DX425 bulletin issue nr. 482

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425 DX News #482 [1/6]
  29 July 2000                     No 482                         $425WW482A
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                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages              !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

8Q     - Sergio, I5NSR  will be  active (on  40-10 metres  SSB and  CW,  with
         special attention for 30, 17 and 12 metres CW) from Villivaru Atoll,
         Maldives (AS-013) between 13 and 23  August. He has applied for  the
         call 8Q7NSR. QSL via home call. [TNX I5NSR]
9A     - Look for  9A0DX  to  be  active  from  Plocica  Island (EU-016, IOCA
         CI-089) on 1-4 August. [TNX 9A6AA]
CT     - A group of  operators from Associacao  de Radioamadores  da Vila  de
         Moscavide will  be  active as  CT1RVM/p  from  Mouchao  de  Alhandra
         (RI-005 for the Portuguese  Islands Award) on  30 July. This  island
         does not count for IOTA. QSL via CT1RVM
EA     - Jorge, EC1BXI  will be  working on  Monte Agudo  Island (EU-080)  in
         August. He plans to operate in  his spare time as either ED1OTA  and
         EF1OTA. His licence  authorizes him to  be active  on the  following
         frequencies: 28900-29100,  21150-21200  and  3600-3700  kHz  SSB/CW;
         28100-28150, 21100-21150, 7020-7030 and 3550-3600  kHz CW only.  QSL
         direct only to EC1BXI (Jorge Fernandez Devesa, Apartado 54, 36980  O
         Grove, Pontevedra, Spain). [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
EI     - Gene, NR0NR  will  be active  as  EI/NR0NR/p from  Ringarogy  Island
         (EU-115) between 4 and 13 August. QSL via home call. [TNX The  Daily
ES     - Several  Estonian  amateurs  are currently active as ES8X from Kihnu
         Island  (EU-178,  WWL KO18XC). Their  main  focus  is  the  upcoming
         Estonian  VHF/UHF/SHF  field day (http://www.erau.ee/eng/fdrul.html)
         this  weekend, but before and after the contest they will operate on
         6 and 20 metres until 1 August. QSL via ES2WX. [TNX ES2RR]
FR/T   - The Lyon DX Group DXpedition to Tromelin [425DXN 479] is expected to
         start operations on late 31 July or, more likely, on 1 August.  Look
         for the four  operators (namely  Gil/F5NOD, Eric/F5PXT,  Larry/F5PYI
         and Erwann/F6JJX) to be active  (on 160-6 metres  CW, SSB and  RTTY)
         with three stations as FR/F6KDF/T until  16 August. Between 1 and  6
         August they  will concentrate  on 6,  10, 15,  20,  40, 80  and  160
         metres; on 7-15 August they will  concentrate on 6, 12, 17, 30,  40,
         80 and 160  metres. Suggested  frequencies are  1823.5, 3504,  7004,
         10104, 14020, 18074, 21020, 24894, 28020 kHz CW; 3790, 7065,  14195,
         18145, 21295, 24945, 28495, 50110 kHz  SSB; 14080, 21080, 28080  kHz
         RTTY. On-line logs will NOT be  available during the operation.  QSL
         via F6KDF (Radio Club de la  Gendarmerie, 292 route de Genas,  69677
         Bron     Cedex,     France).     The     web     site     is      at
GM     - Look for Peter,  GM3OFT/p to be  active from  Horse Island  (EU-123,
         IOSA CL-012) until 17 UTC on 29 July. [TNX VE7IU and Islands On  The
HL     - Jang, DS5WKW  will be  active from  Ullung Island  (AS-045) until  1
         August. He will NOT participate in  the IOTA Contest. He expects  to
         operate on or around 14.040 and  21.040 Mhz between  11 and 14  UTC.
         QSL via IK2DUW. [TNX IK2DUW]
HL     - Operators from HL0C (Hanyang University Wave Research Club) will  be
         active (on 15,  20 and 40  metres SSB and  CW) as  HL0C/4 from  Soan
         Island (AS-085) between 3 and 9 August. Direct cards should be  sent
         to C.P.O.  4397,  100-643,  Seoul, Korea.  The  home  page  for  the
         DXpedition is at http://hl0c.hihome.com [TNX HL0C]
HS     - Look for DS5FNE/4 to be active (on 15 and 20 metres SSB) from Huksan
         Island (AS-093) until 30 July. QSL via HL1IWD. [TNX HL1IWD]
I      - Silvestro,  IK7BRX  and  Simon,  IZ7ATN  will  be  active  from  the
         lighthouse (WAIL PU-014)  on Santa Eufemia  Island (IIa FG-012,  not
         IOTA) on 5-6 August.
IS0    - IK4HPU will be active as IS0/IK4HPU from Sardegna (EU-024) between 5
         and 20 August. He also plans  to operate from Tavolara (EU-165,  IIA
         SS-068), Molara (EU-165, IIA SS-073) and possibly from other  islets
         in that area. QSL via bureau to IK4HPU. [TNX IK4HPU]
LZ     - Special  event  station  LZ8NFF will be active through August during
         the 8th National Folklor Festival at Koprivshtitza, Bulgaria. QSL to
         LZ1OF through the bureau. [TNX LZ1BJ]
OE     - Nicola, IK3JLS  plans  to operate  (mainly  on  40-10  metres,  WARC
         included, CW/QRP) as OE/IK3JLS from Velden, Austria between 1 and 15
         August. QSL via bureau. [TNX IK3JLS]
SM     - Kent,  SM0ELV  will operate (on 10-80 metres SSB and CW) as SM0ELV/5
         from  Missjo  Island (EU-177) during the weekend. QSL via home call.
         [TNX SM0ELV]
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                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

SV     - Gaetano, IT9GAI and Nando, IT9YRE will be active from Thasos  Island
         in the newly created Makedonia/Thraki Region group (EU-174)  between
         3 and 6 August. QSL via home calls,  either  direct or  through  the
         bureau. [TNX IT9YRE] 
SV     - Giovanni,  I5JHW  will  be  active  as either J48HW or SV/I5JHW from
         Limnos  Island  (EU-049) between 9 and 23 August. QSL via home call.
         [TNX I5JHW]
SV9    - Look  for  SV9/SV1CID/p and SV9/SV1DPL/p (YL operator)  to be active
         (with  20  watts  and dipoles)  from Gadvos Island (EU-187) on 29-30
         July. QSL via SV1CID. [TNX SV1CID]
UA     - Vlad/RZ1OA  and  Dima/UA1OLM  are  be active as RZ1OA/A and UA1OLM/A
         from   Lyasomin Island (EU-153) until 1 August. QSL via RZ1OA  (Vlad
         Sadakov, P.O. Box 48, Arkhangelsk, 163040, Russia). [TNX RZ1OA]
UR     - Oleg, UR3GA lives on Orlov Island (EU-179, UIA BS-13) and is  active
         on all  bands CW  and SSB.  He expcts  to  operate during  the  IOTA
         Contest. QSL  via UR7GG  (Victor Tkachenko,  P.O. Box  73,  Kherson,
         73000, Ukraine). [TNX UR7GG]
VE     - VE7KW/7 is currently active from Hornby Island, which is not NA-091,
         as mentioned on the air, but NA-036.
VK     - Special  event  station AX3OLY has been allocated to WIA Victoria by
         the  Australian  Communications Authority to commemorate the Olympic
         Games   being   held   in  Sydney.  WIA  Victoria  members  will  be
         sporadically operating the station on DX bands  over  the  next  two
         weeks. The special event station will later highlight the holding of
         Olympic soccer games in the VK3 capital city of  Melbourne. QSL  via
         VK3WI either direct or through the bureau. [TNX VK3EW]
VP2V   - Gil, IZ1DLV  will  be  active (on  10, 15  and 20  metres SSB)  from
         Virgin Gorda and  Tortola  in  the British  Virgin Islands  (NA-023)
         respectively on 5-11 and  12-20 August. QSL direct to P.O. Box 7039,
         16148 Genova  GE, Italy  or through  the  bureau.  [TNX  IZ1DLV  and
         Islands On The Web]
VQ9    - Dale, W4QM expects to be active (CW only on all bands) as VQ9QM from
         Chagos for 4-5 months starting  around 30 July.  QSL via W4QM.  [TNX
         The Daily DX]
W      - Rick, KV4DJ will be vacationing on Hatteras Island (NA-067)  between
         5 and 12  August and plans  to operate  on 20  metres QRP,  probably
         between 22.00 and 02.00 UTC.  QSL via KV4DJ  or through the  bureau.
         [TNX KV4DJ and Islands On The Web]
YB     - John, YB5NOF/p  is   expected   to operate  (SSB only)  from  Lingga
         Island (OC-107) until 2 August, IOTA  Contest included. He runs  100
         watts into a ground plane. If he can find a boat he might  continue 
         his  trip and operate from  Midai Island (OC-109)  as well. QSL  via
         home  call  (John  E.  Daluas,  P.O.  Box  194/CPA,  Ciputat  15401,
         Indonesia). [TNX YB5QZ]

RSGB IOTA CONTEST ---> The following stations are expected to participate  in
this year's event  (29-30 July) [see  also 425DXN  471, 474,  475, 477,  479,
480, 481]:
AF-004   Tony, EA8AKN and others as ED8OTA. QSL via EA8AKN. [TNX EA8AKN]
AS-024   7K4KHE/6  from  Ishigaki  Island. QSL via home call (Masanari Iwata,
         3-2-21 Naka-Kunitachi, Tokyo, 186-0004, Japan). [TNX JI6KVR]
AS-085   The Soan  Island operation  [425DXN 481]  has been  cancelled.  [TNX
AS-108   Norby,  LX1NO  reports  the following operators might be active from
         Ramkin  Island  (see  addresses below):  OD5IU/p  (QSL  via  LX1NO),
         OD5PN/p  (QSL  via  LX1NO),  OD5LN/p,  OD5OT/p,  OD5PS/p,   OD5SB/p,
         OD5SX/p, OD5TE/p.
EU-009   GM4SID/p from Orkney on CW.  [TNX NG3K]
EU-015   Thomas, OZ1AA as J49AA from Crete. QSL via LX1NO. [TNX LX1NO]
EU-016   9A5V/p from  Kolocep Island. [TNX 9A6AA]
EU-024   Roberto, IS0JMA and other  operators from ARI  Olbia as IS0JMA  from
         Sardegna. QSL via home call. [TNX IS0JMA]
EU-037   SM7CRW and SM6DER as 8S7A. QSL via W3HNK. [TNX SM6DER]
EU-047   Carsten, DL1EFD as DL1EFD/p  on all bands  CW from Langeoog  Island.
         QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
EU-050   IK2XYG and IK2JUB as IL7/home calls from San Nicola Island on  10-80
         metres CW and SSB.  [TNX IK2XYG]
EU-059   GM3VLB, GM0DHZ and MM0BCR as GM5K  from St. Kilda. [TNX N6VR,  G0WAX
         and Islands On The Web]
EU-061   Kamal, 4S7AB as LA/4S7AB from Hvaler Island. [TNX 4S7AB]
EU-073   ARI  Taranto  members  as  IJ7/I7IJU from San Pietro Island, Cheradi
         [425DXN 474]. QSL via IK7AFM either direct  or  through  the  bureau
         (bureau cards can be requested at roccoafm@libero.it). [TNX IK7AFM]
EU-091   Salento DX  Team  operators as  IK7JWX/p  (SSB and  CW)  from  Isola
         Grande. QSL via IK7JWX either direct or through the bureau.  Outside
         the contest  they will  operate on  2, 6,  12  and 18  metres.  [TNX
EU-091   Salento DX Team operators as IK7LMX/p (SSB) from Pedagna Grande. QSL
         via IK7JWX either direct or through the bureau. Outside the  contest
         they will operate on 2, 6, 12 and 18 metres. [TNX IK7JWX]
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                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

EU-115   Members of the Dalkey Island  Contest  Group  (EI2CA, EI4FBB, EI5DI,
         EI5HD,  EI6EW,  EI7CC,  EI7CD,  EI8CE) as EI1DD from Enniskerry, Co.
         Wicklow. QSL via the EI Bureau. [TNX EI7CC]
EU-120   Ken,  G0ORH  and another operator as G3N from the Isle of Wight. QSL
         via G3WOI. [TNX The Daily DX]
EU-121   East Cork Group as EJ7M from Bere Island. QSL via EI6HB. [TNX NG3K]
EU-124   GW4VEQ, GW0GEI and GM3WOJ as  GW6J (SSB and  CW) from Anglesey  (old
         and new QSOs with this island are valid until 1 February 2005).  QSL
         via GW4VEQ. [TNX NG3K]
EU-128   DF8QJ  and  DL6YFB  as  DL6YFB/p from Fehmarn Island. QSL via DL6YFB
         (bureau  cards  can be requested at rlehmann@Cityweb.de). [TNX  OPDX
EU-129   Matthias, DL3KUD as DL3KUD/p from Usedom Island. QSL via home  call.
         [TNX NG3K]
EU-131   Vito, I3BQC and possibly others as I3BQC/p from a qualifying  island
         in Venice Lagoon. QSL via home call. [TNX I3BQC]
EU-132   Adam/DJ0IF,  Zbig/SP6AZT,  Big/SP6CZ  and Andy/SP6ECA as SN6F/1 from
         Wolin Island. QSL via SP6ECA. Before and after  the contest look for
         SP6CZ/1  on  RTTY  and  SP6ECA/1  on  SSB (QSL via home calls). [TNX
EU-132   Wojtek,  SP8NCF  and Jakub, SQ8BGJ  as SN8V/1  (QSL via SQ8BGJ) from
         Wolin  Island.  Before and  after  the contest they  will be signing
         SP8NCF/1  and  SQ8BGJ/1  (QSL  via  home  calls) until 31 July. [TNX
EU-173   OH1NOA,  OH1MDR  and  OH1MM  as OH9A from Sandstrom Reef (previously
         EU-096,  425DXN 474).  QSL via  OH1NOA  either direct or through the
         bureau.   The    web    page    for    this    operation    is    at
         http://www.saunalahti.fi/oh1mdr/iota.html [TNX OH1NOA]
EU-183   Pit,  YO3JW  reports   the  YP1W  operation   from   Sacalinu   Mare
         [425DXN 481] has been cancelled for reasons beyond his control.
NA-027   VO1HE and other operators as VO1SDX from Newfoundland. QSL via VO1HE
         either direct or through the bureau. [TNX NG3K]
NA-065   Caleb,  AD7U as N7U from Whidbey Island as Single Operator, 24-hour,
         IOTA  Island  Permanent  station. QSL via AD7U either direct  (Caleb
         Skurdal,  1015  N  Custer  St,  Oak Harbor,  WA  98277-8201, USA) or
         through the bureau. [TNX AD7U]
NA-137   KW1DX from Long Island (Maine) on SSB. QSL via KW1DX. [TNX NG3K]
NA-148   A group  from the Framingham Amateur Radio Association as AA1IZ from
         George's Island. QSL via AA1IZ. [TNX K1HT]
OC-229   Reportedly Peter, VK8PW  might participate  in the  IOTA Contest  as
         VK8PW/8 from South  Goulburn Island (OC-229).  QSL via VK8PW  either
         direct  (Peter  Wollenberg,  P.O.  Box  2142,   Darwin,   NT   0801,
         Australia) or through the bureau.
OC-233   Trevor,  VK7TS  as  VK7TS/p from Bruny Island. Trevor was active and
         made  the  required number of QSOs from the newly created Tasmania's
         Coastal  Islands  group on 23 July. QSL via home call, either direct
         or through the bureau. [TNX VK7TS]
SA-006   Ernest, ON4CFD as PJ2I on SSB. QSL via ON4CFD  either direct (Ernest
         Lichtert, Wolvenstraat 101, 1070 Bruxelles, Belgium) or through  the
         bureau. [TNX ON4CFD]
SA-036   P43E from Aruba. QSL via P43E either direct (P.O. Box 614, Aruba) or
         through the bureau. [TNX NG3K]
SA-046   Jim,  PY7XC  as  ZX7XX  from  Itamaraca  Island.  QSL  via home call
         (Jemesson  Faria,  Rua Dhalia 228 AP401,  Boa  Viagem,  Recife - PE,
         51020-290 Brazil). [TNX PY7XC]
Look  also  the  announced  operation  lists  maintained  by  Bill,  NG3K  at
and Ric, DL2VFR at http://www.iota-post.de

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

IOTA ACTIVITY  MONTH (AUGUST)  ---> Contacts  made  with the  following  IOTA
island groups  in  July  will  score  three  points  towards  the  RSGB  IOTA
Millennium Programme (IOTA 2000):
AN-007     NA-027     SA-002     SA-025     SA-041     SA-062
AN-008     NA-032     SA-003     SA-026     SA-042     SA-067
AN-010     NA-044     SA-016     SA-027     SA-045     SA-068
AN-013     NA-063     SA-019     SA-028     SA-046     SA-071
AN-014     NA-084     SA-020     SA-029     SA-047     SA-072
EU-089     NA-094     SA-021     SA-030     SA-055     SA-077
NA-018     NA-134     SA-023     SA-038     SA-057     SA-079
NA-021     NA-198     SA-024     SA-039     SA-060     SA-080
The CDXC web pages (http://www.cdxc.org.uk) contain the full IOTA 2000 rules,
island listings, the SM6DEC record system  and an FAQ  page which is  updated
regularly. These web  pages also contain  conversion tables  between the  new
IOTAs arising as a result of the  publication of the IOTA Directory 2000  and
the old IOTAs that qualify for the IOTA 2000 Programme.
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                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****

BHUTAN ---> The following comes from Charles Harpole, K4VUD: "This is  a call
to all radio amateurs, from any country, who may wish to join me in an effort
to  activate A5 Bhutan the first week in December, 2000.  I can arrange  your
air  travel  from  your  home  or from Kathmandu, or you can arrange your own
travel.  I expect  to  arrive  A5  about  December 1. I have a Bhutan contact
person to arrange passage of rigs, licenses, and hotel rooms.  No word yet on
available  antennas  in-country,  but  you must bring own rig and other gear.
This  is  not  a cheap  trip.  The  license  alone  may cost $300/USD each!."
You can contact Charles at k4vud@hotmail.com

HFC 2000 ---> The  RSGB  International  HF &  IOTA  Convention  will  be held
at  the  Beaumont  Conference  Centre, Old Windsor on 13-15 October 2000. For
further  information  contact  the  RSGB  Commercial  Department on telephone
+44-1707-659015,  fax  +44-1707-645105  or  email sales@rsgb.org.uk.  For the
latest information check the Web at http://www.rsgb.org  This year's event is
organized by Colin J. Thomas, G3PSM, RSGB HF Manager and Chairman of the RSGB
HF Committee.

NOT IOTA! ---> Antonello, IK0GDG/6 was active from Scoglio Trave (IIA AN-003)
on 27  July. Please  note that  neither this  nor  any other  Italian  island
located in call area 6 qualify for IOTA.

QSL 3V8BT ---> Giovanni, I5JHW reports he has started  processing  the  5,000
direct requests for the IOTA operation from the Kerkenah Islands (AF-073).

QSL OD5RAL (AS-108) ---> Jamil Sayegh,  OD5PN reports the following: "The  OK
DX Foundation co-sponsored  the OD5RAL DXpedition  to Ramkin Island  (AS-108)
which took   place  on 24-26  September 1999.  OK1TN, the  president of  OKDX
Foundation, has sent  all  the QSL cards to those who sent their QSL cards to
OD5RI (P.O. Box 22, Baabdat, Lebanon). The delay in  sending  the  cards  was
beyond our control, but the important is that they are all sent out now".

QSL EW5HQ  ---> Vladimir  V. Sidorov,  EU1SA  (President of  the  Belarussian
Federation of Radioamateurs and Radiosportsmen) reports that cards for  EW5HQ
should be sent to P.O. Box  469, Minsk 220050, Belarus.  This is the  address
for the Belarussian QSL Bureau (do not send cards to the official address  of
BFRR, as  "the actual  location of  the HQ  has nothing  to do  with its  QSL

QSL TA3J ---> Berkin, TA3J reports  that between 26 and 28  July he sent  his
cards to  the QSL  bureaux of  Belarus, Belgium,  Bulgaria, Brazil,  Croatia,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany Greece,  Hungary, Ireland, Israel,  Japan,
Kuwait, Latvia,  Lithuania, Luxembourg,  Norway, Portugal,  Romania,  Sweden,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, USA.

WRTC 2000 ---> The  following  are  the  Final Official  Results of WRTC 2000
after the review and corrections made by the referees' team. The order of the
top finishers is not affected, but there are a  few  changes in the  order of
finish farther down the list (see 425DXN 480). The score of S511E is based on
submission of truncated log, missing approximately one hour of operation.
Operators       Call      Score      Operators       Call     Score
K1TO    N5TJ    S584M     965.31     LW9EUJ  LU7DW   S522R     726.77
RA3AUU  RV1AW   S587N     910.86     K9TM    N2IC    S574V     719.80
K1DG    K1AR    S582A     867.15     9A3A    9A2AJ   S542B     714.54
DL1IAO  DL2MEH  S517W     866.10     DL2CC   DL5XL   S583D     712.67
OH1EH   OH1NOA  S537L     846.15     WC4E    W0UA    S588S     709.69
DL6FBL  DL1MFL  S511E     845.19     ZS6EZ   ZS4TX   S572L     705.67
UT4UZ   RW1AC   S523W     837.19     K4BAI   K6LL    S534J     703.51
9A9A    9A3GW   S573O     825.02     5B4WN   5B4LP   S529A     697.96
KQ2M    W7WA    S519I     820.29     S59A    S58A    S541F     694.05
DL6RAI  OE2VEL  S533G     813.16     K3NA    N6TV    S571W     691.31
VE7ZO   VE3EJ   S581I     812.11     PP5JR   PY2NY   S532N     689.28
K6LA    K5ZD    S518N     808.71     VE7SV   VA7RR   S521H     683.68
K1ZM    N2NT    S531R     804.89     OK1QM   OL5Y    S586U     679.75
LY1DS   LY4AA   S524G     793.93     JM1CAX  JO1RUR  S514U     667.35
LY3BA   LY2BM   S512T     789.31     K9ZO    K7BV    S566Z     661.86
UT5UGR  UU2JZ   S548X     782.03     PY5CC   PY1KN   S578R     653.71
RZ9UA   UA3DPX  S549L     780.90     S50U    S51TA   S538F     644.92
HA3OV   HA3NU   S536P     770.73     VE3BMV  VE3KZ   S561C     644.16
ON4WW   ON6TT   S539D     762.44     F6BEE   F6FGZ   S543C     642.02
IK2QEI  I2VXJ   S562P     759.55     SP8NR   SP9HWN  S547B     638.69
EA3NY   EA3KU   S567F     755.26     JH4NMT  JK3GAD  S527K     618.51
OM3BH   OM3GI   S528D     753.65     JA8RWU  JH4RHF  S513A     617.99
K8NZ    W2GD    S526O     751.33     EA7GTF  EA7KW   S516M     582.68
G3SXW   G4BUO   S568Y     745.19     N3AD    N3BB    S563X     567.29
YT1AD   YU7NU   S544Z     741.77     VK4EMM  VK4XY   S564Q     511.92
UA9BA   RN9AO   S577V     738.10     I5NSR   I5JHW   S576K     431.76
K4UEE   N6IG    S546Q     733.57

WRTC 2000 (STAMPS) ---> Stamp  collectors  may  be  interested in two special
occasion envelopes with WRTC 2000 stamps. They can be ordered  (US$5.00) from
S50E Radio Club (Radio Club Cerkno, P.O. Box 16, 5282 Cerkno, Slovenia). Give
a look to http://lea.hamradio.si/~s50e/eng/photos.htm  [TNX S50U]

YODX CONTEST ---> The YODX HF Contest 2000 will take place between 00.00  and
20.00 UTC on 6 August on 80-10 metres CW and SSB. Full rules are available at
http://www.qsl.net/yo3kaa  [TNX YO3FWC]

S DX@WW $425WW482E
425 DX News #482 [5/6]
  29 July 2000                     No 482                         $425WW482E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  QSL INFO  ********
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
1A0KM       IK0FVC      EP2AC       RV6AB       RK0FWL      RA0ZD
3W2LWS      WA1LWS      EP3SP       IZ8BRI      RM1O        UA1ANA
3W2US       N2OO        ES8X        ES2WX       RZ9DX/0     RW6HS
3Z0PTG      SP9PTG      EY1HQ       DJ1MM       RZ9OU       KF4OBL
4L0DXP      K1WY        EY8ZC       EY8DV       S21AR       JA1UT
4O8/9X0A    RW3AH       F/G0MEU/p   ON4ON       S21YJ       SM4AIO
4S7OF       K0JN        F/ON4ON/p   ON4ON       S79WB       DL4HBB
4W6BCN      VK3BCN      F/ON7PQ/p   ON4ON       SI9AM       SM3CVM
4X/W5WP     W5WP        F6KUF/p     FB1BON      SN0CEV      SP9PLR
4X85E       DL1CC       FK8HC       VK4FW       ST0P        5B4YY
4X85EUK     DL1CC       FO0MCC      KH7FQ       SV0LR       HB9LDR
5B4/UA9YAB  UA9YAB      FO0MOT      OM2SA       SV9/IZ0CKJ  IZ0CKJ
5K9AQ       HK3PXA      FR/F6KDF/T  F6KDF       SV9/ON4CBZ  ON4CBZ
5N2BHF      OE6LAG      FS/N3OC     N3OC        T88AY       JA7AYE
5N9CEN      IV3VBM      GB0BNC      G3LWM       T88ME       7N1RTO
5N9EAM/8    IK7JTF      GS3EEO/P    G3OCA       T88YK       JN1WTK
5R8GR       DK6ST       GS3ZBI/P    G3OCA       T90G        T99Z
5R8GS       DL1DA       GU0CGL/p    G0CGL       T99RM       DL2JRM
5W0CT       G3YBO       HB0/DJ8KI   DJ8KI       TA1/SP6TPM  SP6TPM
7A32AR      YB0FMT      HB0/DL4MP   DL4MP       TA3AX       DJ7JAK
7P8AA       DL7VRO      HH2/F8CUP   F8CUP       TK/F5OZK    F5OZK
7Q7DC       G0IAS       HR1/W4CK    W4CK        TK5KT       F6FNU
7Q7HB       G0IAS       HS2ZIU      E21EIC      TL8MS       DL6NW
7X2CR       IS0LYN      HS4BPQ      E21EIC      TM0F        FB1BON
8J6HOL      JA6ARM      IU0C        I0YKN       TM1TF       FB1BON
8P9BI       K4BI        J28EW       F5KEE       TM1V        FB1BON
9A5DJ/P     OK1DJG      J28NH       F5IPW       TM2OOO      F5PZQ
9A5JR       OE3REB      J45W        I2WIJ       TM5PF       FB1BON
9H3PB       DF4EK       J48XI       IK7XIV      TP2000CE    F6FQK
9H8E        HB9DLE      JT1FCY      I1QOD       TR8PEP      F6HUK
9J2RA       K6SLO       JT1FCZ      I1ZB        TR8VP       F6FNU
9K2/SP5UAM  SP5PBE      JT1FDA      KO6UW       TU2DP       K4MQL
9M2KU       JH2OJS      JT1FDB      DL2ECW      TU2XZ       W3HC
9V1AG       G4PVY       JW3YJA      LA3YJA      UA1OLM/A    RZ1OA
9V1BG       JL1MWI      JW6RHA      LA6RHA      UE1AIR      OH5JRT
9V1GA       JA4BJO      JY8TT       N2AU        UE1CIG      RN1AW direct
A52NL       JA6NL       KH0/JE3EJC  JE3EJC      UE1CIG      RZ1AWD bureau
AF4EI/AH0   JA9CZJ      KH0/JH3EQP  JH3EQP      UE1RRC/1    RA1QQ
AX3OLY      VK3WI       KH6/KF2BQ   N2OO        UE1WPI      RA1WZ
AX3TZ       VK3TZ       KH6/N2OO    N2OO        UE6AAA      UA6AF
AX4BLE      VK4BLE      KH6ND/KH5   K4TSJ       UE6AAA      UA6AF
AX4SK       VK4BLE      KL7/K6ST    N6AWD       UN7QX       W7BO
AX8AM       VK8AM       KP2/AA1BU   AA1BU       V2/W4WX     W4WX
AX8PW       VK8PW       L29AY       W3HC        V63ME       7N1RTO
AX8PW/8     VK8PW       LU9AUY      W3HC        V73GI       K3VN
BV5BG       IK7JTF      LU9AY       W3HC        VD1VIK      VO1UL
BW2000      JP1RIW      LY2000RMD/A LY2BN       VP2MDC      G3TBK
C99AT       pirate      LZ1UQ/1     LZ2FV       VP2MHX      W4WX
CO2WL       EA3ELM      LZ2CJ/1     LZ2CJ       VP8DBN      G7BSP
CP6/LU9AY   W3HC        LZ2FI/1     LZ2FV       VP9/W9AEB   W9AEB
CP6XE       IK6SNR      LZ2FV/1     LZ2FV       VQ9NL       W4NML
CQ0ODX      CT2GZE      LZ2JE/1     LZ2CJ       VQ9VK       N1TO
CU4/CU3DX   CU3EJ       LZ8NFF      LZ1OF       VR2K        VR2XRW
CU7/CT1EEB  CT1EEB      MM0BNN      M0BNN       VR2OS       K0JN
CV5H        CX2ABC      NH6M/KH4    NH6M        W1S         K1JN
DL3NM/BY7KG DL3NM       NP4A        W3HNK       W1VX/KH0    JF1OCQ
DS5FNE/4    HL1IWD      OD5IU/p     LX1NO       XQ0X        LU6DKJ  pirate
DU1/K7JOE   K7JOE       OD5PN/p     LX1NO       XT/F5ADE    F5ADE
E20HHK      E21EIC      OD5TE       K3IRV       XT2HB       F5RLE
E20REX      E21EIC      OH0/JA5AQC  JA5AQC      XU7AAP      N2OO
E4/OE1GZA   OE1GZA      OH3A        OH3AC       YB0ECT      K5ZE
ED1BD       EA1BD       OM2OOO      OM3TA       YB0LBK      W4JS
ED1MCH      EA1COW      PJ2/W0CG    W0CG        YC0YAD      K5ZE
ED1VCF      EA1DYS      PT0F        W3HC        YI1SEA      WA3HUP
ED2ESJ      EA2APK      PW2S        PY2ZY       YM0KA       TA1KA
ED3IM       EA3CKX      PY1KS       W3HC        YP1W        YO3JW
ED3TLC      EA3EVR      PY2KC       W3HC        YU30NW      YU1NW
ED4MAD/1    EA4RCU      PY5EG       W3HC        YU30SB      YU1SB
ED4SAE      EA4DBM      R0L         IK2DUW      YZ30AU      YZ1AU
ED4SCY      EA4CTF      R1ANF       RK1PWA      ZD7DP       W1ZT
ED4SIE      EA4GW       R1RL        RW3DDF      ZD9BV       W4FRU
ED5SJF      EA5EQ       R2/DK8LV    DK8LV       ZK1AHB      KM6HB
ED5URE      EA2HT       R3ARC/1     UA3BZ       ZV2S        PY2ZY
ED5VDF      EA5ASU      RA1QQ/1     RA1QQ       ZV5A        W3HC
ED7VLA      EA7ESH      RA1QY/1     RA1QQ       ZW5B        W3HC
EK8WB       IK2QPR      RI0ZKR      RA0ZD       ZX0F        W3HC
EL2DT       IK0PHY      RI1OSO      UA1ANA      ZY3PEI      PY3MHZ
EM2OOOB     UR5BCJ      RI1POD      UA1RJ       ZY5EG       W3HC
EM500E      UR4EN       RI1POM      UA1RJ       ZZ5EG       W3HC
S DX@WW $425WW482F
425 DX News #482 [6/6]
  29 July 2000                     No 482                         $425WW482F
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

3B8GO   Piero, BP 78, Curepipe, Mauritius Island
5B4YY   Jeff Hambleton, 1 Psaron, Chloraka 8220, Paphos, Cyprus
5H5A    P.O. Box 167, Iringa, Tanzania 
8A3B    P.O. Box 4025, Surabaya 60401, Indonesia 
BD4ED   Ed X. Y. Huang, P.O. Box 085-299, Shanghai 200085, China 
CT1EGH  Antonio Alberto Lopes Pereira, Rua Guerra Junqueiro 25-A , Vale de
        Milha, 2855 Corroios, Portugal
D44BS   Angelo Mendes,  P.O. Box 308, Praia, Republic of Cape Verde
E21EIC  Champ C. Muangamphun, P.O. Box 1090 Kasetsart, Bangkok 10903,
EA1BD   Juan Sanchez Marsilla, P.O Box 457, 39080 Santander, Spain
EA3CKX  Santiago Sany, P.O. Box 264, 08400 Granollers, Spain
F5KEE   Radio-Club, 7 Avenue du Bellay, 91170 Viry Chatillon, France
F6KDF   Radio Club de la Gendarmerie, 292 Route de Genas, 69677 Bron Cedex, 
F8CUP   Philippe Crochu, 18 rue d'Estalens, 32110 Nogaro, France
FB1BON  Patrice Brechet, P.O. Box 281, 85305 Challans CX, France
G0CGL   Eric Carling, 7 Frome Avenue, Wool BH20 6ER, England
G4PVY   Robert Limb, Charnwood House, Station Road, Lower Shiplake, 
        Henley-on-Thames, Oxon RG9 3JS, England
JS6QFO  Kazuyoshi Nasu, 3-12-11-201, Oda Kawasaki-Ku, Kawasaki 2100846, Japan
KF4OBL  Susan Driggers, 129 New Grade Road, Moncks Corner, South Carolina, 
        29461, USA
LU8XP   Cosme Alfonso Averna, P.O.Box 55, 9410 Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego,
LX1NO   Norbert Oberweis, 5, Cite Oricher-Hoehl, LU-8036 Strassen, Luxembourg
LZ2CJ   Valeri Stefanov, 87 Rousse Blvd. entr. A ap.3, 5800 Pleven, Bulgaria
LZ2FV   Tzvetalin Tzvetkov, P.O.Box 249, 5800 Pleven, Bulgaria
M0BNN   Bill Newman, 18 Reeds Ave East, Moreton, Wirral, CH46 1RQ, England
N2OO    P.O. Box 345, Tuckerton, NJ 08087, USA
OD5LN/p N. Ziadeh, Box 55670, Jdaidet Ghazir, Lebabon
OD5OT/p H. Chahine, 2049 3005 Beirut, Lebanon
OD5PS/p A. Rafei, Box 1062, Tripoli, Lebanon
OD5SB/p R. Finge, Box 22-604, Tripoli, Lebanon
OD5SX/p N. Khayat, Box 180, Tripoli, Lebanon
OD5TE/p H. Raad, Box 14-6115, Beirut, Lebanon
OH2BH   Martti Laine, P.O.box 73, 02380 Espoo, Finland
OH3AC   P.O. Box 74, 15141 Lahti, Finland
ON4ON   Danny Commeyne, Rozenlaan 38, 8890 Dadizele, Belgium
PS8DX   Raimundo Jose Junior, Rua Cinegrafista Marques 1145, Ininga,
        64049-510 Teresina-PI, Brazil
PY2ZY   P.O. Box 45436, Sao Paulo-SP, 00479-970, Brazil
RN1AW   P.O. Box 114, Pushkin-8, 189620, Russia
T98R    Igor Madic, Antuna Hangija 9, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
T99A    Mehmed Cosovic, Osma Ulica 6, 71300 Visoko, Bosnia-Herzegovina
T99W    Emil Tafro, Trg Heroja 3, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
T99Z    Zaim Zuga, Mire Sekarica 15, 73000 Gorazde, Bosnia-Herzegovina
UA0SJ   Yuri A. Maltsev, P.O. Box 2304, Bratsk-city, 665700, Russia
UA1ANA  Sergey Permut, P.O. Box 415, St. Petersburg, 190000, Russia
UA9YAB  Alex Vedernikov, P.O. Box 120, Biysk Altajskij kraj, 659300 Russia
UR4EN   Nick Golub, P.O. Box 48, Ordzhonikidze, 53300, Ukraine
US5QNA  Dmitry Davidenko, ul. Lenina 7-5, Dneprorudny 71630, Ukraine
VK8AM   Steve Salvia, 1 Elliott Point, Larrakeyah, NT 0820, Australia
YS1AF  Andy Goens, P.O. Box 3061, San Salvador, El Salvador

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CT1ETE:    Paulo invites  radio amateurs  world wide  to visit  his web  site
           (http://www.qsl.net/ct1ete). He wants to make  QSL photo album  as
           well as a Database with QSL  photo and asks for hams worldwide  to
           send him  a JPEG  file (abt  360x250; 24/16  million colors;  size
           between 20k and 35k).
BI4S:      The home page for the current BI4S operation from Lingshan  Island
           (AS-150) is now at http://www.7388.org [TNX  BD5RV and Islands  On
           The Web]
IOTW:      The  Islands on the Web website (http://www.islandchaser.com)  has
           opened a new web  discussion forum  specifically for the RSGB IOTA
           contest.  This  forum will be used to make announcements regarding
           islands that will be active during the contest.  Additionally, the
           forum will give the  IOTA community a place to post claimed scores
           for all to see following contest. [TNX NK1K]
LOG:       The N6JV/p  log  from NA-187 (April  2000) is now available in the
           Logs Online section of the Island On The Web site [TNX NK1K]
LOG:       Doug, N6RT reports  the  log  of EP2AC through 7 July 2000 and the
           final log of 7P8AA are now online at http://dx.qsl.net/logs

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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