JW/IK2JYT, K2OLG/M  (NA-142),  KH2JU,
KH7V/KH3, KL7AK (NA-216), KL7/DL1YMK  (NA-040), KL7/K6ST (NA-215),  KL7/W6IXP
(NA-214), NZ7Q/KH4, OD5/OK1MU, OD5RAL,  OH0B, OH1LU/P (EU-173),  OH6/IK3GES/P
(EU-101), OH8/IK3GES/P  (EU-184),  OY/DL2SWW,  OY3QN,  OZ/IK3GES/P  (EU-172),
P29VMS (OC-231), P3A, P43P, P43RR, PJ8/N4ZC, PS0S, R0/UR8LV (AS-142), RZ1OA/A
(EU-153),S21YJ, SM2/IK3GES/P (EU-139), SM3/IK3GES/P (EU-087), SV/OK1YM, SY2S,
T77C, TA0/SP6TPM/M (EU-186),TA1AZ,  TA2DS, TF8SM,  TI5/K3LU, TJ1PD,  TK5KT/P,
TR0A/P (AF-089), TT8JLB, TU2WK, TX0DX, TZ6VV, UE6AAA (EU-185), UN7PCZ, V51AS,
V6T1, VE2OV (NA-128),  VE7QRZ/VY1 (NA-193), VI2BI  (OC-212), VK6BM  (OC-234),
VK8AN/6 (OC-154), VK8AN/8  (OC-229), VK8CI (OC-229),  VK8ML (OC-173),  VR2BG,
W4DKS/3 (NA-140),  WA4ET (NA-085),  XQ3ZW,  YB0ECT, YC7IPZ  (OC-166),  YC8VIP
(OC-070), YC8XNE (OC-076),  YC9ID (OC-150), YC9WZJ  (OC-034), YP1W  (EU-183),
YW5LF (SA-059), ZA1E,  ZD9ZM, ZK1AXU,  ZK1BQI, ZP5KO,  ZV1IR (SA-079),  ZW1MB

QSL received via WF5E  QSL Service: 3W5OK  (AS-132), 5Z4WI (AF-067),  6K0IS/2
(AS-105), 6K97EAG,  6M0HZ/2 (AS-090),  6Y8A, A41LZ,  C6A/K2PS (NA-001),  C6DX
(NA-054), CF7KDU/P  (NA-118),  E30BA, FR5ZQ/G,  FY5FU/P  (SA-020),  NH6D/KH3,
KL1SLE (NA-040),  NO7F/KL7 (NA-059),  LU1ZC, N2OO  (NA-111), PR2YL  (SA-024),
PW5V (SA-027), T70A, V63X (OC-059), VD7D (NA-118), VE7TLL/P (NA-061), VP8CKN,
W7W (NA-169),  XU2A,  XZ0A (AS-144),  ZK3RW, ZX0Z  (SA-067), ZY5YZ  (SA-026),
ZY8R (SA-070).

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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S DX@WW $425WW501E
425 DX News #501 [5/5]
  9 December 2000                  No 501                  BID: $425WW501E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

01/01-31/12      IOTA 2000 (http://www.cdxc.org.uk)                     ***
till  31/12      3Z: special prefix (Poland)                            454
till  February   4W6FK: East Timor * by CT1FKN                          488
till  Dec        5R8GT: Madagascar * by DJ4IJ                           499
till  31/12      9AY2K: special Millennium station                      451
till  12/12      A52UD: Bhutan * by K4VUD                               500
till  12/12      BA4DW/4: Tianheng Island (AS-150)                      500
till  31/12      DL0KWH: commemorative station                          499
till  29/12      EO100UKB: special station                              499
till  12/12      FS/W2JJ: St. Martin (NA-105)                           495
till  31/12      HB2: special Y2K prefix (Switzerland)                  453
till  11/12      HC1MD & HC1MD/HCx: Ecuador * by NE8Z                   493
till  December   HF0POL: South Shetlands (AN-010) * by SP3GVX           490
till  31/12      HF70PZK: special event station (Poland)                453
till  31/12      II0CV: special call                                    451
till  24/12      II0: special jubilee prefix                            452
till  31/12      IR5ONU: special event station                          485
till  31/12      IU0PAW: Jubilee Year special station                   468
till  May        JW3FL: Bear Is. (EU-027) * by LA3FL                    497
till  11/12      W1VX/KH0, KZ5C/KH0, KH0/JR1IBD: Saipan (OC-086)        500
till  13/12      KP2/AG8L and WP2Z: US Virgin Islands (NA-106)          500
till  12/12      KP2/N3IQ & KP2/WA0QII: US Virgin Islands (NA-106)      501
till  12/12      PY0ZFO: Fernando de Noronha (SA-003) * by W9VA         500
till  March      R1ANF: South Shetlands (AN-010)                        499
till  31/12      SI75A & SIxSSA: SSA 75th anniversary stations (Sweden) 445
till  31/12      SP2000S and SN2000C: special stations                  496
till  31/12      SY2A: Mount Athos * by SV2ASP/A                        459
till  2001       UA0QBA: Kotelny Island (AS-028)                        477
till  31/12      UE9XAB and UE9XAC: special stations                    497
till  17/12      VK0MM: Macquarie Island                                497
till  12/12      VP9/AA1AC: Bermuda (NA-005)                            495
till  28/02      VQ9PO: Diego Garcia (AF-006) * by W3PO                 495
till  December   VQ9QM: Chagos (AF-006) * by W4QM                       482
till  12/12      XU7AAP: Cambodia * by YB0US                            500
till  10/12      ZK2VF: Niue (OC-040) * by W7TVF                        491
till  09/12      ZL/SM3TLG: Waiheke Island (OC-201)                     499
till  31/12      ZS0M: South Africa * by ZS6MG                          477
04/12-12/12      D4: Sao Vicente (AF-086) * by F8IXZ                    500
06/12-20/12      VP2MDD: Montserrat (NA-103) * by M0AEP                 499
09/12-10/12      EA5KB: Isla Mata del Rei (DIEI V-26)                   501
09/12-10/12      PC50N: special event station (The Netherlands)         497
09/12-11/12      W6: Santa Catalina Island (NA-066) * by W6s            499
09/12-10/12      ARRL 10 Meter Contest                                  ***
10/12-22/12      C21JH: Nauru (OC-031) * by VK2GJH                      501
from  10/12      K4QD and AF4WM: Dry Tortugas (NA-079)                  500
10/12-18/12      V47UY: St. Kitts (NA-104) * by KJ4UY                   497
12/12-18/12      KG4GC: Guantanamo Bay * by W4WX                        501
13/12-18/12      PU1NEZ/2, PY1LVF/2, PY1NEW/2, PY1NEZ/2: SA-024         501
14/12-16/12      EN23RW: special station                                499
14/12-28/12      J6/LA4LN: St. Lucia (NA-108)                           501
15/12-25/12      JA6GXK: Me-shima, Danjo Islands (AS-056)               495
16/12-17/12      K3RE: Smith Island (NA-140)                            501
18/02-27/02      3D2: Conway Reef * by YT1AD and others                 501
18/12-02/01      Lighthouse Christmas Lights                            497
19/12-05/01      DU7/G3IZM: Guimeras Island (OC-129)                    495
19/12-23/12      HB0/DM2AUJ: Liechtenstein                              501
23/12-27/12      KH0/JA4GXS, KH0/JF4LNO, KH0/JN4AWW: OC-086             501
22/12-06/01      V47SS: Nevis (NA-104) * by DF2SS                       501
22/12-24/12      VU2HR2000: special event station                       501
25/12-29/12      9M2/JI1ETU: AS-074                                     499
25/12-05/01      C56/G2YT: The Gambia                                   499
from  27/12      9A5ID: EU-136                                          501
28/12-04/01      J7/LA4LN: Dominica (NA-101)                            501
28/12-30/12      PA/ON5FP/P: Texel Island (EU-038)                      501
28/12-08/01      T20CK: Tuvalu (OC-015) * by HB9BCK                     501
29/12            9M2/JI1ETU: AS-097                                     499
30/12-07/01      JI3DST/6: Daito Islands (AS-047)                       501
30/12-03/01      JQ1SUO/JD1: Hahajima (AS-031), Ogasawara               499
30/12-03/01      T88HA & T88MY: Palau (OC-009) * by JK1FNN & 7L1MKM     501
December         ER2000: special Millennium prefix                      499
from December    FO0CLA: French Polynesia and Australs * by F2HE        501
Dec-Feb          P29BI: Bougainville Island (OC-135) * by VK4EMS        501
Dec-Apr          P40MR: Aruba (SA-036) * by VE3MR                       500