S DX@WW $425WW489A 425 DX News #489 [1/4] 16 September 2000 No 489 $425WW489A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ >>> Carlos Luis Caceres, KD4SYB, SK <<< Gregorio Caceres (KA4UXJ) reports his 33-year old son Carlos Luis, KD4SYB (as well as Pero Simundza, 9A4SP, see 425DXN 488) was one of the three UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) staff members who were murdered in Atambua, West Timor during a militia assault on 6 September. In his last dramatic e-mail (TNX ON6TT) Carlos wrote: "The militias are on the way, and I am sure they will do their best to demolish this office. [...] We are waiting for this enemy, we sit here like bait, unarmed, waiting for wave to hit. I am glad to be leaving this island for three weeks. I just hope I will be able to leave tomorrow." Please visit and sign the Memorial Guestbook for Carlos at http://www.qsl.net/kd4syb 3B6 - The preparations for the 3B6RF DXpedition to Agalega [425DXN 481] are in their final stages. HB9JAX and HB9FMU have been forced to cancel the trip, but four other operators (namely 9A4DU, CT1AGF, G4EDG and DL6UAA) have joined the team. The aim of the expedition is not to make as many QSOs, but to work as many different calls as possible. "Since Europe and Japan are simple to work", HB9FMU reports, "we will give priority to North and South America during the openings to these parts of the world. In addition to that we would also like to focus on the West Coast". This will be an all-band all-mode (CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK 31, 6 metres, Satellite) operation: for further details on operating plans, propagation charts, announced frequencies etc please visit www.agalega2000.ch (where on-line logs will be available as well). The pilots will be HB9HFN, Cedric (cedric@baechler.cx) for Europe, NF6S, Larry (larry@home.com) for USA, JA3LDH, Yasu (ja3ldh@tcct.zaq.ne.jp) for Japan and PT7BI, Daniel (mdmassun@fortalnet.com.br) for Brazil, while Kurt, HB9MX will be the pilot coordinator. QSL via HB9AGH either direct (Ambrosi Fluetsch, Lerchenweg 29, CH 8046 Zurich, Switzerland) or through the bureau. Please note that the minimum requirement for airmail (up to 20 grams, i.e. 2 QSL cards) is 2 IRC or 2 US$. Last but not least, just to avoid misunderstanings and disappointments: 3B6 will NOT count as a new DXCC Entity! [TNX HB9FMU] 7Q - Ely, IN3VZE will again be active as 7Q7CE from Malawi on 8-24 October. QSL via IN3VZE either direct (Ely Camin, Corso 3 Novembre 136/2, 38100 Trento - TN, Italy) or through the bureau. [TNX IN3VZE] 8Q - Adam, W7MP will be active (on 10-80 metres including WARC) as 8Q7AB from Bandos Island, Maldives (AS-013) between 30 September and 9 October. QSL via W7MP either direct (Adam Boettiger, 420 SE Kathy Street, Sherwood, OR 97140, USA) or through the bureau. An online form to request cards via the bureau, as well as further information on the operation, are available at http://www.dxpedition.com/ [TNX W7MP] E3 - Chris, DL5NAM (aka C56T and VP2MCS) and others will be active (on 160-6 metres) from Amara, Eritrea between 17 October and 1 November. Plans are to work CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31; possibly RS12/13 and an entry in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as well. Callsigns to be issued (at US$500 each) upon arrival. Contributions are more than welcome, please contact Chris (dl5nam@web.de) for further information. [TNX DL5NAM] E4 - Ten Japanese operators (namely JA1AFF, JA1PBV, JA1UPA, JA1UT, JH1UBU, JL1TRH, JR1GDR, JS1QHO, 7K1REG and 7M4CHT) will visit Palestine from 21 to 24 September. They expect to operate as E44/home call, mainly RTTY, 30 metres and 6 metres (50.115 MHz beacon). QSL via home call. [TNX G3NOM and JA7SSB] EA6 - Look for Laci, EA6/HA6NL/p to operate on all HF bands mainly CW from Mallorca (EU-004) between 28 September and 5 October. [TNX HA0HW] FG - Florida DXPedition Group (FDXPG) members Bob/KR4DA, William/N2WB, Bill/W4WX and Clarence/W9AAZ will operate (CW, RTTY and SSB) as FG/home call from Guadeloupe (NA-102) on 24-31 October. They will be a multi-single entry in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as FG5BG (QSL via KR4DA). QSL FG/N2WB viao N2OO and others via home call. For further information visit http://www.geocities.com/n2wb23/ and http://members.xoom.com/FDXPG/ [TNX W4WX] FO - Marcel, ON4QM left Belgium on 13 September for a 2-month-and-a-half staying in French Polynesia. He will first visit FO5QS and FO5NL for a few days, then he will move to Hereheretue (OC-052). He hopes to be QRV around 25 September, but the actual date will depend on the schedule of the supply ship he will take. He will operate as FO0DEH (mostly SSB on the higher bands), probably using a battery as there is no electricity on the island. Marcel will be on Hereheretue for around one month, then he will go back to Tahiti and possibly (but it will depend again on the ship's schedule) to Maupihaa (OC-057). His trip will end on 25 November. QSL via ON4QM (Marcel Dehonin, Eversestraat 130, B-1932 Saint-Stevens-Woluwe, Belgium). [TNX ON5KL] /EX S DX@WW $425WW489B 425 DX News #489 [2/4] 16 September 2000 No 489 $425WW489B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== I - Mario, IZ8DBJ will be active as IZ8DBJ/p from the lighthouse at Capo Miseno (WAIL CA-004) on 24 September. QSL via IZ8DBJ either direct (Mario Pesce, P.O. Box 15, 80070 Bacoli - NA, Italy) or through the bureau. [TNX IZ8DBJ] I - Erminio/IZ8AJQ, Maurizio/IZ8CEV and Giuseppe/IZ8CSD will operate (SSB and CW) from Scario Lighthouse (WAIL CA-011) on 1 October. QSL via home calls. [TNX IZ8AJQ] JA - Look for Ota, JG1SZE/8 to be active from Rebun To (AS-147) and Rishiri To (AS-147) on 16 and 17 September. QSL via JG1SZE. [TNX JI6KVR] KH0 - Hidetoshi, JH8KYU will be active as KH0/JH8KYU from Saipan (OC-086) on 23-24 September. He will participate in the CQ/RJ WW RTTY Contest (SOAB low power). [TNX OPDX Bulletin] KH4 - Ted, NH6YK (NH4/NH6YK) will be on Midway Island from 17 to 21 September. "Although I have some work to do on the island", he says, "it looks like I'll have some spare time to operate from the station there. Due to the quickness/shortness of the trip, it will be phone operation, potentially from 160 to 6 metres, depending on the propagation." QSL via the bureau or direct. [TNX NH6YK] KH4 - Look for JF1OCQ and JE1RXJ to operate (on 80-6 metres CW and SSB) as W1VX/KH4 and NB6A/KH4 respectively from Midway (OC-030) on 22-24 September. A beacon will be set up on 50.115 MHz. QSL W1VX/KH4 via JF1OCQ, QSL NB6A/KH4 via JE1RXJ. [TNX JF1OCQ] SV - Look for Ivan to operate (CW only) as SV8/G3IZD from Thasos (EU-174) between 20 September and 3 October. [TNX The Daily DX] SV - Eric, KU6J will operate as SV8/KU6J/p from Thira/Santorini Island (EU-067) on 21-28 September. He will be focusing on CW, primarily on the WARC bands. QSL via KU6J either direct or through the bureau. [TNX KU6J] T8 - Kazuo, JA3ART and Katsuji, JR3KFX will be active (on 10-80 and 6 metres) as T88JJ and T88FX respectively from Palau (OC-009) on 6-9 October. They will operate SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK31 and will concentrate on RTTY and WARC bands. QSL via home calls either direct or through the bureau. The addresses are: Kazuo Ebihara, P.O.Box 62, Sakyo, Kyoto, 606-8691 Japan (JA3ART) and Katsuji Takagi, 653-16 Yodo-Namazucho, Kyoto, 613-0914 Japan (JR3KFX). [TNX JA1ELY] TF - Radio club of Reykjaness will activate (20-10 metres SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK) the callsign TF2OOO from call area 2 in Iceland on 16-17 September, starting around 9 on Saturday until 16 on Sunday QSL via the TF bureau or direct to K1WY. [TNX TF8GX] UA - Weather permitting UA6CW, RA6AU, RA6AX, RU6AX, RK6CZ and RX6AH will operate (with three radios and three amplifiers) as UE6AAD from Dzendzik Island (EU-185) from 18-19 UTC on 21 September until the 24th. QSL via UA6CW either direct or through the bureau. [TNX UA6CW] UA - Look for Mike, UA1QV/1 and Victor, UA1QM/1 to be active (SSB and CW) from Kolguev Island (EU-085) for 3-5 days around 23-24 September. QSL via UA1RJ (Yuri G. Sinitso, P.O. Box 10, Vologda, 160035, Russia). [TNX UA1RJ] VE - John, VE1JS plans to operate from the village of Westport on Brier Island (NA-127, C.Is.A. NS-011) on 16 September. Operation will start around 13.30 UTC and continue till about 20.00 UTC. He plans to be on 20, 15 or 10 metres around the normal IOTA frequencies and to QSY to 40 or 80 metres for close in stations if requested. QSL via VE1JS either direct (John Scott, General Delivery, Sandy Cove, NS, B0V 1E0 Canada) or through the bureau. [TNX VE1JS] W - Look for Joe, W4SAA/p to be active (CW with some SSB) from Virginia Key (NA-141) from 21 UTC on 15 September until 17 UTC on the 17th. QSL via W4SAA (Joe Hornbach, 1650 NE 135 St Apt 807, North Miami, FL 33181-1737, USA) [TNX HA1AG] W - Look for KL7USI/1 to operate from Cousins Island (NA-137, USI ME-041S) on 17 September starting after 15 UTC. QSL direct only. [TNX KL7JR] XE - Gabi, HA3JB and Bill, W5KAU will be active (on all bands CW, RTTY and PSK) from Mexico as XE2/HA3JB and XE2/W5KAU on 6-7 October 2000. QSL via bureau or direct to HA3JB (Gabor Kutasi, P.O. Box 243, 8601 Siofok, Hungary). [TNX OM2SA] YJ - Lot, DJ7ZG and Babs, DL7AFS will operate (with two stations on SSB, RTTY, PSK31 and some CW) as YJ0AZG and YJ0AYL from Vanuatu between 30 September and 19 October. QSL via DL7AFS (Baerbel Linge, Eichwaldstr. 86, D-34123 Kassel, Germany). Their web site is at http://www.qsl.net/dl7afs/ [TNX The Daily DX] YO - Pit, YO3JW/YP1W plans to operate again (CW, SSB and possibly RTTY & PSK31) from Sacalinu Mare island (EU-183) for 72 hours (depending on local conditions) between 29 September and 1 October. QSL via YO3JW (Fenyo Stefan Pit, P.O.Box 19-43, RO-74400 Bucuresti 19, Romania). [TNX YO3JW] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH LOGS: Logs for EA4DX's operation as 8Q7XX (15,355 SSB QSOs) are now on-line at http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Shores/4909/8q7xx2000.htm [TNX EA4DX] LOGS: Logs (as well pictures etc) for Rafal, SP6TPM's operation from EU-186 are available at http://www.qsl.net/sp6tpm [TNX SP6TPM] /EX S DX@WW $425WW489C 425 DX News #489 [3/4] 16 September 2000 No 489 $425WW489C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH A51AA ---> The following comes from The Daily DX: "The French A52FH team from the Clipperton DX Club installed the radios and antennas for the first Bhutanese Radio Amateur Club station, A51AA, which came on the air for the first time September 12th. It is the goal to make A51AA a full-fledged club station, which will encourage young Bhutanese people to become familiar with electronics, telecommunications and ham radio. This station will also act as an operation site for guest operators coming in from abroad (see http://www.sophun.com.bt for more information). QSLs go via F2VX until a more permanent QSL management arrangement can be made." CRIMEA AWARD ---> It is for contacting amateur radio operators from Crimea (UU, UT#J, EM#J, EN#J, EO#J) and it is open to either licenced amateurs and SWLs. QSL cards are not required. The certificate can be seen at http://www.omnitel.net/ly1ds/crimea.jpg; for full information please contact Rusty, UU2JQ at uu2jq@packet.crimea.ua QSL 3W7CW ---> Cards are expected to be ready on 7 October. Then Adam, SP5JTF will begin immediately to send cards out (some 1000 envelopes received so far). [TNX SP5EWY] QSL VIA VK9NS ---> It has been said and repeated for years, but still there are too many people who seem not to understand that Jim DOES NOT ACCEPT BUREAU CARDS. In other words, do not use the bureau system for QSLling VK9NS or any of the calls he manages, because (1) not only you will never receive a reply from Jim, but also (2) you are causing problems to the VK9 Bureau Manager (currently Neil, VK6NE). Cards for VK9NS must be sent DIRECT ONLY with SASE and return postage to P.O. Box 90, Norfolk Island, NI 2899, Australia. QSL YB0RP ---> Gene, W2FXA is the QSL manager for Rep, YB0RP and reports he can confirm contacts made up to 2 september 2000. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSL received via direct: 3B8/I5JHW, 3B8MM, 3B9R, 3D2RW (OC-156), 3D2TC, 3DA0CF, 3DA0WPX, 3V8BB, 3V8BT (AF-083), 3V8DJ (AF-083), 3W50K, 3W7TK, 4L1ZG, 4S7BRG, 4U1VIC, 4S7EA, 4S7NZG, 4W/N5KO, 4W/W3UR, 4W6/VK2QF, 4W6EB, 4W6SP, 4X6TT, 5H1/PA3GIO (AF-063), 5H3/PA3GIO (AF-054), 5T5U, 5X1GS, 5X1Z, 5Z4WI, K2KW/6Y5, 6Y8A, 7O1YGF, 7P8HH, 7Q7RM, 7X2CR, 7X2LS, 7X4AN, 8P9NX, 8Q7LA, 8R1AK, 8R1AK/p (SA-068), 9E1C, 9G5MD (AF-084), 9G5VJ, 9M2AX, 9M2TO/p (AS-073), 9N7RB, 9V1XE, A52A, A52NL, A71BY, AB5EB (NA-143), AL7O, AP2JZB, AT0VLH, AY0N/X (SA-087), BI3H, BQ9P, C34SD, C56HG, C91RF/p, CE0Y/LX1NO, CE0ZIS, CE0ZY, CE0Z/OH3JF, CO2WL, CT1BWW/P (EU-040; LH-647), D3SAF, DS0DX/2 (AS-105), DS0DX/4 (AS-148), DX4RIG (OC-202), EA8BH, EM5UIA (EU-179, EU-180, EU-182), EK6OTA, EK6TA, ER2000A, ET3AA, ET3KV, ET3VSC, EX9A, ET3YU, EZ8BO, FG5DH, FH5CB, FK/OH2BH, VK4FW/FK, FO0AAA, FO0CLA, FO0EEN (01/99), FO0MOT (OC-063), FO0PT (OC-046), FO0WII (OC-152), FO5NL, FR5ZQ/G, FS/K7ZUM, FS/N3OC, FT5ZJ (AF-002), FW5ZL, FW8ZZ, FY5FU/P, GN0ADX/P (EU-122), GM3VLB/P (EU-059), H44DX, H44NC (OC-149), J48KEF, PA3GIO/HC8, HC8N, HH2B, HI9/DL4ALI, HK3JJH, HF0POL, HS2AC (AS-107), JA5GPJ (AS-076), JA6CTW (AS-032), JD1BIC/JD1, JJ6STZ (AS-037), JT1BE, JT1CO, JT1KAA, JY5HX, K3ZO, K4USI/4 (NA-213), KB5GL/4 (NA-213), KH0/JR1KGL, KH0AC, KH2/K4ANA, KH2PC, KH4/K5PZ, KH4/NH6D, KH5/DF6FK, KH6ND/KH5, LY2CY, OD5IU, OD5NX, OD5RAL (AS-108 ), OH0B, OH1LU/p (EU-173, EU-184), OX3UB (NA-134), P29VXX, P40MH, P43E, PA6TEX, PA9MR (EU-146), PJ4B, PJ6/K4LMY, R1ANB, R1ANC, R1AND, R1ANF, R1ANF/A ,R1ANJ, R1ANK, R1ANZ, R1FJL, R1MVA, RA0LOM/0 (AS-062), RM0M (AS-066), RU0LAX, S21VJ, S21YJ, S79AG, SM3JBE (EU-176), SM4DDS/5 (EU-177), SU1HV, SU9ZZ, SV1BSX/8 (EU-075), SV2ASP/A, SV5FRD, T30CW, T30R, T31BB, T31K, T31T, T32DA, T33RD, T88AY, T99W, TA1D, TA2BK, TA3J, TS5I, TT8JLB, TU2XZ, TX0DX, TX8JNN, TY8A, UN7/AB8CK, UR3GA (EU-179), V31JP, V31OM, V47KP, V63VL, V73CW, V73UX, V8A, VK4FW/p (OC-142), VK6EEN/p (OC-183), VK6EEN/p (OC-199), VK7TS/p (OC-233), VK9CN (OC-003), VK9CP (OC-003), VK9NS, VK9WI, VP2EJ, VP5/N2GA, VP6BR, VP8DBN, VP9ID, VR98BG, VY0TA (NA-047), XR0ZY (SA-013), XU7AAV, XV9SW, XW2A, XX9TEP, XZ0A (AS-144), YC8TXW (OC-210), YI2OM, YK1AH, YM3LZ, YP1W (EU-183), YS1/OH2BAD, YS9/KE4LWT, ZB2JO, ZD7HH, ZD7VJ, ZD9/ZS1B (AF-030), ZK1NCI (OC-014), ZK1VMM (OC-013), ZK2XO, ZK3DX, ZS23I (AF-077), ZS26BI (AF-079), ZS31ER (AF-085), ZY500Y. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX S DX@WW $425WW489D 425 DX News #489 [4/4] 16 September 2000 No 489 $425WW489D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF 01/01-31/12 IOTA 2000 (http://www.cdxc.org.uk) *** till November 3W2LC: Vietnam * by VK6LC 472 till 31/12 3Z: special prefix (Poland) 454 till February 4W6FK: East Timor * by CT1FKN 488 till 30/11 5B40: special prefix (Cyprus) 478 till 26/09 5R8GQ: Madagascar (AF-013) * by AD6KA 483 till 31/12 9AY2K: special Millennium station 451 till 19/09 9A/S52DG/p and 9A/S52LD/p: Krk Island (EU-136) 487 till 16/09 9M0F: Spratly Islands (AS-051) * by JAs 487 till 21/09 9G5VJ (Ghana) & 5V7VJ (Togo) * by G4ZVJ 488 till 02/11 AX: special prefix (Olympic Games) 475 till 18/09 C91RF/p: Mocambique Island (AF-088) * by DL6DQW 488 till 30/09 CO0OTA: Cuba (NA-015) 487 till 30/09 CO4OTA: La Juventud Island (NA-056) 487 till 16/09 CO8OTA: Cayo Moa Grande (NA-218) 487 till 18/09 D68/G3OZF: Comoros Islands (AF-007) 488 till 31/12 HB2: special Y2K prefix (Switzerland) 453 till 06/11 HF6WR: special event station (Poland) 484 till 31/12 HF70PZK: special event station (Poland) 453 till 01/10 HO1A: Contadora Island (NA-072) * by DLs 483 till 31/12 II0CV: special call 451 till 24/12 II0: special jubilee prefix 452 till 17/09 IR0MM: Montecassino Abbey 488 till 31/12 IR5ONU: special event station 485 till 31/12 IU0PAW: Jubilee Year special station 468 till October KH6ND/KH5: Palmyra Atoll 486 till September OH5/IK0SHF and OH5/IK0VSW 479 till 31/12 SI75A & SIxSSA: SSA 75th anniversary stations (Sweden) 445 till 20/10 SN600UJ: special event call (Poland) 481 till 25/09 SV: Lesvos Island (EU-049) * by ON5KH, ON5JE, ON4BB 487 till 20/09 SV8/SM7DAY: Naxos Island (EU-067) 487 till 26/09 T30JH: Tarawa (OC-017), West Kiribati * by VK2GJH 487 till 2001 UA0QBA: Kotelny Island (AS-028) 477 till 04/10 VP5/K4ISV and VP5B: North Caicos (NA-002) 487 till 12/11 VK0MM: Macquarie Island 488 till December VQ9QM: Chagos (AF-006) * by W4QM 482 till 17/09 W4SAA/p: Virginia Key (NA-141) 489 till 18/09 WF1N and W1DIG: Isles of Shoals (NA-217) 488 till 31/12 ZS0M: South Africa * by ZS6MG 477 till 25/09 ZD9ZM: Tristan da Cunha (AF-029) * by G3ZEM 488 12/09-22/09 JA6GXK: Danjo Archipelago (AS-056) 477 13/09-22/09 KH6: Kauai Island, Hawaii (OC-019) * by DH5PK 487 14/09-28/09 9A/N0MX: Brac Island (EU-016) * by DJ2MX 487 14/09-21/09 NA-067,112,110,058,138 * by Aitken Contest Club 488 15/09-16/09 48th W9DXCC Convention (Illinois) 480 16/09-08/10 9H0VRZ and 9H3xxx: Malta (EU-023) * by PAs 487 16/09-19/09 CE6TBN/7: Chiloe Island (SA-018) 487 16/09-17/09 JG1SZE/8: AS-147 489 16/09-17/09 TF2OOO: Iceland 489 16/09 VE1JS: Brier Island (NA-127) 489 17/09-15/10 DF8QW and DF8XU: Pellworm Island (EU-042) 488 17/09-25/09 HQ0R: Honduras * by EAs 485 17/09 KL7USI/1: Cousins Island (NA-137) 489 17/09-21/09 NH4/NH6YK: Midway Island (OC-030) 489 18/09-26/09 3D2AD and 3D2AU: Fiji * by YT1AD and Z32AU 485 18/09-28/09 LX0GDJ: special event station 487 18/09-22/09 R8V/RA0JJ 488 19/09-23/09 C91RF: Mozambique * by DL6DQW 488 20/09-25/09 II6FII: special event station 488 20/09-03/10 SV8/G3IZD: Thasos Island (EU-174) 489 21/09-23/09 CO6OTA: Sabana Archipelago (NA-204) 487 21/09-24/09 E44: Palestine * by JAs 489 21/09-26/09 M0RAA/VP9: Bermuda (NA-005) * by JH6RTO 483 21/09-28/09 SV8/KU6J/p: Thira Island (EU-067) 489 21/09-24/09 UE6AAD: Dzendzik Island (EU-185) 489 22/09-24/09 W1VX/KH4, NB6A/KH4: Midway * by JF1OCQ and JE1RXJ 489 22/09-26/09 TR0A/P: Mandji Island (AF-???) * by G3OCA and G4CWD 477 23/09-28/09 3DA: Swaziland * by DL6DQW 488 23/09-25/09 JI3DST/8: Okushiri Island (AS-147) 483 23/09-24/09 KH0/JH8KYU: Saipan (OC-086) 489 23/09-24/09 UA1QV/1 and UA1QM/1: Kolguev Island (EU-085) 489 23/09-24/09 CQ/RJ WW DX Contest (RTTY) *** 24/09 IZ8DBJ/p: Capo Miseno Lighthouse (WAIL CA-004) 489 24/09-29/09 VP5/K5YG: Providenciales (NA-002) 481 26/09-03/10 A35AD and A35AU: Tonga * by YT1AD and Z32AU 485 28/09-30/09 CO9OTA: Jardines de la Reina Archipelago (NA-201) 487 28/09-05/10 EA6/HA6NL/p: Mallorca (EU-004) 489 28/09/08/10 LX0GDH: special event station 487 29/09-01/10 YP1W: Sacalinu Mare island (EU-183) * by YO3JW 489 30/09-09/10 8Q7AB: Maldives (AS-013) * by W7MP 489 30/09-07/10 GB0SM: Scilly Isls (EU-011) * by G3WNI, G0PSE, G0WMW 483 30/09-19/10 YJ0AZG & YJ0AYL: Vanuatu * by DJ7ZG & DL7AFS 489 30/09-01/10 Clipperton DX Club Convention 461 30/09-01/10 XVI Italian HF-DX Convention (Bologna) 466 Sep-Dec FM/F2JD: Martinique (NA-107) 483 September-25/11 FO0DEH: French Polynesia (including OC-052 & OC-057) 489 September IT9SGC: Isola Piccola di Marzameni (IIA SR-007) 485 Sep-Oct R0/UR8LV: Malyy Begichev Island (AS-???) 487 01/10 IZ8AJQ,IZ8CEV,IZ8CSD: Scario Lighthouse (WAIL CA-011) 489 01/10-31/12 SY2A: Mount Athos * by SV2ASP/A 459 13/10-15/10 >>> Windsor: RSGB IOTA CONVENTION 2000 <<< *** /EX