S DX@WW $425WW490A 425 DX News #490 [1/4] 23 September 2000 No 490 $425WW490A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 9A - Look for 9A/S53IPA/p, 9A/S50IPA/p and 9A/S57AX/p to be active from Kolocep Island (EU-016, IOCA CI-038) until 28 September. QSL via S57AX through the S5 bureau. [TNX S51FV] A3 - YT1AD and Z32AU have changed their plans [425DXN 485] and they are currently active as A35AD and A35AU from Tonga until 28 September. Their next stops will be Vanuatu (YJ0AD & YJ0AU, from 28 September until 5 October) and Fiji (3D2AD & 3D2AU, 5-10 October). QSL via home calls. [TNX YU1OL] BY - Zheng, BA4EG reports BT20OO will be active again from IOTA AS-137 on 1-4 October. QSL via BA4EG either direct or through the bureau. For BA4EG's two addresses see below. EA8 - Tim, N4GN reports he will be making a serious SOAB effort from EA8BH in this weekend's CQ/RJ World Wide RTTY Contest. QSL EA8BH via OH2BH. Tim will also be active as EA8/N4GN before and after the contest. QSL EA8/N4GN via N4GN. I - Weather permitting, Marco, IV3KTY will operate from the island of Verzelai (GO-???, IIA new; not IOTA) on 24 September. IS0 - A group of operators from ARI Cagliari plan to be active as IS0/IS0IGV from the lighthouse at Capo Sant'Elia (WAIL SA-008, IOTA EU-024) on 23 September. QSL via home call. [TNX IS0JMA] J5 - Baldur, DJ6SI and Franz, DJ9ZB are active as J5X (CW) and J5Z (SSB) respectively from Guinea-Bissau until 24 September. QSL via home calls. OH - 23 September will mark the one year anniversary of a new lease on life for Martti, OH2BH. It was on that date in 1999 when he had a major kidney transplant operation. He has returned to a healthy life with full vigor and the prospects look extremely good from now on. Martti will be on the radio again this weekend, 23-24 September, from his home base as OH2BH in the SSB Scandinavian Activity Contest (SAC, from 12 UTC on Saturday and 12 UTC on Sunday). S2 - S21AM and S21YS (Vittorio, I1SLY) will be active from Char Kukri Mukri (AS-140) on 27-29 October. They will have 100 watts and a 3-element beam and will be able to operate during nightime. QSL via IK1FLF (for return postage greenstamps are better than IRCs). Vittorio also reports that S21K is no longer on Bhola as he has moved to Dakka. [TNX IK1SLY] SV9 - Geza, HA4XG will be active (mainly on WARC bands) as SV9/HA4XG/p from Crete (EU-015) between 28 September and 12 October. QSL via home call. [TNX HA0HW] TF - Look for TF3IRA to participate in the SAC SSB Contest on all bands 10-80 metres. [TNX TF3AO] UA - RV3MA, RW3RN, UA3MKT and UA3MNQ will operate as UE3MIR/p from Triasjo Island (new one for the Russian islands award) on 24-26 September. QSL via RV3ACA. [TNX RW3RN] VU - Special event station VU2HF2000 will be activated (on 10-40 metres SSB and CW) between 30 September and 2 October during the Hamfest 2000 to be held in Hyderabad, India. [TNX VU2JOS] W - Look for Ed, W4YO/p to operate on 10, 15 and 20 metres from Harbor Island (NA-110, USI SC-009S) between 30 September and 1 October. QSL via W4YO either direct or through the bureau. YV - Ray, DL2GG/YV5 and others plan to operate as YW5FC from Farallon Centinela (SA-058) on 22-24 September. QSL via W4SO. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] ZD9 - Bob, ZD9ZM will leave the island on 23 September at 14 UTC, and not on the 25th as he first expected. The final log, which Bob expects to exceed 20,000 QSOs, will be emailed over the weekend (http://www.dxtechnology.com/zd9zm/). [TNX G3VMW] ZL8 - Jacky, ZL3CW (F2CW) reports he will operate as either ZL8CW or ZD8CW from Kermadec between 2 and 15 November. If you want to contact him before departure, his e-mail address is zl3cw@i4free.co.nz ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH WWW.425DXN.ORG: The 425 DX News mailing lists now count some 8000 subscribers in over 90 countries - thank you to you all! Our web site is having an average of 5000 contacts per week; the opening page at http://www.425dxn.org now features an engine that allows you to search anything you want within the site. It has been used some 900 times since its activation a couple of weeks ago. /EX S DX@WW $425WW490B 425 DX News #490 [2/4] 23 September 2000 No 490 $425WW490B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 5V7VJ & 9G5VJ ---> Andy, G4ZVJ made 15083 CW QSOs (including over 1000 QSOs on 80 metres) as 5V7VJ during a 7 day operation from Lome, Togo. 1140 CW QSOs were made as 9G5VJ from Accra, Ghana. QSL via G4ZVJ either direct (Andy Chadwick, 5 Thorpe Chase, Ripon, HG4 1UA, UK) or through the bureau. [TNX G4ZVJ] HF0POL ---> Marek, SP3GVX/HF0POL sends us a resume of his activity from King George Island, South Shetlands. He has been at Arctowski Base since December 1999 and will be there through December 2000. He also operated as R1/HF0POL from Bellingshausen Base (12-13 February and 4-13 August), as LU1ZI/HF0POL from Jubany Base (3-7 June) and as KC4/HF0POL from Peter J. Lenie Base, aka Copacabana (21-23 July). The QSL manager for all QSOs is SP3WVL, either direct or through the bureau. Marek reports both the following addresses for SP3WVL are all right: Tomasz Lipinski, ul. Wodna 7A/6PL, 69-100 Slubice Poland or Tomasz Lipinski, P.O. Box 78PL, 69-100 Slubice Poland. Marek was also active between December 1996 and December 1997; please note that cards for contacts made with HF0POL during this time frame should be sent to SP3FYM. KOREA DX CONVENTION ---> Organized by Korea DX Club, it will be held in Chonan City on 4-5 November. For full details please contact DS2BHE (centaurs@hitel.net) or HL1IWD (hl1iwd@yahoo.com). [TNX HL1IWD] QSL 3V8BB ---> DF2UU & DK9IP and I4UFH & IK4UPB visited club station 3V8BB on 6-13 September, and operated together during the WAE SSB Contest. Cards for contacts made during this time frame only should go to DK9IP via the DARC bureau. Online log search (some 8,000 QSOs) and further information are now available at http://www.dk9ip.de [TNX DK9IP] QSL 4W/N5KO, 4W/W3UR & TX0DX ---> All U.S. and Canada direct QSL requests for TX0DX, 4W/N5KO and 4W/W3UR received at OH2BN prior to 1 August have been released for the U.S postal network. For the rest of the world, some 95% of the cards received as of 1 August have been mailed. The remaining cards include HL and all calls beginning with the letters R, S, T and U. These QSLs are in the works and should be released before 1 October. Because of the pirate problems with Japan, some 200 JA envelopes are still on hold but those will also be released before 1 October. The QSL team will begin on 1 October to process envelopes received after 1 August. They will also address any outstanding QSL issues at that time, including cards lost or damaged in the mail. [TNX N4GN] QSL VE2ICM ---> "Anyone wanting a QSL card from Conrad, VE2ICM should please send it direct, because his health is failing fast", John, WD8MGQ reports. "The buro cards he has in hand are only 20% done, and is much more time consuming than what Conrad can devote to. No more cards will be answered from the buro, and direct will only be answered for another 2 months". QSL YI1BGD: Rodger, G0TLC is now back in the UK. He operated from YI1BGD (the club station in Bagdad) between 4 and 12 September (QRT at 18 UTC). QSL via G0MMI (for these dates only). [TNX G0MMI] QSL VIA W3HC ---> If you are waiting for a QSL from any of the several stations managed by W3HC, please be patient and do not submit second cards, as sad family occurences currently prevent Mac from dedicating his time and thoughts to QSLling. All mail received is being stored in boxes until he can get to them. QSL MISCELLANY - Gabriele, IK3GES reports direct cards for his recent IOTA activity from Scandinavia have been processed (direct cards without return postage have been given to the bureau). Requests including cards for IQ3JAC will be processed when the latter are printed. - Yuri, UA1RJ reports he has started processing direct cards for RI1POD and RI1POM (July 2000 operations from EU-102 and EU-086) on 21 September. - Leo, SV2DCD reports his PC was damaged during a thunderstorm two weeks ago; cards for SY2S will be delayed. - TA3J reports his bureau cards for Azerbaijan, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Jordan, Poland, Russia, Spain and Ukraine were mailed on 20 September. + SILENT KEYS + Ted Marks, W2FG, popular RTTY DXer who occupied a No .2 spot on the RTTY DXCC Honor Roll, died on 13 September at the age of 56. Ted had served as the first chairman of the DX Advisory Committee, was an Assistant Director of the ARRL Hudson Division, a Volunteer Examiner, and a past President of the North Jersey DX Association. [TNX VK2SG RTTY Notes]. On a more personal level, your Editor will miss his good friend and IOTA enthusiast Antonio Sangiorgi, IK4CWP, died on 17 September. /EX S DX@WW $425WW490C 425 DX News #490 [3/4] 23 September 2000 No 490 $425WW490C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== EA8/N4GN N4GN 4L1W LY2MM ED1SAC EC1AHS FO0DEH ON4QM TF2OOO K1WY ED4EVV EA4DBM HQ0R EA4URE UV5I UR6IM EK6LV IK2DUW JI3DST/8 JI3DST YB0RP W2FXA EO5GKU UR0GK JT1FCP W8JAY 3W2LC VK6LC EX8F UA3AGS LX0GDJ bureau 3Z0MM SP3JHY EX8W UA3AGS NB6A/KH4 JE1RXJ 4L5T LY2MM EY8CQ UA3AGS PS0S PY2SP 4L6VV UA6EZ F1FJL UA3AGS T30JH VK2GJH 4LY2K KE1HZ FO0MOT/p OM2SA TT8JLB F5BAR 4W6FK CT1FKN FO0YOS JA3IG UA1QM/1 UA1RJ 5N9EAM/8 IK7JTF FY5GS F6FNU UA1QV/1 UA1RJ 5R8GQ AD6KA HO1A DL6MYL W1VX/KH4 JF1OCQ 5V7VJ G4ZVJ J28EX F5THR YC0IEM/9 IZ8CCW 5X1Z SM6CAS J3/G3TBK G3TBK YP1W YO3JW 7Q7DC G0IAS J41OG SV1QN A35AD YT1AD 7Q7LA G0IAS J42OOO SV2TSL A35AU Z32AU 8P6ET WA4JTK J5X DJ6SI BI4CM BA4EG 8P6JQ K9JJR J5Z DJ9ZB BI5X BA4EG 9A/HA3HP/p HA3HP JT1FCP/5 W8JAY BT20OO BA4EG 9A/N0MX DJ2MX JY8NJ OD5NJ EO6F UX0FF 9A/S53IPA/p S57AX KH0/JA8CGL JA8CGL 9M6US N2OO 9A00WCD 9A2DM KH0/JN1WTK JN1WTK GM5V GM3TUQ 9G5VJ G4ZVJ LS7N LU1NAF HC8N AA5BT 9H0VRZ PA0JR NH4/NH6YK NH6YK PW2A PT2BW 9H3AAK PE1RVQ NP4A W3HNK DX2000 DU1SAN 9H3LRK PA0LRK OH0/SK3SN SM3KIF EA3URT EA3AXD 9H3SWL PA2SWL P29DX EA4CEN 5R8O pirate 9H3X PE1NGF PJ2MI W2CQ FR5FC FR5FD 9H3YM PE1OFJ R0/US3IU UA3AGS TO150 FR5FD 9J2BO W6ORD R1ANZ RU1ZC LU7EE EA5RD 9K9X 9K2HN R1FJ/UA3UPA UA3AGS WP4Q EA5RD 9M0F JA1HGY R1FJO UA3AGS II2TPV IK2YHB 9M6WPT JA1WPX R1FJV UA3AGS T88YQ JA3MVI 9N1HA N5VL R9/UT2LA UA3ZK 5H8TL W7RNF 9Y4SF WA4JTK RA0BX UA3AGS PX8DX PY8AZT A22BE ZS6AKB SO1MCW OK1MCW 3XY2D W3HNK A35AD YT1AD SO5ASL G4ASL 8Q7AB W7MP A4/XE1KK XE1KK SU9ZZ OM3TZZ 9K2ZZ W8CNL A51AA F2VX T88SW JH7IMX BX4AL W3HC A52FH F8RZ T94DX DJ2MX ED8GCL EA8AKN A52TT ON5NT T98JV HA8JV FO0AND WA6FGV AX2000 VK2PS TA9F KA4UFT FO0JAN K6SHJ AX2GAME VK2PS TR0A/p G3OCA HF6FR SP6ZDA C91RF DL6DQW TT8FC EA4AHK KG4AS N4SIA CE0Y/JA3IG JA3IG UE3YRY RV3YR OZ/DH3YMG DH3YMG CE0Z/LU7FOM pirate UE6AAD UA6CW UA3AGW/5N4 UA3AGW CE6TBN/7 CE6TBN VK9XV PA3GIO YC0FYJ W4JS CE9/R1ANF RK1PWA VP5/K4ISV N2AU ZK1FGV WA6FGV CO4OTA CO2FRC VP8/UT1KY UT7UA ZK1SHJ K6SHJ CO8OTA CO2FRC VQ9VK N1TO RI0ZKR RA0ZD CS9AIM CS3MAD VU3MCV ON7LX RM9RX RW9QA CU6/LA4XFA LA4XFA YB0A W3HNK RM9RX/9 RW9QA D68/G3OZF G3OZF YB0AZ W7TSQ RM9RZ RW9QA DU/DK3GI DL2MY YC0YAD K5ZE RN9RZ RW9QA E20HHK E21EIC YM3LZ TA3YJ RW9QA RW9QA E4/7K1REG 7K1REG ZC4ATC 5B4YX RW9QA W3HNK E4/JA1AFF JA1AFF ZC4RAF 5B4YX RW9RN RW9QA E4/JA1PBV JA1PBV ZD9ZM K4CIA UA9QGB RW9QA E41/OK1DTP OK1TD IM0BMU IS0AGY /EX S DX@WW $425WW490D 425 DX News #490 [4/4] 23 September 2000 No 490 $425WW490D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 3D2AG Antoine D.R. Nyeurt, P.O.Box 14633, Suva, Fiji Islands 5B4ABP Gerald Bischof, Vladimirou Erakleous 1, Tsada-Paphos, Cyprus 6K0YF Waegwan Ham Club, Box 11, Waegwan, Chilgok, Kyongbuk 718-800, Korea 7P8HH Horst Huhnlein, P. O. Box 1172, Maseru, Lesotho 8R1K Raj P. Naraine, 40 Robb Street, Lacytown, Georgetown, Guyana BA4EG Zheng Feng, 552-39-502 Zhao Zhuang Road, Shanghai, 200135, China BA4EG Zheng Feng, P.O. Box 122-001, Shanghai, 200122, China CE6TBN Marco A. Quijada, P.O. Box 1234, Temuco, Chile CO4OTA Grupo DX Cuba, Apdo. 6060, Habana 10600, Cuba CO6OTA Grupo DX Cuba, Apdo. 6060, Habana 10600, Cuba CO8OTA Grupo DX Cuba, Apdo. 6060, Habana 10600, Cuba CT1FKN Jose Matos, Rua D. Afonso Henriques n. 83B-3ESQ, 2330 137 Entroncamento, Portugal DF9LJ Joerg Suessenbach, Roonstrasse 18, D-38102 Braunschweig, Germany DK3EP Iris Kern, Heinrich-Heine-Strasse 1, D-18209 Bad Doberan, Germany DK9IP Winfried Kriegl, Schoellbronner Str. 72, 76199 Karlsruhe, Germany DL1CW Arno Polinsky, Aschmannstr. 41, D-71665 Vaihingen/Enz, Germany DL5EBE Dominik Weiel, Johannes-Meyer-Str.13, D-49808 Lingen, Germany DL6MYL Martina Rudolph, Dorfstrasse 30, 29416 Rademin, Germany DL7ALM Lars Mahling, Rapstedter Weg 34, D-12305 Berlin, Germany DL9GFB Franz Berndt, Heinrich-Heine-Strasse 1, D-18209 Bad Doberan, Germany DS5XUA Eun Hee Lee, Box 5, Ullung Island 799-800, South Korea DU1SAN Boysan, P.O. Box 2000 QCCPO, 1160 Quezon City, M.M., Philippines EA4URE P.O. Box 220, Madrid 28080, Spain EA5DHK Isidoro Garcia Herreros, Avada Del Puerto 17, 46400 Cullera, Valencia, Spain ET3VSC P.O. Box 20011, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia F5BAR Jean-Luc Bouchet, Chemin de l'Artaude, 14, verger Beauvoir, 83220 Le Pradet, France F6HMQ Gildas Le Cloitre, 6, Allee du Petit Chene, F-77380 Combs-La-Ville, France FK8KAB ARANC Club Station, B.P. 3956, 98846 Noumea Cedex FR5FD Patrick Lebeaume, 40 rue Louis Desjardines, Bois de Nefles, F-97411 Saint Paul, France G3OCA Ken Frankcom, 1 Chesterton Road, Spondon, Derby DE21 7EN, England HL5FUA Jong Sool Choi, P. O. Box 5, Ullung Island 799-800, Korea IK2DUW Antonello Passarella, P.O.Box 22, 20051 Limbiate - MI, Italy IK8VRH P.O. Box 173, 80016 Marano - NA, Italy IV3SKQ Annamaria Battisti, Via G.B. Bison 4, 33100 Udine - UD, Italy IZ8CCW P.O. Box 360, 87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy IZ8DBJ Mario Pesce, P.O. Box 15, 80070 Bacoli - NA, Italy JA1HGY Nao Mashita, 8-2-4 Akasaka, Minato, Tokyo 107-0052, Japan JA7KXD Junji Ogawa, 2-3-51, Kimachidori, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0801, Japan JA8CCL Shigehiro Kinoshita, 628-2 Nishi-Fukai, Nagareyama, 270-0107 Japan JA9VJ Hajime Mouri, 10-28-1402 Takakura, Nagoya 456-0015, Japan JD1BKG Yoshiyuki Jingo, 264-10 Minami-Iriso, Sayama, 350-1316 Japan JH1HUK Yuzuru Oshima, 5-19-1 Higashi-Hatsutomi, Kamagaya City, Chiba 273-0122, Japan JI3DST Takeshi Funaki, 2-18-26 Hannan-Cho, Abeno-Ku, Osaka-City, Osaka 545-0021, Japan K0CO Jack Dougherty, P.O. Box 388, Como, CO 80432, USA K1IED Larry F.Skilton, 72 Brook Street, South Windsor, CT-06074, USA K1WY The K1WY DX Association, P.O. Box 2644, Hartford, CT 06146-2644 USA K1WY The K1WY DX Association, P.O. Box 90, Eeklo 9900, Belgium K2OLG Joe Gumino, 1648 PGA Blvd, Melbourne, FL 32935, USA K4CIA William G McDowell, 13208 Norwood Road, Raleigh, NC 27614-9134, USA LY2MM Albinas Staraitis, Box 813, LT-3009 Kaunas, Lithuania OK1AUT David Klimosz, Plojharova 7, CZ-162 00 Praha 6, Czech Republic ON4QM Marcel Dehonin, Eversestraat 130, B-1932 Saint-Stevens-Woluwe, Belgium PI4RCK Radio Club Kennemerland, Westerduinweg 9, NL-1976 BV Ijmuiden, The Netherlands PY2SP Ademir Moreira, Rua Abaitara 108, Sao Paulo, SP 03714-060, Brazil PY8AZT Luciano Moreira, St. Quintino Bocaiuva, 1574 Ap 05/B, Belem/PA, 66035-190, Brazil RA0JJ Serge Smirnov, P.O. Box 1, Blagoveschensk, 675000, Russia RA0ZD Alexey Antipov, P.O. Box 51, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683049, Russia RV3YR P.O.Box 1, Bryansk 241027 , Russia RW9QA Vlad Kondratenko P.O.Box 1, Kurgan-38, 640038, Russia SP3JHY Jerzy Ryks, os.B.Chrobrego 3/IV/7, 67-300 Szprotawa, Poland TI5KD Carlos W. Diez, POB 195, Belen 4005 Heredia, Costa Rica TU2MA Michel Toure Vakaba, Box 520, Abidjan 01, Ivory Coast UA1RJ Yuri G. Sinitso, P.O. Box 10, Vologda, 160035, Russia UA3AGS Sergei, Box 196, Pepperell, MA 01463-0196, USA UR6IM I. Polynichka, P.O. Box 91, Konstantinovka-14, 85114, Donetskaya obl, Ukraine VE1JS John Scott, General Delivery, Sandy Cove, NS, B0V 1E0 Canada VU3DJQ C. K. Raman, F-25/11. Dilshad Colony Delhi 110095, India W2FXA Eugene Nadolny, 21 Hidden Valley Dr., Elma, NY 14059, USA W4SAA Joe Hornbach, 1650 NE 135 St Apt 807, North Miami, FL 33181-1737, USA W7MP Adam Boettiger, 420 SE Kathy Street, Sherwood, OR 97140, USA W7RNF Terry L. Laduke, 8686 Targee St. Bolse, Idaho 83709, USA YO3JW Fenyo Stefan Pit, P.O.Box 19-43, RO-74400 Bucuresti 19, Romania ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX