DX425 bulletin issue nr. 480

S DX@WW $425WW480A
425 DX News #480 [1/6]
  15 July 2000                     No 480                       $425WW480A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages              !
!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !

3W       - Hiroo, JA2EZD/3W2B expected  to be  back in  Laos on  14 July.  It
           seems the IOTA operation from Hon Tam Island (AS-???) [425DXN 479]
           has been postponed,  as The  Daily DX  reports that  " Hiroo,  Mr.
           Kuroda (3W3SK) and members of the Vietnam ARC plan to visit a  new
           IOTA in the coming months".
3W       - 3W2LWS is the call Hans, WA1LWS  will be using from Vietnam  until
           30 July. He has been granted  permission to operate on 10, 15  and
           20 metres and Hans plans to work mainly CW. [TNX The Daily DX]
CT3      - Ben, DJ8FW will  be active,  possibly as  CT3/DJ8FW, from  Madeira
           (AF-014) between 20 July and 20 August. [TNX The Daily DX]
EA       - Ramon, EA3EJI and others  will operate (with  two stations on  SSB
           and CW) as ED3IM from Meda Grande (EU-078) on 22-23 July. QSL  via
           EA3CCN. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
E4       - Arie,  4X6UO  reports  that  Gunter,  OE1GZA  will  be  active  as
           E4/OE1GZA from Ramallah on an almost regular basis. QSL to  Gunter
           Zwickle, c/o SICT, P.O. Box 1133, Ramallah, Palestine.
ES       - Jaak, ES1AKM will be active as ES2J and ES1AKM/2 from Mohni Island
           (EU-149) between 13 and 20 July.  QSL via ES1AKM either direct  or
           through the bureau. [TNX ES1AKM]
F        - The Council of Europe Radio Club will be active (CW, SSB and  RTTY
           on the first day) as TP2000CE  on 21-23 July. QSL via F6FQK.  [TNX
FO       - Walter, DJ0FX  is active  as FO0PT  from Moorea  (OC-046),  French
           Polynesia until 19 August. He might go on a side trip to  Rangiroa
           (OC-066) for  one  week.  QSL  via  DJ0FX  either  direct  (Walter
           Brenner, P.O. Box  1105, D-83402 Ainring,  Germany) or  preferably
           through the bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
FO       - Phil, KH7FQ  is active  as FO0MCC  from Huahine  (OC-067),  French
           Polynesia until September. QSL via KH7FQ. [TNX The Daily DX]
GI       - Look for  Ernie, GI0GDF/p  and Jim,  GI0PGC/p  to be  active  from
           Rathlin Island  (EU-122) between  16 and  19  July. QSL  via  home
           calls. [TNX GI0TJJ]
GM       - GM0CLN and GM0BWU have planned a holiday to some Scottish  islands
           in July. They will *possibly* activate (as GM0CLN/P on CW and SSB,
           QSL via bureau) the following islands: Skye (EU-008, IOSA NH7)  on
           22 July;  N.Uist (EU-010,  OH2), S.Uist  (EU-010, OH3),  Benbecula
           (EU-010, OH4), Berneray  (EU-010, OH5),  Baleshare (EU-010,  OH26)
           and Grimsay (EU-010, OH27) between 23 and 25 July; Harris (EU-010,
           OH1), Lewis (EU-010, OH1), Great  Bernera (EU-010, OH12),  Scalpay
           (EU-010, OH25) between  25 and 27  July. Then they  will join  the
           GM2T team  on  Tiree (EU-008,  NH4)  for the  IOTA  Contest.  [TNX
HA       - Memorial  radio  station  HG100BAY  (after  dr.  Zoltan  Bay,  who
           conducted successful moon echo experiemnts  in 1946) will  operate
           on 144,  432 and  1296 MHz  between 22  and 30  July. For  further
           information please visit http://www.puskas.hu/hg100bay [TNX HA0HW]
I        - Tony/IK1QBT, Nino/IK1ZOZ, Vincenzo/IK1YEK  and Gianni/IZ1DFI  will
           be signing home call/p from Bergeggi  Island (EU-083, IIA  SV-002)
           on  30  July,  IOTA  Contest  included.  They  have  been  granted
           permission to operate from this private island from dawn to sunset
           only. They will have two stations on HF (SSB and CW), activity  on
           6 metres (CW and SSB) is  also being planned.  QSL via home  calls
           either direct (see "QSL Routes" below) or through the bureau. [TNX
I        - Look for IZ0BNR/0  to be active  on 16 July  from I Porcini  (ILIA
           LAZ-03, not IOTA) on 40, 20, 15, 10, 6 and 2 metres. [TNX Crazy DX
I        - Blue Team  &  Diamond Dx  Club  operators I8IYW,  IK8OZZ,  IK8UHA,
           IK8VRH, IK8YTF, IK8WEJ, IZ8CWW,IW8EAA and IW8BVN will  participate
           in the IOTA Contest as IQ8B from Dino Island (EU-144). Before  the
           contest look for them on WARC bands. QSL via IK8UHA either  direct
           or through the bureau. [TNX I8IYW]
I        - Mario, IZ8DBJ will operate as IZ8DBJ/8 from the lighthouse at Capo
           Miseno (WAIL CA-004)  on 16 July.  Special QSL  via IZ8DBJ  either
           direct (Mario Pesce, Via Privata  Falci 2, 80070  Bacoli - NA)  or
           through the bureau. [TNX IK1NLZ]
I        - Daniele, IK3VII will operate (20, 40 and 80 metres) as  IA5/IK3VII
           from Giglio Island (EU-028,  IIA GR-002) between  18 and 26  July.
           QSL via home call. [TNX IK3VII]
I        - Bruno, I8SUD and other operators from ARI Reggio Calabria plan  to
           operate from the  lighthouse at Punta  Pezzo (WAIL  CL-007) on  23
           July. The WAIL pages can  be found at  http://www.ari.it/wail.html
           [TNX I8SUD]

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425 DX News #480 [2/6]
  15 July 2000                     No 480                       $425WW480B
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                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

IS0      - Simone, IV3NVN reports  he will operate  (on 6-160 metres,  mostly
           CW) as IM0/IV3NVN from Maddalena Island (EU-041) between 21 and 31
           July, IOTA Contest (moxed mode) included. QSL via IV3NVN.
IS0      - The 15-16 July  IM0/IS0IGV operation from  Isola Rossa di  Teulada
           (EU-165, IIA CA-011) [425DXN 479] has been postponed to 29-30 July
           in order to take part in the IOTA Contest. [TNX IS0JMA]
JA       - Rough seas and strong winds prevented  Tosy, JA6VZB from going  to
           AS-056 last week [425DXN 479]. He will try again this weekend  and
           plans are to operate (with 50  watts or less,  mainly SSB to  save
           the battery) between 3 UTC and 21  UTC on 15 July. QSL via  JA6VZB
           through the bureau only.
JA       - Look for JA1MXY/1, JA1SGU/1, and JI1SQK/1  to be active (on  10-40
           metres SSB and CW) from Hachijo Island (South Izu Islands, AS-043)
           between 29 and 31 July, IOTA Contest included. QSL via home calls.
           [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
LA/SM    - Gianni, IK1SPE is touring Sweden and  Norway and plans to  operate
           from Alnon  Island (EU-087)  and  Mageroya (EU-044,  including  an
           entry in the  IOTA Contest). He  might also  operate from  EU-046,
           EU-033 and EU-076. QSL via IK1SPE  either direct (Gianni  Settimo,
           Via Valleggia  Superiore  3/1, 17047  Valleggia  - SV,  Italy)  or
           through the bureau. [TNX IK1SPE]
PY       - A Scout team of operators from  Brazil will be active as ZV2S  and
           PW2S from Comprida Island (SA-024, DIB 21) between 25 and 30 July,
           IOTA Contest included. QSL via PY2ZY either direct (Paulo  Moraes,
           P.O. Box 45436, Sao Paulo -  SP, 00479-970 Brazil) or through  the
           bureau. [TNX PP5SZ]
PY      -  The team operating   from the newly  created Santa Catarina  State
           South group (SA-???)  in August  [425DXN 477] will include  PP5AP,
           PP5AVM,  PP5CN, PP5IZ, PP5LL, PP5TE,  PP5UU, PP5YZ, PU5CMA, PY2HN,
           PY5AG, PY5BF, PY5HSD  and  PY5ZT. They have  been issued the  call
           PV5IOTA (PV5L might be  used on CW).  Operations are scheduled  to
           take place between 2 August (after 18 UTC) and 12 UTC on the  7th.
           QSL via PP5LL either direct or through the bureau. [TNX PP5LL]
SM       - Special station  SI9AM (http://www.qsl.net/si9am)  will be  active
           from Utanede, Sweden between 19 and 23 July. QSL via SM3CVM either
           direct or through the bureau. [TNX SM3CVM]
SP       - Special event stations SN0EMK (for the European Cities of Culture)
           and SN0CEV  (for  the European  Conference)  will be  active  from
           Krakow, Poland until  30 July and  13 July  respectively. QSL  for
           both direct only via SP9PLR. [TNX SP9WUM]
SV       - Salento DX Team  member Gilberto, IK7LMX  will be  active (on  all
           bands SSB) from  Corfu (EU-052) between  20 and 26  July. QSL  via
           home call. [TNX IK7LMX]
UA       - The Daily DX reports that the IOTA operation from Begichev  Island
           (AS-???) [425DXN 469] has been postponed.
UA       - Al, RA1WZ and Igor, UA1WER plan to operate as UE1WPI from  Tolabsk
           Island (not IOTA, RR-23-02) in Pskov  Lake on 15-16 July. QSL  via
           RA1WZ. [TNX RA1WZ]
UA       - The IOTA activities by  Radio Club Vologda  [425DXN 459] will  now
           take place from 15/16 to 18  July from EU-102  as RI1POD and  from
           19/20 to 30 July from EU-086 as RI1POM (IOTA Contest included).  A
           team of five operators will be active with two stations on CW, SSB
           and RTTY from both the  islands. QSL via  UA1RJ (Yuri G.  Sinitso,
           P.O. Box 10, Vologda 160035, Russia). [TNX UA1RJ]
UA       - A group of  UA6 operators will  be active as  UE6AAA from  Sudzhuk
           Island in the newly created Krasnodarskiy  Kray - Black Sea  Coast
           group (EU-???) on 22-23 July. QSL via UA6AF either direct  (Victor
           Kravchenko,  P.O.  Box  33,  Novorossiysk-22,  353922  Russia)  or
           through the bureau. Do not send green stamps - "IRC is enough  for
           direct reply", Victor says. [TNX UA6AF]
UA       - Yuri/UA3BZ, Dmitry/RX3DCX and Alex/RW3DP will be active (CW,  SSB,
           PSK-31 and  SSTV)  as R1NWS  and  R3ARC/1 from  Kondostrov  Island
           (EU-147) between 25 July and 2 August, IOTA Contest included. They
           will also  try to  activate some  new islands  (RR-02-**) for  the
           Russian Robinson Club award.  QSL via UA3BZ  (P.O. Box 1,  Moscow,
           127254, Russia). [TNX UA3BZ]
VR       - Fernando, 4S7OF reports he will be active as VR2OS from Hong  Kong
           from mid-July onward.
YV       - The Daily DX reports that the 12-16 July YW5LF operation from  Los
           Frailes (SA-059)  [425DXN  479] has  been  postponed  possibly  to
           August "due to logistic reasons by the Venezuelan Navy".
ZK1_sc   - Andy, ZK1AND is active from Raratonga (OC-013) for one month.  QSL
           via AB7FS. [TNX The Daily DX]
ZS & 3DA - Maurice, ON4BAM will  be active as  ZS/ON4BAM while touring  South
           Africa between  21 July  and  13 August.  On  26-27 July  he  will
           operate as 3DA0MA (call to be confirmed) from Swaziland. Look  for
           him on 15, 12, 17, 10 and 20 metres. QSL via ON4BAM. [TNX ON4BAM]

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425 DX News #480 [3/6]
  15 July 2000                     No 480                       $425WW480C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

RSGB IOTA CONTEST ---> The following stations are expected to participate  in
this year's event (29-30 July) [see also 425DXN 471, 474, 475, 477, 479]:
EU-064   Yves, F5TYY as F5TYY/p from Noirmoutier Island. QSL via bureau. [TNX
EU-077   Dani, EA4ATI as EA4ATI/1 from Sisarga Islands (single operator  SSB,
         12 hours). QSL via home  call either direct  or through the  bureau.
         [TNX EA4ATI]
EU-127   Felix, DL5XL (ex-DL8OBC)  as DL5XL/p  from Helgoland  in the  Single
         Operator 24 hour CW category. The station will run 750 Watts into  a
         three element tribander and  dipoles for the  lower bands. Some  SSB
         and CW operation  may take place  before or after  the contest.  QSL
         cards will be sent automatically through the bureau; direct cards to
         DL5XL (Felix J. Riess, P.O. Box 1253, D-30984 Gehrden, Germany). 
         [TNX DL5XL]
EU-181   Wally, LZ2CJ and his team, after some 4700 QSOs, have decided not to
         participate in the  Contest from Sveti  Anastasya [425DXN 479].  The
         island will be reactivated by operators from LZ1KSM radio club. [TNX
AS-105   Korea DX Club members plus Harry, WX8C and Howard, K2LAW as  DS0DX/2
         from Sokmo  Island. They  will set  up two  stations for  20 and  15
         metres. QSL  via  HL1XP  (all of  the  contacts  will  be  confirmed
         automatically through the bureau). [TNX HL1IWD]
NA-062   Jon, WB8YJF  and Jim,  NM8O (two  stations and  two operators)  from
         Conch Key. They will be on  the island from 28 to  31 July and  will
         operate RTTY before and after the Contest. QSL via home calls.  [TNX
NA-075   Elsie, N7WDX and Hillar, N6HR as  VE7DX/7 from Galiano Island.  They
         hope to start operations a couple  of days before the Contest.  [TNX
         OPDX Bulletin]
Look  also  the  announced  operation  lists  maintained  by  Bill,  NG3K  at
http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/iota2000.html      and      Ric,      DL2VFR      at

                              >>> WRTC 2000 <<<

These are the  results of the  3rd World  Radio Team  Championship that  took
place in  Bled (Slovenia)  on 8-9  July (fur  full information  please  visit

K1TO    N5TJ     969.00   S584M        LW9EUJ  LU7DW    730.56   S522R
RA3AUU  RV1AW    910.86   S587N        K9TM    N2IC     723.27   S574V
K1DG    K1AR     870.34   S582A        WC4E    W0UA     715.33   S588S
DL1IAO  DL2MEH   868.85   S517W        DL2CC   DL5XL    714.83   S583D
DL6FBL  DL1MFL   845.19   S511E        9A3A    9A2AJ    714.75   S542B
UT4UZ   RW1AC    838.81   S523W        ZS6EZ   ZS4TX    710.53   S572L
9A9A    9A3GW    828.20   S573O        K4BAI   K6LL     707.90   S534J
KQ2M    W7WA     824.72   S519I        5B4WN   5B4LP    702.94   S529A
DL6RAI  OE2VEL   814.96   S533G        S59A    S58A     698.58   S541F
K1ZM    N2NT     812.77   S531R        K3NA    N6TV     694.72   S571W
RZ9UA   UA3DPX   812.39   S549L        PP5JR   PY2NY    691.21   S532N
VE7ZO   VE3EJ    812.11   S581I        VE7SV   VA7RR    689.35   S521H
K6LA    K5ZD     810.55   S518N        OK1QM   OL5Y     687.11   S586U
LY3BA   LY2BM    797.47   S512T        JM1CAX  JO1RUR   675.29   S514U
LY1DS   LY4AA    795.92   S524G        K9ZO    K7BV     671.45   S566Z
UT5UGR  UU2JZ    786.54   S548X        PY5CC   PY1KN    663.22   S578R
HA3OV   HA3NU    779.18   S536P        S50U    S51TA    655.42   S538F
ON4WW   ON6TT    767.36   S539D        VE3BMV  VE3KZ    649.89   S561C
IK2QEI  I2VXJ    765.93   S562P        SP8NR   SP9HWN   648.22   S547B
OH1EH   OH1NOA   763.28   S537L        F6BEE   F6FGZ    646.29   S543C
EA3NY   EA3KU    761.73   S567F        JA8RWU  JH4RHF   622.10   S513A
OM3BH   OM3GI    760.31   S528D        JH4NMT  JK3GAD   622.06   S527K
K8NZ    W2GD     756.80   S526O        EA7GTF  EA7KW    591.69   S516M
G3SXW   G4BUO    751.54   S568Y        N3AD    N3BB     576.69   S563X
YT1AD   YU7NU    750.15   S544Z        VK4EMM  VK4XY    514.54   S564Q
UA9BA   RN9AO    744.80   S577V        I5NSR   I5JHW    440.11   S576K
K4UEE   N6IG     739.46   S546Q
QSL cards for the above WRTC stations will be sent automatically through  the

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425 DX News #480 [4/6]
  15 July 2000                     No 480                       $425WW480D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CARDS SENT ---> Cards for YZ75AVA (YU1AVA) have all been sent out through the
bureau, as well as cards for Zik, 4N1DX (QSLs for 4N1DX/4 will be printed  as
soon as possible). [TNX 4N1DX]

CDXC ---> At the 1 July Annual General Meeting  of Chiltern DX Club - The  UK
DX Foundation the  following were elected  to serve until  30 June 2001:  Bob
Whelan/G3PJT   (President),    Neville   Cheadle/G3NUG    (Chairman),    Mike
Devereux/G3SED (Vice Chairman), Don Field/G3XTT (Digest Editor), Shaun Jarvis
M0BJL (Secretary), Barry Cooper/G4RKO (Treasurer), John Butcher/G3LAS and Ian
Capon/G0KRL (Members). [TNX G3NUG]

CROATIA ISLANDS ---> Emir, 9A6AA (Award Manager for IOCA, Islands Of  Croatia
Award, http://www.qsl.net/9a6aa) reports several stations are/will be  active
as follows:
Call         QTH       IOTA     IOCA             WHEN
9A/OE5BBL    Cres      EU-136   CI-012           Now
9A6AA        Losinj    EU-136   CI-058           Now
9A5CY/p      Korcula   EU-016   CI-041           Now
9A4A         Pag       EU-170   CI-082           Now
9A5CY/p      Badija    EU-016   CI-006     14/07    (only)
9A6AA        Oruda     EU-136   CI-080     14-15/07 (only)
9A/S57AX     Kolocep   EU-016   CI-038     25/07    (start)
9A6AA, 9A5ID Murtar    EU-136   CI-073     27/07    (only)
9A7T/p       Obonjan   EU-170   CI-076     28/07    (+IOTA test)
9A6PKT       Pag       EU-170   CI-082     28/08    (start)

DIFO --->  Gil,  F5NOD  reports the  DIFO  (French  Overseas  Islands  Award)
challenge results are available at http://f5nod.waika9.com/

EM5UIA ---> Just in case you are confused about the IOTA groups activated  by
the EM5UIA team of  operators, the following  information comes from  George,
EU-180 (Lebyazh'i Isl)        from 11.28 on 2 July  to 04.59 on the 4th
EU-179 (Kalanchakskiye Isls)  from 11.43 on 5 July  to 03.52 on the 6th
EU-182 (Poludennyi Isl)       from 08.33 on 7 July  to 08.25 on the 8th

EU-063 --->  Giovanni, IK2JYT  reports  that the  side  trip to  Prins  Karls
Forland  (EU-063)   was   cancelled  due   to   unpredictable   last   minute
transportation problems.

MACAU ---> Cheang Vai Ip, XX9AU  reports that "P.O. Box  8005, Macau" can  be
used also for sending cards to  other XX9 stations. He  is the "POB  Manager"
and will forward cards to the appropriate individual.

QSL 5A1A ---> Les Bannon, WF5E reminds DXers that if you receive a 5A1A  card
through his QSL Service, it does *not* mean  that Les is the QSL manager  for
Abubaker. Cards are still to be sent (airmail registered) to Abubaker Alzway,
P.O. Box 74421, Tripoli, Lybia.

QSL A52JS ---> Jim Smith, VK9NS confirms that arrangements have been made  to
handle bureau QSL cards for his  recent A52JS operation. Bureau cards  should
be sent to A52JS via M0BJI  at the RSGB QSL Bureau.  QSLing these bureau  QSL
cards will take some time and is not  an immediate priority. Jim hopes to  be
able to QSL all direct cards by mid August. [TNX VK9NS]

QSL DIRECT ONLY ---> Les Bannon, WF5E reports the following stations requests
direct cards only, i.e. not through a QSL service: 5H3RK, V51AS, VK9NS.

QSL EU-181 ---> Wally, LZ2CJ reports the following QSL routes should be  used
for the recent  activity from Sveti  Anstasiya Island:  LZ1UQ/1, LZ2FV/1  and
LZ2FI/1 via LZ2FV (Tzvetalin Tzvetkov, P.O.Box  249, 5800 Pleven,  Bulgaria);
LZ2CJ/1 and LZ2JE/1 via LZ2CJ (Valeri Stefanov, 87 Rousse Blvd. entr. A ap.3,
5800 Pleven, Bulgaria).

QSL NA-213 --->  Piero, IT9ZGY reports  the first batch  of direct cards  for
KB5GL/4 (Dauphin Island, NA-213) has been mailed.

VQ9TW ---> N8OW  is not the  QSL manager for  VQ9TW ("which appears  to be  a
pirate operation  as no  information can  be found  on the  callsign  through
various sources"). The  period of  operation seems  to be  1992 through  1994
mostly on 15 metres SSB with some CW. [TNX NR8U]

W9DXCC CONVENTION --->  The 48th  Annual W9DXCC  Convention will  be held  on
15-16 September at the Holiday Inn in Rolling Meadows, Illinois. Details  and
on-line registration at  http://www.qth.com/w9dxcc (or e-mail  Bill, W9VA  at

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALLBOOK:     Phil Cooper, GU0SUP  reports there is  a good on-line  callbook
              for all GU/MU/2U callsigns. It is at www.gars.org.gg/calls.html
              (the web site of the Guernsey Amateur Radio Society).

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425 DX News #480 [5/6]
  15 July 2000                     No 480                       $425WW480E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  QSL INFO  ********
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
1A0KM       IK0FVC      EV5A        EW1WA       S21J        K1WY
3A/N5TJ     N5TJ        EV5V        EW6WF       S21YE       G4VLV
3A/OH1RY    OH1RY       EW5HQ       Bureau      S21YI       7M4PTD
3A/OH2BH    OH2BH       F5KAI/P     F1CSZ       S5/UT5UGR   UT5UGR
3A/OH2TA    OH2TA       FO0CLA      F6CTL       S5/UU2JZ    UT5UGR
3A/OH4GN    N4GN        FO0MCC      KH7FQ       SI9AM       SM3CVM
3A/OH9MM    OH3LQK      FO0MEX      JL1MEX      SK3A        SM3CVM
3A/WC4E     WC4E        FO0MOT      OM2SA       SK3JR       SM3CVM
3A2K        3A2ARM      FO0PT       DJ0FX       SM3BDZ      SM3CVM
3DA0CF      K5LBU       FP/AI5P     AI5P        SM3X        SM3CVM
3DA0EW      K5LBU       FP/KT1J     K1WY        SN0EMK      SP9PLR
3W2B        XW2A        GD3LSF      K1WY        SV1CEI/8    SV1CEI
3W2US       N2OO        GI0PCU      K1WY        SV5/VE3EXY/p VE3EXY
3Z0BOB      SP7LZD      GI3MUS      K1WY        SV8/ON5CT/p ON5CT
4L0DXP      K1WY        GI6YM       K1WY        SV8/SM3CVM  SM3CVM
4L1DW       LZ1YE       GS3EEO/P    G3OCA       T88AY       JA7AYE
4L4MM       ON4CFI      GU0CGL/P    G0CGL       T98JV       HA8JV
4M5E        YV5NWG      HB0CZS      K1WY        TA/SM3CVM   SM3CVM
4N1DX       K1WY        HF0POL      SP3WVL      TA0/IZ7ATN  IK0CKJ
4N1S        YU1BKL      HI3/W4DT    K1IED       TA2DS/0     WA3HUP
4N1YL       K1WY        HS0/SM3CVM  SM3CVM      TF/LA2IJ    LA2IJ
4S7SW       ON6TZ       HS0/SM3DYU  SM3CVM      TF/M0RAA/p  JH6VLF
4U1ITU      bureau      HS2ZIU      E21EIC      TF7GX       K1WY
4W6GH/p     CT1EGH      HS4BPQ      E21EIC      TF7RX       K1WY
5A21PA      K1WY        IR4B        IK4AUY      TF8GX       K1WY
5A30        K1WY        IU2HQ       I2MQP       TF8RX       K1WY
5B4/UA9YAB  UA9YAB      J28EW       F5KEE       TK/IN3XUG   IN3XUG
5I3A        A47RS       J28FF       F6ITD       TO0DX       K1WY
5K9AQ       HK3PXA      J28NH       F5IPW       TT8JLB      F5BAR
5R8ET       K1WY        J75KG       N2AU        TX8JNN      JA1EOD
7A32AR      YB0FMT      JT1FCY      I1QOD       UA0ACG      K1WY
7P8AA       DL7VRO      JT1FCZ      I1ZB        UA0AOZ      K1WY
7S3OWG      SM3CVM      JT1FDA      KO6UW       UA0DC       K1WY
7X3A        OK1FLK      JT1FDB      DL2ECW      UA0ZBK      K1WY
8P9HW       G4IOQ       JW5RIA      LA5RIA      UE0LVL      UA0MF
8P9JM       K2ZD        JW6VJA      LA6VJA      UE0LVL      UA0MF
8R27CC      8R1WD       JW7M        LA7M        UE1NIP      UA4HUR
9A1CZZ/p    9A2DM       K1USN       W1QWT       UE3MIR      RV3ACA
9A20J       9A5AZZ      KH0/KG8CO   K8AA        UN7QX       W7BO
9J2RA       K6SLO       KH0/N2ATT   JA3AER      UW5Q        UR3QCW
9K2/SP5UAM  SP5PBE      KH0/WH7C    JG1OUT      UW7C        UT7UW
9M2XA       JF4WPQ      KH2/KG8CO   K8AA        V63KP       K8AA
9M6JU       JA1RJU      KH2/N2NL    W2YC        V63KQ       K8AA
9V9HQ       AA5BT       KL7/DL1YMK  DL1YMK      V63KR       K8AA
A35IQ       G4PIQ       KL7/K6ST    N6AWD       V7/K3VN     K3VN
A52NL       JA6NL       KP2/AG8L    NN6C        VB3SF       VE3UUH
A61AO       N1DG        KT1J/CY9    K1WY        VC6X        VE6BF
A61AT       IT9ZGY      KW1JY       K1WY        VD1VIK      VO1UL
AX1TX       K1WY        KW1WY       K1WY        VE7RAC      VE7DK
AX8AM       VK8AM       LA/DF8KF/m  DF8KF       VI50BDX     VK4XY
B4R         BY4RSA      LA/SM3CVM   SM3CVM      VK1TX       K1WY
BV4FH       K1WY        LX0HQ       LX1KQ       VP2EREM     WB2REM
CE0Z/LU7FOM pirate      LZ1KMS      LZ3GM       VP2MDC      G3TBK
CO6YP/HH    CM6LK       N9EAJ/6Y5   N9EAJ       VP2MHS      W1LR
CQ1CA       CT1BXE      OH0JJS      OH6LI       VP2MHX      W4WX
CU3DJ       KZ5RO       OH3X        OH3RM       VY0QL       VE8QL
CU3DX       CU3EJ       OJ0VR       OH1VR       VY0VDO      VE3DO
CV1AA       Bureau      OL0HQ       OK1MD       W4JKC/KH4   W4JKC
D3SAF       I3LLH       ON4CAT      K1WY        WA4RX/CY9   N2AU
DA0HQ       Bureau      ON9CAT      K1WY        WP2Z        KU9C
DL2OOO      DF7ZH       OS2VCM      ON4CCP      WV2B/CY9    N2AU
DS0DX/4     HL1XP       OT0W        ON2AAC      XT/F5ADE    F5ADE
DU1/DK3GI   DL2MY       OT0X direct ON6DP       XU7AAP      N2OO
DU3NXE      W3HNK       OX/M0RAA/p  JH6VLF      XU7ABE      JA0SC
E20HHK      E21EIC      P29CC       K1WY        YI1DKS      IK2DUW
E20REX      E21EIC      P40M        WG0M        YI1SEA      WA3HUP
ED4MAD/1    EA4RCU      P40ZY       DF7ZY       YI9OM       OM6TX
ED4SCY      EA4CTF      PA6HQ       PA3CAL      YJ8WR       VK6JR
EM0HQ       UX2MM       PY0FF       W9VA        YM0KA       TA1KA
EM1KY       UT7UA       R2/DK8LV    DK8LV       YO6AVB      K1WY
EM3QMD      UR5QRB      R2/UA6LV    UA6LV       YP1W        YO3JW
EM5UIA      UT8LL       R3SRR/2     Bureau      YT1Z        YU1ACR
EO225EA     UT2EA       RA0LOM/0    UA0MF       YZ4ED       bureau
EP2AC       RV6AB       RA9LI/9     DL6ZFG      YZ4IZ       bureau
ER230C      ER5AA       RI1OSO      UA1ANA      ZD7VC       K1WY
ER7HQ       ER1FF       RI4M        RN4LP       ZD9BV       W4FRU
ES0/SM3BDZ  SM3CVM      RM0M        UA0MF       ZK1AND      AB7FS
ES0/SM3CVM  SM3CVM      RM1O        UA1ANA      ZK1AXU      PA3AXU
ES1QX/8     ES1QX       RU0AK       K1WY        ZL3KIM      K1WY
ET3BT       K1WY        RZ9DX/0     RW6HS       ZS6IR       DL4EBA

S DX@WW $425WW480F
425 DX News #480 [6/6]
  15 July 2000                     No 480                       $425WW480F
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

3A2ARM  A.R.M., P.O. Box 2, MC 98001, Monaco Cedex
4N1DX   Zrinko Zibert Zik, 99 plih boraca 7, YU-11277, Ugrinovci, Serbia,
4W6MM   Thorvaldur Stefansson, P.O. Box 3699, Darwin, NT 0801, Australia
5H3RK   Ralph Karhammar, P.O. Box 9274, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
5X4C    Fr. Sebastiano Bianchi, P.O.Box 43, Lira, Uganda
A22HH   P.O. Box 13, Maun, Botswana
A47RS   P.O. Box 981, Muscat 113, Sultanate of Oman
CQ9S    Madeira Team, P.O.Box 19, 9001-901 Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
CT1EEB  Jose Emanuel Ribeiro de Sa, Apartado 79, 3860 Estarreja, Portugal
CT1EGH  Antonio Alberto Lopes Pereira, R Guerra Junqueiro, 25-A, Vale de
        Milha, Corroios 2855, Portugal
CU3EJ   Leonel Gaspar Cardoso Avila, Canada das Almas 49, S. Pedro, 9700
        Angra do Heroismo, Portugal
CV1AA   Radio Club Uruguayo (RCU), P.O. Box 37, 11000, Montevideo, Uruguay
DA0HQ   Lothar Wilke, Eislebener Str. 14, D-99086 Erfurt, Germany
DL7VRO  Fritz Bergner, Sterndamm 199, D-12487 Berlin, Germany
E21EIC  Champ C. Muangamphun, P.O. Box 1090 Kasetsart, Bangkok 10903,
EA1BD   Juan Sanchez Marsilla, P.O. Box 457, 39080 Santander, Spain
EK8WB   P.O. Box 50, Gyumri, Armenia
F1CSZ   Claude Masset, 301 rue verte, 62575 Heuringhem, France
FR5ZQ   Henri Namtameco, Rampe de Saint-Francois, 5052 tour de la Chaumiere,
        97400 Saint-Denis, France
GB3RS   RSGB Headquarters, Lambda House, Cranborne Road, Potters Bar, Herts
        EN6 3JW, England
IK0FVC  Francesco Valsecchi, Via Bitossi 21, 00136 Roma - RM, Italy [479]
IK1QBT  Tony Gallo, Via Capo S.Spirito 1/16, 17052 Borghetto Santo Spirito -
        SV, Italy
IK1YEK  Vincenzo Firpo, Via Cavasola 15/3, 17024 Finale Ligure - SV, Italy
IK1ZOZ  Nino Mallamaci, reg.Fenarina 15, 17021 Alassio - SV, Italy
IK4AUY  Sergio Cartoceti, Via di Corticella 241, 40128 Bologna - BO, Italy 
IS0JMA  Roberto Alaimo, P.O. Box 41, 07026 Olbia - SS, Italy
IT9NGN  P.O. Box 16, 98042 Pace del Mela - ME, Italy
IT9UHF  P.O. Box 16, 98042 Pace del Mela - ME, Italy
IT9ZGY  Pietro Marino, Via Cagliari 12, 90133 Palermo - PA, Italy
IZ0CKJ  Alessio Roma, P.O. Box 22, 03023 Ceccano - FR, Italy
IZ1DFI  Gianni Pastorino, Via Clavesana 68, 17054 Andora - SV, Italy
JA0SC   Hirotada Yoshiike, 722-1 Shiba Matsushiro-Cyo, Nagano-City 381-1214,
JA6NL   Isamu Kamibeppu, 2-5-710 Nissin-cho 2 chome, Kawasaki 210-0024, Japan
K1WY    The K1WY DX Association, P.O. Box 2644, Hartford, CT 06146-2644 USA
K1WY    The K1WY DX Association, P.O. Box 90, Eeklo 9900, Belgium
K4TSJ   Dudleys DXers of N.E. Georgia, c/o S. Harrell, 2011 New High Schoals
        Road, Watkinsville, GA 30677, USA
KG6AR/4 Chris Williams, 220 Woods Landing Lane, Callaway, VA 24067, USA
KU9C    Steve Wheatley, P.O. Box 5953, Parsippany, NJ 07054, USA
LU2AH   Raynaldo JM Szama, Gorostiaga 2320 15-A, 1426 Buenos Aires, Argentina
LX0RL   Alf. Rischette Shack du Ri, Rue Alphonse Munchen 25, 2172 Luxembourg
LY1RMD  LY QSL Bureau, P.O. Box 1000, LT-1001 Vilnius, Lithuania
ON6DP   Paul Delmelle, Grand Route 58, B-4122 Neupre, Belgium
PA0LOU  L. van Nadort, Laarpk 34, 4881 ED Zundert, The Netherlands
PA3AXU  G.A.M.C. Dijkers, Dokter P.A. Cornethof 3, 6669 AZ Dodewaard, The
PA6HQ   PWE Pape, Brasem 271, 2986 HC Ridderkerk, The Netherlands
RN4LP   Vladislav Lakeev, P.O. Box 208, Dimitrovgrad, 433512, Russia
RV3ACA  Elen V. Boychenko, P.O. Box 13, Moscow, Russia, 127521
RW1QU   Eugenij M. Sabinin, P.O. Box 19, Cherepovets, 162609, Russia
SK9HQ   c/o SSA, Box 45, SE-191 21 Sollentuna, Sweden
SM3CVM  Lars Aronsson, Lillfjallvagen 62, S-831 71 Ostersund, Sweden
SV1SV   RAAG, P.O. Box 3564, 10210 Athens, Greece
T90HQ   ARABiH, P.O. Box 61, 71001 Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina
UA0MF   Mike Filippov, P.O. Box 20, Vladivostok 690021, Russia
UA0SJ   Yuri A. Maltsev, P.O. Box 2304, Bratsk-city, 665700, Russia
UR3QCW  Ruslan Chernyavskye, P.O.Box 4848, Zaporozhye 69118, Ukraine
UR5QRB  Yuri Kazakevich, P.O. Box 146, Berdyansk - 8, 71108 Ukraine
UR5ZEL  Yuri Turbel, P.O.Box 43, 54003, Nicolaev-3, Ukraine
UT5UGR  Dimitry Stashuk, P.O. Box 115, Kiev-147, 02147, Ukraine
UT7UW   Yuri Zaskaleta, P.O. Box B-32, Kiev 01001, Ukraine
V51AS   Frank Steinhauser, P. O. Box 2516, Swakopmund, Namibia
VE6BF   Bill Metcalfe, 5704 48 Avenue, Beaumont, AB T4X 1C3, Canada
VE7DK   Dennis Livesey, 8309 - 112 Street, Delta, BC V4C 4W7, Canada
VK8CW   Thorvaldur Stefansson, P.O. Box 3699, Darwin, NT 0801, Australia
VK9LOO  W. Snider, 3482 Sky Crest Drive, Yankee Hill, CA 95965, USA
VK9NS   Jim Smith, P.O. Box 90, Norfolk Island, NI 2899, Australia
W7O     Mel Hickman, P. O. Box 2234, Walla Walla, WA  99362, USA
W9DC    Don Chamberlain, 2 Coxswain Place, Salem, SC 29676, USA
XE1LM   FMRE, P.O. Box 907, 06000 Mexico D.F., Mexico
XW2A    P.O. Box 2659, Vientiane, Laos
XX9AU   Cheang Vai Ip, P.O. Box 8005, Macau
YO3JW   Fenyo Stefan Pit, P.O.Box 19-43, RO-74400 Bucuresti 19, Romania
YR0HQ   FRR Box 22-50;RO 71.100 Bucuresti, Romania
YS1AG   Andy Goens, P.O. Box 3061, San Salvador, El Salvador
YV5AMH  Reinaldo Leandro R, Box 75458, Caracas 1070-A, Venezuela
ZS5BBO  Edwin Musto, P.O. Box 211032, Bluff, 4036, South Africa

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