S DX@WW $425WW485A 425 DX News #485 [1/5] 19 August 2000 No 485 $425WW485A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3DA - Look for ZS6ANL to be signing 3DA0NL from Swaziland between 21 and 25 August. QSL via ZS6ANL (P.O. Box 6282, Homestead, 1412 South Africa). [TNX ZS6ANL] 4W - Preparations for the early October 2000 DXpedition to East Timor by Dennis, K7BV [425DXN 477] continue. Made, YB9BV will not take part in this operation, but Dick, N6FF has firmed up his commitment to come along and bring his 160 metre TX and low noise RX antenna expertise. The trip is receiving strong local support from Thor, 4W6MM and Ross, 4W6UN as well as the new East Timor Amateur Radio Association. Dennis and Dick will, in turn, introduce the new callsign for the club (most likely 4W6DX) during their trip. Current information on the DXpedition is available at http://www.qth.com/k7bv/ [TNX K7BV] 5V - DJ7UC, DL4WK, DL7BO, DL7DF and DL7UFR will be active from Togo between 3 and 9 October. They plan to operate on all HF bands (plus 6 metres) SSB, CW and RTTY with an emphasis on the low bands. QSL via DL7DF either direct (Sigi Presch, Wilhelmsmuehlenweg 123, D-12621 Berlin, Germany) or through the bureau. The web site for the operation is at http://www.qsl.net/dl7df/ [TNX DJ7UC] 8Q - Roberto, EA4DX will be active (on 10-80 metres, WARC included, SSB) as 8Q7XX from the Maldives (AS-013) between 31 August and 11 September. His main targets will be the US on the higher and Europe & Japan on the lower bands. QSL direct to EA4DX (Roberto Diaz, Doce de Octubre 4, 28009 Madrid, Spain). Log search after the trip at http://www.qsl.net/ea4dx [TNX EA4DX] 9A - Look for 9A5V/p, 9A5KV/p and 9A3VM/p to be active from the lighthouse (LH 388) on Sveti Andrija Island (EU-016) on 19-20 August. QSL for all calls via 9A5KV (Alfred Raguz, P.O. Box 286, 20000 Dubrovnik, Croatia). [TNX 9A7K] 9G - Sergei, UA3AP is active as 9G5AP from Ghana until 23 August. He operates CW with some SSB (usually between 13 and 15 UTC and after 18 UTC during the week) from the local radio club. QSL via UA3AP either direct (Sergei Kulyov, P.O. Box 2, Moscow, 125422, Russia) or through the bureau. [TNX 9G5AP/UA3AP] 9H - Steve, SO5ASL will be active (callsign to be issued upon arrival) from Malta (EU-023) on 22-29 August. He plans to operate on 10-80 metres (not WARC) SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK and HELL with emphasis on PSK on 20 metres. QSL via bureau to G4ASL. [TNX SO5ASL] BV - Yuki, JI6KVR reports an operation from P'engchia Island in the newly created Taiwan's Coastal Islands group (AS-???) is planned to take place as BV9W on 25-27 August. BY - Martti, OH2BH will be revisiting Beijing to team up with Alan, BA1DU for another activation of BY1DX. They will be active on RTTY during the SARTG Contest (19-20 August), while SSB signals will be on the air as well during the RTTY off-periods. QSL via OH2BH (P.O. Box 73, FIN-02380 Espoo, Finland). [TNX N4GN] C6 - Lanny, W5BOS will be active as W5BOS/C6A from Cay Sal Bank (NA-???) beginning on 6-7 October for 2-3 days. This is the last unnumbered IOTA island group in the Bahamas. QSL via W5BOS (Lanny Phillips, 8381 FM 2101, Quinlan, TX 75474-4836, USA). [TNX W5BOS] EA8 - Operators from Grupo de DX de Gran Canaria will operate as ED8GCL from the lighthouse at Punta de Sardina (FEA D-2816) on 19 August during the International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend. QSL via EA8AKN. [TNX EA8AKN] HR - Angel/EA1QF, Chema/EB1ADG, Pere/EA3CUU, Paco/EA4BT, Tony/EA5RM, Julio/EA5XX, YL operator Belinda/EA8NN and operators from Radio Club Tegucigalpa will be active on all HF bands (SSB, CW and RTTY) as HQ0R from Tegucigalpa, Honduras between 17 and 25 September. The trip is part of the "Radiosolidaridad" project sponsored by URE (Union de Radioaficionados de Espana) and the group will install nine new digipeaters for packet radio. QSL via EA4URE (P.O. Box 220, Madrid 28080, Spain). The wwb site for the operation is at http://www.ure.es/honduras/honduras.htm [TNX EA5XX] I - Alberto, IT9MRM will operate as IT9MRM/p from the lighthouse at Punta San Raineri (WAIL SI-002, IOTA EU-025, http://www.qsl.net/it9mrm/faro/Faro_S_Raineri.htm) on 21-23 August. QSL to IT9MRM (Alberto Mattei, Via Megara 376, 96011 Augusta - SR, Italy). [TNX IT9MRM] I - Bruno, I8SUD and Giannino, I2RGV plan to operate from the lighthouse at Capo dell'Armi (WAIL CL-008) on 27 August. The WAIL pages can be found at http://www.ari.it/wail.html [TNX IK1NLZ] I - Gabriele, IT9SGC plans to operate from the lighthouse at Capo Murro di Porco (WAIL SI-011) within the end of August. On 1-2 September he will be active from Isola Piccola di Marzameni (IIA SR-007, IOTA EU-025). I - Special event station IR5ONU will be active from 1 September through 31 December. QSL via I5KKW. I - Roberto, IK0MHR reports he will be active as IA5/IK0MHR from La Cappa (EU-028, IIA GR-013) between 3 and 10 September. IS0 - A team of operators from ARI Quartu Sant'Elena will be active (on HF, 6 metres and VHF) as IM0/IS0BMU from Isola dei Cavoli (EU-165, IIA CA-001) on 18-20 August. QSL via IS0AGY. [TNX IS0JMA] /EX S DX@WW $425WW485B 425 DX News #485 [2/5] 19 August 2000 No 485 $425WW485B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== IS0 - Alberto, IK4HPU and Robero IS0JMA will be active as IM0/IK4HPU from Scoglio Cavalli (IIA SS-115, IOTA EU-024) on 19 August. [TNX IS0JMA] IS0 - Gianni, IS0YUJ and other operators from ARI Carbonia plan to operate from the lighthouse at Capo Spartivento (WAIL SA-009, IOTA EU-024) on 25-27 August. The WAIL pages can be found at http://www.ari.it/wail.html [TNX IK1NLZ] JA - Look for JA4GXS/4 and JH4ZWW/4 (club station call) to operate (on 20, 15 and 10 metres SSB and CW) from Otu Island (AS-117, Yamaguchi Prefecture) on 26-27 August. QSL via JA4GXS. [TNX JI6KVR] LA - Look for LA9VDA/p to operate from the Soroyane Islands (EU-079) on 20 and 21 August. [TNX LA9VDA] OH - The following stations are expected to participate in the International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend: OH1AH from Uto (EU-096), OH1KH from Kaijakari (not listed in the Directory 2000, but according to Timo, OH1NOA it the island should qualify for EU-173), OH8AAU from Ulkokalla (EU-184), OH8T from Hailuoto (EU-184), OH0A from Nyhamn Lighthouse, Aland Islands (EU-002). [TNX OH1NOA] ON - ON4LFB/p, ON4LFG/p, ON6DP/p and ON1MFO/p will be active from the castles of Jalhay (LG-001 for the Belgian Castles Award, http://www.qsl.net/bdx) and Modave (LG-002) on 26-27 August. [TNX ON6DP] OZ - Alan, G3PMR plans to be active as OZ/G3PMR/m from Fyn Island (EU-172) for a few hours on 28 and 29 August. [TNX G3PMR] PY0_spp- The DXpedition to St. Peter and St. Paul Archipelago (SA-014) is now scheduled to take place on 25-30 August. The two original operators (Karl, PS7KM/ZX0SK and Tino, PT7AA/ZW0SP) have been replaced by Al Archangelo (PY2ZX) and Ademir Moreira (PY2SP), who plan to sign PS0S on 80-6 metres (no 160 metres operation) CW, SSB and RTTY. Ademir will operate CW while Al will operate SSB and RTTY (he is not very experienced in this mode but he will try to do his best). They will have two stations, but it is unlileky they can operate simultaneously. QSL via PY2SP (Ademir Moreira, Rua Abaitara 108, Sao Paulo-SP, 03714-060 Brazil). The web site for the DXpedition is at www.qsl.net.spsp [TNX PY2ZX, py2zx@terra.com.br] SP - Look for Tomek SP8CTE/1, Wojtek SP8NCF/1, Ryszard SP8ONZ/1 and Jakub SQ8BGJ/1 to be active on all bands CW and SSB from Uzanm (Usedom) Island (EU-129) between 21 and 28 August. QSL via home calls, either direct or through the bureau. [TNX SQ8BGJ] SV - Look for Claudio, SV8/I1SNW/p to be active from Skyros Island on 18-20 August. QSL via home call, either direct or through the bureau. Previously included in EU-072, Skyros now counts for EU-060 (Sterea Ellas Region group). SV - Look for J41LH to participate in the International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend. QSL via the bureau to SV3AGQ. [TNX SV1APA] T8 - Look for JH8BKL/V63KA, JH8MYB/V63??, JA3UB/V63?? and YL operators JR3MVF/V63DO and JF8IYR/V63MC to be active on 40-6 metres (50.120 MHz) SSB and CW from Pohnpei (OC-010) between 30 August and 4 September. QSL via home calls either direct or through the JARL bureau. [TNX JA1ELY] TA - Nilay, TA3YJ and Berkin, TA3J will be active (on 10-80 meters SSB) from the lighthouse at Izmir-Foca Degirmen Burnu on 20 August during the International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend. QSL via home calls. [TNX TA3YJ] TK - Gil, IZ1DLV will be active from Cavallo Island (EU-164) between 22 and 27 August. QSL via IZ1DLV either direct (Gilberto G. Bonasegale, P.O. Box 7039, 16148 Genova - GE, Italy) or through the bureau. [TNX IZ1DLV] VP5 - Frankford Radio Club members WA2VYA, WA3RHW, K2WB and N2VW will operate VP5/ from VP5JM's QTH on Providenciales (NA-002), Turks and Caicos Islands, between 24 and 31 October. QSL via home calls. They will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest (28-29 October) as VP5T (Multi-Multi). CW, WARC bands and PSK31 activity before and after the contest. QSL VP5T via N2VW (bureau cards can be requested via n2vw@arrl.net). [TNX N2VW] XT - DJ7UC, DL4WK, DL7BO, DL7DF and DL7UFR will be active from Burkina Faso between 10 and 15 October. They plan to operate on all HF bands (plus 6 metres) SSB, CW and RTTY with an emphasis on the low bands. QSL via DL7DF either direct (Sigi Presch, Wilhelmsmuehlenweg 123, D-12621 Berlin, Germany) or through the bureau. The web site for the operation is at http://www.qsl.net/dl7df/ [TNX DJ7UC] XU - Toni, EA5RM and Pedro Luis, EA7DBO will be active as XU7ABD from Sihanouk Ville, Cambodia between 3 and 11 October. They expect to operate on 10-80 metres SSB and RTTY with some CW. QSL via EA4URE (Union de Radioaficionados Espanoles, Apartado 220, E-28080 Madrid, Spain). The web site for the operation is at http://www.qsl.net/xu7abd/ [TNX EA5RM] ZD9 - The call ZD9ZM has been issued to Bob, G3ZEM for his 5-25 September operation from Tristan da Cunha [425DXN 471]. Bob will operate mainly CW, with some RTTY (as already announced) and limited SSB, as demand for ZD9 on that mode seems to be high. A daily operating plan will be posted on the ZD9 web site (http://www.dxtechnology/zd9zm), where a a searchable log will be available delayed by around 24 hours. QSL via K4CIA (William G McDowell, 13208 Norwood Road, Raleigh, NC 27614-9134, USA). [TNX G3ZEM] PACIFIC TOUR ---> Hrane, YT1AD and Dragan, Z32AU will be active (on all HF bands plus 6 metres, CW and SSB) from Fiji on 18-26 September (3D2AD and 3D2AU), from Tonga on 26 September-3 October (A35AD and A35AU), from Vanuatu on 3-10 October (YJ0AD and YJ0AU). QSL via their respective home calls. [TNX YU1OL] /EX S DX@WW $425WW485C 425 DX News #485 [3/5] 19 August 2000 No 485 $425WW485C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH INTERNATIONAL LIGHTHOUSE/LIGHTSHIP WEEKEND ---> 262 stations from 47 countries are expected to participate in this year's event (from 00.01 UTC on 19 August until 23.59 UTC on the 20th). Several stations will operate from islands - FY/F5AEG (SA-020), KA1FRD (NA-055), N4XGI (NA-058), N4XGJ (NA-058), N4ZN (NA-110), VK4CHB (OC-142), VK7WS (OC-233), W2GSB (NA-026), W4DXP (NA-138), ZL1AB (OC-201) and ZS1ESC (AF-064), just to name a few outside Europe. The full list of participating stations is at http://www.waterw.com/~weidner/LH-day-table.htm NCDXF ---> At its Board of Directors meeting on 15 August 2000 in San Francisco, CA, the Northern California DX Foundation re-elected the following officers and directors: Len Geraldi, K6ANP (President); Al Burnham, K6RIM (Vice President); Tom McShane, NW6P (Secretary); Bruce Butler, W6OSP (Treasurer); Lou Beaudet/K6TMB, Rusty Epps/W6OAT, Bob Fabry/N6EK, Dave Pugatch/KI6WF, Chuck Ternes/N6OJ, Steve Thomas/N6ST and Glenn Vinson/W6OTC (Directors). Information pertaining to the Northern California DX Foundation is available at http://www.ncdxf.org/ [TNX K6RIM] QSL 4W/N5KO, 4W/W3UR & TXODX ---> Do not send second requests and be patient until the end of September, "by which time", Jarmo Jaakola, OH2BN reports, "every request received before August 1, 2000 should have resulted in a QSL card ending up in the hands of the DX multitude. QSL requests received after August 1 will be processed following the sorting out of these initial requests". TX0 and 4W cards will not be accepted by the DXCC Desk until 1 October 2000. QSL A52JS ---> Jim Smith, VK9NS reports that all requests received so far have been processed and label(s) printed for each return envelope. The cards are expected to arrive from the printer in a few days time. Please note that Jim "cannot keep up with the Multiple log QSL routine and cannot guarantee prompt return QSLing". QSL EP ---> The following comes from Mac, W3HC: "Any station in the U.S. that has worked any station in Iran and has not received a QSL card, send e-mail to Mac (w3hcw@suscom.net) with the contact information". QSL FO0MOT (OC-067) ---> George, OM2SA (om2sa@gw.om0nzb.ampr.org) reports he plans to reply to all the direct requests received so far within a few days. QSL to Juraj Sipos, 93013 Trhova Hradska 550, Republic of Slovakia. [TNX HA1AG] QSL WP4Q ---> The new QSL manager for Papo, WP4Q is EA5RD (Francisco S. Arnedo, P.O Box 673, Elda 03600, Spain). Bureau cards welcome. [TNX WP4Q] TROMELIN ---> The four FR/F6KDF/T operators went QRT on 14 August, after some 51,500 QSOs (17,000 CW, 33,800 SSB and 580 RTTY) in two weeks. QSL via F6KDF (Radio Club de la Gendarmerie, 292 Route de Genas, 69677 Bron Cedex, France). VQ9TW ---> More information [425DXN 480] comes from Charlotte Prince, KZ4V. This call was issued on 30 August 1999 to Tim Willis, KA5HQJ, to expire one year after that date. Tim was First Mate aboard the SS Green Valley (which was in the Diego Garcia area for a period of time) and operated from the club station on the island. "Strictly a SSB operator, and certainly no DXer", Tim got a new assignment shortly before the end of 1999. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSL received via direct: 1A0KM (Jul 00 QSO), 3B8MM, 3D2RK, 3V8BT (AF-073), 3W2B, 3W50K, 3W6LI, 4L4KK, 4S7BRG, 4W/N5KO, 4W/W3UR, 4W6EB, 4W6MM, 5C8M, 5R8ED, 5R8FU, 5T5U, 5X1Z, 6V6U, 7O1YGF, 8J1RL, 8R1K, 9E1C, 9G5MD, 9G5ZW, 9M6BAA, 9N7RN, 9N7VN, A52A, A52NL, A71MA, A92GE, BQ9P, BW2000, C21DJ, C6AKA, CE0Y/LX1NO, CE0Z/OH3JF, CE0ZRE, CE0ZY, CM6YI, CN8TW, CN8WW, CN8YR, CT3DZ, CW6V, DS5RNM, E4/OK5DX, E44/JA1UT, EA8BH, EP2AC, ER4DX, ES1QX/8 (EU-178), ET3VSC, EX0V, EX8MLE, EZ8AQ, FH/G3TXF, FO0AAA, FR5ZQ/G, FW/G3TXF, FW5ZL, FY5HY, GI0KOW, H40MS, HC8N, HK3/G0SHN, HL4HLD (AS-026), HP1XBI, IG9A, J28PP, J72JOT, JD1BIC/JD1, JW6YEA, JW7FD, JW9VDA, JY4NE, KB5GL/4 (NA-213), KH0/JR1KGL, KH0AC, KH2/K4ANA, KH2PC, KH6ND/KH5, OD5/OK1MU, OD5KB, OH1LU/P (EU-173, EU-184), P20X, P43JB, PT0F, PY0F/PY2ZDX, PY0FS, PY500A, R1ANB, R1ANC, R1AND, R1ANF, R1ANF/A ,R1ANJ, R1ANK, R1ANZ, R1FJL, R1MVA, RA0LOM/0 (AS-062), RW2F, S79QK, SU9ZZ, SV8/I2YYO (EU-113), T30CW, T30R, T31K, T32B, T32RT, T33CW, T33RD, T33Y, TA2DS/0 (AS-099), TA3DD, TE45RC, TR8CA, TT8JA, TU2XZ, TX0DX, TZ6YV, V25A, VK9WI, VP2V/G3TXF, VP6BR, VP6DB, VU3VLH, W5DDX (NA-082), XR0ZY, XV5VE, XW2A, XZ0A (AS-144), YC0LBK, YC5XIP (OC-107), YI9OM, YK1AO, YL8M, YP1W (EU-183), YS9/KE4LWT, Z32XX, ZK3CW, ZK3DX, ZMY2K, ZS31ER (AF-085), ZX0F. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX S DX@WW $425WW485D 425 DX News #485 [4/5] 19 August 2000 No 485 $425WW485D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF 01/01-31/12 IOTA 2000 (http://www.cdxc.org.uk) *** till November 3W6LC: Vietnam * by VK6LC 472 till 31/12 3Z: special prefix (Poland) 454 till 30/11 5B40: special prefix (Cyprus) 478 till end Aug 7Q7HB: Malawi 481 till 23/08 8Q7SR: Maldives (AS-013) * by I5NSR 483 till 20/08 8S9LH: Fyrudden Lighthouse (EU-020) 484 till 31/12 9AY2K: special Millennium station 451 till 23/08 9G5AP: Ghana * by UA3AP 485 till 02/11 AX: special prefix (Olympic Games) 475 till 25/08 BT0S: "Silkroad DXpedition" (China) 483 till 31/08 EM500E: special event call )Ukraine) 481 till 27/08 EO225E, EO225EA, EO225EJ, EO225EL: special calls 477 till 19/08 F5SSM: Les Embiez Islands (EU-070) 483 till September FO0MCC: Huahine (OC-067) * by KH7FQ 480 till 19/08 FO0PT: Moorea (OC-046) * by DJ0FX 480 till 22/08 GH4BJC/p: Jersey (EU-013) * by G0WFH 479 till 22/08 FY/F5AEG: French Guyana 481 till 31/12 HB2: special Y2K prefix (Switzerland) 453 till 06/11 HF6WR: special event station (Poland) 484 till 31/12 HF70PZK: special event station (Poland) 453 till 20/08 HG8SDS: special event station (Hungary) 484 till 19/08 HL0K/5: Ullung Island (AS-045) 484 till 19/08 IB0/IZ0BVU: Ventotene (EU-045) 483 till 31/12 II0CV: special call 451 till 24/12 II0: special jubilee prefix 452 till 21/08 IK2PZG/8: Italian islands 484 till 20/08 IM0/IS0BMU: Isola dei Cavoli (EU-165) 485 till 31/12 IU0PAW: Jubilee Year special station 468 till 23/08 J48HW or SV/I5JHW: Limnos Island (EU-049) 482 till 26/08 JF6WTY/6: AS-023 484 till 24/08 JT1FDC: Mongolia * by UA4WHX 484 till 20/08 K2L: special event and lighthouse station 483 till 31/08 LZ8NFF: special event station 482 till September OH5/IK0SHF and OH5/IK0VSW 479 till 31/12 SI75A & SIxSSA: SSA 75th anniversary stations (Sweden) 445 till 20/10 SN600UJ: special event call (Poland) 481 till 22/08 SW8LH,SV1ENG/p,SV1EFP/p: Akrotiri Lighthouse (EU-067) 484 till 19/08 SV8/HA0HW/p: Kerkira Island (EU-052) 483 till 20/08 SV8/I1SNW/p: Skyros Island (EU-060) 485 till 21/08 TK/ON6ZV and TK/ON4IPA: Corsica (EU-014) 481 till 2001 UA0QBA: Kotelny Island (AS-028) 477 till 21/08 UE3MYI: Yurshinski Isl (RR-22-03) * by UA3XAC & RA3XA 483 till 24/08 V26WP, V26EA, V26ET, V26FM: Antigua (NA-100) * by PAs 481 till December VK0MM: Macquarie Island 469 till September VK8PW/8: Arnhem Land (plus OC-229) 469 till 25/08 VK9XY: Christmas Island (OC-002) * by DH1SGS and DH1TW 479 till 20/08 VP2V: British Virgin Islands (NA-023) * by IZ1DLV 482 till 28/08 VP5/I4ALU: Providenciales (NA-002) 475 till December VQ9QM: Chagos (AF-006) * by W4QM 482 till 21/08 XX9TEP: Macau * by K8EP 483 till 20/08 YJ0AXC: Shepherd Islands (OC-111) * by JE1DXC 484 till 31/12 ZS0M: South Africa * by ZS6MG 477 17/08-28/08 ED8ILO: Lobos Island (AF-004) 484 17/08-22/08 UE0LLH: Basargin, Shkot & Tokarevskiy Lighthouses 484 19/08-20/08 9A5V/p, 9A5KV/p, 9A3VM/p: EU-016 + lighthouse 485 19/08-20/08 BY1DX: China * by OH2BH and BA1DU 485 19/08-20/08 ED1VIG: San Sebastian castle 484 19/08 ED8GCL: Lighthouse 485 19/08-20/08 EI9KLH:Old Head of Kinsale Lighthouse * by EIs 483 19/08-20/08 IQ1L: La Lanterna Lighthouse (WAIL LI-005) 483 19/08-20/08 IQ3V: Vittoria Lighthouse (WAIL FV-001) 481 19/08 IM0/IK4HPU: Sc. Cavalli (IIA SS-115) 485 19/08-20/08 J41LH: Lighthouse 485 19/08-20/08 KP4ES: Caja de Muertos (NA-099) Lighthouse 484 19/08-20/08 OH8T: Marjaniemi Lighthouse (EU-184) 484 19/08-25/08 SM3/DL6JZ/p: Alnon Island (EU-087) 483 19/08-20/08 SY7LH: Alexandroupolis Lighthouse * by SV7s 483 19/08-20/08 TA3YJ/Lighthouse & TA3J/Lighthouse 485 19/08-20/08 TX8LH: Amedee Isl (OC-033) Lighthouse 484 19/08-20/08 VK7TS/p: Bruny Island (OC-233) 483 19/08-20/08 W2T: Tucker's Lighthouse 484 19/08-20/08 International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend 477 19/08-20/08 SEANET Contest 476 20/08-21/08 LA9VDA/p: Soroyane Islands (EU-079) 485 21/08-25/08 3DA0NL: Swaziland * by ZS6ANL 485 21/08-28/08 ID9/IK8IOP: Salina (EU-017, IIA ME-015) 483 21/08-26/08 IG9/I5RFD: Linosa Island (AF-019) 479 21/08-23/08 IT9MRM/p: Punta San Raineri lighthouse (WAIL SI-002) 485 21/08-28/08 SP8CTE/1, SP8NCF/1, SP8ONZ/1, SQ8BGJ/1: Uznam (EU-129) 485 /EX S DX@WW $425WW485E 425 DX News #485 [5/5] 19 August 2000 No 485 $425WW485E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== 22/08-29/08 9H: Malta (EU-023) * by SO5ASL 485 22/08-01/09 JA6GXK: Danjo Archipelago (AS-056) 477 22/08-27/08 TK: Cavallo Island (EU-164) * by IZ1DLV 485 24/08-04/09 8P: Barbados (NA-021) * by PA3EWP, PA4EA, PA5ET, PA7FM 481 25/08-30/08 3A/IK1SLP and 3A/IK1YLL: Monaco 483 25/08-27/08 BV9W: P'engchia Island (AS-???) 485 25/08-27/08 IS0: Capo Spartivento lighthouse (WAIL SA-009) 485 25/08-30/08 PS0S: St. Peter and St. Paul Archipelago (SA-014) 485 26/08-26/09 5R8GQ: Madagascar (AF-013) * by AD6KA 483 26/08 I6KIU: Pesaro Lighthouse (WAIL MA-006) 481 26/08-27/08 JA4GXS/4 and JH4ZWW/4: Otu Island (AS-117) 485 26/08-27/08 ON4LFB/p, ON4LFG/p, ON6DP/p and ON1MFO/p: castles 485 26/08-01/09 VK9CQ: Cocos/Keeling (OC-003) * by PA3GIO 484 27/08 I8SUD & I2RGV: Capo dell'Armi lighthouse (WAIL CL-008) 485 28/08-29/08 OZ/G3PMR/m: Fyn Island (EU-172) 485 28/08-02/09 IG9/I5RFD: Lampedusa Island (AF-019) 479 30/08-04/09 V63KA,V63DO,V63MC,V63??,V63??: Pohnpei (OC-010) 485 30/08-08/09 XE3/F6BUM: Mujeres Island (NA-045) 475 31/08-11/11 8Q7XX: Maldives (AS-013) * by EA4DX 485 August ED1OTA and EF1OTA: Monte Agudo (EU-080) * by EC1BXI 482 August IT9SGC: Capo Murro di Porco lighthouse (WAIL SI-011) 485 01/09-15/09 A5: Bhutan * by Fs 471 01/09-10/09 IA5/IK0MHR: La Cappa (IIA GR-013) 485 01/09-31/12 IR5ONU: special event station 485 01/09-02/09 IT9SGC: Isola Piccola di Marzameni (IIA SR-007) 485 01/09-03/09 MM0BQI/p,GM0CLN/p,GB4XS,GM4WLL/p: Summer Isls (EU-092) 483 01/09-05/09 VK6BM: Browse Island (OC-???) * by VK8s 479 02/09-13/09 VK9XV: Christmas Island (OC-002) * by PA3GIO 484 03/09-13/09 IA5/IK0YUJ: Giglio Island (EU-028) 479 05/09-25/09 ZD9ZM: Tristan da Cunha (AF-029) * by G3ZEM 485 07/09-11/09 VK6CJ: Cassini Island (OC-???) * by VK8s 479 12/09-22/09 JA6GXK: Danjo Archipelago (AS-056) 477 15/09-16/09 48th W9DXCC Convention (Illinois) 480 16/09-01/10 HO1A: Contadora Island (NA-072) * by DLs 483 17/09-25/09 HQ0R: Honduras * by EAs 485 18/09-26/09 3D2AD and 3D2AU: Fiji * by YT1AD and Z32AU 485 21/09-26/09 M0RAA/VP9: Bermuda (NA-005) * by JH6RTO 483 22/09-26/09 TR0A/P: Mandji Island (AF-???) * by G3OCA and G4CWD 477 23/09-25/09 JI3DST/8: Okushiri Island (AS-147) 483 23/09-24/09 CQ/RJ WW DX Contest (RTTY) *** 24/09-29/09 VP5/K5YG: Providenciales (NA-002) 481 26/09-03/10 A35AD and A35AU: Tonga * by YT1AD and Z32AU 485 30/09-07/10 GB0SM: Scilly Isls (EU-011) * by G3WNI, G0PSE, G0WMW 483 30/09-01/10 Clipperton DX Club Convention 461 30/09-01/10 XVI Italian HF-DX Convention (Bologna) 466 Sep-Dec FM/F2JD: Martinique (NA-107) 483 01/10-31/12 SY2A: Mount Athos * by SV2ASP/A 459 03/10-09/10 5V: Togo * by DJ7UC, DL4WK, DL7BO, DL7DF, DL7UFR 485 03/10/05/10 KI6T/p: Catalina Island (NA-066) 463 03/10-11/10 XU7ABD: Cambodia * by EA5RM and EA7DBO 485 03/10-10/10 YJ0AD and YJ0AU: Vanuatu * by YT1AD and Z32AU 485 05/10-12/10 AX9YL: Norfolk Island (OC-005) 475 06/10-08/10 W5BOS/C6A: Cay Sal Bank (NA-???) 485 06/10-15/10 VI2BI: Broughton Island (OC-212) * by VKs 475 08/10-24/10 3B6RF: Agalega (AF-001) 481 10/10-15/10 XT: Burkina Faso * by DJ7UC,DL4WK,DL7BO,DL7DF,DL7UFR 485 13/10-24/10 JA6GXK: Danjo Archipelago (AS-056) 477 13/10-15/10 >>> Windsor: RSGB IOTA CONVENTION 2000 <<< *** 13/10-18/10 10th ARDF World Championships 461 21/10-04/11 VK9CZ & VK9CK: Cocos/Keeling * by VK6KZ & VK6HK 475 24/10-31/10 VP5/ WA2VYA, WA3RHW, K2WB, N2VW + VP5T: NA-002 485 28/10-29/10 CQ WW DX Contest (SSB) *** October 4W: East Timor * by K7BV & N6FF 485 October KH5K: Kingman Reef 481 15/11-30/11 TS7N: Kerkennah Is (AF-073) * by DLs 483 17/11-19/11 SEANET Convention Pattaya, Thailand 478 24/11-25/11 KL7USI: Unalaska Island (NA-059) 471 25/11-26/11 CQ WW DX Contest (CW) *** 26/11 KL7USI: IOTA new one 471 01/12-03/12 ARRL 160 Meter Contest *** 09/12-10/12 ARRL 10 Meter Contest *** /EX