S DX@WW $425WW484A 425 DX News #484 [1/4] 12 August 2000 No 484 $425WW484A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ D2 - Hossam, SU1HM is now active as SU1HM/D2 from Luanda, Angola. Look for him on +/- 14160 khz starting around 23.00 UTC. QSL direct to SU1HM (Hossam El Shenawy, 16 El Daher Square, Cairo 11271, Egypt). [TNX SU1HM] E3 - Tom, W7LN is currently working in Asmara, Eritrea and is expected to leave early this coming week. After being active as E30LA, he is currently signing E30MA. QSL via W7LN (please note that these two calls were issued for the first time to I2YDX and IK2WXZ respectively, who used them for their IOTA operations from three Eritrean island groups in 1999). EA - Operators from the Union de Radioaficionados de Vigo-Val Minor will be active as ED1VIG from Castro (PO-004) and San Sebastian (PO-013) castles on 12-13 and 19-20 August respectively. QSL via bureau. [TNX EB1GRJ] EA8 - Look for ED8ILO to be aired from Lobos Island (AF-004) on 17-28 August. QSL via EA8FT. [TNX EA8FT] FK - Look for TX8LH to participate in the International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend (19-20 August) from the lighthouse on Amedee Island (LH 0147, OC-033), New Caledonia. QSL via VK4FW. [TNX F5OGG] FR/T - The operators on Tromelin have logged some 38,000 QSOs, but they are experiencing very bad weather conditions. It caused the loss of two power supplies and one amplifier, which means no more RTTY activity. They are currently working with batteries and an old generator - KYFC as if it dies the DXpedition will go QRT sooner than planned. HA - Special event station HG8SDS will be active (on 10-80 metres CW and SSB) on 15-20 August from Veszti-Magor during the "Sarret Days". QSL via HA8PH. [TNX HA8IC] HL - Look for HL0K/2 to be active from Ullung Island (AS-045) on 15-19 August using CW and SSB on 40, 20 and 15 metres. [TNX ARRL DX Bulletin] HR - Look for Joe, W8GEX to be active on 40-6 (50.125 MHz) metres SSB as HR6/W6GEX from Roatan Island (NA-057) on 13-18 August. QSL via W8GEX. [TNX The Daily DX] I - Northern Italy DX Team members Andy, IK4VET and Robi, IK4XCL will be active (on 10, 15, 20 and 40 metres CW and SSB) as home call/3 from Scanno di Boa (IIA RO-009, not IOTA) on 12 August. QSL via home calls. [TNX IK4RQJ] I - Special event station IQ3V will be aired on all bands on 12 August during the Air Show in Trieste. The same call will be used on 19-20 August from Faro della Vittoria (WAIL FV-001) during the International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend. QSL via bureau or to IV3LNQ. [TNX IV3QBL] I - IZ8BGY, IZ8CCW, IZ5BSB plan to operate from Le Castella (IIA KR-001, not IOTA) on 12 August. I - Bruno, IK2PZG reports he plans to operate from Ischia (NA-031) and a few satellite islands between 13 and 21 August. IS0 - IS0JMA, IS0SEB, IS0BTH, IS0JLJ and others will operate as IS0/IS0JMA from the lighthouse at Capo Ferro (WAIL SA-002, IOTA EU-024) on 12 August. QSL via IS0JMA either direct (Roberto Alaimo, P.O. Box 41, 07026 Olbia - SS, Italy) or through the bureau. [TNX IS0JMA] JA - Look for JF6WTY/6 to operate from AS-023 as follows; 12-14 August from Tokunoshima, 15-16 August from Okino-Erabu, 23-26 August from Amami and Kakeroma. QSL via JF6WTY.[TNX JI6KVR] JT - Vladimir, UA4WHX will be active as JT1FDC (JT1DFC/4, JT1FDC/6, JT1FDC/7) from Mongolia until 24 August. QSL via UA4WHX (Vladimir Bykov, P.O.Box 2040, Izhevsk, 426000, Russia). [TNX JT1CD] KH5 - While the Kingman Reef DXpedition is still on track for October, Mike, KH6ND/KH5 has been increasingly QRV from Palmyra. He is to leave the atoll on 17 August - however, QRZ-DX reports, "we do not know how firm that date is. The previous date given was September 11". Mike is having problems on 160 metres and, while working on the antenna, he was bitten by a brown scorpion. QSL via K4TSJ. [TNX N4AA] KP4 - Look for KP4ES to operate from Caja de Muertos (NA-099) during the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend (19-20 August). This island counts towards the WPRI Award. [TNX The Daily DX] LZ - Nick, LZ1NG reports he will be "very close" to Sveti Anastasiya (EU-181) between 10 and 20 August and might operate (10-80 metres CW and SSB) from the island during his spare time. OH - Look for OH8T to participate in the International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend from the lighthouse at Marjaniemi on Hailuoto Island (EU-184). Plans are to be active on 160, 80, 40, 20 and 15 metres. [TNX OH8HTS] /EX S DX@WW $425WW484B 425 DX News #484 [2/4] 12 August 2000 No 484 $425WW484B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== PY0F - Look for Rick, PY1VOY/PY0F and Zeca, PY1LVF/PY0F to be active from Fernando de Noronha (SA-003) through 15 August. QSL both via PY1LVF. [TNX The Daily DX] SM - Eric, SM1TDE will be active as 8S9LH (on HF and 2 metres) and as SM1TDE (on 6 metres) from Gotska Sandoen (EU-020) between 18 and 20 August. He will operate from Fyrudden Lighthouse (LH-0401, locator JO98OJ) and will participate in the International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend. QSL via SM1TDE. SP - Special event station HF6WR will be active until 6 November to celebrate the 1000th anniversary of the city of Wroclaw in Poland. QSL via SP6ZDA either direct (Scouts Radio Club SP6ZDA, P.O. Box 41, 51-673 Wroclaw 9, Poland) or through the bureau. Further information is avalable at http://www.wroclaw.tpsa.pl/user/sp6pwr [TNX SQ6ELF] SV - Look for John, SV1TN and Manos, SV1IW to operate (SSB and CW on all bands, WARC included) as SV1IW/8 and SV1TN/8 from Samothraki Island (EU-174) between 11 and 18 August. QSL via home calls, either direct (see addresses below) or through the bureau. [TNX SV1IW] SV - Look for SV1ENG and SV1EFP to operate as SW8LH (CW only, mainly above 30 metres) from Akrotiri Lighthouse on Santorini Island (EU-067) during the International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend. Between 17 and 22 August, outside the lighthouse event, they will operate as SV1ENG/p and SV1EFP/p. QSL via SV1ENG. [TNX SV1ENG] UA - Dima/RW0LIS, Vlad/UA0ACG, Slava/UA0AOZ and Mike/UA0MF will be active (on 10-40 metres CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK and SSTV) as RM0M from Popova Island (AS-066, RR-16-02) between 13 and 16 August. QSL via UA0MF (Mike Filippov, P.O. Box 20, Vladivostok, 690021, Russia). If they operate as home call/A or /0, QSL via operator instruction. [TNX UA0MF] UA - Dima/RW0LIS, Mike/UA0MF and Art/UA0NL will operate (on 10-20 metres CW and SSB) as UE0LLH from three lighthouses (namely Basargin, Shkot and Tokarevskiy) in the port of Vladivostok during the Internation Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend on 19-20 August. QSL via UA0MF (Mike Filippov, P.O. Box 20, Vladivostok, 690021, Russia). [TNX UA0MF] VK9 - Please note that the starting date for VK9CQ's operation from Cocos/Keeling (OC-003) is 26 August (not 16 as mistyped in 425DXN 465). It is confirmed he will then move to Christmas Island (OC-002) and be active as VK9XV between 2 and 13 September. QSL via PA3GIO. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Bert, PA3GIO and our readers. W - Look for N5VL to be active (10-160 metres) from Cumberland Island (NA-058) between 12 and 24 UTC on 12 August. [TNX N5VL] W - The Old Barney ARC will be operating W2T during the International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend. Operations will take place from the "Tucker's Island Lighthouse" in Tuckerton, NJ. This is a full scale replica of the Tucker's Island lighthouse which succumbed to the Atlantic back in 1927. Look for W2T from 13 UTC on 19 August to 3 UTC on the 20th and again from 13 UTC to 20 UTC on 20 August. QSL via N2OO (Bob Schenck, P.O. Box 345, Tuckerton, NJ 08087, USA). [TNX N2OO] YJ - Masayoshi, JE1DXC will operate from the Shepherd Islands (OC-111), Vanuatu on 14-20 August. He will collect his licence upon arrival (in the past he operated as YJ0AXC from either OC-035 and OC-104). Plans are to be active on 20, 17, 15 and 12 metres SSB and CW with 100 watts, dipoles and a generator. QSL direct only with one IRC to JE1DXC (for further information on Masa's QSlling practices please visit http://members.tripod.co.jp/mihara/oc-111.html). [TNX JE1DXC] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH DIE CONTEST ---> A reminder from Pepe, EA5KB: entries for the DIE Contest 2000 should be sent to URE Cullera, P.O. Box 75, 46400 Cullera (Valencia), Spain (do not forget to include a photograph of the operator to be printed on the certificates for participating in this year's event). [TNX IK1GPG] INTERNATIONAL LIGHTHOUSE/LIGHTSHIP WEEKEND ---> The list of participants (so far some 240 in 43 countries) this year's event (from 00.01 UTC on 19 August until 23.59 UTC on the 20th) is continually updated at www.waterw.com/~weidner/LH-day-table.htm [TNX GM4SUC, gm4suc@compuserve.com] NOT EU-162! ---> Albert, RA1QHJ reports that, after checking with IOTA HQ, they realized that the 26-20 July operation by RA1QQ/1, RA1QY/1 and UE1RRC/1 did not take place from EU-162, but from EU-147. QSL 3C0R ---> Vic, EA5YN and Elmo, EA5BYP report that as there are problems in receiving/sending out bureau cards for the September 1999 3C0R DXpedition to Annobon, cards for contacts not confirmed direct will be sent automatically through the REF bureau by F2VX. QSL GB0HI ---> QSL manager Paul Scarratt, G0WRE reports he has now answered all the direct QSL requests for GB0HI (Hilbre Island, EU-120) received to date. "If you sent a direct card but enclosed anything other than $1 US or a valid IRC, then your reply will have been sent via the RSGB Bureau." QSL T31T/K & ZK3DX/CW ---> QSLling started the very same day Nils received the cards from the printer, i.e. on 16 March. "Today (10 August) all direct requests for QSLs are in the mail except those which I have to check a second time because of various reasons", Nils, SM6CAS reports. Some 150 requests that were sent along with cards for other operations managed by Nils are being processed right now. Then it will be the turn of bureau cards. /EX S DX@WW $425WW484C 425 DX News #484 [3/4] 12 August 2000 No 484 $425WW484C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== QSL VIA AC7DX ---> Ron, AC7DX reports he will close the logs for the following stations on 1 October 2000: 1Z9A 9M2HB JT1AO UA3CT UZ2FWA VU2ACD 1Z9B 9M8EN JT1BG UB5UAT V31A XB9Z 1Z9D A35SS KC5HA UD6BD V31UN XH9Z 1Z9E BV2FB KP2/VS6CT UI9CQ VQ9HB XW8FA 1Z9YL BV5CN KP4AM UJ9SWE VQ9SS XX9CT 3D2LF BV5HJ RA0FA UK2RDX VQ9CQ ZK2VE 3D2WM BZ1FB RI5A UO5OAQ VQ9VO ZS3TL 3V8BB C21BD RW0CWA UO5OQ VR2BH 4B9CQ HK0/KB5GL S79WHW UR1RWX VR2EW 8P9GI HL9KL T30AC UR2RRR VS6CT 8P6JQ HL9KLN T30W UV0EX VS6CX 9K2QQ JT1AN UA0CCW UY5PC VS6DX W9DXCC CONVENTION ---> The 48th Annual W9DXCC Convention will be held on 15-16 September at the Holiday Inn in Rolling Meadows, Illinois. Details and on-line registration at http://www.qth.com/w9dxcc [TNX W9VA, w9va@aol.com] + SILENT KEY + Alfredo Luciano, LU6DJX recently became a silent key. Don Alfredo was one of the leading DXers in the world. Angelo, IK2HTW reports the untimely passing of Sergio, IK2TCZ. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH CARIBBEAN TOUR: A comprehensive web-site for the Antigua & Barbados tour by Ronald/PA3EWP, Peter/PA4EA, Rob/PA5ET and Dennis/PA7FM [425DXN 481] has been set up at http://www.qsl.net/lldxt/v2_8p_2000/index.html - it will have on-line logs, tour diary, digital pictures and real audio files of pile-ups and other relevant information related to this tour. [TNX PA5ET] QSL ROUTES: Pascual, EA5EYJ reports an IOTA Contest QSL Route List is available at http://www.arrakis.es/~ea5eyj QSL VIA W3HC: The up to date list of the stations managed by Mac is at http://www.homestead.com/w3hc/index.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH ========================================================================= CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER ========================================================================= 3D2CQ N6PEQ FY1DW FY5KE SV0IR DL2FDF 3V8CB DL1BDF GD3CWI/p G3CWI SV5/PA1KW PA1KW 3W2KYU JH8KYU GM5C GM0DEQ SV8/F2VX F2VX 3Z7FBQ SP7FBQ GX6YB G3SWH SV8/HA0HW/p HA0HW 4L1BR KE1HZ HB0/IN3IKF/p IN3IKF SV8/HA0HW/p HA0HW 4L4KW KE1HZ HB0/N7OV IK3VIA SV8/IT9YRE/p IT9YRE 4N1EA YU1RE HB0/PI4TUE PI4TUE SV9/PA3GCV PA3GCV 4X/DL8ABO/p DL8ABO HF0POL SP3WVL SY2S SV2DCD 4X/JM1LJS JL2XUN HI3/KB2MS KB2MS SY2T SV2CWY 5B4/G0DEZ G0DEZ HL0C/4 HL0C T88BX JA6BX 5R8GR DK6ST HS0AC HS0/G3NOM T88VG JR6NVG 5W1SA JH7OHF HS2ZIU E21EIC TA3AX DL7JAK 6W/DK8YY DH7WW HS4BPQ E21EIC TA3BT OE2GRP 7Q7HB G0IAS J28EW F5LDY TF/G3SQX G3SQX 9M6AAC N2OO J28EX F5THR TK/ON4IPA ON6ZV AX3OLY VK3WI J3/G3TBK G3TBK TK/ON6ZV ON6ZV BW2000 JP1RIW J43J DJ5JH UA1PBP/p RK1PWA C99AT pirate J43U DJ8UY UE3MYI UA3XAC CT3AS DJ8FW J6/OH1XX OH1XX UE4NNN RW4NM CU4ARG CU3AN JT1FBB W9JOE UU7J/p UU8JK DS2AGH/4 DS2AGH JW/OK2PBM OK2PBM UY0MF/5A UX5MZ DU1/DK3GI DL2MY K1HP/KH0 JE2EHP V26EA PA5ET E20HHK E21EIC K2L WB2YQH V26ET PA5ET E20REX E21EIC KC4/HF0POL SP3WVL V26FM PA5ET E4/JM1LJS JL2XUN KC4AAG W1LU V26WP PA5ET EA1GA/p EA1GA KH6ND/KH5 K4TSJ V63KP K8AA EA9/EA7JB/p EA9PB KL7AK N6AWD VD1VIK VO1UL ED1SAC EC1AHS LU7EE EA5RD VK9XY DH1SGS ED1URB EA1CCW OH0BVI OH2BVI VP2V/IZ1DLV IZ1DLV ED1VIG bureau P29CC K1WY VQ9NL W4NML ED3IM (22-23.7) EA3CKX PJ4G WA2NHA VQ9QM W4QM ED3IM (iotatest) ON7LX PR5YL PP5LL W1VX/KH0 JF1OCQ EJ5J EI3IG PV5IOTA PP5LL YB0DPO K5ZE EJ7M EI6HB PV5L PP5LL YC0YAD K5ZE EL2JR KB3U PY1VOY/PY0F PY1LVF YN9HAU HR1RMG EM1KY UT7UA R1ANF RK1PWA YU30NW YU1NW EM1U UT7UA R1ANZ RU1ZC ZF2JM KD3YK EM500E UR4EYN RK0FWL/p RK0FWL ZF2SC KA9P EP2MKO UA6HCW RK0YWA/p RA0WA ZK1PEQ N6PEQ EY8MM K1BV S79WB DL4HBB ZL8RI ZL4HU FR/F6KDF/T F6KDF SN0HQ SP2PI ZL9CI ZL4HU /EX S DX@WW $425WW484D 425 DX News #484 [4/4] 12 August 2000 No 484 $425WW484D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 4X6TT Amir Bazak, Box 1515, Ramat, Hasharon 47100, Israel 9V1JA Naoski Oinuma, 43 Jurong East Avenue 1, # 10-02, Singapore 609778, Singapore DH1SGS Stefan Giehle, Schmidaecker 3, 73084 Salach, Germany E21EIC Champ C. Muangamphun, P.O. Box 1090, Kasetsart, Bangkok 10903, Thailand EA5RD Francisco Sanchez Amedo, P.O.Box 673, Elda 03600, Alicante, Spain EI6HB Denis O'Flynn, Ladysbridge P.O., Castlemartyr, Co. Cork. Ireland ER3AU P.O.Box 637, Beltsy, MD-3101 Moldova ET3DP Dennis Panther, P.O.Box 1014, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia F5BAR J.L. Bouchet, Chemin de l'Artaude, 14 verger de Beauvoir, 83220 Le Pradet, France F6KDF Radio Club de la Gendarmerie, 292 Route de Genas, 69677 Bron Cedex, France G0DEZ Dez Watson, 12 Chadswell Heights, Lichfield, Staffs WS13 6BH, England IK7JWX Alfredo De Nisi, P.O. Box 218, 73100 Lecce - LE, Italy IS0YUJ Gianni Zicca, Via Nazionale 58, Fraz. Sirai, 09013 Carbonia - CA, Italy IT9YRE Nando Rubino, P.O. Box 30, 96012 Avola - SR, Italy IZ1DLV Gilberto G. Bonasegale, P.O. Box 7039, 16148 Genova - GE, Italy IZ8CCW P.O. Box 360, 87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy JT1BG S. Baatar, P.O.Box 158, Ulaanbaatar-13, Mongolia LA6RHA Unni Gran, Mellomaasvn. 128, N-1414 Trollaasen, Norway N2OB P.O. Box 345, Tuckerton, NJ 08087, USA OM2SA Juray Sipos, 930 13 Trhova' Hradska' 550, Slovakia ON7LX Carine Ramon, Bruggesteenweg 77, B-8755 Ruiselede, Belgium OZ6SM (EU-171) S.K. Mogensen, Syrenvej 9, DK-9440 Aabybro, Denmark PA5ET Rob Snieder, Van Leeuwenstraat 137, 2273 VS, Voorburg, The Netherlands RK0FWL P.O. Box 79, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk-10, 693010, Russia RK1PWA Nick Shapkin, P.O.Box 73, 164744 Amderma, Arkhangelskaja, Russia RU1ZC Valentin Mykitenko, Akademgorodok 2 1, 184340 Loparskaya, Russia RW4NM Andrej Loginov, P.O. Box 767, Kirov, 610001, Russia SK9HQ S.S.A., Box 45, SE-191 21 Sollentuna, Sweden SP3WVL Tomasz Lipinski, Ul.I Paderewskiego 24m 1, 69-100 Slubice, Poland SV1IW Manos Darkadakis, 2 Plithonos Gemistoy str., 17671 Kallithea, Athens, Greece SV1TN John Hatjidimitriou, 15 Doridos str., 15562 Athens, Greece SV2CWY P.O. Box 40130, Salonica 56000, Greece UA3XAC Valery N. Murashkin, P.O. Box 9008, Obninsk, 249039, Russia UA6HCW Igor Kovalyov, P.O. Box 59, Pyatigorsk 357500, Russia UA9JKY Serge Maximenko, P.O.Box 528, Surgut-12 626400, Russia UT7UA Roman Bratchyk, P.O.Box B-19, Kyiv 01001, Ukraine UU8JK Alex Kotovsky, P.O. Box 57, Kerch, 98312, Ukraine VK7TS Trevor Spargo, 1 Roebourne Rd, Otago, Tasmania, Australia 7017 WB2YQH P.O. Box 73, Spring Brook, NY 14140, USA ZL4HU Ken Holdom, P.O. Box 7, Clyde, Central Otago, New Zealand ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** <<< 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to SUBSCRIBE, please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the SUBJECT (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE, follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively ***************************************************************************** /EX