DX425 bulletin issue nr. 492

S DX@WW $425WW492A
425 DX News #492 [1/4]
  7 October 2000                   No 492                      $425WW492A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages              !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

3B6    - The 8-24 October 3B6RF DXpedition to  Agalega has been postponed  to
         May  2001.  "Our   landing  permit  for   Agalega  was   cancelled",
         Hans-Peter,  HB9BXE  reports,  "due   to  unexpected  elections   in
         Mauritius, which took  place middle of  September. Officials of  the
         new Mauritius Government  have asked us  to postpone the  expedition
         for 2 to  3 weeks. This  for security reasons.  This creates  severe
         difficulties to us  as there  are only  two regular  ships per  year
         heading to 3B6. There is only a ship available beginning of  October
         and another one beginning of May."  Latest information is  available
         at http://www.agalega2000.ch
4W     - K7BV and N6FF  are now expected  to be on  the air  from East  Timor
         [425DXN 487] until 15  October. 4W/N6FF will be the call used on 160
         and 80 metres, while 4W/K7BV will be used on all other bands.  Check
         http://www.qth.com/k7bv/TIMOR/ for the latest information (and logs,
         if e-mail service  is available at  their operating location).  [TNX
9M2    - Look for 9M2/JI1ETU to  be active from  Langkawi Island (AS-058)  on
         14-15 October. QSL via JI1ETU through the bureau.
A3     - After his operation from  the South Cooks  (see ZK1 below),  Angelo,
         I6BQI will be active as A35BQ  from Tonga between  22 October and  1
         November. He  will concentrate  on working  Europe  and on  the  low
         bands; look for him on  +/- 1820, 3520,  7020, 10110, 14020,  18080,
         21020, 24900 and 28020 kHz (SSB on request). QSL via home call. [TNX
D4     - Alberto, IV3TAN is  going to be  active from the  QTH of D44BS  (Sao
         Tiago, AF-005),  Cape Verde.  Before  and after  the  CQ WW  DX  SSB
         Contest he will be signing D44BS  and concentrate on 40, 80 and  160
         metres (skeds  are  welcome at  iv3tan@tin.it  before  20  October).
         During the contest he will use  D4A (SOAB). QSL  D44BS ito P.O.  Box
         308, Praia, Cabo Verde; QSL D4A via I2MQP. [TNX IV3TAN]
DL     - Look  for  DA0TT/p  to  be  active  (on  10-40  metres,  23  and  70
         centimetres) from  Helgoland Island  (EU-127, N-014  for the  German
         Islands Award) between 18 UTC on  6 October and 12  UTC on the  8th.
         [TNX DL2VFR]
E3     - Bavarian Contest Club (http://www.Bavarian-Contest-Club.de)  members
         Chris, DL5NAM  (DL5NAM@qsl.net)  and Dieter,  DF4RD  (DF4RD@qsl.net)
         will be  active  from  Asmara, Eritrea  between  18  October  and  1
         November [425DXN 489],  callsisgns to be  issued upon arrival.  They
         plan to operate on 160-6 metres  SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK31,  including
         an entry in  the CQ WW  DX SSB Contest.  QSL via  home calls.  Check
         http://www.uni-erlangen.de/~unrz45/BCC/act/2000/e30 for  the  latest
         information. [TNX DF4RD]
EA     - Look for Pepe, EA5KB to be  active from Mata  del Fang (DIEI  V-021,
         not IOTA) and Mitg (DIEI V-022,  not IOTA) islands  between 6 and  9
         October. [TNX EA5KB]
ET     - Claudio, IV3OWC and  Silvio, IV3TRK will  be active respectively  as
         9E1C (on  all bands  SSB) and  9E1S (on  all bands  mainly CW)  from
         Ethiopia between  21  October  and 6  November.  Look  for  9E1C  to
         partecipate in the  CQWW DX SSB  Contest as  Single Operator  Single
         Band (15 metres).  QSL 9E1C via  IV3OWC, QSL 9E1S  via IV3TRK.  [TNX
FO_mar - The Daily DX reports that Philippe,  FO3BM plans to be active (on  6
         metres only) from  Nuku Hiva, Marquesas  Islands (OC-027)  "sometime
         between October  14th and  29th.  He will  stay  at least  one  week
         between these two  dates with  a maximum  of two  weeks." A  special
         call, FO0SIX,  has  been  issued  and it  may  be  used  for  future
         operations on 6 metres from French Polynesia as well.
FR     - Bernard, F5XX will be active as either FR/F5XX or FR5/F5XX from  the
         QTH of FR5CD on Reunion Island  (AF-016) between 11 and 23  October.
         [TNX The Daily DX]
HL     - Special event station 6K2000DX (6K Two  Thousand DX) will be  active
         between 10  October  and  10 November  to  celebrate  the  Korea  DX
         Convention 2000. QSL  via HL1XP (all  cards will send  automatically
         via the bureau automatically). [TNX HL1IWD]
HP     - In the coming months all of  the nine call areas  in Panama will  be
         activated as 3ExPSK. The first two are 3E1PSK and 3E8PSK,  scheduled
         to be active (on 10, 15, 20 and  40 metres) between 4 October and  4
         November. QSL  3E1PSK via  HP1EFR and  QSL 3E8PSK  via HP8AJT.  [TNX
JA     - JA4LVZ and JF1NEH  will be active  (on 15  and 40  metres SSB)  from
         Tushima Islands (AS-036) on  6-8 October. QSL  via home calls.  [TNX
         The Daily DX]
JA     - Look for  JA1PBC/1, JQ1USM/1,  7L4PVR/1  and JI1PLF/1  (not  JL1PLF,
         425DXN 491) to operate (on 10-80 metres SSB and CW) from the Hachijo
         Islands (AS-043) on 3-6   November. QSL  via JI1PLF (Suehiro  Osada,
         8-4-14-803 Shimorenjaku, Mitaka-city,  Tokyo 181-0013, Japan).  [TNX
S DX@WW $425WW492B
425 DX News #492 [2/4]
  7 October 2000                   No 492                      $425WW492B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

KH0    - Hide, JF1VXB will be active (on 6-80 metres SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK31)
         as  KH0M  from  Saipan  (OC-086)  on  5-10  October.  He  hopes   to
         participate in the Oceania DX Contest. QSL via JF1VXB either  direct
         (Hidenobu Nakamura,  23-139 Chojabara,  Kasuya, 811-2311  Japan)  or
         through the JARL bureau. [TNX JA1ELY]
KH0    - Tsutomu, JA1VND  will  be  active  (on all  bands  SSB  and  CW)  as
         KH0/JA1VND from Saipan  (OC-086) on  13-16 October.  QSL via  JA1VND
         either direct  (Tsutomu  Horikoshi,  656  Yoshii,  Yoshii,  370-2132
         Japan) or through the JARL bureau. [TNX JA1ELY]
KH5K   - The Kingman  Reef  2000  DXpedition  remains  on  track.  The  motor
         schooner Machias is  scheduled to  depart for  the Christmas  Island
         rendezvous by the weekend. [TNX NI6T]
OD     - Pavel, OD5/OK1MU is now QRV also on 6 and 2 metres. His on-line  log
         is  available  on   http://www.qsl.net/ok1mu  (updated  through   20
         September) or http://www.okdxf.cz QSL via OK DX Foundation, P.O. Box
         73, Bradlec 29306, Czech Republic [TNX OK1YM]
TI     - Conny, DL1DA  is currently  active as  V47DA (St.  Kitts and  Nevis)
         until 14 October.  He will then  move to Costa  Rica, where he  will
         operate as DL1DA/TI7 between 16 and 28 October. QSL via DL1DA.  [TNX
         The Daily DX]
W      - Gary, KI6T  hopes  to activate  (on  10, 15  and  20  metres)  Santa
         Catalina Island (NA-066) on 5-7 October.  Most activity is  expected
         between 0200-0500. [TNX KI6T and Islands On The Web]
XE     - Look for XF2UQZ to be active (on 10-80 metres CW and SSB) from  Isla
         de Sacrificios (NA-???) from 23 UTC on  11 October and 3 UTC on  the
         13th. QSL via XE1UQZ. [TNX XE1J]
XW     - Toni, Z21KD has finally managed to get a license in Laos, apparently
         valid until 30 October. His call is XW4XJ and he plans to be  active
         on 20 and  10 metres  SSB for  the time  being. QSL  direct only  to
         Z21KD: Toni Latz, P.O. Box 2081, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. [TNX LX1NO]
YJ     - Look for VK4BKM and VK4FI to be active (on all bands with a  special
         effort on 6 metres) as YJ0DX  from Vanuatu on 8-16 October. QSL  via
         VK4JSR (direct only). [TNX The Daily DX]
ZK1_sc - Angelo, I6BQI will  operate (mostly CW,  SSB on  request) as  ZK1BQI
         from the South Cook Islands between 12 and 19 October. See A35 above
         for the announced fequencies. QSL via home call. QSL via home  call.
         [TNX IT9ZGY]
ZK1_sc - Silvano, KB5GL (past activities from NA-085, NA-023, NA-033, OC-135,
         NA-049, NA-168, NA-119, NA-213)  and Nando,  IT9YRE (past activities
         from EU-166, EU-174, AF-019)  will be  active as  ZK1AGL and  ZK1YRE
         from Mangaia (OC-159), South Cooks on  1-8 November. They will  have
         two stations, a  small linear amplifier,  a half  wave vertical  and
         loop antennas and will operate on 10, 12, 15, 17 and 20 metres  SSB.
         QSL via home calls either direct or through the bureau. [TNX KB5GL]

SOUTH EAST ASIA TRIP ---> Andy, G4ZVJ reports he will be on vacation in South
East Asia between 13 October and 11  November. There may be some CW  activity
from Vietnam (15-22 October, callsign on  arrival), Cambodia (23-26  October,
XU7AAV) and Philippines (29 October-10 November, DU3/G4ZVJ). QSL via G4ZVJ.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

QSL 3W7CW ---> The address for  SP5JTF, new QSL manager  for 3W7CW, is:  Adam
Perz, P.O. Box 12, 01-323 Warszawa 83, Poland. The previous address  (SP5AUC:
POB 11,  Warszawa 93)  will be  closed at  the end  of the  year. The  e-mail
address for SP5JTF is sp5jtf@radio.org.pl [TNX SP5EWY]

QSL 5V7VJ ---> This call was  used a couple of weeks ago  by Andy, G4ZVJ  and
now has  been reissued  to the  German team  currently operating  from  Togo.
Please note that QSLs for 5V7VJ through 20 September 2000 go via G4ZVJ,  QSLs
for 5V7VJ  after 4  October go  via DL7DF.  Latest news  and log  search  are
available at http://www.qsl.net/dl7df

QSL 7Q7TB & VP2MDC ---> Allan, G0IAS reports he handles the direct cards  for
these operations by  Dave, G3TBK. All  the direct  QSLs received  so far  for
7Q7TB have been  replied, while the  cards for VP2MDC  are expected from  the
printers by the middle of the month.

QSL VE9MY ---> Cards for  the 9-10 September  VE9MY operation from  Partridge
Island (NA-014) should be sent either  through the bureau or direct to  Len's
new address: Leonard Morgan, 35 Upper Quaco Rd. Baxters Corner, NB, E2S  2S2,
Canada (his old  address of 21  Susan Drive will  be OK  until 31  December).
Cards received direct without return postage will be returned via the bureau.
All direct cards received will be replied to  by the end of each week,  while
bureau cards will be sent bi-monthly. [TNX VE9MY]

QSL VIA IK8VRH ---> Bureau cards for IK8VRH's recent operations from  EU-075,
EU-113 and EU-158 will be sent on 10 October. Direct requests received so far
have been processed, even though most of them were sent to Tony's old address
of Via Baracca. If you plan to send Tony a direct card, please note that  his
current address is P.O. Box 173, 80016 Marano - NA, Italy [425DXN 488].

WF5E DX QSL SERVICE ---> Information is available at http://www.qsl.net/wf5e/
or direct from Les, WF5E (wf5e@home.com)
S DX@WW $425WW492C
425 DX News #492 [3/4]
  7 October 2000                   No 492                      $425WW492C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

LOGS:    Logs for  RI0ZKR (AS-095,  July-August 2000)  are now  available  at
         www2.vulcan.ru/ra0zd [TNX RA0ZD]
LOGS:    The first logs for XU7ABD  (not XU7BAD as  mistyped in 425DXN  491!)
         are available at http://www.qsl.net/xu7abd

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  QSL INFO  ********
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3A/DJ7RJ    DJ7RJ       D70IL       HL1IWD      SL0W        SL0ZG
3A2DX       pirate      D90CP       HL0EMG      SN0DIG      DL3KDC
3A3A        pirate      DK0MTL      DL4MP       SO0ZV       DF5ZV
3D2AD       YT1AD       DU3NXE      W3HNK       SO8ZZ       UY5ZZ
3D2AU       Z32AU       DU6/K9AW    WF5T        SP0DIG      SP5CJQ
3DA0RF      DL6DQW      E21CJN      W3PP        SU9ZZ       OM3TZZ
3W1A        pirate      E4/7K1REG   7K1REG      SV5/DL8SET  DL4MP
3W2B        XW2A        E4/JA1AFF   JA1AFF      SV9/DL8SET  DL4MP
3W3SK       JA6UEG      E4/JA1PBV   JA1PBV      SV9/HA4XG/p HA4XG
3Z0PW       DL3KDC      E4/JA8RUZ   JA8RUZ      SY2A        SV2ASP
3Z3LPR      SP3LPR      EA5/DK5IM/p DK5IM       T88FO       JR2FOR
4F3CZ       HB9CXZ      EA8/N4GN    N4GN        T88FX       JR3KFX
4K1F        UT5UGR      EA8BH       OH2BH       T88IC       JA2AIC
4L0JAZZ     4L1BR       ED1SCF      EA1AXL      T88JJ       JA3ART
4L1FL       4Z5CU       EG0CV       EA4CTF      T88MI       JJ2KYT
4L1FX       RW6HS       EG4CV       EA4CTF      T88NK       JA2AAU
4O8/9X0A    RW3AH       EK6TA       DJ0MCZ      T88SW       JH7IMX
4S7DA       W3HNK       EP2MKO      RU6FZ       TA4/DL8SET  DL4MP
4S7SW       ON6TZ       ER/UN0N     UN0N        TA5/KU0J    KU0J
4S7YSG      JA2BDR      EX7ML       DL4YFF      TK/F8UFT    F5MNW
4W6FK       CT1FKN      EY8MM       K1BV        TK5KT/P     F6FNU
5A/UY0MF    pirate      EY8TM       F6FNU       TR8CA       F6CBC
5A31        5A1A        EZ2CQ       I2JSB       TZ1GH       pirate
5B4/RK9CWA  UA9CGA      EZ3A        EZ8CW       TZ6YV       WA1ECA
5N2BHF      OE6LAG      FK8HC       VK4FW       UA0IA/0     US7IIA
5R8ET       K1WY        FO0DEH      ON4QM       UE3MIR/P    RV3ACA
5R8EW       AD6KA       FO0DER      3D2AG       UE6AAD      UA6CW
5R8FU       SM0DJZ      FP5BZ/P     F5TJP       UN1F        DF6PB
5R8O        pirate      GB0SM       G3WNI       UN2E        DF6PB
5V7VJ       DL7DF 10/00 HB0/DL4MP   DL4MP       UN6T        DF6PB
5V7VJ       G4ZVJ 09/00 HB0/DL8SET  DL4MP       UN9FD       DF6PB
5X1P        G3MRC       HC8GR       N5KO        UP0A        DL8KAC
7Q7LA       G0IAS       HC8N        AA5BT       UR3GA       UR7GG
7Q7RM       G0IAS       HF0POL      SP3WVL      V31MX       K0BCN
7S4F        SK4AO       HO1A        DL6MYL      V5/DL6DQW   DL6DQW
8P6JQ       K9JJR       HQ0R        EA4URE      V5/DL6DQW/P DL6DQW
8Q7AB       W7MP        IS0/DL8SET  DL4MP       V73GT       WF5T
9A/N0MX     DJ2MX       J28LP       F8UNF       V73JK       V73AX
9A/S50IPA/p S57AX       J5X         DJ6SI       V8IAN       VE6VK
9A/S53IPA/p S57AX       J5Z         DJ9ZB       VI2BI       VK2EO
9A/S57AX/p  S57AX       JT1FBX      JG5PJJ      VP5JM       W3HNK
9A5DJ/P     OK1DJG      JX7DFA      LA7DFA      VP8/UT1KY   UT7UA
9G5VJ       G4ZVJ       JY4NE       KB6NAN      VP8CSA      DL1SDN
9H0VRZ      PA0JR       K4QFF/TI8   K4QFF       VQ9GB       K7GB
9H3AAG      PA3BLS      KH0/JH8KYU  JH8KYU      VQ9QM       W4QM
9H3AAH      PA1FR       KH0M        JF1VXB      VR2UN       IK7JTF
9H3AAK      PE1RVQ      KH0T        JA1SGU      VU2HF2000   VU2JPS
9H3AAL      PA3FYG      KH0V        JJ1KZI      VU2LE       K6JG
9H3LRK      PA0LRK      KH0WW       JP1IOF      W5BOS/C6A   W5BOS
9H3OI       PA0OI       KH4/NB6A    JE1RXJ      WP3A        W4DN
9H3R        PA3CBU      KH4/W1VX    JF1OCQ      XU7ABD      EA4URE
9H3SWL      PA2SWL      LS7N        LU1NAF      XU7ABF      XW2A
9K2/XE1KK   XE1KK       LU1NF       LU1NAF      XX9TRR      N6XJ
9M2/JI1ETU  JI1ETU      LU8XW       EA5BD       YB1KOR      VK4FW
9M6US       N2OO        LX0GDH      bureau      YB5QZ       W3HNK
9Y4/DL2RVS  DL2YY       M0RAA/VP9   JH6VLF      YC7IPZ      YC8TXW
A22BE       ZS6AKB      NH6D/KH4    N6FF        YI1BGD      G0MMI 4-12.9.00
A35RK       W7TSQ       OH0/OH3FM   OH3FM       YI1DKS      IK2DUW
A61AJ       W3UR        OH0/OH3YM   OH3YM       YJ0AD       YT1AD
A92V        pirate      OH0KCB      OH3RM       YJ0AU       Z32AU
AC6SS/VY2   DL7RV       OH0LQK      OH3LQK      YJ0AYL      DL7AFS
AX2GAMES    VK2PS       OH0MFP      OH3MFP      YJ0AZG      DL7AFS
AX4VG       VK4VG       OH0R        OH2TA       YJ2AD       YT1AD
AX9YL       VK3DYL      P29CC       K1WY        YJ2AU       Z32AU
BA4DW/5     BD4DW       P3A         W3HNK       YP1W        YO3JW
BA4RF       BY4RSA      PJ2I        ON4CFD      YT2AU       Z32AU
BI2J        W3HC        PJ7/OE2MON  OE2MON      YU30AA      YU1AA
BV2/RK3DT   DL3ECK      R0/UR8LV    UR8LV       YW5FC       W4SO
CE0Z/LU7FOM pirate      RA2FBC      DF4BV       ZD7DP       W1ZT
CN2MP       EA9AM       RI3OTA      RW3GW       ZD9ZM       K4CIA
CO6DW       EA8DO       SD5DS       SM5BDY      ZK1MHM      DL1MHM
CU6/DJ6SI   DJ6SI       SK8CH       SK5CR       ZP29B       ZP9EE
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425 DX News #492 [4/4]
  7 October 2000                   No 492                      $425WW492D
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                         *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

4L5O       Omari Odoshashvili, P.O.Box 0, 380002 Tbilisi, Georgia
4S7AB      Kamal Edirisinghe, Walaliyadda 82 B, Ellakkala 11116, Sri Lanka
4W6MM      Thorvaldur Stefansson, P.O.Box 3699, Darwin, NT 0801, Australia
5H3RK      Ralph Karhammar, P.O. Box 9274, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
6K0YF      Waegwan Ham Club, Box 11, Waegwan, Chilgok, Kyongbuk 718-800,
AP2AP      Military College of Signals, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
BA4DW      David Y. J. Zhou, P.O. Box 040-088, Shanghai 200040, China
CO8OTA     Grupo DX Cuba, P.O. Box 6060, Ciudad Habana 10600, Cuba
CO9OTA     Grupo DX Cuba, P.O.Box 6060, Cdad. Habana 10600, Cuba
DF2RQ      Michael Berger, Nicolaas Maeslaan 12, NL-2343 SC, The Netherlands
DF6PB      Alexander Schwind, Theodor-Heuss str.54, 76726 Germersheim,
DL5NA      Marcel Christen, Box 112, D-75020 Eppingen, Germany
DL6MYL     Martina Rudolph, Dorfstrasse 30, 29416 Rademin, Germany
DL7AFS     Baerbel Linge, Eichwaldstr. 86, D-34123 Kassel, Germany  [489]
DL7DF      Sigi Presch, Wilhelmsmuehlenweg 123, D-12621 Berlin, Germany
DS4OJX     Song Suk Young, 744-146, 3-Ga, Wooa-Dong, Duckjin-Gu,Jeonju
           561-220, Korea
EA1CLR     Eduardo Arenas, Box 634, E-34080 Palencia, Spain
EA4URE     P.O. Box 220, Madrid 28080, Spain
EK6LC      Ed Avetisyan, P.O.Box 50, Gyumri 377502, Armenia
EZ3A       P.O.Box 73, Ashgabat 744020, Turkmenistan
EZ8CW      Vitaly Dotsenko, P.O. Box 73, Ashgabat, 744020, Turkmenistan
G4ZVJ      Andy Chadwick, 5 Thorpe Chase, Ripon, HG4 1UA, UK
GU0SUP     Phil Cooper, 1 Clos au Pre, La Hougue du Pommier, Castel, Guernsey
           GY5 7FQ, via UK
HC2/UA4WAE Alex Otto Ogorodov, Correo Central, Salinas-Guayas, Ecuador
IK2DUW     Antonello Passarella, P.O. Box 13448, 20051 Limbiate - MI, Italy
IS0AGY     Ampelio Melini, P.O.Box 7/C, I-09045 Quartu Sant'Elena - CA, Italy
IW8ELX     Pasquale Puglia, Via Trinita' 229, 84036 Sala Consilina - SA,
IW8ERU     Giuseppe Colucci, Via Marcigliani 12, 84037 S. Arsenio - SA, Italy
IZ8AJQ     Erminio Cioffi di Michele, Piazza Umberto I 16, 84036 Sala
           Consilina - SA, Italy
IZ8CEV     Maurizio Donadio, Via Macchia Italiana 10, 84036 Sala Consilina -
           SA, Italy
IZ8CSD     Giuseppe Tuozzo, Via San Rocco 24, 84036 Sala Consilina - SA,
JA3ART     Kazuo Ebihara, P.O.Box 62, Sakyo, Kyoto, 606-8691 Japan
JR3KFX     Katsuji Takagi, 653-16 Yodo-Namazucho, Kyoto, 613-0914 Japan
LU1NAF     Eduardo Augusto Paskevicius, Alsina 2091, 4200 Santiago del
           Estero, Argentina
OM3LZ      Miroslav Ivan, Bodvianska 11, 82107 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
P29BK      Bob Kennell, New Tribes Mission, P.O. Box 625, Wewak, ESP, Papua
           New Guinea
RU6FZ      Igor V Kovalyov, P.O. Box 59, Pyatigorsk 357500, Russia
SP3WVL     Tomasz Lipinski, P.O. Box 78PL, 69-100 Slubice Poland
SP3WVL     Tomasz Lipinski, ul. Wodna 7A/6PL, 69-100 Slubice Poland
SV8CKJ     Melas Panagiotis, P. Kavadia 36 Str., GR-28100 Argostoli,
           Kefalonia, Greece
SV8CRI     Malpantis Panagiotis, Box 40, GR-81107 Kalloni, Lesbos, Greece
UA3BZ      Box 1, Moscow, 127254, Russia
UN0N       Vlad, Box 88, 486050 Shymkent, Kazakhstan
UR7GG      Victor Trachenko, P.O. Box 73, Kherson 73000, Ukraine
UT5UGR     Dimitry Stashuk, P.O.Box 115, 02147 Kiev-147, Ukraine
VK2EO      Geoff McGrorey-Clark, P.O. Box 76, Medowie, NSW, 2318 Australia
VK3DYL     Gwen Tilson, 3 Gould Crt, Mt Waverley, Victoria, 3149, Australia
VR2BG      Brett Graham, Box 173, Saikung, New Territories, Hong Kong, China
VU2JOS     Jose Jacob, Box 1555, Somajiguda, Hyderabad 500082, India
W3FU       Wolf Koehler, 1729 Armory Rd, Barstow, CA 92311, USA
W3HC       Carl F. Mcdaniel, 2116 Reed Street, Williamsport, PA 17701-3904,
W3UR       Bernie McClenny, 3025 Hobbs Road, Glenwood, MD 21738, USA
W5BOS      Lanny Phillips, 8381 FM 2101, Quinlan, TX 75474-4836, USA
W7MP       Adam Boettiger, 420 SE Kathy Street, Sherwood, OR 97140, USA
XW2A       Hiroo Yonezuka, P.O. Box 2659, Vientiane, Laos
YC8TXW     Ronny Monoarfa, P.O. Box 166, Tahuna, 95800, Indonesia
YO3JW      Fenyo Stefan Pit, P.O.Box 19-43, RO-74400 Bucuresti 19, Romania
ZB2JR      John A. Mullin, Box 292, Gibraltar

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