DX425 bulletin issue nr. 497

S DX@WW $425WW497A
425 DX News #497 [1/5]
  11 November 2000                 No 497                   BID: $425WW497A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

3W      - Bert,  CX3AN  will  operate  from  Ho-Chi-Minh,  Vietnam  on  22-26
          November. QSL via F6FNU.
8P      - Martyn, G3RFX  will be  active as  8P9FX from  Barbados (NA-021) on
          12-26 November (not 12-16 as mistyped in 425DXN 496!). QSL via home
          call.  Further   information   and   pictures   are   available  at
          http://www.btinternet.com/~g3rfx [TNX G3RFX]
9M2     - Alan, G3PMR, who  is currently  QRV from  Langkawi Island  (AS-058)
          until 16 November [425DXN 493], reports he will listen for NA  each
          day from 11.45 UTC  to 12.15 UTC  on about 14042  kHz. He is  aware
          that "the  best time  is probably  one hour  later, but  this is  a
          vacation, not a DXpedition, and I don't think the XYL would be  too
          impressed if I didn't go to dinner with her!".
9M6     - Hide, JM1LJS will be active (on  80-6 metres SSB and CW) from  East
          Malaysia between 11 and 14 November. QSL via JM1LJS.
9M6     - Timo, OH1NOA will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest as  9M6AAC
          (SOAB) from Hillview Gardens, Sabah (East Malaysia). QSL via  N2OO.
          Before and after  the contest  he will  operate on  WARC bands  and
          hopefully  6  metres.  The  web  site  for  this  operation  is  at
          http://www.qsl.net/oh1noa/9m6/9m6aac.htm [TNX OH1NOA]
A3      - Jan, A35TO (YL  operator) and Mike,  A35MO (KM9D)  are active  from
          Lifuka Island  (OC-169). QSL  both via  OM2SA. [TNX  W7TSQ and  The
          Daily DX]
A5      - A52AP is the call Jani, YB0US will be using during his 1-9 December
          operation from Bhutan with Charly,  K4VUD/A52UD [425DXN 495].  Jani
          will concentrate on RTTY and  the high bands.  QSL A52AP via  N2OO,
          QSL A52UD via K4VUD, [TNX The Daily DX]
CN      - The  Bavarian  Contest  Club  will  be  operating  again  as  CN8WW
          (Multi-Multi) from  Morocco for  the CQ  WW  DX CW  Contest  (25-26
          November). Before and after the contest they will be active as 5C8M
          on CW, SSB, RTTY, 6 metres and on the WARC bands. QSL for both  via
          DL6FBL either direct (Bernd  Och, Christian-Wirth-Str. 18,  D-36043
          Fulda, Germany) or through the DARC bureau. A special QSL card will
          be sent to those who work CN8WW on 5  or 6 bands. The web site  for
          the operation is at http://www.dl6fbl.de/cn8ww/ [TNX DL4MC]
FO_pol  - Antoine, 3D2AG  will operate  as  FO0DER from  Mangareva  (OC-063),
          French Polynesia on 14-22 November. QSL via 3D2AG. [TNX ZL2VS]
FO_pol   - Bruno, TK5PB plans  to operate (especially  on the  WARC bands)  as
          FO/TK5PB  from  Hao  Atoll  (OC-066),  French  Polynesia  on  20-27
          November. QSL  via  TK5PB (Bruno  Padey,  Le Magenta  1,  Bonifacio
          20169, France). [TNX TK5PB]
HI      - Bernd, DL2DXA will operate as DL2DXA/HI9 on 18-30 November. He will
          be active on all bands, mostly CW and with an entry in the CQ WW DX
          CW Contest. [TNX DL2DXA]
HI      - Julio, AD4Z reports  he will be  back home  and be  active as  HI3K
          between 22 November and 3  December. He will  operate mostly CW  on
          all bands, with an emphasis on  160 metres and  the WARC bands.  He
          will also participate in the CQ  WW DX CW  Contest, most likely  as
          SOSB.  Skeds  are  welcome  at  vp5ver@hotmail.com  during  Julio's
          operation. QSL via AD4Z.
HS      - Tony, G4UZN will be in Thailand for the last two weeks of November.
          He will operate as time permits as HS0/G4UZN, including probably an
          entry in the CQ WW DX CW Contest. QSL via home call, either  direct
          or through the bureau. [TNX G4UZN]
HV      - Dan, N1ND  will operate  as  HV0A from  the  HV4NAC station  on  23
          November starting around 14 UTC. He will start on +/- 21295 kHz and
          move to +/-  28430 kHz  around 16  UTC. QSL  via IK0FVC  (Francesco
          Valsecchi, Via Bitossi 21, 00136 Roma - RM, Italy). [TNX The  Daily
I       - Look for  IK7JWX/p  to be  active  from  Brindisi  Lighthouse (WAIL
          PU-008) on 12 November. QSL via  home call either direct or through
          the bureau. [TNX IK7JWX]
J7      - Look for Gerd,  DL7VOG to operate  (on all  bands CW  and RTTY)  as
          J79GU from Dominica (NA-101) on 10-28 November. [TNX The Daily DX]
J8      - John, G0WHP will be active as  J8/G0WHP or with a  J8 call from  16
          November to 12 December. QSL via G0WHP. [TNX The Daily DX]
JA      - Takeshi, JI3DST will  operate (on 40,  17 15, 12,  10 and 6  metres
          SSB) as JI3DST/6 from Tokara Islands (AS-049) between 00.00 UTC  on
          23 November and 11.00 UTC on the 25th. QSL via JI3DST either direct
          (Takeshi Funaki, 2-18-26  Hannan-Cho, Abeno-Ku,  Osaka City,  Osaka
          545-0021, Japan) or, preferably, through the bureau. [TNX JI3DST]
S DX@WW $425WW497B
425 DX News #497 [2/5]
  11 November 2000                 No 497                   BID: $425WW497B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

JW      - The Daily DX reports that  Per, LA3FL will  start a six-month  work
          contract with the North Norwegian Weather Bureau on 17 November. He
          will stay first on Bear Island (EU-027) and then, in January  2001,
          he will move to Hopen Island  (EU-063). Per plans  to be active  as
          JW3FL in his spare time.
KH6     - Look for N8ROD to operate (on 10 metres SSB only) as KH6/N8ROD from
          the Hawaiian Islands on 12-22 November. [TNX NO8C]
PA      - Special event station PC50N will be  active (on 10, 15, 20, 40,  80
          and 160 metres, plus 2 metres and 70 centimetres) on 9-10  December
          to celebrate  the 50th  anniversary of  Nederhorst-den-Berg  Radio,
          which, along  with Kootwijk  Radio, used  to maintan  communication
          with the  Dutch colonies.  For further  information please  contact
          Ben, PA5BW (ben.witvliet@rdr.nl). A special QSL  card will be  sent
          automatically through the bureau.
PJ2     - The Caribbean  Contesting Consortium  (http://asgard.kent.edu/ccc/)
          will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest as PJ2T  (Multi-Single)
          from their new club station in Curacao (SA-006). The operators will
          be W0CG, KU8E, W9EFL, KP2L and  possibly others. Look for  activity
          starting around 10 November until the contest weekend with some  of
          the operators operating /PJ2. [TNX KU8E]
S9      - Matt, DA1MH  expects to  be active  as S92DX  from Principe  Island
          (AF-044) between 18 November and 3 December. [TNX The Daily DX]
S0      - The IARV (International Amateur Radio Volunteers) operators who are
          currently active as 5T5U from Mauritania have been issued two calls
          for their activity from Western Sahara  [425DXN 496]: S07U (CW  and
          SSB) and S07CRS (RTTY). Look for  them between 11 and 16  November.
          QSL via JA1UT. [TNX JF6OJX]
UA      - UE9XAB and UE9XAC will be aired on all bands and modes (RTTY,  PSK,
          CW and SSB)  from Ukhta until  31 December. QSL  UE9XAB via  UA9XEN
          either direct (P.O. Box 253, Ukhta,  Russia 169300) or through  the
          bureau. QSL UE9XAC via  UA9XK either direct  (P.O. Box 110,  Ukhta,
          Russia 169300) or through the bureau.  Information about the  award
          associated with  this activity  can be  found at  http://dx.komi.ru
          [TNX UA9XEN]
UA      - Alex, RU0LM (ex  RA0LOM) will be  active as  RU0LM/0 from  Shikotan
          Island (AS-062) for a couple of  days starting around 15  November.
          QSL direct only via UA0MF (Mike Filippov, P.O. Box 20, Vladivostok,
          690021, Russia). [TNX UA0MF]
V4      - Larry, KJ4UY  reports  he  will operate  as  V47UY  from  St. Kitts
          (NA-104) on 10-18 December.  Karl, V44NK will  loan him a tribander
          and Larry will be taking an R7 vertical. QSL via KJ4UY.
VE      - Yuri, VA3UZ will be active again  as VE2IM from Sept-Iles (Zone  2)
          between 22 and 27 November, including an  entry in the CQ WW DX  CW
          Contest. Before and after  the contest he  will concentrate on  the
          WARC bands. QSL  via VA3UZ either  direct (Yuri  Onipko, 66  Cavell
          Ave., Toronto, ON,  M8V 1P2, Canada)  or through  the bureau.  [TNX
VK0_mac - Alan, VK0MM [425DXN 488] is now expected to leave Macquarie  Island
          on 17 December. He will continue  being active on 20 metres CW  and
          SSB with some activity on 30  metres as well. QSL route still  TBA.
          QRV      times      for      VK0MM      are      available       at
W       - Joe, W4SAA will operate (CW and  SSB) as W4SAA/p from Virginia  Key
          (NA-141) on 11 and 12  November. QSL via  W4SAA either direct  (Joe
          Hornbach, 1650 NE 135 St. Apt 807, North Miami, FL 33181-1737, USA)
          or through the bureau. [TNX W4SAA]
ZF      - Jim, K4BI  plans to  be active  as ZF2MU  from the  Cayman  Islands
          (NA-016) between 16 and 23 November. [TNX The Daily DX]
ZF      - John/K6AM, Dan/N9XX, Vicky/AE9YL (ex KB5EAM) and Carl/K9LA plan  to
          be on Grand Cayman (NA-016) on 21-28 November. K6AM, N9XX and  K9LA
          are participate in the CQ WW  DX CW Contest as SOSB follows:  ZF2AM
          (QSL via K6AM) on 15 metres, ZF2RR (QSL via N9XX) on 10 metres  and
          ZF2LA (QSL via K9LA) on 40 metres, while ZF2YL (QSL via AE9YL) will
          be active on SSB during the contest. [TNX N9XX].

AGALEGA 2001 ---> The 3B6RF DXpedition,  originally planned for 8-24  October
and cancelled  at the  very last  minute for  reasons beyond  the  operators'
control [425DXN 492], has been  officially rescheduled to  take place in  May
2001 (16 days starting on the 5th or  the 6th). Some members of the  original
Agalega 2000 team will not be  able to participate in  the new adventure;  if
interested in joining  the crew  please e-mail  Hans-Peter Blaettler,  HB9BXE
(hb9bxe@pilatusnet.ch). [TNX HB9BXE]
S DX@WW $425WW497C
425 DX News #497 [3/5]
  11 November 2000                 No 497                   BID: $425WW497C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

LIGHTHOUSES ---> The  Amateur Radio  Lighthouse Society,  co-sponsors of  the
annual August Lighthouse  Lightship events, is  now sponsoring  a new  annual
event: Lighthouse Christmas Lights, to be held from 18 December 2000  through
2 January 2001. For full information  e-mail Jim, K2JXW (k2jxw@amsat.org)  or
visit http://arlhs.com [TNX K2JXW]

RSGB/IOTA CONVENTION  ---> Another  nice photo  gallery is  now available  at
http://www3.ocn.ne.jp/~iota/ thanks Yuki, JI6KVR.

QSL 9G5MD  ---> Derek,  F5VCR operated  as  9G5MD during  the  CQ WW  DX  SSB
Contest. QSL via F5VCR - please note that G3OCA is the QSL manager for  9G5MD
operating from Abowkwa Island (AF-084, April 2000).

QSL E30TA --->  Chris, DL5NAM reminds  DXers that 1  US$ (2,15  DM) does  not
cover postage for outside Europe  (3,00 DM). Online  logs (over 26,000  QSOs)
are available at http://www.qsl.net/e30ta

QSL PS7SAS ---> While announcing his  partecipation in the Worked All  Europe
RTTY Contest this weekend, Sergio, PS7SAS says he will QSL only direct due to
problems with the  local bureau. However  there is no  need for  you to  send
IRCs: "only the card", Sergio states, "and I will pay it".

QSL VIA I5JHW  ---> Giovanni, I5JHW  is still receiving  dozens of cards  for
3V8BB operations he cannot QSL. Please note that I5JHW has already confirmed,
either direct or through the bureau, all of the contacts he made from Tunisia
as follows:
  YEAR   FROM         TO           CALL(S)
  1997   28 April     4 May        3V8BB and TS8ZA during the ARI Contest
  1998   25 March     30 March     3V8BB and TS5I during the WPX Contest
  1998   1 May        4 May        3V8BB (ARI Contest)
  1998   11 December  14 December  3V8BB (incl. ARRL 10m Contest) 
  1999   5 March      7 March      3V8BB (incl. ARRL DX Contest)
  1999   30 April     2 May        3V8BB (incl. ARI Contest) 
  1999   19 June      21 June      3V8DJ (AF-083)
  1999   10 December  13 December  3V8BB (incl. ARRL 10m Contest)
  2000   19 March     21 March     3V8BT (Tozeur)
  2000   24 March     26 March     3V8BT (AF-073)
  2000   2 May        3 May        3V8BB (incl. ARI Contest on RTTY)

QSL VIA IK3GES ---> Gabriele reports he is the QSL manager for the  following
operations by  Elvira,  IV3FSG:  BY1BJ/IV3FSG,  EA8/IV3FSG,  IO3A  (contest),
IV3FSG, LZ/IV3FSG,  YU/IV3FSG, Z38A  (contest), Z38B  (contest),  Z38/IV3FSG,

QSL VIA PT7AA ---> Tino, PT7AA  (pt7aa@fordx.ampr.org) is the new QSL  manger
for (TNX PS7AB):
PS7ABT/S9   AF-023   S.Tome              24 Oct 84      SSB
ZY0FKL      SA-003   F. de Noronha     09-13 Sep 87     SSB/CW/RTTY
ZY0FCM      SA-003   F. de Noronha     09-13 Sep 87     SSB/CW
ZY0FCA      SA-003   F. de Noronha     09-13 Sep 87     SSB/RTTY
ZY0FRT      SA-003   F. de Noronha     09-13 Sep 87     SSB
ZY0FMC      SA-003   F. de Noronha     09-13 Sep 87     SSB/RTTY
ZY0TF       SA-010   Trindade          04-07 Jun 88     CW/RTTY
ZY0TK       SA-010   Trindade          04-07 Jun 88     SSB/CW/RTTY
ZY0TR       SA-010   Trindade          04-07 Jun 88     SSB/CW/RTTY
ZY0SS       SA-014   SP & SP Arch.     14-20 May 89     SSB
ZY0SW       SA-014   SP & SP Arch.     14-20 May 89     CW
ZY0SY       SA-014   SP & SP Arch.     17-18 May 89     RTTY
ZY0FA       SA-003   F.Noronha         11-15 Oct 89     CW
ZY0TK       SA-010   Trindade          11-12 Jun 90     SSB
ZY0TW       SA-010   Trindade          11-12 Jun 90     CW
ZX8CW       SA-041   Sao Joao Isl.     10-13 Oct 90     CW
ZY0RK       SA-038   Atol das Rocas    23-24 Feb 91     SSB/CW
PY0SK       SA-014   SP & SP Arch.     05-12 May 91     SSB/CW
ZY0RK       SA-038   Atol das Rocas    19 Aug-4 Sep 91  Satellite
ZY0RW       SA-038   Atol das Rocas    17-29 Oct 91     CW
ZW8AA       SA-025   S.ta Isabel Isl.  19-22 Mar 92     SSB/CW
ZY0RW       SA-038   Atol das Rocas    18 Jul-2 Aug 92  CW
ZY0SK       SA-014   SP & SP Arch.     03-08 Feb 94     SSB/Satellite
ZY0SP       SA-014   SP & SP Arch.     03-08 Feb 94     CW
PY0FK       SA-003   F. de Noronha     20-22 Jan 95     Satellite
ZY0SK       SA-014   SP & SP Arch.     03-14 Feb 97     SSB
ZY0SG       SA-014   SP & SP Arch.     03-14 Feb 97     CW
PT7AA/PR8   SA-072   Canarias Isl.     22-24 Jun 00     CW
ZV7AA         -      Special call      14 Jul-14 Feb 97 CW
S DX@WW $425WW497D
425 DX News #497 [4/5]
  11 November 2000                 No 497                   BID: $425WW497D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****

XQ0Y ---> "There seems to be a lot of confusion regarding my call in the  SSB
CQWW", Bruce, KD6WW says. "I was given the call sign XQ0Y for the time period
26-30 October 2000. Apparently, this callsign  has been used  by a pirate  in
the past. I even had one person tell me when I was cqing with no answer  that
no one  was calling  because I  was a  pirate! I  will  be happy  to  confirm
contacts made with XQ0Y for the time period of 26-30 October 2000".

+ SILENT KEY + Norby, LX1NO reports that Toni, Z21KD/XW4XJ died on 19 October
in an airplane crash while on a business trip in Laos. Tony had been in  Laos
since June and was able to get his XW licence in late September [425DXN 492].
Norby will try  to get hold  of Toni's logs,  but for the  time being  please
refrain from sending  any QSL requests  for Z21KD or  XW4XJ to either  Toni's
address in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe or his German callsign.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

FK8GM:  Eric reports his  new web pages,  including on-line  logs, are  under
        construction at http://www.qsl.net/fk8gm
LOGS:   http://www.qsl.net/va3rj/frame_logs.html now contains  links to  1692
        on-line logs. It is updated daily by Dave, VA3RJ, who also  maintains
        a list (by date) of present  and upcoming island, lighthouse,  castle
        and other  portable operations  (http://www.qsl.net/va3rj/icpo.html).
        [TNX VA3RJ, va3rj@rac.ca]
LOGvrr: The updated manager files (by IV3EHH) for LOGvrr are now available at
        http://www.iv3ehh.it/managers.htm [TNX IN3VRR, in3vrr@eclipse-net.it]

QSL received  via direct:   1A0KM,  3A/OH2TA,  3A2K, 3W6DXI,  4W/W3UR,  4W6EB
(OC-148), 4W6GH,  4W6MM,  5A1A,  5H1/PA3GIO  (AF-063),  5H3/PA3GIO  (AF-054),
5H3RK, 5I3A (AF-087), 5V7VJ, 7P8/ZS5GMW, 8J1RL (AN-015), 9J2A, A52FH, AP2JZB,
BD4ED, BD4ED/4 (AS-136),  BI4L (AS-146), C36PM,  CP6EB, CU3/CT1EEB  (EU-175),
CU3FV, D2BB, D44BS/p (AF-086), E29DX (AS-145), E4/JA1PBV, E41/OK1DTP, EA1HP/p
(DIE N-396), EM1LV,  EM5UIA (EU-179, EU-180,  EU-182), EU1GC, FH5CB,  FK8VHN,
(NA-057), HS0/G4JMB, HS0/JH1IWI, I2MWZ/1 (IIA SP-013), I7JRP/7 (WAIL PU-011),
IB0/IK3GES (IIA  LT-009, LT-029),  IK7FPX/7 (EU-091),  IK2PZG/8 (IIA  NA-035,
046, 051),  IL7/IK4RUX (EU-050),  IM0/IS0JMA (IIA  SS-144), IS0/IS0JMA  (WAIL
SA-002),  IR2ANT,  JI3DST/6  (AS-049),  JJ8XNA  (AS-147),  JX7DFA,  NH6D/KH4,
LZ2CJ/1 (EU-181),  OH0B,  PS0S,  RI1POM  (EU-086),  S05R,  ST0P,  SV8/I1SNW/p
(EU-060), SV9ANH, T32O, T88JJ, TA2BK, TE8CH (NA-116), TE8CI (NA-117),  TR0A/p
(AF-089), TX0DX, UA2FB, VI2BI (OC-212), VK6BM (OC-234), XR0ZY, XU7AAY, XX9AU,
YC9ID  (OC-150),  YJ0AXC  (OC-111),  YP1W  (EU-183),  ZD9ZM,  ZK1AUS,  ZK1SCQ
(OC-159), ZK3RW, ZL9CI.

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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S DX@WW $425WW497E
425 DX News #497 [5/5]
  11 November 2000                 No 497                   BID: $425WW497E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

01/01-31/12      IOTA 2000 (http://www.cdxc.org.uk)                     ***
till  17/11      3B8: Mauritius (AF-049) * by DL7DF and DL7BO           491
till  26/11      3W2LWS: Vietnam * by WA1LWS                            496
till  31/12      3Z: special prefix (Poland)                            454
till  February   4W6FK: East Timor * by CT1FKN                          488
till  30/11      5B40: special prefix (Cyprus)                          478
till  31/12      9AY2K: special Millennium station                      451
till  16/11      9M2/G3PMR: Langkawi Island (AS-058)                    497
till  ??         A35TO & A35MO: Lifuka (OC-169)                         497
till  11/11      A35YL and A35ZG: Tonga * by DJ7ZG & DL7AFS             491
till  ??         FO0DEH: Reao Atoll (OC-238) * by ON4QM                 493
till  31/12      HB2: special Y2K prefix (Switzerland)                  453
till  December   HF0POL: South Shetlands (AN-010) * by SP3GVX           490
till  31/12      HF70PZK: special event station (Poland)                453
till  31/12      II0CV: special call                                    451
till  24/12      II0: special jubilee prefix                            452
till  31/12      IR5ONU: special event station                          485
till  31/12      IU0PAW: Jubilee Year special station                   468
till  22/11      J3/W1AIM: Carriacou Island (NA-147)                    496
till  15/11      KH2: Guam Island (OC-026) * by JAs                     493
till  12/11      OO4CLM: special evet station                           495
till  15/11      PJ2/PA0VDV: Curacao (SA-006)                           493
till  16/11      S07U and S07CRS: Western Sahara * by IARV              497
till  31/12      SI75A & SIxSSA: SSA 75th anniversary stations (Sweden) 445
till  31/12      SP2000S and SN2000C: special stations                  496
till  31/12      SY2A: Mount Athos * by SV2ASP/A                        459
till  20/11      TZ6JA: Mali                                            494
till  2001       UA0QBA: Kotelny Island (AS-028)                        477
till  30/11      UE4SMA: special event station                          495
till  31/12      UE9XAB and UE9XAC: special stations                    497
till  30/11      VI5RAS: special event call                             495
till  17/12      VK0MM: Macquarie Island                                497
till  13/11      VK6DIR: Direction Island (OC-140)                      493
till  19/11      VP2M: Montserrat (NA-103): by W6JKV, K6MYC, K5AND      495
till  28/02      VQ9PO: Diego Garcia (AF-006) * by W3PO                 495
till  December   VQ9QM: Chagos (AF-006) * by W4QM                       482
till  20/11      YU130Z: special station                                493
till  11/11      ZM8CW: Kermadec * by ZL3CW                             493
till  31/12      ZS0M: South Africa * by ZS6MG                          477
09/11-22/11      4S7WHG: Sri Lanka (AS-003) * by G3SWH                  491
10/11-12/11      CQ2K: special call * by CT1BWW and CT1DGK              496
10/11-28/11      J79GU: Dominica (NA-101) * by DL7VOG                   497
11/11-14/11      9M2: East Malaysia * by JM1LJS                         497
11/11            EA5KB: El Recati (DIEI V-010)                          496
11/11-12/11      W4SAA/p: Virginia Key (NA-141)                         497
12/11-26/11      8P9FX: Barbados (NA-021) * by G3RFX                    497
12/11            EA5KB: El Tancat (DIEI V-012)                          496
12/11            IK7JWX/p: Brindisi Lighthouse (WAIL PU-008)            497
12/11-22/11      KH6/N8ROD: Hawaii                                      497
from  12/11      W0CG, KU8E, W9EFL, KP2L/PJ2 + PJ2T: Curacao (SA-006)   497
14/11-22/11      FO0DER: Mangareva (OC-063), Fr. Polynesia * by 3D2AG   497
14/11-24/11      JA6GXK: Me-shima, Danjo Islands (AS-056)               495
14/11-28/11      TS7N: Kerkennah Is (AF-073) * by DLs                   493
15/11-17/11      RU0LM/0: Shikotan Island (AS-062)                      497
16/11-12/12      J8/G0WHP or J8xx: St. Vincent                          497
16/11-23/11      ZF2MU: Cayman Islands (NA-016) * by K4BI               497
17/11-01/12      GD4UOL: Isle of Man (EU-116) * by G4UOL                493
from  17/11      JW3FL: Bear (EU-027) & Hopen (EU-063) Isls * by LA3FL  497
17/11-19/11      SEANET Convention Pattaya, Thailand                    478
18/11-30/11      DL2DXA/HI9: Dominican Republic                         497
18/11-03/12      S92DX: Principe Island (AF-044) * by DA1MH             497
18/11-28/11      YJ: Efate (OC-035), Vanuatu * by Prairie DX Group      487
18/11-19/11      All Austrian 160m Contest (CW)                         493
19/11-29/11      YJ0PD & YJ0V: Efate (OC-035), Vanuatu * by Prairie DXG 495
19/11-10/12      ZK2VF: Niue (OC-040) * by W7TVF                        491
20/11-27/11      FO/TK5PB: Hao Atoll (OC-066), French Polynesia         497
21/11-03/12      8Q7TX & 8Q7WW: Maldives (AS-013) * by DF4XX & DL5XAT   493
21/11-28/11      K3TEJ/C6A & C6AKW: Abaco (NA-080)                      495
21/11-28/11      ZF2AM, ZF2RR, ZF2LA, ZF2YL: Cayman Isls (NA-016)       497
22/11-26/11      3W: Vietnam * by CX3AN                                 497
22/11-03/12      HI3K: Dominican Republic * by AD4Z                     497
22/11-27/11      VE2IM: Zone 2 * by VA3UZ                               497
23/11            HV0A: Vatican City * by N1ND                           497
23/11-25/11      JI3DST/6: Tokara Islands (AS-049)                      497
23/11-27/11      NH0S, NH0V, KH0/KD6CJF, KH0/JQ1UKK: OC-086             493
24/11-25/11      KL7USI: Unalaska Island (NA-059)                       471
25/11-11/12      HC1MD & HC1MD/HCx: Ecuador * by NE8Z                   493
25/11-26/11      CQ WW DX Contest (CW)                                  ***
26/11            KL7USI: IOTA new one                                   471
November         5C8M & CN8WW (CQ WW CW) * by DLs                       497
November         HS0/G4UZN: Thailand                                    497
November         S21YD: Bangladesh * by SM6CPY                          495