S DX@WW $425WW498A 425 DX News #498 [1/4] 18 November 2000 No 498 $425WW498A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3DA0 - 3DA0NL will be again active from Swaziland on 20-27 November, this time also on 40 metres. QSL via ZS6ANL (P.O. Box 6282, Homestead, 1412 South Africa). 5T - Yannick, F6FYD [426DXN 496] has been issued the call 5T5YD. He will be in Mauritania for six months at least and plans to operate from IOTA islands as well. QSL via home call. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX] 5X - Tapani, OH5BM plans to operate from 5X1Z during the CQ WW DX CW Contest as Single Operator Single Band (10 or 15 metres). Before the contest he will be active on on 10 and 15 metres SSB/CW. QSL via SM6CAS. [TNX OH5BM] 8P - John, K4BAI will be active as 8P9HT from Barbados (NA-021) on 22-29 November. He will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest as 8P9Z. QSL both calls via K4BAI. [TNX The Daily DX] 9H - Con, DF4SA will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest with a 9H3 call from Malta (EU-023) in the SOAB low power category. QSL via DF4SA (all QSOs will be confirmed automatically through the bureau). A5 - Jani, A52AP (9M6US/YB0US) and Charly, A52UD (K4VUD) have extended their planned stay in Bhutan [425DXN 497] to depart 12 December (instead of the 9th as previously announced). Any changes to the arrival date (1 December) will be due to airplane delays and because it snows in Bhutan, delays are possible. QSL A52AP via N2OO; QSL A52UD via K4VUD. [TNX K4VUD] C6 - Dick, N4RP will be active as C6AKP from South Bimini (NA-048) between 17 and 29 November. He will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest. QSL to N4RP (R. Phelps, 2805 Casita Way Apt 115, Delray Beach, FL 33445-4574, USA). [TNX The Daily DX] C6 - Ed, WA3WSJ will operate (on 10-160 metres QRP) as C6A/WA3WSJ from Abaco Island (NA-080), Bahamas on 21-28 November. He will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest. QSL direct to WA3WSJ. [TNX QRZ-DX] EA - Look for Pepe, EA5KB to operate from Baldovi Island (DIEI V-015, not IOTA) on 18 November and from Penyeta del Moro (EU-151) on the 19th. This latter activity is planned to take place on 10 metres (+/- 28.460 MHz). [TNX EA5KB] JA - Look for Yuki, JA6LCJ/6 to operate (SSB and CW) from the Tsushima Islands (AS-036) on 17-19 November. QSL via JA6LCJ and logs at http://www5.freeweb.ne.jp/computer/lcjterm/ [TNX JA6LCJ] J3 - Dave, G3TBK is now back in the West Indies. Look for him to be signing J3/G3TBK from Grenada, V29TBK from Antigua, VP2MDC from Montserrat and maybe other calls from other locations. He works mainly CW and concentrates on the WARC bands. QSL direct to G0IAS or through the bureau to G3TBK. [TNX G0IAS] J7 - Paul, K5AF and George, K5KG will operate as J75KG from Dominica (NA-101) on 18-27 November, including an entry in the CQ WW DX CW Contest (Multi-Single). [TNX The Daily DX] KH2 - Guam Contest Club (gcc@seo.or.jp) members Aki/JI3ERV (NH2C), Toshi/JR7OMD (WI3O), Noz/JE8KKX and Aki/JP1OGL will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest as AH2R (Multi-Single) from Guam (OC-026) QSL via JH7QXJ either direct or through the JARL bureau. [TNX JI3ERV] KP2 - Operators from the OK DX Foundation (http://www.okdxf.cz) will be active from St. Thomas, Virgin Islands (NA-106) between 20 November and 3 December. Much attention will be paid to 160, 80, 40 and 6 metres. During the CQ WW DX CW Contest they will operate as KP2/OK5DX. QSL to the OK DX Foundation (P.O.Box 73, 293 06 Kosmonosy, Czech Republic). [TNX OK1TN] OH0 - Jukka, OH6LI will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest from OH0V on 10 metres. QSL via OH6LI (Jukka Klemola, Aarontie 5, 31400 Somero, Finland). [TNX OH6LI] P2 - Paul, K1XM and Charlotte, KQ1F will operate as P29VPY and P29VCR from Loloata Island, PNG (OC-???) between 21-22 and 27-28 November. Paul expects to enter the CQ WW DX CW Contest in the single operator all band low power category, maybe with a shorter contest call. Outside the contest, when not scuba diving, they should operate on SSB, WARC bands, and possibly RTTY. QSLs via KQ1F. IOTA chasers will note that Loloata now counts for the new unnumbered Papua New Guinea's Coastal Islands East group. [TNX K1XM] /EX S DX@WW $425WW498B 425 DX News #498 [2/4] 18 November 2000 No 498 $425WW498B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== TI - Mike, K9NW will operate as TI5/K9NW (QSL via WW9DX) from Costa Rica on 21-28 November. He will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest as TI5N (SOAB, QSL via TI5KD). [TNX The Daily DX] XV - Rolf, SM5MX is currently based in Tokyo and will travel to Vietnam to revive his call XV9SW from 19 November to 2 December. He will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest. He is now the only remaining XV station on CW, since only 3W calls are issued nowadays. QSL via SM3CXS. [TNX SM5MX] YB - Kadek, YC9BU reports that YC9WZJ/p will operate from the new unnumbered Irian Jaya's Coastal Islands West group (OC-???) on 18-20 November. Kadek himself will be signing YC9BU/p from another unnumbered group, Timor Barat's Coastal Islands (OC-???) between 28 November and 1 December. [TNX WA6GFE and Islands On The Web] ZD8 - Jim, N6TJ will operate as ZD8Z from Ascension Island (AF-003) between 21 November and 9 December, including an entry in the CQ WW DX CW Contest (10 metres). QSL via VE3HO. [TNX The Daily DX] ZK1_sc - Roger, W7VV will operate as ZK1VV from the South Cook Islands between 22 November and 3 December. He will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest. [TNX The Daily DX] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH HUNTING LIONS ---> The 30th annual Hunting Lions in the Air Contest will take place on 13-14 January. The contest is to commemorate the birth of Melvin Jones, the founder of Lionism, born on 13 January 1879. The rules can be downloaded from http://www.sarl.org.za/contests/lionita.htm [TNX ZS5BBO] KH6ND/KH5 ---> The Nature Conservancy's (TNC) acitivities on Palmyra have ceased for the winter and Mike Gibson, KH6ND has left Palmyra Atoll and returned to Honolulu after more than 25,000 QSOs on 10 bands and 3 modes. "Given the imminent change in ownership", Garry Shapiro (NI6T) says, "we do not know what operating opportunities will be available in the future. However, Mike and the Kingman Reef/Palmyra DX Group (KRPDXG) hope to be involved in future amateur activity from Palmyra". QSL via K4TSJ. QSL 3B8GD ---> Mohammad, 3B8GD reports that too many direct cards sent to his POB were never delivered. With immediate effect, cards should be mailed direct to his address: Mohammad Iqbal Muttur, 69 Dr Ferriere Avenue, Stanley, Rose-Hill, Mauritius Island, Africa. QSL FR/F6KDF/T ---> Gil, F5NOD reports that the cards are expected to arrive from the printer next week; the first batches of QSLs will be mailed during the second half of December. QSL via F6KDF (Radio Club de la Gendarmerie de Bron, 292 Route de Genas, Bron 69677, France). QSL TA7I ---> As of 1 November the QSL manager for Ozkan, TA7I is IZ8AJQ. QSL direct only to Erminio Cioffi di Michele, Piazza Umberto I 16, 84036 Sala Consilina - SA, Italy. [TNX IZ8AJQ] QSL ZV7G ---> If you still need a card for ZV7G (Santo Aleixo Island, SA-046, September 1999), you can send your request to Luke, PT7WA either direct or through the bureau. [TNX PT7WA] QSL VIA RZ3AA ---> If you worked NP2KY/NH6 (Oahu, Hawaii) or NP2KY/KH5 (Palmyra), it was Roman, RZ3AA on his way to Kingman Reef. Cards should be sent direct only to Roman Thomas, P.O.Box 38, Moscow, 129642, Russia. [TNX RZ3AA] ZL9CI ---> Ken, ZL2HU reports that "following the recent relocation of the Kermadec Dx Association we have discovered that we still have available a small number of commemmorative signed envelopes which have been postmarked in Wellington, New Zealand on 12 February 1999 and signed by all eleven members of the DXpedition Team". For furthe information please contact Ken at zl2hu@clear.net.nz + SILENT KEY + Mario, 5X1C became a Silent Key earlier this week. Mario joined UNWFP as telecommunications technician in the fast intervention team earlier this year. He was one of the first licensed 5X hams, mostly active in phone, satellite and digital modes. He was also the chairman for the Uganda Radio Amateur Society for a year. + SILENT KEY + Luciano, I5FLN reports the sad news of the passing, on 14 November, of Piero Moroni, I5TDJ, one of the most renown old timers in Italy. /EX S DX@WW $425WW498C 425 DX News #498 [3/4] 18 November 2000 No 498 $425WW498C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH CQWW CW: The NG3K "Announced Operation" table for this year's event can be found at http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/cqc2000.html. The operations may be viewed sorted by Call, DXCC Entity or CQ Zone. [TNX NG3K, Bill@ng3k.com] LOGS: QSO lookup for the K5K DXpedition to Kingman Reef is now available at http://www.qsl.net/krpdxg/krlog.html The team logged 80,841 QSOs (almost 16,000 QSOs, 20% of the total, with Europe) between 03.20 UTC on 22 October and 18.48 UTC on the 31st. If your qso is not in the log or if there is a mistake on the band/mode, just send a note with your QSL card. The manager will be happy to manually check the logs for any discrepancies. [TNX NI6T] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH AT0JH P.O. Box 15, Secunderabad 500003, India BA4DW David Y. J. Zhou, P.O. Box 040-088, Shanghai, 200040, China BI4L P.O. Box 538, Nanjing 210005, China DL5EBE Dominik Weiel, Johannes-Meyer-Str.13, D-49808 Lingen, Germany DL6FBL Bernd Och, Christian-Wirth-Str. 18, D-36043 Fulda, Germany DL7DF Sigi Presch, Wilhelmsmuehlenweg 123, D-12621 Berlin, Germany G3REP Bob Parkes, 2, Saxon Road, Steyning, West Sussex, BN44 3FP England G4UOL Steven Muster, Flat 4, 60 Genesta Rd, Westcliff on Sea, Essex SS0 8DB, UK HR1LW P.O. Box 4670, Tegucigalpa, Honduras I6BQI Angelo Brandolini, C.da Colle di Giogo 36/A, 65010 Moscufo - PE, Italy IK7JWX P.O. Box 218, 73100 Lecce - LE, Italy IT9YRE Nando Rubino, P.O. Box 30, 96012 Avola - SR, Italy IV3RAV Michele Corvino, via San Giacomo 20, 33034 Fagagna - UD, Italy IW0DJB Luca Della Giovampaola, Responsabile Tecnologia Informatica, Pontificia Universita Lateranense, Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano 4, 00120 Citta' del Vaticano JK7TKE Koji Fukui 1840-5, Izumi-cho, Tokorozawa-city, Saitama 359-1112, Japan JW0HR Vlad, Box 224, Barentsburg 9178, Svalbard Island, Norway K4TSJ Dudley's DXers of N.E. Georgia, 2011 New High Shoals Rd., Watkinsville, GA 30677, USA KB5GL Silvano Amenta, 5028 Hearst Street, Metaire, LA 70001, USA LA7DFA Per-Einar Dahlen, Royskattv 4, N-7670 Inderoy, Norway LA9XGA Tor-Atle Sandal, Hamnaflot 6, N-4200 Sauda, Norway N9PD The Prairie DX Group, 1206 Somerset Ave., Deerfield, IL 60035, USA NU5O Andy Masters, 240 West White Road, Collierville, TN 38017, USA PA0VDV Joeke van der Velde, Delleburen 1, 8421 RP Oldeberkoop, The Netherlands PY7BEL Jolibel Alves Andrade, rua. Martinho Fransisco 67, Carpina, Pernambuco 55813-541, Brazil RN4LP Vladislav Lakeev, P.O. Box 208, Dimitrovgrad, 433512, Russia SP9FIH P.O. Box 480, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland SV1AIP John Paraskevas, 50 Marcora Str., GR-111 41 Athens, Greece [dxnl] UA0MF Mike Filippov, P.O. Box 20, Vladivostok, 690021, Russia UA6HCW Igor Kovalev, Box 59, Pyatigorsk 357500, Russia UA9XEN P.O. Box 253, Ukhta, Russia 169300 UA9XK P.O. Box 110, Ukhta, Russia 169300 UT0RW Yuri Kuchinsky, P.O.Box 591, Chernigov, 14030, Ukraine UT5RQ Oleg Pleshkunov, P.O.Box 1242, Chernigov, 14034, Ukraine VR2BG Brett Graham, P.O. Box 12727, Hong Kong W4SAA Joe Hornbach, 1650 NE 135 St. Apt 807, North Miami, FL 33181-1737, USA W7TVF Bill Dawson, P.O. Box 4049, Pahrump, Nevada 89061, USA W8CNL Raymond H. McClure, 5 McKenzie Circle, North Augusta, SC 9841-4319, USA /EX S DX@WW $425WW498D 425 DX News #498 [4/4] 18 November 2000 No 498 $425WW498D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 2E0APH G3WRO CL6BIA N3ZOM OK8YD DL1YD 3B8/DL7DF DL7DF CO6XN HK6DOS OO4CLM ON6HC 3V8ST DL1BDF CO8LY EA7ADH P29AM NU5O 3W1A pirate CO8ZZ DK1WI P43P I2MQP 3W2LWS WA1LWS CP4BT DL9OT PJ2/DF8AN DF8AN 3Z0LP SP9PTA CP6XE IK6SNR PJ2/PA0VDV PA0VDV 4K9C PA3EPG CQ2K CT1BWW PV3DC PY3AFE 4L1TH F6FNU CW10MPD CX1UU PW7Z PY7BEL 4L1TL F6FNU D2BB W3HNK R1AND DL5EBE 4L1UN IK7JTF D44AC EA8URL RI4M RN4LP 4L7AR F6FNU D44CF SM0JHF RU0LM/0 UA0MF 4L7O DL7BY EK6LV IK2DUW S07CRS JA1UT 4M5I IK6SNR EM1KY UT7UA S07U JA1UT 4S7WHG G3SWH EO6F UX0FF S21YJ SM4AIO 4U1WB KK4HD EP2MKO UA6HCW S21YP G3REP 4X6TT/PP5 N2AU EP4PTT RZ6LS SM/DL5RFF DL5RFF 5A/UY0MF UX9MZ ES9C ES5RY SN2000C SP9PKZ 5B4/RA3DJA RU3FM EY8CQ DJ1MM SN600UJ SP9PKZ 5N0NAS K1WY EY8MM K1BV SP0ZCC SP5ZCC 5R8FL F5TBA EY8TM F6FNU SP2000S SP5ZCC 5T5U JA1UT FM/G3TXF G3TXF SU1ER WA3HUP 5W0DW K6BAZ FM5WD W3HNK SU9ZZ OM3TZZ 5X1AN DK9LM FO0DEH ON4QM SY2A SV2ASP 5X1GS WB2YQH FO0DER 3D2AG T32R K4TSJ 5X1Z SM6CAS FO0POM SP9FIH T88QG JA1QGT 6K2000DX HL1XP FY/DL5CF DL5CF T99ZZ DL3BZZ 6Y5WJ G0NAN GC0EZQ GW0KJZ TG4/F6BFH F6BFH 7Q7KZ JA2LZF GD4UOL G4UOL TG9IGI I2MQP 8P9FX G3RFX GU4YWY G4YWY TS7N DL6BCF 9A900Z 9A2DM HF0POL SP3WVL TU5GD N5FTR 9AY2K 9A1A HK0EHM WD9DZV TZ6JA JA3EMU 9G1AA PA3ERA HS0ZAR K3ZO UE9XAB UA9XEN 9G1OO PA3ERA HV5PUL IW0DJB UE9XAC UA9XK 9G5EE PE1LUC HZ1AB K8PYD UK8LA RW3RN 9G5FH G4BWP II3A IV3RAV UN7EG DL8KAC 9G5MD F5VCR II7LE IK7DXP V31YN DJ4KW 9G5MD (AF-084) G3OCA IQ7J IK7JWX V8PNA N4PN 9G5MF KC7V IT9/KA2UWX IT9CUP VI2FFG VK2FFG 9G5RF GM3YTS J3/W1AIM W1AIM VK6BRP K3MLA 9G5SX G3SXW J79GU DL7VOG VK6DIR VK6NE 9G5VT K5VT JK7TKE/JD1 JK7TKE VK9LEH AA4EH 9G5WP PE1PFN JW5RIA LA5RIA VP2EF AC8G 9G5XA G3XAQ JW8VS F4DBF VP2EK W8ILC 9K2/N6BFM W8CNL JW9XGA LA9XGA VP2EV W8GEX 9K2LOW 9K2RA K0DI/KP2 K0DI VP8DBQ M1AIB 9K2ZZ W8CNL K1HP/KH2 JE2EHP VP8DBR G0SWC 9K9Z W8CNL K5K K4TSJ VY0TA VE2BQB 9M2/G3PMR G3PMR KH2/JH2ABL JH2ABL XQ0Y KD6WW (26-30.10.00) 9M6C 9M6BRC KH2/JH2KDP JH2KDP XT2AW DF2WO 9M6LJT JM1LJS KH2/JJ2MST JJ2MST YB7N WB7B 9M6TA N4PN KH2/JL2WNA JL2WNA YI1DKS IK2DUW 9N7NC JA9CNC KH2/JQ2PTN JQ2PTN YI9OM OM6TX 9N7RB W4FOA KH2/JR1ERU JR1ERU YS2EJ W4GJ A35BQ I6BQI KH2F JA2TBS YU130Z YU1AVQ A35MO OM2SA KH4/NH6D N6FF Z31GB NN6C A35TO OM2SA KH6ND/KH5 K4TSJ Z35M Z32KV A52B JR7TEQ KR6CZ/KH2 JA2VFW ZB2CN DJ9MH A52DX JF1PJK LO0D F6FNU ZK1AGL KB5GL A52JA JK1AFI LO7H LU7HN ZK1BQI I6BQI A52W JH1NBN LV5V LU5VV ZK1NDK JR2KDN A52XX JA1PCY N600BFM W8CNL ZK1YRE IT9YRE AB8EW/KH2 JH2SON OD5IU LX1NO ZK2VF W7TVF AH6PN/HR6 W7TSQ OD5PN LX1NO ZL/DL7IO DL7IO C6AFP N4JQQ OD5TE K3IRV ZL4IR W8WC CE8/KD6WW KD6WW ZM8CW ZL3CW ZS6AL W4SMG ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX