S DX@WW $425WW486A 425 DX News #486 [1/4] 26 August 2000 No 486 $425WW486A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 4W - Peter, ON6TT will be active (SSB only) as 4W/ON6TT from East Timor for the next five days. QSL via ON5NT. [TNX The Daily DX] A5 - The Clipperton DX Club (http://www.multimania.com/cdxc) operation from Thimphu, Bhutan is confirmed to take place on 3-14 September (the call has been issued, but it will be announced when the operation starts). Announced frequencies are 28.475, 24.945, 21.295, 18.145, 14.195, 7.045 and 3.795 for SSB; 28.015, 24.895, 21.015, 18.075, 14.015, 10.105, 7.005 and 3.505 MHz for CW. The team (Denise/F6HWU, Gerard/F2VX, Alain/F6ANA, Vincent/G0LMX, and Alain/F5LMJ) will have four tranceivers. QSL via F8RZ. [TNX F5LMJ] BV - The 26-27 August BV9W operation from P'engchia Island (AS-???) [425DXN 485] has been cancelled due to bad weather conditions. New dates will be announced in due course. [TNX JI6KVR] BY - A team of operators from Beijing DX Club (namely BA1AA, BA1DU, BA1FB, BA1HAM, BA1KA, BA1MK, BA1MT, BA1TU and others) will be active as BI2J from Juhua Island, in the Liaoning Province West group (AS-???) on 1-4 September. They will have two stations, one beam and one amplifier. QSL via W3HC. [TNX BA1DU] CO - Look for CO1OTA to be active (on 10-80 metres SSB and CW) from Los Colorados Archipelago (NA-093) on 1-3 September. QSL direct to Grupo DX Cuba, Apdo. 1, Habana 10100, Cuba or through the bureau. [TNX CO2QQ] FO0_aus- Look for FO0MOT to be active on all bands mainly CW from Raivavae (OC-114), Austral Islands between 1 and 10 September. QSL via OM2SA (Juraj Sipos, 93013 Trhova Hradska 550, Republic of Slovakia). [TNX OM2SA] I - Luciano/I0SYQ, Luca/IK0QDB, Gabriele/IK3GES, Roberto/IS0JMA, Lino/IZ0CBB, Antonio/IZ0CIV, Alessio/IZ0CKJ and Giorgio/KC2GNB will operate as IB0/IZ0CKJ from Palmarola (EU-045, IIA LT-008) and a few satellite islands on 26-27 August. QSL via IZ0CKJ. [TNX IS0JMA] I - Alex/IK8YFU, Mauro/IK8YVG, Domenico/IZ8BAD and Nino/IW8PQ will be active (on HF and 6 metres) from Scoglio Galea (IIA VV-002, not IOTA) on 27 August. QSL via home calls through the bureau or direct to IK8YFU (Alessandro Pochi', Via Cavour 8, 89024 Polistena - RC, Italy). [TNX IK8YFU] I - Look for IC8/IN3XUG to be active (on 10, 15, 20 and 40 metres SSB) from Ischia (EU-031, IIA NA-001) between 29 August and 4 September. QSL via bureau. [TNX IN3XUG] KG4 - Tip, N4SIA will be active as KG4AS from Guantanamo Bay (NA-015) for about seven days starting 29 August. QSL via home call. [TNX ARRL DX Bulletin] KH5 - Mike, KH6ND/KH5 was expected to leave Palmyra on 17 August, but negotiated an open-ended stay. It is possible that he may still be on Palmyra when the Kingman Reef DXpedition comes by in October to pick him up. He is QRV most nights, primarily on CW, and has some 10,000 QSOs logged since his arrival on the atoll. QSL via K4TSJ. [TNX NI6T] LA - Mario, DL5ME will be active as LA/DL5ME from Rundoy (EU-079) on 25-28 August. [TNX ARRL DX Bulletin] PY0_spp- The announced frequencies for the PS0S operation from St. Peter & St. Paul Archipelago are the following: 50.120, 28.020, 24.895, 21.020, 18.075, 14.020, 10.104, 7.006 and 3.505 MHz (CW); 50.120, 28.480, 24.945, 21.295, 18.145, 14.195, 7.050 and 3.790 MHz (SSB); 28.080, 21.080 and 14.080 MHz (RTTY). The web site for the DXpedition is at http://www.qsl.net/spsp [TNX PY2ZX] S9 - Pete, SV8CRI is active as S92SV from Sao Tome (AF-023) until 5 September. QSL via home call. SV5 - Vito, I3BQC reports he will be active as SV5/I3BQC from Rhodes (EU-001) between 30 August and 15 September. QSL via home call. VE - Nenad, VE3EXY reports he will operate (mostly CW with some SSB and RTTY) as VE3EXY/2 from Zone 2 between 31 August (around 22 UTC) and 4 September (10 UTC). Announced CW frequencies are 1830, 3510, 7010, 10107, 14025, 18077, 21025, 24897 and 28025 kHz, while regular DX windows will be used for SSB. QSL via VE3EXY. VE - Len, VE9MY and other eleven operators will be active (on 2, 6, 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 metres with two stations) from Partridge Island (NA-014, CISA NB-009) on 9-10 September. The call sign has not been determined at this time but the prefix will be VE9. [TNX VE9MY] VK - The 11th IARU Region 3 Conference will meet in Darwin from 28 August and 1 September. At the conference's hotel venue a special event station AX8IARU will be activated by members of the Darwin Amateur Radio Club and conference delegates. A special QSL card is to be available. [TNX HS0/G3NOM] VK - Alan, VK4AAR reports the preparations for the operations from the two VK6s unnumbered IOTA groups [425DXN 479] are on schedule. Look for VK6BM to be active from Browse Island (OC-???) on 1-5 September and for VK6CJ to be aired from Cassini Island (OC-???) on 7-11 September. QSL via VK4AAR (Alan Roocroft, P.O. Box 421, Gatton 4343, Australia). VK9 - Bert, PA3GIO showed up yesterday (24 August) signing VK9XV, even though he had recently confirmed the calls/dates for his activities were VK9CQ (Cocos/Keeling, OC-003) from 27 August to 1 September and VK9XV (Christmas Island, OC-002) from 3 to 13 September. QSL via PA3GIO, preferably through the bureau. YV - Look for YW5LF [425DXN 479] to be active (on 10-80 metres CW and SSB) from Los Frailes Islands (SA-059) until 27 August. QSL via W4SO (mail drop). /EX S DX@WW $425WW486B 425 DX News #486 [2/4] 26 August 2000 No 486 $425WW486B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH KINGMAN REEF 2000 ---> European DXers are invited to give their financial help to support this major DXpedition, which will take place from one of Europe's most wanted (actually No. 2 in Europe). The DXpedition is planned to last two full weekends, with several stations transmitting round the clock on all HF bands. If you can support the DXpedition, please contact Tom Harrell, N4XP (n4xp@juno.com) or Garry Shapiro, NI6T (ni6t@intuitive.com). MOST WANTED SURVEY ---> The DX Magazine Most Wanted Survey for the year 2000 is now available on http://www.dxpub.com The results will be published in the January/February 2001 issue of The DX Magazine and will be posted to the web site in late January 2001. [TNX N4AA] PHIL-HAM-EXPO 2000 ---> A philatelic exhibition on radiocommunication topics will take place at Auxerre (France) on 21-22 October during "Hamexpo", celebrating the 75th anniversary of REF. For further information please contact Raymond Aupetit (P.O. Box 1392, F-16017 Angouleme Cedex, France) at raymond.aupetit@wanadoo.fr PIRATE ---> AP2JZB has been pirated on CW for four of five years by someone who gives either KY6XT or KK6XT as a manager. Please note that the genuine Bob, AP2JZB does not work CW and still has K2EWB as a QSL manager. [TNX AD5W] PLEASE BE PATIENT ---> Both Nando, IT9YRE and Antonello, IK2DUW have already received dozens of direct requests for (respectively) R0L and SV8/IT9YRE/p. Plase be patient, as in both cases cards will not be printed before mid/late September at the earliest. QSL 3B9R ---> Gary, K7ZD is now the QSL manager for all QSOs made on 10-160 meters, while Ned, AA7A can confirm QSOs made on 6 metres. Questions may be sent to 3b9r@ktarmail.com [TNX The Daily DX] QSL IG9/I5RFD ---> Francesco, I5RFD reports that bureau cards for his current activity from Linosa and Lampedusa [425DXN 479] can be requested at http://www.i5rfd.bbk.org QSL UN*/AB8CK ---> Dmitry, AB8CK reports that the only good QSL route for his Kazakhstan 1999 CQ WW CW (UN7/AB8CK) and 2000 AA DX CW (UN1/AB8CK) contest operations is via UA3AGW CBA address. Please do not use his American address or ARRL bureau for QSLling. YASME QSLS ---> Please note that Randy Wright, W6CUA is the YASME Award Manager - he is NOT and has never been the the QSL Manager for the YASME QSLs, which still go the Yasme Foundation, P.O. Box 2025, Castro Valley, CA 94546, USA. The website for the Foundation, where to find the list of YASME callsigns/operations/operators and the rules for the awards, is at http://www.yasme.org [TNX W6CUA] + SILENT KEYS + We have recently been informed of the passing of Olivier Lamine, TU2XF and Salvatore "Sal" N. Feola, K1UOV (well known by Italian amateurs, Sal received a "Public Service Award" from ARRL for the prominent role played during the 1976 earthquake emergency in north-east Italy) [TNX TU2BB and WA2UAQ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH CQ WW DX: The NG3K "Announced Operation" tables for the 2000 CQ WW DX Contests are available at http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/cqs2000.html (for the SSB event) and http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/cqc2000.html (for the CW event). [TNX NG3K, wfeidt@cpcug.org] LOGS: Sergei, UA3AP reports the log for his 9G5AP activity from Ghana is now available on line at http://dx.qsl.net/logs LOGS: The logs for the recent FR/F6KDF/T operation from Tromelin (some 51,500 QSOs) will be available at http://perso.easynet.fr/~f6jjx/ as soon as the three logs (SSB. CW and RTTY) are merged. [TNX F6JJX] LOGS: The logs for the recent RK0FWL/p IOTA operation from Moneron (AS-149) are available at http://dx.bgtelecom.ru/shams/as149.html ZD9ZM: Bob, G3ZEM reports he gave a wrong URL [425DXN 485]: the correct address for his ZD9ZM forthcoming operation is http://www.dxtechnology.com/zd9zm /EX S DX@WW $425WW486C 425 DX News #486 [3/4] 26 August 2000 No 486 $425WW486C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 3A/DL1SMT/p DL1SMT EU6YL DL8KAC RA1TC/1 RA1TC 3A/DL3SJB/p DL3SJB EW6AC DL8KAC RK3DZJ/1 RA3DEJ 3A/IK1SLP IK1SLP EW6GF DL8KAC RK9KWB DL8KAC 3A/IK1YLL IK1YLL EW6MM DL8KAC RM0M UA0MF 3A2DX pirate EZ6DK UX5UO RW1ZZ/p RW1ZZ 3B8GL 3B8CF FG/JH7BZR/p JH7BZR RW3XZ DL8KAC 3DA0NL ZS6ANL FH/TU5AX F5OGL RX4CY DL8KAC 3V8CB DL1BDF FM5GU KU9C S21YT JA7KXD 3W7CW SP5AUC FO0AND WA6FGV S92SV SV8CRI 3Z0MEM SP8BJH FO0JAN K6SHJ SM3/DL6JZ/p DL6JZ 3Z0PW DL3KDC FO0MOT OM2SA SN600UJ SP9KZ 4K5CW PA3EPG FO0YAA JK1FNN SU1HM/D2 SU1HM 4K6GF TA2ZV FO0YAM JK1FNN SV9/PA3GCV PA3GCV 4L4KL DL8KAC FR/F6KDF/T F6KDF SW8LH SV1ENG 4S7NZG NZ9Z FW5FN HB9HFN SX8A SV2WT 4W/OH2BF OH2IC FY/F5AEG F5AEG SY7LH SV7CLI 4X/JM1LJS JL2XUN G3N G3WOI T88BX JA6BX 4X6UO WB3CQN GB0NEW GW0KJZ T88JC JF1KJC 4X85E DL1CC GB2LO GM0HTH T88VG JR6NVG 5R8FU SM0DJZ GM2T GM0ALS T88YH JA0DWY 5R8GR DL2MY GM5V GM3UTQ TA3BD OE2GRP 5R8GS DL1DA GS2MP GM3WOJ TF1IRA TF3IRA 5W0SF OE2SNL GU3VXJ G3VXJ TF8RX K1WY 5X1P G3MRC GU8D G3LZQ TG9NX N4FKZ 5Z4IC MW0AIE GW6J GW4VEQ TK/ON4IPA ON6AV 6K21APJ HL5BUV H2G 5B4AGC TX8LH VK4FW 6W/DK8YY DH7WW HB0/DJ0WQ DJ0WQ UA2FB DJ9ZB 7Q7HB G0IAS HF0POL SP3WVL UE0LLH UA0MF 7S6LGT SK6NL HF6WR SP6ZDA UE4NMM RA4NF 8J1RL JG3PLH HG8SDS HA8PH UN0NF DL8KAC 8Q7JY JJ1LIB HL0T/2 HL0T UN4P DL8KAC 8Q7SR I5NSR HP3XBH W4WX UN5A DL8KAC 8Q7XX EA4DX HR6/W6GEX W8GEX UN7EG DL8KAC 8S9LH SM1TDE IM0/IK4HPU IK4HPU UN7ER DL8KAC 9A1V 9A4RV IM0BMU IS0AGY UN7PCZ DL8KAC 9G5AP UA3AP IQ1L bureau UP55A DL8KAC 9H3CL DJ5CL IQ3V IV3LNQ UT1QK DJ0LZ 9J2RA K6SLO J28FH WA2VUY UZ5M UX2MM 9M6XXT JA1CMD J48HW I5JHW V2/G4DIY G4DIY 9N1AC N3ME J48RH IK8VRH V26EA PA5ET 9V1XE DL4DBR JA1OZK/JD1 JA1OZK V26ET PA5ET A35RK W7TSQ JA1XHE/JD1 JA1XHE V26FM PA5ET A92V pirate JD1BKQ JR3PZW V26WP PA5ET AI5P/CY9 AI5P JF6WTY/6 JF6WTY V59PP/L V51AS AP2JZB K2EWB JT1FDC UA4WHX V73GT WF5T AX2000 VK2PS K4USI NE4S VE1/AB7GR AB7GR BI4S BA4TB KB2FB/DU7 KB2FB VI50BDX VK4XY BT0S BA4DC KC4AAA K1IED VK4FW/p VK4FW BY1DX OH2BH KH2/K4ANA W2PS VK8AN/6 VK4AAR CP6XE IK6SNR KH4/W8MV W8MV VK9XV PA3GIO CQ0ODX CT2GZE KH6ND/KH5 K4TSJ VK9XY DH1SGS CU8F CT1EFL KT1J/CY9 K1WY VP2MPA PA5ET D2/SU1HM SU1HM LX9DIG LX1MK VP8/UT1KY UT7UA D2BB W3HNK LZ1NG/1 LZ1NG VP8CQO CE8ABF DA0LGT DL5EBE M5D G3VHB VP8LGT VP8ON E30LA (00) W7LN NC3DX W4GP VQ9JT K5DIY E30LA (99) I2YDX OD5TE K3IRV VQ9ZX WJ7S E30MA (00) W7LN OE5EBO/HI3 OE5EBO VU3MCV ON7LX E30MA (99) IK2WXZ OH0/SM0EEH SM0EEH VU3VLH OK1MM ED2FPA EA2CBY OH8T OH8TA W2T N2OO ED3PGT EA3DGN ON4CEL/LGT K1WY WA4RX/CY9 N2AU ED5VRA EA5URA OX/DK6XR DK6XR WP4Q EA5RD ED6BSF EA6ZX OX/DK8XT DK8XT WV2B/CY9 N2AU ED8GCL EA8AKN OX3UB OZ1GER XE1L WA3HUP ED8ILO EA8FT OY/DL8WAM DL8WAM XQ3ZW CE3AA EI8YLH EI8HT OY4TN OY6FRA XW8KPL/CSN JA2MNB EI9KLH EI2WW P43L AF7H XX9TEP K8EP EI9KLH EI9HQ PA6Y PI4RCK YB0DPO K5ZE EK6LV IK2DUW PQ7Q PY2IQ YB0HXH W4JS EK6OTA SP9ERV PS0S PY2SP YB0LBK W4JS EM0HD UT1HT PW7L PY2KTT YI9OM OM6TX EM1KY UT7UA PZ5JR K3BYV YJ0AXC JE1DXC EM1U UT7UA R1/HF0POL SP3WVL YW5LF W4SO EN8ZIB UR5FEO R1AJV UA3AGS ZA1E I2MQP EP2AC RV6AB R1AND DL5EBE ZD9BV W4FRU ES4ABO/8 ES4ABO R1ANF RK1PWA ZF2JM KD3YK ES4BG/8 ES4BG R1ANZ RU1ZC ZF2SC KA9P EU5A EU1FC RA0BK DL8KAC ZK1NNP DK6NP /EX S DX@WW $425WW486D 425 DX News #486 [4/4] 26 August 2000 No 486 $425WW486D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 4W6MM Thorvaldur Stefansson, P.O. Box 3699, Darwin, NT 0801, Australia 9A5KV Alfred Raguz, P.O. Box 286, 20000 Dubrovnik, Croatia AP2AP Military College of Signals, Rawalpindi, Pakistan BA4TB D.S. Yu, 40-501 xicheng-sancun, Wuxi 214041, China C31SG Santiago Guillen Sanchez, Box 1035, Andorra la Vella, Andorra C91AH Bernardo, Box 3601, Maputo, Mozambique DL5EBE Dominik Weiel, Johannes-Meyer-Str.13, D-49808 Lingen, Germany DL8KAC Vlad Engel, Stuadter WEG 51A, D.51766 Engelskirchen BRD, Germany EA4DX Roberto Diaz, Doce de Octubre 4, 28009 Madrid, Spain EA5RD Francisco S. Arnedo, P.O Box 673, Elda 03600, Spain ES1QX P.O. Box 2305, 13602 Tallinn, Estonia F5RWE Jean-Claude Apert, 3 rue des Tilleuis, 36100 Thizay, France F6FNU Antoine Baldeck, P.O. Box 14, 91291 Arpajon Cedex, France F6KDF Radio Club de la Gendarmerie de Bron, 292 Route de Genas, F-69677 Bron cedex, France GU0SUP Phil Cooper, 1 Clos au Pre, La Hougue du Pommier, Castel, Guernsey GY5 7FQ, UK HL4RBR Yoon Wang-Hyun, Box 272, Kwangju 501-600, Korea HS0/G3NOM Ray Gerrard, P.O. Box 1300, Bangkok 10112, Thailand IK7JWX Alfredo De Nisi, P.O. Box 218, 73100 Lecce - LE IQ1L P.O. Box 347, 16125 Genova-GE, Italy IS0AGY P.O. Box 7/c, 09045 Quartu Sant'Elena - CA, Italy IS0JMA Roberto Alaimo, P.O. Box 41, 07026 Olbia - SS, Italy IT9MRM Alberto Mattei, Via Megara 376, 96011 Augusta - SR, Italy IT9YRE Nando Rubino, P.O. Box 30, 96012 Avola - SR, Italy IZ1DLV Gilberto G. Bonasegale, P.O. Box 7039, 16148 Genova - GE, Italy JA2MNB Yoshihiko Hirano, 179 Komeno Tokushige Nishiharu, Nishikasugai, Aichi 481-0038, Japan JE1DXC Masayoshi Mihara, 4-22-23 Motobuto, Urawa City, Saitama 336-00004, Japan JG3PLH Takumi Kondoh, 1-23 Shinke-cho, Sakai City,Osaka 599-8232, Japan K1IED Larry F.Skilton, 72 Brook Street, South Windsor, CT-06074, USA K8EP Ed Sawyer, 14 Greycrest Pl, Woodlands, TX 77382, USA LZ1NG Nikolay Babarev, P.O. Box 356, 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria N2OO Bob Schenck, P.O. Box 345, Tuckerton, NJ 08087, USA NE4S Michael R Condon, 4641 Smoke Rise Lane, Marietta, GA 30062, USA OH0A P.O. Box 1, 22101 Mariehamn, Aland Islands, Finland OH2BH P.O. Box 73, 02380 Espoo, Finland OH8AAU P.O. Box 75, 85501 Nivala, Finland OM2SA Juraj Sipos, 93013 Trhova Hradska 550, Republic of Slovakia PA5ET Rob Snieder, Van Leeuwenstraat 137, 2273 VS, Voorburg, The Netherlands PP5LL Jaime Lira do Valle, P.O. Box 08, 88.010-030 Florianopolis-SC, Brazil PY2SP Ademir Moreira, Rua Abaitara 108, Sao Paulo-SP 03714-060, Brazil RA1TC Alex Zougan, Belova str., 7-26, Veliky Novgorod, 173015, Russia RK1PWA Nick Shapkin, P.O.Box 73, Amderma, Arkhangelskaja, 164744, Russia RU1ZC Valentin Mykitenko, Akademgorodok 2 1, Loparskaya, 184340, Russia RW1ZZ P.O.Box 73, Severomorsk-1, 184601, Russia SP3WVL Tomasz Lipinski, Ul.I Paderewskiego 24m 1, 69-100 Slubice, Poland SP6ZDA Scouts Radio Club SP6ZDA, P.O. Box 41, 51-673 Wroclaw 9, Poland SU1HM Hossam El Shenawy, 16 El Daher Square, Cairo 11271, Egypt SV1IW Manos Darkadakis, 2 Plithonos Gemistoy str., 17671 Kallithea, Athens, Greece SV1TN John Hatjidimitriou, 15 Doridos str., 15562 Athens, Greece UA0MF Mike Filippov, P.O. Box 20, Vladivostok, 690021, Russia UA3AP Sergei Kulyov, P.O. Box 2, Moscow, 125422, Russia UA4WHX Vladimir Bykov, P.O.Box 2040, Izhevsk, 426000, Russia UT7UA Roman Bratchyk, P.O.Box B-19, Kyiv 01001, Ukraine V31HU Marie Parham, Sands Hotel, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize VK4FW Bill Horner, P.O. Box 929, Gympie, 4570, Australia VQ9IO Diego Garcia Amateur Radio Club, PSC 466, Box 15, FPO AP 96595-0015, USA VU2PTF Rudra Prasad Sharmah, P.O.Box 73 Tinsukia, Assam 786125, India VU3YFD P.O. Box 15, Tirupur 641601, India ZA1Z Dr. Dajlan Omeri, P. O. Box 1501, Tirana, Albania ZS6ANL P.O. Box 6282, Homestead 1412, South Africa **************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX