DX425 bulletin issue nr. 487

S DX@WW $425WW487A
425 DX News #487 [1/5]
  2 September 2000                 No 487                  BID: $425WW487A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

3V     - Fabio, I4UFH and Gabriele, IK4UPB will be active from 3V8BB on  7-11
         September. They  will participate  in the  WAE SSB  Contest as  M/S.
         Before and after the contest they will concentrate on extra-European
         countries. QSL (for this operation only) via I4UFH. [TNX I4UFH]
4W     - Erkki, 4W/OH2BF is  working for  UNHCR in  Dili, East  Timor. He  is
         likely to be there for a couple  of months. QSL via OH2IC. [TNX  The
         Daily DX]
4W     - The DXpedition by Dennis, K7BV and Wolf, N6FF to East Timor  [425DXN
         485] is  scheduled to  take place  indicatively between  6-8 and  17
         October. They expect to have two  rigs: during daylight hours,  they
         may appear randomly on bands  above 40 metres;  during the hours  of
         darkness, generally expect to find them  only on 30, 40, 80 and  160
         metres. 4W6DX  (QSL route  TBA), the  callsign  for the  East  Timor
         Amateur Radio  Association,  will be  used  extensively  during  the
         DXpedition, while 4W/K7BV (QSL via KU9C)  and 4W/N6FF (QSL via  home
         call) will be used very sparingly. Rod, WC7N (wc7n@wave.net) will be
         the pilot  station. Operating  plans and  announced frequencies  are
         available at http://www.qth.com/k7bv/timor/ [TNX K7BV]
9A     - Mario, DJ2MX will operate (on  10-80 metres CW  and SSB) as  9A/N0MX
         from Brac Island (EU-016, CI-010 for  the Islands Of Croatia  Award)
         between 14 and 28 September. He might also be active for a few hours
         from the islands of  Solta (EU-016, CI-126)  and Ciovo (CI-013,  not
         IOTA). QSL via  DJ2MX either direct  (Mario Lovric,  Am Oelberg  11,
         D-61231 Bad  Nauheim, Germany)  or through  the DARC  bureau  (bureu
         cards can be requested at http://www.qsl.net/dj2mx). [TNX DJ2MX].
9A     - Dusan, S52DG and Borut, S52LD  will be active  (on 10-40 metres  SSB
         and CW)  as  9A/S52DG/p and  9A/S52LD/p  from  Krk  Island  (EU-136,
         CI-046) on  15-19 September.  QSL via  home calls  either direct  or
         through the bureau.
         [TNX S52DG]
9H     - A large group of Dutch operators will be active (on 6-80 metres  SSB
         and CW) from Malta (EU-023) between 16 September and 8 October. They
         will operate either as 9H0VRZ and with their individual callsigns as
         9H3AAG  QSL via  PA1XA           9H3ON  QSL via  PA3BIZ
         9H3AAH     "     PA1FR           9H3R      "     PA3BWK
         9H3AAI     "     PA0LD           9H3S      "     PA3HGP
         9H3AAJ     "     PA0QBS          9H3SWL    "     PA2SWL
         9H3AAK     "     PE1RVQ          9H3V      "     PE1CAJ
         9H3AAL     "     PA3FYG          9H3W      "     PE1MQI
         9H3IE      "     PA0BEA          9H3X      "     PE1NGF
         9H3LRK     "     PA0LRK          9H3YM     "     PE1OFJ
         9H3OI      "     PA0OI
         The QSL  manager  for 9H0VRZ  is  PA0JR (Andre  van  den  Bos,  Olof
         Palmelaan 5, 9649 BH Muntendam, The  Netherlands). The web site  for
         the operation is  at http://www.vrza.org/ and  will include  on-line
9M0_spr- A group of operators from FEDXP (Far East DX Ploiters) are going  to
         be active (with two stations on  160-6 metres SSB,  CW and RTTY)  as
         9M0F from the Layan Layan, Spratly  Islands (AS-051) between 12  and
         16 September. Team members include  JA1BRK, JA1RJU, JA4DND,  JK1OPL,
         JR1FBE, 7K1WLE, JF2XGF and the operation is for celebrating the 40th
         anniversary of FEDXP.  QSL via JA1HGY  (Nao Mashita, 8-2-4  Akasaka,
         Minato, Tokyo 107-0052, Japan). [TNX JA1HGY]
9M2    - Look for Tex, 9M2TO/p to be  active from Perhentian Island  (AS-073)
         until 3 September. QSL via JA0DMV (bureau) or direct to 9M2TO.  [TNX
         OPDX Bulletin]
BY     - The operation from Juhua Island (AS-151) started and will finish one
         day earlier than expected due to logistic reasons. Look for BI2J  to
         be active until 3 September. QSL  via W3HC (direct only) or  through
         the Chinese QSL bureau.
CE     - Marco, CE6TBN will be active (on  10, 15 and 20 metres) as  CE6TBN/7
         from Chiloe Island  (SA-018) between 16  and 19  September. QSL  via
         CE6TBN (Marco  A.  Quijada, P.O.  Box  1234,  Temuco,  Chile).  [TNX
CO     - Arnie, CO2QQ reports the Grupo DX  Cuba is planning to operate  from
         all of the IOTA groups allocated to Cuba as follows:
         1-30  Sep  CO0OTA  Cuba                                NA-015
         1-30  Sep  CO4OTA  La Juventud Island                  NA-056
         1-3   Sep  CO1OTA  Los Colorados Archipelago           NA-093
         7-9   Sep  CO7OTA  Camaguey Archipelago                NA-086
         14-16 Sep  CO8OTA  Cayo Moa Grande                     NA-???
         21-23 Sep  CO6OTA  Sabana Archipelago                  NA-204
         28-30 Sep  CO9OTA  Jardines de la Reina Archipelago    NA-201
         QSL direct  to Grupo  DX Cuba,  Apdo. 6060,  Habana 10600,  Cuba  or
         through the bureau (please note that Arnie has now given the correct
         POB number, which is different from the one given in 425DXN 486).
S DX@WW $425WW487B
425 DX News #487 [2/5]
  2 September 2000                 No 487                  BID: $425WW487B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

D4     - Jose Manuel/EA8EE and  Manuel/EA8BYG will be  active as D44AC  (from
         the QTH of  Carlos) from the  island of Sao  Vicente (AF-086),  Cabo
         Verde between 1 and 8 November. They will operate on all modes  (CW,
         SSB, RTTY, PSK31, HELL, SSTV) on HF (10,  12, 15, 17, 20, 40 and  80
         metres),  VHF  and   6  metres   from  HK76KM   (skeds  welcome   at
         d44ac@ea8ee.zzn.com). QSL  via EA8URL.  Logs  will be  available  at
         http://www.qsl.net/dxgrancanaria [TNX EA8EE]
DL     - Look for DL7VOX/p  to operate on  all bands CW  from Fehmarn  Island
         (EU-128, DID/GIA  O-001)  until 9  September.  QSL  via  home  call.
         Information on  the  German Islands  Award  (DID) can  be  found  at
         http://www.iota-post.com [TNX DL2VFR]
EA     - Pepe, EA5KB will operate from Illeta del Perello (DIEI V-019) on 2-3
         September. QSL via bureau. [TNX EA5KB]
FO     - James, K9KUZ is going to be active as FO0KUZ from French  Polynesia:
         on 9-13 September  from Bora Bora  (OC-067) and  on 14-15  September
         from Moorea Island (OC-046). Look for him on or around 14200,  21250
         and 28400 kHz  during his afternoons  and evenings.  QSL via  K9KUZ.
         [TNX The Daily DX]
JA     - Look for Seiji,  JQ1SUO/1 to be  active (on 10,  15, 20,  40 and  80
         metres SSB and CW) from  Shi-kine Island (AS-008)  between 7 and  29
         October. QSL direct to JQ1SUO. [TNX JI6KVR]
JT     - Jay, W8JAY  will  be active  as  JT1FCP  from  Ulaanbator,  Mongolia
         between 11 and 14 September. He plans to operate RTTY, perhaps  also
         PSK-31. QSL direct to W8JAY. [TNX W2JGR]
KH5K   - Massimo Mucci, I8NHJ  (ex 1A0KM, JT1Y,  E30GA ecc.)  has joined  the
         team, which now includes AA7A, AH9B/W5, JH7OHF, K4UEE, KH6ND,  KH7U,
         N4XP,  NH6UY,   NI6T, OH2BU,  RZ3AA, VE7CT, WA1S  and  WB4JTT.  They
         will depart Honolulu on 15 October  for Kiritimati Atoll  (Christmas
         Island,  Eastern  Kiribati)-Palmyra   (where  they   may  have   the
         opportunity to spend  some time)-Kingman  Reef. During  at least  12
         days at Kingman, they will be QRV on all bands from 160 to 6 metres,
         on CW, SSB and RTTY with  up to six  stations.  They will depart  at
         the end of October for Kiritimati and will return by air to Honolulu
         on  5 November.  The team's major targets are Europe, where  Kingman
         is most-wanted,  WARC bands,  low bands,  RTTY and  six meters.  The
         pilots for the  operation will be JA3AAW (Japan), DL1XX (Europe) and
         K6GNX (North  America). Expenses  for this  DXpedition include  over
         $50,000  for  transportation   individuals  and  DX   organizations,
         especially in Europe,  are invited  to send  their contributions  to
         N4XP (Tom  Harrell, 2011   New  High  Shoals Rd.,  Watkinsville,  GA
         30677, USA). [TNX NI6T]
KH6    - Oliver, DH5PK will be vacationing on  Kauai Island (OC-019)  between
         13 and  22 September  and plans  to operate  on 20-10  metres.  [TNX
LX     - Special event stations LX0GDJ and LX0GDH will be active from the  RL
         (the Luxembourg Amateur  Radio Society) HQ  Club House at  Eisenborn
         between 18-28 September and 28 September-8 October respectively. All
         QSOs  will   be   confirmed  automatically   through   the   bureau.
LU_ant - Hector,   LU6UO,   from   the   GACW   (Grupo   Argentino   de   CW,
         http://www.cysnet.com.ar/gacw/) is  planning an  operation from  the
         Argentine Antarctic Base of Vicecomodoro Marambio located on Seymour
         Island (AN-013). Exact dates have not yet been determined, but it is
         expected after September. [TNX LU1DZ]
OH0    - The Aland Islands contest station OH0Z will be operated in the CQ WW
         DX SSB Contest (28-29 October) by  Ari, OH1EH (SOAB). QSL via  OH1EH
         (Ari Korhonen, Kreetalank. 9A1, FIN-29200 Harjavalta, Finland). [TNX
PY     - PY8AZT, PY8AZ, PY8DAN,  PY8HBO and PY8ALI  will be  active on  10-80
         metres SSB, CW  and RTTY as  ZW8U from Itarana  Island (SA-060,  DIB
         025) on 26-30  October. They will  participate in the  CW WW DX  SSB
         Contest (Multi-Single). QSL either direct to  PY8AZT or through  the
         bureau. [TNX PY8AZT]
SV     - Look for Michael, SV8/DF3IS and Emil, SV8/DJ4PI to be active (on all
         bands CW and SSB)  from Thassos Island  (EU-174) until 5  September.
         QSL via home calls through the DARC bureau. [TNX DX News Letter]
SV     - Fred, SM7DAY will be active (CW  QRP only) as SV8/SM7DAY from  Naxos
         Island (EU-067) between 6  and 20 September.  QSL via SM7DAY  either
         direct (Fred Rahlenbeck, Arkitektgatan  21, SE-21563 Malmo,  Sweden)
         or through the bureau. [TNX SM7DAY]
SV     - Look for  ON5KH,  ON5JE and  ON4BB  to operate  from  Lesvos  Island
         (EU-049) between  11 and  25 September.  QSL  via home  calls.  [TNX
SV5    - Tom, HA4DX and  Laci, HA0HW will  operate from  Kos Island  (EU-001)
         between 4 and either 11 or 18 September. They plan to operate on all
         bands, WARC included, CW, SSB and  possibly RTTY during their  early
         mornings and late evenings. [TNX HA0HW]
T30    - Jack, VK2GJH  will be  active as  T30JH from  Tarawa (OC-017),  West
         Kiribati on 14-26  September. Look for  him on  HF, including  WARC,
         plus 50.110 MHz SSB. QSL via VK2GJH (direct only). [TNX VK2GJH]
T9     - Mario, DJ2MX will  operate as  T94DX (on  10-80 metres  CW, SSB  and
         RTTY) from Sarajevo between 3 and  13 September. QSL via home  call.
         [TNX DJ2MX]
TK     - Look for  Bernie,  TK/HB9ASZ  to  be  active  from  Corse  until  15
         September. Main activity is on CW and RTTY. [TNX HB2FBQ]
UA     - Oleg, UR8LV is planning to be  active (with a 3-band GP antenna  and
         batteries) as R0/UR8LV from Malyy Begichev Island in the Laptev  Sea
         Coast West  group  (AS-???) for  2-4  days in  late  September-early
         October. QSL via UR8LV either direct or through the bureau.
S DX@WW $425WW487C
425 DX News #487 [3/5]
  2 September 2000                 No 487                  BID: $425WW487C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

V6     - Shoji, JA7HMZ will be active as V63DX from Pohnpei (OC-010)  between
         25 and 31 October. He will participate  in the CQ WW DX SSB  Contest
         (SOAB), while  outside the  contest he  will concentrate  on CW  and
         WARC. QSL  via  JA7HMZ either  direct  (Shoji Igawa,  17  Shirogane,
         Yokobori, Ogachi, 019-0204 Japan) or through  the JARL bureau.  [TNX
VE     - A large group of operators will be active as VB2R from Zone 2 (James
         Bay Region, northwest  Quebec) between  22 October  and 4  November.
         They will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest and might do  some
         six metre operation (from rare Grid FO10) and possibly AO27 or  UO15
         if time permits. The special call commemorates the 100th anniversary
         of the  birth of  E.S. Rogers,  Canadian amateur  radio pioneer  and
         inventor of  the  AC radio.  QSL  via VE3BY.  The  web  site  is  at
         http://www.fortunecity.com/marina/westindia/597/zone2 [TNX VE3SRE]
VP5    - Bud, K4ISV will  operate (on  10-160 metres  CW and  SSB) as  either
         VP5/K4ISV and VP5B (in contest) from North Caicos (NA-002) between 5
         September   and    4    October.    Bud's    web    page    is    at
         http://www.qth.com/vp5.  QSL via N2AU. [TNX The Daily DX]
W      - Look for K4USI to be aired from Marco Island (NA-052, USI FL025S) at
         various time on 1-3 September. [TNX NE4S]
XU     - Peter, ON6TT is expected to be active as XU7ABI from Cambodia  until
         6 September. QSL via ON5NT, whose  new address is: Ghis Penny,  P.O.
         Box 93, B-9700 Oudenaarde, Belgium. [TNX The Daily DX]
YJ     - The Prairie DX Group (http://www.n9pd.com) will be active from Efate
         (OC-035),  Vanuatu  between  18  and  28  November  (callsign  TBA).
         Multiple stations are expected  to operate on  10-160 metres and  to
         take part in the CQ WW  DX CW Contest  (Multi-Multi). Side trips  to
         one or more of the other YJ  IOTA groups are being planned. QSL  for
         the entire DXpedition via N9PD either direct or through the  bureau.
         [TNX KF9YL and NG3K]
ZK1_sc - Ron, WA6FGV, and Frans, K6SHJ are expected to be active (licences to
         be issued upon arrival) from Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook for  two
         weeks beginning  on  or  around 1  September.  Ron  and  Frans  were
         recently active  from Moorea  (OC-046, French  Polynesia) as  FO0AND
         (QSL via WA6FGV) and FO0JAN (QSL via K6SHJ) and may be active  again
         for a few days in mid September on their way home to Santa  Barbara,
         California. [TNX W6KNB]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

IOTA ACTIVITY MONTH (SEPTEMBER)  ---> Contacts made  with the following  IOTA
island groups in  September will  score three  points towards  the RSGB  IOTA
Millennium Programme (IOTA 2000):
AN-001     NA-048     NA-097     NA-138     NA-202     SA-049
AN-006     NA-049     NA-098     NA-139     NA-203     SA-050
AN-012     NA-052     NA-099     NA-140     NA-204     SA-051
AN-018     NA-054     NA-100     NA-141     NA-205     SA-052
NA-001     NA-055     NA-101     NA-142     NA-207     SA-053
NA-002     NA-056     NA-102     NA-145     NA-208     SA-054
NA-003     NA-057     NA-103     NA-146     NA-209     SA-056
NA-005     NA-058     NA-104     NA-147     NA-212     SA-058
NA-007     NA-060     NA-105     NA-148     SA-005     SA-059
NA-008     NA-062     NA-106     NA-149     SA-006     SA-061
NA-010     NA-067     NA-107     NA-153     SA-007     SA-063
NA-012     NA-068     NA-108     NA-154     SA-008     SA-064
NA-013     NA-069     NA-109     NA-155     SA-009     SA-065
NA-014     NA-071     NA-110     NA-156     SA-011     SA-066
NA-015     NA-072     NA-111     NA-159     SA-012     SA-069
NA-016     NA-073     NA-112     NA-160     SA-013     SA-070
NA-020     NA-076     NA-113     NA-168     SA-015     SA-073
NA-022     NA-077     NA-114     NA-170     SA-017     SA-074
NA-023     NA-079     NA-116     NA-173     SA-018     SA-075
NA-024     NA-080     NA-117     NA-174     SA-022     SA-076
NA-025     NA-081     NA-122     NA-176     SA-031     SA-078
NA-026     NA-082     NA-123     NA-177     SA-032     SA-081
NA-029     NA-083     NA-125     NA-180     SA-033     SA-082
NA-031     NA-085     NA-126     NA-190     SA-034     SA-084
NA-033     NA-086     NA-127     NA-191     SA-035     SA-085
NA-034     NA-088     NA-128     NA-194     SA-036     SA-086
NA-035     NA-089     NA-130     NA-195     SA-037
NA-038     NA-090     NA-132     NA-196     SA-040
NA-045     NA-093     NA-133     NA-199     SA-043
NA-046     NA-095     NA-136     NA-200     SA-044
NA-047     NA-096     NA-137     NA-201     SA-048
The CDXC web pages (http://www.cdxc.org.uk) contain the full IOTA 2000 rules,
island listings, the SM6DEC record system  and an FAQ  page which is  updated
regularly. These web  pages also contain  conversion tables  between the  new
IOTAs arising as a result of the  publication of the IOTA Directory 2000  and
the old IOTAs that qualify for the IOTA 2000 Programme.

S DX@WW $425WW487D
425 DX News #487 [4/5]
  2 September 2000                 No 487                  BID: $425WW487D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****

6 METRE BEACON ---> Arie, 4X6UO reports a  new 6 metre beacon is active  from
Israel. Check http://www.iarc.org/~4z5ay/htmls/bea_tec.htm

AUSTRALIAN POSTAGE ---> The following comes  from Alan, VK4AAR: "From 1  July
2000, a Goods and Services Tax (GST)  was introduced to Australia as part  of
tax reform. It  means we pay  a little extra  for many, but  not all,  things
including postage stamps. Mail to destinations outside Australia is free from
GST but  NOT internal  mail. Consequently,  Australia Post  has introduced  a
special series of stamps for use on international mail and we must use  these
stamps or risk  being taxed extra.  This will  be enforced  rigidly from  1st
February 2001 but they are being lenient  with us till then. What this  means
is that it is now unwise for  DXers to send envelopes with Australian  stamps
on for their  QSL cards to  be returned in.  If my reply  address is on  that
envelope, I will be contacted and charged a tax (I don't yet know how  much).
If my reply address is not on the envelope, you, the DXer, will get taxed  at
your end, I was told today. Therefore, please send ONLY green stamps or IRCs.
For my part, I prefer green stamps, they are more flexible and useful".

CORRECTION --->  QSLs for  SV8/IT9YRE/p go  to IT9YRE,  QSLs  for R0L  go  to
IK2DUW. In both cases, cards will not be printed before mid/late September at
the earliest [425DXN 486]

KH2/K4ANA ---> John logged his  last QSO from  Guam on 8  August. He will  be
living and working in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan; he expects to arrive there  inlate
October and will have  his radio gear.  Cards for KH2/K4ANA  can still go  to
W2PS either direct or through the bureau. [TNX W2PS]

PS0S ---> The ship  departed for Fernando  de Noronha, on  27 August and  the
PS0S operators (Flavio, PY2ZX and  Ademir, PY2SP) went  QRT far earlier  than
expected. Reportedly their on and  off-air periods while  on the island  were
subject to the  priorities set by  the Brazilian  Navy. QSL  via PY2SP.  [TNX

QSL 3B9R [425DXN 486] ---> If  you have submitted a  direct (not QSL  bureau)
QSL for  3B9R and  have not  received a  card, e-mail  QSO info  and  mailing
address to Gary, K7ZD (3b9r@ktarmail.com, for 160-10M contacts ONLY) or  Ned,
AA7A (aa7a@arrl.net, for 6M contacts ONLY). You card will be sent promptly  -
do not resubmit or send SASE. If  you have not submitted before, please  send
SASE to K7ZD (Gary McClellan, 3422 E. Altadena Ave., Phoenix, AZ  85028-2010,

QSL 3XY2D --->  Effective 1 September  2000 the  new QSL  manager for  Denis,
3XY2D will be Joe, W3HNK. [TNX The Daily DX]

QSL 4K5CW ---> The new  QSL manager is  for Serge, 4K5CW  is PA3EPG (Ben  van
Leeuwen, Zwolseweg 57, 8181 AC Heerde, The Netherlands). [TNX PA3EPG]

QSL 8S6LGT  --->  Eric,  SM1TDE  is not  the  QSL  manager  8S6LGT  (Maseskar
Lighthouse, IOTA EU-043). QSLs for 8S6LGT are to go via SK6GX.

QSL VIA UA1RJ ---> Yuri reports he is the QSL manager for EK1SK (1992),  RF1P
(1999, EU-102), RI1POD (2000, EU-102), RI1POM (2000, EU-086), UE1QAA, UE1QKM,
UE1QNY, UE1QSK,  UE1RDM and  UE1SAA. QSL  to Yuri  G. Sinitso,  P.O. Box  10,
Vologda, 160035, Russia.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

LOGS & PICS:   The  log   for  FR/F6KDF/T   is  now   available  on-line   at
               http://f5nod.waika9.com/frt_log.html  while  pictures  can  be
               found at http://www.citeweb.net/frt/pictures.html [TNX F5NOD]

QSL received  via direct:   3B8/I5JHW,  3B8MM, 3B9R,  3D2RW, 3D2RW/R,  3D2TC,
3DA0WPX, 3V8BT  (AF-073), 3V8DJ  (AF-083), 4S7EA,  4S7NZG, 4W/N5KO,  4W/W3UR,
4W6EB, 5H1/PA3GIO (AF-063),  5H3/PA3GIO (AF-054), 5X1GS,  5X1Z, 5Z4WI,  6Y8A,
7O1YGF, 7P8HH, 8P9NX,  8Q7LA, 8R1AK/p,  9E1C, 9G5MD  (AF-084), 9M2AX,  9N7RB,
AB5EB (NA-143), AL7O,  AP2JZB, AY0N/X (SA-087),  BI3H, C56HG, CE0ZIS,  CE0ZY,
EA8BH, EM5UIA (EU-179, EU-180, EU-182), ET3AA, ET3YU, EZ8BO, FH5CB, FK/OH2BH,
FO0AAA, FO0EEN  (01/99), FO0MOT  (OC-063), FO0WII  (OC-152), FR5ZQ/G,  FW8ZZ,
FY5FU/P,  GM3VLB/P   (EU-059),   H44DX,   HC8N,   HH2B,   HI9/DL4ALI,   HS2AC
(AS-107),JA5GPJ  (AS-076),  JA6CTW  (AS-032),  JD1BIC/JD1,  JJ6STZ  (AS-037),
JT1BE, JT1CO, JT1KAA,  JY5HX, K2KW/6Y5, K4USI/4  (NA-213), KB5GL/4  (NA-213),
OH1LU/p (EU-173, EU-184), P29VXX, PA6TEX, PA9MR (EU-146), PJ4B, R1ANB, R1ANC,
RM0M  (AS-066),  RU0LAX,  S21VJ,  S21YJ,  S79AG,  SM3JBE  (EU-176),  SM4DDS/5
(EU-177), SV1BSX/8  (EU-075), SV2ASP/A,  SV5FRD,  T30CW, T30R,  T31BB,  T31K,
T31T, T33RD, T88AY,  TA1D, TA2BK, TA3J,  TS5I, TX0DX,  TY8A, UR3GA  (EU-179),
V31JP, V31OM,  V47KP, V73CW,  V73UX,  VK6EEN/p (OC-183),  VK6EEN/p  (OC-199),
VK7TS/p (OC-233),  VK9WI, VP5/N2GA,  VP6BR, VP8DBN,  VR98BG, VY0TA  (NA-047),
XR0ZY, XU7AAV,  XW2A,  XZ0A,  YC8TXW  (OC-210),  YI2OM,  YK1AH,  YM3LZ,  YP1W
(EU-183), YS9/KE4LWT, ZD9/ZS1B  (AF-030), ZK1NCI  (OC-014), ZK1VMM  (OC-013),
ZK3DX, ZS23I (AF-077), ZS26BI (AF-079), ZS31ER (AF-085).

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425 DX News #487 [5/5]
  2 September 2000                 No 487                  BID: $425WW487E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

01/01-31/12      IOTA 2000 (http://www.cdxc.org.uk)                     ***
till  November   3W2LC: Vietnam * by VK6LC                              472
till  31/12      3Z: special prefix (Poland)                            454
till  30/11      5B40: special prefix (Cyprus)                          478
till  26/09      5R8GQ: Madagascar (AF-013) * by AD6KA                  483
till  04/09      8P: Barbados (NA-021) * by PA3EWP, PA4EA, PA5ET, PA7FM 481
till  11/11      8Q7XX: Maldives (AS-013) * by EA4DX                    485
till  31/12      9AY2K: special Millennium station                      451
till  03/09      9M2TO/p: Perhentian Island (AS-073)                    487
till  02/11      AX: special prefix (Olympic Games)                     475
till  03/09      BI2J: Juhua Island (AS-151) * by BYs                   487
till  30/09      CO0OTA: Cuba (NA-015)                                  487
till  03/09      CO1OTA: Los Colorados Archipelago (NA-093) * by COs    487
till  09/09      DL7VOX/p: Fehmarn Island (EU-128)                      487
till  September  FO0MCC: Huahine (OC-067) * by KH7FQ                    480
till  31/12      HB2: special Y2K prefix (Switzerland)                  453
till  06/11      HF6WR: special event station (Poland)                  484
till  31/12      HF70PZK: special event station (Poland)                453
till  31/12      II0CV: special call                                    451
till  24/12      II0: special jubilee prefix                            452
till  31/12      IU0PAW: Jubilee Year special station                   468
till  03/09      K4USI: Marco Island (NA-052)                           487
till  October    KH6ND/KH5: Palmyra Atoll                               486
till  03/09      MM0BQI/p,GM0CLN/p,GB4XS,GM4WLL/p: Summer Isls (EU-092) 483
till  September  OH5/IK0SHF and OH5/IK0VSW                              479
till  05/09      S92SV: Sao Tome (AF-023) * by SV8CRI                   486
till  31/12      SI75A & SIxSSA: SSA 75th anniversary stations (Sweden) 445
till  20/10      SN600UJ: special event call (Poland)                   481
till  05/09      SV8/DF3IS and SV8/DJ4PI: Thassos Island (EU-174)       487
till  15/09      TK/HB9ASZ: Corse (EU-014)                              487
till  2001       UA0QBA: Kotelny Island (AS-028)                        477
till  04/09      V63KA,V63DO,V63MC,V63??,V63??: Pohnpei (OC-010)        485
till  04/09      VE3EXY/2: Zone 2                                       486
till  December   VK0MM: Macquarie Island                                469
till  05/09      VK6BM: Browse Island (OC-234) * by VK8s                486
till  September  VK8PW/8: Arnhem Land (plus OC-229)                     469
till  December   VQ9QM: Chagos (AF-006) * by W4QM                       482
till  08/09      XF1/F6BUM: Mujeres Island (NA-045)                     475
till  15/09      ZK1: Rarotonga (OC-013),South Cook * by WA6FGV & K6SHJ 487
till  31/12      ZS0M: South Africa * by ZS6MG                          477
29/08-04/09      IC8/IN3XUG: Ischia Island (EU-031)                     486
29/08-04/09      KG4AS: Guantanamo Bay (NA-015) * by N4SIA              486
30/08-15/09      SV5/I3BQC: Rhodes (EU-001)                             486
01/09-30/09      CO4OTA: La Juventud Island (NA-056)                    487
01/09-10/09      FO0MOT: Raivavae (OC-114), Austral Islands             487
01/09-10/09      IA5/IK0MHR: La Cappa (IIA GR-013)                      485
01/09-31/12      IR5ONU: special event station                          485
02/09-03/09      EA5KB: Illeta del Perello (DIEI V-019)                 487
02/09-13/09      VK9XV: Christmas Island (OC-002) * by PA3GIO           484
02/09-03/09      All Asian SSB Contest                                  ***
03/09-13/09      IA5/IK0YUJ: Giglio Island (EU-028)                     479
03/09-13/09      T94DX * by DJ2MX                                       487
03/09-14/09      A5: Bhutan * by Fs                                     486
04/09-11/09      SV5: Kos Island (EU-001) * by HA4DX and HA0HW          487
05/09-04/10      VP5/K4ISV and VP5B: North Caicos (NA-002)              487
06/09-20/09      SV8/SM7DAY: Naxos Island (EU-067)                      487
05/09-25/09      ZD9ZM: Tristan da Cunha (AF-029) * by G3ZEM            485
07/09-09/09      CO7OTA: Camaguey Archipelago (NA-086)                  487
07/09-11/09      3V8BB: Tunisia * by I4UFH and IK4UPB                   487
07/09-11/09      VK6CJ: Cassini Island (OC-???) * by VK8s               486
09/09-13/09      FO0KUZ: Bora Bora (OC-067) * by K9KUZ                  487
09/09-10/09      VE9: Partridge Island (NA-014) * by VE9MY and others   486
11/09-14/09      JT1FCP: Mongolia * by W8JAY                            487
11/09-25/09      SV: Lesvos Island (EU-049) * by ON5KH, ON5JE, ON4BB    487
12/09-16/09      9M0F: Spratly Islands (AS-051) * by JAs                487
12/09-22/09      JA6GXK: Danjo Archipelago (AS-056)                     477
13/09-22/09      KH6: Kauai Island, Hawaii (OC-019) * by DH5PK          487
14/09-28/09      9A/N0MX: Brac Island (EU-016) * by DJ2MX               487
14/09-16/09      CO8OTA: Cayo Moa Grande (NA-???)                       487
14/09-15/09      FO0KUZ: Moorea (OC-046) * by K9KUZ                     487
14/09-26/09      T30JH: Tarawa (OC-017), West Kiribati * by VK2GJH      487
15/09-19/09      9A/S52DG/p and 9A/S52LD/p: Krk Island (EU-136)         487
15/09-16/09      48th W9DXCC Convention (Illinois)                      480
16/09-08/10      9H0VRZ and 9H3xxx: Malta (EU-023) * by PAs             487
16/09-19/09      CE6TBN/7: Chiloe Island (SA-018)                       487
16/09-01/10      HO1A: Contadora Island (NA-072) * by DLs               483
17/09-25/09      HQ0R: Honduras * by EAs                                485
18/09-26/09      3D2AD and 3D2AU: Fiji * by YT1AD and Z32AU             485
18/09-28/09      LX0GDJ: special event station                          487
21/09-23/09      CO6OTA: Sabana Archipelago (NA-204)                    487
21/09-26/09      M0RAA/VP9: Bermuda (NA-005) * by JH6RTO                483
22/09-26/09      TR0A/P: Mandji Island (AF-???) * by G3OCA and G4CWD    477
23/09-25/09      JI3DST/8: Okushiri Island (AS-147)                     483
23/09-24/09      CQ/RJ WW DX Contest (RTTY)                             ***
24/09-29/09      VP5/K5YG: Providenciales (NA-002)                      481
26/09-03/10      A35AD and A35AU: Tonga * by YT1AD and Z32AU            485
28/09-30/09      CO9OTA: Jardines de la Reina Archipelago (NA-201)      487
28/09/08/10      LX0GDH: special event station                          487
30/09-07/10      GB0SM: Scilly Isls (EU-011) * by G3WNI, G0PSE, G0WMW   483
30/09-01/10      Clipperton DX Club Convention                          461
30/09-01/10      XVI Italian HF-DX Convention (Bologna)                 466
Sep-Oct          4W/OH2BF: East Timor                                   487
Sep-Dec          FM/F2JD: Martinique (NA-107)                           483
September        IT9SGC: Isola Piccola di Marzameni (IIA SR-007)        485
Sep-Oct          R0/UR8LV: Malyy Begichev Island (AS-???)               487
13/10-15/10      >>> Windsor:  RSGB IOTA CONVENTION 2000 <<<            ***